#!/bin/sh if [ "$2" == "inet" ]; then OLD_ROUTER=`/bin/cat /tmp/${1}_router` if [ "${OLD_ROUTER}" != "" ]; then echo "Removing states to old router ${OLD_ROUTER}" | logger -t ppp-linkup /sbin/pfctl -b -b ${OLD_ROUTER}/32 fi # let the configuration system know that the ipv4 has changed. /bin/echo $4 > /tmp/$1_router /bin/echo $3 > /tmp/$1_ip /usr/bin/touch /tmp/$1up ALLOWOVERRIDE=`/usr/bin/grep -c dnsallowoverride /conf/config.xml` if [ $ALLOWOVERRIDE -gt 0 ]; then # write nameservers to file if [ "`echo $6|grep -c dns1`" -gt 0 ]; then DNS1=`echo $6 |awk '{print $2}'` echo "$DNS1"> /var/etc/nameserver_$1 /sbin/route change "$DNS1" $4 fi if [ "`echo $7|grep -c dns2`" -gt 0 ]; then DNS2=`echo $7 |awk '{print $2}'` echo "$DNS2" >> /var/etc/nameserver_$1 /sbin/route change "$DNS2" $4 fi /usr/local/sbin/pfSctl -c 'service reload dns' /bin/sleep 1 fi fi if [ "$2" == "inet6" ]; then # let the configuration system know that the ipv6 has changed. /bin/echo $4 |cut -d% -f1 > /tmp/$1_routerv6 /bin/echo $3 |cut -d% -f1 > /tmp/$1_ipv6 /usr/bin/touch /tmp/$1upv6 ALLOWOVERRIDE=`/usr/bin/grep -c dnsallowoverride /conf/config.xml` if [ $ALLOWOVERRIDE -gt 0 ]; then # write nameservers to file if [ "`echo $6|grep -c dns1`" -gt 0 ]; then DNS1=`echo $6 |awk '{print $2}'` echo "$DNS1"> /var/etc/nameserver_v6$1 /sbin/route change -inet6 "$DNS1" $4 fi if [ "`echo $7|grep -c dns2`" -gt 0 ]; then DNS2=`echo $7 |awk '{print $2}'` echo "$DNS2" >> /var/etc/nameserver_v6$1 /sbin/route change -inet6 "$DNS2" $4 fi /usr/local/sbin/pfSctl -c 'service reload dns' /bin/sleep 1 fi fi /usr/local/sbin/pfSctl -c "interface newip $1" exit 0