$ip, 'resolve_text' => $res); } else { $response = array('resolve_ip' => $ip, 'resolve_text' => gettext("Cannot resolve")); } echo json_encode(str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $response)); // single escape chars can break JSON decode exit; } /* Build a list of allowed log files so we can reject others to prevent the page from acting on unauthorized files. */ $allowed_logs = array( "filter" => array("name" => "Firewall", "shortcut" => "filter"), ); // The logs to display are specified in a GET argument. Default to 'system' logs if (!$_GET['logfile']) { $logfile = 'filter'; $view = 'normal'; } else { $logfile = $_GET['logfile']; $view = $_GET['view']; if (!array_key_exists($logfile, $allowed_logs)) { /* Do not let someone attempt to load an unauthorized log. */ $logfile = 'filter'; $view = 'normal'; } } if ($view == 'normal') { $view_title = gettext("Normal View"); } if ($view == 'dynamic') { $view_title = gettext("Dynamic View"); } if ($view == 'summary') { $view_title = gettext("Summary View"); } $rulenum = getGETPOSTsettingvalue('getrulenum', null); if ($rulenum) { list($rulenum, $tracker, $type) = explode(',', $rulenum); $rule = find_rule_by_number($rulenum, $tracker, $type); echo gettext("The rule that triggered this action is") . ":\n\n{$rule}"; exit; } // Log Filter Submit - Firewall log_filter_form_firewall_submit(); // Manage Log Section - Code manage_log_code(); // Status Logs Common - Code status_logs_common_code(); $pgtitle = array(gettext("Status"), gettext("System Logs"), gettext($allowed_logs[$logfile]["name"]), $view_title); include("head.inc"); if (!$input_errors && $savemsg) { print_info_box($savemsg, 'success'); $manage_log_active = false; } // Tab Array tab_array_logs_common(); // Manage Log - Section/Form if ($system_logs_manage_log_form_hidden) { manage_log_section(); } // Filter Section/Form - Firewall filter_form_firewall(); // Now the forms are complete we can draw the log table and its controls if (!$rawfilter) { $iflist = get_configured_interface_with_descr(false, true); if ($iflist[$interfacefilter]) { $interfacefilter = $iflist[$interfacefilter]; } system_log_filter(); ?>

', outputrule);"> ');" title=""> " title="" onclick="return confirm('')"> '?> ');" title=""> " title="" onclick="return confirm('')"> '?>

' . gettext("TCP Flags") . ': F - FIN, S - SYN, A or . - ACK, R - RST, P - PSH, U - URG, E - ECE, C - CWR.' . '
' . ' = Add to block list., = Pass traffic, = Resolve', 'info', false); ?>