"Daemon", "mgr" => "SA Manager", "ike" => "IKE SA", "chd" => "IKE Child SA", "job" => "Job Processing", "cfg" => "Configuration backend", "knl" => "Kernel Interface", "net" => "Networking", "asn" => "ASN encoding", "enc" => "Message encoding", "imc" => "Integrity checker", "imv" => "Integrity Verifier", "pts" => "Platform Trust Service", "tls" => "TLS handler", "app" => "Not daemon", "esp" => "IPSec traffic", "lib" => "StrongSWAN Lib"); $my_identifier_list = array( 'myaddress' => array( 'desc' => gettext('My IP address'), 'mobile' => true ), 'address' => array( 'desc' => gettext('IP address'), 'mobile' => true ), 'fqdn' => array( 'desc' => gettext('Distinguished name'), 'mobile' => true ), 'user_fqdn' => array( 'desc' => gettext('User distinguished name'), 'mobile' => true ), 'asn1dn' => array( 'desc' => gettext('ASN.1 distinguished Name'), 'mobile' => true ), 'keyid tag' => array( 'desc' => gettext('KeyID tag'), 'mobile' => true ), 'dyn_dns' => array( 'desc' => gettext('Dynamic DNS'), 'mobile' => true )); $peer_identifier_list = array( 'peeraddress' => array( 'desc' => gettext('Peer IP address'), 'mobile' => false ), 'address' => array( 'desc' => gettext('IP address'), 'mobile' => false ), 'fqdn' => array( 'desc' => gettext('Distinguished name'), 'mobile' => true ), 'user_fqdn' => array( 'desc' => gettext('User distinguished name'), 'mobile' => true ), 'asn1dn' => array( 'desc' => gettext('ASN.1 distinguished Name'), 'mobile' => true ), 'keyid tag' => array( 'desc' =>gettext('KeyID tag'), 'mobile' => true )); $p1_ealgos = array( 'aes' => array( 'name' => 'AES', 'keysel' => array( 'lo' => 128, 'hi' => 256, 'step' => 64 ) ), 'aes128gcm' => array( 'name' => 'AES128-GCM', 'keysel' => array( 'lo' => 64, 'hi' => 128, 'step' => 32 ) ), 'aes192gcm' => array( 'name' => 'AES192-GCM', 'keysel' => array( 'lo' => 64, 'hi' => 128, 'step' => 32 ) ), 'aes256gcm' => array( 'name' => 'AES256-GCM', 'keysel' => array( 'lo' => 64, 'hi' => 128, 'step' => 32 ) ), 'blowfish' => array( 'name' => 'Blowfish', 'keysel' => array( 'lo' => 128, 'hi' => 256, 'step' => 64 ) ), '3des' => array( 'name' => '3DES' ), 'cast128' => array( 'name' => 'CAST128' ), 'des' => array( 'name' => 'DES' )); $p2_ealgos = array( 'aes' => array( 'name' => 'AES', 'keysel' => array( 'lo' => 128, 'hi' => 256, 'step' => 64 ) ), 'aes128gcm' => array( 'name' => 'AES128-GCM', 'keysel' => array( 'lo' => 64, 'hi' => 128, 'step' => 32 ) ), 'aes192gcm' => array( 'name' => 'AES192-GCM', 'keysel' => array( 'lo' => 64, 'hi' => 128, 'step' => 32 ) ), 'aes256gcm' => array( 'name' => 'AES256-GCM', 'keysel' => array( 'lo' => 64, 'hi' => 128, 'step' => 32 ) ), 'blowfish' => array( 'name' => 'Blowfish', 'keysel' => array( 'lo' => 128, 'hi' => 256, 'step' => 64 ) ), '3des' => array( 'name' => '3DES' ), 'cast128' => array( 'name' => 'CAST128' ), 'des' => array( 'name' => 'DES' )); $p1_halgos = array( 'md5' => 'MD5', 'sha1' => 'SHA1', 'sha256' => 'SHA256', 'sha384' => 'SHA384', 'sha512' => 'SHA512', 'aesxcbc' => 'AES-XCBC' ); $p1_dhgroups = array( 1 => '1 (768 bit)', 2 => '2 (1024 bit)', 5 => '5 (1536 bit)', 14 => '14 (2048 bit)', 15 => '15 (3072 bit)', 16 => '16 (4096 bit)', 17 => '17 (6144 bit)', 18 => '18 (8192 bit)', 22 => '22 (1024(sub 160) bit)', 23 => '23 (2048(sub 224) bit)', 24 => '24 (2048(sub 256) bit)' ); $p2_halgos = array( 'hmac_md5' => 'MD5', 'hmac_sha1' => 'SHA1', 'hmac_sha256' => 'SHA256', 'hmac_sha384' => 'SHA384', 'hmac_sha512' => 'SHA512', 'aesxcbc' => 'AES-XCBC' ); $p1_authentication_methods = array( 'hybrid_rsa_server' => array( 'name' => 'Hybrid RSA + Xauth', 'mobile' => true ), 'xauth_rsa_server' => array( 'name' => 'Mutual RSA + Xauth', 'mobile' => true ), 'xauth_psk_server' => array( 'name' => 'Mutual PSK + Xauth', 'mobile' => true ), 'rsasig' => array( 'name' => 'Mutual RSA', 'mobile' => false ), 'pre_shared_key' => array( 'name' => 'Mutual PSK', 'mobile' => false ) ); $p2_modes = array( 'tunnel' => 'Tunnel IPv4', 'tunnel6' => 'Tunnel IPv6', 'transport' => 'Transport'); $p2_protos = array( 'esp' => 'ESP', 'ah' => 'AH'); $p2_pfskeygroups = array( 0 => 'off', 1 => '1 (768 bit)', 2 => '2 (1024 bit)', 5 => '5 (1536 bit)', 14 => '14 (2048 bit)', 15 => '15 (3072 bit)', 16 => '16 (4096 bit)', 17 => '17 (6144 bit)', 18 => '18 (8192 bit)' ); /* * ikeid management functions */ function ipsec_ikeid_used($ikeid) { global $config; foreach ($config['ipsec']['phase1'] as $ph1ent) if( $ikeid == $ph1ent['ikeid'] ) return true; return false; } function ipsec_ikeid_next() { $ikeid = 1; while(ipsec_ikeid_used($ikeid)) $ikeid++; return $ikeid; } /* * Return phase1 local address */ function ipsec_get_phase1_src(& $ph1ent) { if ($ph1ent['interface']) { if (!is_ipaddr($ph1ent['interface'])) { if ($ph1ent['protocol'] == "inet6") { $if = get_failover_interface($ph1ent['interface'], "inet6"); $interfaceip = get_interface_ipv6($if); } else { $if = get_failover_interface($ph1ent['interface']); $interfaceip = get_interface_ip($if); } } else { $interfaceip=$ph1ent['interface']; } } else { $if = "wan"; if ($ph1ent['protocol'] == "inet6") $interfaceip = get_interface_ipv6($if); else $interfaceip = get_interface_ip($if); } return $interfaceip; } /* * Return phase1 local address */ function ipsec_get_phase1_dst(& $ph1ent) { global $g; if (empty($ph1ent['remote-gateway'])) return false; $rg = $ph1ent['remote-gateway']; if (!is_ipaddr($rg)) { if(! $g['booting']) return resolve_retry($rg); } if(!is_ipaddr($rg)) return false; return $rg; } /* * Return phase2 idinfo in cidr format */ function ipsec_idinfo_to_cidr(& $idinfo, $addrbits = false, $mode = "") { global $config; switch ($idinfo['type']) { case "address": if ($addrbits) { if ($mode == "tunnel6") return $idinfo['address']."/128"; else return $idinfo['address']."/32"; } else return $idinfo['address']; break; /* NOTREACHED */ case "network": return "{$idinfo['address']}/{$idinfo['netbits']}"; break; /* NOTREACHED */ case "none": case "mobile": return ""; break; /* NOTREACHED */ default: if (empty($mode) && !empty($idinfo['mode'])) $mode = $idinfo['mode']; if ($mode == "tunnel6") { $address = get_interface_ipv6($idinfo['type']); $netbits = get_interface_subnetv6($idinfo['type']); $address = gen_subnetv6($address,$netbits); return "{$address}/{$netbits}"; } else { $address = get_interface_ip($idinfo['type']); $netbits = get_interface_subnet($idinfo['type']); $address = gen_subnet($address,$netbits); return "{$address}/{$netbits}"; } break; /* NOTREACHED */ } } /* * Return phase2 idinfo in address/netmask format */ function ipsec_idinfo_to_subnet(& $idinfo,$addrbits = false) { global $config; switch ($idinfo['type']) { case "address": if ($addrbits) { if ($idinfo['mode'] == "tunnel6") return $idinfo['address']."/128"; else return $idinfo['address']."/"; } else return $idinfo['address']; break; /* NOTREACHED */ case "none": case "network": return $idinfo['address']."/".gen_subnet_mask($idinfo['netbits']); break; /* NOTREACHED */ case "mobile": return ""; break; /* NOTREACHED */ default: if ($idinfo['mode'] == "tunnel6") { $address = get_interface_ipv6($idinfo['type']); $netbits = get_interface_subnetv6($idinfo['type']); $address = gen_subnetv6($address,$netbits); return $address."/".$netbits; } else { $address = get_interface_ip($idinfo['type']); $netbits = get_interface_subnet($idinfo['type']); $address = gen_subnet($address,$netbits); return $address."/".$netbits; } break; /* NOTREACHED */ } } /* * Return phase2 idinfo in text format */ function ipsec_idinfo_to_text(& $idinfo) { global $config; switch ($idinfo['type']) { case "address": return $idinfo['address']; break; /* NOTREACHED */ case "network": return $idinfo['address']."/".$idinfo['netbits']; break; /* NOTREACHED */ case "mobile": return gettext("Mobile Client"); break; /* NOTREACHED */ case "none": return gettext("None"); break; /* NOTREACHED */ default: if (!empty($config['interfaces'][$idinfo['type']])) return convert_friendly_interface_to_friendly_descr($idinfo['type']); else return strtoupper($idinfo['type']); break; /* NOTREACHED */ } } /* * Return phase1 association for phase2 */ function ipsec_lookup_phase1(& $ph2ent,& $ph1ent) { global $config; if (!is_array($config['ipsec'])) return; if (!is_array($config['ipsec']['phase1'])) return; if (empty($config['ipsec']['phase1'])) return; foreach ($config['ipsec']['phase1'] as $ph1tmp) { if ($ph1tmp['ikeid'] == $ph2ent['ikeid']) { $ph1ent = $ph1tmp; return $ph1ent; } } return false; } /* * Check phase1 communications status */ function ipsec_phase1_status(& $ph1ent) { $loc_ip = get_ipsec_tunnel_src($ph1ent); $rmt_ip = $ph1ent['remote-gateway']; if (ipsec_lookup_ipsakmp_sa($loc_ip,$rmt_ip)) return true; return false; } /* * Check phase2 communications status */ function ipsec_phase2_status(& $spd,& $sad,& $ph1ent,& $ph2ent) { $loc_ip = ipsec_get_phase1_src($ph1ent); $rmt_ip = ipsec_get_phase1_dst($ph1ent); $loc_id = ipsec_idinfo_to_cidr($ph2ent['localid'],true,$ph2ent['mode']); if (!empty($ph2ent['natlocalid'])) $natloc_id = ipsec_idinfo_to_cidr($ph2ent['natlocalid'],true,$ph2ent['mode']); $rmt_id = ipsec_idinfo_to_cidr($ph2ent['remoteid'],true,$ph2ent['mode']); /* check for established SA in both directions */ if( ipsec_lookup_ipsec_sa($spd,$sad,"out",$loc_ip,$rmt_ip,$loc_id,$rmt_id)) { if (empty($ph2ent['natlocalid']) && ipsec_lookup_ipsec_sa($spd,$sad,"in",$rmt_ip,$loc_ip,$rmt_id,$loc_id)) return true; else if (!empty($ph2ent['natlocalid']) && ipsec_lookup_ipsec_sa($spd,$sad,"out",$loc_ip,$rmt_ip,$loc_id,$rmt_id)) return true; } return false; } /* * Return ISAKMP SA details */ function ipsec_lookup_isakmp_sa($in_srcip,$in_dstip) { /* TODO : use racconctl to lookup iskamp SA */ return NULL; } /* * Return IPsec SA details */ function ipsec_lookup_ipsec_sa(& $spd,& $sad,$dir,$in_srcip,$in_dstip,$in_srcid,$in_dstid) { /* match the phase1/2 to an SP */ $in_srcip = ipsec_fixup_ip($in_srcip); $in_dstip = ipsec_fixup_ip($in_dstip); $in_srcid = ipsec_fixup_ip($in_srcid); $in_dstid = ipsec_fixup_ip($in_dstid); foreach($spd as $sp) { /* match direction */ if($dir != $sp['dir']) continue; /* match IPs */ if($in_srcip != ipsec_fixup_ip($sp['src'])) continue; if($in_dstip != ipsec_fixup_ip($sp['dst'])) continue; /* add netbits for address IDs */ $sp_srcid = $sp['srcid']; $sp_dstid = $sp['dstid']; if (!strstr($sp_srcid,"/")) { if (is_ipaddrv4($sp_srcid)) $sp_srcid .= '/32'; elseif (is_ipaddrv6($sp_srcid)) $sp_srcid .= '/128'; } if (!strstr($sp_dstid,"/")) { if (is_ipaddrv4($sp_dstid)) $sp_dstid .= '/32'; elseif (is_ipaddrv6($sp_dstid)) $sp_dstid .= '/128'; } /* match IDs */ if($in_srcid != ipsec_fixup_ip($sp_srcid)) continue; if($in_dstid != ipsec_fixup_ip($sp_dstid)) continue; /* match the SP to a unique SA by reqid */ foreach($sad as $sa) { /* match REQIDs */ if($sa[reqid] != $sp[reqid]) continue; /* sanitize for NAT-T ports */ $sa_srcip = $sa['src']; $sa_dstip = $sa['dst']; if (strstr($sa_srcip,"[")) $sa_srcip = substr($sa_srcip,0,strcspn($sa_srcip,"[")); if (strstr($sa_dstip,"[")) $sa_dstip = substr($sa_dstip,0,strcspn($sa_dstip,"[")); /* match IPs */ if($in_srcip != ipsec_fixup_ip($sa_srcip)) continue; if($in_dstip != ipsec_fixup_ip($sa_dstip)) continue; return $sa; } } return NULL; } function ipsec_smp_dump_status() { global $config, $g, $custom_listtags; if (!file_exists("{$g['varrun_path']}/charon.xml")) { log_error("IPSec daemon seems to have issues or not running!"); return; } $fd = @fsockopen("unix://{$g['varrun_path']}/charon.xml"); if (!$fd) { log_error("Could not read status from ipsec"); return; } $query = ''; $query .= ''; @fwrite($fd, $query); $response = ""; while (!strstr($sread, "")) { $sread = fgets($fd); $response .= $sread; } fclose($fd); @file_put_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/smp_status.xml", $response); unset($response, $sread); $custom_listtags = array('ikesa', 'childsa', 'network'); $response = parse_xml_config("{$g['tmp_path']}/smp_status.xml", "message"); @unlink("{$g['tmp_path']}/smp_status.xml"); unset($custom_listtags); return $response; } /* * Return dump of SPD table */ function ipsec_dump_spd() { $fd = @popen("/usr/local/sbin/setkey -DP", "r"); $spd = array(); if ($fd) { while (!feof($fd)) { $line = chop(fgets($fd)); if (!$line) continue; if ($line == "No SPD entries.") break; if ($line[0] != "\t") { if (is_array($cursp)) $spd[] = $cursp; $cursp = array(); $linea = explode(" ", $line); $cursp['srcid'] = substr($linea[0], 0, strpos($linea[0], "[")); $cursp['dstid'] = substr($linea[1], 0, strpos($linea[1], "[")); $i = 0; } else if (is_array($cursp)) { $linea = explode(" ", trim($line)); switch($i) { case 1: if ($linea[1] == "none") /* don't show default anti-lockout rule */ unset($cursp); else $cursp['dir'] = $linea[0]; break; case 2: $upperspec = explode("/", $linea[0]); $cursp['proto'] = $upperspec[0]; list($cursp['src'], $cursp['dst']) = explode("-", $upperspec[2]); $cursp['reqid'] = substr($upperspec[3], strpos($upperspec[3], "#")+1); break; } } $i++; } if (is_array($cursp) && count($cursp)) $spd[] = $cursp; pclose($fd); } return $spd; } /* * Return dump of SAD table */ function ipsec_dump_sad() { $fd = @popen("/usr/local/sbin/setkey -D", "r"); $sad = array(); if ($fd) { while (!feof($fd)) { $line = chop(fgets($fd)); if (!$line || $line[0] == " ") continue; if ($line == "No SAD entries.") break; if ($line[0] != "\t") { if (is_array($cursa)) $sad[] = $cursa; $cursa = array(); list($cursa['src'],$cursa['dst']) = explode(" ", $line); $i = 0; } else { $linea = explode(" ", trim($line)); switch ($i) { case 1: $cursa['proto'] = $linea[0]; $cursa['spi'] = substr($linea[2], strpos($linea[2], "x")+1, -1); $reqid = substr($linea[3], strpos($linea[3], "=")+1); $cursa['reqid'] = substr($reqid, 0, strcspn($reqid,"(")); break; case 2: $cursa['ealgo'] = $linea[1]; break; case 3: $cursa['aalgo'] = $linea[1]; break; case 8: $sadata = explode("(", $linea[1]); $cursa['data'] = $sadata[0] . " B"; break; } } $i++; } if (is_array($cursa) && count($cursa)) $sad[] = $cursa; pclose($fd); } return $sad; } /* * Return dump of mobile user list */ function ipsec_dump_mobile() { $command = "/usr/local/sbin/racoonctl show-users"; $fd = @popen($command, "r"); $mobile = array(); if ($fd) { while (!feof($fd)) { $user = array(); $line = chop(fgets($fd)); if (!$line) continue; if ($line == "User|Source|Destination|CreatedOn|SPI") continue; // jim|||2012-05-25 09:54:39|989d10e1e2d4eca4:7243830d5fd2afe7 $linea = explode("|", trim($line)); $user['username'] = $linea[0]; $user['local'] = $linea[1]; $user['remote'] = $linea[2]; $user['logintime'] = $linea[3]; $user['spi'] = $linea[4]; if (!empty($user['username'])) $mobile[] = $user; } pclose($fd); } return $mobile; } function ipsec_mobilekey_sort() { global $config; function mobilekeycmp($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['ident'][0], $b['ident'][0]); } usort($config['ipsec']['mobilekey'], "mobilekeycmp"); } function ipsec_get_number_of_phase2($ikeid) { global $config; $a_phase2 = $config['ipsec']['phase2']; $nbph2=0; if (is_array($a_phase2) && count($a_phase2)) { foreach ($a_phase2 as $ph2tmp) { if ($ph2tmp['ikeid'] == $ikeid) { $nbph2++; } } } return $nbph2; } function ipsec_get_descr($ikeid) { global $config; if (!isset($config['ipsec']['phase1']) || !is_array($config['ipsec']['phase1'])) return ""; $descr = ''; $a_phase1 = $config['ipsec']['phase1']; foreach ($a_phase1 as $p1) { if ($p1['ikeid'] == $ikeid) { $descr = $p1['descr']; break; } } unset($a_phase1); return $descr; } function ipsec_get_descr_by_peerconfig($peerconfig) { return ipsec_get_descr(substr($peerconfig, strrpos($peerconfig, '-') + 1)); } function ipsec_disconnect_mobile($username) { if (empty($username)) return false; exec("/usr/local/sbin/racoonctl logout-user " . escapeshellarg($username)); } function ipsec_fixup_ip($ipaddr) { if (is_ipaddrv6($ipaddr) || is_subnetv6($ipaddr)) return Net_IPv6::compress(Net_IPv6::uncompress($ipaddr)); else return $ipaddr; } function ipsec_find_id(& $ph1ent, $side = "local", $rgmap = array()) { if ($side == "local") { $id_type = $ph1ent['myid_type']; $id_data = $ph1ent['myid_data']; $addr = ipsec_get_phase1_src($ph1ent); if (!$addr) return array(); } elseif ($side = "peer") { $id_type = $ph1ent['peerid_type']; $id_data = $ph1ent['peerid_data']; if (isset($ph1ent['mobile'])) $addr = "%any"; else $addr = $ph1ent['remote-gateway']; } else { return array(); } $thisid_type = $id_type; switch ($thisid_type) { case "myaddress": $thisid_type = "address"; $thisid_data = $addr; break; case "dyn_dns": $thisid_type = "address"; $thisid_data = resolve_retry($id_data); break; case "peeraddress": $thisid_type = "address"; $thisid_data = $rgmap[$ph1ent['remote-gateway']]; break; case "address"; $thisid_data = $id_data; break; case "fqdn"; case "keyid tag"; case "user_fqdn"; case "asn1dn"; $thisid_data = $id_data; if( $thisid_data ) $thisid_data = "{$thisid_data}"; break; } return array($thisid_type, $thisid_data); } ?>