"C", "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => $user_agent, "ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES" => "true" ); if ($g['platform'] == "nanobsd" || isset($config['system']['use_mfs_tmpvar'])) { $pkg_env_vars['PKG_DBDIR'] = '/root/var/db/pkg'; $pkg_env_vars['PKG_CACHEDIR'] = '/root/var/cache/pkg'; } return $pkg_env_vars; } /* Execute a pkg call */ function pkg_call($params, $mute = false) { global $g, $config; if (empty($params)) { return false; } $user_agent = $g['product_name'] . '/' . $g['product_version']; if (!isset($config['system']['do_not_send_host_uuid'])) { $user_agent .= ' : ' . get_single_sysctl('kern.hostuuid'); } $descriptorspec = array( 1 => array("pipe", "w"), /* stdout */ 2 => array("pipe", "w") /* stderr */ ); conf_mount_rw(); pkg_debug("pkg_call(): {$params}\n"); $process = proc_open("/usr/sbin/pkg {$params}", $descriptorspec, $pipes, '/', pkg_env()); if (!is_resource($process)) { conf_mount_ro(); return false; } stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], 0); stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], 0); /* XXX: should be a tunnable? */ $timeout = 300; // seconds $error_log = ''; $started = time(); $maxwaittime = 10; // Number of seconds to wait for a response fromteh pacakge we are calling do { $write = array(); $read = array($pipes[1], $pipes[2]); $except = array(); $stream = stream_select($read, $write, $except, null, $timeout); if ($stream !== FALSE && $stream > 0) { foreach ($read as $pipe) { $content = stream_get_contents($pipe); if ($content == '') { continue; } if ($pipe === $pipes[1]) { if (!$mute) { update_status($content); } flush(); } else if ($pipe === $pipes[2]) { $error_log .= $content; } } } $status = proc_get_status($process); $now = time(); if (($now - $started) >= $maxwaittime) { $rc = -1; proc_terminate($process); break; } } while ($status['running']); fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); proc_close($process); conf_mount_ro(); if (!isset($rc)) { $rc = $status['exitcode']; } pkg_debug("pkg_call(): rc = {$rc}\n"); if ($rc == 0) { return true; } pkg_debug("pkg_call(): error_log\n{$error_log}\n"); if (!$mute) { update_status("\n\n" . sprintf(gettext( "ERROR!!! An error occurred on pkg execution (rc = %d) with parameters '%s':"), $rc, $params) . "\n" . $error_log . "\n"); } return false; } /* Execute pkg with $params, fill stdout and stderr and return pkg rc */ function pkg_exec($params, &$stdout, &$stderr) { global $g, $config; if (empty($params)) { return -1; } $user_agent = $g['product_name'] . '/' . $g['product_version']; if (!isset($config['system']['do_not_send_host_uuid'])) { $user_agent .= ' : ' . get_single_sysctl('kern.hostuuid'); } $descriptorspec = array( 1 => array("pipe", "w"), /* stdout */ 2 => array("pipe", "w") /* stderr */ ); conf_mount_rw(); pkg_debug("pkg_exec(): {$params}\n"); $process = proc_open("/usr/sbin/pkg {$params}", $descriptorspec, $pipes, '/', pkg_env()); if (!is_resource($process)) { conf_mount_ro(); return -1; } $stdout = ''; while (($l = fgets($pipes[1])) !== FALSE) { $stdout .= $l; } fclose($pipes[1]); $stderr = ''; while (($l = fgets($pipes[2])) !== FALSE) { $stderr .= $l; } fclose($pipes[2]); conf_mount_ro(); return proc_close($process); } /* Compare 2 pkg versions and return: * '=' - versions are the same * '>' - $v1 > $v2 * '<' - $v1 < $v2 * '?' - Error */ function pkg_version_compare($v1, $v2) { if (empty($v1) || empty($v2)) { return '?'; } $rc = pkg_exec("version -t '{$v1}' '{$v2}'", $stdout, $stderr); if ($rc != 0) { return '?'; } return str_replace("\n", "", $stdout); } /* Check if package is installed */ function is_pkg_installed($pkg_name) { global $g; if (empty($pkg_name)) { return false; } return pkg_call("info -e " . $pkg_name, true); } /* Install package, $pkg_name should not contain prefix */ function pkg_install($pkg_name, $force = false) { global $g; $result = false; $shortname = $pkg_name; pkg_remove_prefix($shortname); $pkg_force = ""; if ($force) { $pkg_force = "-f "; } pkg_debug("Installing package {$shortname}\n"); if ($force || !is_pkg_installed($pkg_name)) { $result = pkg_call("install -y " . $pkg_force . $pkg_name); /* Cleanup cacke to free disk space */ pkg_call("clean -y"); } return $result; } /* Delete package from FreeBSD, $pkg_name should not contain prefix */ function pkg_delete($pkg_name) { global $g; $shortname = $pkg_name; pkg_remove_prefix($shortname); pkg_debug("Removing package {$shortname}\n"); if (is_pkg_installed($pkg_name)) { pkg_call("delete -y " . $pkg_name); /* Cleanup unecessary dependencies */ pkg_call("autoremove -y"); } } /* Check if package is present in config.xml */ function is_package_installed($package_name) { return (get_package_id($package_name) != -1); } /* Find package array index */ function get_package_id($package_name) { global $config; if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['package'])) { return -1; } foreach ($config['installedpackages']['package'] as $idx => $pkg) { if ($pkg['name'] == $package_name || get_package_internal_name($pkg) == $package_name) { return $idx; } } return -1; } /* Keep backward compatibility since snort/suricata use this function */ function get_pkg_id($package_name) { return get_package_id($package_name); } /* Return internal_name when it's defined, otherwise, returns name */ function get_package_internal_name($package_data) { if (isset($package_data['internal_name']) && ($package_data['internal_name'] != "")) { /* e.g. name is Ipguard-dev, internal name is ipguard */ return $package_data['internal_name']; } else { return $package_data['name']; } } // Get information about packages. function get_pkg_info($pkgs = 'all', $info = 'all') { global $g, $input_errors; $out = ''; $err = ''; unset($pkg_filter); if (is_array($pkgs)) { $pkg_filter = $pkgs; $pkgs = 'all'; } if ($pkgs == 'all') { $pkgs = $g['pkg_prefix']; } $rc = pkg_exec("search --raw-format json-compact " . $pkgs, $out, $err); if ($rc != 0) { update_status("\n" . gettext( "ERROR: Error trying to get packages list. Aborting...") . "\n"); update_status($err); $input_errors[] = gettext("ERROR: Error trying to get packages list. Aborting...") . "\n"; $input_errors[] = $err; return array(); } $result = array(); $pkgs_info = explode("\n", $out); foreach ($pkgs_info as $pkg_info_json) { $pkg_info = json_decode($pkg_info_json, true); if (!isset($pkg_info['name'])) { continue; } if (isset($pkg_filter) && !in_array($pkg_info['name'], $pkg_filter)) { continue; } $pkg_info['shortname'] = $pkg_info['name']; pkg_remove_prefix($pkg_info['shortname']); /* XXX: Add it to globals.inc? */ $pkg_info['changeloglink'] = "https://github.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-ports/commits/devel/" . $pkg_info['categories'][0] . '/' . $pkg_info['name']; if (is_pkg_installed($pkg_info['name'])) { $pkg_info['installed'] = true; $rc = pkg_exec("query %v {$pkg_info['name']}", $out, $err); if ($rc != 0) { update_status("\n" . gettext( "ERROR: Error trying to get package version. Aborting...") . "\n"); update_status($err); $input_errors[] = gettext("ERROR: Error trying to get package version. Aborting...") . "\n"; $input_errors[] = $err; return array(); } $pkg_info['installed_version'] = str_replace("\n", "", $out); } else if (is_package_installed($pkg_info['shortname'])) { $pkg_info['broken'] = true; } $pkg_info['desc'] = preg_replace('/\n+WWW:.*$/', '', $pkg_info['desc']); $result[] = $pkg_info; unset($pkg_info); } /* Sort result alphabetically */ usort($result, function($a, $b) { return(strcasecmp ($a['name'], $b['name'])); }); return $result; } /* * resync_all_package_configs() Force packages to setup their configuration and rc.d files. * This function may also print output to the terminal indicating progress. */ function resync_all_package_configs($show_message = false) { global $config, $pkg_interface, $g; log_error(gettext("Resyncing configuration for all packages.")); if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['package'])) { return; } if ($show_message == true) { echo "Syncing packages:"; } conf_mount_rw(); foreach ($config['installedpackages']['package'] as $idx => $package) { if (empty($package['name'])) { continue; } if ($show_message == true) { echo " " . $package['name']; } if (platform_booting() != true) { stop_service(get_package_internal_name($package)); } sync_package($package['name']); update_status(gettext("Syncing packages...") . "\n"); } if ($show_message == true) { echo " done.\n"; } @unlink("/conf/needs_package_sync"); conf_mount_ro(); } function uninstall_package($package_name) { global $config; $internal_name = $package_name; $id = get_package_id($package_name); if ($id >= 0) { $internal_name = get_package_internal_name($config['installedpackages']['package'][$id]); stop_service($internal_name); } $pkg_name = $g['pkg_prefix'] . $internal_name; if (is_pkg_installed($pkg_name)) { update_status(gettext("Removing package...") . "\n"); pkg_delete($pkg_name); } else { delete_package_xml($package_name); } update_status(gettext("done.") . "\n"); } /* Run */ function sync_package($package_name) { global $config, $builder_package_install; // If this code is being called by pfspkg_installer // which the builder system uses then return (ignore). if ($builder_package_install) { return; } if (empty($config['installedpackages']['package'])) { return; } if (($pkg_id = get_package_id($package_name)) == -1) { return; // This package doesn't really exist - exit the function. } if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['package'][$pkg_id])) { return; // No package belongs to the pkg_id passed to this function. } $package =& $config['installedpackages']['package'][$pkg_id]; if (!file_exists("/usr/local/pkg/" . $package['configurationfile'])) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("The %s package is missing its configuration file and must be reinstalled."), $package['name'])); delete_package_xml($package['name']); return; } $pkg_config = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/" . $package['configurationfile'], "packagegui"); if (isset($pkg_config['nosync'])) { return; } /* Bring in package include files */ if (!empty($pkg_config['include_file'])) { $include_file = $pkg_config['include_file']; if (file_exists($include_file)) { require_once($include_file); } else { log_error("Reinstalling package {$package['name']} because its include file({$include_file}) is missing!"); uninstall_package($package['name']); if (install_package($package['name']) != 0) { log_error("Reinstalling package {$package['name']} failed. Take appropriate measures!!!"); return; } if (file_exists($include_file)) { require_once($include_file); } else { return; } } } if (!empty($pkg_config['custom_php_global_functions'])) { eval($pkg_config['custom_php_global_functions']); } if (!empty($pkg_config['custom_php_resync_config_command'])) { eval($pkg_config['custom_php_resync_config_command']); } } /* Read info.xml installed by package and return an array */ function read_package_config($package_name) { global $g; $pkg_info_xml = '/usr/local/share/' . $g['pkg_prefix'] . $package_name . '/info.xml'; if (!file_exists($pkg_info_xml)) { return false; } $pkg_info = parse_xml_config_pkg($pkg_info_xml, 'pfsensepkgs'); if (empty($pkg_info)) { return false; } /* it always returns an array with 1 item */ return $pkg_info['package'][0]; } /* Read package configurationfile and return an array */ function read_package_configurationfile($package_name) { global $config, $g; $pkg_config = array(); $id = get_package_id($package_name); if ($id < 0 || !isset($config['installedpackages']['package'][$id]['configurationfile'])) { return $pkg_config; } $pkg_configurationfile = $config['installedpackages']['package'][$id]['configurationfile']; if (empty($pkg_configurationfile) || !file_exists('/usr/local/pkg/' . $pkg_configurationfile)) { return $pkg_config; } $pkg_config = parse_xml_config_pkg('/usr/local/pkg/' . $pkg_configurationfile, "packagegui"); return $pkg_config; } function get_after_install_info($package_name) { $pkg_config = read_package_config($package_name); if (isset($pkg_config['after_install_info'])) { return $pkg_config['after_install_info']; } return ''; } function eval_once($toeval) { global $evaled; if (!$evaled) { $evaled = array(); } $evalmd5 = md5($toeval); if (!in_array($evalmd5, $evaled)) { @eval($toeval); $evaled[] = $evalmd5; } return; } function install_package_xml($package_name) { global $g, $config, $pkg_interface; if (($pkg_info = read_package_config($package_name)) == false) { return false; } /* safe side. Write config below will send to ro again. */ conf_mount_rw(); pkg_debug(gettext("Beginning package installation.") . "\n"); log_error(sprintf(gettext('Beginning package installation for %s .'), $pkg_info['name'])); /* add package information to config.xml */ $pkgid = get_package_id($pkg_info['name']); update_status(gettext("Saving updated package information...") . "\n"); if ($pkgid == -1) { $config['installedpackages']['package'][] = $pkg_info; $changedesc = sprintf(gettext("Installed %s package."), $pkg_info['name']); $to_output = gettext("done.") . "\n"; } else { $config['installedpackages']['package'][$pkgid] = $pkg_info; $changedesc = sprintf(gettext("Overwrote previous installation of %s."), $pkg_info['name']); $to_output = gettext("overwrite!") . "\n"; } unlink_if_exists('/conf/needs_package_sync'); write_config("Intermediate config write during package install for {$pkg_info['name']}."); conf_mount_ro(); update_status($to_output); if (($pkgid = get_package_id($package_name)) == -1) { update_status(sprintf(gettext("The %s package is not installed.%sInstallation aborted."), $package_name, "\n\n")); uninstall_package($package_name); write_config($changedesc); log_error(sprintf(gettext("Failed to install package: %s."), $pkg_info['name'])); update_status(gettext("Failed to install package.") . "\n"); return false; } if (file_exists("/usr/local/pkg/" . $pkg_info['configurationfile'])) { update_status(gettext("Loading package configuration... ")); $pkg_config = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/" . $pkg_info['configurationfile'], "packagegui"); update_status(gettext("done.") . "\n"); update_status(gettext("Configuring package components...") . "\n"); if (!empty($pkg_config['filter_rules_needed'])) { $config['installedpackages']['package'][$pkgid]['filter_rule_function'] = $pkg_config['filter_rules_needed']; } /* modify system files */ /* if a require exists, include it. this will * show us where an error exists in a package * instead of making us blindly guess */ $missing_include = false; if ($pkg_config['include_file'] <> "") { update_status(gettext("Loading package instructions...") . "\n"); if (file_exists($pkg_config['include_file'])) { pkg_debug("require_once('{$pkg_config['include_file']}')\n"); require_once($pkg_config['include_file']); } else { pkg_debug("Missing include {$pkg_config['include_file']}\n"); $missing_include = true; update_status("Include " . basename($pkg_config['include_file']) . " is missing!\n"); uninstall_package($package_name); write_config($changedesc); log_error(sprintf(gettext("Failed to install package: %s."), $pkg_info['name'])); update_status(gettext("Failed to install package.") . "\n"); return false; } } /* custom commands */ update_status(gettext("Custom commands...") . "\n"); if ($missing_include == false) { if ($pkg_config['custom_php_global_functions'] <> "") { update_status(gettext("Executing custom_php_global_functions()...")); eval_once($pkg_config['custom_php_global_functions']); update_status(gettext("done.") . "\n"); } if ($pkg_config['custom_php_install_command']) { update_status(gettext("Executing custom_php_install_command()...")); eval_once($pkg_config['custom_php_install_command']); update_status(gettext("done.") . "\n"); } if ($pkg_config['custom_php_resync_config_command'] <> "") { update_status(gettext("Executing custom_php_resync_config_command()...")); eval_once($pkg_config['custom_php_resync_config_command']); update_status(gettext("done.") . "\n"); } } /* sidebar items */ if (is_array($pkg_config['menu'])) { update_status(gettext("Menu items... ")); foreach ($pkg_config['menu'] as $menu) { if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['menu'])) { foreach ($config['installedpackages']['menu'] as $amenu) { if ($amenu['name'] == $menu['name']) { continue 2; } } } else { $config['installedpackages']['menu'] = array(); } $config['installedpackages']['menu'][] = $menu; } update_status(gettext("done.") . "\n"); } /* services */ if (is_array($pkg_config['service'])) { update_status(gettext("Services... ")); foreach ($pkg_config['service'] as $service) { if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['service'])) { foreach ($config['installedpackages']['service'] as $aservice) { if ($aservice['name'] == $service['name']) { continue 2; } } } else { $config['installedpackages']['service'] = array(); } $config['installedpackages']['service'][] = $service; } update_status(gettext("done.") . "\n"); } } else { pkg_debug("Unable to find config file\n"); update_status(gettext("Loading package configuration... failed!") . "\n\n" . gettext("Installation aborted.")); pkg_debug(gettext("Unable to load package configuration. Installation aborted.") ."\n"); uninstall_package($package_name); write_config($changedesc); log_error(sprintf(gettext("Failed to install package: %s."), $pkg_info['name'])); update_status(gettext("Failed to install package.") . "\n"); return false; } /* set up package logging streams */ if ($pkg_info['logging']) { system_syslogd_start(); } update_status(gettext("Writing configuration... ")); write_config($changedesc); log_error(sprintf(gettext("Successfully installed package: %s."), $pkg_info['name'])); update_status(gettext("done.") . "\n"); if ($pkg_info['after_install_info']) { update_status($pkg_info['after_install_info']); } return true; } function delete_package_xml($package_name, $when = "post-deinstall") { global $g, $config, $pkg_interface; conf_mount_rw(); $pkgid = get_package_id($package_name); if ($pkgid == -1) { update_status(sprintf(gettext("The %s package is not installed.%sDeletion aborted."), $package_name, "\n\n")); ob_flush(); sleep(1); conf_mount_ro(); return; } pkg_debug(sprintf(gettext("Removing %s package... "), $package_name)); update_status(sprintf(gettext("Removing %s components..."), $package_name) . "\n"); /* parse package configuration */ $packages = &$config['installedpackages']['package']; $menus =& $config['installedpackages']['menu']; $services = &$config['installedpackages']['service']; $pkg_info =& $packages[$pkgid]; if (file_exists("/usr/local/pkg/" . $pkg_info['configurationfile'])) { $pkg_config = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/" . $packages[$pkgid]['configurationfile'], "packagegui"); /* remove menu items */ if (is_array($pkg_config['menu'])) { update_status(gettext("Menu items... ")); if (is_array($pkg_config['menu']) && is_array($menus)) { foreach ($pkg_config['menu'] as $menu) { foreach ($menus as $key => $instmenu) { if ($instmenu['name'] == $menu['name']) { unset($menus[$key]); break; } } } } update_status(gettext("done.") . "\n"); } /* remove services */ if (is_array($pkg_config['service'])) { update_status(gettext("Services... ")); if (is_array($pkg_config['service']) && is_array($services)) { foreach ($pkg_config['service'] as $service) { foreach ($services as $key => $instservice) { if ($instservice['name'] == $service['name']) { if (platform_booting() != true) { stop_service($service['name']); } if ($service['rcfile']) { $prefix = RCFILEPREFIX; if (!empty($service['prefix'])) { $prefix = $service['prefix']; } if (file_exists("{$prefix}{$service['rcfile']}")) { @unlink("{$prefix}{$service['rcfile']}"); } } unset($services[$key]); } } } } update_status(gettext("done.") . "\n"); } /* * XXX: Otherwise inclusion of config.inc again invalidates actions taken. * Same is done during installation. */ write_config("Intermediate config write during package removal for {$package_name}."); /* * If a require exists, include it. this will * show us where an error exists in a package * instead of making us blindly guess */ $missing_include = false; if ($pkg_config['include_file'] <> "") { update_status(gettext("Loading package instructions...") . "\n"); if (file_exists($pkg_config['include_file'])) { pkg_debug("require_once(\"{$pkg_config['include_file']}\")\n"); require_once($pkg_config['include_file']); } else { pkg_debug("Missing include {$pkg_config['include_file']}\n"); $missing_include = true; update_status("Include file " . basename($pkg_config['include_file']) . " could not be found for inclusion.\n"); } } /* ermal * NOTE: It is not possible to handle parse errors on eval. * So we prevent it from being run at all to not interrupt all the other code. */ if ($when == "deinstall" && $missing_include == false) { /* evaluate this package's global functions and pre deinstall commands */ if ($pkg_config['custom_php_global_functions'] <> "") { eval_once($pkg_config['custom_php_global_functions']); } if ($pkg_config['custom_php_pre_deinstall_command'] <> "") { eval_once($pkg_config['custom_php_pre_deinstall_command']); } } /* deinstall commands */ if ($when == "post-deinstall" && $pkg_config['custom_php_deinstall_command'] <> "") { update_status(gettext("Deinstall commands... ")); if ($missing_include == false) { eval_once($pkg_config['custom_php_deinstall_command']); update_status(gettext("done.") . "\n"); } else { update_status("\nNot executing custom deinstall hook because an include is missing.\n"); } } } /* syslog */ $need_syslog_restart = false; if (is_array($pkg_info['logging']) && $pkg_info['logging']['logfilename'] <> "") { update_status("Syslog entries... "); @unlink("{$g['varlog_path']}/{$pkg_info['logging']['logfilename']}"); update_status("done.\n"); $need_syslog_restart = true; } if ($when == "post-deinstall") { /* remove config.xml entries */ update_status(gettext("Configuration... ")); unset($config['installedpackages']['package'][$pkgid]); update_status(gettext("done.") . "\n"); write_config("Removed {$package_name} package.\n"); } /* remove package entry from /etc/syslog.conf if needed */ /* this must be done after removing the entries from config.xml */ if ($need_syslog_restart) { system_syslogd_start(); } conf_mount_ro(); } /* * Used during upgrade process or retore backup process, verify all * packages installed in config.xml and install pkg accordingly */ function package_reinstall_all() { global $g, $config, $pkg_interface; if (!isset($config['installedpackages']['package']) || !is_array($config['installedpackages']['package'])) { return true; } $upgrade = (file_exists('/conf/needs_package_sync') && platform_booting()); /* During boot after upgrade, wait for internet connection */ if ($upgrade) { update_status(gettext("Waiting for internet connection to update pkg metadata and fini package reinstallation")); while (true) { if (pkg_update(true)) { break; } update_status('.'); sleep(1); } update_status("\n"); } $pkg_info = get_pkg_info(); foreach ($config['installedpackages']['package'] as $package) { $found = false; $internal_name = get_package_internal_name($package); foreach ($pkg_info as $pkg) { pkg_remove_prefix($pkg['name']); if ($pkg['name'] == $internal_name) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { if (!function_exists("file_notice")) { require_once("notices.inc"); } file_notice(gettext("Package reinstall"), sprintf(gettext("Package %s does not exist in current %s version and it has been removed."), $package['name'], $g['product_name'])); uninstall_package($package['name']); } } /* Obsoleted packages were removed, lets reinstall all remaining */ foreach ($config['installedpackages']['package'] as $package) { $internal_name = get_package_internal_name($package); pkg_install($g['pkg_prefix'] . $internal_name, true); } return true; } function stop_packages() { require_once("config.inc"); require_once("functions.inc"); require_once("filter.inc"); require_once("shaper.inc"); require_once("captiveportal.inc"); require_once("pkg-utils.inc"); require_once("pfsense-utils.inc"); require_once("service-utils.inc"); global $config, $g; log_error("Stopping all packages."); $rcfiles = glob(RCFILEPREFIX . "*.sh"); if (!$rcfiles) { $rcfiles = array(); } else { $rcfiles = array_flip($rcfiles); if (!$rcfiles) { $rcfiles = array(); } } if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['package'])) { foreach ($config['installedpackages']['package'] as $package) { echo " Stopping package {$package['name']}..."; $internal_name = get_package_internal_name($package); stop_service($internal_name); unset($rcfiles[RCFILEPREFIX . strtolower($internal_name) . ".sh"]); echo "done.\n"; } } foreach ($rcfiles as $rcfile => $number) { $shell = @popen("/bin/sh", "w"); if ($shell) { echo " Stopping {$rcfile}..."; if (!@fwrite($shell, "{$rcfile} stop >>/tmp/bootup_messages 2>&1")) { if ($shell) { pclose($shell); } $shell = @popen("/bin/sh", "w"); } echo "done.\n"; pclose($shell); } } } /* Identify which meta package is installed */ function get_meta_pkg_name() { global $g; /* XXX: Use pkg annotation */ if (is_pkg_installed($g['product_name'])) { return $g['product_name']; } else if (is_pkg_installed($g['product_name'] . '-vmware')) { return $g['product_name'] . '-vmware'; } return false; } /* Identify which base package is installed */ function get_base_pkg_name() { global $g; /* XXX: Use pkg annotation */ if (is_pkg_installed($g['product_name'] . '-base-' . $g['platform'])) { return $g['product_name']; return $g['product_name'] . '-base-' . $g['platform']; } else if (is_pkg_installed($g['product_name'] . '-base')) { return $g['product_name'] . '-base'; } return false; } /* Verify if system needs upgrade (meta package or base) */ function get_system_pkg_version() { global $g; $base_pkg = get_base_pkg_name(); $meta_pkg = get_meta_pkg_name(); if (!$base_pkg || !$meta_pkg) { return false; } $info = get_pkg_info($base_pkg); $pkg_name = $base_pkg; $pkg_info = array(); foreach ($info as $item) { if ($item['name'] == $base_pkg) { $pkg_info = $item; } } if (empty($pkg_info) || $pkg_info['version'] == $pkg_info['installed_version']) { $info = get_pkg_info($meta_pkg); $pkg_name = $meta_pkg; foreach ($info as $item) { if ($item['name'] == $meta_pkg) { $pkg_info = $item; } } } if (empty($pkg_info)) { return false; } return array( 'pkg_name' => $pkg_name, 'version' => $pkg_info['version'], 'installed_version' => $pkg_info['installed_version'] ); } /* Switch between stable and devel repos */ function pkg_switch_repo($devel = false) { global $g; $repo_stable = $g['product_name'] . '-repo'; $repo_devel = $g['product_name'] . '-repo-devel'; if ($devel) { $repo_target = $repo_devel; } else { $repo_target = $repo_stable; } if (is_pkg_installed($repo_target)) { /* It's already installed */ return true; } /* * Since both install files in the same place, just * call pkg_install for target and current one will * be replaced */ return pkg_install($repo_target, true); } ?>