. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the pfSense Project * for use in the pfSense® software distribution. (http://www.pfsense.org/). * * 4. The names "pfSense" and "pfSense Project" must not be used to * endorse or promote products derived from this software without * prior written permission. For written permission, please contact * coreteam@pfsense.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "pfSense" * nor may "pfSense" appear in their names without prior written * permission of the Electric Sheep Fencing, LLC. * * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following * acknowledgment: * * "This product includes software developed by the pfSense Project * for use in the pfSense software distribution (http://www.pfsense.org/). * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE pfSense PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE pfSense PROJECT OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ ##|+PRIV ##|*IDENT=page-status-ntp ##|*NAME=Status: NTP ##|*DESCR=Allow access to the 'Status: NTP' page. ##|*MATCH=status_ntpd.php* ##|-PRIV require_once("guiconfig.inc"); if (!isset($config['ntpd']['noquery'])) { if (isset($config['system']['ipv6allow'])) { $inet_version = ""; } else { $inet_version = " -4"; } exec("/usr/local/sbin/ntpq -pn $inet_version | /usr/bin/tail +3", $ntpq_output); $ntpq_servers = array(); foreach ($ntpq_output as $line) { $server = array(); switch (substr($line, 0, 1)) { case " ": $server['status'] = gettext("Unreach/Pending"); break; case "*": $server['status'] = gettext("Active Peer"); break; case "+": $server['status'] = gettext("Candidate"); break; case "o": $server['status'] = gettext("PPS Peer"); break; case "#": $server['status'] = gettext("Selected"); break; case ".": $server['status'] = gettext("Excess Peer"); break; case "x": $server['status'] = gettext("False Ticker"); break; case "-": $server['status'] = gettext("Outlier"); break; } $line = substr($line, 1); $peerinfo = preg_split("/[\s\t]+/", $line); $server['server'] = $peerinfo[0]; $server['refid'] = $peerinfo[1]; $server['stratum'] = $peerinfo[2]; $server['type'] = $peerinfo[3]; $server['when'] = $peerinfo[4]; $server['poll'] = $peerinfo[5]; $server['reach'] = $peerinfo[6]; $server['delay'] = $peerinfo[7]; $server['offset'] = $peerinfo[8]; $server['jitter'] = $peerinfo[9]; $ntpq_servers[] = $server; } exec("/usr/local/sbin/ntpq -c clockvar $inet_version", $ntpq_clockvar_output); foreach ($ntpq_clockvar_output as $line) { if (substr($line, 0, 9) == "timecode=") { $tmp = explode('"', $line); $tmp = $tmp[1]; if (substr($tmp, 0, 6) == '$GPRMC') { $gps_vars = explode(",", $tmp); $gps_ok = ($gps_vars[2] == "A"); $gps_lat_deg = substr($gps_vars[3], 0, 2); $gps_lat_min = substr($gps_vars[3], 2); $gps_lon_deg = substr($gps_vars[5], 0, 3); $gps_lon_min = substr($gps_vars[5], 3); $gps_lat = $gps_lat_deg + $gps_lat_min / 60.0; $gps_lat = $gps_lat * (($gps_vars[4] == "N") ? 1 : -1); $gps_lon = $gps_lon_deg + $gps_lon_min / 60.0; $gps_lon = $gps_lon * (($gps_vars[6] == "E") ? 1 : -1); $gps_lat_dir = $gps_vars[4]; $gps_lon_dir = $gps_vars[6]; } elseif (substr($tmp, 0, 6) == '$GPGGA') { $gps_vars = explode(",", $tmp); $gps_ok = $gps_vars[6]; $gps_lat_deg = substr($gps_vars[2], 0, 2); $gps_lat_min = substr($gps_vars[2], 2); $gps_lon_deg = substr($gps_vars[4], 0, 3); $gps_lon_min = substr($gps_vars[4], 3); $gps_lat = $gps_lat_deg + $gps_lat_min / 60.0; $gps_lat = $gps_lat * (($gps_vars[3] == "N") ? 1 : -1); $gps_lon = $gps_lon_deg + $gps_lon_min / 60.0; $gps_lon = $gps_lon * (($gps_vars[5] == "E") ? 1 : -1); $gps_alt = $gps_vars[9]; $gps_alt_unit = $gps_vars[10]; $gps_sat = (int)$gps_vars[7]; $gps_lat_dir = $gps_vars[3]; $gps_lon_dir = $gps_vars[5]; } elseif (substr($tmp, 0, 6) == '$GPGLL') { $gps_vars = preg_split('/[,\*]+/', $tmp); $gps_ok = ($gps_vars[6] == "A"); $gps_lat_deg = substr($gps_vars[1], 0, 2); $gps_lat_min = substr($gps_vars[1], 2); $gps_lon_deg = substr($gps_vars[3], 0, 3); $gps_lon_min = substr($gps_vars[3], 3); $gps_lat = $gps_lat_deg + $gps_lat_min / 60.0; $gps_lat = $gps_lat * (($gps_vars[2] == "N") ? 1 : -1); $gps_lon = $gps_lon_deg + $gps_lon_min / 60.0; $gps_lon = $gps_lon * (($gps_vars[4] == "E") ? 1 : -1); $gps_lat_dir = $gps_vars[2]; $gps_lon_dir = $gps_vars[4]; } } } } if (isset($gps_ok) && isset($config['ntpd']['gps']['extstatus']) && ($config['ntpd']['gps']['nmeaset']['gpgsv'] || $config['ntpd']['gps']['nmeaset']['gpgga'])) { $lookfor['GPGSV'] = $config['ntpd']['gps']['nmeaset']['gpgsv']; $lookfor['GPGGA'] = !isset($gps_sat) && $config['ntpd']['gps']['nmeaset']['gpgga']; $gpsport = fopen('/dev/gps0', 'r+'); while ($gpsport && ($lookfor['GPGSV'] || $lookfor['GPGGA'])) { $buffer = fgets($gpsport); if ($lookfor['GPGSV'] && substr($buffer, 0, 6) == '$GPGSV') { $gpgsv = explode(',', $buffer); $gps_satview = (int)$gpgsv[3]; $lookfor['GPGSV'] = 0; } elseif ($lookfor['GPGGA'] && substr($buffer, 0, 6) == '$GPGGA') { $gpgga = explode(',', $buffer); $gps_sat = (int)$gpgga[7]; $gps_alt = $gpgga[9]; $gps_alt_unit = $gpgga[10]; $lookfor['GPGGA'] = 0; } } } // Responding to an AJAX call, we return the GPS data or the status data depending on $_REQUEST['dogps'] if ($_REQUEST['ajax']) { if ($_REQUEST['dogps'] == "yes") { print_gps(); } else { print_status(); } exit; } function print_status() { global $config, $ntpq_servers; if (isset($config['ntpd']['noquery'])): print("\n"); print(''); printf(gettext("Statistics unavailable because ntpq and ntpdc queries are disabled in the %sNTP service settings%s"), '', ''); print("\n"); print("\n"); elseif (count($ntpq_servers) == 0): print("\n"); print(''); printf(gettext("No peers found, %sis the ntp service running?%s"), '', ''); print("\n"); print("\n"); else: $i = 0; foreach ($ntpq_servers as $server): print("\n"); print("" . $server['status'] . "\n"); print("" . $server['server'] . "\n"); print("" . $server['refid'] . "\n"); print("" . $server['stratum'] . "\n"); print("" . $server['type'] . "\n"); print("" . $server['when'] . "\n"); print("" . $server['poll'] . "\n"); print("" . $server['reach'] . "\n"); print("" . $server['delay'] . "\n"); print("" . $server['offset'] . "\n"); print("" . $server['jitter'] . "\n"); print("\n"); $i++; endforeach; endif; } function print_gps() { global $gps_lat, $gps_lon, $gps_lat_deg, $gps_lon_deg, $gps_lat_min, $gps_lon_min, $gps_lat_dir, $gps_lon_dir, $gps_alt, $gps_alt_unit, $gps_sat, $gps_satview, $gps_goo_lnk; print("\n"); print("\n"); printf("%.5f", $gps_lat); print(" ("); printf("%d%s", $gps_lat_deg, "°"); printf("%.5f", $gps_lat_min); print($gps_lat_dir); print(")"); print("\n"); print("\n"); printf("%.5f", $gps_lon); print(" ("); printf("%d%s", $gps_lon_deg, "°"); printf("%.5f", $gps_lon_min); print($gps_lon_dir); print(")"); print("\n"); if (isset($gps_alt)) { print("\n"); print($gps_alt . ' ' . $gps_alt_unit); print("\n"); } if (isset($gps_sat) || isset($gps_satview)) { print(''); if (isset($gps_satview)) { print(gettext('in view ') . intval($gps_satview)); } if (isset($gps_sat) && isset($gps_satview)) { print(', '); } if (isset($gps_sat)) { print(gettext('in use ') . $gps_sat); } print("\n"); } print("\n"); print("\n"); print('' . gettext("Google Maps Link") . ''); print("\n"); } $pgtitle = array(gettext("Status"), gettext("NTP")); $shortcut_section = "ntp"; include("head.inc"); ?>