&1 ", "r"); if(!$fd) { log_error("Warning, could not execute command {$command}"); return 0; } while(!feof($fd)) { $tmp .= fread($fd,49); } fclose($fd); if($tmp == "") return false; else return true; } /* * find_number_of_created_carp_interfaces() returns the number of currently created carp interfaces */ function find_number_of_created_carp_interfaces() { $command = "/sbin/ifconfig | /usr/bin/grep \"carp*:\" | /usr/bin/wc -l"; $fd = popen($command . " 2>&1 ", "r"); if(!$fd) { log_error("Warning, could not execute command {$command}"); return 0; } while(!feof($fd)) { $tmp .= fread($fd,49); } fclose($fd); $tmp = intval($tmp); return $tmp; } /* * link_ip_to_carp_interface($ip): finds where a carp interface links to. */ function link_ip_to_carp_interface($ip) { global $config; if($ip == "") return; $i = 0; $ifdescrs = array('wan', 'lan'); for ($j = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $j]); $j++) { $ifdescrs['opt' . $j] = "opt" . $j; } $ft = split("\.", $ip); $ft_ip = $ft[0] . "." . $ft[1] . "." . $ft[2] . "."; $carp_ints = ""; $num_carp_ints = find_number_of_created_carp_interfaces(); foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) { for($x=0; $x<$num_carp_ints; $x++) { $carp_int = "carp{$x}"; $carp_ip = find_interface_ip($carp_int); $carp_ft = split("\.", $carp_ip); $carp_ft_ip = $carp_ft[0] . "." . $carp_ft[1] . "." . $carp_ft[2] . "."; $result = does_interface_exist($carp_int); if($result <> true) break; $interface = filter_opt_interface_to_real($ifname); if($ft_ip == $carp_ft_ip) if(stristr($carp_ints,$carp_int) == false) $carp_ints .= " " . $carp_int; } } return $carp_ints; } /* * exec_command($command): execute command return string of result */ function exec_command($command) { $counter = 0; $tmp = ""; $fd = popen($command . " 2>&1 ", "r"); while(!feof($fd)) { $tmp .= fread($fd,49); } fclose($fd); return $tmp; } /* * does_interface_exist($interface): return true or false if a interface is detected. */ function does_interface_exist($interface) { $ints = exec_command("/sbin/ifconfig -l"); if(stristr($ints, $interface) !== false) return true; else return false; } /* * convert_ip_to_network_format($ip, $subnet): converts an ip address to network form */ function convert_ip_to_network_format($ip, $subnet) { $ipsplit = split('[.]', $ip); $string = $ipsplit[0] . "." . $ipsplit[1] . "." . $ipsplit[2] . ".0/" . $subnet; return $string; } /* * find_interface_ip($interface): return the interface ip (first found) */ function find_interface_ip($interface) { if(does_interface_exist($interface) == false) return; $ip = exec_command("/sbin/ifconfig {$interface} | /usr/bin/grep -w \"inet\" | /usr/bin/cut -d\" \" -f 2"); $ip = str_replace("\n","",$ip); return $ip; } function filter_opt_interface_to_real($opt) { global $config; return $config['interfaces'][$opt]['if']; } function filter_get_opt_interface_descr($opt) { global $config; return $config['interfaces'][$opt]['descr']; } function get_friendly_interface_list_as_array() { global $config; $ints = array(); $i = 0; $ifdescrs = array('wan', 'lan'); for ($j = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $j]); $j++) { $ifdescrs['opt' . $j] = "opt" . $j; } $ifdescrs = get_interface_list(); foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) { array_push($ints,$ifdescr); } return $ints; } /* * find_ip_interface($ip): return the interface where an ip is defined */ function find_ip_interface($ip) { global $config; $i = 0; $ifdescrs = array('wan', 'lan'); for ($j = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $j]); $j++) { $ifdescrs['opt' . $j] = "opt" . $j; } foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) { $int = filter_translate_type_to_real_interface($ifname); $ifconfig = exec_command("/sbin/ifconfig {$int}"); if(stristr($ifconfig,$ip) <> false) return $int; } return false; } /* * filter_translate_type_to_real_interface($interface): returns the real interface name * for a friendly interface. ie: wan */ function filter_translate_type_to_real_interface($interface) { global $config; return $config['interfaces'][$interface]['if']; } /* * get_carp_interface_status($carpinterface): returns the status of a carp ip */ function get_carp_interface_status($carpinterface) { $result = does_interface_exist($carpinterface); if($result <> true) return false; $status = exec_command("/sbin/ifconfig {$carpinterface} | /usr/bin/grep \"carp:\" | /usr/bin/cut -d\" \" -f2"); return $status; } /* * get_pfsync_interface_status($pfsyncinterface): returns the status of a pfsync */ function get_pfsync_interface_status($pfsyncinterface) { $result = does_interface_exist($pfsyncinterface); if($result <> true) return; $status = exec_command("/sbin/ifconfig {$pfsyncinterface} | /usr/bin/grep \"pfsync:\" | /usr/bin/cut -d\" \" -f5"); return $status; } /* * find_carp_interface($ip): return the carp interface where an ip is defined */ function find_carp_interface($ip) { $num_carp_ints = find_number_of_created_carp_interfaces(); for($x=0; $x<$num_carp_ints; $x++) { $result = does_interface_exist("carp{$x}"); if($result <> true) return; $ifconfig = exec_command("/sbin/ifconfig carp{$x}"); if(stristr($ifconfig,$ip)) return "carp" . $x; } } /* * add_rule_to_anchor($anchor, $rule): adds the specified rule to an anchor */ function add_rule_to_anchor($anchor, $rule, $label) { mwexec("echo " . $rule . " | /sbin/pfctl -a " . $anchor . ":" . $label . " -f -"); } /* * remove_text_from_file * remove $text from file $file */ function remove_text_from_file($file, $text) { global $fd_log; fwrite($fd_log, "Adding needed text items:\n"); $filecontents = exec_command_and_return_text("cat " . $file); $textTMP = str_replace($text, "", $filecontents); $text .= $textTMP; fwrite($fd_log, $text . "\n"); $fd = fopen($file, "w"); fwrite($fd, $text); fclose($fd); } /* * lookup pkg array id# */ function get_pkg_id($pkg_name) { global $config; global $pkg_config; $i=0; foreach ($config['installedpackages']['package'] as $pkg) { if($pkg['name'] == $pkg_name) return $i; $i++; } return -1; } /* * get_latest_package_version($pkgname): get current version of a package. * returns latest package version */ function get_latest_package_version($pkg_name) { global $g; fetch_latest_pkg_config(); $pkg_config = parse_xml_config_pkg("{$g['tmp_path']}/pkg_config.xml", "pfsensepkgs"); foreach($pkg_config['packages']['package'] as $pkg) { if($pkg['name'] == $pkg_name) { return $pkg['version']; } } return; } /* * Lookup pkg_id in pkg_config.xml */ function get_available_pkg_id($pkg_name) { fetch_latest_pkg_config(); $pkg_config = parse_xml_config_pkg("{$g['tmp_path']}/pkg_config.xml", "pfsensepkgs"); $id = 0; foreach($pkg_config as $pkg) { if($pkg_config['name'] == $pkg_name) { return $id; } $id++; } return; } /* * fetch_latest_pkg_config: download the latest pkg_config.xml to /tmp/ directory */ function fetch_latest_pkg_config() { global $g; if(!file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/pkg_config.xml")) { mwexec("/usr/bin/fetch -o {$g['tmp_path']}/pkg_config.xml {$g['pkg_config_location']}"); if(!file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/pkg_config.xml")) { print_info_box_np("Could not download pkg_config.xml from pfSense.com. Check your DNS settings."); die; } } return; } /* * add_text_to_file($file, $text): adds $text to $file. * replaces the text if it already exists. */ function add_text_to_file($file, $text) { global $fd_log; fwrite($fd_log, "Adding needed text items:\n"); $filecontents = exec_command_and_return_text("cat " . $file); $filecontents = str_replace($text, "", $filecontents); $text = $filecontents . $text; fwrite($fd_log, $text . "\n"); $fd = fopen($file, "w"); fwrite($fd, $text . "\n"); fclose($fd); } /* * get_filename_from_url($url): converts a url to its filename. */ function get_filename_from_url($url) { $filenamesplit = split("/", $url); foreach($filenamesplit as $fn) $filename = $fn; return $filename; } /* * update_output_window: update bottom textarea dynamically. */ function update_output_window($text) { $log = ereg_replace("\n", "\\n", $text); echo "\n"; } /* * get_dir: return an array of $dir */ function get_dir($dir) { $dir_array = array(); $d = dir($dir); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { array_push($dir_array, $entry); } $d->close(); return $dir_array; } /* * update_output_window: update top textarea dynamically. */ function update_status($status) { echo "\n"; } /* * exec_command_and_return_text_array: execute command and return output */ function exec_command_and_return_text_array($command) { $counter = 0; $fd = popen($command . " 2>&1 ", "r"); while(!feof($fd)) { $tmp .= fread($fd,49); } fclose($fd); $temp_array = split("\n", $tmp); return $tmp_array; } /* * exec_command_and_return_text: execute command and return output */ function exec_command_and_return_text($command) { return exec_command($command); } /* * exec_command_and_return_text: execute command and update output window dynamically */ function execute_command_return_output($command) { global $fd_log; $fd = popen($command . " 2>&1 ", "r"); echo "\n"; $counter = 0; $counter2 = 0; while(!feof($fd)) { $tmp = fread($fd, 50); $tmp1 = ereg_replace("\n","\\n", $tmp); $text = ereg_replace("\"","'", $tmp1); if($lasttext == "..") { $text = ""; $lasttext = ""; $counter=$counter-2; } else { $lasttext .= $text; } if($counter > 51) { $counter = 0; $extrabreak = "\\n"; } else { $extrabreak = ""; $counter++; } if($counter2 > 600) { echo "\n"; $counter2 = 0; } else $counter2++; echo "\n"; } fclose($fd); } /* * convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($interface): convert WAN to FXP0 */ function convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($interface) { global $config; $lc_interface = strtolower($interface); if($config['interfaces'][$interface]['if'] <> "") return $config['interfaces'][$interface]['if']; $i = 0; $ifdescrs = array(); for ($j = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $j]); $j++) { $ifdescrs['opt' . $j] = "opt" . $j; } foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) { if($config['interfaces'][$ifname]['descr'] == $interface) return $config['interfaces'][$ifname]['if']; } return $interface; } /* * convert_real_interface_to_friendly_interface_name($interface): convert fxp0 -> wan, etc. */ function convert_real_interface_to_friendly_interface_name($interface) { global $config; $i = 0; $ifdescrs = array('wan', 'lan'); for ($j = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $j]); $j++) { $ifdescrs['opt' . $j] = "opt" . $j; } foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) { $int = filter_translate_type_to_real_interface($ifname); if($ifname == $interface) return $ifname; } return $interface; } /* * update_progress_bar($percent): updates the javascript driven progress bar. */ function update_progress_bar($percent) { if($percent > 100) $percent = 1; echo "\n"; } /* * resync_all_package_configs_bootup() Force packages to setup their configuration and rc.d files at bootup. * This function also prints output to the terminal indicating progress. */ function resync_all_package_configs_bootup($show_message) { global $config; log_error("Resyncing configuration for all packages."); if(!$config['installedpackages']['package']) return; if($show_message == true) print "Syncing packages:"; foreach($config['installedpackages']['package'] as $package) { if(!file_exists("/usr/local/pkg/" . $package['configurationfile'])) { if($show_message == true) print "\n\nFetching " . $package['configurationfile'] . ".\n"; log_error("Fetching missing configuration XML for " . $package['name']); system("/usr/bin/fetch -o /usr/local/pkg/" . $package['configurationfile'] . " http://www.pfsense.com/packages/config/" . $package['configurationfile']); print "\n\n"; } $pkg_config = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/" . $package['configurationfile'], "packagegui"); if(isset($pkg_config['nosync'])) continue; if($show_message == true) print " " . $package['name']; if($pkg_config['custom_php_command_before_form'] <> "") eval($pkg_config['custom_php_command_before_form']); if($pkg_config['custom_php_resync_config_command'] <> "") eval($pkg_config['custom_php_resync_config_command']); $depends = get_pkg_depends($package['name'], ".xml", "files", 0); // Call dependency handler and do a little more error checking. if(is_array($depends)) foreach($depends as $item) { $item_config = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/" . $item, "packagegui"); if (isset($item_config['nosync'])) continue; if($item_config['custom_php_command_before_form'] <> "") eval($item_config['custom_php_command_before_form']); if($item_config['custom_php_resync_config_command'] <> "") eval($item_config['custom_php_resync_config_command']); if($show_message == true) print " " . $item_config['name']; } } print ".\n"; } /* * sweep_package_processes(): Periodically kill a package's unnecessary processes * that may still be running (a server that does not automatically timeout, for example) */ function sweep_package_processes() { global $config; if(!$config['installedpackages']['package']) return; foreach($config['installedpackages']['package'] as $package) { $pkg_config = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/" . $package['configurationfile'], "packagegui"); if($pkg_config['swept_processes'] <> "") { mwexec("/usr/bin/killall " . $pkg_config['swept_processes']); log_error("Killed " . $package['name'] . "'s unnecessary processes."); } } } /* * gather_altq_queue_stats(): gather alq queue stats and return an array that * is queuename|qlength|measured_packets * NOTE: this command takes 5 seconds to run */ function gather_altq_queue_stats($dont_return_root_queues) { mwexec("/usr/bin/killall -9 pfctl"); $stats = `/sbin/pfctl -vvsq & /bin/sleep 5;/usr/bin/killall pfctl 2>/dev/null`; $stats_array = split("\n", $stats); $queue_stats = array(); foreach ($stats_array as $stats_line) { if (preg_match_all("/queue\s+(\w+)\s+/",$stats_line,$match_array)) $queue_name = $match_array[1][0]; if (preg_match_all("/measured:\s+.*packets\/s\,\s(.*)\s+\]/",$stats_line,$match_array)) $speed = $match_array[1][0]; if (preg_match_all("/borrows:\s+(.*)/",$stats_line,$match_array)) $borrows = $match_array[1][0]; if (preg_match_all("/suspends:\s+(.*)/",$stats_line,$match_array)) $suspends = $match_array[1][0]; if (preg_match_all("/dropped pkts:\s+(.*)/",$stats_line,$match_array)) $drops = $match_array[1][0]; if (preg_match_all("/measured:\s+(.*)packets/",$stats_line,$match_array)) { $measured = $match_array[1][0]; if($dont_return_root_queues == true) if(stristr($queue_name,"root_") == false) array_push($queue_stats, "{$queue_name}|{$speed}|{$measured}|{$borrows}|{$suspends}|{$drops}"); } } return $queue_stats; } /* * reverse_strrchr($haystack, $needle): Return everything in $haystack up to the *last* instance of $needle. * Useful for finding paths and stripping file extensions. */ function reverse_strrchr($haystack, $needle) { $pos = strrpos($haystack, $needle); if($post === false) { return $haystack; } return substr($haystack, 0, $post + 1); } /* * get_pkg_depends($pkg_name, $filetype = ".xml", $format = "files", return_nosync = 1): Return a package's XML dependencies. * * $filetype = "all" || ".xml", ".tgz", etc. * $format = "files" (full filenames) || "names" (stripped / parsed depend names) * $return_nosync = 1 (return depends that have nosync set) | 0 (ignore packages with nosync) * */ function get_pkg_depends($pkg_name, $filetype = ".xml", $format = "files", $return_nosync = 1) { global $config; foreach($config['installedpackages']['package'] as $package) { if ($package['name'] == $pkg_name) { $package_xml = $package; if(!file_exists("/usr/local/pkg/" . $package['configurationfile'])) { // If the package's config file doesn't exist, log an error and fetch it. log_error("Fetching missing configuration XML for " . $pkg_name); mwexec("/usr/bin/fetch -o /usr/local/pkg/" . $package['configurationfile'] . " http://www.pfsense.com/packages/config/" . $package['configurationf ile']); } break; } } $pkg_xml = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/" . $package_xml['configurationfile'], "packagegui"); if($pkg_xml['additional_files_needed'] != "") { foreach($pkg_xml['additional_files_needed'] as $item) { if (($return_nosync == 0) && (isset($item['nosync']))) continue; // Do not return depends with nosync set if not required. $depend_file = substr(strrchr($item['item']['0'], '/'),1); // Strip URLs down to filenames. $depend_name = substr(substr($depend_file,0,strpos($depend_file,".")+1),0,-1); // Strip filename down to dependency name. if (($filetype != "all") && (!preg_match("/${filetype}/i", $depend_file))) continue; if ($item['prefix'] != "") { $prefix = $item['prefix']; } else { $prefix = "/usr/local/pkg/"; } if(!file_exists($prefix . $pkg_name)) { log_error("Fetching missing dependency (" . $depend_name . ") for " . $pkg_name); mwexec("/usr/local/bin/fetch -o " . $prefix . $depend_file . " " . $item['name']['0']); if($item['chmod'] != "") mwexec("/bin/chmod " . $item['chmod'] . $prefix . $depend_file); // Handle chmods. } switch ($format) { case "files": $depends[] = $depend_file; break; case "names": switch ($filetype) { case "all": if(preg_match("/\.xml/i", $depend_file)) { $depend_xml = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/" . $depend_file, "packagegui"); $depends[] = $depend_xml['name']; break; } else { $depends[] = $depend_name; // If this dependency isn't package XML, use the stripped filename. break; } case ".xml": $depend_xml = parse_xml_config_pkg("/usr/local/pkg/" . $depend_file, "packagegui"); $depends[] = $depend_xml['name']; break; default: $depends[] = $depend_name; // If we aren't looking for XML, use the stripped filename (it's all we have). break; } } } return $depends; } } /* * is_service_running($service_name): checks to see if a service is running. * if the service is running returns 1. */ function is_service_running($service_name) { $status = `/bin/ps ax | grep {$service_name} | grep -v grep`; $status_split = split("\n", $service_name); $counter = 0; foreach ($status_split as $ss) $counter++; if($counter > 0) return 1; return 0; } /* * backup_config_section($section): returns as an xml file string of * the configuration section */ function backup_config_section($section) { global $config; $new_section = &$config['section']; /* generate configuration XML */ $xmlconfig = dump_xml_config($new_section, $section); return $new_section; } /* * restore_config_section($section, new_contents): restore a configuration section, * and write the configuration out * to disk/cf. */ function restore_config_section($section, $new_contents) { global $config; conf_mount_rw(); config_lock(); $fout = fopen("{$g['tmp_path']}/tmpxml","w"); fwrite($fout, $current_rules_section); fclose($fout); $section_xml = parse_xml_config_pkg($g['tmp_path'] . "/tmpxml", "packagegui"); $config[$section] = &$section_xml; unlink($g['tmp_path'] . "/tmpxml"); write_config(); conf_mount_ro(); config_unlock(); return; } ?>