gettext("Import an existing Certificate"), "internal" => gettext("Create an internal Certificate"), "external" => gettext("Create a Certificate Signing Request"), "sign" => gettext("Sign a Certificate Signing Request") ); $cert_keylens = array("512", "1024", "2048", "3072", "4096", "7680", "8192", "15360", "16384"); $cert_types = array( "server" => "Server Certificate", "user" => "User Certificate"); global $cert_altname_types; global $openssl_digest_algs; if (isset($_REQUEST['userid']) && is_numericint($_REQUEST['userid'])) { $userid = $_REQUEST['userid']; } if (isset($userid)) { $cert_methods["existing"] = gettext("Choose an existing certificate"); if (!is_array($config['system']['user'])) { $config['system']['user'] = array(); } $a_user =& $config['system']['user']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['id']) && is_numericint($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; } if (!is_array($config['ca'])) { $config['ca'] = array(); } $a_ca =& $config['ca']; if (!is_array($config['cert'])) { $config['cert'] = array(); } $a_cert =& $config['cert']; $internal_ca_count = 0; foreach ($a_ca as $ca) { if ($ca['prv']) { $internal_ca_count++; } } $act = $_REQUEST['act']; if ($_POST['act'] == "del") { if (!isset($a_cert[$id])) { pfSenseHeader("system_certmanager.php"); exit; } unset($a_cert[$id]); write_config(); $savemsg = sprintf(gettext("Certificate %s successfully deleted."), htmlspecialchars($a_cert[$id]['descr'])); pfSenseHeader("system_certmanager.php"); exit; } if ($act == "new") { $pconfig['method'] = $_POST['method']; $pconfig['keylen'] = "2048"; $pconfig['digest_alg'] = "sha256"; $pconfig['csr_keylen'] = "2048"; $pconfig['csr_digest_alg'] = "sha256"; $pconfig['type'] = "user"; $pconfig['lifetime'] = "3650"; } if ($act == "exp") { if (!$a_cert[$id]) { pfSenseHeader("system_certmanager.php"); exit; } $exp_name = urlencode("{$a_cert[$id]['descr']}.crt"); $exp_data = base64_decode($a_cert[$id]['crt']); $exp_size = strlen($exp_data); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$exp_name}"); header("Content-Length: $exp_size"); echo $exp_data; exit; } if ($act == "req") { if (!$a_cert[$id]) { pfSenseHeader("system_certmanager.php"); exit; } $exp_name = urlencode("{$a_cert[$id]['descr']}.req"); $exp_data = base64_decode($a_cert[$id]['csr']); $exp_size = strlen($exp_data); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$exp_name}"); header("Content-Length: $exp_size"); echo $exp_data; exit; } if ($act == "key") { if (!$a_cert[$id]) { pfSenseHeader("system_certmanager.php"); exit; } $exp_name = urlencode("{$a_cert[$id]['descr']}.key"); $exp_data = base64_decode($a_cert[$id]['prv']); $exp_size = strlen($exp_data); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$exp_name}"); header("Content-Length: $exp_size"); echo $exp_data; exit; } if ($act == "p12") { if (!$a_cert[$id]) { pfSenseHeader("system_certmanager.php"); exit; } $exp_name = urlencode("{$a_cert[$id]['descr']}.p12"); $args = array(); $args['friendly_name'] = $a_cert[$id]['descr']; $ca = lookup_ca($a_cert[$id]['caref']); if ($ca) { $args['extracerts'] = openssl_x509_read(base64_decode($ca['crt'])); } $res_crt = openssl_x509_read(base64_decode($a_cert[$id]['crt'])); $res_key = openssl_pkey_get_private(array(0 => base64_decode($a_cert[$id]['prv']) , 1 => "")); $exp_data = ""; openssl_pkcs12_export($res_crt, $exp_data, $res_key, null, $args); $exp_size = strlen($exp_data); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$exp_name}"); header("Content-Length: $exp_size"); echo $exp_data; exit; } if ($act == "csr") { if (!$a_cert[$id]) { pfSenseHeader("system_certmanager.php"); exit; } $pconfig['descr'] = $a_cert[$id]['descr']; $pconfig['csr'] = base64_decode($a_cert[$id]['csr']); } if ($_POST['save']) { if ($_POST['save'] == gettext("Save")) { $input_errors = array(); $pconfig = $_POST; /* input validation */ if ($pconfig['method'] == "sign") { $reqdfields = explode(" ", "descr catosignwith"); $reqdfieldsn = array( gettext("Descriptive name"), gettext("CA to sign with")); if (($_POST['csrtosign'] === "new") && ((!strstr($_POST['csrpaste'], "BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST") || !strstr($_POST['csrpaste'], "END CERTIFICATE REQUEST")) && (!strstr($_POST['csrpaste'], "BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST") || !strstr($_POST['csrpaste'], "END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST")))) { $input_errors[] = gettext("This signing request does not appear to be valid."); } if ( (($_POST['csrtosign'] === "new") && (strlen($_POST['keypaste']) > 0)) && (!strstr($_POST['keypaste'], "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY") || !strstr($_POST['keypaste'], "END PRIVATE KEY"))) { $input_errors[] = gettext("This private does not appear to be valid."); $input_errors[] = gettext("Key data field should be blank, or a valid x509 private key"); } } if ($pconfig['method'] == "import") { $reqdfields = explode(" ", "descr cert key"); $reqdfieldsn = array( gettext("Descriptive name"), gettext("Certificate data"), gettext("Key data")); if ($_POST['cert'] && (!strstr($_POST['cert'], "BEGIN CERTIFICATE") || !strstr($_POST['cert'], "END CERTIFICATE"))) { $input_errors[] = gettext("This certificate does not appear to be valid."); } if (cert_get_publickey($_POST['cert'], false) != cert_get_publickey($_POST['key'], false, 'prv')) { $input_errors[] = gettext("The submitted private key does not match the submitted certificate data."); } } if ($pconfig['method'] == "internal") { $reqdfields = explode(" ", "descr caref keylen type lifetime dn_country dn_state dn_city ". "dn_organization dn_email dn_commonname"); $reqdfieldsn = array( gettext("Descriptive name"), gettext("Certificate authority"), gettext("Key length"), gettext("Certificate Type"), gettext("Lifetime"), gettext("Distinguished name Country Code"), gettext("Distinguished name State or Province"), gettext("Distinguished name City"), gettext("Distinguished name Organization"), gettext("Distinguished name Email Address"), gettext("Distinguished name Common Name")); } if ($pconfig['method'] == "external") { $reqdfields = explode(" ", "descr csr_keylen csr_dn_country csr_dn_state csr_dn_city ". "csr_dn_organization csr_dn_email csr_dn_commonname"); $reqdfieldsn = array( gettext("Descriptive name"), gettext("Key length"), gettext("Distinguished name Country Code"), gettext("Distinguished name State or Province"), gettext("Distinguished name City"), gettext("Distinguished name Organization"), gettext("Distinguished name Email Address"), gettext("Distinguished name Common Name")); } if ($pconfig['method'] == "existing") { $reqdfields = array("certref"); $reqdfieldsn = array(gettext("Existing Certificate Choice")); } $altnames = array(); do_input_validation($_POST, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, $input_errors); if ($pconfig['method'] != "import" && $pconfig['method'] != "existing") { /* subjectAltNames */ $san_typevar = 'altname_type'; $san_valuevar = 'altname_value'; // This is just the blank alternate name that is added for display purposes. We don't want to validate/save it if ($_POST["{$san_valuevar}0"] == "") { unset($_POST["{$san_typevar}0"]); unset($_POST["{$san_valuevar}0"]); } foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $entry = ''; if (!substr_compare($san_typevar, $key, 0, strlen($san_typevar))) { $entry = substr($key, strlen($san_typevar)); $field = 'type'; } elseif (!substr_compare($san_valuevar, $key, 0, strlen($san_valuevar))) { $entry = substr($key, strlen($san_valuevar)); $field = 'value'; } if (ctype_digit($entry)) { $entry++; // Pre-bootstrap code is one-indexed, but the bootstrap code is 0-indexed $altnames[$entry][$field] = $value; } } $pconfig['altnames']['item'] = $altnames; /* Input validation for subjectAltNames */ foreach ($altnames as $idx => $altname) { switch ($altname['type']) { case "DNS": if (!is_hostname($altname['value'], true)) { array_push($input_errors, "DNS subjectAltName values must be valid hostnames, FQDNs or wildcard domains."); } break; case "IP": if (!is_ipaddr($altname['value'])) { array_push($input_errors, "IP subjectAltName values must be valid IP Addresses"); } break; case "email": if (empty($altname['value'])) { array_push($input_errors, "An e-mail address must be provided for this type of subjectAltName"); } if (preg_match("/[\!\#\$\%\^\(\)\~\?\>\<\&\/\\\,\"\']/", $altname['value'])) { array_push($input_errors, "The e-mail provided in a subjectAltName contains invalid characters."); } break; case "URI": /* Close enough? */ if (!is_URL($altname['value'])) { $input_errors[] = "URI subjectAltName types must be a valid URI"; } break; default: $input_errors[] = "Unrecognized subjectAltName type."; } } /* Make sure we do not have invalid characters in the fields for the certificate */ if (preg_match("/[\?\>\<\&\/\\\"\']/", $_POST['descr'])) { array_push($input_errors, "The field 'Descriptive Name' contains invalid characters."); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($reqdfields); $i++) { if (preg_match('/email/', $reqdfields[$i])) { /* dn_email or csr_dn_name */ if (preg_match("/[\!\#\$\%\^\(\)\~\?\>\<\&\/\\\,\"\']/", $_POST[$reqdfields[$i]])) { array_push($input_errors, gettext("The field 'Distinguished name Email Address' contains invalid characters.")); } } } if (($pconfig['method'] != "external") && isset($_POST["keylen"]) && !in_array($_POST["keylen"], $cert_keylens)) { array_push($input_errors, gettext("Please select a valid Key Length.")); } if (($pconfig['method'] != "external") && !in_array($_POST["digest_alg"], $openssl_digest_algs)) { array_push($input_errors, gettext("Please select a valid Digest Algorithm.")); } if (($pconfig['method'] == "external") && isset($_POST["csr_keylen"]) && !in_array($_POST["csr_keylen"], $cert_keylens)) { array_push($input_errors, gettext("Please select a valid Key Length.")); } if (($pconfig['method'] == "external") && !in_array($_POST["csr_digest_alg"], $openssl_digest_algs)) { array_push($input_errors, gettext("Please select a valid Digest Algorithm.")); } } /* save modifications */ if (!$input_errors) { if ($pconfig['method'] == "existing") { $cert = lookup_cert($pconfig['certref']); if ($cert && $a_user) { $a_user[$userid]['cert'][] = $cert['refid']; } } else if ($pconfig['method'] == "sign") { // Sign a CSR $csrid = lookup_cert($pconfig['csrtosign']); $ca = & lookup_ca($pconfig['catosignwith']); // Read the CSR from $config, or if a new one, from the textarea if ($pconfig['csrtosign'] === "new") { $csr = $pconfig['csrpaste']; } else { $csr = base64_decode($csrid['csr']); } if (count($altnames)) { foreach ($altnames as $altname) { $altnames_tmp[] = "{$altname['type']}:" . cert_escape_x509_chars($altname['value']); } $altname_str = implode(",", $altnames_tmp); } $n509 = csr_sign($csr, $ca, $pconfig['csrsign_lifetime'], $pconfig['type'], $altname_str); if ($n509) { // Gather the details required to save the new cert $newcert = array(); $newcert['refid'] = uniqid(); $newcert['caref'] = $pconfig['catosignwith']; $newcert['descr'] = $pconfig['descr']; $newcert['type'] = $pconfig['type']; $newcert['crt'] = base64_encode($n509); if ($pconfig['csrtosign'] === "new") { $newcert['prv'] = base64_encode($pconfig['keypaste']); } else { $newcert['prv'] = $csrid['prv']; } // Add it to the config file $config['cert'][] = $newcert; } } else { $cert = array(); $cert['refid'] = uniqid(); if (isset($id) && $a_cert[$id]) { $cert = $a_cert[$id]; } $cert['descr'] = $pconfig['descr']; $old_err_level = error_reporting(0); /* otherwise openssl_ functions throw warnings directly to a page screwing menu tab */ if ($pconfig['method'] == "import") { cert_import($cert, $pconfig['cert'], $pconfig['key']); } if ($pconfig['method'] == "internal") { $dn = array( 'countryName' => $pconfig['dn_country'], 'stateOrProvinceName' => cert_escape_x509_chars($pconfig['dn_state']), 'localityName' => cert_escape_x509_chars($pconfig['dn_city']), 'organizationName' => cert_escape_x509_chars($pconfig['dn_organization']), 'emailAddress' => cert_escape_x509_chars($pconfig['dn_email']), 'commonName' => cert_escape_x509_chars($pconfig['dn_commonname'])); if (!empty($pconfig['dn_organizationalunit'])) { $dn['organizationalUnitName'] = cert_escape_x509_chars($pconfig['dn_organizationalunit']); } $altnames_tmp = array(cert_add_altname_type($pconfig['dn_commonname'])); if (count($altnames)) { foreach ($altnames as $altname) { // The CN is added as a SAN automatically, do not add it again. if ($altname['value'] != $pconfig['dn_commonname']) { $altnames_tmp[] = "{$altname['type']}:" . cert_escape_x509_chars($altname['value']); } } } if (!empty($altnames_tmp)) { $dn['subjectAltName'] = implode(",", $altnames_tmp); } if (!cert_create($cert, $pconfig['caref'], $pconfig['keylen'], $pconfig['lifetime'], $dn, $pconfig['type'], $pconfig['digest_alg'])) { $input_errors = array(); while ($ssl_err = openssl_error_string()) { if (strpos($ssl_err, 'NCONF_get_string:no value') === false) { array_push($input_errors, "openssl library returns: " . $ssl_err); } } } } if ($pconfig['method'] == "external") { $dn = array( 'countryName' => $pconfig['csr_dn_country'], 'stateOrProvinceName' => cert_escape_x509_chars($pconfig['csr_dn_state']), 'localityName' => cert_escape_x509_chars($pconfig['csr_dn_city']), 'organizationName' => cert_escape_x509_chars($pconfig['csr_dn_organization']), 'emailAddress' => cert_escape_x509_chars($pconfig['csr_dn_email']), 'commonName' => cert_escape_x509_chars($pconfig['csr_dn_commonname'])); if (!empty($pconfig['csr_dn_organizationalunit'])) { $dn['organizationalUnitName'] = cert_escape_x509_chars($pconfig['csr_dn_organizationalunit']); } $altnames_tmp = array(cert_add_altname_type($pconfig['csr_dn_commonname'])); if (count($altnames)) { foreach ($altnames as $altname) { // The CN is added as a SAN automatically, do not add it again. if ($altname['value'] != $pconfig['csr_dn_commonname']) { $altnames_tmp[] = "{$altname['type']}:" . cert_escape_x509_chars($altname['value']); } } } if (!empty($altnames_tmp)) { $dn['subjectAltName'] = implode(",", $altnames_tmp); } if (!csr_generate($cert, $pconfig['csr_keylen'], $dn, $pconfig['type'], $pconfig['csr_digest_alg'])) { $input_errors = array(); while ($ssl_err = openssl_error_string()) { if (strpos($ssl_err, 'NCONF_get_string:no value') === false) { array_push($input_errors, "openssl library returns: " . $ssl_err); } } } } error_reporting($old_err_level); if (isset($id) && $a_cert[$id]) { $a_cert[$id] = $cert; } else { $a_cert[] = $cert; } if (isset($a_user) && isset($userid)) { $a_user[$userid]['cert'][] = $cert['refid']; } } if (!$input_errors) { write_config(); } if ($userid && !$input_errors) { post_redirect("system_usermanager.php", array('act' => 'edit', 'userid' => $userid)); exit; } } } if ($_POST['save'] == gettext("Update")) { unset($input_errors); $pconfig = $_POST; /* input validation */ $reqdfields = explode(" ", "descr cert"); $reqdfieldsn = array( gettext("Descriptive name"), gettext("Final Certificate data")); do_input_validation($_POST, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, $input_errors); if (preg_match("/[\?\>\<\&\/\\\"\']/", $_POST['descr'])) { array_push($input_errors, "The field 'Descriptive Name' contains invalid characters."); } // old way /* make sure this csr and certificate subjects match */ // $subj_csr = csr_get_subject($pconfig['csr'], false); // $subj_cert = cert_get_subject($pconfig['cert'], false); // // if (!isset($_POST['ignoresubjectmismatch']) && !($_POST['ignoresubjectmismatch'] == "yes")) { // if (strcmp($subj_csr, $subj_cert)) { // $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("The certificate subject '%s' does not match the signing request subject."), $subj_cert); // $subject_mismatch = true; // } // } $mod_csr = cert_get_publickey($pconfig['csr'], false, 'csr'); $mod_cert = cert_get_publickey($pconfig['cert'], false); if (strcmp($mod_csr, $mod_cert)) { // simply: if the moduli don't match, then the private key and public key won't match $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("The certificate public key does not match the signing request public key."), $subj_cert); $subject_mismatch = true; } /* save modifications */ if (!$input_errors) { $cert = $a_cert[$id]; $cert['descr'] = $pconfig['descr']; csr_complete($cert, $pconfig['cert']); $a_cert[$id] = $cert; write_config(); pfSenseHeader("system_certmanager.php"); } } } $pgtitle = array(gettext("System"), gettext("Certificate Manager"), gettext("Certificates")); $pglinks = array("", "system_camanager.php", "system_certmanager.php"); if (($act == "new" || ($_POST['save'] == gettext("Save") && $input_errors)) || ($act == "csr" || ($_POST['save'] == gettext("Update") && $input_errors))) { $pgtitle[] = gettext('Edit'); $pglinks[] = "@self"; } include(""); if ($input_errors) { print_input_errors($input_errors); } if ($savemsg) { print_info_box($savemsg, 'success'); } $tab_array = array(); $tab_array[] = array(gettext("CAs"), false, "system_camanager.php"); $tab_array[] = array(gettext("Certificates"), true, "system_certmanager.php"); $tab_array[] = array(gettext("Certificate Revocation"), false, "system_crlmanager.php"); display_top_tabs($tab_array); // Load valid country codes $dn_cc = array(); if (file_exists("/etc/ca_countries")) { $dn_cc_file=file("/etc/ca_countries"); foreach ($dn_cc_file as $line) { if (preg_match('/^(\S*)\s(.*)$/', $line, $matches)) { $dn_cc[$matches[1]] = $matches[1]; } } } if ($act == "new" || (($_POST['save'] == gettext("Save")) && $input_errors)) { $form = new Form(); $form->setAction('system_certmanager.php?act=edit'); if (isset($userid) && $a_user) { $form->addGlobal(new Form_Input( 'userid', null, 'hidden', $userid )); } if (isset($id) && $a_cert[$id]) { $form->addGlobal(new Form_Input( 'id', null, 'hidden', $id )); } $section = new Form_Section('Add/Sign a New Certificate'); if (!isset($id)) { $section->addInput(new Form_Select( 'method', '*Method', $pconfig['method'], $cert_methods ))->toggles(); } $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'descr', '*Descriptive name', 'text', ($a_user && empty($pconfig['descr'])) ? $a_user[$userid]['name'] : $pconfig['descr'] ))->addClass('toggle-existing'); $form->add($section); // Return an array containing the IDs od all CAs function list_cas() { global $a_ca; $allCas = array(); foreach ($a_ca as $ca) { if ($ca['prv']) { $allCas[$ca['refid']] = $ca['descr']; } } return $allCas; } // Return an array containing the IDs od all CSRs function list_csrs() { global $config; $allCsrs = array(); foreach ($config['cert'] as $cert) { if ($cert['csr']) { $allCsrs[$cert['refid']] = $cert['descr']; } } return ['new' => gettext('New CSR (Paste below)')] + $allCsrs; } $section = new Form_Section('Sign CSR'); $section->addClass('toggle-sign collapse'); $section->AddInput(new Form_Select( 'catosignwith', '*CA to sign with', $pconfig['catosignwith'], list_cas() )); $section->AddInput(new Form_Select( 'csrtosign', '*CSR to sign', isset($pconfig['csrtosign']) ? $pconfig['csrtosign'] : 'new', list_csrs() )); $section->addInput(new Form_Textarea( 'csrpaste', 'CSR data', $pconfig['csrpaste'] ))->setHelp('Paste a Certificate Signing Request in X.509 PEM format here.'); $section->addInput(new Form_Textarea( 'keypaste', 'Key data', $pconfig['keypaste'] ))->setHelp('Optionally paste a private key here. The key will be associated with the newly signed certificate in pfSense'); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'csrsign_lifetime', '*Certificate Lifetime (days)', 'number', $pconfig['duration'] ? $pconfig['duration']:'3650' )); $form->add($section); $section = new Form_Section('Import Certificate'); $section->addClass('toggle-import collapse'); $section->addInput(new Form_Textarea( 'cert', '*Certificate data', $pconfig['cert'] ))->setHelp('Paste a certificate in X.509 PEM format here.'); $section->addInput(new Form_Textarea( 'key', '*Private key data', $pconfig['key'] ))->setHelp('Paste a private key in X.509 PEM format here.'); $form->add($section); $section = new Form_Section('Internal Certificate'); $section->addClass('toggle-internal collapse'); if (!$internal_ca_count) { $section->addInput(new Form_StaticText( '*Certificate authority', gettext('No internal Certificate Authorities have been defined. ') . gettext('An internal CA must be defined in order to create an internal certificate. ') . sprintf(gettext('%1$sCreate%2$s an internal CA.'), ' ', '') )); } else { $allCas = array(); foreach ($a_ca as $ca) { if (!$ca['prv']) { continue; } $allCas[ $ca['refid'] ] = $ca['descr']; } $section->addInput(new Form_Select( 'caref', '*Certificate authority', $pconfig['caref'], $allCas )); } $section->addInput(new Form_Select( 'keylen', '*Key length', $pconfig['keylen'], array_combine($cert_keylens, $cert_keylens) )); $section->addInput(new Form_Select( 'digest_alg', '*Digest Algorithm', $pconfig['digest_alg'], array_combine($openssl_digest_algs, $openssl_digest_algs) ))->setHelp('NOTE: It is recommended to use an algorithm stronger than '. 'SHA1 when possible.'); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'lifetime', '*Lifetime (days)', 'number', $pconfig['lifetime'] )); $section->addInput(new Form_Select( 'dn_country', '*Country Code', $pconfig['dn_country'], $dn_cc )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'dn_state', '*State or Province', 'text', $pconfig['dn_state'], ['placeholder' => 'e.g. Texas'] )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'dn_city', '*City', 'text', $pconfig['dn_city'], ['placeholder' => 'e.g. Austin'] )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'dn_organization', '*Organization', 'text', $pconfig['dn_organization'], ['placeholder' => 'e.g. My Company Inc'] )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'dn_organizationalunit', 'Organizational Unit', 'text', $pconfig['dn_organizationalunit'], ['placeholder' => 'e.g. My Department Name (optional)'] )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'dn_email', '*Email Address', 'text', $pconfig['dn_email'], ['placeholder' => 'e.g.'] )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'dn_commonname', '*Common Name', 'text', $pconfig['dn_commonname'], ['placeholder' => 'e.g.'] )); $form->add($section); $section = new Form_Section('External Signing Request'); $section->addClass('toggle-external collapse'); $section->addInput(new Form_Select( 'csr_keylen', '*Key length', $pconfig['csr_keylen'], array_combine($cert_keylens, $cert_keylens) )); $section->addInput(new Form_Select( 'csr_digest_alg', '*Digest Algorithm', $pconfig['csr_digest_alg'], array_combine($openssl_digest_algs, $openssl_digest_algs) ))->setHelp('NOTE: It is recommended to use an algorithm stronger than '. 'SHA1 when possible'); $section->addInput(new Form_Select( 'csr_dn_country', '*Country Code', $pconfig['csr_dn_country'], $dn_cc )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'csr_dn_state', '*State or Province', 'text', $pconfig['csr_dn_state'], ['placeholder' => 'e.g. Texas'] )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'csr_dn_city', '*City', 'text', $pconfig['csr_dn_city'], ['placeholder' => 'e.g. Austin'] )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'csr_dn_organization', '*Organization', 'text', $pconfig['csr_dn_organization'], ['placeholder' => 'e.g. My Company Inc'] )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'csr_dn_organizationalunit', 'Organizational Unit', 'text', $pconfig['csr_dn_organizationalunit'], ['placeholder' => 'e.g. My Department Name (optional)'] )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'csr_dn_email', '*Email Address', 'text', $pconfig['csr_dn_email'], ['placeholder' => 'e.g.'] )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'csr_dn_commonname', '*Common Name', 'text', $pconfig['csr_dn_commonname'], ['placeholder' => 'e.g. internal-ca'] )); $form->add($section); $section = new Form_Section('Choose an Existing Certificate'); $section->addClass('toggle-existing collapse'); $existCerts = array(); foreach ($config['cert'] as $cert) { if (is_array($config['system']['user'][$userid]['cert'])) { // Could be MIA! if (isset($userid) && in_array($cert['refid'], $config['system']['user'][$userid]['cert'])) { continue; } } $ca = lookup_ca($cert['caref']); if ($ca) { $cert['descr'] .= " (CA: {$ca['descr']})"; } if (cert_in_use($cert['refid'])) { $cert['descr'] .= " (In Use)"; } if (is_cert_revoked($cert)) { $cert['descr'] .= " (Revoked)"; } $existCerts[ $cert['refid'] ] = $cert['descr']; } $section->addInput(new Form_Select( 'certref', '*Existing Certificates', $pconfig['certref'], $existCerts )); $form->add($section); $section = new Form_Section('Certificate Attributes'); $section->addClass('toggle-external toggle-internal toggle-sign collapse'); $section->addInput(new Form_StaticText( gettext('Attribute Notes'), ''. gettext('The following attributes are added to certificates and ' . 'requests when they are created or signed. These attributes behave ' . 'differently depending on the selected mode.') . '

' . '' . gettext('For Internal Certificates, these attributes are added directly to the certificate as shown.') . '' . '' . gettext('For Certificate Signing Requests, These attributes are added to the request but they may be ignored or changed by the CA that signs the request. ') . '

' . gettext('If this CSR will be signed using the Certificate Manager on this firewall, set the attributes when signing instead as they cannot be carried over.') . '
' . '' . gettext('When Signing a Certificate Request, existing attributes in the request cannot be copied. The attributes below will be applied to the resulting certificate.') . '' . '
' )); $section->addInput(new Form_Select( 'type', '*Certificate Type', $pconfig['type'], $cert_types ))->setHelp('Add type-specific usage attributes to the signed certificate.' . ' Used for placing usage restrictions on, or granting abilities to, ' . 'the signed certificate.'); if (empty($pconfig['altnames']['item'])) { $pconfig['altnames']['item'] = array( array('type' => null, 'value' => null) ); } $counter = 0; $numrows = count($pconfig['altnames']['item']) - 1; foreach ($pconfig['altnames']['item'] as $item) { $group = new Form_Group($counter == 0 ? 'Alternative Names':''); $group->add(new Form_Select( 'altname_type' . $counter, 'Type', $item['type'], $cert_altname_types ))->setHelp(($counter == $numrows) ? 'Type':null); $group->add(new Form_Input( 'altname_value' . $counter, null, 'text', $item['value'] ))->setHelp(($counter == $numrows) ? 'Value':null); $group->add(new Form_Button( 'deleterow' . $counter, 'Delete', null, 'fa-trash' ))->addClass('btn-warning'); $group->addClass('repeatable'); $group->setHelp('Enter additional identifiers for the certificate ' . 'in this list. The Common Name field is automatically ' . 'added to the certificate as an Alternative Name. ' . 'The signing CA may ignore or change these values.'); $section->add($group); $counter++; } $section->addInput(new Form_Button( 'addrow', 'Add', null, 'fa-plus' ))->addClass('btn-success'); $form->add($section); print $form; } else if ($act == "csr" || (($_POST['save'] == gettext("Update")) && $input_errors)) { $form = new Form(false); $form->setAction('system_certmanager.php?act=csr'); $section = new Form_Section("Complete Signing Request for " . $pconfig['descr']); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'descr', '*Descriptive name', 'text', $pconfig['descr'] )); $section->addInput(new Form_Textarea( 'csr', 'Signing request data', $pconfig['csr'] ))->setReadonly() ->setWidth(7) ->setHelp('Copy the certificate signing data from here and forward it to a certificate authority for signing.'); $section->addInput(new Form_Textarea( 'cert', '*Final certificate data', $pconfig['cert'] ))->setWidth(7) ->setHelp('Paste the certificate received from the certificate authority here.'); if (isset($id) && $a_cert[$id]) { $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'id', null, 'hidden', $id )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'act', null, 'hidden', 'csr' )); } $form->add($section); $form->addGlobal(new Form_Button( 'save', 'Update', null, 'fa-save' ))->addClass('btn-primary'); print($form); } else { ?>

$cert): $name = htmlspecialchars($cert['descr']); if ($cert['crt']) { $subj = cert_get_subject($cert['crt']); $issuer = cert_get_issuer($cert['crt']); $purpose = cert_get_purpose($cert['crt']); $sans = cert_get_sans($cert['crt']); list($startdate, $enddate) = cert_get_dates($cert['crt']); if ($subj == $issuer) { $caname = ''. gettext("self-signed") .''; } else { $caname = ''. gettext("external").''; } $subj = htmlspecialchars(cert_escape_x509_chars($subj, true)); } else { $subj = ""; $issuer = ""; $purpose = ""; $startdate = ""; $enddate = ""; $caname = "" . gettext("private key only") . ""; } if ($cert['csr']) { $subj = htmlspecialchars(cert_escape_x509_chars(csr_get_subject($cert['csr']), true)); $sans = cert_get_sans($cert['crt']); $caname = "" . gettext("external - signature pending") . ""; } $ca = lookup_ca($cert['caref']); if ($ca) { $caname = $ca['descr']; } ?>

' . gettext("SAN: ") . ' '; $certextinfo .= htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', cert_escape_x509_chars($sans, true))); $certextinfo .= '
'; } if (is_array($purpose) && !empty($purpose['ku'])) { $certextinfo .= '' . gettext("KU: ") . ' '; $certextinfo .= htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $purpose['ku'])); $certextinfo .= '
'; } if (is_array($purpose) && !empty($purpose['eku'])) { $certextinfo .= '' . gettext("EKU: ") . ' '; $certextinfo .= htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $purpose['eku'])); } ?>

"> "> "> "> "> " usepost>