"unix:///var/run/check_reload_status", "factory_shipped_username" => "admin", "factory_shipped_password" => "pfsense", "upload_path" => "/root", "dhcpd_chroot_path" => "/var/dhcpd", "unbound_chroot_path" => "/var/unbound", "var_path" => "/var", "varrun_path" => "/var/run", "varetc_path" => "/var/etc", "vardb_path" => "/var/db", "varlog_path" => "/var/log", "etc_path" => "/etc", "tmp_path" => "/tmp", "tmp_path_user_code" => "/tmp/user_code", "conf_path" => "/conf", "conf_default_path" => "/conf.default", "cf_path" => "/cf", "cf_conf_path" => "/cf/conf", "www_path" => "/usr/local/www", "xml_rootobj" => "pfsense", "admin_group" => "admins", "product_name" => "pfSense", "product_version" => trim(file_get_contents("/etc/version"), " \n"), "product_copyright_years" => "2004 - ".date("Y"), "disablehelpmenu" => false, "disablehelpicon" => false, "disablecrashreporter" => false, "crashreporterurl" => "https://crashreporter.pfsense.org/crash_reporter.php", "debug" => false, "latest_config" => "19.1", "minimum_ram_warning" => "101", "minimum_ram_warning_text" => "128 MB", "wan_interface_name" => "wan", "captiveportal_path" => "/usr/local/captiveportal", "captiveportal_element_path" => "/var/db/cpelements", "captiveportal_element_sizelimit" => 1048576, "captiveportal_rules_interval" => 50, "services_dhcp_server_enable" => true, "wireless_regex" => "/^(ath|bwi|bwn|ipw|iwi|iwm|iwn|malo|mwl|ral|rsu|rum|run|uath|upgt|ural|urtw|urtwn|wi|wpi|wtap|zyd)[0-9]+/", "help_base_url" => "/help.php", "pkg_prefix" => "pfSense-pkg-", "default_timezone" => "Etc/UTC", "language" => "en_US", "default_config_backup_count" => 30, "minimumtableentries_bogonsv6" => 400000, "alternativemetaports" => array("vmware", "php72") ); /* IP TOS flags */ $iptos = array("lowdelay", "throughput", "reliability"); /* TCP flags */ $tcpflags = array("syn", "ack", "fin", "rst", "psh", "urg", "ece", "cwr"); if (file_exists("/etc/version.patch")) { $g["product_version_patch"] = trim(file_get_contents("/etc/version.patch"), " \n"); } else { $g["product_version_patch"] = "0"; } $g['product_version_string'] = $g['product_version']; if (is_numeric($g["product_version_patch"]) && $g["product_version_patch"] != "0") { $g['product_version_string'] .= "-p{$g['product_version_patch']}"; } /* XXX: Backward compatible */ $g['platform'] = $g['product_name']; if (file_exists("{$g['etc_path']}/default-config-flavor")) { $flavor_array = file("{$g['etc_path']}/default-config-flavor"); $g['default-config-flavor'] = chop($flavor_array[0]); } else { $g['default-config-flavor'] = ''; } /* Default sysctls */ $sysctls = array("net.inet.ip.portrange.first" => "1024", "net.inet.tcp.blackhole" => "2", "net.inet.udp.blackhole" => "1", "net.inet.ip.random_id" => "1", "net.inet.tcp.drop_synfin" => "1", "net.inet.ip.redirect" => "1", "net.inet6.ip6.redirect" => "1", "net.inet6.ip6.use_tempaddr" => "0", "net.inet6.ip6.prefer_tempaddr" => "0", "net.inet.tcp.syncookies" => "1", "net.inet.tcp.recvspace" => "65228", "net.inet.tcp.sendspace" => "65228", "net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack" => "0", "net.inet.udp.maxdgram" => "57344", "net.link.bridge.pfil_onlyip" => "0", "net.link.bridge.pfil_member" => "1", "net.link.bridge.pfil_bridge" => "0", "net.link.tap.user_open" => "1", "net.link.vlan.mtag_pcp" => "1", "kern.randompid" => "347", "net.inet.ip.intr_queue_maxlen" => "1000", "hw.syscons.kbd_reboot" => "0", "net.inet.tcp.log_debug" => "0", "net.inet.tcp.tso" => "1", "net.inet.icmp.icmplim" => "0", "vfs.read_max" => "32", "kern.ipc.maxsockbuf" => "4262144", "net.inet.ip.process_options" => 0, "kern.random.harvest.mask" => "351", "net.route.netisr_maxqlen" => 1024, "net.inet.udp.checksum" => 1, "net.inet.icmp.reply_from_interface" => 1, "net.inet6.ip6.rfc6204w3" => 1, "net.enc.out.ipsec_bpf_mask" => "0x0001", "net.enc.out.ipsec_filter_mask" => "0x0001", "net.enc.in.ipsec_bpf_mask" => "0x0002", "net.enc.in.ipsec_filter_mask" => "0x0002", "net.key.preferred_oldsa" => "0", "net.inet.carp.senderr_demotion_factor" => 0, /* Do not demote CARP for interface send errors */ "net.pfsync.carp_demotion_factor" => 0, /* Do not demote CARP for pfsync errors */ "net.raw.recvspace" => 65536, "net.raw.sendspace" => 65536, "net.inet.raw.recvspace" => 131072, "net.inet.raw.maxdgram" => 131072, "kern.corefile" => "/root/%N.core" /* Write all core files to /root/ so they do not consume space on other slices */ ); $machine_type = php_uname('m'); if (($machine_type == 'arm') || ($machine_type == 'arm64')) { $sysctls['kern.shutdown.secure_halt'] = 1; } /* Include override values for the above if needed. If the file doesn't exist, don't try to load it. */ if (file_exists("/etc/inc/globals_override.inc")) { @include_once("globals_override.inc"); } /* Read all XML files in following dir and load menu entries */ $g["ext_menu_path"] = "/usr/local/share/{$g['product_name']}/menu"; /* Cache file used to store pfSense version */ $g["version_cache_file"] = "{$g['varrun_path']}/{$g['product_name']}_version"; $g['version_cache_refresh'] = 2 * 60 * 60; /* 2h */ function platform_booting($on_console = false) { global $g; if ($g['booting'] || file_exists("{$g['varrun_path']}/booting")) { if ($on_console == false || php_sapi_name() != 'fpm-fcgi') { return true; } } return false; } if (file_exists("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/enableserial_force")) { $g['enableserial_force'] = true; } $config_parsed = false; /* Factory default check IP service. */ $factory_default_checkipservice = array( "enable" => true, "name" => 'Default', "url" => 'http://checkip.dyndns.org', // "username" => '', // "password" => '', // "verifysslpeer" => true, "descr" => 'Default Check IP Service' ); $dyndns_split_domain_types = array("namecheap", "cloudflare", "cloudflare-v6", "gratisdns", "cloudns", "godaddy", "godaddy-v6"); /* pf tokens from FreeBSD source sbin/pfctl/parse.y (plus our custom entries at the end)*/ global $pf_reserved_keywords; $pf_reserved_keywords = array( "pass", "block", "scrub", "return", "in", "os", "out", "log", "quick", "on", "from", "to", "flags", "returnrst", "returnicmp", "returnicmp6", "proto", "inet", "inet6", "all", "any", "icmptype", "icmp6type", "code", "keep", "modulate", "state", "port", "rdr", "nat", "binat", "arrow", "nodf", "minttl", "error", "allowopts", "fastroute", "filename", "routeto", "dupto", "replyto", "no", "label", "noroute", "urpffailed", "fragment", "user", "group", "maxmss", "maximum", "ttl", "tos", "drop", "table", "reassemble", "fragdrop", "fragcrop", "anchor", "natanchor", "rdranchor", "binatanchor", "set", "optimization", "timeout", "limit", "loginterface", "blockpolicy", "randomid", "requireorder", "synproxy", "fingerprints", "nosync", "debug", "skip", "hostid", "antispoof", "for", "include", "bitmask", "random", "sourcehash", "roundrobin", "staticport", "probability", "altq", "cbq", "codel", "priq", "hfsc", "fairq", "bandwidth", "tbrsize", "linkshare", "realtime", "upperlimit", "queue", "priority", "qlimit", "hogs", "buckets", "rtable", "target", "interval", "load", "ruleset_optimization", "prio", "stickyaddress", "maxsrcstates", "maxsrcnodes", "sourcetrack", "global", "rule", "maxsrcconn", "maxsrcconnrate", "overload", "flush", "sloppy", "tagged", "tag", "ifbound", "floating", "statepolicy", "statedefaults", "route", "settos", "divertto", "divertreply", "max", "min", "pptp", "pppoe", "L2TP", "OpenVPN", "IPsec"); /* VLAN Prio values. */ $vlanprio_values = array( "bk" => 0, "be" => 1, "ee" => 2, "ca" => 3, "vi" => 4, "vo" => 5, "ic" => 6, "nc" => 7 ); $vlanprio = array( "bk" => "Background (BK, 0)", "be" => "Best Effort (BE, 1)", "ee" => "Excellent Effort (EE, 2)", "ca" => "Critical Applications (CA, 3)", "vi" => "Video (VI, 4)", "vo" => "Voice (VO, 5)", "ic" => "Internetwork Control (IC, 6)", "nc" => "Network Control (NC, 7)" ); ?>