. * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ if (!function_exists('platform_booting')) { require_once('globals.inc'); } /* do not load this file twice. */ //if (in_array("/etc/inc/config.inc", get_included_files())) // return; // Set the memory limit to 128M on i386. When someone has something like 500+ tunnels // the parser needs quite a bit of ram. Do not remove this line unless you // know what you are doing. If in doubt, check with dev@ _/FIRST/_! if (!$ARCH) { $ARCH = php_uname("m"); } // Set memory limit to 512M on amd64. if ($ARCH == "amd64") { ini_set("memory_limit", "512M"); } else { ini_set("memory_limit", "128M"); } /* include globals from notices.inc /utility/XML parser files */ require_once("notices.inc"); require_once("util.inc"); require_once("Net/IPv6.php"); require_once('config.lib.inc'); if (file_exists("/cf/conf/use_xmlreader")) { require_once("xmlreader.inc"); } else { require_once("xmlparse.inc"); } require_once("crypt.inc"); /* read platform */ if (file_exists("{$g['etc_path']}/platform")) { $g['platform'] = chop(file_get_contents("{$g['etc_path']}/platform")); } else { $g['platform'] = "unknown"; } /* if /debugging exists, lets set $debugging so we can output more information */ if (file_exists("/debugging")) { $debugging = true; $g['debug'] = true; } if (platform_booting(true)) { echo "."; if (file_exists("/cf/conf/config.xml")) { $config_contents = file_get_contents("/cf/conf/config.xml"); if (stristr($config_contents, "") == true) { echo "."; /* user has just upgraded from m0n0wall, replace root xml tags */ log_error(gettext("Upgrading m0n0wall configuration to pfSense... ")); $config_contents = str_replace("m0n0wall", "pfsense", $config_contents); if (!config_validate("{$g['conf_path']}/config.xml")) { log_error(gettext("ERROR! Could not convert m0n0wall -> pfsense in config.xml")); } conf_mount_rw(); file_put_contents("/cf/conf/config.xml", $config_contents); conf_mount_ro(); } unset($config_contents); } /* if our config file exists bail out, we're already set. */ else if (!file_exists($g['cf_conf_path'] . "/config.xml")) { echo "."; /* find the device where config.xml resides and write out an fstab */ unset($cfgdevice); echo "."; /* check if there's already an fstab (NFS booting?) */ if (!file_exists("{$g['etc_path']}/fstab")) { echo "."; if (strstr($g['platform'], "cdrom")) { /* config is on floppy disk for CD-ROM version */ $cfgdevice = $cfgpartition = "fd0"; $_gb = exec('/sbin/dmesg -a', $dmesg); if (preg_match("/da0/", $dmesg) == true) { $cfgdevice = $cfgpartition = "da0" ; if (mwexec("/sbin/mount -r /dev/{$cfgdevice} /cf")) { /* could not mount, fallback to floppy */ $cfgdevice = $cfgpartition = "fd0"; } } unset($dmesg); $cfgfstype = "msdosfs"; echo gettext("CDROM build") . "\n"; echo " " . gettext("CFG:") . " {$cfgpartition}\n"; echo " " . gettext("TYPE:") . " {$cfgfstype}\n"; } else { echo "."; /* probe kernel known disks until we find one with config.xml */ $disks = explode(" ", get_single_sysctl("kern.disks")); foreach ($disks as $mountdisk) { /* skip mfs mounted filesystems */ if (strstr($mountdisk, "md")) { continue; } if (mwexec("/sbin/mount -r /dev/{$mountdisk}a {$g['cf_path']}") == 0) { if (file_exists("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/config.xml")) { /* found it */ $cfgdevice = $mountdisk; $cfgpartition = $cfgdevice . "a"; $cfgfstype = "ufs"; printf(gettext("Found configuration on %s.%s"), $cfgdevice, "\n"); } mwexec("/sbin/umount -f {$g['cf_path']}"); if ($cfgdevice) { break; } } if (mwexec("/sbin/mount -r /dev/{$mountdisk}d {$g['cf_path']}") == 0) { if (platform_booting()) { echo "."; } if (file_exists("{$g['cf_conf_path']}/config.xml")) { /* found it */ $cfgdevice = $mountdisk; $cfgpartition = $cfgdevice . "d"; $cfgfstype = "ufs"; printf(gettext("Found configuration on %s.%s"), $cfgdevice, "\n"); } mwexec("/sbin/umount -f {$g['cf_path']}"); if ($cfgdevice) { break; } } } } echo "."; if (!$cfgdevice) { $last_backup = discover_last_backup(); if ($last_backup) { log_error(gettext("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore.")); file_notice("config.xml", gettext("No config.xml found, attempting last known config restore."), "pfSenseConfigurator", ""); restore_backup("/cf/conf/backup/{$last_backup}"); } else { log_error(gettext("No config.xml or config backups found, resetting to factory defaults.")); restore_backup('/conf.default/config.xml'); } } /* write out an fstab */ $fstab = "/dev/{$cfgpartition} {$g['cf_path']} {$cfgfstype} ro,noatime 1 1\n"; $fstab .= "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0\n"; file_put_contents("{$g['etc_path']}/fstab", $fstab); } echo "."; /* mount all filesystems */ mwexec("/sbin/mount -a"); } echo "."; } $config = parse_config(); /* set timezone */ if (isset($config['system']['timezone']) && !empty($config['system']['timezone'])) { $timezone = $config['system']['timezone']; } elseif (isset($g['default_timezone']) && !empty($g['default_timezone'])) { $timezone = $g['default_timezone']; } else { $timezone = "Etc/UTC"; } date_default_timezone_set("$timezone"); if ($config_parsed == true) { /* process packager manager custom rules */ if (is_dir("/usr/local/pkg/parse_config")) { run_plugins("/usr/local/pkg/parse_config/"); } } ?>