#!/bin/sh ############################################ # # Change fstab to use ufsid and geom labels to avoid relying on device numbers directly. # ############################################ # : cat /etc/fstab # # Device Mountpoint FStype Options Dump Pass# # /dev/ad0s1a / ufs rw 1 1 # /dev/ad0s1b none swap sw 0 0 string_length() { unset LEN LEN=$(echo -n "${1}" | /usr/bin/wc -m) } get_ufsid() { # $1 = device # : /sbin/dumpfs /dev/ad0s1a | /usr/bin/head -n 2 | /usr/bin/tail -n 1 | /usr/bin/cut -f2 -d'[' | /usr/bin/cut -f1 -d ']' | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/[[:blank:]]//g' # 51928c99a471c440 unset UFSID local _dev="${1}" if [ -z "${_dev}" ]; then return fi ID_PARTS=$(/sbin/dumpfs /dev/${_dev} | \ /usr/bin/head -n 2 | \ /usr/bin/tail -n 1 | \ /usr/bin/cut -f2 -d'[' | \ /usr/bin/cut -f1 -d ']') # " 51110eb0 f288b35d " (note it has more spaces than we need/want) ID_PART1=$(echo ${ID_PARTS} | awk '{print $1}') # "51110eb0" ID_PART2=$(echo ${ID_PARTS} | awk '{print $2}') # "f288b35d" if [ -z "${ID_PART1}" -o -z "${ID_PART2}" ]; then echo "Invalid ufsid on ${1} (${ID_PARTS}), cannot continue" exit -1 fi # Safety check to avoid http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=156908 string_length "${ID_PART1}" if [ ${LEN} -ne 8 ]; then ID_PART1=$(printf "%08s" "${ID_PART1}") fi string_length "${ID_PART2}" if [ ${LEN} -ne 8 ]; then ID_PART2=$(printf "%08s" "${ID_PART2}") fi UFSID="${ID_PART1}${ID_PART2}" } find_fs_device() { unset DEV DEV=$(/usr/bin/grep -e "[[:blank:]]*${1}[[:blank:]]" ${FSTAB} | awk '{print $1}') DEV=${DEV##/dev/} } FSTAB=/etc/fstab unset NEED_CHANGES cp ${FSTAB} ${FSTAB}.tmp ALL_FILESYSTEMS=$(/usr/bin/awk '/ufs/ && !(/dev\/mirror\// || /dev\/ufsid\// || /dev\/label\// || /dev\/geom\//) {print $2}' /etc/fstab) for FS in ${ALL_FILESYSTEMS} do find_fs_device "${FS}" if [ "${DEV}" != "" ]; then get_ufsid ${DEV} string_length "${UFSID}" if [ ${LEN} -ne 16 ]; then echo "Invalid UFS ID for FS ${FS} ($UFSID), skipping" else /usr/bin/sed -i '' -e "s/${DEV}/ufsid\/${UFSID}/g" ${FSTAB}.tmp NEED_CHANGES=1 fi else echo "Unable to find device for ${FS}" exit -1 fi echo "FS: ${FS} on device ${DEV} with ufsid ${UFSID}" done ALL_SWAPFS=$(/usr/bin/awk '/swap/ && !(/dev\/mirror\// || /dev\/ufsid\// || /dev\/label\// || /dev\/geom\//) {print $1}' /etc/fstab) SWAPNUM=0 for SFS in ${ALL_SWAPFS} do DEV=${SFS##/dev/} if [ "${DEV}" != "" ]; then SWAPDEV=${DEV} echo "FS: Swap slice ${SWAPNUM} on device ${SWAPDEV}" if [ "${SWAPDEV}" != "" ]; then /usr/bin/sed -i '' -e "s/${SWAPDEV}/label\/swap${SWAPNUM}/g" ${FSTAB}.tmp NEED_CHANGES=1 fi SWAPNUM=$((SWAPNUM+1)) fi done if [ -z "${NEED_CHANGES}" ]; then echo Nothing to do, all filesystems and swap already use some form of device-independent labels exit 0 fi echo "====================" echo "Current fstab:" cat ${FSTAB} echo "====================" echo "New fstab:" cat ${FSTAB}.tmp if [ "${1}" = "commit" ]; then COMMIT=y else echo "Commit changes? (y/n):" read COMMIT fi # Commit changes if [ "${COMMIT}" = "y" -o "${COMMIT}" = "Y" ]; then echo "Applying label to swap partition" SWAPNUM=0 for SFS in ${ALL_SWAPFS} do find_fs_device "${SFS}" if [ "${DEV}" != "" ]; then SWAPDEV=${DEV} if [ -n "${SWAPDEV}" ]; then echo "Disabling swap ${SWAPDEV} to apply label" /sbin/swapoff /dev/${SWAPDEV} /sbin/glabel label swap${SWAPNUM} /dev/${SWAPDEV} fi SWAPNUM=$((SWAPNUM+1)) fi done echo "Activating new fstab" /bin/mv -f ${FSTAB} ${FSTAB}.old /bin/mv -f ${FSTAB}.tmp ${FSTAB} echo "Re-enabling swap" /sbin/swapon -a 2>/dev/null >/dev/null fi