. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* include all configuration functions */ require_once ("functions.inc"); function vpn_ipsec_failover_configure() { global $config, $g; $sasyncd_text = ""; if ($config['installedpackages']['sasyncd'] <> "") foreach ($config['installedpackages']['sasyncd']['config'] as $sasyncd) { $enabled = isset ($sasyncd['enable']); if (!$enabled) return; if ($sasyncd['peerip'] <> "") $sasyncd_text .= "peer {$sasyncd['peerip']}\n"; if ($sasyncd['interface']) $sasyncd_text .= "carp interface {$sasyncd['interface']}\n"; if ($sasyncd['sharedkey'] <> "") $sasyncd_text .= "sharedkey {$sasyncd['sharedkey']}\n"; if ($sasyncd['mode'] <> "") $sasyncd_text .= "mode {$sasyncd['mode']}\n"; if ($sasyncd['listenon'] <> "") $sasyncd_text .= "listen on {$sasyncd['listenon']}\n"; if ($sasyncd['flushmodesync'] <> "") $sasyncd_text .= "flushmode sync {$sasyncd['flushmodesync']}\n"; } $fd = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/sasyncd.conf", "w"); fwrite($fd, $sasyncd_text); fclose($fd); chmod("{$g['varetc_path']}/sasyncd.conf", 0600); mwexec("killall sasyncd"); /* launch sasyncd, oh wise one */ mwexec_bg("/usr/local/sbin/sasyncd -d -v -v -v"); } function find_last_gif_device() { $last_gif_found = -1; $regs = ""; if (!($fp = popen("/sbin/ifconfig -l", "r"))) return -1; $ifconfig_data = fread($fp, 4096); pclose($fp); $ifconfig_array = split(" ", $ifconfig_data); foreach ($ifconfig_array as $ifconfig) { ereg("gif(.)", $ifconfig, $regs); if ($regs[0] && $regs[0] > $last_gif_found) { $last_gif_found = $regs[1]; } } return $last_gif_found; } function vpn_ipsec_configure($ipchg = false) { global $config, $g, $sa, $sn, $p1_ealgos, $p2_ealgos; mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig enc0 up"); /* get the automatic /etc/ping_hosts.sh ready */ unlink_if_exists("/var/db/ipsecpinghosts"); touch("/var/db/ipsecpinghosts"); if ($g['booting'] == true) { /* determine if we should load the via padlock module */ $dmesg_boot = `/usr/bin/grep CPU {$g['varlog_path']}/dmesg.boot`; if (stristr($dmesg_boot, "ACE") == true) { //echo "Enabling [VIA Padlock] ..."; //mwexec("/sbin/kldload padlock"); //mwexec("/sbin/sysctl net.inet.ipsec.crypto_support=1"); //mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/setkey -F"); //mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/setkey -FP"); //echo " done.\n"; } } if(isset($config['ipsec']['preferredoldsa'])) mwexec("/sbin/sysctl net.key.preferred_oldsa=0"); else mwexec("/sbin/sysctl -w net.key.preferred_oldsa=-30"); $number_of_gifs = find_last_gif_device(); for ($x = 0; $x < $number_of_gifs; $x++) mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig gif" . $x . " delete"); $curwanip = get_current_wan_address(); $syscfg = $config['system']; $ipseccfg = $config['ipsec']; $a_phase1 = $config['ipsec']['phase1']; $a_phase2 = $config['ipsec']['phase2']; $a_client = $config['ipsec']['client']; $lancfg = $config['interfaces']['lan']; $lanip = $lancfg['ipaddr']; $lansa = gen_subnet($lancfg['ipaddr'], $lancfg['subnet']); $lansn = $lancfg['subnet']; if (!isset($ipseccfg['enable'])) { mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig enc0 down"); mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig enc0 destroy"); /* kill racoon */ mwexec("/usr/bin/killall racoon"); killbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/dnswatch-ipsec.pid"); /* wait for racoon process to die */ sleep(2); /* send a SIGKILL to be sure */ sigkillbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/racoon.pid", "KILL"); /* flush SPD and SAD */ mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/setkey -FP"); mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/setkey -F"); return true; } if ($g['booting']) echo "Configuring IPsec VPN... "; if (isset ($ipseccfg['enable'])) { /* fastforwarding is not compatible with ipsec tunnels */ mwexec("/sbin/sysctl net.inet.ip.fastforwarding=0"); if (!$curwanip) { /* IP address not configured yet, exit */ if ($g['booting']) echo "done\n"; return 0; } /* resolve all local, peer addresses and setup pings */ $ipmap = array(); $rgmap = array(); $dnswatch_list = array(); if (is_array($a_phase1) && count($a_phase1)) { foreach ($a_phase1 as $ph1ent) { if (isset($ph1ent['disabled'])) continue; $ep = ipsec_get_phase1_src($ph1ent); if (!$ep) continue; if(!in_array($ep,$ipmap)) $ipmap[] = $ep; /* see if this tunnel has a hostname for the remote-gateway. If so, try to resolve it now and add it to the list for dnswatch */ if (isset ($ph1ent['mobile'])) continue; $rg = $ph1ent['remote-gateway']; if (!is_ipaddr($rg)) { $dnswatch_list[] = $rg; $rg = resolve_retry($rg); if (!$rg) continue; } $rgmap[$ph1ent['remote-gateway']] = $rg; /* add an ipsec pinghosts entry */ if ($ph1ent['pinghost']) { $pfd = fopen("/var/db/ipsecpinghosts", "a"); $iflist = get_configured_interface_list(); foreach ($iflist as $ifent => $ifname) { $interface_ip = find_interface_ip($config['interfaces'][$ifname]['if']); if (ip_in_subnet($interface_ip, $sa . "/" . $sn)) $srcip = find_interface_ip($config['interfaces'][$ifname]['if']); } $dstip = $ph1ent['pinghost']; fwrite($pfd, "$srcip|$dstip|3\n"); fclose($pfd); } } } /* generate CA certificates files */ $cacertnum = 0; if (is_array($ipseccfg['cacert']) && count($ipseccfg['cacert'])) { foreach ($ipseccfg['cacert'] as $cacert) { ++ $cacertnum; if (isset ($cacert['cert'])) { $cert = base64_decode($cacert['cert']); $x509cert = openssl_x509_parse(openssl_x509_read($cert)); if (is_array($x509cert) && isset ($x509cert['hash'])) { $fd1 = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/{$x509cert['hash']}.0", "w"); if (!$fd1) { printf("Error: cannot open {$x509cert['hash']}.0 in vpn.\n"); return 1; } chmod("{$g['varetc_path']}/{$x509cert['hash']}.0", 0600); fwrite($fd1, $cert); fclose($fd1); } } } } /* generate psk.txt */ $fd = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/psk.txt", "w"); if (!$fd) { printf("Error: cannot open psk.txt in vpn_ipsec_configure().\n"); return 1; } $pskconf = ""; if (is_array($a_phase1) && count($a_phase1)) { foreach ($a_phase1 as $ph1ent) { if (isset($ph1ent['disabled'])) continue; if (strstr($ph1ent['authentication_method'],'rsa')) continue; $peerid_type = $ph1ent['peerid_type']; switch ($peerid_type) { case "peeraddress": $peerid_type = "address"; $peerid_data = $rgmap[$ph1ent['remote-gateway']]; break; case "address"; $peerid_data = $ph1ent['peerid_data']; break; case "fqdn"; case "keyid tag"; case "user_fqdn"; $peerid_data = $ph1ent['peerid_data']; break; } $pskconf .= "{$peerid_data}\t{$ph1ent['pre-shared-key']}\n"; } } fwrite($fd, $pskconf); fclose($fd); chmod("{$g['varetc_path']}/psk.txt", 0600); /* begin racoon.conf */ if ((is_array($a_phase1) && count($a_phase1)) || (is_array($a_phase2) && count($a_phase2))) { $fd = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/racoon.conf", "w"); if (!$fd) { printf("Error: cannot open racoon.conf in vpn_ipsec_configure().\n"); return 1; } $racoonconf = ""; $racoonconf .= "path pre_shared_key \"{$g['varetc_path']}/psk.txt\";\n\n"; $racoonconf .= "path certificate \"{$g['varetc_path']}\";\n\n"; /* begin listen section */ if (count($ipmap)) { $racoonconf .= "\nlisten\n"; $racoonconf .= "{\n"; foreach ($ipmap as $addr) { $racoonconf .= "\tisakmp {$addr} [500];\n"; $racoonconf .= "\tisakmp_natt {$addr} [4500];\n"; } $racoonconf .= "}\n\n"; } /* begin mode_cfg section */ if (is_array($a_client) && isset($a_client['enable'])) { $racoonconf .= "\nmode_cfg\n"; $racoonconf .= "{\n"; if ($a_client['user_source']) $racoonconf .= "\tauth_source {$a_client['user_source']};\n"; if ($a_client['group_source']) $racoonconf .= "\tgroup_source {$a_client['group_source']};\n"; if ($a_client['pool_address'] && $a_client['pool_netbits']) { $pool_address = $a_client['pool_address']; $pool_netmask = gen_subnet_mask($a_client['pool_netbits']); $pool_address = long2ip(ip2long($pool_address)+1); $pool_size = ~ip2long($pool_netmask) - 2; $racoonconf .= "\tpool_size {$pool_size};\n"; $racoonconf .= "\tnetwork4 {$pool_address};\n"; $racoonconf .= "\tnetmask4 {$pool_netmask};\n"; } if (isset($a_client['net_list'])) { $net_list = ''; foreach ($a_phase2 as $ph2ent) { if (isset($ph2ent['disabled'])) continue; if (!isset($ph2ent['mobile'])) continue; $localid = ipsec_idinfo_to_cidr($ph2ent['localid'],true); if ($net_list) $net_list .= ", "; $net_list .= $localid; } if ($net_list) $racoonconf .= "\tsplit_network include {$net_list};\n"; } if ($a_client['dns_server1']) $racoonconf .= "\tdns4 {$a_client['dns_server1']};\n"; if ($a_client['dns_server2']) $racoonconf .= "\tdns4 {$a_client['dns_server2']};\n"; if ($a_client['dns_server3']) $racoonconf .= "\tdns4 {$a_client['dns_server3']};\n"; if ($a_client['dns_server4']) $racoonconf .= "\tdns4 {$a_client['dns_server4']};\n"; if ($a_client['wins_server1']) $racoonconf .= "\twins4 {$a_client['wins_server1']};\n"; if ($a_client['wins_server2']) $racoonconf .= "\twins4 {$a_client['wins_server2']};\n"; if ($a_client['dns_domain']) $racoonconf .= "\tdefault_domain \"{$a_client['dns_domain']}\";\n"; if ($a_client['pfs_group']) $racoonconf .= "\tpfs_group {$a_client['pfs_group']};\n"; if ($a_client['login_banner']) { $fn = "{$g['varetc_path']}/racoon.motd"; $fd1 = fopen($fn, "w"); if (!$fd1) { printf("Error: cannot open server{$fn} in vpn.\n"); return 1; } fwrite($fd1, $a_client['login_banner']); fclose($fd1); $racoonconf .= "\tbanner \"{$fn}\";\n"; } $racoonconf .= "}\n\n"; } /* end mode_cfg section */ /* begin remote sections */ if (is_array($a_phase1) && count($a_phase1)) { /* begin remote */ foreach ($a_phase1 as $ph1ent) { if (isset($ph1ent['disabled'])) continue; if (isset($ph1ent['mobile']) && !isset($a_client['enable'])) continue; $ikeid = $ph1ent['ikeid']; $ep = ipsec_get_phase1_src($ph1ent); if (!$ep) continue; if (!isset($ph1ent['mobile'])) { $rgip = $rgmap[$ph1ent['remote-gateway']]; if (!$rgip) continue; } $myid_type = $ph1ent['myid_type']; switch ($myid_type) { case "myaddress": $myid_type = "address"; $myid_data = $ep; break; case "dyn_dns": $myid_data = gethostbyname($ph1ent['myid_data']); break; case "address"; $myid_data = $ph1ent['myid_data']; break; case "fqdn"; case "keyid tag"; case "user_fqdn"; case "asn1dn"; $myid_data = $ph1ent['myid_data']; if( $myid_data ) $myid_data = "\"".$myid_data."\""; break; } $peerid_type = $ph1ent['peerid_type']; switch ($peerid_type) { case "peeraddress": $peerid_type = "address"; $peerid_data = $rgip; break; case "address"; $peerid_data = $ph1ent['peerid_data']; break; case "fqdn"; case "keyid tag"; case "user_fqdn"; case "asn1dn"; $peerid_data = $ph1ent['peerid_data']; if( $peerid_data ) $peerid_data = "\"".$peerid_data."\""; break; } $natt = "off"; if (isset($ph1ent['nat_traversal'])) $natt = $ph1ent['nat_traversal']; $init = "on"; $genp = "off"; if (isset($ph1ent['mobile'])) { $rgip = "anonymous"; $init = "off"; $genp = "unique"; } $dpdline1 = ''; $dpdline2 = ''; if ($ph1ent['dpd_delay'] && $ph1ent['dpd_maxfail']) { $dpdline1 = "dpd_delay = {$ph1ent['dpd_delay']};"; $dpdline2 = "dpd_maxfail = {$ph1ent['dpd_maxfail']};"; } if (isset ($ph1ent['authentication_method'])) $authmethod = $ph1ent['authentication_method']; else $authmethod = 'pre_shared_key'; $certline = ''; if (strstr($authmethod,'rsa')) { if ($ph1ent['cert'] && $ph1ent['private-key']) { $cert = base64_decode($ph1ent['cert']); $private_key = base64_decode($ph1ent['private-key']); } else { /* null certificate/key */ $cert = ''; $private_key = ''; } if ($ph1ent['peercert']) $peercert = base64_decode($ph1ent['peercert']); else $peercert = ''; $fd1 = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/server{$ikeid}-signed.pem", "w"); if (!$fd1) { printf("Error: cannot open server{$ikeid}-signed.pem in vpn.\n"); return 1; } chmod("{$g['varetc_path']}/server{$ikeid}-signed.pem", 0600); fwrite($fd1, $cert); fclose($fd1); $fd1 = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/server{$ikeid}-key.pem", "w"); if (!$fd1) { printf("Error: cannot open server{$ikeid}-key.pem in vpn.\n"); return 1; } chmod("{$g['varetc_path']}/server{$ikeid}-key.pem", 0600); fwrite($fd1, $private_key); fclose($fd1); $certline = "certificate_type x509 \"server{$ikeid}-signed.pem\" \"server{$ikeid}-key.pem\";"; if ($peercert != '') { $fd1 = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/peer{$ikeid}-signed.pem", "w"); if (!$fd1) { printf("Error: cannot open server{$ikeid}-signed.pem in vpn.\n"); return 1; } chmod("{$g['varetc_path']}/peer{$ikeid}-signed.pem", 0600); fwrite($fd1, $peercert); fclose($fd1); $certline .="peers_certfile \"peer{$ikeid}-signed.pem\""; } } $ealgos = ''; $ealg_id = $ph1ent['encryption-algorithm']['name']; $ealg_kl = $ph1ent['encryption-algorithm']['keylen']; if ($ealg_kl) $ealgos = $ealgos.$ealg_id." ".$ealg_kl; else $ealgos = $ealgos.$ealg_id; $lifeline = ''; if ($ph1ent['lifetime']) $lifeline = "lifetime time {$ph1ent['lifetime']} secs;"; /* add remote section to configuration */ $racoonconf .=<<= $key_lo; $keylen -= $key_step) { if( $ealgos ) $ealgos = $ealgos.", "; $ealgos = $ealgos.$ealg_id." ".$keylen; } } else { if ($ealgos) $ealgos = $ealgos.", "; $ealgos = $ealgos.$ealg_id." ".$ealg_kl; } } else { if ($ealgos) $ealgos = $ealgos.", "; $ealgos = $ealgos.$ealg_id; } } /* add sainfo section to configuration */ $racoonconf .=<< "") { foreach ($config['installedpackages']['sasyncd']['config'] as $sasyncd) { if ($sasyncd['ip'] <> "") $curwanip = $sasyncd['ip']; } } mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig gif" . $number_of_gifs . " tunnel" . $curwanip . " " . $rgip); mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig gif" . $number_of_gifs . " {$lansa}/{$lansn} {$lanip}/32"); } $spdconf .= "spdadd {$localid} {$remoteid} any -P out ipsec " . "{$ph2ent['protocol']}/tunnel/{$ep}-{$rgip}/unique;\n"; $spdconf .= "spdadd {$remoteid} {$localid} any -P in ipsec " . "{$ph2ent['protocol']}/tunnel/{$rgip}-{$ep}/unique;\n"; /* static route needed? */ if (preg_match("/^carp/i", $ph1ent['interface'])) $parentinterface = link_carp_interface_to_parent($ph1ent['interface']); else $parentinterface = $ph1ent['interface']; if ($parentinterface <> "wan") { /* add endpoint routes to correct gateway on interface */ if (interface_has_gateway($parentinterface)) { $gatewayip = get_interface_gateway("$parentinterface"); $interfaceip = $config['interfaces'][$parentinterface]['ipaddr']; $subnet_bits = $config['interfaces'][$parentinterface]['subnet']; $subnet_ip = gen_subnet("{$interfaceip}", "{$subnet_bits}"); /* if the remote gateway is in the local subnet, then don't add a route */ if (! ip_in_subnet($rgip, "{$subnet_ip}/{$subnet_bits}")) { if(is_ipaddr($gatewayip)) { log_error("IPSEC interface is not WAN but {$parentinterface}, adding static route for VPN endpoint {$rgip} via {$gatewayip}"); mwexec("/sbin/route delete -host {$rgip};/sbin/route add -host {$rgip} {$gatewayip}"); } } } } else mwexec("/sbin/route delete -host {$rgip}"); } fwrite($fd, $spdconf); fclose($fd); } /* mange racoon process */ if (is_process_running("racoon")) { /* We are already online, reload */ mwexec("/usr/bin/killall -HUP racoon"); /* flush SPD entries */ mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/setkey -FP"); mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/setkey -F"); /* load SPD */ mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/setkey -f {$g['varetc_path']}/spd.conf"); sleep(1); /* We are already online, reload */ mwexec("/usr/bin/killall -HUP racoon"); sleep(1); mwexec("/usr/bin/killall -HUP racoon"); } else { /* start racoon */ mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/racoon -f {$g['varetc_path']}/racoon.conf"); /* flush SA + SPD entries */ mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/setkey -FP"); mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/setkey -F"); /* load SPD */ mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/setkey -f {$g['varetc_path']}/spd.conf"); sleep(1); /* We are already online, reload */ mwexec("/usr/bin/killall -HUP racoon"); sleep(1); mwexec("/usr/bin/killall -HUP racoon"); /* start dnswatch, if necessary */ if (count($dnswatch_list) > 0) { $interval = 60; if ($ipseccfg['dns-interval']) $interval = $ipseccfg['dns-interval']; $hostnames = ""; foreach ($dnswatch_list as $dns) $hostnames .= " " . escapeshellarg($dns); mwexec("/usr/local/bin/dnswatch {$g['varrun_path']}/dnswatch-ipsec.pid $interval " . escapeshellarg("/etc/rc.newipsecdns") . $hostname); } } } vpn_ipsec_failover_configure(); if (!$g['booting']) { /* reload the filter */ touch("{$g["tmp_path"]}/filter_dirty"); } if ($g['booting']) echo "done\n"; return 0; } /* XXX: This is totally broken. */ function vpn_localnet_determine($adr, & $sa, & $sn) { global $config, $g; if (isset ($adr)) { if ($adr['network']) { switch ($adr['network']) { case 'lan' : $sn = $config['interfaces']['lan']['subnet']; $sa = gen_subnet($config['interfaces']['lan']['ipaddr'], $sn); break; } } else if ($adr['address']) { list ($sa, $sn) = explode("/", $adr['address']); if (is_null($sn)) $sn = 32; } } else { $sn = $config['interfaces']['lan']['subnet']; $sa = gen_subnet($config['interfaces']['lan']['ipaddr'], $sn); } } /* Forcefully restart IPsec * This is required for when dynamic interfaces reload * For all other occasions the normal vpn_ipsec_configure() * will gracefully reload the settings without restarting */ function vpn_ipsec_force_reload() { global $config; global $g; $ipseccfg = $config['ipsec']; /* kill racoon */ mwexec("/usr/bin/killall racoon"); /* wait for process to die */ sleep(4); /* send a SIGKILL to be sure */ sigkillbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/racoon.pid", "KILL"); /* wait for flushing to finish */ sleep(1); /* if ipsec is enabled, start up again */ if (isset($ipseccfg['enable'])) { log_error("Forcefully reloading IPsec racoon daemon"); vpn_ipsec_configure(); } } /* master setup for vpn (mpd) */ function vpn_setup() { /* start pptpd */ vpn_pptpd_configure(); /* start pppoe server */ vpn_pppoe_configure(); /* setup l2tp */ vpn_l2tp_configure(); } function vpn_pptpd_configure() { global $config, $g; $syscfg = $config['system']; $pptpdcfg = $config['pptpd']; if ($g['booting']) { if (!$pptpdcfg['mode'] || ($pptpdcfg['mode'] == "off")) return 0; echo "Configuring PPTP VPN service... "; } else { /* kill mpd */ killbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/pptp-vpn.pid"); /* wait for process to die */ sleep(3); if (is_process_running("mpd -b")) { killbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/pptp-vpn.pid"); log_error("Could not kill mpd within 3 seconds. Trying again."); } /* remove mpd.conf, if it exists */ unlink_if_exists("{$g['varetc_path']}/pptp-vpn/mpd.conf"); unlink_if_exists("{$g['varetc_path']}/pptp-vpn/mpd.links"); unlink_if_exists("{$g['varetc_path']}/pptp-vpn/mpd.secret"); } /* make sure pptp-vpn directory exists */ if (!file_exists("{$g['varetc_path']}/pptp-vpn")) mkdir("{$g['varetc_path']}/pptp-vpn"); switch ($pptpdcfg['mode']) { case 'server' : /* write mpd.conf */ $fd = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/pptp-vpn/mpd.conf", "w"); if (!$fd) { printf("Error: cannot open mpd.conf in vpn_pptpd_configure().\n"); return 1; } $mpdconf =<<