setConnectionData($hasync['synchronizetoip'], $port, $username, $hasync['password']); } public function setConnectionData($syncip, $port, $username, $password, $scheme = "") { global $config; $this->username = $username; $this->password = $password; $this->filenotice = "sync_settings"; if (empty($scheme)) { $scheme = "http"; if ($port == "443") { $scheme = "https"; } else if (is_array($config['system']) && is_array($config['system']['webgui']) && !empty($config['system']['webgui']['protocol']) && $config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == "https") { $scheme = "https"; } } if (is_ipaddrv6($syncip)) { $syncip = "[{$syncip}]"; } $user = urlencode($this->username); $pass = urlencode($this->password); $this->logurl = "{$scheme}://{$syncip}:{$port}/xmlrpc.php"; $this->url = "{$scheme}://{$user}:{$pass}@{$syncip}:{$port}/xmlrpc.php"; } public function set_noticefile($noticefile) { $this->filenotice = $noticefile; } private function xmlrpc_internal($method, $parameter, $timeout = 240) { $this->error = null; $options = array( 'prefix' => 'pfsense.', 'sslverify' => false, 'connectionTimeout' => $timeout ); $numberofruns = 0; while ($numberofruns < 2) { $numberofruns++; log_error(sprintf(gettext("Beginning XMLRPC sync data to %s."), $this->logurl)); $cli = XML_RPC2_Client::create($this->url, $options); if (!is_object($cli)) { $this->error = sprintf(gettext("A communications error occurred while attempting XMLRPC sync with %s (pfsense.%s)."), $this->log, $method); log_error($this->error); file_notice($this->filenotice, $this->error, "Settings Sync", ""); continue; } try {//restore_config_section $REQUEST_URI = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; unset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // force use of 'toText()' when setting XML_RPC2_CurlException message $resp = $cli->$method($parameter); } catch (XML_RPC2_FaultException $e) { // The XMLRPC server returns a XMLRPC error $this->error = "Exception calling XMLRPC method {$method} #" . $e->getFaultCode() . ' : ' . $e->getFaultString(); log_error($this->error); file_notice($this->filenotice, $this->error, "Communications error occurred", ""); continue; } catch (XML_RPC2_CurlException $e) { $previouserror = $e->getPrevious();// HTTP_Request2_ConnectionException if ($previouserror == null) { // CurlException doesnt get filled with PreviousError, // however we dont want to show the stacktrace included in the 'message' to non sysadmin users $this->error = "CurlException calling XMLRPC method {$method} #" . $e->getMessage(); } else { $this->error = "CurlException calling XMLRPC method {$method} #" . $previouserror->getMessage(); } log_error($this->error); file_notice($this->filenotice, $this->error, "Communications error occurred", ""); continue; } catch (Exception $e) { // Other errors (HTTP or networking problems...) $this->error = "Exception calling XMLRPC method {$method} # " . $e->getMessage(); log_error($this->error); file_notice($this->filenotice, $this->error, gettext("Error code received"), ""); continue; } finally { if (isset($REQUEST_URI)) { // restore the unset variable to its previous state. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $REQUEST_URI; } } if (!is_array($resp) && trim($resp) == "Authentication failed") { $this->error = "An authentication failure occurred while trying to access {$this->logurl} ({$method})."; log_error($this->error); file_notice($this->filenotice, $this->error, "Settings Sync", ""); continue; } log_error(sprintf(gettext("XMLRPC reload data success with %s (pfsense.{$method})."), $this->logurl)); return $resp; } return null; } public function xmlrpc_exec_php($execcmd, $timeout = 240) { $resp = $this->xmlrpc_internal("exec_php", $execcmd, $timeout); return $resp; } public function xmlrpc_method($method, $parameter = "", $timeout = 240) { $resp = $this->xmlrpc_internal($method, $parameter, $timeout); return $resp; } public function get_error() { return $this->error; } public function getUrl() { return $this->logurl; } }