$id, 'notice' => $notice, 'url' => $url, 'category' => $category, 'priority' => $priority, ); $queue[$queuekey] = $toqueue; $queueout = fopen($notice_path, "w"); if(!$queueout) { log_error("Could not open {$notice_path} for writing"); return; } fwrite($queueout, serialize($queue)); fclose($queueout); log_error("New alert found: {$notice}"); /* soekris */ if(file_exists("/dev/led/error")) exec("/bin/echo 1 > /dev/led/error"); /* wrap & alix */ led_normalize(); led_morse(1, 'sos'); notify_via_growl($notice); notify_via_smtp($notice); return $queuekey; } function get_notices($category = "all") { if(file_exists('/tmp/notices')) { $queue = unserialize(file_get_contents('/tmp/notices')); if(!$queue) return false; if($category != 'all') { foreach($queue as $time => $notice) { if(strtolower($notice['category']) == strtolower($category)) $toreturn[$time] = $notice; } return $toreturn; } else { return $queue; } } else { return false; } } function close_notice($id) { global $notice_path; require_once("util.inc"); /* soekris */ if(file_exists("/dev/led/error")) exec("/bin/echo 0 > /dev/led/error"); /* wrap & alix */ led_normalize(); $ids = array(); if(!$notices = get_notices()) return; if($id == "all") { unlink_if_exists($notice_path); return; } foreach(array_keys($notices) as $time) { if($id == $time) { unset($notices[$id]); break; } } foreach($notices as $key => $notice) { $ids[$key] = $notice['id']; } foreach($ids as $time => $tocheck) { if($id == $tocheck) { unset($notices[$time]); break; } } if(count($notices) != 0) { $queueout = fopen($notice_path, "w"); fwrite($queueout, serialize($notices)); fclose($queueout); } else { unlink_if_exists($notice_path); } return; } function dump_xml_notices() { require_once("xmlparse.inc"); global $notice_path, $listtags; $listtags[] = 'notice'; if(!$notices = get_notices()) return; foreach($notices as $time => $notice) { $notice['time'] = $time; $toput['notice'][] = $notice; } $xml = dump_xml_config($toput, 'notices'); return $xml; } function print_notices($notices, $category = "all") { foreach($notices as $notice) { if($category != "all") { if(in_array($notice['category'], $category)) $categories[] = $notice['category']; } else { $categories[] = $notice['category']; } } $categories = array_unique($categories); sort($categories); foreach($categories as $category) { $toreturn .= ""; } return $toreturn; } function print_notice_box($category = "all") { $notices = get_notices(); if(!$notices) return; print_info_box_np(print_notices($notices, $category)); return; } function are_notices_pending($category = "all") { global $notice_path; if(file_exists($notice_path)) { return true; } return false; } /****f* pfsense-utils/notify_via_smtp * NAME * notify_via_smtp * INPUTS * notification string to send as an email * RESULT * returns true if message was sent ******/ function notify_via_smtp($message) { global $config; if(!$config['notifications']['smtp']['ipaddress']) return; if(!$config['notifications']['smtp']['notifyemailaddress']) return; require_once("smtp.inc"); $smtp = new smtp_class; $from = "pfsense@{$config['system']['hostname']}.{$config['system']['domain']}"; $to = $config['notifications']['smtp']['notifyemailaddress']; $smtp->host_name = $config['notifications']['smtp']['ipaddress']; $smtp->host_port = 25; $smtp->direct_delivery = 1; $smtp->ssl = 0; $smtp->debug = 1; $smtp->html_debug = 0; $headers = array( "From: {$from}", "To: {$to}", "Subject: {$config['system']['hostname']}.{$config['system']['domain']} - Notification", "Date: ".strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") ); if($smtp->SendMessage($from, array($to), $headers, $message)) echo "Message sent to {$to} OK.\n"; else echo "Cound not send the message to {$to}.\nError: {$smtp->error}\n"; } /****f* pfsense-utils/notify_via_growl * NAME * notify_via_growl * INPUTS * notification string to send * RESULT * returns true if message was sent ******/ function notify_via_growl($message) { require_once("growl.class"); global $config; $growl_ip = $config['notifications']['growl']['ipaddress']; $growl_password = $config['notifications']['growl']['password']; if($growl_ip) { $growl = new Growl($growl_ip, $growl_password); $growl->notify("pfSense growl alert", "pfSense", "{$message}"); } } /****f* pfsense-utils/register_via_growl * NAME * register_via_growl * INPUTS * none * RESULT * none ******/ function register_via_growl() { require_once("growl.class"); global $config; $growl_ip = $config['notifications']['growl']['ipaddress']; $growl_password = $config['notifications']['growl']['password']; if($growl_ip) { $growl = new Growl($growl_ip, $growl_password); $growl->register(); } } ?>