Services/UPnP & NAT-PMP miniupnpd 20100712 /usr/local/pkg/ UPnP & NAT-PMP Set UPnP & NAT-PMP settings such as interfaces to listen on.
miniupnpd miniupnpd UPnP & NAT-PMP Settings listtopic enable_upnp,enable_natpmp,ext_iface,iface_array,download,upload,overridewanip,upnpqueue,logpackets,sysuptime,permdefault Enable enable checkbox enable_upnp,enable_natpmp,ext_iface,iface_array,download,upload,overridewanip,upnpqueue,logpackets,sysuptime,permdefault Enable UPnP & NAT-PMP UPnP Port Mapping enable_upnp checkbox Allow UPnP Port Mapping This protocol is often used by Microsoft-compatible systems. NAT-PMP Port Mapping enable_natpmp checkbox Allow NAT-PMP Port Mapping This protocol is often used by Apple-compatible systems. External Interface ext_iface wan interfaces_selection loopback Select only the primary WAN interface (interface with the default gateway). Only one interface may be chosen. Interfaces iface_array lan interfaces_selection Select the internal interfaces, such as LAN, where UPnP/NAT-PMP clients reside. Use the CTRL or COMMAND key to select multiple interfaces. Download Speed download Set the Maximum Download Speed in Kbits/second. input Upload Speed upload Set the Maximum Upload Speed in Kbits/second. input Override WAN address overridewanip Use an alternate WAN address to accept inbound connections, such as an IP Alias or CARP Virtual IP address. input Traffic Shaping upnpqueue Enter the ALTQ traffic shaping queue in which the connections should be placed. input Log packets logpackets checkbox Log packets handled by UPnP & NAT-PMP rules. Uptime sysuptime checkbox Use system uptime instead of UPnP & NAT-PMP service uptime. Default Deny permdefault checkbox Deny access to UPnP & NAT-PMP by default. UPnP Access Control Lists listtopic ACL Help info These entries control access to the UPnP service. Client systems may be granted or denied access based on several criteria. <br /><br /> Format: [allow or deny] [ext port or range] [int ipaddr or ipaddr/CIDR] [int port or range] <br />Example: allow 1024-65535 1024-65535 ACL Entries none rowhelper permuser input 60 Custom presentation URL presentationurl input If left blank the default value of the WebGUI of this firewall will be used. Custom model number modelnumber input If left blank the default value of the firmware version of pfSense will be used. before_form_miniupnpd($pkg); validate_form_miniupnpd($_POST, $input_errors); sync_package_miniupnpd();