"LDAP", 'radius' => "RADIUS"); $ldap_urltypes = array( 'TCP - Standard' => 389, 'SSL - Encrypted' => 636); $ldap_scopes = array( 'one' => gettext("One Level"), 'subtree' => gettext("Entire Subtree")); $ldap_protvers = array( 2, 3); $ldap_templates = array( 'open' => array( 'desc' => "OpenLDAP", 'attr_user' => "cn", 'attr_group' => "cn", 'attr_member' => "member"), 'msad' => array( 'desc' => "Microsoft AD", 'attr_user' => "samAccountName", 'attr_group' => "cn", 'attr_member' => "memberOf"), 'edir' => array( 'desc' => "Novell eDirectory", 'attr_user' => "cn", 'attr_group' => "cn", 'attr_member' => "uniqueMember")); $radius_srvcs = array( 'both' => gettext("Authentication and Accounting"), 'auth' => gettext("Authentication"), 'acct' => gettext("Accounting")); $netbios_nodetypes = array( '0' => "none", '1' => "b-node", '2' => "p-node", '4' => "m-node", '8' => "h-node"); /* some well known ports */ $wkports = array( 5999 => "CVSup", 53 => "DNS", 21 => "FTP", 3000 => "HBCI", 80 => "HTTP", 443 => "HTTPS", 5190 => "ICQ", 113 => "IDENT/AUTH", 143 => "IMAP", 993 => "IMAP/S", 4500 => "IPsec NAT-T", 500 => "ISAKMP", 1701 => "L2TP", 389 => "LDAP", 1755 => "MMS/TCP", 7000 => "MMS/UDP", 445 => "MS DS", 3389 => "MS RDP", 1512 => "MS WINS", 1863 => "MSN", 119 => "NNTP", 123 => "NTP", 138 => "NetBIOS-DGM", 137 => "NetBIOS-NS", 139 => "NetBIOS-SSN", 1194 => "OpenVPN", 110 => "POP3", 995 => "POP3/S", 1723 => "PPTP", 1812 => "RADIUS", 1813 => "RADIUS accounting", 5004 => "RTP", 5060 => "SIP", 25 => "SMTP", 465 => "SMTP/S", 161 => "SNMP", 162 => "SNMP-Trap", 22 => "SSH", 3478 => "STUN", 587 => "SUBMISSION", 3544 => "Teredo", 23 => "Telnet", 69 => "TFTP", 5900 => "VNC"); /* TCP flags */ $tcpflags = array("fin", "syn", "rst", "psh", "ack", "urg", "ece", "cwr"); $specialnets = array( "(self)" => gettext("This Firewall"), "pppoe" => gettext("PPPoE clients"), "l2tp" => gettext("L2TP clients")); $spiflist = get_configured_interface_with_descr(false, true); foreach ($spiflist as $ifgui => $ifdesc) { $specialnets[$ifgui] = $ifdesc . " net"; $specialnets[$ifgui . 'ip'] = $ifdesc . " address"; } $medias = array( "auto" => gettext("autoselect"), "100full" => gettext("100BASE-TX full-duplex"), "100half" => gettext("100BASE-TX half-duplex"), "10full" => gettext("10BASE-T full-duplex"), "10half" => gettext("10BASE-T half-duplex")); $wlan_modes = array( "bss" => gettext("Infrastructure (BSS)"), "adhoc" => gettext("Ad-hoc (IBSS)"), "hostap" => gettext("Access Point")); function do_input_validation($postdata, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, &$input_errors) { /* check for bad control characters */ foreach ($postdata as $pn => $pd) { if (is_string($pd) && preg_match("/[\\x00-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f]/", $pd)) { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("The field %s contains invalid characters."), $pn); } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($reqdfields); $i++) { if ($_POST[$reqdfields[$i]] == "" && $_REQUEST[$reqdfields[$i]] == "") { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("The field %s is required."), $reqdfieldsn[$i]); } } } function print_input_errors($input_errors) { echo '
'; echo '

' . gettext('The following input errors were detected:') . '

'; echo ''; echo '
'; } function verify_gzip_file($fname) { $returnvar = mwexec("/usr/bin/gzip -t " . escapeshellarg($fname)); if ($returnvar != 0) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } // print_info_box() has been updated so that any required button is explicitly created, rather than relying on the detection of certain // strings in the message (such as "apply"). print_info_box_np() has been exterminated. // $class = the bootstrap style class (default, info, warning, success, danger) // $btnname and btntext describe the optional button and its display text, the default is an 'x' Close button. // Note that there is also a shortcut function print_apply_box here that creates a standard "apply" box for you. // In many cases just substitute that for print_info_box_np() to easily get a warning style "Apply changes" box. function print_info_box($msg, $class="alert-warning", $btnname = "close", $btntext = "", $btnicon = "", $btnclass = "default") { if (strpos($class, "alert-") !== 0) { $class = 'alert-' . $class; } $msg = '
' . $msg . '
'; if ($btnname === "close") { $msg = '' . $msg; } else if ($btnname != "") { if (empty($btntext)) { $btntext = $btnname; } if (!empty($btnicon)) { $btnicon = ''; } $msg .= '
'; if ($_POST['if']) { $msg .= ""; } $msg .= '
'; } echo ''; } function print_apply_box($msg) { print_info_box($msg, "warning", "apply", gettext("Apply Changes"), 'fa-check', 'success'); } /* * Print Bootstrap callout * * @param string $msg message to display * @param string $class contextual class, defaults to info (default | danger | warning | info) * @param string $heading optional callout heading */ function print_callout($msg, $class = 'info', $heading = '') { if ('' == $msg) { return; } $class = strtolower($class); $callout = ''; if ($class != 'default' && $class != 'danger' && $class != 'warning' && $class != 'info') { $class = 'info'; } $callout .= '
'; if ('' != $heading) { $callout .= '

' . $heading . '

'; } $callout .= $msg . '
'; echo $callout; } function get_std_save_message($ok) { $filter_related = false; $filter_pages = array("nat", "filter"); $to_return = gettext("The changes have been applied successfully."); foreach ($filter_pages as $fp) { if (stristr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], $fp)) { $filter_related = true; } } if ($filter_related) { $to_return .= "
" . gettext("You can also monitor the filter reload progress."); } return $to_return; } function pprint_address($adr) { global $specialnets; if (isset($adr['any'])) { $padr = "*"; } else if ($adr['network']) { $padr = $specialnets[$adr['network']]; } else { $padr = $adr['address']; } if (isset($adr['not'])) { $padr = "! " . $padr; } return $padr; } function pprint_port($port) { global $wkports; $pport = ""; if (!$port) { return "*"; } else { $srcport = explode("-", $port); if ((!$srcport[1]) || ($srcport[0] == $srcport[1])) { $pport = $srcport[0]; if ($wkports[$srcport[0]]) { $pport .= " (" . $wkports[$srcport[0]] . ")"; } } else { $pport .= $srcport[0] . " - " . $srcport[1]; } } return $pport; } function firewall_check_for_advanced_options(&$item) { $item_set = ""; if ($item['os']) { $item_set .= "os {$item['os']} "; } if ($item['dscp']) { $item_set .= "dscp {$item['dscp']} "; } if ($item['max']) { $item_set .= "max {$item['max']} "; } if ($item['max-src-nodes']) { $item_set .= "max-src-nodes {$item['max-src-nodes']} "; } if ($item['max-src-conn']) { $item_set .= "max-src-conn {$item['max-src-conn']} "; } if ($item['max-src-states']) { $item_set .= "max-src-states {$item['max-src-states']} "; } if (isset($item['nopfsync'])) { $item_set .= "nopfsync "; } if ($item['statetype'] != "keep state" && $item['statetype'] != "") { $item_set .= "statetype {$item['statetype']} "; } if ($item['statetimeout']) { $item_set .= "statetimeout {$item['statetimeout']} "; } if (isset($item['nosync'])) { $item_set .= "no XMLRPC Sync "; } if ($item['max-src-conn-rate']) { $item_set .= "max-src-conn-rate {$item['max-src-conn-rate']} "; } if ($item['max-src-conn-rates']) { $item_set .= "max-src-conn-rates {$item['max-src-conn-rates']} "; } if ($item['vlanprio']) { $item_set .= "vlanprio {$item['vlanprio']} "; } if ($item['vlanprioset']) { $item_set .= "vlanprioset {$item['vlanprioset']} "; } if ($item['gateway']) { $item_set .= "gateway {$item['gateway']} "; } if ($item['dnpipe']) { $item_set .= "limiter {$item['dnpipe']} "; } if ($item['pdnpipe']) { $item_set .= "limiter {$item['pdnpipe']} "; } if ($item['ackqueue']) { $item_set .= "ackqueue {$item['ackqueue']} "; } if ($item['defaultqueue']) { $item_set .= "defaultqueue {$item['defaultqueue']} "; } if ($item['tag']) { $item_set .= "tag {$item['tag']} "; } if ($item['tagged']) { $item_set .= "tagged {$item['tagged']} "; } if (isset($item['allowopts'])) { $item_set .= "allowopts "; } if (isset($item['disablereplyto'])) { $item_set .= "disable reply-to "; } if ($item['tcpflags_any'] || $item['tcpflags1'] || $item['tcpflags2']) { $item_set .= "tcpflags set"; } return $item_set; } function gentitle($title) { global $navlevelsep; if (!is_array($title)) { return $title; } else { return join($navlevelsep, $title); } } function genhtmltitle($title) { // If the array contains only one element, there are no breadcrumbs, so don't // add anything else if (count($title) > 1) { $bc = ''; } else { $bc = ""; } return $heading . $bc; } /* update the changedesc and changecount(er) variables */ function update_changedesc($update) { global $changedesc; global $changecount; $changedesc .= " {$update}"; $changecount++; } // This version of dump_clog() does not output or any other table elements. function dump_clog_no_table($logfile, $tail, $withorig = true, $grepfor = "", $grepinvert = "") { global $g, $config; $sor = isset($config['syslog']['reverse']) ? "-r" : ""; $specific_log = basename($logfile, '.log') . '_settings'; if ($config['syslog'][$specific_log]['cronorder'] == 'forward') $sor = ""; if ($config['syslog'][$specific_log]['cronorder'] == 'reverse') $sor = "-r"; $logarr = array(); $grepline = " "; if (is_array($grepfor)) { $invert = ''; if ((strpos($grepfor[0], '!') === 0)) { $grepfor[0] = substr($grepfor[0], 1); $invert = '-v'; } $grepline .= " | /usr/bin/egrep {$invert} " . escapeshellarg(implode("|", $grepfor)); } if (is_array($grepinvert)) { $grepline .= " | /usr/bin/egrep -v " . escapeshellarg(implode("|", $grepinvert)); } if (is_dir($logfile)) { $logarr = array(sprintf(gettext("File %s is a directory."), $logfile)); } elseif (file_exists($logfile) && filesize($logfile) == 0) { $logarr = array(gettext("Log file started.")); } else { if ($config['system']['disablesyslogclog']) { exec("cat " . escapeshellarg($logfile) . "{$grepline} | /usr/bin/tail {$sor} -n " . escapeshellarg($tail), $logarr); } else { exec("/usr/local/sbin/clog " . escapeshellarg($logfile) . "{$grepline}| grep -v \"CLOG\" | grep -v \"\033\" | /usr/bin/tail {$sor} -n " . escapeshellarg($tail), $logarr); } } echo "\n"; $rows = 0; foreach ($logarr as $logent) { $rows++; $logent = preg_split("/\s+/", $logent, 6); if ($withorig) { $entry_date_time = htmlspecialchars(join(" ", array_slice($logent, 0, 3))); $entry_text = ($logent[3] == $config['system']['hostname']) ? "" : $logent[3] . " "; $entry_text .= htmlspecialchars($logent[4] . " " . $logent[5]); echo "{$entry_date_time}"; echo " " . "{$entry_text}" . "\n"; } else { echo htmlspecialchars($logent[5]) . "\n"; } } return($rows); } function dump_clog($logfile, $tail, $withorig = true, $grepfor = "", $grepinvert = "") { global $g, $config; $sor = isset($config['syslog']['reverse']) ? "-r" : ""; $specific_log = basename($logfile, '.log') . '_settings'; if ($config['syslog'][$specific_log]['cronorder'] == 'forward') $sor = ""; if ($config['syslog'][$specific_log]['cronorder'] == 'reverse') $sor = "-r"; $logarr = array(); $grepline = " "; if (is_array($grepfor)) { $invert = ''; if ((strpos($grepfor[0], '!') === 0)) { $grepfor[0] = substr($grepfor[0], 1); $invert = '-v'; } $grepline .= " | /usr/bin/egrep {$invert} " . escapeshellarg(implode("|", $grepfor)); } if (is_array($grepinvert)) { $grepline .= " | /usr/bin/egrep -v " . escapeshellarg(implode("|", $grepinvert)); } if (is_dir($logfile)) { $logarr = array(sprintf(gettext("File %s is a directory."), $logfile)); } elseif (file_exists($logfile) && filesize($logfile) == 0) { $logarr = array(gettext("Log file started.")); } else { if ($config['system']['disablesyslogclog']) { exec("cat " . escapeshellarg($logfile) . "{$grepline} | /usr/bin/tail {$sor} -n " . escapeshellarg($tail), $logarr); } else { exec("/usr/local/sbin/clog " . escapeshellarg($logfile) . "{$grepline}| grep -v \"CLOG\" | grep -v \"\033\" | /usr/bin/tail {$sor} -n " . escapeshellarg($tail), $logarr); } } $rows = 0; foreach ($logarr as $logent) { $rows++; $logent = preg_split("/\s+/", $logent, 6); echo "\n"; if ($withorig) { $entry_date_time = htmlspecialchars(join(" ", array_slice($logent, 0, 3))); $entry_text = ($logent[3] == $config['system']['hostname']) ? "" : $logent[3] . " "; $entry_text .= htmlspecialchars($logent[4] . " " . $logent[5]); echo "{$entry_date_time}\n"; echo "{$entry_text}\n"; } else { echo "" . htmlspecialchars($logent[5]) . "\n"; } echo "\n"; } return($rows); } function return_clog($logfile, $tail, $withorig = true, $grepfor = "", $grepinvert = "", $grepreverse = false) { global $g, $config; $sor = (isset($config['syslog']['reverse']) || $grepreverse) ? "-r" : ""; $specific_log = basename($logfile, '.log') . '_settings'; if (($config['syslog'][$specific_log]['cronorder'] == 'forward') && !$grepreverse) $sor = ""; if (($config['syslog'][$specific_log]['cronorder'] == 'reverse') || $grepreverse) $sor = "-r"; $logarr = array(); $grepline = " "; if (is_array($grepfor)) { $grepline .= " | /usr/bin/egrep " . escapeshellarg(implode("|", $grepfor)); } if (is_array($grepinvert)) { $grepline .= " | /usr/bin/egrep -v " . escapeshellarg(implode("|", $grepinvert)); } if ($config['system']['disablesyslogclog']) { exec("cat " . escapeshellarg($logfile) . "{$grepline} | /usr/bin/tail {$sor} -n " . escapeshellarg($tail), $logarr); } else { exec("/usr/local/sbin/clog " . escapeshellarg($logfile) . "{$grepline}| grep -v \"CLOG\" | grep -v \"\033\" | /usr/bin/tail {$sor} -n " . escapeshellarg($tail), $logarr); } return($logarr); } /* Check if variable has changed, update and log if it has * returns true if var changed * varname = variable name in plain text * orig = original value * new = new value */ function update_if_changed($varname, & $orig, $new) { if (is_array($orig) && is_array($new)) { $a_diff = array_diff($orig, $new); foreach ($a_diff as $diff) { update_changedesc("removed {$varname}: \"{$diff}\""); } $a_diff = array_diff($new, $orig); foreach ($a_diff as $diff) { update_changedesc("added {$varname}: \"{$diff}\""); } $orig = $new; return true; } else { if ($orig != $new) { update_changedesc("{$varname}: \"{$orig}\" -> \"{$new}\""); $orig = $new; return true; } } return false; } function address_to_pconfig($adr, &$padr, &$pmask, &$pnot, &$pbeginport, &$pendport) { if (isset($adr['any'])) { $padr = "any"; } else if ($adr['network']) { $padr = $adr['network']; } else if ($adr['address']) { list($padr, $pmask) = explode("/", $adr['address']); if (!$pmask) { if (is_ipaddrv6($padr)) { $pmask = 128; } else { $pmask = 32; } } } if (isset($adr['not'])) { $pnot = 1; } else { $pnot = 0; } if ($adr['port']) { list($pbeginport, $pendport) = explode("-", $adr['port']); if (!$pendport) { $pendport = $pbeginport; } } else if (!is_alias($pbeginport) && !is_alias($pendport)) { $pbeginport = "any"; $pendport = "any"; } } function pconfig_to_address(&$adr, $padr, $pmask, $pnot = false, $pbeginport = 0, $pendport = 0) { $adr = array(); if ($padr == "any") { $adr['any'] = true; } else if (is_specialnet($padr)) { $adr['network'] = $padr; } else { $adr['address'] = $padr; if (is_ipaddrv6($padr)) { if ($pmask != 128) { $adr['address'] .= "/" . $pmask; } } else { if ($pmask != 32) { $adr['address'] .= "/" . $pmask; } } } if ($pnot) { $adr['not'] = true; } else { unset($adr['not']); } if (($pbeginport != 0) && ($pbeginport != "any")) { if ($pbeginport != $pendport) { $adr['port'] = $pbeginport . "-" . $pendport; } else { $adr['port'] = $pbeginport; } } if (is_alias($pbeginport)) { $adr['port'] = $pbeginport; } } function is_specialnet($net) { global $specialsrcdst; if (!$net) { return false; } if (in_array($net, $specialsrcdst)) { return true; } else { return false; } } //function to create widget tabs when called function display_widget_tabs(& $tab_array) { echo "
"; $tabscounter = 0; foreach ($tab_array as $ta) { $dashpos = strpos($ta[2], '-'); $tabname = $ta[2] . "-tab"; $tabclass = substr($ta[2], 0, $dashpos); $tabclass = $tabclass . "-class"; if ($ta[1] == true) { $tabActive = "table-cell"; $tabNonActive = "none"; } else { $tabActive = "none"; $tabNonActive = "table-cell"; } echo "
"; echo "   {$ta[0]}"; echo "   "; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "   {$ta[0]}"; echo "   "; echo "
"; } echo "
"; } // Return inline javascript file or CSS to minimize // request count going back to server. function outputJavaScriptFileInline($javascript) { if (file_exists($javascript)) { echo "\n\n"; } else { echo "\n\n\n\n"; } } function outputCSSPrintFileInline($css) { if (file_exists($css)) { echo "\n\n"; } else { echo "\n\n\n\n"; } } function outputCSSFileInline($css) { if (file_exists($css)) { echo "\n\n"; } else { echo "\n\n\n\n"; } } $rfc2616 = array( 100 => "100 Continue", 101 => "101 Switching Protocols", 200 => "200 OK", 201 => "201 Created", 202 => "202 Accepted", 203 => "203 Non-Authoritative Information", 204 => "204 No Content", 205 => "205 Reset Content", 206 => "206 Partial Content", 300 => "300 Multiple Choices", 301 => "301 Moved Permanently", 302 => "302 Found", 303 => "303 See Other", 304 => "304 Not Modified", 305 => "305 Use Proxy", 306 => "306 (Unused)", 307 => "307 Temporary Redirect", 400 => "400 Bad Request", 401 => "401 Unauthorized", 402 => "402 Payment Required", 403 => "403 Forbidden", 404 => "404 Not Found", 405 => "405 Method Not Allowed", 406 => "406 Not Acceptable", 407 => "407 Proxy Authentication Required", 408 => "408 Request Timeout", 409 => "409 Conflict", 410 => "410 Gone", 411 => "411 Length Required", 412 => "412 Precondition Failed", 413 => "413 Request Entity Too Large", 414 => "414 Request-URI Too Long", 415 => "415 Unsupported Media Type", 416 => "416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable", 417 => "417 Expectation Failed", 500 => "500 Internal Server Error", 501 => "501 Not Implemented", 502 => "502 Bad Gateway", 503 => "503 Service Unavailable", 504 => "504 Gateway Timeout", 505 => "505 HTTP Version Not Supported" ); function is_rfc2616_code($code) { global $rfc2616; if (isset($rfc2616[$code])) { return true; } else { return false; } } function print_rfc2616_select($tag, $current) { global $rfc2616; /* Default to 200 OK if not set */ if ($current == "") { $current = 200; } echo "\n"; } // Useful debugging function, much cleaner than print_r function echo_array($array, $return_me = false) { if (is_array($array) == false) { $return = "The provided variable is not an array."; } else { foreach ($array as $name=>$value) { if (is_array($value)) { $return .= ""; $return .= "['$name'] {
\n"; $return .= echo_array($value, true); $return .= "
}"; $return .= "\n\n"; } else { if (is_string($value)) { $value = "\"$value\""; } $return .= "['$name'] = $value\n\n"; } } } if ($return_me == true) { return $return; } else { echo "
"; } } /****f* pfsense-utils/display_top_tabs * NAME * display_top_tabs - display tabs with rounded edges * INPUTS * $text - array of tabs * RESULT * null ******/ function display_top_tabs(& $tab_array, $no_drop_down = false, $type = 'pills') { global $config; global $g; global $tab_array_indent; global $tab_array_space; global $tab_array_char_limit; /* does the user have access to this tab? * master user has access to everything. * if the user does not have access, simply * unset the tab item. */ /* empty string code */ if ($tab_array_indent == '') { $tab_array_indent = 0; } if ($tab_array_space == '') { $tab_array_space = 1; } if ($tab_array_char_limit == '') { $tab_array_char_limit = 92; } foreach ($tab_array as $tab_id => $ta) { if (!isAllowedPage($ta[2])) { unset ($tab_array[$tab_id]); } } $tab_active_bg = "#EEEEEE"; $tab_inactive_bg = "#777777"; $nifty_tabs_corners = "#FFF"; $font_color = "white"; $tabcharcount = 0; foreach ($tab_array as $ta) { $tabcharcount = $tabcharcount + strlen($ta[0]); } if ($no_drop_down == true) { $tabcharcount = 0; unset($tab_array_char_limit); } // If the character count of the tab names is > 670 // then show a select item dropdown menubox. if ($tabcharcount > $tab_array_char_limit) { echo gettext("Currently viewing: "); echo "\n


"; echo ""; } else { echo ''; } } function add_package_tabs($tabgroup, &$tab_array) { global $config, $g; if (!isset($config['installedpackages']['package'])) { return; } foreach ($config['installedpackages']['package'] as $pkg) { $pkg_config = read_package_configurationfile($pkg['name']); if (!isset($pkg_config['tabs']['tab'])) { continue; } foreach ($pkg_config['tabs']['tab'] as $tab) { $tab_entry = array(); if ($tab['name']) { $tab_entry[] = $tab['name']; $tab_entry[] = false; $tab_entry[] = $tab['url']; $tab_array[] = $tab_entry; } } } } function alias_info_popup($alias_id) { global $config; if (!is_array($config['aliases']['alias'][$alias_id])) { return; } $maxlength = 60; $alias = $config['aliases']['alias'][$alias_id]; $content = ""; if ($alias['url']) { // TODO: Change it when pf supports tables with ports if ($alias['type'] == "urltable") { exec("/sbin/pfctl -t {$alias['name']} -T show | wc -l", $total_entries); $counter=preg_replace("/\D/", "", $total_entries[0]); exec("/sbin/pfctl -t {$alias['name']} -T show | head -10002", $alias_addresses); } else { $urlfn = alias_expand_urltable($alias['name']); $alias_addresses = explode("\n", file_get_contents($urlfn)); $counter = count($alias_addresses); } $content .= '
'. $alias['url'] .'
'; if ($counter > 10002) { $content .= ''. gettext("listing only first 10k items") .''; } } else { $alias_addresses = explode (" ", $alias['address']); $alias_details = explode ("||", $alias['detail']); $idx = 0; $content .= "\n"; $content .= "\n"; $content .= "\n"; $content .= "\n"; $content .= "\n"; $content .= "\n"; foreach ($alias_addresses as $ap) { $content .= " \n"; $content .= " \n"; $content .= " \n"; $content .= " \n"; $idx++; } $content .= "\n"; $content .= "
" . gettext("Value") . "" . gettext("Description") . "
\n"; $content .= $ap; $content .= " \n"; $content .= $alias_details[$idx]; $content .= "
\n"; } if (strlen($alias['descr']) >= $maxlength) { $alias['descr'] = substr($alias['descr'], 0, $maxlength) . '…'; } return $content; } function rule_columns_with_alias($src, $srcport, $dst, $dstport) { global $config; if ($config['aliases']['alias'] == "" || !is_array($config['aliases']['alias'])) { return; } $columns = array(); foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias_id => $alias_name) { if ($alias_name['name'] == $src) { $columns['src'] = $alias_id; } if ($alias_name['name'] == $srcport) { $columns['srcport'] = $alias_id; } if ($alias_name['name'] == $dst) { $columns['dst'] = $alias_id; } if ($alias_name['name'] == $dstport) { $columns['dstport'] = $alias_id; } } return $columns; } function form_output_row($name, $label, $content) { var_dump($content);die; ?>
$flash_message) { print_info_box(implode("
", $flash_message), $class); } unset($_SESSION['flash_messages']); } } /* Retrieve GET or POST Value/State * Eample Usage: * $value = getGETPOSTsettingvalue('get/post parameter name', ""); * $value = getGETPOSTsettingvalue('get/post parameter name', null); * $state = getGETPOSTsettingvalue('get/post parameter name', null); * $state = getGETPOSTsettingvalue('get/post parameter name', false); */ function getGETPOSTsettingvalue($settingname, $default) { $settingvalue = $default; if ($_GET[$settingname]) { $settingvalue = $_GET[$settingname]; } if ($_POST[$settingname]) { $settingvalue = $_POST[$settingname]; } return $settingvalue; } /* set timezone */ if (isset($config['system']['timezone']) && !empty($config['system']['timezone'])) { $timezone = $config['system']['timezone']; } elseif (isset($g['default_timezone']) && !empty($g['default_timezone'])) { $timezone = $g['default_timezone']; } else { $timezone = "Etc/UTC"; } date_default_timezone_set($timezone); ?>