Current IP Address: x.x.x.x' . gettext( 'The first (highest in list) enabled check ip service will be used to ' . 'check IP addresses for Dynamic DNS services, and ' . 'RFC 2136 entries that have the "Use public IP" option enabled.') . '

' , 'info', false); print_info_box(gettext('Sample Server Configurations') . '
' . gettext('nginx with LUA') . ':' . '
 location = /ip {
	default_type text/html;
	content_by_lua \'
		ngx.say("' . htmlspecialchars('Current IP Check') . 'Current IP Address: ")
		ngx.say("' . htmlspecialchars('') . '")
' . gettext('PHP') . '
' .
	htmlspecialchars('Current IP CheckCurrent IP Address: ') .
' , 'info', false); ?>