#!/usr/local/bin/php -f "; $url = chop(fgets($fp)); if(!$url) die; $status = does_url_exist($url); if($status) { echo "\nFetching file size...\n"; $file_size = exec("fetch -s \"$url\""); $file_size = trim($file_size, "\r"); echo "\nFile size: $file_size\n"; echo "\nFetching file...\n"; exec("fetch -1 -w15 -a -v -o /tmp/firmware.tgz \"$url\""); if($file_size <> filesize("/tmp/firmware.tgz")) { echo "\nFile size mismatch. Upgrade cancelled.\n\n"; die; } if(!file_exists("/tmp/firmware.tgz")) { echo "Something went wrong during file transfer. Exiting.\n\n"; die; } $status = does_url_exist("$url.md5"); if($status) { echo "\nFetching MD5...\n"; exec("fetch -1 -w15 -a -v -o /tmp/firmware.tgz.md5 \"$url.md5\""); } else { echo "\n\nWARNING.\n"; echo "\nCould not locate a MD5 file. We cannot verify the download once its done.\n\n"; sleep(15); } if(file_exists("/tmp/firmware.tgz.md5")) { $source_md5 = trim(`cat /tmp/firmware.tgz.md5 | awk '{ print \$4 }'`,"\r"); $file_md5 = trim(`md5 /tmp/firmware.tgz | awk '{ print \$4 }'`,"\r"); echo "URL MD5: $source_md5\n"; echo "Downloaded file MD5: $file_md5\n"; if($source_md5 <> $file_md5) { echo "\n\nMD5 checksum does not match. Cancelling upgrade.\n\n"; die -1; } echo "\nMD5 checksum matches.\n"; } if(file_exists("/tmp/firmware.tgz")) do_upgrade("/tmp/firmware.tgz"); } else { echo "\nCould not download update.\n\n"; die -1; } case "2": echo "\nEnter the complete path to the .tgz update file: "; $path = chop(fgets($fp)); if(!$path) die; if(file_exists($path)) { do_upgrade($path); } else { echo "\nCould not find file.\n\n"; die -1; } } function do_upgrade($path) { echo "\nOne moment please... Invoking firmware upgrade...\n"; exec("/etc/rc.firmware pfSenseupgrade $path"); } ?>