. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the pfSense Project * for use in the pfSense® software distribution. (http://www.pfsense.org/). * * 4. The names "pfSense" and "pfSense Project" must not be used to * endorse or promote products derived from this software without * prior written permission. For written permission, please contact * coreteam@pfsense.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "pfSense" * nor may "pfSense" appear in their names without prior written * permission of the Electric Sheep Fencing, LLC. * * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following * acknowledgment: * * "This product includes software developed by the pfSense Project * for use in the pfSense software distribution (http://www.pfsense.org/). * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE pfSense PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE pfSense PROJECT OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /****f* config/encrypted_configxml * NAME * encrypted_configxml - Checks to see if config.xml is encrypted and if so, prompts to unlock. * INPUTS * None * RESULT * $config - rewrites config.xml without encryption ******/ function encrypted_configxml() { global $g, $config; if (!file_exists($g['conf_path'] . "/config.xml")) { return; } if (!platform_booting()) { return; } $configtxt = file_get_contents($g['conf_path'] . "/config.xml"); if (tagfile_deformat($configtxt, $configtxt, "config.xml")) { $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); $data = ""; echo "\n\n*** Encrypted config.xml detected ***\n"; while ($data == "") { echo "\nEnter the password to decrypt config.xml: "; $decrypt_password = chop(fgets($fp)); $data = decrypt_data($configtxt, $decrypt_password); if (!strstr($data, "")) { $data = ""; } if ($data) { $fd = fopen($g['conf_path'] . "/config.xml.tmp", "w"); fwrite($fd, $data); fclose($fd); exec("/bin/mv {$g['conf_path']}/config.xml.tmp {$g['conf_path']}/config.xml"); echo "\n" . gettext("Config.xml unlocked.") . "\n"; fclose($fp); pfSense_fsync("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml"); } else { echo "\n" . gettext("Invalid password entered. Please try again.") . "\n"; } } } } /****f* config/parse_config * NAME * parse_config - Read in config.cache or config.xml if needed and return $config array * INPUTS * $parse - boolean to force parse_config() to read config.xml and generate config.cache * RESULT * $config - array containing all configuration variables ******/ function parse_config($parse = false) { global $g, $config_parsed, $config_extra; $lockkey = lock('config'); $config_parsed = false; if (!file_exists("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml") || filesize("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml") == 0) { $last_backup = discover_last_backup(); if ($last_backup) { log_error(gettext("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore.")); file_notice("config.xml", gettext("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore."), "pfSenseConfigurator", ""); restore_backup("{$g['conf_path']}/backup/{$last_backup}"); } else { unlock($lockkey); die(gettext("Config.xml is corrupted and is 0 bytes. Could not restore a previous backup.")); } } if (platform_booting(true)) { echo "."; } // Check for encrypted config.xml encrypted_configxml(); if (!$parse) { if (file_exists($g['tmp_path'] . '/config.cache')) { $config = unserialize(file_get_contents($g['tmp_path'] . '/config.cache')); if (!is_array($config)) { $parse = true; } } else { $parse = true; } } if ($parse == true) { if (!file_exists($g['conf_path'] . "/config.xml")) { if (platform_booting(true)) { echo "."; } log_error("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore."); file_notice("config.xml", "No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore.", "pfSenseConfigurator", ""); $last_backup = discover_last_backup(); if ($last_backup) { restore_backup("/cf/conf/backup/{$last_backup}"); } else { log_error(gettext("Could not restore config.xml.")); unlock($lockkey); die(gettext("Config.xml is corrupted and is 0 bytes. Could not restore a previous backup.")); } } $config = parse_xml_config($g['conf_path'] . '/config.xml', array($g['xml_rootobj'], 'pfsense')); if ($config == -1) { $last_backup = discover_last_backup(); if ($last_backup) { restore_backup("/cf/conf/backup/{$last_backup}"); } else { log_error(gettext("Could not restore config.xml.")); unlock($lockkey); die("Config.xml is corrupted and is 0 bytes. Could not restore a previous backup."); } } generate_config_cache($config); } if (platform_booting(true)) { echo "."; } $config_parsed = true; unlock($lockkey); alias_make_table($config); return $config; } /****f* config/generate_config_cache * NAME * generate_config_cache - Write serialized configuration to cache. * INPUTS * $config - array containing current firewall configuration * RESULT * boolean - true on completion ******/ function generate_config_cache($config) { global $g, $config_extra; $configcache = fopen($g['tmp_path'] . '/config.cache', "w"); fwrite($configcache, serialize($config)); fclose($configcache); pfSense_fsync("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache"); unset($configcache); /* Used for config.extra.xml */ if (file_exists($g['tmp_path'] . '/config.extra.cache') && $config_extra) { $configcacheextra = fopen($g['tmp_path'] . '/config.extra.cache', "w"); fwrite($configcacheextra, serialize($config_extra)); fclose($configcacheextra); pfSense_fsync("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.extra.cache"); unset($configcacheextra); } } function discover_last_backup() { $backups = glob('/cf/conf/backup/*.xml'); $last_backup = ""; $last_mtime = 0; foreach ($backups as $backup) { if (filemtime($backup) > $last_mtime) { $last_mtime = filemtime($backup); $last_backup = $backup; } } return basename($last_backup); } function restore_backup($file) { global $g; if (file_exists($file)) { conf_mount_rw(); unlink_if_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache"); copy("$file", "/cf/conf/config.xml"); pfSense_fsync("/cf/conf/config.xml"); pfSense_fsync($g['conf_path']); disable_security_checks(); log_error(sprintf(gettext('%1$s is restoring the configuration %2$s'), $g['product_name'], $file)); file_notice("config.xml", sprintf(gettext('%1$s is restoring the configuration %2$s'), $g['product_name'], $file), "pfSenseConfigurator", ""); conf_mount_ro(); } } /****f* config/parse_config_bootup * NAME * parse_config_bootup - Bootup-specific configuration checks. * RESULT * null ******/ function parse_config_bootup() { global $config, $g; if (platform_booting()) { echo "."; } $lockkey = lock('config'); if (!file_exists("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml")) { if (platform_booting()) { if (strstr($g['platform'], "cdrom")) { /* try copying the default config. to the floppy */ echo gettext("Resetting factory defaults...") . "\n"; reset_factory_defaults(true, false); if (!file_exists("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml")) { echo gettext("No XML configuration file found - using factory defaults.\n" . "Make sure that the configuration floppy disk with the conf/config.xml\n" . "file is inserted. If it isn't, the configuration changes will be lost\n" . "on reboot.\n"); } } else { $last_backup = discover_last_backup(); if ($last_backup) { log_error("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore."); file_notice("config.xml", gettext("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore."), "pfSenseConfigurator", ""); restore_backup("/cf/conf/backup/{$last_backup}"); } if (!file_exists("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml")) { echo sprintf(gettext("XML configuration file not found. %s cannot continue booting."), $g['product_name']) . "\n"; unlock($lockkey); mwexec("/sbin/halt"); exit; } log_error("Last known config found and restored. Please double check the configuration file for accuracy."); file_notice("config.xml", gettext("Last known config found and restored. Please double check the configuration file for accuracy."), "pfSenseConfigurator", ""); } } else { unlock($lockkey); log_error(gettext("Could not find a usable configuration file! Exiting....")); exit(0); } } if (filesize("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml") == 0) { $last_backup = discover_last_backup(); if ($last_backup) { log_error(gettext("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore.")); file_notice("config.xml", gettext("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore."), "pfSenseConfigurator", ""); restore_backup("{$g['conf_path']}/backup/{$last_backup}"); } else { unlock($lockkey); die(gettext("Config.xml is corrupted and is 0 bytes. Could not restore a previous backup.")); } } unlock($lockkey); $config = parse_config(true); if ((float)$config['version'] > (float)$g['latest_config']) { echo << 1) && is_writable("/")) { return; } $status = mwexec("/sbin/mount -u -w -o sync,noatime {$g['cf_path']}"); if ($status <> 0) { if (platform_booting()) { echo gettext("/cf Filesystem is dirty.") . "\n"; } $status = mwexec("/sbin/mount -u -w -o sync,noatime {$g['cf_path']}"); } /* if the platform is soekris or wrap or $product, lets mount the * compact flash cards root. */ $status = mwexec("/sbin/mount -u -w -o sync,noatime /"); /* we could not mount this correctly. */ if ($status <> 0) { log_error(gettext("/ File system is dirty.")); $status = mwexec("/sbin/mount -u -w -o sync,noatime /"); } mark_subsystem_dirty('mount'); } /****f* config/conf_mount_ro * NAME * conf_mount_ro - Mount filesystems readonly. * RESULT * null ******/ function conf_mount_ro() { global $g, $config; // do nothing here. redmine #6184 return; /* Do not trust $g['platform'] since this can be clobbered during factory reset. */ $platform = trim(file_get_contents("/etc/platform")); /* do not umount on cdrom or pfSense platforms */ if ($platform == "cdrom" or $platform == $g['product_name']) { return; } if (refcount_unreference(1000) > 0) { return; } if (isset($config['system']['nanobsd_force_rw'])) { return; } if (platform_booting()) { return; } clear_subsystem_dirty('mount'); /* sync data, then force a remount of /cf */ pfSense_fsync($g['cf_path']); mwexec("/sbin/mount -u -r -f -o sync,noatime {$g['cf_path']}"); mwexec("/sbin/mount -u -r -f -o sync,noatime /"); } /****f* config/convert_config * NAME * convert_config - Attempt to update config.xml. * DESCRIPTION * convert_config() reads the current global configuration * and attempts to convert it to conform to the latest * config.xml version. This allows major formatting changes * to be made with a minimum of breakage. * RESULT * null ******/ /* convert configuration, if necessary */ function convert_config() { global $config, $g; $now = date("H:i:s"); log_error(sprintf(gettext("Start Configuration upgrade at %s, set execution timeout to 15 minutes"), $now)); //ini_set("max_execution_time", "900"); /* special case upgrades */ /* fix every minute crontab bogons entry */ if (is_array($config['cron'])) { $cron_item_count = count($config['cron']['item']); for ($x = 0; $x < $cron_item_count; $x++) { if (stristr($config['cron']['item'][$x]['command'], "rc.update_bogons.sh")) { if ($config['cron']['item'][$x]['hour'] == "*") { $config['cron']['item'][$x]['hour'] = "3"; write_config(gettext("Updated bogon update frequency to 3am")); log_error(gettext("Updated bogon update frequency to 3am")); } } } } if ($config['version'] == $g['latest_config']) { return; /* already at latest version */ } // Save off config version $prev_version = $config['version']; include_once('auth.inc'); include_once('upgrade_config.inc'); if (file_exists("/etc/inc/upgrade_config_custom.inc")) { include_once("upgrade_config_custom.inc"); } /* Loop and run upgrade_VER_to_VER() until we're at current version */ while ($config['version'] < $g['latest_config']) { $cur = $config['version'] * 10; $next = $cur + 1; $migration_function = sprintf('upgrade_%03d_to_%03d', $cur, $next); if (function_exists($migration_function)) { $migration_function(); } $migration_function = "{$migration_function}_custom"; if (function_exists($migration_function)) { $migration_function(); } $config['version'] = sprintf('%.1f', $next / 10); if (platform_booting()) { echo "."; } } $now = date("H:i:s"); log_error(sprintf(gettext("Ended Configuration upgrade at %s"), $now)); if ($prev_version != $config['version']) { write_config(sprintf(gettext('Upgraded config version level from %1$s to %2$s'), $prev_version, $config['version'])); } } /****f* config/safe_write_file * NAME * safe_write_file - Write a file out atomically * DESCRIPTION * safe_write_file() Writes a file out atomically by first writing to a * temporary file of the same name but ending with the pid of the current * process, them renaming the temporary file over the original. * INPUTS * $filename - string containing the filename of the file to write * $content - string or array containing the file content to write to file * $force_binary - boolean denoting whether we should force binary * mode writing. * RESULT * boolean - true if successful, false if not ******/ function safe_write_file($file, $content, $force_binary = false) { $tmp_file = $file . "." . getmypid(); $write_mode = $force_binary ? "wb" : "w"; $fd = fopen($tmp_file, $write_mode); if (!$fd) { // Unable to open temporary file for writing return false; } if (is_array($content)) { foreach ($content as $line) { if (!fwrite($fd, $line . "\n")) { // Unable to write to temporary file fclose($fd); return false; } } } elseif (!fwrite($fd, $content)) { // Unable to write to temporary file fclose($fd); return false; } fflush($fd); fclose($fd); if (!pfSense_fsync($tmp_file) || !rename($tmp_file, $file)) { // Unable to move temporary file to original @unlink($tmp_file); return false; } // Sync file before returning return pfSense_fsync($file); } /****f* config/write_config * NAME * write_config - Backup and write the firewall configuration. * DESCRIPTION * write_config() handles backing up the current configuration, * applying changes, and regenerating the configuration cache. * INPUTS * $desc - string containing the a description of configuration changes * $backup - boolean: do not back up current configuration if false. * $write_config_only - boolean: do not sync or reload anything; just save the configuration if true. * RESULT * null ******/ /* save the system configuration */ function write_config($desc="Unknown", $backup = true, $write_config_only = false) { global $config, $g; if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { if (!session_id()) { @session_start(); } if (!empty($_SESSION['Username']) && ($_SESSION['Username'] != "admin")) { $user = getUserEntry($_SESSION['Username']); if (is_array($user) && userHasPrivilege($user, "user-config-readonly")) { session_commit(); return false; } } } if (!isset($argc)) { session_commit(); } if ($backup) { backup_config(); } $config['revision'] = make_config_revision_entry($desc); conf_mount_rw(); $lockkey = lock('config', LOCK_EX); /* generate configuration XML */ $xmlconfig = dump_xml_config($config, $g['xml_rootobj']); /* write new configuration */ if (!safe_write_file("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/config.xml", $xmlconfig)) { log_error(gettext("WARNING: Config contents could not be saved. Could not open file!")); unlock($lockkey); file_notice("config.xml", sprintf(gettext("Unable to open %s/config.xml for writing in write_config()%s"), $g['cf_conf_path'], "\n")); return -1; } cleanup_backupcache(true); /* re-read configuration */ /* NOTE: We assume that the file can be parsed since we wrote it. */ $config = parse_xml_config("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml", $g['xml_rootobj']); if ($config == -1) { copy("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml", "{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml.bad"); $last_backup = discover_last_backup(); if ($last_backup) { restore_backup("/cf/conf/backup/{$last_backup}"); $config = parse_xml_config("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml", $g['xml_rootobj']); if (platform_booting()) { echo "\n\n ************** WARNING **************"; echo "\n\n Configuration could not be validated. A previous configuration was restored. \n"; echo "\n The failed configuration file has been saved as {$g['conf_path']}/config.xml.bad \n\n"; } } else { log_error(gettext("Could not restore config.xml.")); } } else { generate_config_cache($config); } unlock($lockkey); if ($write_config_only) { /* tell kernel to sync fs data */ conf_mount_ro(); return $config; } unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/pf/carp_sync_client.php"); /* tell kernel to sync fs data */ conf_mount_ro(); /* sync carp entries to other firewalls */ carp_sync_client(); if (is_dir("/usr/local/pkg/write_config")) { /* process packager manager custom rules */ run_plugins("/usr/local/pkg/write_config/"); } return $config; } /****f* config/reset_factory_defaults * NAME * reset_factory_defaults - Reset the system to its default configuration. * RESULT * integer - indicates completion ******/ function reset_factory_defaults($lock = false, $reboot_required = true) { global $g; conf_mount_rw(); /* Remove all additional packages */ mwexec("/bin/sh /usr/local/sbin/{$g['product_name']}-upgrade " . "-r ALL_PACKAGES"); if (!$lock) { $lockkey = lock('config', LOCK_EX); } /* create conf directory, if necessary */ safe_mkdir($g['cf_conf_path']); /* clear out /conf */ $dh = opendir($g['conf_path']); while ($filename = readdir($dh)) { if (($filename != ".") && ($filename != "..") && (!is_dir($g['conf_path'] . "/" . $filename))) { unlink_if_exists($g['conf_path'] . "/" . $filename); } } closedir($dh); unlink_if_exists($g['tmp_path'] . "/config.cache"); /* copy default configuration */ copy("{$g['conf_default_path']}/config.xml", "{$g['cf_conf_path']}/config.xml"); disable_security_checks(); /* call the wizard */ if ($reboot_required) { // If we need a reboot first then touch a different trigger file. touch("/conf/trigger_initial_wizard_after_reboot"); } else { touch("/conf/trigger_initial_wizard"); } if (!$lock) { unlock($lockkey); } conf_mount_ro(); setup_serial_port(); return 0; } function config_restore($conffile) { global $config, $g; if (!file_exists($conffile)) { return 1; } backup_config(); conf_mount_rw(); $lockkey = lock('config', LOCK_EX); unlink_if_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache"); copy($conffile, "{$g['cf_conf_path']}/config.xml"); disable_security_checks(); unlock($lockkey); $config = parse_config(true); conf_mount_ro(); write_config(sprintf(gettext("Reverted to %s."), array_pop(explode("/", $conffile))), false); return 0; } function config_install($conffile) { global $config, $g; if (!file_exists($conffile)) { return 1; } if (!config_validate("{$conffile}")) { return 1; } if (platform_booting()) { echo gettext("Installing configuration...") . "\n"; } else { log_error(gettext("Installing configuration ....")); } conf_mount_rw(); $lockkey = lock('config', LOCK_EX); copy($conffile, "{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml"); disable_security_checks(); /* unlink cache file if it exists */ if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache")) { unlink("{$g['tmp_path']}/config.cache"); } unlock($lockkey); conf_mount_ro(); return 0; } /* * Disable security checks for DNS rebind and HTTP referrer until next time * they pass (or reboot), to aid in preventing accidental lockout when * restoring settings like hostname, domain, IP addresses, and settings * related to the DNS rebind and HTTP referrer checks. * Intended for use when restoring a configuration or directly * modifying config.xml without an unconditional reboot. */ function disable_security_checks() { global $g; touch("{$g['tmp_path']}/disable_security_checks"); } /* Restores security checks. Should be called after all succeed. */ function restore_security_checks() { global $g; unlink_if_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/disable_security_checks"); } /* Returns status of security check temporary disable. */ function security_checks_disabled() { global $g; return file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/disable_security_checks"); } function config_validate($conffile) { global $g, $xmlerr; $xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); if (!($fp = fopen($conffile, "r"))) { $xmlerr = gettext("XML error: unable to open file"); return false; } while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) { if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) { $xmlerr = sprintf(gettext('%1$s at line %2$d'), xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser)); return false; } } xml_parser_free($xml_parser); fclose($fp); return true; } function cleanup_backupcache($lock = false) { global $config, $g; $i = false; $revisions = intval(is_numericint($config['system']['backupcount']) ? $config['system']['backupcount'] : $g['default_config_backup_count']); if (!$lock) { $lockkey = lock('config'); } conf_mount_rw(); $backups = get_backups(); if ($backups) { $baktimes = $backups['versions']; unset($backups['versions']); } else { $backups = array(); $baktimes = array(); } $newbaks = array(); $bakfiles = glob($g['cf_conf_path'] . "/backup/config-*"); $tocache = array(); foreach ($bakfiles as $backup) { // Check for backups in the directory not represented in the cache. $backupsize = filesize($backup); if ($backupsize == 0) { unlink($backup); continue; } $backupexp = explode('-', $backup); $backupexp = explode('.', array_pop($backupexp)); $tocheck = array_shift($backupexp); unset($backupexp); if (!in_array($tocheck, $baktimes)) { $i = true; if (platform_booting()) { echo "."; } $newxml = parse_xml_config($backup, array($g['xml_rootobj'], 'pfsense')); if ($newxml == "-1") { log_error(sprintf(gettext("The backup cache file %s is corrupted. Unlinking."), $backup)); unlink($backup); log_error(sprintf(gettext("The backup cache file %s is corrupted. Unlinking."), $backup)); continue; } if ($newxml['revision']['description'] == "") { $newxml['revision']['description'] = "Unknown"; } if ($newxml['version'] == "") { $newxml['version'] = "?"; } $tocache[$tocheck] = array('description' => $newxml['revision']['description'], 'version' => $newxml['version'], 'filesize' => $backupsize); } } foreach ($backups as $checkbak) { if (count(preg_grep('/' . $checkbak['time'] . '/i', $bakfiles)) != 0) { $newbaks[] = $checkbak; } else { $i = true; if (platform_booting()) print " " . $tocheck . "r"; } } foreach ($newbaks as $todo) { $tocache[$todo['time']] = array('description' => $todo['description'], 'version' => $todo['version'], 'filesize' => $todo['filesize']); } if (is_int($revisions) and (count($tocache) > $revisions)) { $toslice = array_slice(array_keys($tocache), 0, $revisions); foreach ($toslice as $sliced) { $newcache[$sliced] = $tocache[$sliced]; } foreach ($tocache as $version => $versioninfo) { if (!in_array($version, array_keys($newcache))) { unlink_if_exists($g['conf_path'] . '/backup/config-' . $version . '.xml'); } } $tocache = $newcache; } $bakout = fopen($g['cf_conf_path'] . '/backup/backup.cache', "w"); fwrite($bakout, serialize($tocache)); fclose($bakout); pfSense_fsync("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/backup/backup.cache"); conf_mount_ro(); if (!$lock) { unlock($lockkey); } } function get_backups() { global $g; if (file_exists("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/backup/backup.cache")) { $confvers = unserialize(file_get_contents("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/backup/backup.cache")); $bakvers = array_keys($confvers); $toreturn = array(); sort($bakvers); // $bakvers = array_reverse($bakvers); foreach (array_reverse($bakvers) as $bakver) { $toreturn[] = array('time' => $bakver, 'description' => $confvers[$bakver]['description'], 'version' => $confvers[$bakver]['version'], 'filesize' => $confvers[$bakver]['filesize']); } } else { return false; } $toreturn['versions'] = $bakvers; return $toreturn; } function backup_config() { global $config, $g; if ($g['platform'] == "cdrom") { return; } conf_mount_rw(); /* Create backup directory if needed */ safe_mkdir("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/backup"); if ($config['revision']['time'] == "") { $baktime = 0; } else { $baktime = $config['revision']['time']; } if ($config['revision']['description'] == "") { $bakdesc = "Unknown"; } else { $bakdesc = $config['revision']['description']; } $bakver = ($config['version'] == "") ? "?" : $config['version']; $bakfilename = $g['cf_conf_path'] . '/backup/config-' . $baktime . '.xml'; copy($g['cf_conf_path'] . '/config.xml', $bakfilename); if (file_exists($g['cf_conf_path'] . '/backup/backup.cache')) { $backupcache = unserialize(file_get_contents($g['cf_conf_path'] . '/backup/backup.cache')); } else { $backupcache = array(); } $backupcache[$baktime] = array('description' => $bakdesc, 'version' => $bakver, 'filesize' => filesize($bakfilename)); $bakout = fopen($g['cf_conf_path'] . '/backup/backup.cache', "w"); fwrite($bakout, serialize($backupcache)); fclose($bakout); pfSense_fsync("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/backup/backup.cache"); conf_mount_ro(); return true; } function set_device_perms() { $devices = array( 'pf' => array( 'user' => 'root', 'group' => 'proxy', 'mode' => 0660), ); foreach ($devices as $name => $attr) { $path = "/dev/$name"; if (file_exists($path)) { chown($path, $attr['user']); chgrp($path, $attr['group']); chmod($path, $attr['mode']); } } } function get_config_user() { if (empty($_SESSION["Username"])) { $username = getenv("USER"); if (empty($conuser) || $conuser == "root") { $username = "(system)"; } } else { $username = $_SESSION["Username"]; } if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $username .= '@' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } return $username; } function make_config_revision_entry($desc = null, $override_user = null) { if (empty($override_user)) { $username = get_config_user(); } else { $username = $override_user; } $revision = array(); if (time() > mktime(0, 0, 0, 9, 1, 2004)) { /* make sure the clock settings are plausible */ $revision['time'] = time(); } /* Log the running script so it's not entirely unlogged what changed */ if ($desc == "Unknown") { $desc = sprintf(gettext("%s made unknown change"), $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); } if (!empty($desc)) { $revision['description'] = "{$username}: " . $desc; } $revision['username'] = $username; return $revision; } function pfSense_clear_globals() { global $config, $FilterIfList, $GatewaysList, $filterdns, $aliases, $aliastable; $error = error_get_last(); if ($error !== NULL) { if (in_array($error['type'], array(E_ERROR, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_CORE_ERROR, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR))) { $errorstr = "PHP ERROR: Type: {$error['type']}, File: {$error['file']}, Line: {$error['line']}, Message: {$error['message']}"; print($errorstr); log_error($errorstr); file_notice("phperror", $errorstr, 'PHP errors'); } else if ($error['type'] != E_NOTICE) { $errorstr = "PHP WARNING: Type: {$error['type']}, File: {$error['file']}, Line: {$error['line']}, Message: {$error['message']}"; // XXX: comment out for now, should re-enable post-2.2 //print($errorstr); //log_error($errorstr); //file_notice("phpwarning", $errorstr, 'PHP warning'); } } if (isset($FilterIfList)) { unset($FilterIfList); } if (isset($GatewaysList)) { unset($GatewaysList); } /* Used for the hostname dns resolver */ if (isset($filterdns)) { unset($filterdns); } /* Used for aliases and interface macros */ if (isset($aliases)) { unset($aliases); } if (isset($aliastable)) { unset($aliastable); } unset($config); } register_shutdown_function('pfSense_clear_globals'); ?>