#!/usr/local/bin/php -q 0) { echo "!!! Ignoring {$pkg['name']}, maximum version is {$pkg['maximum_version']}\n"; continue; } } if (isset($pkg['required_version']) && !empty($pkg['required_version'])) { if (version_compare_numeric($pfs_version, $pkg['required_version']) < 0) { echo "!!! Ignoring {$pkg['name']}, required version is {$pkg['required_version']}\n"; continue; } } create_port($pkg); } function fix_php_calls($file) { if (!file_exists($file)) { return; } if (!preg_match('/\.(php|inc)$/', $file)) { return; } $content = file_get_contents($file); $new_content = preg_replace('/\/usr\/local\/bin\/php/', '/usr/local/bin/php-cgi', $content); file_put_contents($file, $new_content); unset($content, $new_content); } function create_port($pkg) { global $ports_dir, $tools_dir, $packages_dir, $product_name; if (isset($pkg['internal_name'])) { $pkg_name = $pkg['internal_name']; } else { $pkg_name = $pkg['name']; } if (empty($pkg_name)) { echo "!!! Error: Package name cannot be empty\n"; exit(1); } if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$/', $pkg_name)) { echo "!!! Error: Package name '{$pkg_name}' is invalid\n"; exit(1); } if (isset($pkg['port_category']) && !empty($pkg['port_category'])) $category = $pkg['port_category']; else $category = 'sysutils'; $port_name_prefix = $product_name . '-pkg-'; $port_name = $port_name_prefix . $pkg_name; $port_path = $ports_dir . '/' . $category . '/' . $port_name; if (is_dir($port_path)) { $_gb = exec("rm -rf {$port_path}"); } mkdir($port_path . "/files", 0755, true); if (isset($pkg['descr']) && !empty($pkg['descr'])) { $pkg_descr = $pkg['descr']; } else { /* provide a generic description when it's not available */ $pkg_descr = "{$pkg_name} {$product_name} package"; } if (isset($pkg['pkginfolink']) && !empty($pkg['pkginfolink'])) { $pkg_descr .= "\n\nWWW: {$pkg['pkginfolink']}"; } $pkg_descr .= "\n"; file_put_contents($port_path . "/pkg-descr.tmp", $pkg_descr); unset($pkg_descr); $_gb = exec("/usr/bin/fmt -w 80 {$port_path}/pkg-descr.tmp > {$port_path}/pkg-descr 2>/dev/null"); @unlink("{$port_path}/pkg-descr.tmp"); if (isset($pkg['after_install_info']) && !empty($pkg['after_install_info'])) { file_put_contents($port_path . "/pkg-message", $pkg['after_install_info'] . "\n"); } $pkg_install = file_get_contents($tools_dir . "/templates/pkg-install.in"); file_put_contents($port_path . "/files/pkg-install.in", $pkg_install); unset($pkg_install); $pkg_deinstall = file_get_contents($tools_dir . "/templates/pkg-deinstall.in"); file_put_contents($port_path . "/files/pkg-deinstall.in", $pkg_deinstall); unset($pkg_deinstall); $config_file = preg_replace('/^https*:\/\/[^\/]+\/packages\//', '', $pkg['config_file']); if (!file_exists($packages_dir . '/' . $config_file)) { echo "!!! Error, config file {$config_file} not found\n"; exit(1); } $pkg_config = parse_xml_config_pkg($packages_dir . '/' . $config_file, "packagegui"); if (empty($pkg_config)) { echo "!!! Error, config file {$config_file} is invalid\n"; exit(1); } if (!is_dir($port_path . '/files/usr/local/pkg')) { mkdir($port_path . '/files/usr/local/pkg', 0755, true); } copy($packages_dir . '/' . $config_file, $port_path . '/files/usr/local/pkg/' . basename($config_file)); $plist_files = array('pkg/' . basename($config_file)); $plist_dirs = array(); $mkdirs = array('${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/pkg'); $install = array('${INSTALL_DATA} -m 0644 ${FILESDIR}${PREFIX}/pkg/' . basename($config_file) . " \\\n\t\t" . '${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/pkg'); if (!empty($pkg_config['additional_files_needed'])) { foreach ($pkg_config['additional_files_needed'] as $item) { if (is_array($item['item'])) { $item['item'] = $item['item'][0]; } if (isset($item['do_not_add_to_port'])) continue; $file_relpath = preg_replace('/^https*:\/\/[^\/]+\/packages\//', '', $item['item']); if (!file_exists($packages_dir . '/' . $file_relpath)) { echo "!!! Error: Additional file needed {$file_relpath} not found\n"; exit(1); } if (!is_dir($port_path . '/files' . $item['prefix'])) { mkdir($port_path . '/files' . $item['prefix'], 0755, true); } copy($packages_dir . '/' . $file_relpath, $port_path . '/files' . $item['prefix'] . '/' . basename($file_relpath)); fix_php_calls($port_path . '/files' . $item['prefix'] . '/' . basename($file_relpath)); /* Remove /usr/local/ from prefix */ $plist_entry = preg_replace('/^\/usr\/local\//', '', $item['prefix']); $plist_entry = preg_replace('/\/*$/', '', $plist_entry); if (substr($plist_entry, 0, 1) == '/' && !in_array("@dir {$plist_entry}", $plist_dirs)) { $plist_dirs[] = "@dir {$plist_entry}"; } $plist_entry .= '/' . basename($item['item']); if (!in_array($plist_entry, $plist_files)) { $plist_files[] = $plist_entry; } unset($plist_entry); if (preg_match('/^\/usr\/local\//', $item['prefix'])) { $mkdirs_entry = preg_replace('/^\/usr\/local\//', '${PREFIX}/', $item['prefix']); } else { $mkdirs_entry = $item['prefix']; } $mkdirs_entry = preg_replace('/\/*$/', '', $mkdirs_entry); $install_entry = '${INSTALL_DATA} '; if (isset($item['chmod']) && !empty($item['chmod'])) { $install_entry .= "-m {$item['chmod']} "; } $install_entry .= '${FILESDIR}' . $mkdirs_entry . '/' . basename($item['item']) . " \\\n\t\t"; $install_entry .= '${STAGEDIR}' . $mkdirs_entry; $mkdirs_entry = '${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}' . $mkdirs_entry; if (!in_array($mkdirs_entry, $mkdirs)) { $mkdirs[] = $mkdirs_entry; } if (!in_array($install_entry, $install)) { $install[] = $install_entry; } unset($install_entry, $mkdirs_entry); } } if (!is_dir($port_path . '/files/usr/local/share/' . $port_name)) { mkdir($port_path . '/files/usr/local/share/' . $port_name, 0755, true); } $info['package'][] = $pkg; $info_xml = dump_xml_config($info, 'pfsensepkgs'); file_put_contents($port_path . '/files/usr/local/share/' . $port_name . '/info.xml', $info_xml); unset($info, $info_xml); $plist_files[] = '%%DATADIR%%/info.xml'; $mkdirs[] = '${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}'; $install[] = '${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}${DATADIR}/info.xml ' . "\\\n\t\t" . '${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}'; $version = $pkg['version']; /* Detect PORTEPOCH */ if (($pos = strpos($version, ',')) != FALSE) { $epoch = substr($version, $pos+1); $version = substr($version, 0, $pos); } /* Detect PORTREVISION */ if (($pos = strpos($version, '_')) != FALSE) { $revision = substr($version, $pos+1); $version = substr($version, 0, $pos); } $makefile = array(); $makefile[] = '# $FreeBSD$'; $makefile[] = ''; $makefile[] = "PORTNAME=\t{$port_name}"; $makefile[] = "PORTVERSION=\t{$version}"; if (isset($revision)) { $makefile[] = "PORTREVISION=\t{$revision}"; } if (isset($epoch)) { $makefile[] = "PORTEPOCH=\t{$epoch}"; } // XXX: use categories from xml */ $makefile[] = "CATEGORIES=\t{$category}"; $makefile[] = "MASTER_SITES=\t# empty"; $makefile[] = "DISTFILES=\t# empty"; $makefile[] = "EXTRACT_ONLY=\t# empty"; $makefile[] = ""; $makefile[] = "MAINTAINER=\tcoreteam@pfsense.org"; // XXX: Provide comment on xml */ $makefile[] = "COMMENT=\t{$product_name} package {$pkg_name}"; if (isset($pkg['run_depends']) && !empty($pkg['run_depends'])) { $run_depends = array(); foreach (preg_split('/\s+/', trim($pkg['run_depends'])) as $depend) { list($file_depend, $port_depend) = explode(':', $depend); $file_depend = '${LOCALBASE}/' . $file_depend; $port_depend = '${PORTSDIR}/' . $port_depend; $run_depends[] = $file_depend . ':' . $port_depend; } if (!empty($run_depends)) { $makefile[] = ""; $first = true; foreach ($run_depends as $run_depend) { if ($first) { $makefile_entry = "RUN_DEPENDS=\t" . $run_depend; $first = false; } else { $makefile_entry .= " \\\n\t\t" . $run_depend; } } $makefile[] = $makefile_entry; unset($makefile_entry); } unset($run_depends); } if (isset($pkg['lib_depends']) && !empty($pkg['lib_depends'])) { $lib_depends = array(); foreach (preg_split('/\s+/', trim($pkg['lib_depends'])) as $depend) { list($lib_depend, $port_depend) = explode(':', $depend); $port_depend = '${PORTSDIR}/' . $port_depend; $lib_depends[] = $lib_depend . ':' . $port_depend; } if (!empty($lib_depends)) { $makefile[] = ""; $first = true; foreach ($lib_depends as $lib_depend) { if ($first) { $makefile_entry = "LIB_DEPENDS=\t" . $lib_depend; $first = false; } else { $makefile_entry .= " \\\n\t\t" . $lib_depend; } } $makefile[] = $makefile_entry; unset($makefile_entry); } unset($run_depends); } if (isset($pkg['port_uses']) && !empty($pkg['port_uses'])) { $makefile[] = ""; foreach (preg_split('/\s+/', trim($pkg['port_uses'])) as $port_use) { $port_use = preg_replace('/=/', "=\t", $port_use); $makefile[] = $port_use; } } if (isset($pkg['conflicts']) && !empty($pkg['conflicts'])) { $makefile[] = ""; $makefile[] = "CONFLICTS=\t" . $port_name_prefix . $pkg['conflicts'] . '-[0-9]*'; } $makefile[] = ""; $makefile[] = "NO_BUILD=\tyes"; $makefile[] = "NO_MTREE=\tyes"; $makefile[] = ""; $makefile[] = "SUB_FILES=\tpkg-install pkg-deinstall"; $makefile[] = "SUB_LIST=\tPORTNAME=\${PORTNAME}"; $makefile[] = ""; $makefile[] = "do-extract:"; $makefile[] = "\t\${MKDIR} \${WRKSRC}"; $makefile[] = ""; $makefile[] = "do-install:"; foreach ($mkdirs as $item) { $makefile[] = "\t" . $item; } foreach ($install as $item) { $makefile[] = "\t" . $item; } $makefile[] = ""; $makefile[] = ".include "; file_put_contents($port_path . '/Makefile', implode("\n", $makefile) . "\n"); unset($makefile); file_put_contents($port_path . '/pkg-plist', implode("\n", $plist_files) . "\n"); if (!empty($plist_dirs)) { file_put_contents($port_path . '/pkg-plist', implode("\n", $plist_dirs) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } unset($plist_files, $plist_dirs); } function usage() { global $argv; echo "Usage: {$argv[0]} -x [-p ]\n"; echo " Flags:\n"; echo " -s Product version to pass to set_version.sh during chroot build\n"; echo " -U Do NOT run build.sh --update-sources\n"; echo " Examples:\n"; echo " {$argv[0]} -x /home/packages/pkg_info.10.xml -p squid -s RELENG_2_2\n"; exit; } ?>