32) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A IPv4 subnet can not be over 32 bits."); } else { $osn = gen_subnet($_POST['network'], $_POST['network_subnet']) . "/" . $_POST['network_subnet']; $new_targets[] = $osn; } } elseif (is_alias($_POST['network'])) { $osn = $_POST['network']; foreach (preg_split('/\s+/', $aliastable[$osn]) as $tgt) { if (is_ipaddrv4($tgt)) { $tgt .= "/32"; } if (is_ipaddrv6($tgt)) { $tgt .= "/128"; } if (!is_subnet($tgt)) { continue; } if (!is_subnetv6($tgt)) { continue; } $new_targets[] = $tgt; } } if (!isset($id)) { $id = count($a_routes); } $oroute = $a_routes[$id]; $old_targets = array(); if (!empty($oroute)) { if (is_alias($oroute['network'])) { foreach (filter_expand_alias_array($oroute['network']) as $tgt) { if (is_ipaddrv4($tgt)) { $tgt .= "/32"; } else if (is_ipaddrv6($tgt)) { $tgt .= "/128"; } if (!is_subnet($tgt)) { continue; } $old_targets[] = $tgt; } } else { $old_targets[] = $oroute['network']; } } $overlaps = array_intersect($current_targets, $new_targets); $overlaps = array_diff($overlaps, $old_targets); if (count($overlaps)) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A route to these destination networks already exists") . ": " . implode(", ", $overlaps); } if (is_array($config['interfaces'])) { foreach ($config['interfaces'] as $if) { if (is_ipaddrv4($_POST['network']) && isset($if['ipaddr']) && isset($if['subnet']) && is_ipaddrv4($if['ipaddr']) && is_numeric($if['subnet']) && ($_POST['network_subnet'] == $if['subnet']) && (gen_subnet($_POST['network'], $_POST['network_subnet']) == gen_subnet($if['ipaddr'], $if['subnet']))) { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("This network conflicts with address configured on interface %s."), $if['descr']); } else if (is_ipaddrv6($_POST['network']) && isset($if['ipaddrv6']) && isset($if['subnetv6']) && is_ipaddrv6($if['ipaddrv6']) && is_numeric($if['subnetv6']) && ($_POST['network_subnet'] == $if['subnetv6']) && (gen_subnetv6($_POST['network'], $_POST['network_subnet']) == gen_subnetv6($if['ipaddrv6'], $if['subnetv6']))) { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("This network conflicts with address configured on interface %s."), $if['descr']); } } } if (!$input_errors) { $route = array(); $route['network'] = $osn; $route['gateway'] = $_POST['gateway']; $route['descr'] = $_POST['descr']; if ($_POST['disabled']) { $route['disabled'] = true; } else { unset($route['disabled']); } if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/.system_routes.apply")) { $toapplylist = unserialize(file_get_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/.system_routes.apply")); } else { $toapplylist = array(); } $a_routes[$id] = $route; if (!empty($oroute)) { $delete_targets = array_diff($old_targets, $new_targets); if (count($delete_targets)) { foreach ($delete_targets as $dts) { if (is_ipaddrv6($dts)) { $family = "-inet6"; } $toapplylist[] = "/sbin/route delete {$family} {$dts}"; } } } file_put_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/.system_routes.apply", serialize($toapplylist)); mark_subsystem_dirty('staticroutes'); write_config(); header("Location: system_routes.php"); exit; } } $pgtitle = array(gettext("System"), gettext("Static Routes"), gettext("Edit route")); $shortcut_section = "routing"; include("head.inc"); if ($input_errors) print_input_errors($input_errors); require_once('classes/Form.class.php'); $form = new Form; if (isset($id) && $a_routes[$id]) { $form->addGlobal(new Form_Input( 'id', null, 'hidden', $id )); } $section = new Form_Section('Edit route entry'); $section->addInput(new Form_IpAddress( 'network', 'Destination network', $pconfig['network'] ))->addMask('network_subnet', $pconfig['network_subnet'])->setPattern('[.a-zA-Z0-9_]+')->setHelp('Destination network for this static route'); $allGateways = array_combine( array_map(function($g){ return $g['name']; }, $a_gateways), array_map(function($g){ return $g['name'] .' - '. $g['gateway']; }, $a_gateways) ); $section->addInput(new Form_Select( 'gateway', 'Gateway', $pconfig['gateway'], $allGateways ))->setHelp('Choose which gateway this route applies to or add a new one first'); $section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox( 'disabled', 'Disabled', 'Disable this static route', $pconfig['disabled'] ))->setHelp('Set this option to disable this static route without removing it from '. 'the list.'); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'descr', 'Description', 'text', htmlspecialchars($pconfig['descr']) ))->setHelp('You may enter a description here for your reference (not parsed).'); $form->add($section); print $form; ?>