# Gopher - A precursor to HTTP - RFC 1436 # Pattern attributes: good slow notsofast undermatch # Protocol groups: document_retrieval obsolete ietf_rfc_documented # Wiki: http://www.protocolinfo.org/wiki/Gopher # # Gopher servers usually run on TCP port 70. # # This pattern is lightly tested using gopher.dna.affrc.go.jp . gopher # This matches the server's response, but naturally only if it is a # directory listing, not if it is sending a file, because then the data # is totally arbitrary. # Matches the client saying "list what you have", then the server # response: one of the file type characters, any printable characters, a # tab, any printable characters, a tab, something that looks like a # domain name, a tab, and then a number which could be the start of a # port number. # "0About internet Gopher\tStuff:About us\trawBits.micro.umn.edu\t70" # "\r7search by keywords on protein data using wais\twaissrc:/protein_all/protein\tgopher.dna.affrc.go.jp\t70" ^[\x09-\x0d]*[1-9,+tgi][\x09-\x0d -~]*\x09[\x09-\x0d -~]*\x09[a-z0-9.]*\.[a-z][a-z].?.?\x09[1-9]