* All rights reserved. * * originally based on m0n0wall (http://m0n0.ch/wall) * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Manuel Kasper . * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ ##|+PRIV ##|*IDENT=page-firewall-virtualipaddresses ##|*NAME=Firewall: Virtual IP Addresses ##|*DESCR=Allow access to the 'Firewall: Virtual IP Addresses' page. ##|*MATCH=firewall_virtual_ip.php* ##|-PRIV require_once("guiconfig.inc"); require_once("functions.inc"); require_once("filter.inc"); require_once("shaper.inc"); if (!is_array($config['virtualip']['vip'])) { $config['virtualip']['vip'] = array(); } $a_vip = &$config['virtualip']['vip']; if ($_POST) { $pconfig = $_POST; if ($_POST['apply']) { $check_carp = false; if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/.firewall_virtual_ip.apply")) { $toapplylist = unserialize(file_get_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/.firewall_virtual_ip.apply")); foreach ($toapplylist as $vid => $ovip) { if (!empty($ovip)) { interface_vip_bring_down($ovip); } if ($a_vip[$vid]) { switch ($a_vip[$vid]['mode']) { case "ipalias": interface_ipalias_configure($a_vip[$vid]); break; case "proxyarp": interface_proxyarp_configure($a_vip[$vid]['interface']); break; case "carp": $check_carp = true; interface_carp_configure($a_vip[$vid]); break; default: break; } } } @unlink("{$g['tmp_path']}/.firewall_virtual_ip.apply"); } /* Before changing check #4633 */ if ($check_carp === true && !get_carp_status()) { set_single_sysctl("net.inet.carp.allow", "1"); } $retval = 0; $retval |= filter_configure(); clear_subsystem_dirty('vip'); } } if ($_GET['act'] == "del") { if ($a_vip[$_GET['id']]) { /* make sure no inbound NAT mappings reference this entry */ if (is_array($config['nat']['rule'])) { foreach ($config['nat']['rule'] as $rule) { if ($rule['destination']['address'] != "") { if ($rule['destination']['address'] == $a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet']) { $input_errors[] = gettext("This entry cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by at least one NAT mapping."); break; } } } } /* make sure no OpenVPN server or client references this entry */ $openvpn_types_a = array("openvpn-server" => gettext("server"), "openvpn-client" => gettext("client")); foreach ($openvpn_types_a as $openvpn_type => $openvpn_type_text) { if (is_array($config['openvpn'][$openvpn_type])) { foreach ($config['openvpn'][$openvpn_type] as $openvpn) { if ($openvpn['ipaddr'] <> "") { if ($openvpn['ipaddr'] == $a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet']) { if (strlen($openvpn['description'])) { $openvpn_desc = $openvpn['description']; } else { $openvpn_desc = $openvpn['ipaddr'] . ":" . $openvpn['local_port']; } $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("This entry cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by OpenVPN %s %s."), $openvpn_type_text, $openvpn_desc); break; } } } } } if (is_ipaddrv6($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet'])) { $is_ipv6 = true; $subnet = gen_subnetv6($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet'], $a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet_bits']); $if_subnet_bits = get_interface_subnetv6($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['interface']); $if_subnet = gen_subnetv6(get_interface_ipv6($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['interface']), $if_subnet_bits); } else { $is_ipv6 = false; $subnet = gen_subnet($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet'], $a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet_bits']); $if_subnet_bits = get_interface_subnet($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['interface']); $if_subnet = gen_subnet(get_interface_ip($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['interface']), $if_subnet_bits); } $subnet .= "/" . $a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet_bits']; $if_subnet .= "/" . $if_subnet_bits; if (is_array($config['gateways']['gateway_item'])) { foreach ($config['gateways']['gateway_item'] as $gateway) { if ($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['interface'] != $gateway['interface']) { continue; } if ($is_ipv6 && $gateway['ipprotocol'] == 'inet') { continue; } if (!$is_ipv6 && $gateway['ipprotocol'] == 'inet6') { continue; } if (ip_in_subnet($gateway['gateway'], $if_subnet)) { continue; } if (ip_in_subnet($gateway['gateway'], $subnet)) { $input_errors[] = gettext("This entry cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by at least one Gateway."); break; } } } if ($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['mode'] == "ipalias") { $subnet = gen_subnet($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet'], $a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet_bits']) . "/" . $a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet_bits']; $found_if = false; $found_carp = false; $found_other_alias = false; if ($subnet == $if_subnet) { $found_if = true; } $vipiface = $a_vip[$_GET['id']]['interface']; foreach ($a_vip as $vip_id => $vip) { if ($vip_id == $_GET['id']) { continue; } if ($vip['interface'] == $vipiface && ip_in_subnet($vip['subnet'], $subnet)) { if ($vip['mode'] == "carp") { $found_carp = true; } else if ($vip['mode'] == "ipalias") { $found_other_alias = true; } } } if ($found_carp === true && $found_other_alias === false && $found_if === false) { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("This entry cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by a CARP IP with the description %s."), $vip['descr']); } } else if ($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['mode'] == "carp") { $vipiface = "{$a_vip[$_GET['id']]['interface']}_vip{$a_vip[$_GET['id']]['vhid']}"; foreach ($a_vip as $vip) { if ($vipiface == $vip['interface'] && $vip['mode'] == "ipalias") { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("This entry cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by an IP alias entry with the description %s."), $vip['descr']); } } } if (!$input_errors) { if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } $user = getUserEntry($_SESSION['Username']); if (is_array($user) && userHasPrivilege($user, "user-config-readonly")) { header("Location: firewall_virtual_ip.php"); exit; } session_commit(); // Special case since every proxyarp vip is handled by the same daemon. if ($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['mode'] == "proxyarp") { $viface = $a_vip[$_GET['id']]['interface']; unset($a_vip[$_GET['id']]); interface_proxyarp_configure($viface); } else { interface_vip_bring_down($a_vip[$_GET['id']]); unset($a_vip[$_GET['id']]); } if (count($config['virtualip']['vip']) == 0) { unset($config['virtualip']['vip']); } write_config(); header("Location: firewall_virtual_ip.php"); exit; } } } else if ($_GET['changes'] == "mods" && is_numericint($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; } $types = array('proxyarp' => gettext('Proxy ARP'), 'carp' => gettext('CARP'), 'other' => gettext('Other'), 'ipalias' => gettext('IP Alias') ); $pgtitle = array(gettext("Firewall"), gettext("Virtual IPs")); include("head.inc"); if ($input_errors) { print_input_errors($input_errors); } else if ($_POST['apply']) { print_apply_result_box($retval); } else if (is_subsystem_dirty('vip')) { print_apply_box(gettext("The VIP configuration has been changed.") . "
" . gettext("The changes must be applied for them to take effect.")); } /* active tabs $tab_array = array(); $tab_array[] = array(gettext("Virtual IPs"), true, "firewall_virtual_ip.php"); $tab_array[] = array(gettext("CARP Settings"), false, "system_hasync.php"); display_top_tabs($tab_array); */ ?>

$address) { $interfaces[$vipname] = $address; $interfaces[$vipname] .= " ("; if (get_vip_descr($address)) { $interfaces[$vipname] .= get_vip_descr($address); } else { $vip = get_configured_vip($vipname); $interfaces[$vipname] .= "vhid: {$vip['vhid']}"; } $interfaces[$vipname] .= ")"; } $interfaces['lo0'] = "Localhost"; $i = 0; foreach ($a_vip as $vipent): if ($vipent['subnet'] != "" or $vipent['range'] != "" or $vipent['subnet_bits'] != "" or (isset($vipent['range']['from']) && $vipent['range']['from'] != "")): ?>
  " href="firewall_virtual_ip_edit.php?id="> " href="firewall_virtual_ip.php?act=del&id=">
', '') . '
' . sprintf(gettext('Check the status of CARP Virtual IPs and interfaces %1$shere%2$s.'), '', ''), 'info', false); ?>