= $nentries) { break; } if ($logfile_type == 'firewall') { $flent = parse_firewall_log_line($logent); } else if ($logfile_type == 'system') { $flent = parse_system_log_line($logent); } else if ($logfile_type == 'vpn_login') { $flent = parse_vpn_login_log_line($logent); } else if ($logfile_type == 'vpn_service') { $flent = parse_vpn_service_log_line($logent); } else if ($logfile_type == 'unknown') { $flent = parse_unknown_log_line($logent); } else { $flent = array(); } if (!$filterinterface || ($filterinterface == $flent['interface'])) { if ((($flent != "") && (!is_array($filtertext)) && (match_filter_line($flent, $filtertext))) || (($flent != "") && (is_array($filtertext)) && (match_filter_field($flent, $filtertext)))) { $counter++; $filterlog[] = $flent; } } } /* Since the lines are in reverse order, flip them around if needed based on the user's preference */ # First get the "General Logging Options" (global) chronological order setting. Then apply specific log override if set. $reverse = isset($config['syslog']['reverse']); $specific_log = basename($logfile, '.log') . '_settings'; if ($config['syslog'][$specific_log]['cronorder'] == 'forward') $reverse = false; if ($config['syslog'][$specific_log]['cronorder'] == 'reverse') $reverse = true; return ($reverse) ? $filterlog : array_reverse($filterlog); } function escape_filter_regex($filtertext) { /* If the caller (user) has not already put a backslash before a slash, to escape it in the regex, */ /* then this will do it. Take out any "\/" already there, then turn all ordinary "/" into "\/". */ return str_replace('/', '\/', str_replace('\/', '/', $filtertext)); } function match_filter_line($flent, $filtertext = "") { if (!$filtertext) { return true; } $filtertext = escape_filter_regex(str_replace(' ', '\s+', $filtertext)); return @preg_match("/{$filtertext}/i", implode(" ", array_values($flent))); } function match_filter_field($flent, $fields) { foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { if ($field == "All") { continue; } if ((strpos($field, '!') === 0)) { $field = substr($field, 1); if (strtolower($key) == 'act') { if (in_arrayi($flent[$key], explode(" ", $field))) { return false; } } else { $field_regex = escape_filter_regex($field); if (@preg_match("/{$field_regex}/i", $flent[$key])) { return false; } } } else { if (strtolower($key) == 'act') { if (!in_arrayi($flent[$key], explode(" ", $field))) { return false; } } else { $field_regex = escape_filter_regex($field); if (!@preg_match("/{$field_regex}/i", $flent[$key])) { return false; } } } } return true; } // Case Insensitive in_array function function in_arrayi($needle, $haystack) { return in_array(strtolower($needle), array_map('strtolower', $haystack)); } function parse_vpn_login_log_line($line) { global $config, $g, $pattern; $flent = array(); $log_split = ""; if (!preg_match($pattern, $line, $log_split)) return ""; list($all, $flent['time'], $flent['host'], $flent['process'], $flent['action'], $flent['type'], $flent['ip_address'], $flent['user']) = $log_split; /* If there is time, action, user, and IP address fields, then the line should be usable/good */ if (!( (trim($flent['time']) == "") && (trim($flent['action']) == "") && (trim($flent['user']) == "") && (trim($flent['ip_address']) == "") )) { return $flent; } else { if($g['debug']) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("There was a error parsing log entry: %s. Please report to mailing list or forum."), $line)); } return ""; } } function parse_vpn_service_log_line($line) { global $config, $g, $pattern; $flent = array(); $log_split = ""; if (!preg_match($pattern, $line, $log_split)) return ""; list($all, $flent['time'], $flent['host'], $flent['type'], $flent['pid'], $flent['message']) = $log_split; /* If there is time, type, and message fields, then the line should be usable/good */ if (!( (trim($flent['time']) == "") && (trim($flent['type']) == "") && (trim($flent['message']) == "") )) { return $flent; } else { if($g['debug']) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("There was a error parsing log entry: %s. Please report to mailing list or forum."), $line)); } return ""; } } function parse_unknown_log_line($line) { global $config, $g, $pattern; $flent = array(); $log_split = ""; if (!preg_match($pattern, $line, $log_split)) { return ""; } list($all, $flent['time'], $flent['message']) = $log_split; /* If there is time, and message, fields, then the line should be usable/good */ if (!((trim($flent['time']) == "") && (trim($flent['message']) == ""))) { return $flent; } else { if ($g['debug']) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("There was a error parsing log entry: %s. Please report to mailing list or forum."), $line)); } return ""; } } function parse_system_log_line($line) { global $config, $g, $pattern; $flent = array(); $log_split = ""; if (!preg_match($pattern, $line, $log_split)) { return ""; } list($all, $flent['time'], $flent['host'], $flent['process'], $flent['pid'], $flent['message']) = $log_split; /* If there is time, process, and message, fields, then the line should be usable/good */ if (!((trim($flent['time']) == "") && (trim($flent['process']) == "") && (trim($flent['message']) == ""))) { return $flent; } else { if ($g['debug']) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("There was a error parsing log entry: %s. Please report to mailing list or forum."), $line)); } return ""; } } function parse_firewall_log_line($line) { global $config, $g; $flent = array(); $log_split = ""; if (!preg_match("/(.*)\s(.*)\sfilterlog:\s(.*)$/", $line, $log_split)) { return ""; } list($all, $flent['time'], $host, $rule) = $log_split; $rule_data = explode(",", $rule); $field = 0; $flent['rulenum'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['subrulenum'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['anchor'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['tracker'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['realint'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['interface'] = convert_real_interface_to_friendly_descr($flent['realint']); $flent['reason'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['act'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['direction'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['version'] = $rule_data[$field++]; if ($flent['version'] == '4' || $flent['version'] == '6') { if ($flent['version'] == '4') { $flent['tos'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['ecn'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['ttl'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['id'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['offset'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['flags'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['protoid'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['proto'] = strtoupper($rule_data[$field++]); } else { $flent['class'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['flowlabel'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['hlim'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['proto'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['protoid'] = $rule_data[$field++]; } $flent['length'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['srcip'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['dstip'] = $rule_data[$field++]; if ($flent['protoid'] == '6' || $flent['protoid'] == '17') { // TCP or UDP $flent['srcport'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['dstport'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['src'] = $flent['srcip'] . ':' . $flent['srcport']; $flent['dst'] = $flent['dstip'] . ':' . $flent['dstport']; $flent['datalen'] = $rule_data[$field++]; if ($flent['protoid'] == '6') { // TCP $flent['tcpflags'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['seq'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['ack'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['window'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['urg'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['options'] = explode(";", $rule_data[$field++]); } } else if ($flent['protoid'] == '1') { // ICMP $flent['src'] = $flent['srcip']; $flent['dst'] = $flent['dstip']; $flent['icmp_type'] = $rule_data[$field++]; switch ($flent['icmp_type']) { case "request": case "reply": $flent['icmp_id'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['icmp_seq'] = $rule_data[$field++]; break; case "unreachproto": $flent['icmp_dstip'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['icmp_protoid'] = $rule_data[$field++]; break; case "unreachport": $flent['icmp_dstip'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['icmp_protoid'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['icmp_port'] = $rule_data[$field++]; break; case "unreach": case "timexceed": case "paramprob": case "redirect": case "maskreply": $flent['icmp_descr'] = $rule_data[$field++]; break; case "needfrag": $flent['icmp_dstip'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['icmp_mtu'] = $rule_data[$field++]; break; case "tstamp": $flent['icmp_id'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['icmp_seq'] = $rule_data[$field++]; break; case "tstampreply": $flent['icmp_id'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['icmp_seq'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['icmp_otime'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['icmp_rtime'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['icmp_ttime'] = $rule_data[$field++]; break; default : $flent['icmp_descr'] = $rule_data[$field++]; break; } } else if ($flent['protoid'] == '2') { // IGMP $flent['src'] = $flent['srcip']; $flent['dst'] = $flent['dstip']; } else if ($flent['protoid'] == '112') { // CARP $flent['type'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['ttl'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['vhid'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['version'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['advskew'] = $rule_data[$field++]; $flent['advbase'] = $rule_data[$field++]; } } else { if ($g['debug']) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("There was a error parsing rule number: %s. Please report to mailing list or forum."), $flent['rulenum'])); } return ""; } /* If there is a src, a dst, and a time, then the line should be usable/good */ if (!((trim($flent['src']) == "") || (trim($flent['dst']) == "") || (trim($flent['time']) == ""))) { return $flent; } else { if ($g['debug']) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("There was a error parsing rule: %s. Please report to mailing list or forum."), $line)); } return ""; } } function get_port_with_service($port, $proto) { if (!$port) { return ''; } $service = getservbyport($port, $proto); $portstr = ""; if ($service) { $portstr = sprintf('' . htmlspecialchars($port) . '', $port, $proto, $service); } else { $portstr = htmlspecialchars($port); } return ':' . $portstr; } function find_rule_by_number($rulenum, $trackernum, $type="block") { global $g; /* Passing arbitrary input to grep could be a Very Bad Thing(tm) */ if (!is_numeric($rulenum) || !is_numeric($trackernum) || !in_array($type, array('pass', 'block', 'match', 'rdr'))) { return; } if ($trackernum == "0") { $lookup_pattern = "^@{$rulenum}\([0-9]+\)[[:space:]]{$type}[[:space:]].*[[:space:]]log[[:space:]]"; } else { $lookup_pattern = "^@[0-9]+\({$trackernum}\)[[:space:]]{$type}[[:space:]].*[[:space:]]log[[:space:]]"; } /* At the moment, miniupnpd is the only thing I know of that generates logging rdr rules */ unset($buffer); if ($type == "rdr") { $_gb = exec("/sbin/pfctl -vvPsn -a \"miniupnpd\" | /usr/bin/egrep " . escapeshellarg("^@{$rulenum}"), $buffer); } else { $_gb = exec("/sbin/pfctl -vvPsr | /usr/bin/egrep " . escapeshellarg($lookup_pattern), $buffer); } if (is_array($buffer)) { return $buffer[0]; } return ""; } function buffer_rules_load() { global $g, $buffer_rules_rdr, $buffer_rules_normal; unset($buffer, $buffer_rules_rdr, $buffer_rules_normal); /* Redeclare globals after unset to work around PHP */ global $buffer_rules_rdr, $buffer_rules_normal; $buffer_rules_rdr = array(); $buffer_rules_normal = array(); $_gb = exec("/sbin/pfctl -vvPsn -a \"miniupnpd\" | /usr/bin/grep '^@'", $buffer); if (is_array($buffer)) { foreach ($buffer as $line) { list($key, $value) = explode (" ", $line, 2); $buffer_rules_rdr[$key] = $value; } } unset($buffer, $_gb); $_gb = exec("/sbin/pfctl -vvPsr | /usr/bin/egrep '^@[0-9]+\([0-9]+\)[[:space:]].*[[:space:]]log[[:space:]]'", $buffer); if (is_array($buffer)) { foreach ($buffer as $line) { list($key, $value) = explode (" ", $line, 2); # pfctl rule number output with tracker number: @dd(dddddddddd) $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/\@(?P\d+)\((?\d+)\)/', $key, $matches) == 1) { if ($matches['trackernum'] > 0) { $key = $matches['trackernum']; } else { $key = "@{$matches['rulenum']}"; } } $buffer_rules_normal[$key] = $value; } } unset($_gb, $buffer); } function buffer_rules_clear() { unset($GLOBALS['buffer_rules_normal']); unset($GLOBALS['buffer_rules_rdr']); } function find_rule_by_number_buffer($rulenum, $trackernum, $type) { global $g, $buffer_rules_rdr, $buffer_rules_normal; if ($trackernum == "0") { $lookup_key = "@{$rulenum}"; } else { $lookup_key = $trackernum; } if ($type == "rdr") { $ruleString = $buffer_rules_rdr[$lookup_key]; //TODO: get the correct 'description' part of a RDR log line. currently just first 30 characters.. $rulename = substr($ruleString, 0, 30); } else { $ruleString = $buffer_rules_normal[$lookup_key]; list(,$rulename,) = explode("\"", $ruleString); $rulename = str_replace("USER_RULE: ", ' ', $rulename); } return "{$rulename} ({$lookup_key})"; } function find_action_image($action) { global $g; if ((strstr(strtolower($action), "p")) || (strtolower($action) == "rdr")) { return "fa-check-circle-o"; } else if (strstr(strtolower($action), "r")) { return "fa-times-circle-o"; } else { return "fa-ban"; } } /* AJAX specific handlers */ function handle_ajax() { global $config; if (($_GET['lastsawtime'] or $_POST['lastsawtime']) and ($_GET['logfile'] or $_POST['logfile'])) { $lastsawtime = getGETPOSTsettingvalue('lastsawtime', null); $logfile = getGETPOSTsettingvalue('logfile', null); $nentries = getGETPOSTsettingvalue('nentries', null); $type = getGETPOSTsettingvalue('type', null); $filter = getGETPOSTsettingvalue('filter', null); $interfacefilter = getGETPOSTsettingvalue('interfacefilter', null); if (!empty(trim($filter)) || is_numeric($filter)) { $filter = json_decode($filter, true); # Filter Fields Array or Filter Text } /* compare lastsawrule's time stamp to filter logs. * afterwards return the newer records so that client * can update AJAX interface screen. */ $new_rules = ""; $filterlog = conv_log_filter($logfile, $nentries, $nentries + 100, $filter, $interfacefilter); /* We need this to always be in forward order for the AJAX update to work properly */ /* Since the lines are in reverse order, flip them around if needed based on the user's preference */ # First get the "General Logging Options" (global) chronological order setting. Then apply specific log override if set. $reverse = isset($config['syslog']['reverse']); $specific_log = basename($logfile, '.log') . '_settings'; if ($config['syslog'][$specific_log]['cronorder'] == 'forward') $reverse = false; if ($config['syslog'][$specific_log]['cronorder'] == 'reverse') $reverse = true; $filterlog = ($reverse) ? array_reverse($filterlog) : $filterlog; foreach ($filterlog as $log_row) { $row_time = strtotime($log_row['time']); if ($row_time > $lastsawtime) { if ($log_row['proto'] == "TCP") { $log_row['proto'] .= ":{$log_row['tcpflags']}"; } if ($log_row['act'] == "block") { $icon_act = "fa-times text-danger"; } else { $icon_act = "fa-check text-success"; } $btn = ''; $new_rules .= "{$btn}||{$log_row['time']}||{$log_row['interface']}||{$log_row['srcip']}||{$log_row['srcport']}||{$log_row['dstip']}||{$log_row['dstport']}||{$log_row['proto']}||{$log_row['version']}||" . time() . "||\n"; } } echo $new_rules; exit; } } ?>