openvpnclient OpenVPN: Client An OpenVPN client has been deleted. An OpenVPN client has been created/modified. Server /pkg.php?xml=openvpn.xml Client /pkg.php?xml=openvpn_cli.xml Client-specific configuration /pkg.php?xml=openvpn_csc.xml disable Disabled checkbox serveraddr Server protocol Protocol description Description disable Disable this tunnel This allows you to disable this tunnel without removing it from the list. checkbox protocol Protocol The protocol to be used for the VPN. select UDP serveraddr Server address This is the address OpenVPN will try to connect to in order to establish the tunnel. Set it to the remote endpoint's address. input serverport Server port The port OpenVPN will use to connect to the server. Most people would want to use 1194 here. input 1194 5 interface_ip Interface IP This specifies the IPs to be assigned to the local interface. Expressed as a CIDR range. The first address in the range will be set to the remote endpoint of the interface, and the second will be assigned to the local endpoint. For TLS VPNs, the interface IPs are assigned by the server pool. input remote_network Remote network This is the network that will be accessable from your endpoint. Expressed as a CIDR range. You may leave this blank if all you want is to access the VPN clients. You normally want this set to the remote endpoint's LAN network. input proxy_hostname Proxy Host Proxy server hostname. input proxy_port Proxy port The port OpenVPN will use on the proxy server. input 3128 5 crypto Cryptography Here you can choose the cryptography algorithm to be used. select BF-CBC auth_method Authentication method The authentication method to be used. select onAuthMethodChanged() shared_key Shared key Paste your shared key here. textarea base64 8 40 ca_cert CA certificate Paste the server's CA certificate in X.509 format here. textarea base64 8 40 client_cert Client certificate Paste your client certificate in X.509 format here. textarea base64 8 40 client_key Client key Paste your client key in RSA format here. textarea base64 8 40 tls TLS Paste your HMAC signature (TLS) here (optional). textarea base64 8 40 use_lzo LZO compression Checking this will compress the packets using the LZO algorithm before sending them. checkbox use_shaper Limit outgoing bandwith Maximum outgoing bandwith for this tunnel. Leave empty for no limit. The imput value has to be something between 100 bytes/sec and 100 Mbytes/sec (entered as bytes per second). input use_dynamicport Dynamic sourceport Checking this will let the openvpn client choose a dynamic sourceport for this connection. checkbox passtos Pass Type-Of-Service Checking this will set the TOS field of the tunnel packet to what the payload's TOS is. checkbox custom_options Custom options You can put your own custom options here, separated by semi-colons (;). They'll be added to the client configuration. textarea 65 5 description Description You may enter a description here. This is optional and is not parsed. input openvpn_get_ciphers(&$pkg); openvpn_print_javascript('client'); openvpn_print_javascript2(); openvpn_validate_input('client', $_POST, &$input_errors); openvpn_resync('client', $id);