package_name section. if ($config['installedpackages'] && !is_array($config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config'])) { $config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config'] = array(); } /* If the first entry in the array is an empty tag, kill it. * See the following tickets for more: * * */ if ($config['installedpackages'] && (count($config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config']) > 0) && (empty($config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config'][0])) && is_array($config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config'])) { array_shift($config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config']); } $a_pkg = &$config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config']; if ($_REQUEST['savemsg'] != "") { $savemsg = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['savemsg']); } if ($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form'] != "") { eval($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form']); } if ($_POST) { $rows = 0; $input_errors = array(); $reqfields = array(); $reqfieldsn = array(); foreach ($pkg['fields']['field'] as $field) { if (isset($field['required'])) { if ($field['fieldname']) { $reqfields[] = $field['fieldname']; } if ($field['fielddescr']) { $reqfieldsn[] = $field['fielddescr']; } } } do_input_validation($_POST, $reqfields, $reqfieldsn, $input_errors); if ($pkg['custom_php_validation_command']) { eval($pkg['custom_php_validation_command']); } if ($_POST['act'] == "del") { if ($pkg['custom_delete_php_command']) { if ($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form'] != "") { eval($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form']); } eval($pkg['custom_delete_php_command']); } write_config($pkg['delete_string']); // resync the configuration file code if defined. if ($pkg['custom_php_resync_config_command'] != "") { if ($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form'] != "") { eval($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form']); } eval($pkg['custom_php_resync_config_command']); } } else { if (!$input_errors && $pkg['custom_add_php_command']) { if ($pkg['donotsave'] != "" or $pkg['preoutput'] != "") { include(""); } if ($pkg['preoutput']) { echo "
			if ($pkg['preoutput']) {
				echo "
"; } } } if (empty($pkg['donotsave'])) { // store values in xml configuration file. if (!$input_errors) { $pkgarr = array(); foreach ($pkg['fields']['field'] as $fields) { switch ($fields['type']) { case "rowhelper": // save rowhelper items. #$rowhelpername=($fields['fieldname'] ? $fields['fieldname'] : "row"); $rowhelpername="row"; foreach ($fields['rowhelper']['rowhelperfield'] as $rowhelperfield) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $matches = array(); if (preg_match("/^{$rowhelperfield['fieldname']}(\d+)$/", $key, $matches)) { if ($rowhelperfield['type'] == "textarea") { $pkgarr[$rowhelpername][$matches[1]][$rowhelperfield['fieldname']] = unixnewlines($value); } else { $pkgarr[$rowhelpername][$matches[1]][$rowhelperfield['fieldname']] = $value; } } } } break; case "textarea": $fieldname = $fields['fieldname']; $fieldvalue = unixnewlines(trim($_POST[$fieldname])); if ($fields['encoding'] == 'base64') { $fieldvalue = base64_encode($fieldvalue); } if ($fieldname) { $pkgarr[$fieldname] = $fieldvalue; } default: $fieldname = $fields['fieldname']; if ($fieldname == "interface_array") { $fieldvalue = $_POST[$fieldname]; } elseif (is_array($_POST[$fieldname])) { $fieldvalue = implode(',', $_POST[$fieldname]); } else { $fieldvalue = trim($_POST[$fieldname]); if ($fields['encoding'] == 'base64') { $fieldvalue = base64_encode($fieldvalue); } } if ($fieldname) { $pkgarr[$fieldname] = $fieldvalue; } } } /* If the user supplied an ID and it exists, or if id=0 * and the settings are invalid, overwrite. * See */ if (isset($id) && ($a_pkg[$id] || (($id == 0) && !is_array($a_pkg[$id])) )) { $a_pkg[$id] = $pkgarr; } else { $a_pkg[] = $pkgarr; } write_config($pkg['addedit_string']); // late running code if ($pkg['custom_add_php_command_late'] != "") { eval($pkg['custom_add_php_command_late']); } if (isset($pkg['filter_rules_needed'])) { filter_configure(); } // resync the configuration file code if defined. if ($pkg['custom_php_resync_config_command'] != "") { eval($pkg['custom_php_resync_config_command']); } parse_package_templates(); /* if start_command is defined, restart w/ this */ if ($pkg['start_command'] != "") { exec($pkg['start_command'] . ">/dev/null 2&>1"); } /* if restart_command is defined, restart w/ this */ if ($pkg['restart_command'] != "") { exec($pkg['restart_command'] . ">/dev/null 2&>1"); } if ($pkg['aftersaveredirect'] != "") { pfSenseHeader($pkg['aftersaveredirect']); } elseif (!$pkg['adddeleteeditpagefields']) { pfSenseHeader("pkg_edit.php?xml={$xml}&id=0"); } elseif (!$pkg['preoutput']) { pfSenseHeader("pkg.php?xml=" . $xml); } exit; } else { $get_from_post = true; } } elseif (!$input_errors) { // donotsave is enabled. lets simply exit. exit; } } // Turn an embedded table into a bootstrap class table. This is for backward compatibility. // We remove any table attributes in the XML and replace them with Bootstrap table classes function bootstrapTable($text) { $t = strpos($text, '', $t); // And its closing bracket // Substitute everything inbetween with our new classes if ($t && $c && (($c - $t) < 200)) { return(substr_replace($text, ' class="table table-striped table-hover table-condensed"', $t, ($c - $t))); } } /* * ROW helper function. Creates one element in the row from a PHP table by adding * the specified element to $group */ function display_row($trc, $value, $fieldname, $type, $rowhelper, $description, $ewidth = null) { global $text, $group, $config; switch ($type) { case "input": $inpt = new Form_Input( $fieldname . $trc, null, 'text', $value ); $inpt->setHelp($description); if ($ewidth) { $inpt->setWidth($ewidth); } $group->add($inpt); break; case "checkbox": $group->add(new Form_Checkbox( $fieldname . $trc, null, null, $value, 'ON' ))->setHelp($description); break; case "password": $group->add(new Form_Input( $fieldname . $trc, null, 'password', $value ))->setHelp($description); break; case "textarea": $group->add(new Form_Textarea( $fieldname . $trc, null, $value ))->setHelp($description); break; case "select": $options = array(); foreach ($rowhelper['options']['option'] as $rowopt) { $options[$rowopt['value']] = $rowopt['name']; } $grp = new Form_Select( $fieldname . $trc, null, $value, $options ); $grp->setHelp($description); if ($ewidth) { $grp->setWidth($ewidth); } $group->add($grp); break; case "interfaces_selection": $size = ($size ? "size=\"{$size}\"" : ''); $multiple = ''; if (isset($rowhelper['multiple'])) { $multiple = "multiple"; } echo "\n"; break; case "select_source": $options = array(); $selected = array(); if (isset($rowhelper['show_disable_value'])) { $options[$rowhelper['show_disable_value']] = $rowhelper['show_disable_value']; } $source_url = $rowhelper['source']; eval("\$pkg_source_txt = &$source_url;"); foreach ($pkg_source_txt as $opt) { $source_name = ($rowhelper['source_name'] ? $opt[$rowhelper['source_name']] : $opt[$rowhelper['name']]); $source_value = ($rowhelper['source_value'] ? $opt[$rowhelper['source_value']] : $opt[$rowhelper['value']]); $options[$source_value] = $source_name; if ($source_value == $value) { array_push($selected, $value); } } $group->add(new Form_Select( $fieldname . $trc, null, ($multiple) ? $selected:$selected[0], $options, $multiple ))->setHelp($description); break; } } function fixup_string($string) { global $config; // fixup #1: $myurl -> http[s]://ip_address:port/ $https = ""; $port = $config['system']['webguiport']; if ($port != "443" and $port != "80") { $urlport = ":" . $port; } else { $urlport = ""; } if ($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == "https") { $https = "s"; } $myurl = "http" . $https . "://" . getenv("HTTP_HOST") . $urlport; $newstring = str_replace("\$myurl", $myurl, $string); $string = $newstring; // fixup #2: $wanip $curwanip = get_interface_ip(); $newstring = str_replace("\$wanip", $curwanip, $string); $string = $newstring; // fixup #3: $lanip $lancfg = $config['interfaces']['lan']; $lanip = $lancfg['ipaddr']; $newstring = str_replace("\$lanip", $lanip, $string); $string = $newstring; // fixup #4: fix'r'up here. return $newstring; } /* * Parse templates if they are defined */ function parse_package_templates() { global $pkg; if ($pkg['templates']['template'] != "") { foreach ($pkg['templates']['template'] as $pkg_template_row) { $filename = $pkg_template_row['filename']; $template_text = $pkg_template_row['templatecontents']; /* calculate total row helpers count and */ /* change fields defined as fieldname_fieldvalue to their value */ foreach ($pkg['fields']['field'] as $fields) { switch ($fields['type']) { case "rowhelper": // save rowhelper items. $row_helper_total_rows = 0; $row_helper_data = ""; foreach ($fields['rowhelper']['rowhelperfield'] as $rowhelperfield) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (preg_match("/^{$rowhelperfield['fieldname']}(\d+)$/", $key, $matches)) { $row_helper_total_rows++; $row_helper_data .= $value; $sep = ""; ereg($rowhelperfield['fieldname'] . "_fieldvalue\[(.*)\]", $template_text, $sep); foreach ($sep as $se) { $separator = $se; } if ($separator != "") { $row_helper_data = ereg_replace(" ", $separator, $row_helper_data); $template_text = ereg_replace("\[{$separator}\]", "", $template_text); } $template_text = str_replace($rowhelperfield['fieldname'] . "_fieldvalue", $row_helper_data, $template_text); } } } break; default: $fieldname = $fields['fieldname']; $fieldvalue = $_POST[$fieldname]; $template_text = str_replace($fieldname . "_fieldvalue", $fieldvalue, $template_text); } } /* replace $domain_total_rows with total rows */ $template_text = str_replace("$domain_total_rows", $row_helper_total_rows, $template_text); /* replace cr's */ $template_text = str_replace("\\n", "\n", $template_text); /* write out new template file */ $fout = fopen($filename, "w"); fwrite($fout, $template_text); fclose($fout); } } } //breadcrumb if ($pkg['title'] != "") { if (!$only_edit) { $pkg['title'] = $pkg['title'] . '/Edit'; } if (strpos($pkg['title'], '/')) { $title = explode('/', $pkg['title']); foreach ($title as $subtitle) { $pgtitle[] = gettext($subtitle); $pglinks[] = ((($subtitle == "Edit") || (strlen($pkg['menu'][0]['url']) == 0)) ? "@self" : $pkg['menu'][0]['url']); } } else { $pgtitle = array(gettext("Package"), gettext($pkg['title'])); $pglinks = array("", ((($subtitle == "Edit") || (strlen($pkg['menu'][0]['url']) == 0)) ? "@self" : $pkg['menu'][0]['url'])); } } else { $pgtitle = array(gettext("Package"), gettext("Editor")); $pglinks = array("", "@self"); } // Create any required tabs if ($pkg['tabs'] != "") { $tab_array = array(); foreach ($pkg['tabs']['tab'] as $tab) { if ($tab['tab_level']) { $tab_level = $tab['tab_level']; } else { $tab_level = 1; } if (isset($tab['active'])) { $active = true; $pgtitle[] = $tab['text'] ; $pglinks[] = ((strlen($tab['url']) > 0) ? $tab['url'] : "@self"); } else { $active = false; } if (isset($tab['no_drop_down'])) { $no_drop_down = true; } $urltmp = ""; if ($tab['url'] != "") { $urltmp = $tab['url']; } if ($tab['xml'] != "") { $urltmp = "pkg_edit.php?xml=" . $tab['xml']; } $addresswithport = getenv("HTTP_HOST"); $colonpos = strpos($addresswithport, ":"); if ($colonpos !== False) { //my url is actually just the IP address of the pfsense box $myurl = substr($addresswithport, 0, $colonpos); } else { $myurl = $addresswithport; } // eval url so that above $myurl item can be processed if need be. $url = str_replace('$myurl', $myurl, $urltmp); $tab_array[$tab_level][] = array( $tab['text'], $active, $url ); } ksort($tab_array); } include(""); if ($pkg['custom_php_after_head_command']) { eval($pkg['custom_php_after_head_command']); } if (isset($tab_array)) { foreach ($tab_array as $tabid => $tab) { display_top_tabs($tab); //, $no_drop_down, $tabid); } } // Start of page display if ($input_errors) { print_input_errors($input_errors); } if ($savemsg) { print_info_box($savemsg, 'success'); } $cols = 0; $savevalue = gettext("Save"); if ($pkg['savetext'] != "") { $savevalue = $pkg['savetext']; } $savehelp = ""; if ($pkg['savehelp'] != "") { $savehelp = $pkg['savehelp']; } $saveicon = "fa-save"; if ($pkg['saveicon'] != "") { $saveicon = $pkg['saveicon']; } $savebtnclass = "btn-primary"; if ($pkg['savebtnclass'] != "") { $savebtnclass = $pkg['savebtnclass']; } $grouping = false; // Indicates the elements we are composing are part of a combined group $savebutton = new Form_Button( 'submit', $savevalue, null, $saveicon ); $savebutton->addClass($savebtnclass); if ($savehelp) { $savebutton->setHelp($savehelp); } $form = new Form($savebutton); $form->addGlobal(new Form_Input( 'xml', null, 'hidden', $xml )); /* If a package's XML has configured, then setup * the section for the fields that have set. * These fields will be placed below other fields in a separate area titled 'Advanced Features'. * These advanced fields are not normally configured and generally left to default to 'default settings'. */ if ($pkg['advanced_options'] == "enabled") { $advfield_count = 0; $advanced = new Form_Section("Advanced Features"); $advanced->addClass('advancedoptions'); } $js_array = array(); // Now loop through all of the fields defined in the XML if (!is_array($pkg['fields']['field'])) { $pkg['fields']['field'] = array(); } foreach ($pkg['fields']['field'] as $pkga) { $action = ""; $uid = ""; if ($pkga['type'] == "sorting") { continue; } // Generate a new section if ($pkga['type'] == "listtopic") { if (isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($advfield_count)) { $advanced->addInput(new Form_StaticText( strip_tags($pkga['name']), null )); $advfield_count++; } else { if (isset($section)) { $form->add($section); } if (isset($pkga['collapse'])) { $uid = uniqid("section"); $action = COLLAPSIBLE; if ($pkga['collapse'] == "open") { $action |= SEC_OPEN; } else { $action |= SEC_CLOSED; } } $section = new Form_Section(strip_tags($pkga['name']), $uid, $action); } continue; } // 'begin' starts a form group. ('end' ends it) if ($pkga['combinefields'] == "begin") { $group = new Form_Group(strip_tags($pkga['fielddescr'])); $grouping = true; } $size = ""; $colspan=""; // if user is editing a record, load in the data. $fieldname = $pkga['fieldname']; unset($value); if ($get_from_post) { $value = $_POST[$fieldname]; if (is_array($value)) { $value = implode(',', $value); } } else { if (isset($id) && isset($a_pkg[$id][$fieldname])) { $value = $a_pkg[$id][$fieldname]; } else { if (isset($pkga['default_value'])) { $value = $pkga['default_value']; } } } // If we get here but have no $section, the package config file probably had no listtopic field // We can create a section with a generic name to fix that if (!$section) { $section = new Form_Section('General Options'); } // If this is a required field, pre-pend a "*" to the field description // This tells the system to add "element-required" class text decoration to the field label if (isset($pkga['required'])) { $pkga['fielddescr'] = "*" . $pkga['fielddescr']; } switch ($pkga['type']) { // Create an input element. The format is slightly different depending on whether we are composing a group, // section, or advanced section. This is true for every element type case "input": if (($pkga['encoding'] == 'base64') && !$get_from_post && !empty($value)) { $value = base64_decode($value); } $grp = new Form_Input( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], 'text', $value ); $grp->setHelp($pkga['description']); if ($pkga['width']) { $grp->setWidth($pkga['width']); } if ($grouping) { $group->add($grp); } else { if (isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($advfield_count)) { $advanced->addInput($grp); } else { $section->addInput($grp); } } break; case "password": if (($pkga['encoding'] == 'base64') && !$get_from_post && !empty($value)) { $value = base64_decode($value); } // Create a password element if ($grouping) { $group->add(new Form_Input( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], 'password', $value ))->setHelp($pkga['description']); } else { if (isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($advfield_count)) { $advanced->addInput(new Form_Input( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], 'password', $value ))->setHelp($pkga['description']); } else { $section->addInput(new Form_Input( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], 'password', $value ))->setHelp($pkga['description']); } } break; case "info": // If the info contains a table we should detect and Bootstrap it if (strpos($pkga['description'], 'addInput(new Form_StaticText( strip_tags($pkga['fielddescr']), $info )); } else { $section->addInput(new Form_StaticText( strip_tags($pkga['fielddescr']), $info )); } break; case "select": // Create a select element $optionlist = array(); $selectedlist = array(); $fieldname = $pkga['fieldname']; if (isset($pkga['multiple'])) { $multiple = 'multiple'; $items = explode(',', $value); $fieldname .= "[]"; } else { $multiple = ''; $items = array($value); } $onchange = (isset($pkga['onchange']) ? "{$pkga['onchange']}" : ''); foreach ($pkga['options']['option'] as $opt) { $optionlist[$opt['value']] = $opt['name']; if (in_array($opt['value'], $items)) { array_push($selectedlist, $opt['value']); } } if (isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($advfield_count)) { $function = $grouping ? $advanced->add:$advanced->addInput; } else { $function = ($grouping) ? $section->add:$section->addInput; } $grp = new Form_Select( $pkga['fieldname'], strip_tags($pkga['fielddescr']), isset($pkga['multiple']) ? $selectedlist:$selectedlist[0], $optionlist, isset($pkga['multiple']) ); $grp ->setHelp($pkga['description'])->setOnchange($onchange)->setAttribute('size', $pkga['size']); if ($pkga['width']) { $grp->setWidth($pkga['width']); } if ($grouping) { $group->add($grp); } else { if (isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($advfield_count)) { $advanced->addInput($grp); } else { $section->addInput($grp); } } break; case "select_source": if (isset($pkga['multiple'])) { $items = explode(',', $value); $fieldname .= "[]"; } else { $items = array($value); } $onchange = (isset($pkga['onchange']) ? "{$pkga['onchange']}" : ''); $source_url = $pkga['source']; eval("\$pkg_source_txt = &$source_url;"); #check if show disable option is present on xml if (!is_array($pkg_source_txt)) { $pkg_source_txt = array(); } if (isset($pkga['show_disable_value'])) { array_push($pkg_source_txt, array(($pkga['source_name']? $pkga['source_name'] : $pkga['name'])=> $pkga['show_disable_value'], ($pkga['source_value']? $pkga['source_value'] : $pkga['value'])=> $pkga['show_disable_value'])); } $srcoptions = array(); $srcselected = array(); foreach ($pkg_source_txt as $opt) { $source_name =($pkga['source_name']? $opt[$pkga['source_name']] : $opt[$pkga['name']]); $source_value =($pkga['source_value'] ? $opt[$pkga['source_value']] : $opt[$pkga['value']]); $srcoptions[$source_value] = $source_name; if (in_array($source_value, $items)) { array_push($srcselected, $source_value); } } $descr = (isset($pkga['description'])) ? $pkga['description'] : ""; if ($grouping) { $group->add(new Form_Select( $pkga['fieldname'], strip_tags($pkga['fielddescr']), isset($pkga['multiple']) ? $srcselected:$srcselected[0], $srcoptions, isset($pkga['multiple']) ))->setHelp($descr)->setOnchange($onchange); } else { if (isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($advfield_count)) { $advanced->addInput(new Form_Select( $pkga['fieldname'], strip_tags($pkga['fielddescr']), isset($pkga['multiple']) ? $srcselected:$srcselected[0], $srcoptions, isset($pkga['multiple']) ))->setHelp($descr)->setOnchange($onchange); } else { $section->addInput(new Form_Select( $pkga['fieldname'], strip_tags($pkga['fielddescr']), isset($pkga['multiple']) ? $srcselected:$srcselected[0], $srcoptions, isset($pkga['multiple']) ))->setHelp($descr)->setOnchange($onchange); } } break; case "vpn_selection" : $vpnlist = array(); foreach ($config['ipsec']['phase1'] as $vpn) { $vpnlist[$vpn['descr']] = $vpn['descr']; } if ($grouping) { $group->add(new Form_Select( $pkga['fieldname'], null, false, $vpnlist ))->setHelp(fixup_string($pkga['description'])); } else { if (isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($advfield_count)) { $advanced->addInput(new Form_Select( $pkga['fieldname'], null, false, $vpnlist ))->setHelp(fixup_string($pkga['description'])); } else { $section->addInput(new Form_Select( $pkga['fieldname'], null, false, $vpnlist ))->setHelp(fixup_string($pkga['description'])); } } break; // Create a checkbox element case "checkbox": $onchange = (isset($pkga['onchange']) ? "{$pkga['onchange']}" : ''); if (isset($pkga['enablefields']) || isset($pkga['checkenablefields'])) { $onclick = 'javascript:enablechange();'; } else { $onclick = ''; } if ($grouping) { $group->add(new Form_Checkbox( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], fixup_string($pkga['description']), ($value == "on"), 'on' ))->setOnclick($onclick) ->setOnchange($onchange) ->setHelp($pkga['sethelp']); } else { if (isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($advfield_count)) { $advanced->addInput(new Form_Checkbox( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], fixup_string($pkga['description']), ($value == "on"), 'on' ))->setOnclick($onclick) ->setOnchange($onchange) ->setHelp($pkga['sethelp']); } else { $section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], fixup_string($pkga['description']), ($value == "on"), 'on' ))->setOnclick($onclick) ->setOnchange($onchange) ->setHelp($pkga['sethelp']); } } break; // Create a textarea element case "textarea": $rows = $cols = 0; if ($pkga['rows']) { $rows = $pkga['rows']; } if ($pkga['cols']) { $cols = $pkga['cols']; } if (($pkga['encoding'] == 'base64') && !$get_from_post && !empty($value)) { $value = base64_decode($value); } $grp = new Form_Textarea( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], $value ); $grp->setHelp(fixup_string($pkga['description'])); if ($rows > 0) { $grp->setRows($rows); } if ($cols > 0) { $grp->setCols($cols); } if ($pkga['wrap'] == "off") { $grp->setAttribute("wrap", "off"); $grp->setAttribute("style", "white-space:nowrap; width: auto;"); } else { $grp->setAttribute("style", "width: auto;"); } if ($grouping) { $group->add($grp); } else { if (isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($advfield_count)) { $advanced->addInput($grp); } else { $section->addInput($grp); } } break; case "aliases": // Use xml tag to filter type aliases $size = ($pkga['size'] ? "size=\"{$pkga['size']}\"" : ''); $fieldname = $pkga['fieldname']; $a_aliases = &$config['aliases']['alias']; $addrisfirst = 0; $aliasesaddr = ""; if (isset($a_aliases)) { if (!empty($pkga['typealiases'])) { foreach ($a_aliases as $alias) { if ($alias['type'] == $pkga['typealiases']) { if ($addrisfirst == 1) { $aliasesaddr .= ","; } $aliasesaddr .= "'" . $alias['name'] . "'"; $addrisfirst = 1; } } } else { foreach ($a_aliases as $alias) { if ($addrisfirst == 1) { $aliasesaddr .= ","; } $aliasesaddr .= "'" . $alias['name'] . "'"; $addrisfirst = 1; } } } $grp = new Form_Input( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], 'text', $value ); $grp->setHelp($pkga['description']); if ($pkga['width']) { $grp->setWidth($pkga['width']); } if ($grouping) { $group->add($grp); } else { if (isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($advfield_count)) { $advanced->addInput($grp); } else { $section->addInput($grp); } } $script = ""; echo $script; break; case "interfaces_selection": $ips = array(); $interface_regex=(isset($pkga['hideinterfaceregex']) ? $pkga['hideinterfaceregex'] : "nointerfacestohide"); if (is_array($config['interfaces'])) { foreach ($config['interfaces'] as $iface_key=>$iface_value) { if (isset($iface_value['enable']) && !preg_match("/$interface_regex/", $iface_key)) { $iface_description=($iface_value['descr'] !="" ? strtoupper($iface_value['descr']) : strtoupper($iface_key)); if (isset($pkga['showips'])) { $iface_description .= " address"; } $ips[] = array('ip'=> $iface_key, 'description'=> $iface_description); } } } if (is_array($config['virtualip']) && isset($pkga['showvirtualips'])) { foreach ($config['virtualip']['vip'] as $vip) { if (!preg_match("/$interface_regex/", $vip['interface'])) { $vip_description=($vip['descr'] !="" ? " ({$vip['descr']}) " : " "); } switch ($vip['mode']) { case "ipalias": case "carp": $ips[] = array('ip' => $vip['subnet'], 'description' => "{$vip['subnet']} $vip_description"); break; case "proxyarp": if ($vip['type'] == "network") { $start = ip2long32(gen_subnet($vip['subnet'], $vip['subnet_bits'])); $end = ip2long32(gen_subnet_max($vip['subnet'], $vip['subnet_bits'])); $len = $end - $start; for ($i = 0; $i <= $len; $i++) { $ips[]= array('ip' => long2ip32($start+$i), 'description' => long2ip32($start+$i)." from {$vip['subnet']}/{$vip['subnet_bits']} {$vip_description}"); } } else { $ips[]= array('ip' => $vip['subnet'], 'description' => "{$vip['subnet']} $vip_description"); } break; } } } sort($ips); if (isset($pkga['showlistenall'])) { array_unshift($ips, array('ip' => gettext('All'), 'description' => gettext('Listen on All interfaces/ip addresses '))); } if (!preg_match("/$interface_regex/", "loopback")) { $loopback_text = gettext("loopback"); $iface_description=(isset($pkga['showips']) ? " (" . $loopback_text . ")" : $loopback_text); array_push($ips, array('ip' => 'lo0', 'description' => $iface_description)); } #show interfaces array on gui $size = ($pkga['size'] ? "size=\"{$pkga['size']}\"" : ''); $multiple = ''; $fieldname = $pkga['fieldname']; if (isset($pkga['multiple'])) { $fieldname .= '[]'; $multiple = 'multiple'; } $selectedlist = array(); $optionlist = array(); if (is_array($value)) { $values = $value; } else { $values = explode(',', $value); } foreach ($ips as $iface) { if (in_array($iface['ip'], $values)) { array_push($selectedlist, $iface['ip']); } $optionlist[$iface['ip']] = $iface['description']; } if ($grouping) { $group->add(new Form_Select( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], isset($pkga['multiple']) ? $selectedlist:$selectedlist[0], $optionlist, isset($pkga['multiple']) ))->setHelp($pkga['description']); } else { if (isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($advfield_count)) { $advanced->addInput(new Form_Select( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], isset($pkga['multiple']) ? $selectedlist:$selectedlist[0], $optionlist, isset($pkga['multiple']) ))->setHelp($pkga['description']); } else { $section->addInput(new Form_Select( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], isset($pkga['multiple']) ? $selectedlist:$selectedlist[0], $optionlist, isset($pkga['multiple']) ))->setHelp($pkga['description']); } } break; // Create radio button case "radio": if ($grouping) { $group->add(new Form_Checkbox( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], fixup_string($pkga['description']), ($value == "on"), 'on' ))->displayAsRadio(); } else { if (isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($advfield_count)) { $advanced->addInput(new Form_Checkbox( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], fixup_string($pkga['description']), ($value == "on"), 'on' ))->displayAsRadio(); } else { $section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fielddescr'], fixup_string($pkga['description']), ($value == "on"), 'on' ))->displayAsRadio(); } } break; // Create form button case "button": $newbtnicon = "fa-save"; if ($pkga['buttonicon'] != "") { $newbtnicon = $pkga['buttonicon']; } $newbtnclass = "btn-primary"; if ($pkga['buttonclass'] != "") { $newbtnclass = $pkga['buttonclass']; } $newbtn = new Form_Button( $pkga['fieldname'], $pkga['fieldname'], null, $newbtnicon ); $newbtn->addClass($newbtnclass); if ($grouping) { $group->add(new Form_StaticText( null, $newbtn . '
' . '
' . fixup_string($pkga['description']) . '
' )); } else { if (isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($advfield_count)) { $advanced->addInput(new Form_StaticText( null, $newbtn . '
' . '
' . fixup_string($pkga['description']) . '
' )); } else { $section->addInput(new Form_StaticText( null, $newbtn . '
' . '
' . fixup_string($pkga['description']) . '
' )); } } break; case "schedule_selection": $input = "