"" and $vsent['sitedown'] <> "") { /* fallback IP */ $slbdconf .= "\t:sitedown={$vsent['sitedown']}:\\\n"; /* fallback port */ $slbdconf .= "\t:sitedown-port={$vsent['port']}:\\\n"; } for ($i = 0; isset($config['load_balancer']['lbpool'][$i]); $i++) { if ($config['load_balancer']['lbpool'][$i]['name'] == $vsent['pool']) { $svrcnt = 0; $svrtxt = ""; $svrtxt = "\t:service-port={$config['load_balancer']['lbpool'][$i]['port']}:\\\n"; if($config['load_balancer']['lbpool']) if(is_array($config['load_balancer']['lbpool'][$i]['servers'])) foreach ($config['load_balancer']['lbpool'][$i]['servers'] as $lbsvr) { $svrtxt .= "\t:{$svrcnt}={$lbsvr}:\\\n"; $svrcnt++; } $slbdconf .= "\t:method=round-robin:\\\n"; $slbdconf .= "\t:services={$svrcnt}:\\\n"; $slbdconf .= $svrtxt; } } $slbdconf .= "\t:tcppoll:send=:expect=:\n"; $should_start=1; } } /* Gateway Pools */ if(is_array($a_pool)) { foreach ($a_pool as $vspool) { if ($vspool['type'] != "gateway") continue; if ($vspool['desc'] == "") $slbdconf .= "{$vspool['name']}:\\\n"; else $slbdconf .= "{$vspool['name']}|{$vspool['desc']}:\\\n"; /* pool name */ $slbdconf .= "\t:poolname={$vspool['name']}:\\\n"; /* remove pool status files so we don't end up with a mismatch */ if(file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$vspool['name']}.pool")) unlink("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$vspool['name']}.pool"); /* virtual IP */ $slbdconf .= "\t:vip=\\\n"; $slbdconf .= "\t:vip-port=666:\\\n"; /* fallback IP */ $slbdconf .= "\t:sitedown=\\\n"; /* fallback port */ $slbdconf .= "\t:sitedown-port=666:\\\n"; $svrcnt = 0; $svrtxt = ""; if($vspool['servers']) foreach ($vspool['servers'] as $lbsvr) { $lbsvr_split=split("\|", $lbsvr); $svrtxt .= "\t:{$svrcnt}={$lbsvr_split[1]}:\\\n"; $svrcnt++; /* Add static routes to the monitor IPs */ $int = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($lbsvr_split[0]); $gateway = get_interface_gateway($int); $int_ip = find_interface_ip($int); if($int_ip == "") { /* DHCP Corner case. If DHCP is down, we delete the route then * there is a chance the monitor ip gateway will go out the link * that is up. */ mwexec("/sbin/route delete -host {$lbsvr_split[1]} 2>&1", true); mwexec("/sbin/route add -host {$lbsvr_split[1]} 2>&1", true); } else { mwexec("/sbin/route delete -host {$lbsvr_split[1]} 2>&1", true); mwexec("/sbin/route add -host {$lbsvr_split[1]} {$gateway} 2>&1", true); } } $slbdconf .= "\t:service-port=666:\\\n"; $slbdconf .= "\t:method=round-robin:\\\n"; $slbdconf .= "\t:services={$svrcnt}:\\\n"; $slbdconf .= $svrtxt; $slbdconf .= "\t:ping:\n"; $should_start=1; } } if($should_start == 1) { fwrite($fd, $slbdconf); fclose($fd); mwexec("/usr/bin/killall -9 slbd", true); sleep(2); /* startup slbd pointing it's config at /var/etc/slbd.conf with a polling interval of 5 seconds */ mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/slbd -c{$g['varetc_path']}/slbd.conf -r5000"); } else { mwexec("/usr/bin/killall -9 slbd", true); fclose($fd); } } ?>