* Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Rubicon Communications, LLC (Netgate) * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* include all configuration functions */ function dump_rrd_to_xml($rrddatabase, $xmldumpfile) { $rrdtool = "/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/bin/rrdtool"; unlink_if_exists($xmldumpfile); exec("$rrdtool dump " . escapeshellarg($rrddatabase) . " {$xmldumpfile} 2>&1", $dumpout, $dumpret); if ($dumpret <> 0) { $dumpout = implode(" ", $dumpout); log_error(sprintf(gettext('RRD dump failed exited with %1$s, the error is: %2$s'), $dumpret, $dumpout)); } return($dumpret); } function restore_rrd() { global $g, $config; $rrddbpath = "{$g['vardb_path']}/rrd/"; $rrdtool = "/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/bin/rrdtool"; $rrdrestore = ""; $rrdreturn = ""; if (file_exists("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/rrd.tgz") && isset($config['system']['use_mfs_tmpvar'])) { foreach (glob("{$rrddbpath}/*.xml") as $xml_file) { @unlink($xml_file); } unset($rrdrestore); $_gb = exec("cd /;LANG=C /usr/bin/tar -tf {$g['cf_conf_path']}/rrd.tgz", $rrdrestore, $rrdreturn); if ($rrdreturn != 0) { log_error(sprintf(gettext('RRD restore failed exited with %1$s, the error is: %2$s'), $rrdreturn, $rrdrestore)); return; } foreach ($rrdrestore as $xml_file) { $rrd_file = '/' . substr($xml_file, 0, -4) . '.rrd'; if (file_exists("{$rrd_file}")) { @unlink($rrd_file); } file_put_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/rrd_restore", $xml_file); $_gb = exec("cd /;LANG=C /usr/bin/tar -xf {$g['cf_conf_path']}/rrd.tgz -T {$g['tmp_path']}/rrd_restore"); if (!file_exists("/{$xml_file}")) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Could not extract %s RRD xml file from archive!"), $xml_file)); continue; } $_gb = exec("$rrdtool restore -f '/{$xml_file}' '{$rrd_file}'", $output, $status); if ($status) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("rrdtool restore -f '%1\$s' '%2\$s' failed returning %3\$s."), $xml_file, $rrd_file, $status)); continue; } unset($output); @unlink("/{$xml_file}"); } unset($rrdrestore); @unlink("{$g['tmp_path']}/rrd_restore"); /* If this backup is still there on a full install, but we aren't going to use ram disks, remove the archive since this is a transition. */ if (!isset($config['system']['use_mfs_tmpvar'])) { unlink_if_exists("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/rrd.tgz"); } return true; } return false; } function create_new_rrd($rrdcreatecmd) { $rrdcreateoutput = array(); $rrdcreatereturn = 0; $_gb = exec("$rrdcreatecmd 2>&1", $rrdcreateoutput, $rrdcreatereturn); if ($rrdcreatereturn <> 0) { $rrdcreateoutput = implode(" ", $rrdcreateoutput); log_error(sprintf(gettext('RRD create failed exited with %1$s, the error is: %2$s'), $rrdcreatereturn, $rrdcreateoutput)); } unset($rrdcreateoutput); return $rrdcreatereturn; } function migrate_rrd_format($rrdoldxml, $rrdnewxml) { if (!file_exists("/tmp/rrd_notice_sent.txt")) { $_gb = exec("echo 'Converting RRD configuration to new format. This might take a bit...' | wall"); @touch("/tmp/rrd_notice_sent.txt"); } $numrraold = count($rrdoldxml['rra']); $numrranew = count($rrdnewxml['rra']); $numdsold = count($rrdoldxml['ds']); $numdsnew = count($rrdnewxml['ds']); log_error(sprintf(gettext('Import RRD has %1$s DS values and %2$s RRA databases, new format RRD has %3$s DS values and %4$s RRA databases'), $numdsold, $numrraold, $numdsnew , $numrranew)); /* add data sources not found in the old array from the new array */ $i = 0; foreach ($rrdnewxml['ds'] as $ds) { if (!is_array($rrdoldxml['ds'][$i])) { $rrdoldxml['ds'][$i] = $rrdnewxml['ds'][$i]; /* set unknown values to 0 */ $rrdoldxml['ds'][$i]['last_ds'] = " 0.0000000000e+00 "; $rrdoldxml['ds'][$i]['value'] = " 0.0000000000e+00 "; $rrdoldxml['ds'][$i]['unknown_sec'] = "0"; } $i++; } $i = 0; $rracountold = count($rrdoldxml['rra']); $rracountnew = count($rrdnewxml['rra']); /* process each RRA, which contain a database */ foreach ($rrdnewxml['rra'] as $rra) { if (!is_array($rrdoldxml['rra'][$i])) { $rrdoldxml['rra'][$i] = $rrdnewxml['rra'][$i]; } $d = 0; /* process cdp_prep */ $cdp_prep = $rra['cdp_prep']; foreach ($cdp_prep['ds'] as $ds) { if (!is_array($rrdoldxml['rra'][$i]['cdp_prep']['ds'][$d])) { $rrdoldxml['rra'][$i]['cdp_prep']['ds'][$d] = $rrdnewxml['rra'][$i]['cdp_prep']['ds'][$d]; $rrdoldxml['rra'][$i]['cdp_prep']['ds'][$d]['primary_value'] = " 0.0000000000e+00 "; $rrdoldxml['rra'][$i]['cdp_prep']['ds'][$d]['secondary_value'] = " 0.0000000000e+00 "; $rrdoldxml['rra'][$i]['cdp_prep']['ds'][$d]['value'] = " 0.0000000000e+00 "; $rrdoldxml['rra'][$i]['cdp_prep']['ds'][$d]['unknown_datapoints'] = "0"; } $d++; } /* process database */ $rows = $rra['database']; $k = 0; $rowcountold = count($rrdoldxml['rra'][$i]['database']['row']); $rowcountnew = count($rrdnewxml['rra'][$i]['database']['row']); $rowcountdiff = $rowcountnew - $rowcountold; /* save old rows for a bit before we put the required empty rows before it */ $rowsdata = $rows; $rowsempty = array(); $r = 0; while ($r < $rowcountdiff) { $rowsempty[] = $rrdnewxml['rra'][$i]['database']['row'][$r]; $r++; } $rows = $rowsempty + $rowsdata; /* now foreach the rows in the database */ foreach ($rows['row'] as $row) { if (!is_array($rrdoldxml['rra'][$i]['database']['row'][$k])) { $rrdoldxml['rra'][$i]['database']['row'][$k] = $rrdnewxml['rra'][$i]['database']['row'][$k]; } $m = 0; $vcountold = count($rrdoldxml['rra'][$i]['database']['row'][$k]['v']); $vcountnew = count($rrdnewxml['rra'][$i]['database']['row'][$k]['v']); foreach ($row['v'] as $value) { if (empty($rrdoldxml['rra'][$i]['database']['row'][$k]['v'][$m])) { if (isset($valid)) { $rrdoldxml['rra'][$i]['database']['row'][$k]['v'][$m] = "0.0000000000e+00 "; } else { $rrdoldxml['rra'][$i]['database']['row'][$k]['v'][$m] = $rrdnewxml['rra'][$i]['database']['row'][$k]['v'][$m]; } } else { if ($value <> " NaN ") { $valid = true; } else { $valid = false; } } $m++; } $k++; } $i++; } $numrranew = count($rrdoldxml['rra']); $numdsnew = count($rrdoldxml['ds']); log_error(sprintf(gettext('The new RRD now has %1$s DS values and %2$s RRA databases'), $numdsnew, $numrranew)); return $rrdoldxml; } function enable_rrd_graphing() { global $config, $g, $altq_list_queues; if (platform_booting()) { echo gettext("Generating RRD graphs..."); } $rrddbpath = "{$g['vardb_path']}/rrd/"; $rrdgraphpath = "/usr/local/www/rrd"; $traffic = "-traffic.rrd"; $packets = "-packets.rrd"; $states = "-states.rrd"; $wireless = "-wireless.rrd"; $queues = "-queues.rrd"; $queuesdrop = "-queuedrops.rrd"; $spamd = "-spamd.rrd"; $proc = "-processor.rrd"; $mem = "-memory.rrd"; $mbuf = "-mbuf.rrd"; $cellular = "-cellular.rrd"; $vpnusers = "-vpnusers.rrd"; $captiveportalconcurrent = "-concurrent.rrd"; $captiveportalloggedin = "-loggedin.rrd"; $ntpd = "ntpd.rrd"; $dhcpd = "-dhcpd.rrd"; $rrdtool = "/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/bin/rrdtool"; $netstat = "/usr/bin/netstat"; $awk = "/usr/bin/awk"; $tar = "/usr/bin/tar"; $pfctl = "/sbin/pfctl"; $sysctl = "/sbin/sysctl"; $php = "/usr/local/bin/php-cgi"; $cpustats = "/usr/local/sbin/cpustats"; $spamd_gather = "/usr/local/bin/spamd_gather_stats.php"; $ifconfig = "/sbin/ifconfig"; $captiveportal_gather = "/usr/local/bin/captiveportal_gather_stats.php"; $dhcpd_gather = "/usr/local/bin/dhcpd_gather_stats.php"; $ntpq = "/usr/local/sbin/ntpq"; $rrdtrafficinterval = 60; $rrdwirelessinterval = 60; $rrdqueuesinterval = 60; $rrdqueuesdropinterval = 60; $rrdpacketsinterval = 60; $rrdstatesinterval = 60; $rrdspamdinterval = 60; $rrdlbpoolinterval = 60; $rrdprocinterval = 60; $rrdmeminterval = 60; $rrdmbufinterval = 60; $rrdcellularinterval = 60; $rrdvpninterval = 60; $rrdcaptiveportalinterval = 60; $rrdntpdinterval = 60; $rrddhcpdinterval = 60; $trafficvalid = $rrdtrafficinterval * 2; $wirelessvalid = $rrdwirelessinterval * 2; $queuesvalid = $rrdqueuesinterval * 2; $queuesdropvalid = $rrdqueuesdropinterval * 2; $packetsvalid = $rrdpacketsinterval * 2; $statesvalid = $rrdstatesinterval*2; $spamdvalid = $rrdspamdinterval * 2; $lbpoolvalid = $rrdlbpoolinterval * 2; $procvalid = $rrdlbpoolinterval * 2; $memvalid = $rrdmeminterval * 2; $mbufvalid = $rrdmbufinterval * 2; $cellularvalid = $rrdcellularinterval * 2; $vpnvalid = $rrdvpninterval * 2; $captiveportalvalid = $rrdcaptiveportalinterval * 2; $ntpdvalid = $rrdntpdinterval * 2; $dhcpdvalid = $rrddhcpdinterval * 2; /* Assume 2*10GigE for now */ $downstream = 2500000000; $upstream = 2500000000; /* read the shaper config */ read_altq_config(); if (isset ($config['rrd']['enable'])) { /* create directory if needed */ if (!is_dir($rrddbpath)) { mkdir($rrddbpath, 0775); } chown($rrddbpath, "nobody"); if (platform_booting()) { restore_rrd(); } /* db update script */ $rrdupdatesh = "#!/bin/sh\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "export TERM=dumb\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= 'echo $$ > ' . $g['varrun_path'] . '/updaterrd.sh.pid'; $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "counter=1\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "while [ \"\$counter\" -ne 0 ]\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "do\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= ""; $i = 0; $ifdescrs = get_configured_interface_with_descr(); /* IPsec counters */ $ifdescrs['ipsec'] = "IPsec"; /* OpenVPN server counters */ if (is_array($config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'])) { foreach ($config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'] as $server) { $serverid = "ovpns" . $server['vpnid']; $ifdescrs[$serverid] = "{$server['description']}"; } } if (platform_booting()) { if (!is_dir($rrddbpath)) { mkdir($rrddbpath, 0775); } @chown($rrddbpath, "nobody"); } /* process all real and pseudo interfaces */ foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifname => $ifdescr) { $temp = get_real_interface($ifname); if ($temp <> "") { $realif = $temp; } /* TRAFFIC, set up the rrd file */ if (!file_exists("$rrddbpath$ifname$traffic")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $rrddbpath$ifname$traffic --step $rrdtrafficinterval "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:inpass:COUNTER:$trafficvalid:0:$downstream "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:outpass:COUNTER:$trafficvalid:0:$upstream "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:inblock:COUNTER:$trafficvalid:0:$downstream "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:outblock:COUNTER:$trafficvalid:0:$upstream "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:inpass6:COUNTER:$trafficvalid:0:$downstream "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:outpass6:COUNTER:$trafficvalid:0:$upstream "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:inblock6:COUNTER:$trafficvalid:0:$downstream "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:outblock6:COUNTER:$trafficvalid:0:$upstream "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } /* enter UNKNOWN values in the RRD so it knows we rebooted. */ if (platform_booting()) { mwexec("$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$traffic N:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U"); } $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "# polling traffic for interface $ifname $realif IPv4/IPv6 counters \n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$traffic N:"; $rrdupdatesh .= "`$pfctl -vvsI -i {$realif} | awk '\\\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "/In4\/Pass/ { b4pi = \$6 };/Out4\/Pass/ { b4po = \$6 };/In4\/Block/ { b4bi = \$6 };/Out4\/Block/ { b4bo = \$6 };\\\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "/In6\/Pass/ { b6pi = \$6 };/Out6\/Pass/ { b6po = \$6 };/In6\/Block/ { b6bi = \$6 };/Out6\/Block/ { b6bo = \$6 };\\\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "END {print b4pi \":\" b4po \":\" b4bi \":\" b4bo \":\" b6pi \":\" b6po \":\" b6bi \":\" b6bo};'`\n"; /* PACKETS, set up the rrd file */ if (!file_exists("$rrddbpath$ifname$packets")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $rrddbpath$ifname$packets --step $rrdpacketsinterval "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:inpass:COUNTER:$packetsvalid:0:$downstream "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:outpass:COUNTER:$packetsvalid:0:$upstream "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:inblock:COUNTER:$packetsvalid:0:$downstream "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:outblock:COUNTER:$packetsvalid:0:$upstream "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:inpass6:COUNTER:$packetsvalid:0:$downstream "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:outpass6:COUNTER:$packetsvalid:0:$upstream "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:inblock6:COUNTER:$packetsvalid:0:$downstream "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:outblock6:COUNTER:$packetsvalid:0:$upstream "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } /* enter UNKNOWN values in the RRD so it knows we rebooted. */ if (platform_booting()) { mwexec("$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$packets N:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U"); } $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "# polling packets for interface $ifname $realif \n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$packets N:"; $rrdupdatesh .= "`$pfctl -vvsI -i {$realif} | awk '\\\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "/In4\/Pass/ { b4pi = \$4 };/Out4\/Pass/ { b4po = \$4 };/In4\/Block/ { b4bi = \$4 };/Out4\/Block/ { b4bo = \$4 };\\\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "/In6\/Pass/ { b6pi = \$4 };/Out6\/Pass/ { b6po = \$4 };/In6\/Block/ { b6bi = \$4 };/Out6\/Block/ { b6bo = \$4 };\\\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "END {print b4pi \":\" b4po \":\" b4bi \":\" b4bo \":\" b6pi \":\" b6po \":\" b6bi \":\" b6bo};'`\n"; /* WIRELESS, set up the rrd file */ if ($config['interfaces'][$ifname]['wireless']['mode'] == "bss") { if (!file_exists("$rrddbpath$ifname$wireless")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $rrddbpath$ifname$wireless --step $rrdwirelessinterval "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:snr:GAUGE:$wirelessvalid:0:1000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:rate:GAUGE:$wirelessvalid:0:1000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:channel:GAUGE:$wirelessvalid:0:1000 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } /* enter UNKNOWN values in the RRD so it knows we rebooted. */ if (platform_booting()) { mwexec("$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$wireless N:U:U:U"); } $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "# polling wireless for interface $ifname $realif \n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "WIFI=`$ifconfig {$realif} list sta| $awk 'gsub(\"M\", \"\") {getline 2;print substr(\$5, 0, length(\$5)-2) \":\" $4 \":\" $3}'`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$wireless N:\${WIFI}\n"; } /* OpenVPN, set up the rrd file */ if (stristr($ifname, "ovpns")) { if (!file_exists("$rrddbpath$ifname$vpnusers")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $rrddbpath$ifname$vpnusers --step $rrdvpninterval "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:users:GAUGE:$vpnvalid:0:10000 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } /* enter UNKNOWN values in the RRD so it knows we rebooted. */ if (platform_booting()) { mwexec("$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$vpnusers N:U"); } if (is_array($config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'])) { foreach ($config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'] as $server) { if ("ovpns{$server['vpnid']}" == $ifname) { $port = $server['local_port']; $vpnid = $server['vpnid']; } } } $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "# polling vpn users for interface $ifname $realif port $port\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "list_current_users() {\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= " sleep 0.2\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= " echo \"status 2\"\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= " sleep 0.2\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= " echo \"quit\"\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "}\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "OVPN=`list_current_users | nc -U {$g['varetc_path']}/openvpn/server{$vpnid}.sock | awk -F\",\" '/^CLIENT_LIST/ {print \$2}' | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$vpnusers N:\${OVPN}\n"; } /* QUEUES, set up the queues databases */ if ($altq_list_queues[$ifname]) { $altq =& $altq_list_queues[$ifname]; /* NOTE: Is it worth as its own function?! */ switch ($altq->GetBwscale()) { case "Gb": $factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; break; case "Mb": $factor = 1024 * 1024; break; case "Kb": $factor = 1024; break; case "b": default: $factor = 1; break; } $qbandwidth = $altq->GetBandwidth() * $factor; if ($qbandwidth <= 0) { $qbandwidth = 100 * 1000 * 1000; /* 100Mbit */ } $qlist =& $altq->get_queue_list($notused); if (!file_exists("$rrddbpath$ifname$queues")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $rrddbpath$ifname$queues --step $rrdqueuesinterval "; /* loop list of shaper queues */ $q = 0; foreach ($qlist as $qname => $q) { $rrdcreate .= "DS:$qname:COUNTER:$queuesvalid:0:$qbandwidth "; } $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } if (!file_exists("$rrddbpath$ifname$queuesdrop")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $rrddbpath$ifname$queuesdrop --step $rrdqueuesdropinterval "; /* loop list of shaper queues */ $q = 0; foreach ($qlist as $qname => $q) { $rrdcreate .= "DS:$qname:COUNTER:$queuesdropvalid:0:$qbandwidth "; } $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } if (platform_booting()) { $rrdqcommand = "-t "; $rrducommand = "N"; $qi = 0; foreach ($qlist as $qname => $q) { if ($qi == 0) { $rrdqcommand .= "{$qname}"; } else { $rrdqcommand .= ":{$qname}"; } $qi++; $rrducommand .= ":U"; } mwexec("$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$queues $rrdqcommand $rrducommand"); mwexec("$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$queuesdrop $rrdqcommand $rrducommand"); } /* awk function to gather shaper data */ /* yes, it's special */ $rrdupdatesh .= "` pfctl -vsq -i {$realif} | awk 'BEGIN {printf \"$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$queues \" } "; $rrdupdatesh .= "{ "; $rrdupdatesh .= "if ((\$1 == \"queue\") && ( \$2 ~ /^q/ )) { "; $rrdupdatesh .= " dsname = dsname \":\" \$2 ; "; $rrdupdatesh .= " q=1; "; $rrdupdatesh .= "} "; $rrdupdatesh .= " else if ((\$4 == \"bytes:\") && ( q == 1 ) ) { "; $rrdupdatesh .= " dsdata = dsdata \":\" \$5 ; "; $rrdupdatesh .= " q=0; "; $rrdupdatesh .= "} "; $rrdupdatesh .= "} END { "; $rrdupdatesh .= " dsname = substr(dsname,2); "; $rrdupdatesh .= " dsdata = substr(dsdata,2); "; $rrdupdatesh .= " printf \"-t \" dsname \" N:\" dsdata }' "; $rrdupdatesh .= " dsname=\"\" dsdata=\"\"`\n\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "` pfctl -vsq -i {$realif} | awk 'BEGIN {printf \"$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$queuesdrop \" } "; $rrdupdatesh .= "{ "; $rrdupdatesh .= "if ((\$1 == \"queue\") && ( \$2 ~ /^q/ )) { "; $rrdupdatesh .= " dsname = dsname \":\" \$2 ; "; $rrdupdatesh .= " q=1; "; $rrdupdatesh .= "} "; $rrdupdatesh .= " else if ((\$4 == \"bytes:\") && ( q == 1 ) ) { "; $rrdupdatesh .= " dsdata = dsdata \":\" \$8 ; "; $rrdupdatesh .= " q=0; "; $rrdupdatesh .= "} "; $rrdupdatesh .= "} END { "; $rrdupdatesh .= " dsname = substr(dsname,2); "; $rrdupdatesh .= " dsdata = substr(dsdata,2); "; $rrdupdatesh .= " printf \"-t \" dsname \" N:\" dsdata }' "; $rrdupdatesh .= " dsname=\"\" dsdata=\"\"`\n\n"; } /* 3G interfaces */ if (preg_match("/ppp[0-9]+/i", $realif)) { if (!file_exists("$rrddbpath$ifname$cellular")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $rrddbpath$ifname$cellular --step $rrdcellularinterval "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:rssi:GAUGE:$cellularvalid:0:100 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:upstream:GAUGE:$cellularvalid:0:100000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:downstream:GAUGE:$cellularvalid:0:100000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } /* enter UNKNOWN values in the RRD so it knows we rebooted. */ if (platform_booting()) { mwexec("$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$cellular N:U:U:U"); } $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "# polling 3G\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "GSTATS=`awk -F, 'getline 2 {print \$2 \":\" \$8 \":\" \$9}' < /tmp/3gstats.$ifname`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$cellular N:\"\$GSTATS\""; } } $i++; /* System only statistics */ $ifname = "system"; /* STATES, create pf states database */ if (!file_exists("$rrddbpath$ifname$states")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $rrddbpath$ifname$states --step $rrdstatesinterval "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:pfrate:GAUGE:$statesvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:pfstates:GAUGE:$statesvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:pfnat:GAUGE:$statesvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:srcip:GAUGE:$statesvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:dstip:GAUGE:$statesvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } /* enter UNKNOWN values in the RRD so it knows we rebooted. */ if (platform_booting()) { mwexec("$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$states N:U:U:U:U:U"); } /* the pf states gathering function. */ $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "pfctl_si_out=\"` $pfctl -si > /tmp/pfctl_si_out `\"\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "pfctl_ss_out=\"` $pfctl -ss > /tmp/pfctl_ss_out`\"\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "pfrate=\"` cat /tmp/pfctl_si_out | egrep \"inserts|removals\" | awk '{ pfrate = \$3 + pfrate } {print pfrate}'|tail -1 `\"\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "pfstates=\"` cat /tmp/pfctl_ss_out | egrep -v \"<\\-.*?<\\-|\\->.*?\\->\" | wc -l|sed 's/ //g'`\"\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "pfnat=\"` cat /tmp/pfctl_ss_out | egrep '<\\-.*?<\\-|\\->.*?\\->' | wc -l|sed 's/ //g' `\"\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "srcip=\"` cat /tmp/pfctl_ss_out | egrep -v '<\\-.*?<\\-|\\->.*?\\->' | grep '\\->' | awk '{print \$3}' | awk -F: '{print \$1}' | sort -u|wc -l|sed 's/ //g' `\"\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "dstip=\"` cat /tmp/pfctl_ss_out | egrep -v '<\\-.*?<\\-|\\->.*?\\->' | grep '<\\-' | awk '{print \$3}' | awk -F: '{print \$1}' | sort -u|wc -l|sed 's/ //g' `\"\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$states N:\$pfrate:\$pfstates:\$pfnat:\$srcip:\$dstip\n\n"; /* End pf states statistics */ /* CPU, create CPU statistics database */ if (!file_exists("$rrddbpath$ifname$proc")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $rrddbpath$ifname$proc --step $rrdprocinterval "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:user:GAUGE:$procvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:nice:GAUGE:$procvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:system:GAUGE:$procvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:interrupt:GAUGE:$procvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:processes:GAUGE:$procvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } /* enter UNKNOWN values in the RRD so it knows we rebooted. */ if (platform_booting()) { mwexec("$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$proc N:U:U:U:U:U"); } /* the CPU stats gathering function. */ $rrdupdatesh .= "CPU=`$cpustats | cut -f1-4 -d':'`\n"; /* Using ps uxaH will count all processes including system threads. Top was undercounting. */ $rrdupdatesh .= "PROCS=`ps uxaH | wc -l | awk '{print \$1;}'`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$proc N:\${CPU}:\${PROCS}\n"; /* End CPU statistics */ /* Memory, create Memory statistics database */ if (!file_exists("$rrddbpath$ifname$mem")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $rrddbpath$ifname$mem --step $rrdmeminterval "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:active:GAUGE:$memvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:inactive:GAUGE:$memvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:free:GAUGE:$memvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:cache:GAUGE:$memvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:wire:GAUGE:$memvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:1440:2284"; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } /* enter UNKNOWN values in the RRD so it knows we rebooted. */ if (platform_booting()) { mwexec("$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$mem N:U:U:U:U:U"); } /* the Memory stats gathering function. */ $rrdupdatesh .= "MEM=`$sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_page_count vm.stats.vm.v_active_count vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count vm.stats.vm.v_free_count vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count vm.stats.vm.v_wire_count | "; $rrdupdatesh .= " $awk '{getline active;getline inactive;getline free;getline cache;getline wire;printf "; $rrdupdatesh .= "((active/$0) * 100)\":\"((inactive/$0) * 100)\":\"((free/$0) * 100)\":\"((cache/$0) * 100)\":\"(wire/$0 * 100)}'`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$mem N:\${MEM}\n"; /* End Memory statistics */ /* mbuf, create mbuf statistics database */ if (!file_exists("$rrddbpath$ifname$mbuf")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $rrddbpath$ifname$mbuf --step $rrdmbufinterval "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:current:GAUGE:$mbufvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:cache:GAUGE:$mbufvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:total:GAUGE:$mbufvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:max:GAUGE:$mbufvalid:0:10000000 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:1440:2284"; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } /* enter UNKNOWN values in the RRD so it knows we rebooted. */ if (platform_booting()) { mwexec("$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$mbuf N:U:U:U:U"); } /* the mbuf stats gathering function. */ $rrdupdatesh .= "MBUF=`$netstat -m | "; $rrdupdatesh .= " $awk '/mbuf clusters in use/ { gsub(/\//, \":\", $1); print $1; }'`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$mbuf N:\${MBUF}\n"; /* End mbuf statistics */ /* SPAMD, set up the spamd rrd file */ if (isset($config['installedpackages']['spamdsettings']) && $config['installedpackages']['spamdsettings']['config'][0]['enablerrd']) { /* set up the spamd rrd file */ if (!file_exists("$rrddbpath$ifname$spamd")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $rrddbpath$ifname$spamd --step $rrdspamdinterval "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:conn:GAUGE:$spamdvalid:0:10000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:time:GAUGE:$spamdvalid:0:86400 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:1440:2284 "; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "# polling spamd for connections and tarpitness \n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ifname$spamd \\\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "`$php -q $spamd_gather`\n"; } /* End System statistics */ /* Captive Portal statistics, set up the rrd file */ if (is_array($config['captiveportal'])) { foreach ($config['captiveportal'] as $cpkey => $cp) { if (!isset($cp['enable'])) { continue; } $ifname= "captiveportal"; $concurrent_filename = $rrddbpath . $ifname . '-' . $cpkey . $captiveportalconcurrent; if (!file_exists("$concurrent_filename")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $concurrent_filename --step $rrdcaptiveportalinterval "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:concurrentusers:GAUGE:$captiveportalvalid:0:10000 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:LAST:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:LAST:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:LAST:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:LAST:0.5:1440:2284 "; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } /* enter UNKNOWN values in the RRD so it knows we rebooted. */ if (platform_booting()) { mwexec("$rrdtool update $concurrent_filename N:U"); } /* the Captive Portal stats gathering function. */ $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "# polling Captive Portal for number of concurrent users\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "CP=`${php} -q ${captiveportal_gather} '${cpkey}' 'concurrent'`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$rrdtool update $concurrent_filename \${CP}\n"; $loggedin_filename = $rrddbpath . $ifname . '-' . $cpkey . $captiveportalloggedin; if (!file_exists("$loggedin_filename")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $loggedin_filename --step $rrdcaptiveportalinterval "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:loggedinusers:GAUGE:$captiveportalvalid:0:10000 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:LAST:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:LAST:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:LAST:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:LAST:0.5:1440:2284 "; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } /* enter UNKNOWN values in the RRD so it knows we rebooted. */ if (platform_booting()) { mwexec("$rrdtool update $loggedin_filename N:U"); } /* the Captive Portal stats gathering function. */ $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "# polling Captive Portal for number of logged in users\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "CP=`${php} -q ${captiveportal_gather} '${cpkey}' 'loggedin'`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$rrdtool update $loggedin_filename \${CP}\n"; } } /* End Captive Portal statistics */ /* NTP, set up the ntpd rrd file */ if (isset($config['ntpd']['statsgraph'])) { /* set up the ntpd rrd file */ if (!file_exists("$rrddbpath$ntpd")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $rrddbpath$ntpd --step $rrdntpdinterval "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:offset:GAUGE:$ntpdvalid:-1000:1000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:sjit:GAUGE:$ntpdvalid:0:1000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:cjit:GAUGE:$ntpdvalid:0:1000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:wander:GAUGE:$ntpdvalid:0:1000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:freq:GAUGE:$ntpdvalid:0:1000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:disp:GAUGE:$ntpdvalid:0:1000 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:1440:2284 "; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } /* enter UNKNOWN values in the RRD so it knows we rebooted. */ if (platform_booting()) { mwexec("$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ntpd N:U:U:U:U:U:U"); } /* the ntp stats gathering function. */ $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$ntpq -c rv | $awk 'BEGIN{ RS=\",\"}{ print }' >> /tmp/ntp-rrdstats.$$\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "NOFFSET=`grep offset /tmp/ntp-rrdstats.$$ | awk 'BEGIN{FS=\"=\"}{print $2}'`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "NFREQ=`grep frequency /tmp/ntp-rrdstats.$$ | awk 'BEGIN{FS=\"=\"}{print $2}'`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "NSJIT=`grep sys_jitter /tmp/ntp-rrdstats.$$ | awk 'BEGIN{FS=\"=\"}{print $2}'`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "NCJIT=`grep clk_jitter /tmp/ntp-rrdstats.$$ | awk 'BEGIN{FS=\"=\"}{print $2}'`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "NWANDER=`grep clk_wander /tmp/ntp-rrdstats.$$ | awk 'BEGIN{FS=\"=\"}{print $2}'`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "NDISPER=`grep rootdisp /tmp/ntp-rrdstats.$$ | awk 'BEGIN{FS=\"=\"}{print $2}'`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$ntpd \N:\${NOFFSET}:\${NSJIT}:\${NCJIT}:\${NWANDER}:\${NFREQ}:\${NDISPER}\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "rm /tmp/ntp-rrdstats.$$\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; } /* End NTP statistics */ /* Start dhcpd statistics */ if (is_array($config['dhcpd'])) { foreach ($config['dhcpd'] as $dhcpif => $dhcpifconf) { if (isset($config['dhcpd'][$dhcpif]['statsgraph'])) { if (!file_exists("$rrddbpath$dhcpif$dhcpd")) { $rrdcreate = "$rrdtool create $rrddbpath$dhcpif$dhcpd --step $rrddhcpdinterval "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:leases:GAUGE:$dhcpdvalid:0:100000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:staticleases:GAUGE:$dhcpdvalid:0:100000 "; $rrdcreate .= "DS:dhcprange:GAUGE:$dhcpdvalid:0:100000 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MIN:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:2284 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:1200 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:5:720 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:60:1860 "; $rrdcreate .= "RRA:MAX:0.5:1440:2284 "; create_new_rrd($rrdcreate); unset($rrdcreate); } /* enter UNKNOWN values in the RRD so it knows we rebooted. */ if (platform_booting()) { mwexec("$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$dhcpif$dhcpd N:U:U:U"); } $rrdupdatesh .= "\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "# polling leases for dhcp \n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "DHCP=`${php} -q ${dhcpd_gather} '${dhcpif}'`\n"; $rrdupdatesh .= "$rrdtool update $rrddbpath$dhcpif$dhcpd \${DHCP}\n"; } } } /* END dhcpd statistics */ /* Start gateway quality */ $rrdupdatesh .= <<