-1 otherwise ******/ function get_pkg_id($pkg_name) { global $config; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['package'])) { foreach($config['installedpackages']['package'] as $idx => $pkg) { if($pkg['name'] == $pkg_name) return $idx; } } return -1; } /****f* pkg-utils/get_pkg_info * NAME * get_pkg_info - Retrive package information from pfsense.com. * INPUTS * $pkgs - 'all' to retrive all packages, an array containing package names otherwise * $info - 'all' to retrive all information, an array containing keys otherwise * RESULT * $raw_versions - Array containing retrieved information, indexed by package name. ******/ function get_pkg_info($pkgs = 'all', $info = 'all') { global $g; $freebsd_version = php_uname("r"); $freebsd_machine = php_uname("m"); $params = array( "pkg" => $pkgs, "info" => $info, "freebsd_version" => $freebsd_version[0], "freebsd_machine" => $freebsd_machine ); $resp = call_pfsense_method('pfsense.get_pkgs', $params, 10); return $resp ? $resp : array(); } function get_pkg_sizes($pkgs = 'all') { global $config, $g; $freebsd_version = php_uname("r"); $freebsd_machine = php_uname("m"); $params = array( "pkg" => $pkgs, "freebsd_version" => $freebsd_version, "freebsd_machine" => $freebsd_machine ); $msg = new XML_RPC_Message('pfsense.get_pkg_sizes', array(php_value_to_xmlrpc($params))); $xmlrpc_base_url = isset($config['system']['altpkgrepo']['enable']) ? $config['system']['altpkgrepo']['xmlrpcbaseurl'] : $g['xmlrpcbaseurl']; $cli = new XML_RPC_Client($g['xmlrpcpath'], $xmlrpc_base_url); $resp = $cli->send($msg, 10); if(!is_object($resp)) log_error("Could not get response from XMLRPC server!"); else if (!$resp->faultCode()) { $raw_versions = $resp->value(); return xmlrpc_value_to_php($raw_versions); } return array(); } /* * resync_all_package_configs() Force packages to setup their configuration and rc.d files. * This function may also print output to the terminal indicating progress. */ function resync_all_package_configs($show_message = false) { global $config, $pkg_interface; log_error("Resyncing configuration for all packages."); if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['package'])) return; if($show_message == true) echo "Syncing packages:"; conf_mount_rw(); foreach($config['installedpackages']['package'] as $idx => $package) { if (empty($package['name'])) continue; if($show_message == true) echo " " . $package['name']; get_pkg_depends($package['name'], "all"); stop_service($package['name']); sync_package($idx, true, true); if($pkg_interface == "console") echo "\nSyncing packages:"; } if($show_message == true) echo " done.\n"; @unlink("/conf/needs_package_sync"); conf_mount_ro(); } /* * is_freebsd_pkg_installed() - Check /var/db/pkg to determine whether or not a FreeBSD * package is installed. */ function is_freebsd_pkg_installed($pkg) { $output = ""; exec("/usr/sbin/pkg_info -E \"{$pkg}*\"", $output, $retval); return (intval($retval) == 0); } /* * get_pkg_depends($pkg_name, $filetype = ".xml", $format = "files", return_nosync = 1): Return a package's dependencies. * * $filetype = "all" || ".xml", ".tgz", etc. * $format = "files" (full filenames) || "names" (stripped / parsed depend names) * $return_nosync = 1 (return depends that have nosync set) | 0 (ignore packages with nosync) * */ function get_pkg_depends($pkg_name, $filetype = ".xml", $format = "files", $return_nosync = 1) { global $config; $pkg_id = get_pkg_id($pkg_name); if($pkg_id == -1) return -1; // This package doesn't really exist - exit the function. else if (!isset($config['installedpackages']['package'][$pkg_id])) return; // No package belongs to the pkg_id passed to this function. $package =& $config['installedpackages']['package'][$pkg_id]; if(!file_exists("/usr/local/pkg/" . $package['configurationfile'])) { log_error("The {$package['name']} package is missing required dependencies and is being reinstalled." . $package['configurationfile']); uninstall_package($package['name']); if (install_package($package['name']) < 0) { log_error("Failed reinstalling package {$package['name']}."); return false; } } $pkg_xml = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/" . $package['configurationfile'], "packagegui"); if (!empty($pkg_xml['additional_files_needed'])) { foreach($pkg_xml['additional_files_needed'] as $item) { if ($return_nosync == 0 && isset($item['nosync'])) continue; // Do not return depends with nosync set if not required. $depend_file = substr(strrchr($item['item']['0'], '/'),1); // Strip URLs down to filenames. $depend_name = substr(substr($depend_file,0,strpos($depend_file,".")+1),0,-1); // Strip filename down to dependency name. if (($filetype != "all") && (!preg_match("/{$filetype}/i", $depend_file))) continue; if ($item['prefix'] != "") $prefix = $item['prefix']; else $prefix = "/usr/local/pkg/"; // Ensure that the prefix exists to avoid installation errors. if(!is_dir($prefix)) exec("/bin/mkdir -p {$prefix}"); if(!file_exists($prefix . $depend_file)) log_error("The {$package['name']} package is missing required dependencies and must be reinstalled."); switch ($format) { case "files": $depends[] = $prefix . $depend_file; break; case "names": switch ($filetype) { case "all": if(preg_match("/\.xml/i", $depend_file)) { $depend_xml = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/{$depend_file}", "packagegui"); if (!empty($depend_xml)) $depends[] = $depend_xml['name']; } else $depends[] = $depend_name; // If this dependency isn't package XML, use the stripped filename. break; case ".xml": $depend_xml = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/" . $depend_file, "packagegui"); if (!empty($depend_xml)) $depends[] = $depend_xml['name']; break; default: $depends[] = $depend_name; // If we aren't looking for XML, use the stripped filename (it's all we have). break; } } } return $depends; } } function uninstall_package($pkg_name) { global $config, $static_output; // Back up /usr/local/lib libraries first if(!file_exists("/tmp/pkg_libs.tgz")) { $static_output .= "\tBacking up libraries... "; update_output_window($static_output); exec("/usr/bin/tar czPf /tmp/pkg_libs.tgz `/bin/cat /etc/pfSense_md5.txt | /usr/bin/grep 'local/lib' | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $2 }' | /usr/bin/cut -d'(' -f2 | /usr/bin/cut -d')' -f1`"); } $id = get_pkg_id($pkg_name); if ($id >= 0) { $pkg_depends =& $config['installedpackages']['package'][$id]['depends_on_package']; $static_output .= "Removing package...\n"; update_output_window($static_output); if (is_array($pkg_depends)) { foreach ($pkg_depends as $pkg_depend) delete_package($pkg_depend); } } delete_package_xml($pkg_name); // Restore libraries that we backed up $static_output .= "\tCleaning up... "; update_output_window($static_output); exec("/usr/bin/tar xzPf /tmp/pkg_libs.tgz -C /"); @unlink("/tmp/pkg_libs.tgz"); } function force_remove_package($pkg_name) { delete_package_xml($pkg_name); } /* * sync_package($pkg_name, $sync_depends = true, $show_message = false) Force a package to setup its configuration and rc.d files. */ function sync_package($pkg_name, $sync_depends = true, $show_message = false) { global $config, $config_parsed; if(empty($config['installedpackages']['package'])) return; if(!is_numeric($pkg_name)) { $pkg_id = get_pkg_id($pkg_name); if($pkg_id == -1) return -1; // This package doesn't really exist - exit the function. } else { $pkg_id = $pkg_name; if(empty($config['installedpackages']['package'][$pkg_id])) return; // No package belongs to the pkg_id passed to this function. } if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['package'][$pkg_id])) $package =& $config['installedpackages']['package'][$pkg_id]; else return; /* empty package tag */ if(!file_exists("/usr/local/pkg/" . $package['configurationfile'])) { log_error("The {$package['name']} package is missing its configuration file and must be reinstalled."); force_remove_package($package['name']); return -1; } $pkg_config = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/" . $package['configurationfile'], "packagegui"); if(isset($pkg_config['nosync'])) return; /* Bring in package include files */ if (!empty($pkg_config['include_file'])) { $include_file = $pkg_config['include_file']; if (file_exists($include_file)) require_once($include_file); else { /* XXX: What the heck is this?! */ log_error("Reinstalling package {$package['name']} because its include file({$include_file}) is missing!"); uninstall_package($package['name']); if (install_package($package['name']) < 0) { log_error("Reinstalling package {$package['name']} failed. Take appropriate measures!!!"); return -1; } } } if(!empty($pkg_config['custom_php_global_functions'])) eval($pkg_config['custom_php_global_functions']); if(!empty($pkg_config['custom_php_resync_config_command'])) eval($pkg_config['custom_php_resync_config_command']); if($sync_depends == true) { $depends = get_pkg_depends($pkg_name, ".xml", "files", 1); // Call dependency handler and do a little more error checking. if(is_array($depends)) { foreach($depends as $item) { if(!file_exists($item)) { require_once("notices.inc"); file_notice($package['name'], "The {$package['name']} package is missing required dependencies and must be reinstalled.", "Packages", "/pkg_mgr_install.php?mode=reinstallpkg&pkg={$package['name']}", 1); log_error("Could not find {$item}. Reinstalling package."); uninstall_package($pkg_name); if (install_package($pkg_name) < 0) { log_error("Reinstalling package {$package['name']} failed. Take appropriate measures!!!"); return -1; } } else { $item_config = parse_xml_config_pkg($item, "packagegui"); if (empty($item_config)) continue; if(isset($item_config['nosync'])) continue; if (!empty($item_config['include_file'])) { if (file_exists($item_config['include_file'])) require_once($item_config['include_file']); else { log_error("Not calling package sync code for dependency {$item_config['name']} of {$package['name']} because some include files are missing."); continue; } } if($item_config['custom_php_global_functions'] <> "") eval($item_config['custom_php_global_functions']); if($item_config['custom_php_resync_config_command'] <> "") eval($item_config['custom_php_resync_config_command']); if($show_message == true) print " " . $item_config['name']; } } } } } /* * pkg_fetch_recursive: Download and install a FreeBSD package and its dependencies. This function provides output to * a progress bar and output window. */ function pkg_fetch_recursive($pkgname, $filename, $dependlevel = 0, $base_url = "") { global $static_output, $g; $osname = php_uname("s"); $arch = php_uname("m"); $rel = php_uname("r"); $rel = strtolower(substr($rel, 0, strrpos($rel, "-"))); $priv_url = "http://ftp2.{$osname}.org/pub/{$osname}/ports/{$arch}/packages-{$rel}/All"; if (empty($base_url)) $base_url = $priv_url; if (substr($base_url, -1) == "/") $base_url = substr($base_url, 0, -1); $static_output .= "\n" . str_repeat(" ", $dependlevel * 2) . $pkgname . " "; $fetchto = "{$g['tmp_path']}/apkg_{$filename}"; $static_output .= "\n\t" . str_repeat(" ", $dependlevel * 2 + 1) . "Downloading {$base_url}/{$filename} ... "; if (download_file_with_progress_bar("{$base_url}/{$filename}", $fetchto) !== true) { if ($base_url != $priv_url && download_file_with_progress_bar("{$priv_url}/{$filename}", $fetchto) !== true) { $static_output .= " could not download from there or {$priv_url}/{$filename}.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); return false; } else if ($base_url == $priv_url) { $static_output .= " failed to download.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); return false; } else { $static_output .= " downloaded from {$osname} repository instead of provided one.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } } $static_output .= " (extracting)"; update_output_window($static_output); $slaveout = ""; exec("/usr/bin/tar --fast-read -O -f {$fetchto} -x +CONTENTS 2>&1", $slaveout); $raw_depends_list = array_values(preg_grep("/\@pkgdep/", $slaveout)); if ($raw_depends_list != "") { $pkg_extension = ".tbz"; foreach($raw_depends_list as $adepend) { $working_depend = explode(" ", trim($adepend, "\n")); if (substr($working_depend[1], -4) != ".tbz") $depend_filename = $working_depend[1] . $pkg_extension; else $depend_filename = $working_depend[1]; if (!is_freebsd_pkg_installed($working_depend[1])) { if (pkg_fetch_recursive($working_depend[1], $depend_filename, $dependlevel + 1, $base_url) == false) return false; } else { //$dependlevel++; $static_output .= "\n" . str_repeat(" ", $dependlevel * 2) . $working_depend[1] . " already installed."; pkg_debug($working_depend[1] . "\n"); } } } $pkgaddout = ""; exec("/usr/sbin/pkg_add -fv {$fetchto} 2>&1", $pkgaddout); pkg_debug($pkgname . " " . print_r($pkgaddout, true) . "\npkg_add successfully completed.\n"); return true; } function install_package($package, $pkg_info = "") { global $g, $config, $static_output, $pkg_interface; /* safe side. Write config below will send to ro again. */ conf_mount_rw(); if($pkg_interface == "console") echo "\n"; /* fetch package information if needed */ if(empty($pkg_info) or !is_array($pkg_info[$package])) { $pkg_info = get_pkg_info(array($package)); $pkg_info = $pkg_info[$package]; // We're only dealing with one package, so we can strip away the extra array. if (empty($pkg_info)) { conf_mount_ro(); return -1; } } pkg_debug("Beginning package installation.\n"); log_error('Beginning package installation for ' . $pkg_info['name'] . '.'); $static_output .= "Beginning package installation for " . $pkg_info['name'] . "..."; update_status($static_output); /* fetch the package's configuration file */ if($pkg_info['config_file'] != "") { $static_output .= "\nDownloading package configuration file... "; update_output_window($static_output); pkg_debug("Downloading package configuration file...\n"); $fetchto = substr(strrchr($pkg_info['config_file'], '/'), 1); download_file_with_progress_bar($pkg_info['config_file'], '/usr/local/pkg/' . $fetchto); if(!file_exists('/usr/local/pkg/' . $fetchto)) { pkg_debug("ERROR! Unable to fetch package configuration file. Aborting installation.\n"); if($pkg_interface == "console") print "\nERROR! Unable to fetch package configuration file. Aborting package installation.\n"; else { $static_output .= "failed!\n\nInstallation aborted.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); echo "
Show install log"; } conf_mount_ro(); return -1; } $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } /* add package information to config.xml */ $pkgid = get_pkg_id($pkg_info['name']); $static_output .= "Saving updated package information... "; update_output_window($static_output); if($pkgid == -1) { $config['installedpackages']['package'][] = $pkg_info; $changedesc = "Installed {$pkg_info['name']} package."; $to_output = "done.\n"; } else { $config['installedpackages']['package'][$pkgid] = $pkg_info; $changedesc = "Overwrote previous installation of {$pkg_info['name']}."; $to_output = "overwrite!\n"; } /* XXX: Fix inclusion of config.inc that causes data loss! */ conf_mount_ro(); write_config(); $static_output .= $to_output; update_output_window($static_output); /* install other package components */ if (!install_package_xml($package)) { uninstall_package($package); write_config($changedesc); $static_output .= "Failed to install package.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); return -1; } else { $static_output .= "Writing configuration... "; update_output_window($static_output); write_config($changedesc); $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); $static_output .= "Starting service.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); if($pkg_info['after_install_info']) update_output_window($pkg_info['after_install_info']); } } function get_after_install_info($package) { global $pkg_info; /* fetch package information if needed */ if(!$pkg_info or !is_array($pkg_info[$package])) { $pkg_info = get_pkg_info(array($package)); $pkg_info = $pkg_info[$package]; // We're only dealing with one package, so we can strip away the extra array. } if($pkg_info['after_install_info']) return $pkg_info['after_install_info']; } function eval_once($toeval) { global $evaled; if(!$evaled) $evaled = array(); $evalmd5 = md5($toeval); if(!in_array($evalmd5, $evaled)) { @eval($toeval); $evaled[] = $evalmd5; } return; } function install_package_xml($pkg) { global $g, $config, $static_output, $pkg_interface, $config_parsed; if(($pkgid = get_pkg_id($pkg)) == -1) { $static_output .= "The {$pkg} package is not installed.\n\nInstallation aborted."; update_output_window($static_output); if($pkg_interface <> "console") { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } sleep(1); return false; } else $pkg_info = $config['installedpackages']['package'][$pkgid]; /* pkg_add the package and its dependencies */ if($pkg_info['depends_on_package_base_url'] != "") { if($pkg_interface == "console") echo "\n"; update_status("Installing " . $pkg_info['name'] . " and its dependencies."); $static_output .= "Downloading " . $pkg_info['name'] . " and its dependencies... "; $static_orig = $static_output; $static_output .= "\n"; update_output_window($static_output); foreach((array) $pkg_info['depends_on_package'] as $pkgdep) { $pkg_name = substr(reverse_strrchr($pkgdep, "."), 0, -1); $static_output = $static_orig . "\nChecking for package installation... "; update_output_window($static_output); if (!is_freebsd_pkg_installed($pkg_name)) { if (!pkg_fetch_recursive($pkg_name, $pkgdep, 0, $pkg_info['depends_on_package_base_url'])) { $static_output .= "of {$pkg_name} failed!\n\nInstallation aborted."; update_output_window($static_output); pkg_debug("Package WAS NOT installed properly.\n"); if($pkg_interface <> "console") { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } sleep(1); return false; } } } } $configfile = substr(strrchr($pkg_info['config_file'], '/'), 1); if(file_exists("/usr/local/pkg/" . $configfile)) { $static_output .= "\n\tLoading package configuration... "; update_output_window($static_output); $pkg_config = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/" . $configfile, "packagegui"); $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); $static_output .= "\tConfiguring package components...\n"; if (!empty($pkg_config['filter_rules_needed'])) $config['installedpackages']['package'][$pkgid]['filter_rule_function'] = $pkg_config['filter_rules_needed']; update_output_window($static_output); /* modify system files */ if(is_array($pkg_config['modify_system']) && is_array($pkg_config['modify_system']['item'])) { $static_output .= "\tSystem files... "; update_output_window($static_output); foreach($pkg_config['modify_system']['item'] as $ms) { if($ms['textneeded']) { add_text_to_file($ms['modifyfilename'], $ms['textneeded']); } } $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } /* download additional files */ if(is_array($pkg_config['additional_files_needed'])) { $static_output .= "\tAdditional files... "; $static_orig = $static_output; update_output_window($static_output); foreach($pkg_config['additional_files_needed'] as $afn) { $filename = get_filename_from_url($afn['item'][0]); if($afn['chmod'] <> "") $pkg_chmod = $afn['chmod']; else $pkg_chmod = ""; if($afn['prefix'] <> "") $prefix = $afn['prefix']; else $prefix = "/usr/local/pkg/"; if(!is_dir($prefix)) safe_mkdir($prefix); $static_output .= $filename . " "; update_output_window($static_output); if (download_file_with_progress_bar($afn['item'][0], $prefix . $filename) !== true) { $static_output .= "failed.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); return false; } if(stristr($filename, ".tgz") <> "") { pkg_debug("Extracting tarball to -C for " . $filename . "...\n"); $tarout = ""; exec("/usr/bin/tar xvzf " . $prefix . $filename . " -C / 2>&1", $tarout); pkg_debug(print_r($tarout, true) . "\n"); } if($pkg_chmod <> "") { pkg_debug("Changing file mode to {$pkg_chmod} for {$prefix}{$filename}\n"); @chmod($prefix . $filename, $pkg_chmod); system("/bin/chmod {$pkg_chmod} {$prefix}{$filename}"); } $static_output = $static_orig; update_output_window($static_output); } $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } /* if a require exists, include it. this will * show us where an error exists in a package * instead of making us blindly guess */ $missing_include = false; if($pkg_config['include_file'] <> "") { $static_output .= "\tLoading package instructions...\n"; update_output_window($static_output); pkg_debug("require_once('{$pkg_config['include_file']}')\n"); if (file_exists($pkg_config['include_file'])) require_once($pkg_config['include_file']); else { $missing_include = true; $static_output .= "\tInclude " . basename($pkg_config['include_file']) . " is missing!\n"; update_output_window($static_output); /* XXX: Should undo the steps before this?! */ return false; } } /* sidebar items */ if(is_array($pkg_config['menu'])) { $static_output .= "\tMenu items... "; update_output_window($static_output); foreach($pkg_config['menu'] as $menu) { if(is_array($config['installedpackages']['menu'])) foreach($config['installedpackages']['menu'] as $amenu) if($amenu['name'] == $menu['name']) continue 2; $config['installedpackages']['menu'][] = $menu; } $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } /* integrated tab items */ if(is_array($pkg_config['tabs']['tab'])) { $static_output .= "\tIntegrated Tab items... "; update_output_window($static_output); foreach($pkg_config['tabs']['tab'] as $tab) { if(is_array($config['installedpackages']['tab'])) foreach($config['installedpackages']['tab'] as $atab) if($atab['name'] == $tab['name']) continue 2; $config['installedpackages']['tab'][] = $tab; } $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } /* services */ if(is_array($pkg_config['service'])) { $static_output .= "\tServices... "; update_output_window($static_output); foreach($pkg_config['service'] as $service) { if(is_array($config['installedpackages']['service'])) foreach($config['installedpackages']['service'] as $aservice) if($aservice['name'] == $service['name']) continue 2; $config['installedpackages']['service'][] = $service; } $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } /* custom commands */ $static_output .= "Custom commands...\n"; update_output_window($static_output); if ($missing_include == false) { if($pkg_config['custom_php_global_functions'] <> "") { $static_output .= "\tExecuting custom_php_global_functions()..."; update_output_window($static_output); eval_once($pkg_config['custom_php_global_functions']); $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } if($pkg_config['custom_php_install_command']) { $static_output .= "\tExecuting custom_php_install_command()..."; update_output_window($static_output); eval_once($pkg_config['custom_php_install_command']); $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } if($pkg_config['custom_php_resync_config_command'] <> "") { $static_output .= "\tExecuting custom_php_resync_config_command()..."; update_output_window($static_output); eval_once($pkg_config['custom_php_resync_config_command']); $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } } } else { $static_output .= "\tLoading package configuration... failed!\n\nInstallation aborted."; update_output_window($static_output); pkg_debug("Unable to load package configuration. Installation aborted.\n"); if($pkg_interface <> "console") { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } sleep(1); return false; } /* set up package logging streams */ if($pkg_info['logging']) { mwexec("/usr/sbin/fifolog_create -s 32768 {$g['varlog_path']}/{$pkg_info['logging']['logfilename']}"); @chmod($g['varlog_path'] . '/' . $pkg_info['logging']['logfilename'], 0600); add_text_to_file("/etc/syslog.conf", $pkg_info['logging']['facilityname'] . "\t\t\t\t" . $pkg_info['logging']['logfilename']); pkg_debug("Adding text to file /etc/syslog.conf\n"); system_syslogd_start(); } return true; } function delete_package($pkg) { global $config, $g, $static_output, $vardb; $pkg = substr(reverse_strrchr($pkg, "."), 0, -1); if (file_exists("{$vardb}/{$pkg}/+REQUIRED_BY") && count(file("{$vardb}/{$pkg}/+REQUIRED_BY")) > 0) { $static_output .= "\tSkipping package deletion for {$pkg} because it is required by other packages.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); return; } else { if($pkg) $static_output .= "\tStarting package deletion for {$pkg}..."; update_output_window($static_output); } $info = ""; exec("/usr/sbin/pkg_info -qrx {$pkg}", $info); remove_freebsd_package($pkg); $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); foreach($info as $line) { $depend = trim(str_replace("@pkgdep", "", $line), " \n"); delete_package($depend); } return; } function delete_package_xml($pkg) { global $g, $config, $static_output, $pkg_interface; conf_mount_rw(); $pkgid = get_pkg_id($pkg); if ($pkgid == -1) { $static_output .= "The {$pkg} package is not installed.\n\nDeletion aborted."; update_output_window($static_output); if($pkg_interface <> "console") { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } ob_flush(); sleep(1); conf_mount_ro(); return; } pkg_debug("Removing {$pkg} package... "); $static_output .= "Removing {$pkg} components...\n"; update_output_window($static_output); /* parse package configuration */ $packages = &$config['installedpackages']['package']; $tabs =& $config['installedpackages']['tab']; $menus =& $config['installedpackages']['menu']; $services = &$config['installedpackages']['service']; $pkg_info =& $packages[$pkgid]; if(file_exists("/usr/local/pkg/" . $pkg_info['configurationfile'])) { $pkg_config = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/" . $packages[$pkgid]['configurationfile'], "packagegui"); /* remove tab items */ if(is_array($pkg_config['tabs'])) { $static_output .= "\tTabs items... "; update_output_window($static_output); if(is_array($pkg_config['tabs']['tab']) && is_array($tabs)) { foreach($pkg_config['tabs']['tab'] as $tab) { foreach($tabs as $key => $insttab) { if($insttab['name'] == $tab['name']) { unset($tabs[$key]); break; } } } } $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } /* remove menu items */ if(is_array($pkg_config['menu'])) { $static_output .= "\tMenu items... "; update_output_window($static_output); if (is_array($pkg_config['menu']) && is_array($menus)) { foreach($pkg_config['menu'] as $menu) { foreach($menus as $key => $instmenu) { if($instmenu['name'] == $menu['name']) { unset($menus[$key]); break; } } } } $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } /* remove services */ if(is_array($pkg_config['service'])) { $static_output .= "\tServices... "; update_output_window($static_output); if (is_array($pkg_config['service']) && is_array($services)) { foreach($pkg_config['service'] as $service) { foreach($services as $key => $instservice) { if($instservice['name'] == $service['name']) { stop_service($service['name']); unset($services[$key]); } } } } $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } /* * XXX: Otherwise inclusion of config.inc again invalidates actions taken. * Same is done during installation. */ write_config(); /* * If a require exists, include it. this will * show us where an error exists in a package * instead of making us blindly guess */ $missing_include = false; if($pkg_config['include_file'] <> "") { $static_output .= "\tLoading package instructions...\n"; update_output_window($static_output); pkg_debug("require_once(\"{$pkg_config['include_file']}\")\n"); if (file_exists($pkg_config['include_file'])) require_once($pkg_config['include_file']); else { $missing_include = true; update_output_window($static_output); $static_output .= "\tInclude file " . basename($pkg_config['include_file']) . " could not be found for inclusion.\n"; } } /* ermal * NOTE: It is not possible to handle parse errors on eval. * So we prevent it from being run at all to not interrupt all the other code. */ if ($missing_include == false) { /* evalate this package's global functions and pre deinstall commands */ if($pkg_config['custom_php_global_functions'] <> "") eval_once($pkg_config['custom_php_global_functions']); if($pkg_config['custom_php_pre_deinstall_command'] <> "") eval_once($pkg_config['custom_php_pre_deinstall_command']); } /* system files */ if(is_array($pkg_config['modify_system']) && is_array($pkg_config['modify_system']['item'])) { $static_output .= "\tSystem files... "; update_output_window($static_output); foreach($pkg_config['modify_system']['item'] as $ms) if($ms['textneeded']) remove_text_from_file($ms['modifyfilename'], $ms['textneeded']); $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } /* deinstall commands */ if($pkg_config['custom_php_deinstall_command'] <> "") { $static_output .= "\tDeinstall commands... "; update_output_window($static_output); if ($missing_include == false) { eval_once($pkg_config['custom_php_deinstall_command']); $static_output .= "done.\n"; } else $static_output .= "\n\tNot executing custom deinstall hook because an include is missing.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } if($pkg_config['include_file'] <> "") { $static_output .= "\tRemoving package instructions..."; update_output_window($static_output); pkg_debug("Remove '{$pkg_config['include_file']}'\n"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/" . $pkg_config['include_file']); $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } /* remove all additional files */ if(is_array($pkg_config['additional_files_needed'])) { $static_output .= "\tAuxiliary files... "; update_output_window($static_output); foreach($pkg_config['additional_files_needed'] as $afn) { $filename = get_filename_from_url($afn['item'][0]); if($afn['prefix'] <> "") $prefix = $afn['prefix']; else $prefix = "/usr/local/pkg/"; unlink_if_exists($prefix . $filename); } $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } /* package XML file */ $static_output .= "\tPackage XML... "; update_output_window($static_output); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/" . $packages[$pkgid]['configurationfile']); $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } /* syslog */ if(is_array($pkg_info['logging']) && $pkg_info['logging']['logfile_name'] <> "") { $static_output .= "\tSyslog entries... "; update_output_window($static_output); remove_text_from_file("/etc/syslog.conf", $pkg_info['logging']['facilityname'] . "\t\t\t\t" . $pkg_info['logging']['logfilename']); system_syslogd_start(); @unlink("{$g['varlog_path']}/{$pkg_info['logging']['logfilename']}"); $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); } conf_mount_ro(); /* remove config.xml entries */ $static_output .= "\tConfiguration... "; update_output_window($static_output); unset($config['installedpackages']['package'][$pkgid]); $static_output .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_output); write_config("Removed {$pkg} package.\n"); } function expand_to_bytes($size) { $conv = array( "G" => "3", "M" => "2", "K" => "1", "B" => "0" ); $suffix = substr($size, -1); if(!in_array($suffix, array_keys($conv))) return $size; $size = substr($size, 0, -1); for($i = 0; $i < $conv[$suffix]; $i++) { $size *= 1024; } return $size; } function get_pkg_db() { global $g; return return_dir_as_array($g['vardb_path'] . '/pkg'); } function walk_depend($depend, $pkgdb = "", $alreadyseen = "") { if(!$pkgdb) $pkgdb = get_pkg_db(); if(!is_array($alreadyseen)) $alreadyseen = array(); if (!is_array($depend)) $depend = array(); foreach($depend as $adepend) { $pkgname = reverse_strrchr($adepend['name'], '.'); if(in_array($pkgname, $alreadyseen)) { continue; } elseif(!in_array($pkgname, $pkgdb)) { $size += expand_to_bytes($adepend['size']); $alreadyseen[] = $pkgname; if(is_array($adepend['depend'])) $size += walk_depend($adepend['depend'], $pkgdb, $alreadyseen); } } return $size; } function get_package_install_size($pkg = 'all', $pkg_info = "") { global $config, $g; if((!is_array($pkg)) and ($pkg != 'all')) $pkg = array($pkg); $pkgdb = get_pkg_db(); if(!$pkg_info) $pkg_info = get_pkg_sizes($pkg); foreach($pkg as $apkg) { if(!$pkg_info[$apkg]) continue; $toreturn[$apkg] = expand_to_bytes(walk_depend(array($pkg_info[$apkg]), $pkgdb)); } return $toreturn; } function squash_from_bytes($size, $round = "") { $conv = array(1 => "B", "K", "M", "G"); foreach($conv as $div => $suffix) { $sizeorig = $size; if(($size /= 1024) < 1) { if($round) { $sizeorig = round($sizeorig, $round); } return $sizeorig . $suffix; } } return; } ?>