'PLAIN', 'LOGIN' => 'LOGIN'); /* Other SMTP Authentication Mechanisms that could be supported. * Note that MD5 is no longer considered secure. * 'GSSAPI' => 'GSSAPI ' . gettext("Generic Security Services Application Program Interface") * 'DIGEST-MD5' => 'DIGEST-MD5 ' . gettext("Digest access authentication") * 'MD5' => 'MD5' * 'CRAM-MD5' => 'CRAM-MD5' */ /****f* notices/file_notice * NAME * file_notice * INPUTS * $id, $notice, $category, $url, $priority, $local_only * RESULT * Files a notice and kicks off the various alerts, smtp, growl, system log, LED's, etc. * If $local_only is true then the notice is not sent to external places (smtp, growl) ******/ function file_notice($id, $notice, $category = "General", $url = "", $priority = 1, $local_only = false) { /* * $category - Category that this notice should be displayed under. This can be arbitrary, * but a page must be set to receive this messages for it to be displayed. * * $priority - A notice's priority. Higher numbers indicate greater severity. * 0 = informational, 1 = warning, 2 = error, etc. This may also be arbitrary, */ global $notice_path; if (!$queue = get_notices()) { $queue = array(); } $queuekey = time(); $toqueue = array( 'id' => htmlentities($id), 'notice' => htmlentities($notice), 'url' => htmlentities($url), 'category' => htmlentities($category), 'priority' => htmlentities($priority), ); while (isset($queue[$queuekey])) { $queuekey++; } $queue[$queuekey] = $toqueue; $queueout = fopen($notice_path, "w"); if (!$queueout) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Could not open %s for writing"), $notice_path)); return; } fwrite($queueout, serialize($queue)); fclose($queueout); log_error(sprintf(gettext("New alert found: %s"), $notice)); /* soekris */ if (file_exists("/dev/led/error")) { exec("/bin/echo 1 > /dev/led/error"); } /* wrap & alix */ led_normalize(); led_morse(1, 'sos'); if (!$local_only) { notify_via_growl($notice); notify_via_smtp($notice); } return $queuekey; } /****f* notices/get_notices * NAME * get_notices * INPUTS * $category * RESULT * Returns a specific notices text ******/ function get_notices($category = "all") { global $g; if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/notices")) { $queue = unserialize(file_get_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/notices")); if (!$queue) { return false; } if ($category != 'all') { foreach ($queue as $time => $notice) { if (strtolower($notice['category']) == strtolower($category)) { $toreturn[$time] = $notice; } } return $toreturn; } else { return $queue; } } else { return false; } } /****f* notices/close_notice * NAME * close_notice * INPUTS * $id * RESULT * Removes a notice from the list ******/ function close_notice($id) { global $notice_path; require_once("util.inc"); /* soekris */ if (file_exists("/dev/led/error")) { exec("/bin/echo 0 > /dev/led/error"); } /* wrap & alix */ led_normalize(); $ids = array(); if (!$notices = get_notices()) { return; } if ($id == "all") { unlink_if_exists($notice_path); return; } foreach (array_keys($notices) as $time) { if ($id == $time) { unset($notices[$id]); break; } } foreach ($notices as $key => $notice) { $ids[$key] = $notice['id']; } foreach ($ids as $time => $tocheck) { if ($id == $tocheck) { unset($notices[$time]); break; } } if (count($notices) != 0) { $queueout = fopen($notice_path, "w"); fwrite($queueout, serialize($notices)); fclose($queueout); } else { unlink_if_exists($notice_path); } return; } /****f* notices/dump_xml_notices * NAME * dump_xml_notices * INPUTS * NONE * RESULT * Outputs notices in XML formatted text ******/ function dump_xml_notices() { if (file_exists("/cf/conf/use_xmlreader")) { require_once("xmlreader.inc"); } else { require_once("xmlparse.inc"); } global $notice_path, $listtags; $listtags[] = 'notice'; if (!$notices = get_notices()) { return; } foreach ($notices as $time => $notice) { $notice['time'] = $time; $toput['notice'][] = $notice; } $xml = dump_xml_config($toput, 'notices'); return $xml; } /****f* notices/print_notices * NAME * print_notices * INPUTS * $notices, $category * RESULT * prints notices to the GUI ******/ function print_notices($notices, $category = "all") { foreach ($notices as $notice) { if ($category != "all") { if (in_array($notice['category'], $category)) { $categories[] = $notice['category']; } } else { $categories[] = $notice['category']; } } $categories = array_unique($categories); sort($categories); foreach ($categories as $category) { $toreturn .= ""; } return $toreturn; } /****f* notices/print_notice_box * NAME * print_notice_box * INPUTS * $category * RESULT * prints an info box to the GUI ******/ function print_notice_box($category = "all") { $notices = get_notices(); if (!$notices) { return; } print_info_box(print_notices($notices, $category)); return; } /****f* notices/are_notices_pending * NAME * are_notices_pending * INPUTS * $category to check * RESULT * returns true if notices are pending, false if they are not ******/ function are_notices_pending($category = "all") { global $notice_path; if (file_exists($notice_path)) { return true; } return false; } /****f* notices/notify_via_smtp * NAME * notify_via_smtp * INPUTS * notification string to send as an email * RESULT * returns true if message was sent ******/ function notify_via_smtp($message, $force = false) { global $config, $g; if (platform_booting()) { return; } if (isset($config['notifications']['smtp']['disable']) && !$force) { return; } /* Do NOT send the same message twice, except if $force is true */ if (!$force && file_exists("/var/db/notices_lastmsg.txt")) { $lastmsg = trim(file_get_contents("/var/db/notices_lastmsg.txt")); if ($lastmsg == $message) { return; } } /* Store last message sent to avoid spamming */ $fd = fopen("/var/db/notices_lastmsg.txt", "w"); fwrite($fd, $message); fclose($fd); return send_smtp_message($message, "{$config['system']['hostname']}.{$config['system']['domain']} - Notification", $force); } function send_smtp_message($message, $subject = "(no subject)", $force = false) { global $config, $g; require_once("Mail.php"); if (isset($config['notifications']['smtp']['disable']) && !$force) { return; } if (!$config['notifications']['smtp']['ipaddress']) { return; } if (!$config['notifications']['smtp']['notifyemailaddress']) { return; } $to = $config['notifications']['smtp']['notifyemailaddress']; if (empty($config['notifications']['smtp']['username']) || empty($config['notifications']['smtp']['password'])) { $auth = false; $username = ''; $password = ''; } else { $auth = isset($config['notifications']['smtp']['authentication_mechanism']) ? $config['notifications']['smtp']['authentication_mechanism'] : 'PLAIN'; $username = $config['notifications']['smtp']['username']; $password = $config['notifications']['smtp']['password']; } $params = array( 'host' => (isset($config['notifications']['smtp']['ssl']) ? 'ssl://' : '') . $config['notifications']['smtp']['ipaddress'], 'port' => empty($config['notifications']['smtp']['port']) ? 25 : $config['notifications']['smtp']['port'], 'auth' => $auth, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'localhost' => $config['system']['hostname'] . "." . $config['system']['domain'], 'timeout' => !empty($config['notifications']['smtp']['timeout']) ? $config['notifications']['smtp']['timeout'] : 20, 'debug' => false, 'persist' => false ); if ($config['notifications']['smtp']['fromaddress']) { $from = $config['notifications']['smtp']['fromaddress']; } else { $from = "pfsense@{$config['system']['hostname']}.{$config['system']['domain']}"; } $headers = array( "From" => $from, "To" => $to, "Subject" => $subject, "Date" => date("r") ); $smtp =& Mail::factory('smtp', $params); $mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $message); if (PEAR::isError($mail)) { $err_msg = sprintf(gettext( 'Could not send the message to %1$s -- Error: %2$s'), $to, $mail->getMessage()); log_error($err_msg); return($err_msg); } log_error(sprintf(gettext("Message sent to %s OK"), $to)); return; } /****f* notices/notify_via_growl * NAME * notify_via_growl * INPUTS * notification string to send * RESULT * returns true if message was sent ******/ function notify_via_growl($message, $force=false) { require_once("Net/Growl/Autoload.php"); global $config, $g; if (isset($config['notifications']['growl']['disable']) && !$force) { return; } if (empty($config['notifications']['growl']['ipaddress'])) { return; } /* Do NOT send the same message twice */ if (file_exists("/var/db/growlnotices_lastmsg.txt")) { $lastmsg = trim(file_get_contents("/var/db/growlnotices_lastmsg.txt")); if ($lastmsg == $message) { return; } } $ip = $config['notifications']['growl']['ipaddress']; if (!is_ipaddr($ip) && !(dns_check_record($ip, A) || dns_check_record($ip, AAAA))) { $err_msg = gettext( "Growl IP Address is invalid. Check the setting in System Advanced Notifications."); log_error($err_msg); return($err_msg); } $hostname = $config['system']['hostname'] . "." . $config['system']['domain']; $password = $config['notifications']['growl']['password']; $name = $config['notifications']['growl']['name']; $notification = $config['notifications']['growl']['notification_name']; $options = array( 'host' => $ip, 'protocol' => 'gntp', 'timeout' => 20 ); try { $growl = Net_Growl::singleton($name, null, $password, $options); //$name = 'GROWL_NOTIFY_STATUS'; $title = sprintf(gettext("%s (%s) - Notification"), $g['product_name'], $hostname); $growl->publish($name, $title, $message); } catch (Net_Growl_Exception $e) { $err_msg = sprintf(gettext( 'Could not send Growl notification to %1$s -- Error: %2$s'), $ip, $e->getMessage()); log_error($err_msg); return($err_msg); } /* Store last message sent to avoid spamming */ @file_put_contents("/var/db/growlnotices_lastmsg.txt", $message); return; } /****f* notices/register_via_growl * NAME * register_via_growl * INPUTS * none * RESULT * none ******/ function register_via_growl() { require_once("Net/Growl/Autoload.php"); global $config; if (empty($config['notifications']['growl']['ipaddress'])) { return; } $ip = $config['notifications']['growl']['ipaddress']; if (!is_ipaddr($ip) && !(dns_check_record($ip, A) || dns_check_record($ip, AAAA))) { $err_msg = gettext( "Growl IP Address is invalid. Check the setting in System Advanced Notifications."); log_error($err_msg); return($err_msg); } $name = $config['notifications']['growl']['name']; $password = $config['notifications']['growl']['password']; $app = new Net_Growl_Application( $name, null, $password ); $options = array( 'host' => $ip, 'protocol' => 'gntp', 'timeout' => 20 ); try { $growl = Net_Growl::singleton($app, null, null, $options); $growl->register(); } catch (Net_Growl_Exception $e) { $err_msg = sprintf(gettext( 'Could not send register Growl on %1$s -- Error: %2$s'), $ip, $e->getMessage()); log_error($err_msg); return($err_msg); } return; } /* Notify via remote methods only - not via GUI. */ function notify_all_remote($msg) { notify_via_smtp($msg); notify_via_growl($msg); } ?>