conf = $config; } public function p() { return "check {$this->get('proto')}"; } private function get($var) { return isset($this->$var) ? $this->$var : ""; } protected function config($element) { return isset($this->conf[$element]) ? $this->conf[$element] : ""; } } class TCPMonitor extends Monitor { protected $proto = 'tcp'; } class SSLMonitor extends Monitor { protected $proto = 'ssl'; } class ICMPMonitor extends Monitor { protected $proto = 'icmp'; } class HTTPMonitor extends Monitor { protected $proto = 'http'; function __construct($config) { parent::__construct($config); } public function p() { $method = ($this->code() != "") ? $this->code() : $this->digest(); return "check {$this->proto} {$this->path()} {$this->host()} {$method}"; } private function path() { return $this->config('path') != "" ? "'{$this->config('path')}'" : ""; } private function host() { return $this->config('host') != "" ? "host {$this->config('host')}" : ""; } private function code() { return $this->config('code') != "" ? "code {$this->config('code')}" : ""; } private function digest() { return $this->config('digest') != "" ? "digest {$this->config('digest')}" : ""; } } class HTTPSMonitor extends HTTPMonitor { protected $proto = 'https'; } class SendMonitor extends Monitor { private $proto = 'send'; function __construct($config) { parent::__construct($config); } public function p() { return "check {$this->proto} {$this->data()} expect {$this->pattern()} {$this->ssl()}"; } private function data() { return $this->config('send') != "" ? "{$this->config('send')}" : ""; } private function pattern() { return $this->config('expect') != "" ? "{$this->config('expect')}" : ""; } private function ssl() { return $this->config('ssl') == true ? "ssl" : ""; } } function relayd_configure() { global $config, $g; $vs_a = &$config['load_balancer']['virtual_server']; $pool_a = &$config['load_balancer']['lbpool']; $check_a = array(); foreach ((array)$config['load_balancer']['monitor_type'] as $type) { switch($type['type']) { case 'icmp': { $mon = new ICMPMonitor($type['options']); break; } case 'tcp': { $mon = new TCPMonitor($type['options']); break; } case 'http': { $mon = new HTTPMonitor($type['options']); break; } case 'https': { $mon = new HTTPSMonitor($type['options']); break; } case 'send': { $mon = new SendMonitor($type['options']); break; } } $check_a[$type['name']] = $mon->p(); } $fd = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/relayd.conf", "w"); /* reindex pools by name as we loop through the pools array */ $pools = array(); /* Virtual server pools */ if(is_array($pool_a)) { for ($i = 0; isset($pool_a[$i]); $i++) { if(is_array($pool_a[$i]['servers'])) { $srvtxt = implode(", ", $pool_a[$i]['servers']); $conf .= "table <{$pool_a[$i]['name']}> { $srvtxt }\n"; /* Index by name for easier fetching when we loop through the virtual servers */ $pools[$pool_a[$i]['name']] = $pool_a[$i]; } } } if(is_array($vs_a)) { for ($i = 0; isset($vs_a[$i]); $i++) { $conf .= "redirect \"{$vs_a[$i]['name']}\" {\n"; $conf .= " listen on {$vs_a[$i]['ipaddr']} port {$vs_a[$i]['port']}\n"; $conf .= " forward to <{$vs_a[$i]['pool']}> port {$pools[$vs_a[$i]['pool']]['port']} {$check_a[$pools[$vs_a[$i]['pool']]['monitor']]} timeout 1000\n"; if (isset($vs_a[$i]['sitedown']) && $vs_a[$i]['sitedown'] != "") $conf .= " forward to <{$vs_a[$i]['sitedown']}> port {$pools[$vs_a[$i]['pool']]['port']} {$check_a[$pools[$vs_a[$i]['pool']]['monitor']]} timeout 1000\n"; $conf .= "}\n"; } } fwrite($fd, $conf); fclose($fd); if (is_process_running('relayd: parent')) { /* * XXX: Something breaks our control connection with relayd and makes relayctl stop working * rule reloads are the current suspect * mwexec('/usr/local/bin/relayctl stop'); */ mwexec('pkill relayd'); } mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/relayd -f {$g['varetc_path']}/relayd.conf"); } ?>