#!/usr/local/bin/php -f array("pipe", "r"), // stdin 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout 2 => array("pipe", "w")); // stderr ?? instead of a file $fd = proc_open("$command", $descriptorspec, $pipes); if (is_resource($fd)) { fwrite($pipes[0], "{$text_to_pipe}"); fclose($pipes[0]); while($s= fgets($pipes[1], 1024)) { // read from the pipe $buffer .= $s; } fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); } return $buffer; } if(!function_exists("readline")) { function readline() { $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); $textinput = chop(fgets($fp)); fclose($fp); } return $textinput; } function more($text, $count=24) { $counter=0; $lines = split("\n", $text); foreach($lines as $line) { if($counter > $count) { echo "Press RETURN to continue ..."; $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); $pressreturn = chop(fgets($fp)); if($pressreturn == "q" || $pressreturn == "quit") return; fclose($fp); $counter = 0; } echo "{$line}\n"; $counter++; } } function show_help() { $show_help_text = << stoprecording showrecordings parse_config(true); # reloads the \$config array \$temp = print_r(\$config, true); more(\$temp); /* to output a configuration array */ print_r(\$config); /* to output the interfaces configuration portion of the configuration */ print_r(\$config['interfaces']); /* to output the dhcp server configuration */ print_r(\$config['dhcpd']); /* to exit the php pfSense shell */ exit /* to output supported wireless modes for an interface */ print_r(get_wireless_modes(\"ath0\")); /* to enable SSH */ \$config['system']['enablesshd'] = true; /* change OPTX to the OPT interface name such as BACKHAUL */ \$config['interfaces']['optx']['wireless']['standard'] = "11a"; \$config['interfaces']['optx']['wireless']['mode'] = "hostap"; \$config['interfaces']['optx']['wireless']['channel'] = "6"; /* to enable dhcp server for an optx interface */ \$config['dhcpd']['optx']['enable'] = true; \$config['dhcpd']['optx']['range']['from'] = ""; \$config['dhcpd']['optx']['range']['to'] = ""; /* to disable the firewall filter */ \$config['system']['disablefilter'] = true; /* to enable an interface and set it for dhcp */ \$config['interfaces']['optx']['disabled'] = false; \$config['interfaces']['optx']['ipaddr'] = "dhcp"; /* to enable an interface and set a static ip address */ \$config['interfaces']['wan']['disabled'] = false; \$config['interfaces']['wan']['ipaddr'] = ""; \$config['interfaces']['wan']['subnet'] = "24"; /* to save out the new configuration (config.xml) */ write_config(); /* to reboot the system after saving */ system_reboot_sync(); EOF; more($show_help_text); } $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); echo ".\n\n"; $pkg_interface='console'; $shell_active = true; if($argc < 2) { echo "Welcome to the pfSense php shell system\n"; echo "Written by Scott Ullrich (sullrich@gmail.com)\n"; echo "\nType \"help\" to show common usage scenarios.\n\n"; } $recording = false; $playback_file_split = array(); $playbackbuffer = ""; if($argv[1]=="playback" or $argv[1]=="run") { if(!file_exists("/etc/phpshellsessions/{$argv[2]}")) { echo "Could not locate playback file."; exit; } playback_file($argv[2]); exit; } while($shell_active == true) { $command = readline("pfSense shell: "); readline_add_history($command); $command_split = split(" ", $command); $first_command = $command_split[0]; if($first_command == "playback" || $first_command == "run") { $playback_file = $command_split[1]; if(!$playback_file || !file_exists("/etc/phpshellsessions/{$playback_file}")) { $command = ""; echo "Could not locate playback file.\n"; } else { $command = ""; echo "\nPlayback of file {$command_split[1]} started.\n\n"; playback_file("{$playback_file}"); continue; } } if($first_command == "exec" or $first_command == "exec;") { playback_text($playbackbuffer); $playbackbuffer = ""; continue; } if($first_command == "stoprecording" || $first_command == "stoprecord" || $first_command == "stop") { if($recording) { fwrite($recording_fd, $playbackbuffer); fclose($recording_fd); $command = ""; conf_mount_ro(); echo "Recording stopped.\n"; $recording = false; } else { echo "No recording session in progress.\n"; $command = ""; } } if($first_command == "showrecordings") { conf_mount_rw(); safe_mkdir("/etc/phpshellsessions"); if($recording) conf_mount_ro(); echo "==> Sessions available for playback are:\n"; system("cd /etc/phpshellsessions && ls /etc/phpshellsessions"); echo "==> end of list.\n"; $command = ""; } if($first_command == "reset") { $playbackbuffer = ""; echo "\nBuffer reset.\n\n"; continue; } if($first_command == "record") { if(!$command_split[1]) { echo "usage: record playbackname\n"; $command = ""; } else { /* time to record */ conf_mount_rw(); safe_mkdir("/etc/phpshellsessions"); $recording_fd = fopen("/etc/phpshellsessions/{$command_split[1]}","w"); if(!$recording_fd) { echo "Could not start recording session.\n"; $command = ""; } else { $recording = true; echo "Recording of {$command_split[1]} started.\n"; $command = ""; } } } $playbackbuffer .= $command . "\n"; } function returnlastchar($command) { $commandlen = strlen($command); $endofstring = substr($command, ($commandlen-1)); return $endofstring; } function returnfirstchar($command) { $commandlen = strlen($command); $endofstring = substr($command, 0, 1); return $endofstring; } function str_replace_all($search,$replace,$subject) { while(strpos($subject,$search)!==false) $subject = str_replace($search,$replace,$subject); return $subject; } function playback_text($playback_file_contents) { $playback_file_split = split("\n", $playback_file_contents); $playback_text = ""; $toquote = '"'; $toquotereplace = '\\"'; foreach($playback_file_split as $pfs) { $firstchar = returnfirstchar($pfs); $currentline = $pfs; if($firstchar == "!") { /* XXX: encode " in $pfs */ $pfsa = str_replace($toquote, $toquotereplace, $currentline); $playback_text .= str_replace("!", "system(\"", $pfsa) . "\");\n"; } else if ($firstchar == "=") { /* XXX: encode " in $pfs */ $pfsa = str_replace($toquote, $toquotereplace, $currentline); $currentline .= str_replace("!", "system(\"", $pfsa) . "\");\n"; } else { $playback_text .= $pfs . "\n"; } } eval($playback_text); } function playback_file($playback_file) { $playback_file_contents = file_get_contents("/etc/phpshellsessions/{$playback_file}"); playback_text($playback_file_contents); }