/* cvs_sync * Written by Scott Ullrich * (C)2005-2007 Scott Ullrich * (C)2010-2012 Erik Fonnesbeck * Part of the pfSense project pfSsh.php subsystem */ require_once("globals.inc"); require_once("filter.inc"); require_once("shaper.inc"); require_once("rrd.inc"); require_once("pfsense-utils.inc"); $GIT_PKG = "git"; // Either "git" or the full package URL $GIT_BIN= "/usr/local/bin/git"; $GIT_REPO = "git://github.com/pfsense/pfsense.git"; $DEFAULT_BRANCH = "master"; $CODIR = "/root/pfsense"; $GITSYNC_MERGE = "/root/.gitsync_merge"; /* NOTE: Set branches here */ $branches = array( "master" => "2.4 development branch", "build_commit" => "The commit originally used to build the image" ); global $g; global $argv; global $command_split; if (is_array($command_split)) { $temp_args = array_slice($command_split, 2); } else { $temp_args = array_slice($argv, 3); } $valid_args = array( "--minimal" => "\tPerform a minimal copy of only the updated files.\n" . "\tNot recommended if the system has files modified by any method other\n" . "\tthan gitsync.\n", "--diff" => "\tPerform a copy of only the files that are different or missing.\n" . "\tRecommended for SSD if system has files modified by any method other\n" . "\tthan gitsync.\n", "--verbose" => "\tDisplay constructed command. In combination with the --diff\n" . "\toption, display the array of different and missing files.\n", "--dry-run" => "\tDry-run only. No files copied.\n", "--help" => "\tDisplay this help list.\n" ); $args = array(); $arg_count = 0; while (!empty($temp_args)) { $arg = array_shift($temp_args); if ($arg[0] == '-') { switch ($arg) { case "--help": echo "Usage: playback gitsync [options] [[repository] ]\nOptions:\n"; foreach ($valid_args as $arg_name => $arg_desc) { echo $arg_name . "\n" . $arg_desc; } exit; case "--upgrading": // Disables all interactive functions and neither PHP // nor the web GUI will be killed or restarted. $upgrading = true; case (isset($valid_args[$arg])): $args[$arg] = true; break; default: echo "Invalid option: {$arg}\nUse --help for usage information.\n"; exit; } } else { $args[$arg_count++] = $arg; } } if (!function_exists('post_cvssync_commands')) { function post_cvssync_commands() { echo "===> Removing FAST-CGI temporary files...\n"; exec("find /tmp -name \"php-fastcgi.socket*\" -exec rm -rf {} \;"); exec("find /tmp -name \"*.tmp\" -exec rm -rf {} \;"); exec("rm -rf /tmp/xcache/* 2>/dev/null"); echo "===> Upgrading configuration (if needed)...\n"; convert_config(); echo "===> Configuring filter..."; exec("/etc/rc.filter_configure_sync"); exec("pfctl -f /tmp/rules.debug"); echo "\n"; if (file_exists("/etc/rc.php_ini_setup")) { echo "===> Running /etc/rc.php_ini_setup..."; exec("/etc/rc.php_ini_setup >/dev/null 2>&1"); echo "\n"; } /* lock down console if necessary */ echo "===> Locking down the console if needed...\n"; reload_ttys(); echo "===> Signaling PHP and nginx restart..."; $fd = fopen("/tmp/restart_nginx", "w"); fwrite($fd, "#!/bin/sh\n"); fwrite($fd, "sleep 5\n"); fwrite($fd, "/usr/local/sbin/pfSctl -c 'service restart webgui'\n"); fclose($fd); mwexec_bg("sh /tmp/restart_nginx"); echo "\n"; } } if (!function_exists('isUrl')) { function isUrl($url = "") { if ($url) { if (strstr($url, "rcs.pfsense.org") or strstr($url, "mainline") or strstr($url, ".git") or strstr($url, "git://")) { return true; } } return false; } } if (!function_exists('run_cmds')) { function run_cmds($cmds) { global $debug; foreach ($cmds as $cmd) { if ($debug) { echo "Running $cmd"; } exec($cmd); } } } unlink_if_exists("/tmp/config.cache"); conf_mount_rw(); if (!file_exists($GIT_BIN)) { require_once("pkg-utils.inc"); echo "Cannot find git, installing...\n"; if (!pkg_call('install -y -q git')) { echo "\nERROR: Unable to install git pkg.\n"; return; } } # Remove mainline if exists (older) if (is_dir("/root/pfsense/mainline")) { exec("rm -rf /root/pfsense/mainline"); } # Remove RELENG_1_2 if exists (older) if (is_dir("/root/pfsense/RELENG_1_2")) { exec("rm -rf /root/pfsense/RELENG_1_2"); } # Remove HEAD if exists (older) if (is_dir("/root/pfsense/HEAD")) { exec("rm -rf /root/pfsense/HEAD"); } if (file_exists("/root/cvssync_backup.tgz")) { $backup_date = `ls -lah /root/cvssync_backup.tgz | awk '{ print $6,$7,$8 }'`; $tmp = array("RESTORE" => "Restores prior CVSSync backup data performed at {$backup_date}"); $branches = array_merge($branches, $tmp); } if (is_dir("$CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO")) { exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} config remote.origin.url", $output_str, $ret); if (is_array($output_str) && !empty($output_str[0])) { $GIT_REPO = $output_str[0]; } unset($output_str); } if (!$args[0] && !$upgrading) { echo "\nCurrent repository is $GIT_REPO\n"; echo "\nPlease select which branch you would like to sync against:\n\n"; foreach ($branches as $branchname => $branchdesc) { echo "{$branchname} \t {$branchdesc}\n"; } echo "\nOr alternatively you may enter a custom RCS branch URL (Git or HTTP).\n\n"; $branch = readline("> "); echo "\n"; } else { $branch = $args[0]; } if ($args[1] == "NOBACKUP") { $nobackup = true; } else { $nobackup = false; } // If the repository has been fetched before, build a list of its branches. if (is_dir("$CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO")) { exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} branch -r", $branch_list, $ret); if ($ret == 0 && is_array($branch_list)) { foreach ($branch_list as $branch_item) { $branch_item = substr(strrchr($branch_item, "/"), 1); if (!isset($branches[$branch_item])) { $branches[$branch_item] = " "; } } } } $found = false; foreach ($branches as $branchname => $branchdesc) { if ($branchname == $branch) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { if (isURL($branch) && !$upgrading) { if ($args[1]) { $GIT_REPO = $branch; $branch = $args[1]; $found = true; } else { echo "\n"; echo "NOTE: $branch was not found.\n\n"; $command = readline("Is this a custom GIT URL? [y]? "); if (strtolower($command) == "y" or $command == "") { $GIT_REPO = $branch; $command = readline("Checkout which branch [${DEFAULT_BRANCH}]? "); if ($command == "") { $branch = $DEFAULT_BRANCH; } if ($command) { $branch = $command; } $found = true; } } } if (!$found) { echo "\nNo valid branch found. Exiting.\n\n"; conf_mount_ro(); exit; } } $merge_repos = array(); if (file_exists($GITSYNC_MERGE)) { $gitsync_merges = file($GITSYNC_MERGE, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); if (!empty($gitsync_merges) && is_array($gitsync_merges)) { echo "\n===> Automatic merge list read from ${GITSYNC_MERGE}\n"; foreach ($gitsync_merges as $merge_line_num => $merge_line) { $merge_comments = explode("#", trim($merge_line)); if (empty($merge_comments[0])) { continue; } $merge_line = explode(" ", trim($merge_comments[0])); if (count($merge_line) != 2 || empty($merge_line[0]) || empty($merge_line[1])) { echo "\nLine " . ($merge_line_num + 1) . " does not have the correct parameter count or has improper spacing.\n"; echo "Expected parameters: repository_url branch\n"; echo "Line read: " . implode(" ", $merge_line) . "\n\n"; echo "Aborting automatic merge.\n\n"; $merge_repos = array(); break; } $merge_repos[] = array('repo' => $merge_line[0], 'branch' => $merge_line[1]); } } } if (!$args[0] && !$upgrading) { do { echo "\nAdd a custom RCS branch URL (Git or HTTP) to merge in or press enter if done.\n\n"; $merge_repo = readline("> "); if (!empty($merge_repo)) { $merge_branch = readline("Merge which branch [${DEFAULT_BRANCH}]? "); if ($merge_branch == "") { $merge_repos[] = array('repo' => $merge_repo, 'branch' => $DEFAULT_BRANCH); } else if ($merge_branch) { $merge_repos[] = array('repo' => $merge_repo, 'branch' => $merge_branch); } } } while (!empty($merge_repo)); } if ($branch == "RESTORE" && $g['platform'] == $g['product_name']) { if (!file_exists("/root/cvssync_backup.tgz")) { echo "Sorry, we could not find a previous CVSSync backup file.\n"; conf_mount_ro(); exit(); } echo "===> Restoring previous CVSSync backup... Please wait...\n"; exec("tar Uxpf /root/cvssync_backup.tgz -C /"); post_cvssync_commands(); conf_mount_ro(); exit(); } else { $nobackup = true; // do not backup embedded } if ($nobackup == false) { echo "===> Backing up current pfSense information...\n"; echo "===> Please wait... "; exec("tar czPf /root/cvssync_backup.tgz --exclude /root --exclude /dev --exclude /tmp --exclude /var/run --exclude /var/empty /"); $size = filesize("/root/cvssync_backup.tgz"); echo "{$size} bytes.\n\n"; sleep(5); } echo "===> Checking out $branch\n"; // Git commands for resetting to the specified branch if ($branch == "build_commit") { $git_cmd = array( "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} branch " . escapeshellarg($branch) . " 2>/dev/null", "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} checkout -f " . escapeshellarg($branch) . " 2>/dev/null", "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} reset --hard " . escapeshellarg(trim(file_get_contents("/etc/version.lastcommit"))) ); } else { $git_cmd = array( "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} branch " . escapeshellarg($branch) . " " . escapeshellarg("origin/{$branch}") . " 2>/dev/null", "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} checkout -f " . escapeshellarg($branch) . " 2>/dev/null", "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} reset --hard " . escapeshellarg("origin/{$branch}") ); } // Git 'er done! if (is_dir("$CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO")) { echo "===> Fetching updates...\n"; exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} config remote.origin.url " . escapeshellarg($GIT_REPO)); exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} fetch"); exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} clean -f -x -d"); run_cmds($git_cmd); } else { exec("mkdir -p $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO"); echo "Executing cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} clone $GIT_REPO pfSenseGITREPO\n"; exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} clone " . escapeshellarg($GIT_REPO) . " pfSenseGITREPO"); if (is_dir("$CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSense")) { exec("mv $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSense $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO"); } if (is_dir("$CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/mainline")) { exec("mv $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/mainline $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO"); } run_cmds($git_cmd); } foreach ($merge_repos as $merge_repo) { echo "===> Merging branch {$merge_repo['branch']} from {$merge_repo['repo']}\n"; exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} pull " . escapeshellarg($merge_repo['repo']) . " " . escapeshellarg($merge_repo['branch']), $output_str, $ret); unset($output_str); if ($ret <> 0) { echo "\nMerge failed. Aborting sync.\n\n"; run_cmds($git_cmd); conf_mount_ro(); exit; } } if (isset($args["--minimal"])) { if (file_exists("/etc/version.gitsync")) { $old_revision = trim(file_get_contents("/etc/version.gitsync")); } else if (file_exists("/etc/version.lastcommit")) { $old_revision = trim(file_get_contents("/etc/version.lastcommit")); } $files_to_copy = strtr(shell_exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} diff --name-only --relative=src " . escapeshellarg($old_revision)), "\n", " "); $tar_options = '-C ./src'; } else { $files_to_copy = '.'; $tar_options = '-C ./src'; } // Save new commit ID for later minimal file copies exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} rev-parse -q --verify HEAD > /etc/version.gitsync"); // Remove files that we do not want to overwrite the system with @unlink("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/etc/crontab"); @unlink("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/etc/master.passwd"); @unlink("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/etc/passwd"); @unlink("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/etc/fstab"); @unlink("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/etc/ttys"); @unlink("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/etc/group"); @unlink("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/etc/fstab"); @unlink("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/etc/platform"); @unlink("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/boot/device.hints"); @unlink("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/boot/loader.conf"); @unlink("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/boot/loader.rc"); @unlink("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/etc/syslog.conf"); @unlink("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/root/.shrc"); @unlink("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/root/.tcshrc"); exec("rm -rf {$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/conf*"); exec("rm -rf {$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/cf 2>/dev/null"); @chmod("{$CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/tmp", 01777); if(isset($args["--diff"])) { # Find different and missing files. $different_missing_files = shell_exec("/usr/bin/diff -qr / $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/ | /usr/bin/grep -E '^(Files .*? and $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/.*? differ)|(Only in $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/)'"); # Get the path of each different or missing file. preg_match_all('@(?:^Files .*? and '.$CODIR.'/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/(.*?) differ.*?$)@sim', $different_missing_files, $different_files_array, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); preg_match_all('@(?:^Only in '.$CODIR.'/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/(.*?)$)@sim', $different_missing_files, $missing_files_array, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); # Deal with diff's output format of missing files (path: missing_file). foreach ($missing_files_array[1] as $key => $file) { # Most of the time there will be only the one ': ' injected by diff output. So global replace with dir delimiter (/) is fine. $tmp = str_replace(": ", "/", $file, $count); if ($count == 1) $file = ltrim($tmp, "/"); # For the very rare case a path component (dir or file) contains ': ' as well, then need to find and replace only the ': ' injected by diff output. else { $tmp = $file; do { $pos = strrpos($tmp, ": "); if ($pos) { $tmp = substr($tmp, 0, $pos); $res = is_dir("$CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/src/$tmp/"); } } while (!$res && $pos); if ($res) $file = ltrim($tmp . "/" . substr($file, $pos+2), "/"); } $missing_files_array[1][$key] = $file; } # Convert the list from array to space separated quoted strings. Quoted for white space file name support. $different_files = $missing_files = ''; if (count($different_files_array[1]) > 0) $different_files .= '"' . implode('" "', $different_files_array[1]) . '"'; if (count($missing_files_array[1]) > 0) $missing_files .= '"' . implode('" "', $missing_files_array[1]) . '"'; # Files to be copied. $files_to_copy = trim($different_files . " " . $missing_files); $tar_options = '-C ./src'; if(isset($args["--verbose"])) { echo "===> Different Files: \n"; print_r($different_files_array[1]); echo "===> Missing Files: \n"; print_r($missing_files_array[1]); } } echo "===> Installing new files...\n"; if ($g['platform'] == $g['product_name']) { $command = "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO ; tar -cpf - {$tar_options} {$files_to_copy} | (cd / ; tar -Uxpf -)"; } else { $command = "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO ; tar -cpf - {$tar_options} {$files_to_copy} | (cd / ; tar -xpf -) 2>/dev/null"; } if (!empty($files_to_copy)) { if(isset($args["--verbose"])) { echo "===> Command: \n$command\n"; } if(!isset($args["--dry-run"])) { exec($command); } } else { echo "Already up-to-date.\n"; $upgrading = true; } // Reset the repository to restore the deleted files exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} reset --hard >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); // Remove obsolete files $files_to_remove = file("/etc/pfSense.obsoletedfiles"); foreach ($files_to_remove as $file_to_remove) { if (file_exists($file_to_remove)) { exec("/bin/rm -f $file_to_remove"); } } if (!$upgrading) { post_cvssync_commands(); } echo "===> Checkout complete.\n"; echo "\n"; if (!$upgrading) { echo "Your system is now sync'd and PHP and nginx will be restarted in 5 seconds.\n\n"; } else { echo "Your system is now sync'd.\n\n"; } conf_mount_ro();