. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* pfSense_BUILDER_BINARIES: /sbin/ifconfig pfSense_BUILDER_BINARIES: /usr/local/sbin/ipsec /usr/local/libexec/ipsec/charon /usr/local/libexec/ipsec/starter pfSense_BUILDER_BINARIES: /usr/local/sbin/filterdns /usr/local/sbin/mpd4 pfSense_MODULE: vpn */ require_once("ipsec.inc"); function vpn_ipsec_configure_loglevels($forconfig = false) { global $config, $ipsec_loglevels; $cfgtext = array(); foreach ($ipsec_loglevels as $lkey => $ldescr) { if (!isset($config['ipsec']["ipsec_{$lkey}"]) && !$forconfig) { mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/ipsec stroke loglevel {$lkey} -- -1", false); } else if (is_numeric($config['ipsec']["ipsec_{$lkey}"]) && intval($config['ipsec']["ipsec_{$lkey}"]) >= 0 && intval($config['ipsec']["ipsec_{$lkey}"]) <= 5) { $forconfig ? $cfgtext[] = "${lkey} " . (intval($config['ipsec']["ipsec_{$lkey}"]) - 1) : mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/ipsec stroke loglevel {$lkey} " . (intval($config['ipsec']["ipsec_{$lkey}"]) - 1) , false); } } if ($forconfig) { return implode(',', $cfgtext); } } /* include all configuration functions */ function vpn_ipsec_convert_to_modp($index) { $convertion = ""; switch ($index) { case '1': $convertion = "modp768"; break; case '2': $convertion = "modp1024"; break; case '5': $convertion = "modp1536"; break; case '14': $convertion = "modp2048"; break; case '15': $convertion = "modp3072"; break; case '16': $convertion = "modp4096"; break; case '17': $convertion = "modp6144"; break; case '18': $convertion = "modp8192"; break; } return $convertion; } function vpn_ipsec_configure($restart = false) { global $config, $g, $sa, $sn, $p1_ealgos, $p2_ealgos, $ipsec_idhandling; if ($g['platform'] == 'jail') { return; } /* get the automatic ping_hosts.sh ready */ unlink_if_exists("{$g['vardb_path']}/ipsecpinghosts"); touch("{$g['vardb_path']}/ipsecpinghosts"); $syscfg = $config['system']; $ipseccfg = $config['ipsec']; if (!isset($ipseccfg['enable'])) { /* try to stop charon */ mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/ipsec stop"); /* Stop dynamic monitoring */ killbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/filterdns-ipsec.pid"); /* wait for process to die */ sleep(2); /* disallow IPSEC, it is off */ mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig enc0 down"); set_single_sysctl("net.inet.ip.ipsec_in_use", "0"); filter_configure(); return 0; } $a_phase1 = $config['ipsec']['phase1']; $a_phase2 = $config['ipsec']['phase2']; $a_client = $config['ipsec']['client']; $certpath = "{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d/certs"; $capath = "{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d/cacerts"; $keypath = "{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d/private"; mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig enc0 up"); set_single_sysctl("net.inet.ip.ipsec_in_use", "1"); /* needed for config files */ if (!is_dir("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec")) { mkdir("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec"); } if (!is_dir("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d")) { mkdir("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d"); } if (!is_dir($capath)) { mkdir($capath); } if (!is_dir($keypath)) { mkdir($keypath); } if (!is_dir("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d/crls")) { mkdir("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d/crls"); } if (!is_dir($certpath)) { mkdir($certpath); } if (!is_dir("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d/aacerts")) { mkdir("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d/aacerts"); } if (!is_dir("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d/acerts")) { mkdir("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d/acerts"); } if (!is_dir("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d/ocspcerts")) { mkdir("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d/ocspcerts"); } if (!is_dir("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d/reqs")) { mkdir("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.d/reqs"); } if (platform_booting()) { echo gettext("Configuring IPsec VPN... "); } /* fastforwarding is not compatible with ipsec tunnels */ set_single_sysctl("net.inet.ip.fastforwarding", "0"); /* resolve all local, peer addresses and setup pings */ $ipmap = array(); $rgmap = array(); $filterdns_list = array(); $listeniflist = array(); $aggressive_mode_psk = false; unset($iflist); $ifacesuse = array(); if (is_array($a_phase1) && count($a_phase1)) { $ipsecpinghosts = ""; /* step through each phase1 entry */ foreach ($a_phase1 as $ph1ent) { if (isset($ph1ent['disabled'])) { continue; } if (strpos($ph1ent['interface'], '_vip')) { $vpninterface = explode('_vip', $ph1ent['interface']); $ifacesuse[] = get_real_interface($vpninterface[0]); } else { $vpninterface = get_failover_interface($ph1ent['interface']); if (strpos($vpninterface, '_vip')) { $vpninterface = explode('_vip', $vpninterface); $ifacesuse[] = get_real_interface($vpninterface[0]); } elseif (!empty($vpninterface)) { $ifacesuse[] = $vpninterface; } } if ($ph1ent['mode'] == "aggressive" && ($ph1ent['authentication_method'] == "pre_shared_key" || $ph1ent['authentication_method'] == "xauth_psk_server")) { $aggressive_mode_psk = true; } $ikeid = $ph1ent['ikeid']; $listeniflist = get_real_interface($a_phase1['interface']); $ep = ipsec_get_phase1_src($ph1ent); if (!is_ipaddr($ep)) { log_error("IPsec ERROR: Could not find phase 1 source for connection {$ph1ent['descr']}. Omitting from configuration file."); continue; } if (!in_array($ep,$ipmap)) { $ipmap[] = $ep; } /* see if this tunnel has a hostname for the remote-gateway. If so, try to resolve it now and add it to the list for filterdns */ if (isset ($ph1ent['mobile'])) { continue; } $rg = $ph1ent['remote-gateway']; if (!is_ipaddr($rg)) { $filterdns_list[] = "{$rg}"; add_hostname_to_watch($rg); if (!platform_booting()) { $rg = resolve_retry($rg); } if (!is_ipaddr($rg)) { continue; } } if (array_search($rg, $rgmap)) { log_error("The remote gateway {$rg} already exists on another phase 1 entry"); continue; } $rgmap[$ph1ent['remote-gateway']] = $rg; if (is_array($a_phase2)) { /* step through each phase2 entry */ foreach ($a_phase2 as $ph2ent) { if (isset($ph2ent['disabled'])) { continue; } if ($ikeid != $ph2ent['ikeid']) { continue; } /* add an ipsec pinghosts entry */ if ($ph2ent['pinghost']) { if (!is_array($iflist)) { $iflist = get_configured_interface_list(); } $srcip = null; $local_subnet = ipsec_idinfo_to_cidr($ph2ent['localid'], true, $ph2ent['mode']); if (is_ipaddrv6($ph2ent['pinghost'])) { foreach ($iflist as $ifent => $ifname) { $interface_ip = get_interface_ipv6($ifent); if (!is_ipaddrv6($interface_ip)) { continue; } if (ip_in_subnet($interface_ip, $local_subnet)) { $srcip = $interface_ip; break; } } } else { foreach ($iflist as $ifent => $ifname) { $interface_ip = get_interface_ip($ifent); if (!is_ipaddrv4($interface_ip)) { continue; } if ($local_subnet == "" || ip_in_subnet($interface_ip, $local_subnet)) { $srcip = $interface_ip; break; } } } /* if no valid src IP was found in configured interfaces, try the vips */ if (is_null($srcip)) { $viplist = get_configured_vips_list(); foreach ($viplist as $vip) { if (ip_in_subnet($vip['ipaddr'], $local_subnet)) { $srcip = $vip['ipaddr']; break; } } } $dstip = $ph2ent['pinghost']; if (is_ipaddrv6($dstip)) { $family = "inet6"; } else { $family = "inet"; } if (is_ipaddr($srcip)) { $ipsecpinghosts[] = "{$srcip}|{$dstip}|3|||||{$family}|\n"; } } } } } @file_put_contents("{$g['vardb_path']}/ipsecpinghosts", $ipsecpinghosts); unset($ipsecpinghosts); } unset($iflist); $accept_unencrypted = ""; if (isset($config['ipsec']['acceptunencryptedmainmode'])) { $accept_unencrypted = "accept_unencrypted_mainmode_messages = yes"; } $stronconf = ''; if (file_exists("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/strongswan.conf")) { $stronconf = file_get_contents("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/strongswan.conf"); } $i_dont_care_about_security_and_use_aggressive_mode_psk = ""; if ($aggressive_mode_psk) { log_error("WARNING: Setting i_dont_care_about_security_and_use_aggressive_mode_psk option because a phase 1 is configured using aggressive mode with pre-shared keys. This is not a secure configuration."); if (!empty($stronconf) && strpos($stronconf, 'i_dont_care_about_security_and_use_aggressive_mode_psk') === FALSE) { $restart = true; } $i_dont_care_about_security_and_use_aggressive_mode_psk = "i_dont_care_about_security_and_use_aggressive_mode_psk=yes"; } $unity_enabled = 'yes'; if (isset($config['ipsec']['unityplugin'])) { $unity_enabled = 'no'; if (file_exists("/usr/local/lib/ipsec/plugins/libstrongswan-unity.so")) { conf_mount_rw(); mwexec("mv /usr/local/lib/ipsec/plugins/libstrongswan-unity.so /usr/local/lib/ipsec/plugins/libstrongswan-unity.MOVED"); conf_mount_ro(); } } else if (file_exists("/usr/local/lib/ipsec/plugins/libstrongswan-unity.MOVED")) { conf_mount_rw(); mwexec("mv /usr/local/lib/ipsec/plugins/libstrongswan-unity.MOVED /usr/local/lib/ipsec/plugins/libstrongswan-unity.so"); conf_mount_ro(); } if (isset($config['ipsec']['enableinterfacesuse'])) { if (!empty($ifacesuse)) { $ifacesuse = 'interfaces_use = ' . implode(',', array_unique($ifacesuse)); } else { $ifacesuse = ''; } } else { $ifacesuse = ''; } unset($stronconf); $strongswan = << 0) { $strongswan .= ","; } if ($authcfg == "system") { $authcfg = "Local Database"; } $strongswan .= $authcfg; $firstsed = 1; } $strongswan .= "\n"; $strongswan .= "\t\t}\n"; } } $strongswan .= "\t}\n}\n"; @file_put_contents("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/strongswan.conf", $strongswan); unset($strongswan); /* generate CA certificates files */ if (is_array($config['ca']) && count($config['ca'])) { foreach ($config['ca'] as $ca) { if (!isset($ca['crt'])) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Error: Invalid certificate info for %s"), $ca['descr'])); continue; } $cert = base64_decode($ca['crt']); $x509cert = openssl_x509_parse(openssl_x509_read($cert)); if (!is_array($x509cert) || !isset($x509cert['hash'])) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Error: Invalid certificate hash info for %s"), $ca['descr'])); continue; } $fname = "{$capath}/{$x509cert['hash']}.0.crt"; if (!@file_put_contents($fname, $cert)) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Error: Cannot write IPsec CA file for %s"), $ca['descr'])); continue; } unset($cert); } } $pskconf = ""; if (is_array($a_phase1) && count($a_phase1)) { foreach ($a_phase1 as $ph1ent) { if (isset($ph1ent['disabled'])) { continue; } if (strstr($ph1ent['authentication_method'], 'rsa') || in_array($ph1ent['authentication_method'], array('eap-mschapv2', 'eap-tls'))) { $certline = ''; $ikeid = $ph1ent['ikeid']; $cert = lookup_cert($ph1ent['certref']); if (!$cert) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Error: Invalid phase1 certificate reference for %s"), $ph1ent['name'])); continue; } @chmod($certpath, 0600); $ph1keyfile = "{$keypath}/cert-{$ikeid}.key"; if (!file_put_contents($ph1keyfile, base64_decode($cert['prv']))) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Error: Cannot write phase1 key file for %s"), $ph1ent['name'])); continue; } @chmod($ph1keyfile, 0600); $ph1certfile = "{$certpath}/cert-{$ikeid}.crt"; if (!file_put_contents($ph1certfile, base64_decode($cert['crt']))) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Error: Cannot write phase1 certificate file for %s"), $ph1ent['name'])); @unlink($ph1keyfile); continue; } @chmod($ph1certfile, 0600); /* XXX" Traffic selectors? */ $pskconf .= " : RSA {$ph1keyfile}\n"; } else { list ($myid_type, $myid_data) = ipsec_find_id($ph1ent, 'local'); list ($peerid_type, $peerid_data) = ipsec_find_id($ph1ent, 'peer', $rgmap); if (empty($peerid_data)) { continue; } $myid = isset($ph1ent['mobile']) ? trim($myid_data) : "%any"; $peerid = ($peerid_data != 'allusers') ? trim($peerid_data) : ''; if (!empty($ph1ent['pre-shared-key'])) { if ($myid_type == 'fqdn' && !empty($myid_data)) { $pskconf .= "@{$myid} {$peerid} : PSK 0s" . base64_encode(trim($ph1ent['pre-shared-key'])) . "\n"; } else { $pskconf .= "{$myid} {$peerid} : PSK 0s" . base64_encode(trim($ph1ent['pre-shared-key'])) . "\n"; } } } } } /* Add user PSKs */ if (is_array($config['system']) && is_array($config['system']['user'])) { foreach ($config['system']['user'] as $user) { if (!empty($user['ipsecpsk'])) { $pskconf .= "%any {$user['name']} : PSK 0s" . base64_encode($user['ipsecpsk']) . "\n"; } } unset($user); } /* add PSKs for mobile clients */ if (is_array($ipseccfg['mobilekey'])) { foreach ($ipseccfg['mobilekey'] as $key) { if ($key['ident'] == "allusers") { $key['ident'] = '%any'; } if (empty($key['type'])) { $key['type'] = 'PSK'; } $pskconf .= "%any {$key['ident']} : {$key['type']} 0s" . base64_encode($key['pre-shared-key']) . "\n"; } unset($key); } @file_put_contents("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.secrets", $pskconf); chmod("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.secrets", 0600); unset($pskconf); $uniqueids = 'yes'; if (!empty($config['ipsec']['uniqueids'])) { if (in_array($uniqueids, $ipsec_idhandling)) { $uniqueids = $config['ipsec']['uniqueids']; } } $natfilterrules = false; /* begin ipsec.conf */ $ipsecconf = ""; $enablecompression = false; if (is_array($a_phase1) && count($a_phase1)) { $ipsecconf .= "# This file is automatically generated. Do not edit\n"; $ipsecconf .= "config setup\n\tuniqueids = {$uniqueids}\n"; $ipsecconf .= "\tcharondebug=\"" . vpn_ipsec_configure_loglevels(true) . "\"\n"; foreach ($a_phase1 as $ph1ent) { if (isset($ph1ent['disabled'])) { continue; } if ($ph1ent['mode'] == "aggressive") { $aggressive = "yes"; } else { $aggressive = "no"; } $ep = ipsec_get_phase1_src($ph1ent); if (!$ep) { continue; } $ikeid = $ph1ent['ikeid']; $keyexchange = "ikev1"; $passive = "route"; if (!empty($ph1ent['iketype'])) { if ($ph1ent['iketype'] == "ikev2") { $keyexchange = "ikev2"; //$passive = "start"; } else if ($ph1ent['iketype'] == "auto") { $keyexchange = "ike"; } } if (isset($ph1ent['mobile'])) { $right_spec = "%any"; $passive = 'add'; } else { if (isset($ph1ent['responderonly'])) { $passive = 'add'; } $right_spec = $ph1ent['remote-gateway']; if (is_ipaddr($right_spec)) { $sourcehost = $right_spec; } else { $sourcehost = $rgmap['remote-gateway']; } if ($ph1ent['protocol'] == 'inet') { if (strpos($ph1ent['interface'], '_vip')) { $vpninterface = explode('_vip', $ph1ent['interface']); $ifacesuse = get_real_interface($vpninterface[0]); $vpninterface = $vpninterface[0]; } else { $ifacesuse = get_failover_interface($ph1ent['interface']); if (strpos($ifacesuse, '_vip')) { $vpninterface = explode('_vip', $ifacesuse); $ifacesuse = get_real_interface($vpninterface[0]); $vpninterface = $vpninterface[0]; } else { $vpninterface = convert_real_interface_to_friendly_interface_name($ifacesuse); } } if (!empty($ifacesuse) && interface_has_gateway($vpninterface)) { $gatewayip = get_interface_gateway($vpninterface); $interfaceip = get_interface_ip($vpninterface); $subnet_bits = get_interface_subnet($vpninterface); $subnet_ip = gen_subnetv4($interfaceip, $subnet_bits); /* if the remote gateway is in the local subnet, then don't add a route */ if (!ip_in_subnet($sourcehost, "{$subnet_ip}/{$subnet_bits}")) { if (is_ipaddrv4($gatewayip)) { // log_error("IPSEC interface is not WAN but {$ifacesuse}, adding static route for VPN endpoint {$rgip} via {$gatewayip}"); mwexec("/sbin/route change -host {$sourcehost} {$gatewayip}", true); } } } } else if ($ph1ent['protocol'] == 'inet6') { if (strpos($ph1ent['interface'], '_vip')) { $vpninterface = explode('_vip', $ph1ent['interface']); $ifacesuse = get_real_interface($vpninterface[0]); $vpninterface = $vpninterface[0]; } else { $ifacesuse = get_failover_interface($ph1ent['interface']); if (strpos($ifacesuse, '_vip')) { $vpninterface = explode('_vip', $ifacesuse); $ifacesuse = get_real_interface($vpninterface[0]); $vpninterface = $vpninterface[0]; } else { $vpninterface = convert_real_interface_to_friendly_interface_name($ifacesuse); } } if (!empty($ifacesuse) && interface_has_gateway($vpninterface)) { $gatewayip = get_interface_gateway_v6($vpninterface); $interfaceip = get_interface_ipv6($vpninterface); $subnet_bits = get_interface_subnetv6($vpninterface); $subnet_ip = gen_subnetv6($interfaceip, $subnet_bits); /* if the remote gateway is in the local subnet, then don't add a route */ if (!ip_in_subnet($sourcehost, "{$subnet_ip}/{$subnet_bits}")) { if (is_ipaddrv6($gatewayip)) { // log_error("IPSEC interface is not WAN but {$ifacesuse}, adding static route for VPN endpoint {$rgip} via {$gatewayip}"); mwexec("/sbin/route change -inet6 -host {$sourcehost} {$gatewayip}", true); } } } } } list ($myid_type, $myid_data) = ipsec_find_id($ph1ent, 'local'); if ($myid_type != 'address') { $myid_data = "{$myid_type}:{$myid_data}"; } /* Only specify peer ID if we are not dealing with a mobile PSK-only tunnel */ $peerid_spec = ''; if (!isset($ph1ent['mobile'])) { list ($peerid_type, $peerid_data) = ipsec_find_id($ph1ent, 'peer', $rgmap); if ($peerid_type != 'address') { $peerid_spec = "{$peerid_type}:{$peerid_data}"; } else { $peerid_spec = $peerid_data; } } if (is_array($ph1ent['encryption-algorithm']) && !empty($ph1ent['encryption-algorithm']['name']) && !empty($ph1ent['hash-algorithm'])) { $ealgosp1 = ''; $ealg_id = $ph1ent['encryption-algorithm']['name']; $ealg_kl = $ph1ent['encryption-algorithm']['keylen']; if ($ealg_kl) { $ealgosp1 = "ike = {$ealg_id}{$ealg_kl}-{$ph1ent['hash-algorithm']}"; } else { $ealgosp1 = "ike = {$ealg_id}-{$ph1ent['hash-algorithm']}"; } $modp = vpn_ipsec_convert_to_modp($ph1ent['dhgroup']); if (!empty($modp)) { $ealgosp1 .= "-{$modp}"; } $ealgosp1 .= "!"; } if ($ph1ent['dpd_delay'] && $ph1ent['dpd_maxfail']) { if ($passive == "route") { $dpdline = "dpdaction = restart"; } else { $dpdline = "dpdaction = clear"; } $dpdline .= "\n\tdpddelay = {$ph1ent['dpd_delay']}s"; $dpdtimeout = $ph1ent['dpd_delay'] * ($ph1ent['dpd_maxfail'] + 1); $dpdline .= "\n\tdpdtimeout = {$dpdtimeout}s"; } else { $dpdline = "dpdaction = none"; } $ikelifeline = ''; if ($ph1ent['lifetime']) { $ikelifeline = "ikelifetime = {$ph1ent['lifetime']}s"; } $rightsourceip = NULL; if (isset($ph1ent['mobile']) && !empty($a_client['pool_address'])) { $rightsourceip = "\trightsourceip = {$a_client['pool_address']}/{$a_client['pool_netbits']}\n"; } $authentication = ""; switch ($ph1ent['authentication_method']) { case 'eap-mschapv2': if (isset($ph1ent['mobile'])) { $authentication = "eap_identity=%any\n\t"; $authentication .= "leftauth=pubkey\n\trightauth=eap-mschapv2"; if (!empty($ph1ent['certref'])) { $authentication .= "\n\tleftcert={$certpath}/cert-{$ph1ent['ikeid']}.crt"; } } break; case 'eap-tls': if (isset($ph1ent['mobile'])) { $authentication = "eap_identity=%identity\n\t"; $authentication .= "leftauth=pubkey\n\trightauth=eap-tls"; if (!empty($ph1ent['certref'])) { $authentication .= "\n\tleftcert={$certpath}/cert-{$ph1ent['ikeid']}.crt"; } } else { $authentication = "leftauth=eap-tls\n\trightauth=eap-tls"; if (!empty($ph1ent['certref'])) { $authentication .= "\n\tleftcert={$certpath}/cert-{$ph1ent['ikeid']}.crt"; } } break; case 'xauth_rsa_server': $authentication = "leftauth = pubkey\n\trightauth = pubkey"; $authentication .= "\n\trightauth2 = xauth-generic"; if (!empty($ph1ent['certref'])) { $authentication .= "\n\tleftcert={$certpath}/cert-{$ph1ent['ikeid']}.crt"; } break; case 'xauth_psk_server': $authentication = "leftauth = psk\n\trightauth = psk"; $authentication .= "\n\trightauth2 = xauth-generic"; break; case 'pre_shared_key': $authentication = "leftauth = psk\n\trightauth = psk"; break; case 'rsasig': $authentication = "leftauth = pubkey\n\trightauth = pubkey"; if (!empty($ph1ent['certref'])) { $authentication .= "\n\tleftcert={$certpath}/cert-{$ph1ent['ikeid']}.crt"; } break; case 'hybrid_rsa_server': $authentication = "leftauth = xauth-generic\n\trightauth = pubkey"; $authentication .= "\n\trightauth2 = xauth"; if (!empty($ph1ent['certref'])) { $authentication .= "\n\tleftcert={$certpath}/cert-{$ph1ent['ikeid']}.crt"; } break; } $left_spec = $ep; if (isset($ph1ent['reauth_enable'])) { $reauth = "reauth = no"; } else { $reauth = "reauth = yes"; } if (isset($ph1ent['rekey_enable'])) { $rekey = "rekey = no"; } else { $rekey = "rekey = yes"; } if ($ph1ent['nat_traversal'] == 'off') { $forceencaps = 'forceencaps = no'; } else if ($ph1ent['nat_traversal'] == 'force') { $forceencaps = 'forceencaps = yes'; } else { $forceencaps = 'forceencaps = no'; } if ($ph1ent['mobike'] == 'on') { $mobike = 'mobike = yes'; } else { $mobike = 'mobike = no'; } $ipseclifetime = 0; $rightsubnet_spec = array(); $leftsubnet_spec = array(); $reqids = array(); $ealgoAHsp2arr = array(); $ealgoESPsp2arr = array(); if (is_array($a_phase2) && count($a_phase2)) { foreach ($a_phase2 as $ph2ent) { if ($ikeid != $ph2ent['ikeid']) { continue; } if (isset($ph2ent['disabled'])) { continue; } if (isset($ph2ent['mobile']) && !isset($a_client['enable'])) { continue; } if (($ph2ent['mode'] == 'tunnel') or ($ph2ent['mode'] == 'tunnel6')) { $tunneltype = "type = tunnel"; $localid_type = $ph2ent['localid']['type']; $leftsubnet_data = ipsec_idinfo_to_cidr($ph2ent['localid'], false, $ph2ent['mode']); /* Do not print localid in some cases, such as a pure-psk or psk/xauth single phase2 mobile tunnel */ if (($localid_type == "none" || $localid_type == "mobile") && isset($ph1ent['mobile']) && (ipsec_get_number_of_phase2($ikeid)==1)) { $left_spec = '%any'; } else { if ($localid_type != "address") { $localid_type = "subnet"; } // Don't let an empty subnet into config, it can cause parse errors. Ticket #2201. if (!is_ipaddr($leftsubnet_data) && !is_subnet($leftsubnet_data) && ($leftsubnet_data != "")) { log_error("Invalid IPsec Phase 2 \"{$ph2ent['descr']}\" - {$ph2ent['localid']['type']} has no subnet."); continue; } if (!empty($ph2ent['natlocalid'])) { $natleftsubnet_data = ipsec_idinfo_to_cidr($ph2ent['natlocalid'], false, $ph2ent['mode']); if ($ph2ent['natlocalid']['type'] != "address") { if (is_subnet($natleftsubnet_data)) { $leftsubnet_data = "{$natleftsubnet_data}|{$leftsubnet_data}"; } } else { if (is_ipaddr($natleftsubnet_data)) { $leftsubnet_data = "{$natleftsubnet_data}|{$leftsubnet_data}"; } } $natfilterrules = true; } } $leftsubnet_spec[] = $leftsubnet_data; if (!isset($ph2ent['mobile'])) { $tmpsubnet = ipsec_idinfo_to_cidr($ph2ent['remoteid'], false, $ph2ent['mode']); $rightsubnet_spec[] = $tmpsubnet; } else if (!empty($a_client['pool_address'])) { $rightsubnet_spec[] = "{$a_client['pool_address']}/{$a_client['pool_netbits']}"; } } else { $tunneltype = "type = transport"; if ((($ph1ent['authentication_method'] == "xauth_psk_server") || ($ph1ent['authentication_method'] == "pre_shared_key")) && isset($ph1ent['mobile'])) { $left_spec = "%any"; } else { $tmpsubnet = ipsec_get_phase1_src($ph1ent); $leftsubnet_spec[] = $tmpsubnet; } if (!isset($ph2ent['mobile'])) { $rightsubnet_spec[] = $right_spec; } } if (isset($a_client['pfs_group'])) { $ph2ent['pfsgroup'] = $a_client['pfs_group']; } if ($ph2ent['protocol'] == 'esp') { if (is_array($ph2ent['encryption-algorithm-option'])) { foreach ($ph2ent['encryption-algorithm-option'] as $ealg) { $ealg_id = $ealg['name']; $ealg_kl = $ealg['keylen']; if (!empty($ealg_kl) && $ealg_kl == "auto") { if (empty($p2_ealgos) || !is_array($p2_ealgos)) { require("ipsec.inc"); } $key_hi = $p2_ealgos[$ealg_id]['keysel']['hi']; $key_lo = $p2_ealgos[$ealg_id]['keysel']['lo']; $key_step = $p2_ealgos[$ealg_id]['keysel']['step']; /* XXX: in some cases where include ordering is suspect these variables * are somehow 0 and we enter this loop forever and timeout after 900 * seconds wrecking bootup */ if ($key_hi != 0 and $key_lo !=0 and $key_step !=0) { for ($keylen = $key_hi; $keylen >= $key_lo; $keylen -= $key_step) { if (!empty($ph2ent['hash-algorithm-option']) && is_array($ph2ent['hash-algorithm-option'])) { foreach ($ph2ent['hash-algorithm-option'] as $halgo) { $halgo = str_replace('hmac_', '', $halgo); $tmpealgo = "{$ealg_id}{$keylen}-{$halgo}"; $modp = vpn_ipsec_convert_to_modp($ph2ent['pfsgroup']); if (!empty($modp)) { $tmpealgo .= "-{$modp}"; } $ealgoESPsp2arr[] = $tmpealgo; } } else { $tmpealgo = "{$ealg_id}{$keylen}"; $modp = vpn_ipsec_convert_to_modp($ph2ent['pfsgroup']); if (!empty($modp)) { $tmpealgo .= "-{$modp}"; } $ealgoESPsp2arr[] = $tmpealgo; } } } } else { if (!empty($ph2ent['hash-algorithm-option']) && is_array($ph2ent['hash-algorithm-option'])) { foreach ($ph2ent['hash-algorithm-option'] as $halgo) { $halgo = str_replace('hmac_', '', $halgo); $tmpealgo = "{$ealg_id}{$ealg_kl}-{$halgo}"; $modp = vpn_ipsec_convert_to_modp($ph2ent['pfsgroup']); if (!empty($modp)) { $tmpealgo .= "-{$modp}"; } $ealgoESPsp2arr[] = $tmpealgo; } } else { $tmpealgo = "{$ealg_id}{$ealg_kl}"; $modp = vpn_ipsec_convert_to_modp($ph2ent['pfsgroup']); if (!empty($modp)) { $tmpealgo .= "-{$modp}"; } $ealgoESPsp2arr[] = $tmpealgo; } } } } } else if ($ph2ent['protocol'] == 'ah') { if (!empty($ph2ent['hash-algorithm-option']) && is_array($ph2ent['hash-algorithm-option'])) { $modp = vpn_ipsec_convert_to_modp($ph2ent['pfsgroup']); foreach ($ph2ent['hash-algorithm-option'] as $tmpAHalgo) { $tmpAHalgo = str_replace('hmac_', '', $tmpAHalgo); if (!empty($modp)) { $tmpAHalgo = "-{$modp}"; } $ealgoAHsp2arr[] = $tmpAHalgo; } } } $reqids[] = $ph2ent['reqid']; if (!empty($ph2ent['lifetime'])) { if ($ipseclifetime == 0 || intval($ipseclifetime) > intval($ph2ent['lifetime'])) { $ipseclifetime = intval($ph2ent['lifetime']); } } } } $ipsecconnect =<< 0) { $ipsecconnect .= "\tlifetime = {$ipseclifetime}s\n"; } if (!empty($rightsourceip)) { $ipsecconnect .= "{$rightsourceip}"; } if (!empty($ealgosp1)) { $ipsecconnect .= "\t{$ealgosp1}\n"; } if (!empty($ealgoAHsp2arr)) { $ipsecconnect .= "\tah = " . join(',', $ealgoAHsp2arr) . "!\n"; } if (!empty($ealgoESPsp2arr)) { $ipsecconnect .= "\tesp = " . join(',', $ealgoESPsp2arr) . "!\n"; } if (!empty($authentication)) { $ipsecconnect .= "\t{$authentication}\n"; } if (!empty($peerid_spec)) { $ipsecconnect .= "\trightid = {$peerid_spec}\n"; } if ($keyexchange == 'ikev1') { $ipsecconnect .= "\taggressive = {$aggressive}\n"; } if (!isset($ph1ent['mobile']) && $keyexchange == 'ikev1') { if (!empty($rightsubnet_spec)) { $ipsecfin = ''; foreach ($rightsubnet_spec as $idx => $rsubnet) { $ipsecfin .= "\nconn con{$ph1ent['ikeid']}00{$idx}\n"; if (!empty($reqids[$idx])) { $ipsecfin .= "\treqid = " . $reqids[$idx] . "\n"; } $ipsecfin .= $ipsecconnect; $ipsecfin .= "\trightsubnet = {$rsubnet}\n"; $ipsecfin .= "\tleftsubnet = " . $leftsubnet_spec[$idx] . "\n"; } } else { log_error("No phase2 specifications for tunnel with REQID = {$ikeid}"); } } else { $ipsecfin = "\nconn con{$ph1ent['ikeid']}\n"; if (!empty($reqids[$idx])) { $ipsecfin .= "\treqid = " . $reqids[0] . "\n"; } $ipsecfin .= $ipsecconnect; if (!isset($ph1ent['mobile']) && !empty($rightsubnet_spec)) { $tempsubnets = array(); foreach ($rightsubnet_spec as $rightsubnet) { $tempsubnets[$rightsubnet] = $rightsubnet; } $ipsecfin .= "\trightsubnet = " . join(",", $tempsubnets) . "\n"; unset($tempsubnets, $rightsubnet); } if (!empty($leftsubnet_spec)) { $tempsubnets = array(); foreach ($leftsubnet_spec as $leftsubnet) { $tempsubnets[$leftsubnet] = $leftsubnet; } $ipsecfin .= "\tleftsubnet = " . join(",", $leftsubnet_spec) . "\n"; unset($tempsubnets, $leftsubnet); } } $ipsecconf .= $ipsecfin; unset($ipsecfin); } } @file_put_contents("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/ipsec.conf", $ipsecconf); unset($ipsecconf); /* end ipsec.conf */ if ($enablecompression === true) { set_single_sysctl('net.inet.ipcomp.ipcomp_enable', 1); } else { set_single_sysctl('net.inet.ipcomp.ipcomp_enable', 0); } /* manage process */ if ($restart === true) { mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/ipsec restart", false); } else { if (isvalidpid("{$g['varrun_path']}/charon.pid")) { /* Read secrets */ mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/ipsec rereadall", false); /* Update configuration changes */ mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/ipsec update", false); } else { mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/ipsec start", false); } } if ($natfilterrules == true) { filter_configure(); } /* start filterdns, if necessary */ if (count($filterdns_list) > 0) { $interval = 60; if (!empty($ipseccfg['dns-interval']) && is_numeric($ipseccfg['dns-interval'])) { $interval = $ipseccfg['dns-interval']; } $hostnames = ""; array_unique($filterdns_list); foreach ($filterdns_list as $hostname) { $hostnames .= "cmd {$hostname} '/usr/local/sbin/pfSctl -c \"service reload ipsecdns\"'\n"; } file_put_contents("{$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/filterdns-ipsec.hosts", $hostnames); unset($hostnames); if (isvalidpid("{$g['varrun_path']}/filterdns-ipsec.pid")) { sigkillbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/filterdns-ipsec.pid", "HUP"); } else { mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/filterdns -p {$g['varrun_path']}/filterdns-ipsec.pid -i {$interval} -c {$g['varetc_path']}/ipsec/filterdns-ipsec.hosts -d 1"); } } else { killbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/filterdns-ipsec.pid"); @unlink("{$g['varrun_path']}/filterdns-ipsec.pid"); } if (platform_booting()) { echo "done\n"; } return count($filterdns_list); } /* * Forcefully restart IPsec * This is required for when dynamic interfaces reload * For all other occasions the normal vpn_ipsec_configure() * will gracefully reload the settings without restarting */ function vpn_ipsec_force_reload($interface = "") { global $g, $config; $ipseccfg = $config['ipsec']; if (!empty($interface) && is_array($ipseccfg['phase1'])) { $found = false; foreach ($ipseccfg['phase1'] as $ipsec) { if (!isset($ipsec['disabled']) && ($ipsec['interface'] == $interface)) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Ignoring IPsec reload since there are no tunnels on interface %s"), $interface)); return; } } /* if ipsec is enabled, start up again */ if (isset($ipseccfg['enable'])) { log_error(gettext("Forcefully reloading IPsec")); vpn_ipsec_configure(); } } /* master setup for vpn (mpd) */ function vpn_setup() { global $g; if ($g['platform'] == 'jail') { return; } /* start pptpd */ vpn_pptpd_configure(); /* start pppoe server */ vpn_pppoes_configure(); /* setup l2tp */ vpn_l2tp_configure(); } function vpn_netgraph_support() { $iflist = get_configured_interface_list(); foreach ($iflist as $iface) { $realif = get_real_interface($iface); /* Get support for netgraph(4) from the nic */ $ifinfo = pfSense_get_interface_addresses($realif); if (!empty($ifinfo) && in_array($ifinfo['iftype'], array("ether", "vlan", "bridge"))) { pfSense_ngctl_attach(".", $realif); } } } function vpn_pptpd_configure() { global $config, $g; $syscfg = $config['system']; $pptpdcfg = $config['pptpd']; if (platform_booting()) { if (!$pptpdcfg['mode'] || ($pptpdcfg['mode'] == "off")) { return 0; } if (platform_booting(true)) { echo gettext("Configuring PPTP VPN service... "); } } else { /* kill mpd */ killbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/pptp-vpn.pid"); /* wait for process to die */ sleep(3); if (is_process_running("mpd -b")) { killbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/pptp-vpn.pid"); log_error(gettext("Could not kill mpd within 3 seconds. Trying again.")); } /* remove mpd.conf, if it exists */ unlink_if_exists("{$g['varetc_path']}/pptp-vpn/mpd.conf"); unlink_if_exists("{$g['varetc_path']}/pptp-vpn/mpd.links"); unlink_if_exists("{$g['varetc_path']}/pptp-vpn/mpd.secret"); } if (empty($pptpdcfg['n_pptp_units'])) { log_error("Something wrong in the PPTPd configuration. Preventing starting the daemon because issues would arise."); return; } /* make sure pptp-vpn directory exists */ if (!file_exists("{$g['varetc_path']}/pptp-vpn")) { mkdir("{$g['varetc_path']}/pptp-vpn"); } switch ($pptpdcfg['mode']) { case 'server': /* write mpd.conf */ $fd = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/pptp-vpn/mpd.conf", "w"); if (!$fd) { printf(gettext("Error: cannot open mpd.conf in vpn_pptpd_configure().") . "\n"); return 1; } $mpdconf = << 1) ? $pptpdcfg['radius']['server']['port'] : 1812; $acctport = $authport + 1; $mpdconf .=<< 1) ? $pptpdcfg['radius']['server2']['port'] : 1812; $acctport = $authport + 1; $mpdconf .=<<