\n"; $rrd_files = glob("{$rrddbpath}/*.rrd"); $xml_files = array(); foreach ($rrd_files as $rrd_file) { $basename = basename($rrd_file); $xml_file = preg_replace('/\.rrd$/', ".xml", $rrd_file); exec("$rrdtool dump '{$rrd_file}' '{$xml_file}'"); $xml_data = file_get_contents($xml_file); unlink($xml_file); if ($xml_data !== false) { $result .= "\t\t\n"; $result .= "\t\t\t{$basename}\n"; $result .= "\t\t\t" . base64_encode(gzdeflate($xml_data)) . "\n"; $result .= "\t\t\n"; } } $result .= "\t\n"; return $result; } function restore_rrddata() { global $config, $g, $rrdtool, $input_errors; foreach ($config['rrddata']['rrddatafile'] as $rrd) { if ($rrd['xmldata']) { $rrd_file = "{$g['vardb_path']}/rrd/{$rrd['filename']}"; $xml_file = preg_replace('/\.rrd$/', ".xml", $rrd_file); if (file_put_contents($xml_file, gzinflate(base64_decode($rrd['xmldata']))) === false) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Cannot write %s"), $xml_file)); continue; } $output = array(); $status = null; exec("$rrdtool restore -f '{$xml_file}' '{$rrd_file}'", $output, $status); if ($status) { log_error("rrdtool restore -f '{$xml_file}' '{$rrd_file}' failed returning {$status}."); continue; } unlink($xml_file); } else if ($rrd['data']) { $rrd_file = "{$g['vardb_path']}/rrd/{$rrd['filename']}"; $rrd_fd = fopen($rrd_file, "w"); if (!$rrd_fd) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Cannot write %s"), $rrd_file)); continue; } $data = base64_decode($rrd['data']); /* Try to decompress the data. */ $dcomp = @gzinflate($data); if ($dcomp) { /* If the decompression worked, write the decompressed data */ if (fwrite($rrd_fd, $dcomp) === false) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("fwrite %s failed"), $rrd_file)); continue; } } else { /* If the decompression failed, it wasn't compressed, so write raw data */ if (fwrite($rrd_fd, $data) === false) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("fwrite %s failed"), $rrd_file)); continue; } } if (fclose($rrd_fd) === false) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("fclose %s failed"), $rrd_file)); continue; } } } } function add_base_packages_menu_items() { global $g, $config; $base_packages = explode(",", $g['base_packages']); $modified_config = false; foreach ($base_packages as $bp) { $basepkg_path = "/usr/local/pkg/{$bp}"; $tmpinfo = pathinfo($basepkg_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if ($tmpinfo['extension'] == "xml" && file_exists($basepkg_path)) { $pkg_config = parse_xml_config_pkg($basepkg_path, "packagegui"); if ($pkg_config['menu'] != "") { if (is_array($pkg_config['menu'])) { foreach ($pkg_config['menu'] as $menu) { if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['menu'])) { foreach ($config['installedpackages']['menu'] as $amenu) { if ($amenu['name'] == $menu['name']) { continue; } } } $config['installedpackages']['menu'][] = $menu; $modified_config = true; } } } } } if ($modified_config) { write_config(gettext("Restored base_package menus after configuration restore.")); $config = parse_config(true); } } function remove_bad_chars($string) { return preg_replace('/[^a-z_0-9]/i', '', $string); } function check_and_returnif_section_exists($section) { global $config; if (is_array($config[$section])) { return true; } return false; } if ($_POST['apply']) { ob_flush(); flush(); conf_mount_rw(); clear_subsystem_dirty("restore"); conf_mount_ro(); exit; } if ($_POST) { unset($input_errors); if (stristr($_POST['Submit'], gettext("Restore configuration"))) { $mode = "restore"; } else if (stristr($_POST['Submit'], gettext("Reinstall"))) { $mode = "reinstallpackages"; } else if (stristr($_POST['Submit'], gettext("Clear Package Lock"))) { $mode = "clearpackagelock"; } else if (stristr($_POST['Submit'], gettext("Download"))) { $mode = "download"; } else if (stristr($_POST['Submit'], gettext("Restore version"))) { $mode = "restore_ver"; } if ($_POST["nopackages"] <> "") { $options = "nopackages"; } if ($_POST["ver"] <> "") { $ver2restore = $_POST["ver"]; } if ($mode) { if ($mode == "download") { if ($_POST['encrypt']) { if (!$_POST['encrypt_password']) { $input_errors[] = gettext("You must supply and confirm the password for encryption."); } } if (!$input_errors) { //$lockbckp = lock('config'); $host = "{$config['system']['hostname']}.{$config['system']['domain']}"; $name = "config-{$host}-".date("YmdHis").".xml"; $data = ""; if ($options == "nopackages") { if (!$_POST['backuparea']) { /* backup entire configuration */ $data = file_get_contents("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml"); } else { /* backup specific area of configuration */ $data = backup_config_section($_POST['backuparea']); $name = "{$_POST['backuparea']}-{$name}"; } $sfn = "{$g['tmp_path']}/config.xml.nopkg"; file_put_contents($sfn, $data); exec("sed '//,/<\/installedpackages>/d' {$sfn} > {$sfn}-new"); $data = file_get_contents($sfn . "-new"); } else { if (!$_POST['backuparea']) { /* backup entire configuration */ $data = file_get_contents("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml"); } else if ($_POST['backuparea'] === "rrddata") { $data = rrd_data_xml(); $name = "{$_POST['backuparea']}-{$name}"; } else { /* backup specific area of configuration */ $data = backup_config_section($_POST['backuparea']); $name = "{$_POST['backuparea']}-{$name}"; } } //unlock($lockbckp); /* * Backup RRD Data */ if ($_POST['backuparea'] !== "rrddata" && !$_POST['donotbackuprrd']) { $rrd_data_xml = rrd_data_xml(); $closing_tag = ""; $data = str_replace($closing_tag, $rrd_data_xml . $closing_tag, $data); } if ($_POST['encrypt']) { $data = encrypt_data($data, $_POST['encrypt_password']); tagfile_reformat($data, $data, "config.xml"); } $size = strlen($data); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$name}"); header("Content-Length: $size"); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) { header('Pragma: '); header('Cache-Control: '); } else { header("Pragma: private"); header("Cache-Control: private, must-revalidate"); } echo $data; exit; } } if ($mode == "restore") { if ($_POST['decrypt']) { if (!$_POST['decrypt_password']) { $input_errors[] = gettext("You must supply and confirm the password for decryption."); } } if (!$input_errors) { if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['conffile']['tmp_name'])) { /* read the file contents */ $data = file_get_contents($_FILES['conffile']['tmp_name']); if (!$data) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Warning, could not read file %s"), $_FILES['conffile']['tmp_name'])); return 1; } if ($_POST['decrypt']) { if (!tagfile_deformat($data, $data, "config.xml")) { $input_errors[] = gettext("The uploaded file does not appear to contain an encrypted pfsense configuration."); return 1; } $data = decrypt_data($data, $_POST['decrypt_password']); } if (stristr($data, "")) { log_error(gettext("Upgrading m0n0wall configuration to pfsense.")); /* m0n0wall was found in config. convert it. */ $data = str_replace("m0n0wall", "pfsense", $data); $m0n0wall_upgrade = true; } if ($_POST['restorearea']) { /* restore a specific area of the configuration */ if (!stristr($data, "<" . $_POST['restorearea'] . ">")) { $input_errors[] = gettext("You have selected to restore an area but we could not locate the correct xml tag."); } else { if (!restore_config_section($_POST['restorearea'], $data)) { $input_errors[] = gettext("You have selected to restore an area but we could not locate the correct xml tag."); } else { if ($config['rrddata']) { restore_rrddata(); unset($config['rrddata']); unlink_if_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache"); write_config(); add_base_packages_menu_items(); convert_config(); conf_mount_ro(); } filter_configure(); $savemsg = gettext("The configuration area has been restored. You may need to reboot the firewall."); } } } else { if (!stristr($data, "<" . $g['xml_rootobj'] . ">")) { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("You have selected to restore the full configuration but we could not locate a %s tag."), $g['xml_rootobj']); } else { /* restore the entire configuration */ file_put_contents($_FILES['conffile']['tmp_name'], $data); if (config_install($_FILES['conffile']['tmp_name']) == 0) { /* this will be picked up by /index.php */ conf_mount_rw(); mark_subsystem_dirty("restore"); touch("/conf/needs_package_sync_after_reboot"); /* remove cache, we will force a config reboot */ if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache")) { unlink("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache"); } $config = parse_config(true); if (file_exists("/boot/loader.conf")) { $loaderconf = file_get_contents("/boot/loader.conf"); if (strpos($loaderconf, "console=\"comconsole")) { $config['system']['enableserial'] = true; write_config(gettext("Restore serial console enabling in configuration.")); } unset($loaderconf); } /* extract out rrd items, unset from $config when done */ if ($config['rrddata']) { restore_rrddata(); unset($config['rrddata']); unlink_if_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache"); write_config(); add_base_packages_menu_items(); convert_config(); conf_mount_ro(); } if ($m0n0wall_upgrade == true) { if ($config['system']['gateway'] <> "") { $config['interfaces']['wan']['gateway'] = $config['system']['gateway']; } unset($config['shaper']); /* optional if list */ $ifdescrs = get_configured_interface_list(true, true); /* remove special characters from interface descriptions */ if (is_array($ifdescrs)) { foreach ($ifdescrs as $iface) { $config['interfaces'][$iface]['descr'] = remove_bad_chars($config['interfaces'][$iface]['descr']); } } /* check for interface names with an alias */ if (is_array($ifdescrs)) { foreach ($ifdescrs as $iface) { if (is_alias($config['interfaces'][$iface]['descr'])) { // Firewall rules $origname = $config['interfaces'][$iface]['descr']; $newname = $config['interfaces'][$iface]['descr'] . "Alias"; update_alias_names_upon_change(array('filter', 'rule'), array('source', 'address'), $newname, $origname); update_alias_names_upon_change(array('filter', 'rule'), array('destination', 'address'), $newname, $origname); // NAT Rules update_alias_names_upon_change(array('nat', 'rule'), array('source', 'address'), $newname, $origname); update_alias_names_upon_change(array('nat', 'rule'), array('destination', 'address'), $newname, $origname); update_alias_names_upon_change(array('nat', 'rule'), array('target'), $newname, $origname); // Alias in an alias update_alias_names_upon_change(array('aliases', 'alias'), array('address'), $newname, $origname); } } } unlink_if_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache"); // Reset configuration version to something low // in order to force the config upgrade code to // run through with all steps that are required. $config['system']['version'] = "1.0"; // Deal with descriptions longer than 63 characters for ($i = 0; isset($config["filter"]["rule"][$i]); $i++) { if (count($config['filter']['rule'][$i]['descr']) > 63) { $config['filter']['rule'][$i]['descr'] = substr($config['filter']['rule'][$i]['descr'], 0, 63); } } // Move interface from ipsec to enc0 for ($i = 0; isset($config["filter"]["rule"][$i]); $i++) { if ($config['filter']['rule'][$i]['interface'] == "ipsec") { $config['filter']['rule'][$i]['interface'] = "enc0"; } } // Convert icmp types // http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=icmp&sektion=4&arch=i386&apropos=0&manpath=OpenBSD+Current for ($i = 0; isset($config["filter"]["rule"][$i]); $i++) { if ($config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype']) { switch ($config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype']) { case "echo": $config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype'] = "echoreq"; break; case "unreach": $config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype'] = "unreach"; break; case "echorep": $config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype'] = "echorep"; break; case "squench": $config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype'] = "squench"; break; case "redir": $config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype'] = "redir"; break; case "timex": $config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype'] = "timex"; break; case "paramprob": $config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype'] = "paramprob"; break; case "timest": $config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype'] = "timereq"; break; case "timestrep": $config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype'] = "timerep"; break; case "inforeq": $config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype'] = "inforeq"; break; case "inforep": $config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype'] = "inforep"; break; case "maskreq": $config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype'] = "maskreq"; break; case "maskrep": $config["filter"]["rule"][$i]['icmptype'] = "maskrep"; break; } } } $config['diag']['ipv6nat'] = true; write_config(); add_base_packages_menu_items(); convert_config(); conf_mount_ro(); $savemsg = gettext("The m0n0wall configuration has been restored and upgraded to pfSense."); mark_subsystem_dirty("restore"); } if (is_array($config['captiveportal'])) { foreach ($config['captiveportal'] as $cp) { if (isset($cp['enable'])) { /* for some reason ipfw doesn't init correctly except on bootup sequence */ mark_subsystem_dirty("restore"); break; } } } setup_serial_port(); if (is_interface_mismatch() == true) { touch("/var/run/interface_mismatch_reboot_needed"); clear_subsystem_dirty("restore"); convert_config(); header("Location: interfaces_assign.php"); exit; } if (is_interface_vlan_mismatch() == true) { touch("/var/run/interface_mismatch_reboot_needed"); clear_subsystem_dirty("restore"); convert_config(); header("Location: interfaces_assign.php"); exit; } } else { $input_errors[] = gettext("The configuration could not be restored."); } } } } else { $input_errors[] = gettext("The configuration could not be restored (file upload error)."); } } } if ($mode == "reinstallpackages") { header("Location: pkg_mgr_install.php?mode=reinstallall"); exit; } else if ($mode == "clearpackagelock") { clear_subsystem_dirty('packagelock'); $savemsg = "Package lock cleared."; } else if ($mode == "restore_ver") { $input_errors[] = gettext("XXX - this feature may hose your config (do NOT backrev configs!) - billm"); if ($ver2restore <> "") { $conf_file = "{$g['cf_conf_path']}/bak/config-" . strtotime($ver2restore) . ".xml"; if (config_install($conf_file) == 0) { mark_subsystem_dirty("restore"); } else { $input_errors[] = gettext("The configuration could not be restored."); } } else { $input_errors[] = gettext("No version selected."); } } } } $id = rand() . '.' . time(); $mth = ini_get('upload_progress_meter.store_method'); $dir = ini_get('upload_progress_meter.file.filename_template'); function build_area_list($showall) { global $config; $areas = array( "aliases" => gettext("Aliases"), "captiveportal" => gettext("Captive Portal"), "voucher" => gettext("Captive Portal Vouchers"), "dnsmasq" => gettext("DNS Forwarder"), "unbound" => gettext("DNS Resolver"), "dhcpd" => gettext("DHCP Server"), "dhcpdv6" => gettext("DHCPv6 Server"), "filter" => gettext("Firewall Rules"), "interfaces" => gettext("Interfaces"), "ipsec" => gettext("IPSEC"), "nat" => gettext("NAT"), "openvpn" => gettext("OpenVPN"), "installedpackages" => gettext("Package Manager"), "rrddata" => gettext("RRD Data"), "cron" => gettext("Scheduled Tasks"), "syslog" => gettext("Syslog"), "system" => gettext("System"), "staticroutes" => gettext("Static routes"), "sysctl" => gettext("System tunables"), "snmpd" => gettext("SNMP Server"), "shaper" => gettext("Traffic Shaper"), "vlans" => gettext("VLANS"), "wol" => gettext("Wake-on-LAN") ); $list = array("" => gettext("All")); if ($showall) { return($list + $areas); } else { foreach ($areas as $area => $areaname) { if ($area === "rrddata" || check_and_returnif_section_exists($area) == true) { $list[$area] = $areaname; } } return($list); } } $pgtitle = array(gettext("Diagnostics"), htmlspecialchars(gettext("Backup & Restore")), htmlspecialchars(gettext("Backup & Restore"))); include("head.inc"); if ($input_errors) { print_input_errors($input_errors); } if ($savemsg) { print_info_box($savemsg, 'success'); } if (is_subsystem_dirty('restore')): ?>
" . gettext("The firewall is now rebooting.")); ?>
setMultipartEncoding(); // Allow file uploads $section = new Form_Section('Backup Configuration'); $section->addInput(new Form_Select( 'backuparea', 'Backup area', '', build_area_list(false) )); $section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox( 'nopackages', 'Skip packages', 'Do not backup package information.', false )); $section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox( 'donotbackuprrd', 'Skip RRD data', 'Do not backup RRD data (NOTE: RRD Data can consume 4+ megabytes of config.xml space!)', true )); $section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox( 'encrypt', 'Encryption', 'Encrypt this configuration file.', false )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'encrypt_password', 'Password', 'password', null )); $group = new Form_Group(''); // Note: ID attribute of each element created is to be unique. Not being used, suppressing it. $group->add(new Form_Button( 'Submit', 'Download configuration as XML', null, 'fa-download' ))->setAttribute('id')->addClass('btn-primary'); $section->add($group); $form->add($section); $section = new Form_Section('Restore Backup'); $section->addInput(new Form_StaticText( null, sprintf(gettext("Open a %s configuration XML file and click the button below to restore the configuration."), $g['product_name']) )); $section->addInput(new Form_Select( 'restorearea', 'Restore area', '', build_area_list(false) )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'conffile', 'Configuration file', 'file', null )); $section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox( 'decrypt', 'Encryption', 'Configuration file is encrypted.', false )); $section->addInput(new Form_Input( 'decrypt_password', 'Password', 'password', null, ['placeholder' => 'Password'] )); $group = new Form_Group(''); // Note: ID attribute of each element created is to be unique. Not being used, suppressing it. $group->add(new Form_Button( 'Submit', 'Restore Configuration', null, 'fa-undo' ))->setHelp('The firewall will reboot after restoring the configuration.')->addClass('btn-danger restore')->setAttribute('id'); $section->add($group); $form->add($section); if (($config['installedpackages']['package'] != "") || (is_subsystem_dirty("packagelock"))) { $section = new Form_Section('Package Functions'); if ($config['installedpackages']['package'] != "") { $group = new Form_Group(''); // Note: ID attribute of each element created is to be unique. Not being used, suppressing it. $group->add(new Form_Button( 'Submit', 'Reinstall Packages', null, 'fa-retweet' ))->setHelp('Click this button to reinstall all system packages. This may take a while.')->addClass('btn-success')->setAttribute('id'); $section->add($group); } if (is_subsystem_dirty("packagelock")) { $group = new Form_Group(''); // Note: ID attribute of each element created is to be unique. Not being used, suppressing it. $group->add(new Form_Button( 'Submit', 'Clear Package Lock', null, 'fa-wrench' ))->setHelp('Click this button to clear the package lock if a package fails to reinstall properly after an upgrade.')->addClass('btn-warning')->setAttribute('id'); $section->add($group); } $form->add($section); } print($form); ?>