openvpnserverOpenVPN: Serveropenvpn.incAn OpenVPN server has been deleted.An OpenVPN server has been created/modified.Server/pkg.php?xml=openvpn.xmlClient/pkg.php?xml=openvpn_cli.xmlClient-specific overrides/pkg.php?xml=openvpn_csc.xmlCertificate Authority/vpn_openvpn_certs.phpUsers/vpn_openvpn_users.phpdisableDisabledcheckboxprotocolProtocoladdresspoolAddress pooldescriptionDescriptiondisableDisable this tunnelThis allows you to disable this tunnel without removing it from the list.checkboxprotocolProtocolThe protocol to be used for the VPN.selectUDPbind_to_ifaceBind to an interfaceCheck to bind on a specific network interface.checkboxinterfaceinterfaceInterfaceThe interface on which the OpenVPN daemon will listen.interfaces_selectionwandynamic_ipDynamic IPAssume dynamic IPs, so that DHCP clients can connect.checkboxlocal_portLocal portThe port OpenVPN will listen on. You generally want 1194 here.input11945addresspoolAddress poolThis is the address pool to be assigned to the clients. Expressed as a CIDR range (eg. If the 'Use static IPs' field isn't set, clients will be assigned addresses from this pool. Otherwise, this will be used to set the local interface's IP.inputnopoolUse static IPsIf this option is set, IPs won't be assigned to clients. Instead, the server will use static IPs on its side, and the clients are expected to use this same value in the 'Address pool' field.checkboxlocal_networkLocal networkThis is the network that will be accessable from the remote endpoint. Expressed as a CIDR range. You may leave this blank if you don't want to add a route to the local network through this tunnel on the remote machine. This is generally set to your LAN network.inputremote_networkRemote networkThis is a network that will be routed through the tunnel, so that a site-to-site VPN can be established without manually changing the routing tables. Expressed as a CIDR range. If this is a site-to-site VPN, enter here the remote LAN here. You may leave this blank if you don't want a site-to-site VPN.inputclient2clientClient-to-client VPNIf this option is set, clients will be able to talk to each other. Otherwise, they will only be able to talk to the server.checkboxcryptoCryptographyHere you can choose the cryptography algorithm to be used.selectBF-CBCauth_methodAuthentication methodThe authentication method to be used.selectonAuthMethodChanged()cipherShared keyShared key to use.inputcipherpkiCertificate AuthorityCA associated with this server.selectnonedhcp_domainnameDHCP Option: DNS SuffixSet connection-specific DNS Suffix.inputdhcp_dnsDHCP Option: DNS ServerSet domain name server addresses, separated by semi-colons (;).inputdhcp_winsDHCP Option: WINS ServerSet WINS server addresses (NetBIOS over TCP/IP Name Server), separated by semi-colons (;).inputdhcp_nbddDHCP Option: NBDD ServerSet NBDD server addresses (NetBIOS over TCP/IP Datagram Distribution Server), separated by semi-colons (;).inputdhcp_ntpDHCP Option: NTP ServerSet NTP server addresses (Network Time Protocol), separated by semi-colons (;).inputdhcp_nbttypeDHCP Option: NetBIOS Node TypeSet NetBIOS over TCP/IP Node type. Possible options: b-node (broadcasts), p-node (point-to-point name queries to a WINS server), m-node (broadcast then query name server), and h-node (query name server, then broadcast).select0dhcp_nbtscopeDHCP Option: NetBIOS ScopeSet NetBIOS over TCP/IP Scope. A NetBIOS Scope ID provides an extended naming service for NetBIOS over TCP/IP. The NetBIOS scope ID isolates NetBIOS traffic on a single network to only those nodes with the same NetBIOS scope ID.inputdhcp_nbtdisableDHCP Option: Disable NetBIOSIf this option is set, Netbios-over-TCP/IP will be disabled.checkboxuse_lzoLZO compressionChecking this will compress the packets using the LZO algorithm before sending them.checkboxmaxclientsMaximum clientsThe maximum number of concurrently connected clients we want to allow.inputpasstosPass Type-Of-ServiceChecking this will set the TOS field of the tunnel packet to what the payload's TOS is.checkboxgwredirRedirect GatewayRedirect ALL traffic through the OpenVPN server.checkboxcustom_optionsCustom optionsYou can put your own custom options here, separated by semi-colons (;). They'll be added to the server configuration.textarea655descriptionDescriptionYou may enter a description here. This is optional and is not parsed.input
openvpn_delete('server', $id);
openvpn_validate_input('server', $_POST, &$input_errors);
openvpn_resync('server', $id);