* All rights reserved. * * originally part of m0n0wall (http://m0n0.ch/wall) * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Manuel Kasper . * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the pfSense Project * for use in the pfSense® software distribution. (http://www.pfsense.org/). * * 4. The names "pfSense" and "pfSense Project" must not be used to * endorse or promote products derived from this software without * prior written permission. For written permission, please contact * coreteam@pfsense.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "pfSense" * nor may "pfSense" appear in their names without prior written * permission of the Electric Sheep Fencing, LLC. * * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following * acknowledgment: * * "This product includes software developed by the pfSense Project * for use in the pfSense software distribution (http://www.pfsense.org/). * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE pfSense PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE pfSense PROJECT OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* include all configuration functions */ if (!function_exists('captiveportal_syslog')) { require_once("captiveportal.inc"); } function xmlrpc_sync_voucher_expire($vouchers, $syncip, $port, $password, $username) { global $g, $config, $cpzone; require_once("xmlrpc.inc"); $protocol = "http"; if (is_array($config['system']) && is_array($config['system']['webgui']) && !empty($config['system']['webgui']['protocol']) && $config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == "https") { $protocol = "https"; } if ($protocol == "https" || $port == "443") { $url = "https://{$syncip}"; } else { $url = "http://{$syncip}"; } /* Construct code that is run on remote machine */ $method = 'pfsense.exec_php'; $execcmd = <<setCredentials($username, $password); $resp = $cli->send($msg, "250"); if (!is_object($resp)) { $error = sprintf(gettext("A communications error occurred while attempting CaptivePortalVoucherSync XMLRPC sync with %s (pfsense.exec_php)."), $url . ":" . $port); log_error($error); file_notice("CaptivePortalVoucherSync", $error, "Communications error occurred", ""); return false; } elseif ($resp->faultCode()) { $error = sprintf(gettext('An error code was received while attempting CaptivePortalVoucherSync XMLRPC sync with %1$s - Code %2$s'), $url . ":" . $port, $resp->faultCode() . ": " . $resp->faultString()); log_error($error); file_notice("CaptivePortalVoucherSync", $error, "Error code received", ""); return false; } else { log_error(sprintf(gettext("CaptivePortalVoucherSync XMLRPC reload data success with %s (pfsense.exec_php)."), $url . ":" . $port)); } $toreturn = XML_RPC_Decode($resp->value()); return $toreturn; } function xmlrpc_sync_voucher_disconnect($dbent, $syncip, $port, $password, $username, $term_cause = 1, $stop_time = null) { global $g, $config, $cpzone; require_once("xmlrpc.inc"); $protocol = "http"; if (is_array($config['system']) && is_array($config['system']['webgui']) && !empty($config['system']['webgui']['protocol']) && $config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == "https") { $protocol = "https"; } if ($protocol == "https" || $port == "443") { $url = "https://{$syncip}"; } else { $url = "http://{$syncip}"; } /* Construct code that is run on remote machine */ $dbent_str = serialize($dbent); $tmp_stop_time = (isset($stop_time)) ? $stop_time : "null"; $method = 'pfsense.exec_php'; $execcmd = <<setCredentials($username, $password); $resp = $cli->send($msg, "250"); if (!is_object($resp)) { $error = sprintf(gettext("A communications error occurred while attempting CaptivePortalVoucherSync XMLRPC sync with %s (pfsense.exec_php)."), $url . ":" . $port); log_error($error); file_notice("CaptivePortalVoucherSync", $error, "Communications error occurred", ""); return false; } elseif ($resp->faultCode()) { $error = sprintf(gettext('An error code was received while attempting CaptivePortalVoucherSync XMLRPC sync with %1$s - Code %2$s'), $url . ":" . $port, $resp->faultCode() . ": " . $resp->faultString()); log_error($error); file_notice("CaptivePortalVoucherSync", $error, "Error code received", ""); return false; } else { log_error(sprintf(gettext("CaptivePortalVoucherSync XMLRPC reload data success with %s (pfsense.exec_php)."), $url . ":" . $port)); } $toreturn = XML_RPC_Decode($resp->value()); return $toreturn; } function xmlrpc_sync_used_voucher($voucher_received, $syncip, $port, $password, $username) { global $g, $config, $cpzone; require_once("xmlrpc.inc"); $protocol = "http"; if (is_array($config['system']) && is_array($config['system']['webgui']) && !empty($config['system']['webgui']['protocol']) && $config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == "https") { $protocol = "https"; } if ($protocol == "https" || $port == "443") { $url = "https://{$syncip}"; } else { $url = "http://{$syncip}"; } /* Construct code that is run on remote machine */ $method = 'pfsense.exec_php'; $execcmd = <<setCredentials($username, $password); $resp = $cli->send($msg, "250"); if (!is_object($resp)) { $error = sprintf(gettext("A communications error occurred while attempting CaptivePortalVoucherSync XMLRPC sync with %s (pfsense.exec_php)."), $url . ":" . $port); log_error($error); file_notice("CaptivePortalVoucherSync", $error, "Communications error occurred", ""); return null; // $timeleft } elseif ($resp->faultCode()) { $error = sprintf(gettext('An error code was received while attempting CaptivePortalVoucherSync XMLRPC sync with %1$s - Code %2$s'), $url . ":" . $port, $resp->faultCode() . ": " . $resp->faultString()); log_error($error); file_notice("CaptivePortalVoucherSync", $error, "Error code received", ""); return null; // $timeleft } else { log_error(sprintf(gettext("CaptivePortalVoucherSync XMLRPC reload data success with %s (pfsense.exec_php)."), $url . ":" . $port)); } $toreturn = XML_RPC_Decode($resp->value()); if (!is_array($config['voucher'])) { $config['voucher'] = array(); } if (is_array($toreturn['voucher']) && is_array($toreturn['voucher']['roll'])) { $config['voucher'][$cpzone]['roll'] = $toreturn['voucher']['roll']; write_config(sprintf(gettext("Captive Portal Voucher database synchronized with %s"), $url)); voucher_configure_zone(true); unset($toreturn['voucher']); } else if (!isset($toreturn['timeleft'])) { return null; } return $toreturn['timeleft']; } function voucher_expire($voucher_received) { global $g, $config, $cpzone, $cpzoneid; // XMLRPC Call over to the master Voucher node if (!empty($config['voucher'][$cpzone]['vouchersyncdbip'])) { $syncip = $config['voucher'][$cpzone]['vouchersyncdbip']; $syncport = $config['voucher'][$cpzone]['vouchersyncport']; $syncpass = $config['voucher'][$cpzone]['vouchersyncpass']; $vouchersyncusername = $config['voucher'][$cpzone]['vouchersyncusername']; xmlrpc_sync_voucher_expire($voucher_received, $syncip, $syncport, $syncpass, $vouchersyncusername); } $voucherlck = lock("voucher{$cpzone}", LOCK_EX); // read rolls into assoc array with rollid as key and minutes as value $tickets_per_roll = array(); $minutes_per_roll = array(); if (is_array($config['voucher'][$cpzone]['roll'])) { foreach ($config['voucher'][$cpzone]['roll'] as $rollent) { $tickets_per_roll[$rollent['number']] = $rollent['count']; $minutes_per_roll[$rollent['number']] = $rollent['minutes']; } } // split into an array. Useful for multiple vouchers given $a_vouchers_received = preg_split("/[\t\n\r ]+/s", $voucher_received); $active_dirty = false; $unsetindexes = array(); // go through all received vouchers, check their valid and extract // Roll# and Ticket# using the external readvoucher binary foreach ($a_vouchers_received as $voucher) { $v = escapeshellarg($voucher); if (strlen($voucher) < 5) { captiveportal_syslog("${voucher} invalid: Too short!"); continue; // seems too short to be a voucher! } unset($output); $_gb = exec("/usr/local/bin/voucher -c {$g['varetc_path']}/voucher_{$cpzone}.cfg -k {$g['varetc_path']}/voucher_{$cpzone}.public -- $v", $output); list($status, $roll, $nr) = explode(" ", $output[0]); if ($status == "OK") { // check if we have this ticket on a registered roll for this ticket if ($tickets_per_roll[$roll] && ($nr <= $tickets_per_roll[$roll])) { // voucher is from a registered roll. if (!isset($active_vouchers[$roll])) { $active_vouchers[$roll] = voucher_read_active_db($roll); } // valid voucher. Store roll# and ticket# if (!empty($active_vouchers[$roll][$voucher])) { $active_dirty = true; unset($active_vouchers[$roll][$voucher]); } // check if voucher already marked as used if (!isset($bitstring[$roll])) { $bitstring[$roll] = voucher_read_used_db($roll); } $pos = $nr >> 3; // divide by 8 -> octet $mask = 1 << ($nr % 8); // mark bit for this voucher as used if (!(ord($bitstring[$roll][$pos]) & $mask)) { $bitstring[$roll][$pos] = chr(ord($bitstring[$roll][$pos]) | $mask); } captiveportal_syslog("{$voucher} ({$roll}/{$nr}) forced to expire"); /* Check if this voucher has any active sessions */ $cpentry = captiveportal_read_db("WHERE username = '{$voucher}'"); if (!empty($cpentry) && !empty($cpentry[0])) { if (empty($cpzoneid) && !empty($config['captiveportal'][$cpzone])) { $cpzoneid = $config['captiveportal'][$cpzone]['zoneid']; } $cpentry = $cpentry[0]; captiveportal_disconnect($cpentry, null, 13); captiveportal_logportalauth($cpentry[4], $cpentry[3], $cpentry[2], "FORCLY TERMINATING VOUCHER {$voucher} SESSION"); $unsetindexes[] = $cpentry[5]; } } else { captiveportal_syslog(sprintf(gettext('%1$s (%2$s/%3$s): not found on any registered Roll'), $voucher, $roll, $nr)); } } else { // hmm, thats weird ... not what I expected captiveportal_syslog(sprintf(gettext('%1$s invalid: %2$s!!'), $voucher, $output[0])); } } // Refresh active DBs if ($active_dirty == true) { foreach ($active_vouchers as $roll => $active) { voucher_write_active_db($roll, $active); } unset($active_vouchers); /* Trigger a sync of the vouchers on config */ send_event("service sync vouchers"); } // Write back the used DB's if (is_array($bitstring)) { foreach ($bitstring as $roll => $used) { if (is_array($used)) { foreach ($used as $u) { voucher_write_used_db($roll, base64_encode($u)); } } else { voucher_write_used_db($roll, base64_encode($used)); } } unset($bitstring); } unlock($voucherlck); /* Write database */ if (!empty($unsetindexes)) { captiveportal_remove_entries($unsetindexes); } return true; } /* * Authenticate a voucher and return the remaining time credit in minutes * if $test is set, don't mark the voucher as used nor add it to the list * of active vouchers * If $test is set, simply test the voucher. Don't change anything * but return a more verbose error and result message back */ function voucher_auth($voucher_received, $test = 0) { global $g, $config, $cpzone, $dbc; if (!isset($config['voucher'][$cpzone]['enable'])) { return 0; } // XMLRPC Call over to the master Voucher node if (!empty($config['voucher'][$cpzone]['vouchersyncdbip'])) { $syncip = $config['voucher'][$cpzone]['vouchersyncdbip']; $syncport = $config['voucher'][$cpzone]['vouchersyncport']; $syncpass = $config['voucher'][$cpzone]['vouchersyncpass']; $vouchersyncusername = $config['voucher'][$cpzone]['vouchersyncusername']; $remote_time_used = xmlrpc_sync_used_voucher($voucher_received, $syncip, $syncport, $syncpass, $vouchersyncusername); } $voucherlck = lock("voucher{$cpzone}", LOCK_EX); // read rolls into assoc array with rollid as key and minutes as value $tickets_per_roll = array(); $minutes_per_roll = array(); if (is_array($config['voucher'][$cpzone]['roll'])) { foreach ($config['voucher'][$cpzone]['roll'] as $rollent) { $tickets_per_roll[$rollent['number']] = $rollent['count']; $minutes_per_roll[$rollent['number']] = $rollent['minutes']; } } // split into an array. Useful for multiple vouchers given $a_vouchers_received = preg_split("/[\t\n\r ]+/s", $voucher_received); $error = 0; $test_result = array(); // used to display for voucher test option in GUI $total_minutes = 0; $first_voucher = ""; $first_voucher_roll = 0; // go through all received vouchers, check their valid and extract // Roll# and Ticket# using the external readvoucher binary foreach ($a_vouchers_received as $voucher) { $v = escapeshellarg($voucher); if (strlen($voucher) < 5) { $voucher_err_text = sprintf(gettext("%s invalid: Too short!"), $voucher); $test_result[] = $voucher_err_text; captiveportal_syslog($voucher_err_text); $error++; continue; // seems too short to be a voucher! } $result = exec("/usr/local/bin/voucher -c {$g['varetc_path']}/voucher_{$cpzone}.cfg -k {$g['varetc_path']}/voucher_{$cpzone}.public -- $v"); list($status, $roll, $nr) = explode(" ", $result); if ($status == "OK") { if (!$first_voucher) { // store first voucher. Thats the one we give the timecredit $first_voucher = $voucher; $first_voucher_roll = $roll; } // check if we have this ticket on a registered roll for this ticket if ($tickets_per_roll[$roll] && ($nr <= $tickets_per_roll[$roll])) { // voucher is from a registered roll. if (!isset($active_vouchers[$roll])) { $active_vouchers[$roll] = voucher_read_active_db($roll); } // valid voucher. Store roll# and ticket# if (!empty($active_vouchers[$roll][$voucher])) { list($timestamp, $minutes) = explode(",", $active_vouchers[$roll][$voucher]); // we have an already active voucher here. $remaining = intval((($timestamp + (60*$minutes)) - time())/60); $test_result[] = sprintf(gettext('%1$s (%2$s/%3$s) active and good for %4$d Minutes'), $voucher, $roll, $nr, $remaining); $total_minutes += $remaining; } else { // voucher not used. Check if ticket Id is on the roll (not too high) // and if the ticket is marked used. // check if voucher already marked as used if (!isset($bitstring[$roll])) { $bitstring[$roll] = voucher_read_used_db($roll); } $pos = $nr >> 3; // divide by 8 -> octet $mask = 1 << ($nr % 8); if (ord($bitstring[$roll][$pos]) & $mask) { $voucher_err_text = sprintf(gettext('%1$s (%2$s/%3$s) already used and expired'), $voucher, $roll, $nr); $test_result[] = $voucher_err_text; captiveportal_syslog($voucher_err_text); $total_minutes = -1; // voucher expired $error++; } else { // mark bit for this voucher as used $bitstring[$roll][$pos] = chr(ord($bitstring[$roll][$pos]) | $mask); $test_result[] = sprintf(gettext('%1$s (%2$s/%3$s) good for %4$s Minutes'), $voucher, $roll, $nr, $minutes_per_roll[$roll]); $total_minutes += $minutes_per_roll[$roll]; } } } else { $voucher_err_text = sprintf(gettext('%1$s (%2$s/%3$s): not found on any registered Roll'), $voucher, $roll, $nr); $test_result[] = $voucher_err_text; captiveportal_syslog($voucher_err_text); } } else { // hmm, thats weird ... not what I expected $voucher_err_text = sprintf(gettext('%1$s invalid: %2$s !!'), $voucher, $result); $test_result[] = $voucher_err_text; captiveportal_syslog($voucher_err_text); $error++; } } // if this was a test call, we're done. Return the result. if ($test) { if ($error) { $test_result[] = gettext("Access denied!"); } else { $test_result[] = sprintf(gettext("Access granted for %d Minutes in total."), $total_minutes); } unlock($voucherlck); return $test_result; } // if we had an error (one of the vouchers is invalid), return 0. // Discussion: we could return the time remaining for good vouchers, but then // the user wouldn't know that he used at least one invalid voucher. if ($error) { unlock($voucherlck); if ($total_minutes > 0) { // probably not needed, but want to make sure $total_minutes = 0; // we only report -1 (expired) or 0 (no access) } return $total_minutes; // well, at least one voucher had errors. Say NO ACCESS } // If we did a XMLRPC sync earlier check the timeleft if (!empty($config['voucher'][$cpzone]['vouchersyncdbip'])) { if (!is_null($remote_time_used)) { $total_minutes = $remote_time_used; } else if ($remote_time_used < $total_minutes) { $total_minutes -= $remote_time_used; } } // All given vouchers were valid and this isn't simply a test. // Write back the used DB's if (is_array($bitstring)) { foreach ($bitstring as $roll => $used) { if (is_array($used)) { foreach ($used as $u) { voucher_write_used_db($roll, base64_encode($u)); } } else { voucher_write_used_db($roll, base64_encode($used)); } } } // Active DB: we only add the first voucher if multiple given // and give that one all the time credit. This allows the user to logout and // log in later using just the first voucher. It also keeps username limited // to one voucher and that voucher shows the correct time credit in 'active vouchers' if (!empty($active_vouchers[$first_voucher_roll][$first_voucher])) { list($timestamp, $minutes) = explode(",", $active_vouchers[$first_voucher_roll][$first_voucher]); } else { $timestamp = time(); // new voucher $minutes = $total_minutes; } $active_vouchers[$first_voucher_roll][$first_voucher] = "$timestamp,$minutes"; voucher_write_active_db($first_voucher_roll, $active_vouchers[$first_voucher_roll]); /* Trigger a sync of the vouchers on config */ send_event("service sync vouchers"); unlock($voucherlck); return $total_minutes; } function voucher_configure($sync = false) { global $config, $g, $cpzone; if (is_array($config['voucher'])) { foreach ($config['voucher'] as $voucherzone => $vcfg) { if (platform_booting()) { echo gettext("Enabling voucher support... "); } $cpzone = $voucherzone; $error = voucher_configure_zone($sync); if (platform_booting()) { if ($error) { echo "error\n"; } else { echo "done\n"; } } } } } function voucher_configure_zone($sync = false) { global $config, $g, $cpzone; if (!isset($config['voucher'][$cpzone]['enable'])) { return 0; } if ($sync == true) { captiveportal_syslog("Writing voucher db from sync data..."); } $voucherlck = lock("voucher{$cpzone}", LOCK_EX); /* write public key used to verify vouchers */ $pubkey = base64_decode($config['voucher'][$cpzone]['publickey']); $fd = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/voucher_{$cpzone}.public", "w"); if (!$fd) { captiveportal_syslog("Voucher error: cannot write voucher.public\n"); unlock($voucherlck); return 1; } fwrite($fd, $pubkey); fclose($fd); @chmod("{$g['varetc_path']}/voucher_{$cpzone}.public", 0600); /* write config file used by voucher binary to decode vouchers */ $fd = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/voucher_{$cpzone}.cfg", "w"); if (!$fd) { printf(gettext("Error: cannot write voucher.cfg") . "\n"); unlock($voucherlck); return 1; } fwrite($fd, "{$config['voucher'][$cpzone]['rollbits']},{$config['voucher'][$cpzone]['ticketbits']},{$config['voucher'][$cpzone]['checksumbits']},{$config['voucher'][$cpzone]['magic']},{$config['voucher'][$cpzone]['charset']}\n"); fclose($fd); @chmod("{$g['varetc_path']}/voucher_{$cpzone}.cfg", 0600); unlock($voucherlck); if ((platform_booting() || $sync == true) && is_array($config['voucher'][$cpzone]['roll'])) { $voucherlck = lock("voucher{$cpzone}", LOCK_EX); // create active and used DB per roll on ramdisk from config foreach ($config['voucher'][$cpzone]['roll'] as $rollent) { $roll = $rollent['number']; $len = ($rollent['count'] >> 3) + 1; if (strlen(base64_decode($rollent['used'])) != $len) { $rollent['used'] = base64_encode(str_repeat("\000", $len)); } voucher_write_used_db($roll, $rollent['used']); $minutes = $rollent['minutes']; $active_vouchers = array(); $a_active = &$rollent['active']; if (is_array($a_active)) { foreach ($a_active as $activent) { $voucher = $activent['voucher']; $timestamp = $activent['timestamp']; $minutes = $activent['minutes']; // its tempting to check for expired timestamps, but during // bootup, we most likely don't have the correct time. $active_vouchers[$voucher] = "$timestamp,$minutes"; } } voucher_write_active_db($roll, $active_vouchers); } unlock($voucherlck); } return 0; } /* write bitstring of used vouchers to ramdisk. * Bitstring must already be base64_encoded! */ function voucher_write_used_db($roll, $vdb) { global $g, $cpzone; $fd = fopen("{$g['vardb_path']}/voucher_{$cpzone}_used_$roll.db", "w"); if ($fd) { fwrite($fd, $vdb . "\n"); fclose($fd); } else { voucher_log(LOG_ERR, sprintf(gettext('cant write %1$s/voucher_%2$s_used_%3$s.db'), $g['vardb_path'], $cpzone, $roll)); } } /* return assoc array of active vouchers with activation timestamp * voucher is index. */ function voucher_read_active_db($roll) { global $g, $cpzone; $active = array(); $dirty = 0; $file = "{$g['vardb_path']}/voucher_{$cpzone}_active_$roll.db"; if (file_exists($file)) { $fd = fopen($file, "r"); if ($fd) { while (!feof($fd)) { $line = trim(fgets($fd)); if ($line) { list($voucher, $timestamp, $minutes) = explode(",", $line); // voucher,timestamp if ((($timestamp + (60*$minutes)) - time()) > 0) { $active[$voucher] = "$timestamp,$minutes"; } else { $dirty=1; } } } fclose($fd); if ($dirty) { // if we found expired entries, lets save our snapshot voucher_write_active_db($roll, $active); /* Trigger a sync of the vouchers on config */ send_event("service sync vouchers"); } } } return $active; } /* store array of active vouchers back to DB */ function voucher_write_active_db($roll, $active) { global $g, $cpzone; if (!is_array($active)) { return; } $fd = fopen("{$g['vardb_path']}/voucher_{$cpzone}_active_$roll.db", "w"); if ($fd) { foreach ($active as $voucher => $value) { fwrite($fd, "$voucher,$value\n"); } fclose($fd); } } /* return how many vouchers are marked used on a roll */ function voucher_used_count($roll) { global $g, $cpzone; $bitstring = voucher_read_used_db($roll); $max = strlen($bitstring) * 8; $used = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= $max; $i++) { // check if ticket already used or not. $pos = $i >> 3; // divide by 8 -> octet $mask = 1 << ($i % 8); // mask to test bit in octet if (ord($bitstring[$pos]) & $mask) { $used++; } } unset($bitstring); return $used; } function voucher_read_used_db($roll) { global $g, $cpzone; $vdb = ""; $file = "{$g['vardb_path']}/voucher_{$cpzone}_used_$roll.db"; if (file_exists($file)) { $fd = fopen($file, "r"); if ($fd) { $vdb = trim(fgets($fd)); fclose($fd); } else { voucher_log(LOG_ERR, sprintf(gettext('cant read %1$s/voucher_%2$s_used_%3$s.db'), $g['vardb_path'], $cpzone, $roll)); } } return base64_decode($vdb); } function voucher_unlink_db($roll) { global $g, $cpzone; @unlink("{$g['vardb_path']}/voucher_{$cpzone}_used_$roll.db"); @unlink("{$g['vardb_path']}/voucher_{$cpzone}_active_$roll.db"); } /* we share the log with captiveportal for now */ function voucher_log($priority, $message) { $message = trim($message); openlog("logportalauth", LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL4); syslog($priority, sprintf(gettext("Voucher: %s"), $message)); closelog(); } /* Save active and used voucher DB into XML config and write it to flash * Called during reboot -> system_reboot_cleanup() and every active voucher change */ function voucher_save_db_to_config() { global $config, $g, $cpzone; if (is_array($config['voucher'])) { foreach ($config['voucher'] as $voucherzone => $vcfg) { $cpzone = $voucherzone; voucher_save_db_to_config_zone(); } } } function voucher_save_db_to_config_zone() { global $config, $g, $cpzone; if (!isset($config['voucher'][$cpzone]['enable'])) { return; // no vouchers or don't want to save DB's } if (!is_array($config['voucher'][$cpzone]['roll'])) { return; } $voucherlck = lock("voucher{$cpzone}", LOCK_EX); // walk all active rolls and save runtime DB's to flash $a_roll = &$config['voucher'][$cpzone]['roll']; while (list($key, $value) = each($a_roll)) { $rollent = &$a_roll[$key]; $roll = $rollent['number']; $bitmask = voucher_read_used_db($roll); $rollent['used'] = base64_encode($bitmask); $active_vouchers = voucher_read_active_db($roll); $db = array(); $dbi = 1; foreach ($active_vouchers as $voucher => $line) { list($timestamp, $minutes) = explode(",", $line); $activent['voucher'] = $voucher; $activent['timestamp'] = $timestamp; $activent['minutes'] = $minutes; $db["v{$dbi}"] = $activent; $dbi++; } $rollent['active'] = $db; unset($active_vouchers); } unlock($voucherlck); write_config(gettext("Syncing vouchers")); return; } ?>