#!/bin/sh # # build.sh # # Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Electric Sheep Fencing, LLC. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgment: # "This product includes software developed by the pfSense Project # for use in the pfSense® software distribution. (http://www.pfsense.org/). # # 4. The names "pfSense" and "pfSense Project" must not be used to # endorse or promote products derived from this software without # prior written permission. For written permission, please contact # coreteam@pfsense.org. # # 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "pfSense" # nor may "pfSense" appear in their names without prior written # permission of the Electric Sheep Fencing, LLC. # # 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following # acknowledgment: # # "This product includes software developed by the pfSense Project # for use in the pfSense software distribution (http://www.pfsense.org/). # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE pfSense PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY # EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE pfSense PROJECT OR # ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED # OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ########################################### # Product builder configuration file # # Please don't modify this file, you # # can put your settings and options # # in build.conf, which is sourced at the # # beginning of this file # ########################################### if [ -z "${BUILDER_ROOT}" ]; then echo ">>> ERROR: BUILDER_ROOT must be defined by script that includes builder_defaults.sh" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "${BUILDER_ROOT}" ]; then echo ">>> ERROR: BUILDER_ROOT is invalid" exit 1 fi export BUILDER_TOOLS=${BUILDER_TOOLS:-"${BUILDER_ROOT}/tools"} if [ ! -d "${BUILDER_TOOLS}" ]; then echo ">>> ERROR: BUILDER_TOOLS is invalid" exit 1 fi BUILD_CONF="${BUILDER_ROOT}/build.conf" # Ensure file exists if [ -f ${BUILD_CONF} ]; then . ${BUILD_CONF} fi # Make sure pkg will not be interactive export ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=true # Architecture, supported ARCH values are: # Tier 1: i386, AMD64, and PC98 # Tier 2: ARM, PowerPC, ia64, Sparc64 and sun4v # Tier 3: MIPS and S/390 # Tier 4: None at the moment # Source: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/articles/committers-guide/archs.html export TARGET=${TARGET:-"`uname -m`"} export TARGET_ARCH=${TARGET_ARCH:-${TARGET}} # Set TARGET_ARCH_CONF_DIR if [ "$TARGET_ARCH" = "" ]; then export TARGET_ARCH=`uname -p` fi # Directory to be used for writing temporary information export SCRATCHDIR=${SCRATCHDIR:-"${BUILDER_ROOT}/tmp"} if [ ! -d ${SCRATCHDIR} ]; then mkdir -p ${SCRATCHDIR} fi # Product details export PRODUCT_NAME=${PRODUCT_NAME:-"nonSense"} export PRODUCT_URL=${PRODUCT_URL:-""} export PRODUCT_SRC=${PRODUCT_SRC:-"${BUILDER_ROOT}/src"} if [ "${PRODUCT_NAME}" = "pfSense" -a "${BUILD_AUTHORIZED_BY_ELECTRIC_SHEEP_FENCING}" != "yes" ]; then echo ">>>ERROR: According the following license, only Electric Sheep Fencing can build genuine pfSense® software" echo "" cat ${BUILDER_ROOT}/license.txt exit 1 fi if [ -z "${PRODUCT_VERSION}" ]; then if [ ! -f ${PRODUCT_SRC}/etc/version ]; then echo ">>> ERROR: PRODUCT_VERSION is not defined and ${PRODUCT_SRC}/etc/version was not found" print_error_pfS fi export PRODUCT_VERSION=$(head -n 1 ${PRODUCT_SRC}/etc/version) fi # Product repository tag to build _cur_git_repo_branch_or_tag=$(git -C ${BUILDER_ROOT} rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) if [ "${_cur_git_repo_branch_or_tag}" = "HEAD" ]; then # We are on a tag, lets find out its name export GIT_REPO_BRANCH_OR_TAG=$(git -C ${BUILDER_ROOT} describe --tags) else export GIT_REPO_BRANCH_OR_TAG="${_cur_git_repo_branch_or_tag}" fi # This is used for using svn for retrieving src export FREEBSD_REPO_BASE=${FREEBSD_REPO_BASE:-"git@git.pfmechanics.com:pfsense/freebsd-src.git"} export FREEBSD_BRANCH=${FREEBSD_BRANCH:-"devel"} export FREEBSD_PARENT_BRANCH=${FREEBSD_PARENT_BRANCH:-"stable/10"} export FREEBSD_SRC_DIR=${FREEBSD_SRC_DIR:-"${SCRATCHDIR}/FreeBSD-src"} if [ "${TARGET}" = "i386" ]; then export BUILD_KERNELS=${BUILD_KERNELS:-"${PRODUCT_NAME} ${PRODUCT_NAME}_wrap ${PRODUCT_NAME}_wrap_vga"} else export BUILD_KERNELS=${BUILD_KERNELS:-"${PRODUCT_NAME}"} fi # Leave this alone. export SRC_CONF=${SRC_CONF:-"${FREEBSD_SRC_DIR}/release/conf/${PRODUCT_NAME}_src.conf"} export MAKE_CONF=${MAKE_CONF:-"${FREEBSD_SRC_DIR}/release/conf/${PRODUCT_NAME}_make.conf"} # Extra tools to be added to ITOOLS export EXTRA_TOOLS=${EXTRA_TOOLS:-"uuencode uudecode ex"} # Path to kernel files being built export KERNEL_BUILD_PATH=${KERNEL_BUILD_PATH:-"${SCRATCHDIR}/kernels"} # Do not touch builder /usr/obj export MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX:-"${SCRATCHDIR}/obj"} # Controls how many concurrent make processes are run for each stage _CPUS="" if [ -z "${NO_MAKEJ}" ]; then _CPUS=$(expr $(sysctl -n kern.smp.cpus) '*' 2) if [ -n "${_CPUS}" ]; then _CPUS="-j${_CPUS}" fi fi export MAKEJ_WORLD=${MAKEJ_WORLD:-"${_CPUS}"} export MAKEJ_KERNEL=${MAKEJ_KERNEL:-"${_CPUS}"} if [ "${TARGET}" = "i386" ]; then export MODULES_OVERRIDE=${MODULES_OVERRIDE:-"i2c ipmi ndis ipfw ipdivert dummynet fdescfs opensolaris zfs glxsb if_stf coretemp amdtemp hwpmc"} else export MODULES_OVERRIDE=${MODULES_OVERRIDE:-"i2c ipmi ndis ipfw ipdivert dummynet fdescfs opensolaris zfs glxsb if_stf coretemp amdtemp aesni sfxge hwpmc"} fi # Area that the final image will appear in export IMAGES_FINAL_DIR=${IMAGES_FINAL_DIR:-"${SCRATCHDIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}/"} export BUILDER_LOGS=${BUILDER_LOGS:-"${BUILDER_ROOT}/logs"} if [ ! -d ${BUILDER_LOGS} ]; then mkdir -p ${BUILDER_LOGS} fi # This is where files will be staged export STAGE_CHROOT_DIR=${STAGE_CHROOT_DIR:-"${SCRATCHDIR}/stage-dir"} # Directory that will clone to in order to create # iso staging area. export FINAL_CHROOT_DIR=${FINAL_CHROOT_DIR:-"${SCRATCHDIR}/final-dir"} # 400M is not enough for amd64 export MEMORYDISK_SIZE=${MEMORYDISK_SIZE:-"768M"} # OVF/vmdk parms # Name of ovf file included inside OVA archive export OVFTEMPLATE=${OVFTEMPLATE:-"${BUILDER_TOOLS}/templates/ovf/${PRODUCT_NAME}.ovf"} # / partition to be used by mkimg export OVFUFS=${OVFUFS:-"${PRODUCT_NAME}-disk1.ufs"} # Raw disk to be converted to vmdk export OVFRAW=${OVFRAW:-"${PRODUCT_NAME}-disk1.raw"} # On disk name of VMDK file included in OVA export OVFVMDK=${OVFVMDK:-"${PRODUCT_NAME}-disk1.vmdk"} # 8 gigabyte on disk VMDK size export VMDK_DISK_CAPACITY_IN_GB=${VMDK_DISK_CAPACITY_IN_GB:-"8"} # first partition size (freebsd-ufs) export OVA_FIRST_PART_SIZE_IN_GB=${OVA_FIRST_PART_SIZE_IN_GB:-"6"} # swap partition size (freebsd-swap) export OVA_SWAP_PART_SIZE_IN_GB=${OVA_SWAP_PART_SIZE_IN_GB:-"2"} # Calculate real swap size, removing 128 blocks (65536 bytes) beggining/loader export OVA_SWAP_PART_SIZE=$((${OVA_SWAP_PART_SIZE_IN_GB}*1024*1024*1024-65536)) # Temporary place to save files export OVA_TMP=${OVA_TMP:-"${SCRATCHDIR}/ova_tmp"} # end of OVF # Number of code images on media (1 or 2) export NANO_IMAGES=2 # 0 -> Leave second image all zeroes so it compresses better. # 1 -> Initialize second image with a copy of the first export NANO_INIT_IMG2=1 export NANO_NEWFS="-b 4096 -f 512 -i 8192 -O1" export FLASH_SIZE=${FLASH_SIZE:-"1g"} # Size of code file system in 512 bytes sectors # If zero, size will be as large as possible. export NANO_CODESIZE=0 # Size of data file system in 512 bytes sectors # If zero: no partition configured. # If negative: max size possible export NANO_DATASIZE=0 # Size of Product /conf partition # 102400 = 50 megabytes. export NANO_CONFSIZE=102400 # packet is OK for 90% of embedded export NANO_BOOT0CFG="-o packet -s 1 -m 3" # NOTE: Date string is used for creating file names of images # The file is used for sharing the same value with build_snapshots.sh export DATESTRINGFILE=${DATESTRINGFILE:-"$SCRATCHDIR/version.snapshots"} if [ -z "${DATESTRING}" ]; then if [ -f "${DATESTRINGFILE}" -a -n "${_USE_OLD_DATESTRING}" ]; then export DATESTRING=$(cat $DATESTRINGFILE) else export DATESTRING=$(date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M") fi fi echo "$DATESTRING" > $DATESTRINGFILE # NOTE: Date string is placed on the final image etc folder to help detect new updates # The file is used for sharing the same value with build_snapshots.sh export BUILTDATESTRINGFILE=${BUILTDATESTRINGFILE:-"$SCRATCHDIR/version.buildtime"} if [ -z "${BUILTDATESTRING}" ]; then if [ -f "${BUILTDATESTRINGFILE}" -a -n "${_USE_OLD_DATESTRING}" ]; then export BUILTDATESTRING=$(cat $BUILTDATESTRINGFILE) else export BUILTDATESTRING=$(date "+%a %b %d %T %Z %Y") fi fi echo "$BUILTDATESTRING" > $BUILTDATESTRINGFILE # Poudriere export ZFS_TANK=${ZFS_TANK:-"tank"} export ZFS_ROOT=${ZFS_ROOT:-"/poudriere"} export POUDRIERE_PORTS_NAME=${POUDRIERE_PORTS_NAME:-"${PRODUCT_NAME}_${GIT_REPO_BRANCH_OR_TAG}"} export POUDRIERE_BULK=${POUDRIERE_BULK:-"${BUILDER_TOOLS}/conf/pfPorts/poudriere_bulk"} export POUDRIERE_PORTS_GIT_URL=${POUDRIERE_PORTS_GIT_URL:-"git@git.pfmechanics.com:pfsense/freebsd-ports.git"} export POUDRIERE_PORTS_GIT_BRANCH=${POUDRIERE_PORTS_GIT_BRANCH:-"devel"} # Host to rsync pkg repos from poudriere export PKG_RSYNC_USERNAME=${PKG_RSYNC_USERNAME:-"wwwsync"} export PKG_RSYNC_SSH_PORT=${PKG_RSYNC_SSH_PORT:-"22"} export PKG_RSYNC_DESTDIR=${PKG_RSYNC_DESTDIR:-"/usr/local/www/beta/packages"} export PKG_REPO_SERVER=${PKG_REPO_SERVER:-"pkg+http://beta.pfsense.org/packages"} export PKG_REPO_CONF_BRANCH=${PKG_REPO_CONF_BRANCH:-"${GIT_REPO_BRANCH_OR_TAG}"} if echo "${PRODUCT_VERSION}" | grep -qv -- '-RELEASE'; then export _IS_RELEASE=yes else unset _IS_RELEASE fi # Define base package version, based on date for snaps CORE_PKG_VERSION=${PRODUCT_VERSION%%-*} if [ -n "${_IS_RELEASE}" ]; then CORE_PKG_VERSION="${CORE_PKG_VERSION}.${DATESTRING}" fi export CORE_PKG_PATH=${CORE_PKG_PATH:-"${SCRATCHDIR}/core_pkg"} export CORE_PKG_TMP=${CORE_PKG_TMP:-"${SCRATCHDIR}/core_pkg_tmp"} # Package overlay. This gives people a chance to build product # installable image that already contains certain extra packages. # # Needs to contain comma separated package names. Of course # package names must be valid. Using non existent # package name would yield an error. # #export custom_package_list="" # General builder output filenames if [ -n "${_IS_RELEASE}" ]; then export TIMESTAMP_SUFFIX="" else export TIMESTAMP_SUFFIX="-${DATESTRING}" fi export UPDATESDIR=${UPDATESDIR:-"${IMAGES_FINAL_DIR}/updates"} export ISOPATH=${ISOPATH:-"${IMAGES_FINAL_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}-LiveCD-${PRODUCT_VERSION}-${TARGET}${TIMESTAMP_SUFFIX}.iso"} export MEMSTICKPATH=${MEMSTICKPATH:-"${IMAGES_FINAL_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}-memstick-${PRODUCT_VERSION}-${TARGET}${TIMESTAMP_SUFFIX}.img"} export MEMSTICKSERIALPATH=${MEMSTICKSERIALPATH:-"${IMAGES_FINAL_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}-memstick-serial-${PRODUCT_VERSION}-${TARGET}${TIMESTAMP_SUFFIX}.img"} export MEMSTICKADIPATH=${MEMSTICKADIPATH:-"${IMAGES_FINAL_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}-memstick-ADI-${PRODUCT_VERSION}-${TARGET}${TIMESTAMP_SUFFIX}.img"} export OVAPATH=${OVAPATH:-"${IMAGES_FINAL_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}-${PRODUCT_VERSION}-${TARGET}${TIMESTAMP_SUFFIX}.ova"} # set full-update update filename export UPDATES_TARBALL_FILENAME=${UPDATES_TARBALL_FILENAME:-"${UPDATESDIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}-Full-Update-${PRODUCT_VERSION}-${TARGET}${TIMESTAMP_SUFFIX}.tgz"} # Rsync data to send snapshots export RSYNCUSER=${RSYNCUSER:-"snapshots"} export RSYNCPATH=${RSYNCPATH:-"/usr/local/www/snapshots/${TARGET}/${PRODUCT_NAME}_${GIT_REPO_BRANCH_OR_TAG}"} export RSYNCLOGS=${RSYNCLOGS:-"/usr/local/www/snapshots/logs/${PRODUCT_NAME}_${GIT_REPO_BRANCH_OR_TAG}/${TARGET}"}