. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* pfSense_BUILDER_BINARIES: /bin/ps /bin/kill /usr/bin/killall /sbin/ifconfig /usr/bin/netstat pfSense_BUILDER_BINARIES: /usr/bin/awk /sbin/dmesg /sbin/ping /usr/local/sbin/gzsig /usr/sbin/arp pfSense_BUILDER_BINARIES: /sbin/conscontrol /sbin/devd /bin/ps pfSense_MODULE: utils */ /* kill a process by pid file */ function killbypid($pidfile) { return sigkillbypid($pidfile, "TERM"); } function isvalidpid($pid) { $output = ""; exec("/bin/pgrep -F {$pid}", $output, $retval); return (intval($retval) == 0); } function is_process_running($process) { $output = ""; exec("/bin/pgrep -ax {$process}", $output, $retval); return (intval($retval) == 0); } function isvalidproc($proc) { return is_process_running($proc); } /* sigkill a process by pid file */ /* return 1 for success and 0 for a failure */ function sigkillbypid($pidfile, $sig) { if (is_file($pidfile)) return mwexec("/bin/pkill -{$sig} -F {$pidfile}", true); return 0; } /* kill a process by name */ function sigkillbyname($procname, $sig) { if(isvalidproc($procname)) return mwexec("/usr/bin/killall -{$sig} " . escapeshellarg($procname), true); } /* kill a process by name */ function killbyname($procname) { if(isvalidproc($procname)) mwexec("/usr/bin/killall " . escapeshellarg($procname)); } function is_subsystem_dirty($subsystem = "") { global $g; if ($subsystem == "") return false; if (file_exists("{$g['varrun_path']}/{$subsystem}.dirty")) return true; return false; } function mark_subsystem_dirty($subsystem = "") { global $g; if (!file_put_contents("{$g['varrun_path']}/{$subsystem}.dirty", "DIRTY")) log_error("WARNING: Could not mark subsystem: {$subsytem} dirty"); } function clear_subsystem_dirty($subsystem = "") { global $g; @unlink("{$g['varrun_path']}/{$subsystem}.dirty"); } function config_lock() { return; } function config_unlock() { return; } /* lock configuration file */ function lock($lock, $op = LOCK_SH) { global $g, $cfglckkeyconsumers; if (!$lock) die("WARNING: You must give a name as parameter to lock() function."); if (!file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$lock}.lock")) @touch("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$lock}.lock"); $cfglckkeyconsumers++; if ($fp = fopen("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$lock}.lock", "w")) { if (flock($fp, $op)) return $fp; else fclose($fp); } } /* unlock configuration file */ function unlock($cfglckkey = 0) { global $g, $cfglckkeyconsumers; flock($cfglckkey, LOCK_UN); fclose($cfglckkey); return; } function send_event($cmd) { global $g; if(!isset($g['event_address'])) $g['event_address'] = "unix:///var/run/check_reload_status"; $try = 0; while ($try < 3) { $fd = @fsockopen($g['event_address']); if ($fd) { fwrite($fd, $cmd); $resp = fread($fd, 4096); if ($resp != "OK\n") log_error("send_event: sent {$cmd} got {$resp}"); fclose($fd); $try = 3; } else mwexec_bg("/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/sbin/check_reload_status"); $try++; } } function send_multiple_events($cmds) { global $g; if(!isset($g['event_address'])) $g['event_address'] = "unix:///var/run/check_reload_status"; if (!is_array($cmds)) return; $fd = fsockopen($g['event_address']); if ($fd) { foreach ($cmds as $cmd) { fwrite($fd, $cmd); $resp = fread($fd, 4096); if ($resp != "OK\n") log_error("send_event: sent {$cmd} got {$resp}"); } fclose($fd); } } function refcount_init($reference) { $shmid = shmop_open($reference, "c", 0644, 10); shmop_write($shmid, 0, 0); shmop_close($shmid); } function refcount_reference($reference) { $shmid = @shmop_open($reference, "w", 0644, 10); if (!$shmid) { refcount_init($reference); $shmid = shmop_open($reference, "w", 0644, 10); } $shm_data = shmop_read($shmid, 0, 10); $shm_data = intval($shm_data) + 1; shmop_write($shmid, $shm_data, 0); shmop_close($shmid); return $shm_data; } function refcount_unreference($reference) { /* We assume that the shared memory exists. */ $shmid = shmop_open($reference, "w", 0644, 10); $shm_data = shmop_read($shmid, 0, 10); $shm_data = intval($shm_data) - 1; if ($shm_data < 0) { //debug_backtrace(); log_error("Reference {$reference} is going negative, not doing unreference."); } else shmop_write($shmid, $shm_data, 0); shmop_close($shmid); return $shm_data; } function is_module_loaded($module_name) { $running = `/sbin/kldstat | grep {$module_name} | /usr/bin/grep -v grep | /usr/bin/wc -l`; if (intval($running) >= 1) return true; else return false; } /* return the subnet address given a host address and a subnet bit count */ function gen_subnet($ipaddr, $bits) { if (!is_ipaddr($ipaddr) || !is_numeric($bits)) return ""; return long2ip(ip2long($ipaddr) & gen_subnet_mask_long($bits)); } /* return the highest (broadcast) address in the subnet given a host address and a subnet bit count */ function gen_subnet_max($ipaddr, $bits) { if (!is_ipaddr($ipaddr) || !is_numeric($bits)) return ""; return long2ip32(ip2long($ipaddr) | ~gen_subnet_mask_long($bits)); } /* returns a subnet mask (long given a bit count) */ function gen_subnet_mask_long($bits) { $sm = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $bits; $i++) { $sm >>= 1; $sm |= 0x80000000; } return $sm; } /* same as above but returns a string */ function gen_subnet_mask($bits) { return long2ip(gen_subnet_mask_long($bits)); } /* Convert long int to IP address, truncating to 32-bits. */ function long2ip32($ip) { return long2ip($ip & 0xFFFFFFFF); } /* Convert IP address to long int, truncated to 32-bits to avoid sign extension on 64-bit platforms. */ function ip2long32($ip) { return ( ip2long($ip) & 0xFFFFFFFF ); } /* Convert IP address to unsigned long int. */ function ip2ulong($ip) { return sprintf("%u", ip2long32($ip)); } /* Find out how many IPs are contained within a given IP range * e.g. to returns 256 */ function ip_range_size($startip, $endip) { if (is_ipaddr($startip) && is_ipaddr($endip)) { // Operate as unsigned long because otherwise it wouldn't work // when crossing over from / barrier return abs(ip2ulong($startip) - ip2ulong($endip)) + 1; } return -1; } /* Find the smallest possible subnet mask which can contain a given number of IPs * e.g. 512 IPs can fit in a /23, but 513 IPs need a /22 */ function find_smallest_cidr($number) { $smallest = 1; for ($b=32; $b > 0; $b--) { $smallest = ($number <= pow(2,$b)) ? $b : $smallest; } return (32-$smallest); } /* Return the previous IP address before the given address */ function ip_before($ip) { return long2ip32(ip2long($ip)-1); } /* Return the next IP address after the given address */ function ip_after($ip) { return long2ip32(ip2long($ip)+1); } /* Return true if the first IP is 'before' the second */ function ip_less_than($ip1, $ip2) { // Compare as unsigned long because otherwise it wouldn't work when // crossing over from / barrier return ip2ulong($ip1) < ip2ulong($ip2); } /* Return true if the first IP is 'after' the second */ function ip_greater_than($ip1, $ip2) { // Compare as unsigned long because otherwise it wouldn't work // when crossing over from / barrier return ip2ulong($ip1) > ip2ulong($ip2); } /* Convert a range of IPs to an array of subnets which can contain the range. */ function ip_range_to_subnet_array($startip, $endip) { if (!is_ipaddr($startip) || !is_ipaddr($endip)) { return array(); } // Container for subnets within this range. $rangesubnets = array(); // Figure out what the smallest subnet is that holds the number of IPs in the given range. $cidr = find_smallest_cidr(ip_range_size($startip, $endip)); // Loop here to reduce subnet size and retest as needed. We need to make sure // that the target subnet is wholly contained between $startip and $endip. for ($cidr; $cidr <= 32; $cidr++) { // Find the network and broadcast addresses for the subnet being tested. $targetsub_min = gen_subnet($startip, $cidr); $targetsub_max = gen_subnet_max($startip, $cidr); // Check best case where the range is exactly one subnet. if (($targetsub_min == $startip) && ($targetsub_max == $endip)) { // Hooray, the range is exactly this subnet! return array("{$startip}/{$cidr}"); } // These remaining scenarios will find a subnet that uses the largest // chunk possible of the range being tested, and leave the rest to be // tested recursively after the loop. // Check if the subnet begins with $startip and ends before $endip if (($targetsub_min == $startip) && ip_less_than($targetsub_max, $endip)) { break; } // Check if the subnet ends at $endip and starts after $startip if (ip_greater_than($targetsub_min, $startip) && ($targetsub_max == $endip)) { break; } // Check if the subnet is between $startip and $endip if (ip_greater_than($targetsub_min, $startip) && ip_less_than($targetsub_max, $endip)) { break; } } // Some logic that will recursivly search from $startip to the first IP before the start of the subnet we just found. // NOTE: This may never be hit, the way the above algo turned out, but is left for completeness. if ($startip != $targetsub_min) { $rangesubnets = array_merge($rangesubnets, ip_range_to_subnet_array($startip, ip_before($targetsub_min))); } // Add in the subnet we found before, to preserve ordering $rangesubnets[] = "{$targetsub_min}/{$cidr}"; // And some more logic that will search after the subnet we found to fill in to the end of the range. if ($endip != $targetsub_max) { $rangesubnets = array_merge($rangesubnets, ip_range_to_subnet_array(ip_after($targetsub_max), $endip)); } return $rangesubnets; } function is_iprange($range) { if (substr_count($range, '-') != 1) { return false; } list($ip1, $ip2) = explode ('-', $range); return (is_ipaddr($ip1) && is_ipaddr($ip2)); } function is_numericint($arg) { return (preg_match("/[^0-9]/", $arg) ? false : true); } /* returns true if $ipaddr is a valid dotted IPv4 address */ function is_ipaddr($ipaddr) { if (!is_string($ipaddr)) return false; $ip_long = ip2long($ipaddr); $ip_reverse = long2ip32($ip_long); if ($ipaddr == $ip_reverse) return true; else return false; } /* returns true if $ipaddr is a valid dotted IPv4 address or an alias thereof */ function is_ipaddroralias($ipaddr) { global $config; if (is_alias($ipaddr)) { if (is_array($config['aliases']['alias'])) { foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias) { if ($alias['name'] == $ipaddr && $alias['type'] != "port") return true; } } return false; } else return is_ipaddr($ipaddr); } /* returns true if $subnet is a valid subnet in CIDR format */ function is_subnet($subnet) { if (!is_string($subnet)) return false; list($hp,$np) = explode('/', $subnet); if (!is_ipaddr($hp)) return false; if (!is_numeric($np) || ($np < 1) || ($np > 32)) return false; return true; } /* returns true if $subnet is a valid subnet in CIDR format or an alias thereof */ function is_subnetoralias($subnet) { global $aliastable; if (isset($aliastable[$subnet]) && is_subnet($aliastable[$subnet])) return true; else return is_subnet($subnet); } /* returns true if $hostname is a valid hostname */ function is_hostname($hostname) { if (!is_string($hostname)) return false; if (preg_match('/^(?:(?:[a-z0-9_]|[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_\-]*[a-z0-9_])\.)*(?:[a-z0-9_]|[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_\-]*[a-z0-9_])$/i', $hostname)) return true; else return false; } /* returns true if $domain is a valid domain name */ function is_domain($domain) { if (!is_string($domain)) return false; if (preg_match('/^(?:(?:[a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])\.)*(?:[a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])$/i', $domain)) return true; else return false; } /* returns true if $macaddr is a valid MAC address */ function is_macaddr($macaddr) { return preg_match('/^[0-9A-F]{2}(?:[:][0-9A-F]{2}){5}$/i', $macaddr) == 1 ? true : false; } /* returns true if $name is a valid name for an alias */ /* returns NULL if a reserved word is used */ function is_validaliasname($name) { /* Array of reserved words */ $reserved = array("port", "pass"); if (in_array($name, $reserved, true)) return; /* return NULL */ if (!preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/", $name) && (strlen($name) < 32)) return true; else return false; } /* returns true if $port is a valid TCP/UDP port */ function is_port($port) { $tmpports = explode(":", $port); foreach($tmpports as $tmpport) { if (getservbyname($tmpport, "tcp") || getservbyname($tmpport, "udp")) continue; if (!ctype_digit($tmpport)) return false; else if ((intval($tmpport) < 1) || (intval($tmpport) > 65535)) return false; } return true; } /* returns true if $portrange is a valid TCP/UDP portrange (":") */ function is_portrange($portrange) { $ports = explode(":", $portrange); if(count($ports) == 2 && is_port($ports[0]) && is_port($ports[1])) return true; else return false; } /* returns true if $port is a valid port number or an alias thereof */ function is_portoralias($port) { global $config; if (is_alias($port)) { if (is_array($config['aliases']['alias'])) { foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias) { if ($alias['name'] == $port && $alias['type'] == "port") return true; } } return false; } else return is_port($port); } /* returns true if $val is a valid shaper bandwidth value */ function is_valid_shaperbw($val) { return (preg_match("/^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)([MKG]?b|%)$/", $val)); } /* return the configured carp interface list */ function get_configured_carp_interface_list() { global $config; $iflist = array(); if(is_array($config['virtualip']['vip'])) { $viparr = &$config['virtualip']['vip']; foreach ($viparr as $vip) { switch ($vip['mode']) { case "carp": case "carpdev-dhcp": $vipif = "vip" . $vip['vhid']; $iflist[$vipif] = $vip['subnet']; break; } } } return $iflist; } /* return the configured IP aliases list */ function get_configured_ip_aliases_list() { global $config; $alias_list=array(); if(is_array($config['virtualip']['vip'])) { $viparr = &$config['virtualip']['vip']; foreach ($viparr as $vip) { if ($vip['mode']=="ipalias") { $alias_list[$vip['subnet']] = $vip['interface']; } } } return $alias_list; } /* comparison function for sorting by the order in which interfaces are normally created */ function compare_interface_friendly_names($a, $b) { if ($a == $b) return 0; else if ($a == 'wan') return -1; else if ($b == 'wan') return 1; else if ($a == 'lan') return -1; else if ($b == 'lan') return 1; return strnatcmp($a, $b); } /* return the configured interfaces list. */ function get_configured_interface_list($only_opt = false, $withdisabled = false) { global $config; $iflist = array(); if(!is_array($config['interfaces'])) $config = parse_config(true); /* if list */ foreach($config['interfaces'] as $if => $ifdetail) { if ($only_opt && ($if == "wan" || $if == "lan")) continue; if (isset($ifdetail['enable']) || $withdisabled == true) $iflist[$if] = $if; } return $iflist; } /* return the configured interfaces list. */ function get_configured_interface_list_by_realif($only_opt = false, $withdisabled = false) { global $config; $iflist = array(); /* if list */ foreach($config['interfaces'] as $if => $ifdetail) { if ($only_opt && ($if == "wan" || $if == "lan")) continue; if (isset($ifdetail['enable']) || $withdisabled == true) { $tmpif = get_real_interface($if); if (!empty($tmpif)) $iflist[$tmpif] = $if; } } return $iflist; } /* return the configured interfaces list with their description. */ function get_configured_interface_with_descr($only_opt = false, $withdisabled = false) { global $config; $iflist = array(); /* if list */ foreach($config['interfaces'] as $if => $ifdetail) { if ($only_opt && ($if == "wan" || $if == "lan")) continue; if (isset($ifdetail['enable']) || $withdisabled == true) { if(empty($ifdetail['descr'])) $iflist[$if] = strtoupper($if); else $iflist[$if] = strtoupper($ifdetail['descr']); } } return $iflist; } /* * get_configured_ip_addresses() - Return a list of all configured * interfaces IP Addresses * */ function get_configured_ip_addresses() { require_once("interfaces.inc"); $ip_array = array(); $interfaces = get_configured_interface_list(); if(is_array($interfaces)) { foreach($interfaces as $int) { $ipaddr = get_interface_ip($int); $ip_array[$int] = $ipaddr; } } $interfaces = get_configured_carp_interface_list(); if(is_array($interfaces)) foreach($interfaces as $int => $ipaddr) $ip_array[$int] = $ipaddr; return $ip_array; } /* * get_interface_list() - Return a list of all physical interfaces * along with MAC and status. * * $mode = "active" - use ifconfig -lu * "media" - use ifconfig to check physical connection * status (much slower) */ function get_interface_list($mode = "active", $keyby = "physical", $vfaces = "") { global $config; $upints = array(); /* get a list of virtual interface types */ if(!$vfaces) { $vfaces = array ( 'bridge', 'ppp', 'pppoe', 'pptp', 'l2tp', 'sl', 'gif', 'gre', 'faith', 'lo', 'ng', '_vlan', '_wlan', 'pflog', 'plip', 'pfsync', 'enc', 'tun', 'carp', 'lagg', 'vip', 'ipfw' ); } switch($mode) { case "active": $upints = explode(" ", trim(shell_exec("/sbin/ifconfig -lu"))); break; case "media": $intlist = explode(" ", trim(shell_exec("/sbin/ifconfig -l"))); $ifconfig = ""; exec("/sbin/ifconfig -a", $ifconfig); $regexp = '/(' . implode('|', $intlist) . '):\s/'; $ifstatus = preg_grep('/status:/', $ifconfig); foreach($ifstatus as $status) { $int = array_shift($intlist); if(stristr($status, "active")) $upints[] = $int; } break; default: $upints = explode(" ", trim(shell_exec("/sbin/ifconfig -l"))); break; } /* build interface list with netstat */ $linkinfo = ""; exec("/usr/bin/netstat -inW -f link | awk '{ print $1, $4 }'", $linkinfo); array_shift($linkinfo); /* build ip address list with netstat */ $ipinfo = ""; exec("/usr/bin/netstat -inW -f inet | awk '{ print $1, $4 }'", $ipinfo); array_shift($ipinfo); foreach($linkinfo as $link) { $friendly = ""; $alink = explode(" ", $link); $ifname = rtrim(trim($alink[0]), '*'); /* trim out all numbers before checking for vfaces */ if (!in_array(array_shift(preg_split('/\d/', $ifname)), $vfaces) && !stristr($ifname, "_vlan") && !stristr($ifname, "_wlan")) { $toput = array( "mac" => trim($alink[1]), "up" => in_array($ifname, $upints) ); foreach($ipinfo as $ip) { $aip = explode(" ", $ip); if($aip[0] == $ifname) { $toput['ipaddr'] = $aip[1]; } } if (is_array($config['interfaces'])) { foreach($config['interfaces'] as $name => $int) if($int['if'] == $ifname) $friendly = $name; } switch($keyby) { case "physical": if($friendly != "") { $toput['friendly'] = $friendly; } $dmesg_arr = array(); exec("/sbin/dmesg |grep $ifname | head -n1", $dmesg_arr); preg_match_all("/<(.*?)>/i", $dmesg_arr[0], $dmesg); $toput['dmesg'] = $dmesg[1][0]; $iflist[$ifname] = $toput; break; case "ppp": case "friendly": if($friendly != "") { $toput['if'] = $ifname; $iflist[$friendly] = $toput; } break; } } } return $iflist; } /****f* util/log_error * NAME * log_error - Sends a string to syslog. * INPUTS * $error - string containing the syslog message. * RESULT * null ******/ function log_error($error) { global $g; $page = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; syslog(LOG_WARNING, "$page: $error"); if ($g['debug']) syslog(LOG_WARNING, var_dump(debug_backtrace())); return; } /****f* util/log_auth * NAME * log_error - Sends a string to syslog as LOG_AUTH facility * INPUTS * $error - string containing the syslog message. * RESULT * null ******/ function log_auth($error) { global $g; $page = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; syslog(LOG_AUTH, "$page: $error"); if ($g['debug']) syslog(LOG_WARNING, var_dump(debug_backtrace())); return; } /****f* util/exec_command * NAME * exec_command - Execute a command and return a string of the result. * INPUTS * $command - String of the command to be executed. * RESULT * String containing the command's result. * NOTES * This function returns the command's stdout and stderr. ******/ function exec_command($command) { $output = array(); exec($command . ' 2>&1 ', $output); return(implode("\n", $output)); } /* wrapper for exec() */ function mwexec($command, $mute = false) { global $g; if ($g['debug']) { if (!$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) echo "mwexec(): $command\n"; } $oarr = array(); $retval = 0; $garbage = exec("$command 2>&1", $oarr, $retval); if(isset($config['system']['developerspew'])) $mute = false; if(($retval <> 0) && ($mute === false)) { $output = implode(" ", $oarr); log_error("The command '$command' returned exit code '$retval', the output was '$output' "); } return $retval; } /* wrapper for exec() in background */ function mwexec_bg($command) { global $g; if ($g['debug']) { if (!$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) echo "mwexec(): $command\n"; } exec("nohup $command > /dev/null 2>&1 &"); } /* unlink a file, if it exists */ function unlink_if_exists($fn) { $to_do = glob($fn); if(is_array($to_do)) { foreach($to_do as $filename) @unlink($filename); } else { @unlink($fn); } } /* make a global alias table (for faster lookups) */ function alias_make_table($config) { global $aliastable; $aliastable = array(); if (is_array($config['aliases']['alias'])) { foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias) { if ($alias['name']) $aliastable[$alias['name']] = $alias['address']; } } } /* check if an alias exists */ function is_alias($name) { global $aliastable; return isset($aliastable[$name]); } /* expand a host or network alias, if necessary */ function alias_expand($name) { global $aliastable; if (isset($aliastable[$name])) return "\${$name}"; else if (is_ipaddr($name) || is_subnet($name) || is_port($name)) return "{$name}"; else return null; } function alias_expand_urltable($name) { global $config; $urltable_prefix = "/var/db/aliastables/"; $urltable_filename = $urltable_prefix . $name . ".txt"; foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias) { if (($alias['type'] == 'urltable') && ($alias['name'] == $name)) { if (is_URL($alias["url"]) && file_exists($urltable_filename) && filesize($urltable_filename)) return $urltable_filename; else if (process_alias_urltable($name, $alias["url"], 0, true)) return $urltable_filename; } } return null; } /* find out whether two subnets overlap */ function check_subnets_overlap($subnet1, $bits1, $subnet2, $bits2) { if (!is_numeric($bits1)) $bits1 = 32; if (!is_numeric($bits2)) $bits2 = 32; if ($bits1 < $bits2) $relbits = $bits1; else $relbits = $bits2; $sn1 = gen_subnet_mask_long($relbits) & ip2long($subnet1); $sn2 = gen_subnet_mask_long($relbits) & ip2long($subnet2); if ($sn1 == $sn2) return true; else return false; } /* compare two IP addresses */ function ipcmp($a, $b) { if (ip_less_than($a, $b)) return -1; else if (ip_greater_than($a, $b)) return 1; else return 0; } /* return true if $addr is in $subnet, false if not */ function ip_in_subnet($addr,$subnet) { list($ip, $mask) = explode('/', $subnet); $mask = (0xffffffff << (32 - $mask)) & 0xffffffff; return ((ip2long($addr) & $mask) == (ip2long($ip) & $mask)); } /* verify (and remove) the digital signature on a file - returns 0 if OK */ function verify_digital_signature($fname) { global $g; if(!file_exists("/usr/local/sbin/gzsig")) return 4; return mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/gzsig verify {$g['etc_path']}/pubkey.pem < " . escapeshellarg($fname)); } /* obtain MAC address given an IP address by looking at the ARP table */ function arp_get_mac_by_ip($ip) { mwexec("/sbin/ping -c 1 -t 1 {$ip}", true); $arpoutput = ""; exec("/usr/sbin/arp -n {$ip}", $arpoutput); if ($arpoutput[0]) { $arpi = explode(" ", $arpoutput[0]); $macaddr = $arpi[3]; if (is_macaddr($macaddr)) return $macaddr; else return false; } return false; } /* return a fieldname that is safe for xml usage */ function xml_safe_fieldname($fieldname) { $replace = array('/', '-', ' ', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+', '=', '{', '}', '[', ']', '|', '/', '<', '>', '?', ':', ',', '.', '\'', '\\' ); return strtolower(str_replace($replace, "", $fieldname)); } function mac_format($clientmac) { $mac =explode(":", $clientmac); global $config; $mac_format = $config['captiveportal']['radmac_format'] ? $config['captiveportal']['radmac_format'] : false; switch($mac_format) { case 'singledash': return "$mac[0]$mac[1]$mac[2]-$mac[3]$mac[4]$mac[5]"; case 'ietf': return "$mac[0]-$mac[1]-$mac[2]-$mac[3]-$mac[4]-$mac[5]"; case 'cisco': return "$mac[0]$mac[1].$mac[2]$mac[3].$mac[4]$mac[5]"; case 'unformatted': return "$mac[0]$mac[1]$mac[2]$mac[3]$mac[4]$mac[5]"; default: return $clientmac; } } function resolve_retry($hostname, $retries = 5) { if (is_ipaddr($hostname)) return $hostname; for ($i = 0; $i < $retries; $i++) { $ip = gethostbyname($hostname); if ($ip && $ip != $hostname) { /* success */ return $ip; } sleep(1); } return false; } function format_bytes($bytes) { if ($bytes >= 1073741824) { return sprintf("%.2f GB", $bytes/1073741824); } else if ($bytes >= 1048576) { return sprintf("%.2f MB", $bytes/1048576); } else if ($bytes >= 1024) { return sprintf("%.0f KB", $bytes/1024); } else { return sprintf("%d bytes", $bytes); } } function update_filter_reload_status($text) { global $g; file_put_contents("{$g['varrun_path']}/filter_reload_status", $text); } /****f* util/return_dir_as_array * NAME * return_dir_as_array - Return a directory's contents as an array. * INPUTS * $dir - string containing the path to the desired directory. * RESULT * $dir_array - array containing the directory's contents. This array will be empty if the path specified is invalid. ******/ function return_dir_as_array($dir) { $dir_array = array(); if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $canadd = 0; if($file == ".") $canadd = 1; if($file == "..") $canadd = 1; if($canadd == 0) array_push($dir_array, $file); } closedir($dh); } } return $dir_array; } function run_plugins($directory) { global $config, $g; /* process packager manager custom rules */ $files = return_dir_as_array($directory); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (stristr($file, ".sh") == true) mwexec($directory . $file . " start"); else if (!is_dir($directory . "/" . $file) && stristr($file,".inc")) require_once($directory . "/" . $file); } } } /* * safe_mkdir($path, $mode = 0755) * create directory if it doesn't already exist and isn't a file! */ function safe_mkdir($path, $mode=0755) { global $g; if (!is_file($path) && !is_dir($path)) { return @mkdir($path, $mode, true); } else { return false; } } /* * make_dirs($path, $mode = 0755) * create directory tree recursively (mkdir -p) */ function make_dirs($path, $mode = 0755) { $base = ''; foreach (explode('/', $path) as $dir) { $base .= "/$dir"; if (!is_dir($base)) { if (!@mkdir($base, $mode)) return false; } } return true; } /* * get_sysctl($names) * Get values of sysctl OID's listed in $names (accepts an array or a single * name) and return an array of key/value pairs set for those that exist */ function get_sysctl($names) { if (empty($names)) return array(); if (is_array($names)) { $name_list = array(); foreach ($names as $name) { $name_list[] = escapeshellarg($name); } } else $name_list = array(escapeshellarg($names)); exec("/sbin/sysctl -i " . implode(" ", $name_list), $output); $values = array(); foreach ($output as $line) { $line = explode(": ", $line, 2); if (count($line) == 2) $values[$line[0]] = $line[1]; } return $values; } /* * set_sysctl($value_list) * Set sysctl OID's listed as key/value pairs and return * an array with keys set for those that succeeded */ function set_sysctl($values) { if (empty($values)) return array(); $value_list = array(); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $value_list[] = escapeshellarg($key) . "=" . escapeshellarg($value); } exec("/sbin/sysctl -i " . implode(" ", $value_list), $output, $success); /* Retry individually if failed (one or more read-only) */ if ($success <> 0 && count($value_list) > 1) { foreach ($value_list as $value) { exec("/sbin/sysctl -i " . $value, $output); } } $ret = array(); foreach ($output as $line) { $line = explode(": ", $line, 2); if (count($line) == 2) $ret[$line[0]] = true; } return $ret; } /* * get_memory() * returns an array listing the amount of * memory installed in the hardware * [0]real and [1]available */ function get_memory() { $matches = ""; if(file_exists("/var/log/dmesg.boot")) $mem = `cat /var/log/dmesg.boot | grep memory`; else $mem = `dmesg -a | grep memory`; if (preg_match_all("/avail memory.* \((.*)MB\)/", $mem, $matches)) return array($matches[1][0], $matches[1][0]); if(!$real && !$avail) { $real = trim(`sysctl hw.physmem | cut -d' ' -f2`); $avail = trim(`sysctl hw.realmem | cut -d' ' -f2`); /* convert from bytes to megabytes */ return array(($real/1048576),($avail/1048576)); } } function mute_kernel_msgs() { global $config; // Do not mute serial console. The kernel gets very very cranky // and will start dishing you cannot control tty errors. if(trim(file_get_contents("/etc/platform")) == "nanobsd") return; if($config['system']['enableserial']) return; exec("/sbin/conscontrol mute on"); } function unmute_kernel_msgs() { global $config; // Do not mute serial console. The kernel gets very very cranky // and will start dishing you cannot control tty errors. if(trim(file_get_contents("/etc/platform")) == "nanobsd") return; exec("/sbin/conscontrol mute off"); } function start_devd() { global $g; exec("/sbin/devd"); sleep(1); } function is_interface_vlan_mismatch() { global $config, $g; if (is_array($config['vlans']['vlan'])) { foreach ($config['vlans']['vlan'] as $vlan) { if (does_interface_exist($vlan['if']) == false) return true; } } return false; } function is_interface_mismatch() { global $config, $g; $do_assign = false; $i = 0; if (is_array($config['interfaces'])) { foreach ($config['interfaces'] as $ifname => $ifcfg) { if (preg_match("/^enc|^cua|^tun|^l2tp|^pptp|^ppp|^ovpn|^gif|^gre|^lagg|^bridge|vlan|_wlan/i", $ifcfg['if'])) { // Do not check these interfaces. $i++; continue; } else if (does_interface_exist($ifcfg['if']) == false) { $do_assign = true; } else $i++; } } if ($g['minimum_nic_count'] > $i) { $do_assign = true; } else if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/assign_complete")) $do_assign = false; return $do_assign; } /* sync carp entries to other firewalls */ function carp_sync_client() { global $g; send_event("filter sync"); } /****f* util/isAjax * NAME * isAjax - reports if the request is driven from prototype * INPUTS * none * RESULT * true/false ******/ function isAjax() { return isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest'; } /****f* util/timeout * NAME * timeout - console input with timeout countdown. Note: erases 2 char of screen for timer. Leave space. * INPUTS * optional, seconds to wait before timeout. Default 9 seconds. * RESULT * returns 1 char of user input or null if no input. ******/ function timeout($timer = 9) { while(!isset($key)) { if ($timer >= 9) { echo chr(8) . chr(8) . ($timer==9 ? chr(32) : null) . "{$timer}"; } else { echo chr(8). "{$timer}"; } `/bin/stty -icanon min 0 time 25`; $key = trim(`KEY=\`dd count=1 2>/dev/null\`; echo \$KEY`); `/bin/stty icanon`; if ($key == '') unset($key); $timer--; if ($timer == 0) break; } return $key; } /****f* util/msort * NAME * msort - sort array * INPUTS * $array to be sorted, field to sort by, direction of sort * RESULT * returns newly sorted array ******/ function msort($array, $id="id", $sort_ascending=true) { $temp_array = array(); while(count($array)>0) { $lowest_id = 0; $index=0; foreach ($array as $item) { if (isset($item[$id])) { if ($array[$lowest_id][$id]) { if (strtolower($item[$id]) < strtolower($array[$lowest_id][$id])) { $lowest_id = $index; } } } $index++; } $temp_array[] = $array[$lowest_id]; $array = array_merge(array_slice($array, 0,$lowest_id), array_slice($array, $lowest_id+1)); } if ($sort_ascending) { return $temp_array; } else { return array_reverse($temp_array); } } /****f* util/color * NAME * color - outputs a color code to the ansi terminal if supported * INPUTS * color code or color name * RESULT * Outputs the ansi color sequence for the color specified. Default resets terminal. ******/ function color($color = "0m") { /* Color codes available: 0m reset; clears all colors and styles (to white on black) 1m bold on (see below) 3m italics on 4m underline on 7m inverse on; reverses foreground & background colors 9m strikethrough on 22m bold off (see below) 23m italics off 24m underline off 27m inverse off 29m strikethrough off 30m set foreground color to black 31m set foreground color to red 32m set foreground color to green 33m set foreground color to yellow 34m set foreground color to blue 35m set foreground color to magenta (purple) 36m set foreground color to cyan 37m set foreground color to white 40m set background color to black 41m set background color to red 42m set background color to green 43m set background color to yellow 44m set background color to blue 45m set background color to magenta (purple) 46m set background color to cyan 47m set background color to white 49m set background color to default (black) */ // Allow caching of TERM to // speedup subequence requests. global $TERM; if(!$TERM) $TERM=`/usr/bin/env | grep color`; if(!$TERM) $TERM=`/usr/bin/env | grep cons25`; if($TERM) { $ESCAPE=chr(27); switch ($color) { case "black": return "{$ESCAPE}[30m"; case "red": return "{$ESCAPE}[31m"; case "green": return "{$ESCAPE}[32m"; case "yellow": return "{$ESCAPE}[33m"; case "blue": return "{$ESCAPE}[34m"; case "magenta": return "{$ESCAPE}[35m"; case "cyan": return "{$ESCAPE}[36m"; case "white": return "{$ESCAPE}[37m"; case "default": return "{$ESCAPE}[39m"; } return "{$ESCAPE}[{$color}"; } } /****f* util/is_URL * NAME * is_URL * INPUTS * string to check * RESULT * Returns true if item is a URL ******/ function is_URL($url) { $match = preg_match("'\b(([\w-]+://?|www[.])[^\s()<>]+(?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^[:punct:]\s]|/)))'", $url); if($match) return true; return false; } function is_file_included($file = "") { $files = get_included_files(); if (in_array($file, $files)) return true; return false; } /* This function was borrowed from a comment on PHP.net at the following URL: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-merge-recursive.php#73843 */ function array_merge_recursive_unique($array0, $array1) { $arrays = func_get_args(); $remains = $arrays; // We walk through each arrays and put value in the results (without // considering previous value). $result = array(); // loop available array foreach($arrays as $array) { // The first remaining array is $array. We are processing it. So // we remove it from remaing arrays. array_shift($remains); // We don't care non array param, like array_merge since PHP 5.0. if(is_array($array)) { // Loop values foreach($array as $key => $value) { if(is_array($value)) { // we gather all remaining arrays that have such key available $args = array(); foreach($remains as $remain) { if(array_key_exists($key, $remain)) { array_push($args, $remain[$key]); } } if(count($args) > 2) { // put the recursion $result[$key] = call_user_func_array(__FUNCTION__, $args); } else { foreach($value as $vkey => $vval) { $result[$key][$vkey] = $vval; } } } else { // simply put the value $result[$key] = $value; } } } } return $result; } ?>