#!/usr/local/bin/php -f "; $url = chop(fgets($fp)); if(!$url) { fclose($fp); die; } if($url == "auto") { $url = $autoupdateurl; } $status = does_url_exist($url); if($status) { conf_mount_rw(); mark_subsystem_dirty('firmware'); if(file_exists("/root/firmware.tgz")) unlink("/root/firmware.tgz"); echo "\nFetching file size...\n"; $file_size = exec("fetch -s \"$url\""); $file_size = trim($file_size, "\r"); echo "\nFile size: $file_size\n"; echo "\nFetching file...\n"; exec("fetch -1 -w15 -a -v -o /root/firmware.tgz \"$url\""); if($file_size <> filesize("/root/firmware.tgz")) { echo "\nFile size mismatch. Upgrade cancelled.\n\n"; fclose($fp); die; } if(!file_exists("/root/firmware.tgz")) { echo "Something went wrong during file transfer. Exiting.\n\n"; fclose($fp); die; } $status = does_url_exist("$url.sha256"); if($status) { echo "\nFetching sha256...\n"; exec("fetch -1 -w15 -a -v -o /root/firmware.tgz.sha256 \"$url.sha256\""); } else { echo "\n\nWARNING.\n"; echo "\nCould not locate a sha256 file. We cannot verify the download once completed.\n\n"; sleep(15); } if(file_exists("/root/firmware.tgz.sha256")) { $source_sha256 = trim(`cat /root/firmware.tgz.sha256 | awk '{ print \$4 }'`,"\r"); $file_sha256 = trim(`sha256 /root/firmware.tgz | awk '{ print \$4 }'`,"\r"); echo "URL sha256: $source_sha256\n"; echo "Downloaded file sha256: $file_sha256\n"; if($source_sha256 <> $file_sha256) { echo "\n\nsha256 checksum does not match. Cancelling upgrade.\n\n"; exec("rm -f /root/*.sha256"); fclose($fp); die -1; } echo "\nsha256 checksum matches.\n"; exec("rm -f /root/*.sha256"); } if(strstr($url,"bdiff")) { echo "Binary DIFF upgrade file detected...\n"; $type = "bdiff"; } elseif(strstr($url,"nanobsd")) { echo "NanoBSD upgrade file detected...\n"; $type = "nanobsd"; } else { $type = "normal"; } do_upgrade("/root/firmware.tgz", $type); exit; } case "2": echo "\nEnter the complete path to the .tgz or .img.gz update file: "; $path = chop(fgets($fp)); if(!$path) { fclose($fp); die; } if(stristr($path,"bdiff")) $type = "bdiff"; if(stristr($path,"nanobsd")) $type = "nanobsd"; if(file_exists($path)) { mark_subsystem_dirty('firmware'); do_upgrade($path, $type); } else { echo "\nCould not find file.\n\n"; fclose($fp); die -1; } } function check_for_kernel_file() { global $fp; $platform = file_get_contents("/etc/platform"); $platform = str_replace("\n", "", $platform); $platform = str_replace("\r", "", $platform); if($platform == "embedded" or $platform == "wrap" or $platform == "nanobsd") { exec("echo wrap > /boot/kernel/pfsense_kernel.txt"); echo "\n"; return; } if(!file_exists("/boot/kernel/pfsense_kernel.txt")) { echo "\nPlease select which kernel you would like to use:\n"; echo "\n1. Non SMP kernel"; echo "\n2. SMP kernel"; echo "\n3. Embedded kernel (no video or keyboard)"; echo "\n4. Developers kernel (slower performing, more debugging)\n"; echo "\nPlease enter a number [1-4]: "; $selection = strtoupper(chop(fgets($fp))); switch ($selection) { case "1": exec("echo UP > /boot/kernel/pfsense_kernel.txt"); break; case "2": exec("echo SMP > /boot/kernel/pfsense_kernel.txt"); break; case "3": exec("echo wrap > /boot/kernel/pfsense_kernel.txt"); break; case "4": exec("echo Developers > /boot/kernel/pfsense_kernel.txt"); break; } echo "\n"; } } function do_upgrade($path, $type) { global $g, $fp; $sigchk = verify_digital_signature($path); if ($sigchk == 1) $sig_warning = "The digital signature on this image is invalid."; else if ($sigchk == 2) $sig_warning = "This image is not digitally signed."; else if (($sigchk == 3) || ($sigchk == 4)) $sig_warning = "There has been an error verifying the signature on this image."; if($sig_warning) { $sig_warning = "\nWARNING! ACHTUNG! DANGER!\n\n{$sig_warning}\n\n" . "This means that the image you uploaded is not an official/supported image and\n" . "may lead to unexpected behavior or security compromises.\n\n" . "Only install images that come from sources that you trust, and make sure\n". "that the image has not been tampered with.\n\n". "Do you want to install this image anyway at your own risk [n]?"; echo $sig_warning; $command = strtoupper(chop(fgets($fp))); if(strtoupper($command) == "Y" or strtoupper($command) == "Y" or strtoupper($command) == "YES") { echo "\nContinuing upgrade..."; } else { echo "\nUpgrade cancelled.\n\n"; die; } } mark_subsystem_dirty('firmwarelock'); check_for_kernel_file(); echo "\nOne moment please...\nInvoking firmware upgrade..."; if($type == "bdiff") mwexec_bg("/etc/rc.firmware delta_update $path"); elseif($type == "nanobsd") mwexec_bg("/etc/rc.firmware pfSenseNanoBSDupgrade $path"); else mwexec_bg("/etc/rc.firmware pfSenseupgrade $path"); sleep(10); while(is_subsystem_dirty('firmwarelock')) { sleep(1); echo "."; } sleep(10); echo "Done. Rebooting...\n\n"; clear_subsystem_dirty('firmwarelock'); } exec("rm -f /root/*.sha256"); fclose($fp); ?>