. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* pfSense_BUILDER_BINARIES: /sbin/ipfw pfSense_MODULE: captiveportal */ require_once("auth.inc"); require_once("functions.inc"); require_once("captiveportal.inc"); $errormsg = "Invalid credentials specified."; header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); $orig_host = $_ENV['HTTP_HOST']; $orig_request = $_REQUEST['redirurl']; $clientip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (!$clientip) { /* not good - bail out */ echo "An error occurred. Please check the system logs for more information."; log_error("Captive portal could not determine client's IP address."); exit; } if (isset($config['captiveportal']['httpslogin'])) $ourhostname = $config['captiveportal']['httpsname'] . ":8001"; else { $ifip = portal_ip_from_client_ip($clientip); if (!$ifip) $ourhostname = $config['system']['hostname'] . ":8000"; else $ourhostname = "{$ifip}:8000"; } if ($orig_host != $ourhostname) { /* the client thinks it's connected to the desired web server, but instead it's connected to us. Issue a redirect... */ if (isset($config['captiveportal']['httpslogin'])) header("Location: https://{$ourhostname}/index.php?redirurl=" . urlencode("http://{$orig_host}{$orig_request}")); else header("Location: http://{$ourhostname}/index.php?redirurl=" . urlencode("http://{$orig_host}{$orig_request}")); exit; } if (preg_match("/redirurl=(.*)/", $orig_request, $matches)) $redirurl = urldecode($matches[1]); if ($_POST['redirurl']) $redirurl = $_POST['redirurl']; if (!empty($config['captiveportal']['redirurl'])) $redirurl = $config['captiveportal']['redirurl']; $macfilter = !isset($config['captiveportal']['nomacfilter']); $passthrumac = isset($config['captiveportal']['passthrumacadd']); /* find MAC address for client */ $clientmac = arp_get_mac_by_ip($clientip); if (!$clientmac && ($macfilter || $passthrumac)) { /* unable to find MAC address - shouldn't happen! - bail out */ captiveportal_logportalauth("unauthenticated","noclientmac",$clientip,"ERROR"); echo "An error occurred. Please check the system logs for more information."; log_error("Captive portal could not determine client's MAC address. Disable MAC address filtering in captive portal if you do not need this functionality."); exit; } /* find out if we need RADIUS + RADIUSMAC or not */ if (file_exists("{$g['vardb_path']}/captiveportal_radius.db")) { $radius_enable = TRUE; if (isset($config['captiveportal']['radmac_enable'])) $radmac_enable = TRUE; } if ($_POST['logout_id']) { disconnect_client($_POST['logout_id']); echo << Disconnecting... You have been disconnected. EOD; exit; } else if ($clientmac && $radmac_enable && portal_mac_radius($clientmac,$clientip)) { /* radius functions handle everything so we exit here since we're done */ exit; } else if ($_POST['accept'] && $_POST['auth_voucher']) { $voucher = trim($_POST['auth_voucher']); $timecredit = voucher_auth($voucher); // $timecredit contains either a credit in minutes or an error message if ($timecredit > 0) { // voucher is valid. Remaining minutes returned // if multiple vouchers given, use the first as username $a_vouchers = split("[\t\n\r ]+",$voucher); $voucher = $a_vouchers[0]; $attr = array( 'voucher' => 1, 'session_timeout' => $timecredit*60, 'session_terminate_time' => 0); if (portal_allow($clientip, $clientmac,$voucher,null,$attr)) { // YES: user is good for $timecredit minutes. captiveportal_logportalauth($voucher,$clientmac,$clientip,"Voucher login good for $timecredit min."); } else { portal_reply_page($redirurl, "error", $config['voucher']['msgexpired'] ? $config['voucher']['msgexpired']: $errormsg); } } else if (-1 == $timecredit) { // valid but expired captiveportal_logportalauth($voucher,$clientmac,$clientip,"FAILURE","voucher expired"); portal_reply_page($redirurl, "error", $config['voucher']['msgexpired'] ? $config['voucher']['msgexpired']: $errormsg); } else { captiveportal_logportalauth($voucher,$clientmac,$clientip,"FAILURE"); portal_reply_page($redirurl, "error", $config['voucher']['msgnoaccess'] ? $config['voucher']['msgnoaccess'] : $errormsg); } } else if ($_POST['accept'] && $radius_enable) { if ($_POST['auth_user'] && $_POST['auth_pass']) { $auth_list = radius($_POST['auth_user'],$_POST['auth_pass'],$clientip,$clientmac,"USER LOGIN"); $type = "error"; if (!empty($auth_list['url_redirection'])) { $redirurl = $auth_list['url_redirection']; $type = "redir"; } if ($auth_list['auth_val'] == 1) { captiveportal_logportalauth($_POST['auth_user'],$clientmac,$clientip,"ERROR",$auth_list['error']); portal_reply_page($redirurl, $type, $auth_list['error'] ? $auth_list['error'] : $errormsg); } else if ($auth_list['auth_val'] == 3) { captiveportal_logportalauth($_POST['auth_user'],$clientmac,$clientip,"FAILURE",$auth_list['reply_message']); portal_reply_page($redirurl, $type, $auth_list['reply_message'] ? $auth_list['reply_message'] : $errormsg); } } else { captiveportal_logportalauth($_POST['auth_user'],$clientmac,$clientip,"ERROR"); portal_reply_page($redirurl, "error", $errormsg); } } else if ($_POST['accept'] && $config['captiveportal']['auth_method'] == "local") { //check against local user manager $loginok = local_backed($_POST['auth_user'], $_POST['auth_pass']); if ($loginok){ captiveportal_logportalauth($_POST['auth_user'],$clientmac,$clientip,"LOGIN"); portal_allow($clientip, $clientmac,$_POST['auth_user']); } else { captiveportal_logportalauth($_POST['auth_user'],$clientmac,$clientip,"FAILURE"); portal_reply_page($redirurl, "error", $errormsg); } } else if ($_POST['accept'] && $clientip) { captiveportal_logportalauth("unauthenticated",$clientmac,$clientip,"ACCEPT"); portal_allow($clientip, $clientmac, "unauthenticated"); } else { /* display captive portal page */ portal_reply_page($redirurl, "login",null,$clientmac,$clientip); } exit; function portal_reply_page($redirurl, $type = null, $message = null, $clientmac = null, $clientip = null, $username = null, $password = null) { global $g, $config; /* Get captive portal layout */ if ($type == "redir") { header("Location: {$redirurl}"); return; } else if ($type == "login") $htmltext = get_include_contents("{$g['varetc_path']}/captiveportal.html"); else $htmltext = get_include_contents("{$g['varetc_path']}/captiveportal-error.html"); /* substitute other variables */ if (isset($config['captiveportal']['httpslogin'])) { $htmltext = str_replace("\$PORTAL_ACTION\$", "https://{$config['captiveportal']['httpsname']}:8001/", $htmltext); $htmltext = str_replace("#PORTAL_ACTION#", "https://{$config['captiveportal']['httpsname']}:8001/", $htmltext); } else { $ifip = portal_ip_from_client_ip($clientip); if (!$ifip) $ourhostname = $config['system']['hostname'] . ":8000"; else $ourhostname = "{$ifip}:8000"; $htmltext = str_replace("\$PORTAL_ACTION\$", "http://{$ourhostname}/", $htmltext); $htmltext = str_replace("#PORTAL_ACTION#", "http://{$ourhostname}/", $htmltext); } $htmltext = str_replace("\$PORTAL_REDIRURL\$", htmlspecialchars($redirurl), $htmltext); $htmltext = str_replace("\$PORTAL_MESSAGE\$", htmlspecialchars($message), $htmltext); $htmltext = str_replace("\$CLIENT_MAC\$", htmlspecialchars($clientmac), $htmltext); $htmltext = str_replace("\$CLIENT_IP\$", htmlspecialchars($clientip), $htmltext); // Special handling case for captive portal master page so that it can be ran // through the PHP interpreter using the include method above. We convert the // $VARIABLE$ case to #VARIABLE# in /etc/inc/captiveportal.inc before writing out. $htmltext = str_replace("#PORTAL_REDIRURL#", htmlspecialchars($redirurl), $htmltext); $htmltext = str_replace("#PORTAL_MESSAGE#", htmlspecialchars($message), $htmltext); $htmltext = str_replace("#CLIENT_MAC#", htmlspecialchars($clientmac), $htmltext); $htmltext = str_replace("#CLIENT_IP#", htmlspecialchars($clientip), $htmltext); $htmltext = str_replace("#USERNAME#", htmlspecialchars($username), $htmltext); $htmltext = str_replace("#PASSWORD#", htmlspecialchars($password), $htmltext); echo $htmltext; } function portal_mac_radius($clientmac,$clientip) { global $config ; $radmac_secret = $config['captiveportal']['radmac_secret']; /* authentication against the radius server */ $username = mac_format($clientmac); $auth_list = radius($username,$radmac_secret,$clientip,$clientmac,"MACHINE LOGIN"); if ($auth_list['auth_val'] == 2) return TRUE; if (!empty($auth_list['url_redirection'])) portal_reply_page($auth_list['url_redirection'], "redir"); return FALSE; } function portal_allow($clientip,$clientmac,$username,$password = null, $attributes = null, $ruleno = null) { global $redirurl, $g, $config, $type, $passthrumac, $_POST; /* See if a ruleno is passed, if not start locking the sessions because this means there isn't one atm */ $captiveshouldunlock = false; if ($ruleno == null) { $cplock = lock('captiveportal'); $captiveshouldunlock = true; $ruleno = captiveportal_get_next_ipfw_ruleno(); } /* if the pool is empty, return appropriate message and exit */ if (is_null($ruleno)) { portal_reply_page($redirurl, "error", "System reached maximum login capacity"); log_error("WARNING! Captive portal has reached maximum login capacity"); if ($captiveshouldunlock == true) unlock($cplock); exit; } // Ensure we create an array if we are missing attributes if (!is_array($attributes)) $attributes = array(); /* read in client database */ $cpdb = captiveportal_read_db(); $radiusservers = captiveportal_get_radius_servers(); if ($attributes['voucher']) $remaining_time = $attributes['session_timeout']; $writecfg = false; /* Find an existing session */ if ((isset($config['captiveportal']['noconcurrentlogins'])) && $passthrumac) { if (isset($config['captiveportal']['passthrumacadd'])) { $mac = captiveportal_passthrumac_findbyname($username); if (!empty($mac)) { if ($_POST['replacemacpassthru']) { foreach ($config['captiveportal']['passthrumac'] as $idx => $macent) { if ($macent['mac'] == $mac['mac']) { $macrules = ""; $ruleno = captiveportal_get_ipfw_passthru_ruleno($mac['mac']); if ($ruleno) { captiveportal_free_ipfw_ruleno($ruleno, true); $macrules .= "delete {$ruleno}\n"; ++$ruleno; $macrules .= "delete {$ruleno}\n"; } unset($config['captiveportal']['passthrumac'][$idx]); $mac['mac'] = $clientmac; $config['captiveportal']['passthrumac'][] = $mac; $macrules .= captiveportal_passthrumac_configure_entry($mac); file_put_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/macentry.rules.tmp", $macrules); mwexec("/sbin/ipfw -q {$g['tmp_path']}/macentry.rules.tmp"); $writecfg = true; $sessionid = true; break; } } } else { portal_reply_page($redirurl, "error", "Username: {$username} is already authenticated using another MAC address.", $clientmac, $clientip, $username, $password); exit; } } } } $nousers = count($cpdb); for ($i = 0; $i < $nousers; $i++) { /* on the same ip */ if($cpdb[$i][2] == $clientip) { captiveportal_logportalauth($cpdb[$i][4],$cpdb[$i][3],$cpdb[$i][2],"CONCURRENT LOGIN - REUSING OLD SESSION"); $sessionid = $cpdb[$i][5]; break; } elseif (($attributes['voucher']) && ($username != 'unauthenticated') && ($cpdb[$i][4] == $username)) { // user logged in with an active voucher. Check for how long and calculate // how much time we can give him (voucher credit - used time) $remaining_time = $cpdb[$i][0] + $cpdb[$i][7] - time(); if ($remaining_time < 0) // just in case. $remaining_time = 0; /* This user was already logged in so we disconnect the old one */ captiveportal_disconnect($cpdb[$i],$radiusservers,13); captiveportal_logportalauth($cpdb[$i][4],$cpdb[$i][3],$cpdb[$i][2],"CONCURRENT LOGIN - TERMINATING OLD SESSION"); unset($cpdb[$i]); break; } elseif ((isset($config['captiveportal']['noconcurrentlogins'])) && ($username != 'unauthenticated')) { /* on the same username */ if (strcasecmp($cpdb[$i][4], $username) == 0) { /* This user was already logged in so we disconnect the old one */ captiveportal_disconnect($cpdb[$i],$radiusservers,13); captiveportal_logportalauth($cpdb[$i][4],$cpdb[$i][3],$cpdb[$i][2],"CONCURRENT LOGIN - TERMINATING OLD SESSION"); unset($cpdb[$i]); break; } } } if ($attributes['voucher'] && $remaining_time <= 0) { unlock($cplock); return 0; // voucher already used and no time left } if (!isset($sessionid)) { /* generate unique session ID */ $tod = gettimeofday(); $sessionid = substr(md5(mt_rand() . $tod['sec'] . $tod['usec'] . $clientip . $clientmac), 0, 16); /* Add rules for traffic shaping * We don't need to add extra rules since traffic will pass due to the following kernel option * net.inet.ip.fw.one_pass: 1 */ $peruserbw = isset($config['captiveportal']['peruserbw']); $bw_up = isset($attributes['bw_up']) ? trim($attributes['bw_up']) : $config['captiveportal']['bwdefaultup']; $bw_down = isset($attributes['bw_down']) ? trim($attributes['bw_down']) : $config['captiveportal']['bwdefaultdn']; if ($passthrumac) { $mac = array(); $mac['mac'] = $clientmac; if (isset($config['captiveportal']['passthrumacaddusername'])) $mac['username'] = $username; $mac['descr'] = "Auto added pass-through MAC for user {$username}"; if (!empty($bw_up)) $mac['bw_up'] = $bw_up; if (!empty($bw_down)) $mac['bw_down'] = $bw_down; if (!is_array($config['captiveportal']['passthrumac'])) $config['captiveportal']['passthrumac'] = array(); $config['captiveportal']['passthrumac'][] = $mac; $macrules = captiveportal_passthrumac_configure_entry($mac); file_put_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/macentry.rules.tmp", $macrules); mwexec("/sbin/ipfw -q {$g['tmp_path']}/macentry.rules.tmp"); $writecfg = true; } else { if ($peruserbw && !empty($bw_up) && is_numeric($bw_up)) { $bw_up_pipeno = $ruleno + 20000; //$bw_up /= 1000; // Scale to Kbit/s mwexec("/sbin/ipfw pipe {$bw_up_pipeno} config bw {$bw_up}Kbit/s queue 100"); if (!isset($config['captiveportal']['nomacfilter'])) mwexec("/sbin/ipfw table 1 add {$clientip} mac {$clientmac} {$bw_up_pipeno}"); else mwexec("/sbin/ipfw table 1 add {$clientip} {$bw_up_pipeno}"); } else { if (!isset($config['captiveportal']['nomacfilter'])) mwexec("/sbin/ipfw table 1 add {$clientip} mac {$clientmac}"); else mwexec("/sbin/ipfw table 1 add {$clientip}"); } if ($peruserbw && !empty($bw_down) && is_numeric($bw_down)) { $bw_down_pipeno = $ruleno + 20001; //$bw_down /= 1000; // Scale to Kbit/s mwexec("/sbin/ipfw pipe {$bw_down_pipeno} config bw {$bw_down}Kbit/s queue 100"); if (!isset($config['captiveportal']['nomacfilter'])) mwexec("/sbin/ipfw table 2 add {$clientip} mac {$clientmac} {$bw_down_pipeno}"); else mwexec("/sbin/ipfw table 2 add {$clientip} {$bw_down_pipeno}"); } else { if (!isset($config['captiveportal']['nomacfilter'])) mwexec("/sbin/ipfw table 2 add {$clientip} mac {$clientmac}"); else mwexec("/sbin/ipfw table 2 add {$clientip}"); } if ($attributes['voucher']) $attributes['session_timeout'] = $remaining_time; /* encode password in Base64 just in case it contains commas */ $bpassword = base64_encode($password); $cpdb[] = array(time(), $ruleno, $clientip, $clientmac, $username, $sessionid, $bpassword, $attributes['session_timeout'], $attributes['idle_timeout'], $attributes['session_terminate_time']); if (isset($config['captiveportal']['radacct_enable']) && !empty($radiusservers)) { $acct_val = RADIUS_ACCOUNTING_START($ruleno, $username, $sessionid, $radiusservers, $clientip, $clientmac); if ($acct_val == 1) captiveportal_logportalauth($username,$clientmac,$clientip,$type,"RADIUS ACCOUNTING FAILED"); } /* rewrite information to database */ captiveportal_write_db($cpdb); } } if ($captiveshouldunlock == true) unlock($cplock); if ($writecfg == true) write_config(); /* redirect user to desired destination */ if (!empty($attributes['url_redirection'])) $my_redirurl = $attributes['url_redirection']; else if ($config['captiveportal']['redirurl']) $my_redirurl = $config['captiveportal']['redirurl']; else $my_redirurl = $redirurl; if(isset($config['captiveportal']['logoutwin_enable']) && !$passthrumac) { if (isset($config['captiveportal']['httpslogin'])) $logouturl = "https://{$config['captiveportal']['httpsname']}:8001/"; else { $ifip = portal_ip_from_client_ip($clientip); if (!$ifip) $ourhostname = $config['system']['hostname'] . ":8000"; else $ourhostname = "{$ifip}:8000"; $logouturl = "http://{$ourhostname}/"; } if (isset($attributes['reply_message'])) $message = $attributes['reply_message']; else $message = 0; include("{$g['varetc_path']}/captiveportal-logout.html"); } else { if($_POST['ORIGINAL_PORTAL_IP'] && $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] != $_POST['ORIGINAL_PORTAL_IP']) { header ('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header("Location: " . $_POST['ORIGINAL_PORTAL_IP']); } else { header("Location: " . $my_redirurl); } } return $sessionid; } /* remove a single client by session ID by Dinesh Nair */ function disconnect_client($sessionid, $logoutReason = "LOGOUT", $term_cause = 1) { global $g, $config; $cplock = lock('captiveportal'); /* read database */ $cpdb = captiveportal_read_db(); $radiusservers = captiveportal_get_radius_servers(); /* find entry */ $dbcount = count($cpdb); for ($i = 0; $i < $dbcount; $i++) { if ($cpdb[$i][5] == $sessionid) { captiveportal_disconnect($cpdb[$i],$radiusservers, $term_cause); captiveportal_logportalauth($cpdb[$i][4],$cpdb[$i][3],$cpdb[$i][2],$logoutReason); unset($cpdb[$i]); break; } } /* write database */ captiveportal_write_db($cpdb); unlock($cplock); } ?>