_error(2); if (!$dnsUser) $this->_error(3); if (!$dnsPass) $this->_error(4); if (!$dnsHost) $this->_error(5); $this->_dnsService = strtolower($dnsService); $this->_dnsUser = $dnsUser; $this->_dnsPass = $dnsPass; $this->_dnsHost = $dnsHost; $this->_dnsIP = $dnsIP; $change = $this->_detectChange(); if (!$change) $this->_error(10); if ($this->_dnsService == 'dyndns' || $this->_dnsService == 'dhs' || $this->_dnsService == 'noip' || $this->_dnsService == 'easydns' || $this->_dnsService == 'hn' || $this->_dnsService == 'zoneedit' || $this->_dnsService == 'dyns') { $this->_update(); } else { $this->_error(6); } } /* * Private Function (added 12 July 05) [beta] * Send Update To Selected Service. */ function _update() { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->_UserAgent); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); switch ($this->_dnsService) { case 'dyndns': $needsIP = FALSE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://members.dyndns.org/nic/update?hostname='.$this->_dnsHost); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $this->_checkStatus($data); break; case 'dhs': $needsIP = TRUE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://members.dhs.org/nic/hosts'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $this->_checkStatus($data); break; case 'noip': $needsIP = TRUE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://dynupdate.no-ip.com/dns?username='.$this->_dnsUser.'&password='.$this->_dnsPass.'&hostname='.$this->_dnsHost.'&ip='.$this->_dnsIP); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $this->_checkStatus($data); break; case 'easydns': $needsIP = TRUE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://members.easydns.com/dyn/dyndns.php?hostname='.$this->_dnsHost.'&myip='.$this->_dnsIP); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $this->_checkStatus($data); break; case 'hn': $needsIP = TRUE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://dup.hn.org/vanity/update?ver=1&IP='.$this->_dnsIP); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $this->_checkStatus($data); break; case 'zoneedit': $needsIP = FALSE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://dynamic.zoneedit.com/auth/dynamic.html?host='.$this->_dnsHost.'&dnsto='.$this->_dnsIP); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $this->_checkStatus($data); break; case 'dyns'; $needsIP = FALSE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://www.dyns.cx/postscript011.php?username='.$this->_dnsUser.'&password='.$this->_dnsPass.'&host='.$this->_dnsHost); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $this->_checkStatus($data); break; default: break; } } /* * Private Function (added 12 July 2005) [beta] * Retrieve Update Status */ function _checkStatus($data) { switch ($this->_dnsService) { case 'dyndns': if (preg_match('/notfqdn/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Not A FQDN!"; } else if (preg_match('/nochg/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) No Change In IP Address"; } else if (preg_match('/good/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully!"; } else if (preg_match('/noauth/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) User Authorization Failed"; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)"; $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'dhs': break; case 'noip': list($ip,$code) = split(":",$data); switch ($code) { case 0: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) IP address is current, no update performed."; break; case 1: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) DNS hostname update successful."; break; case 2: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Hostname supplied does not exist."; break; case 3: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Invalid Username."; break; case 4: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Invalid Password."; break; case 5: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) To many updates sent."; break; case 6: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Account disabled due to violation of No-IP terms of service."; break; case 7: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Invalid IP. IP Address submitted is improperly formatted or is a private IP address or is on a blacklist."; break; case 8: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Disabled / Locked Hostname."; break; case 9: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Host updated is configured as a web redirect and no update was performed."; break; case 10: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Group supplied does not exist."; break; case 11: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) DNS group update is successful."; break; case 12: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) DNS group is current, no update performed."; break; case 13: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Update client support not available for supplied hostname or group."; break; case 14: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Hostname supplied does not have offline settings configured."; break; case 99: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Client disabled. Client should exit and not perform any more updates without user intervention."; break; case 100: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Client disabled. Client should exit and not perform any more updates without user intervention."; break; default: $status = "phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)"; $this->_debug($data); break; } break; case 'easydns': if (preg_match('/NOACCESS/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Authentication Failed: Username and/or Password was Incorrect."; } else if (preg_match('/NOSERVICE/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) No Service: Dynamic DNS Service has been disabled for this domain."; } else if (preg_match('/ILLEGAL INPUT/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Illegal Input: Self-Explantory"; } else if (preg_match('/TOOSOON/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Too Soon: Not Enough Time Has Elapsed Since Last Update"; } else if (preg_match('/NOERROR/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Updated Successfully!"; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)"; $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'hn': break; case 'zoneedit': if (preg_match('/{700,799}/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Update Failed!"; } else if (preg_match('/{200,201}/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!"; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)"; $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'dyns': if (preg_match("/400/i", $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Bad Request - The URL was malformed. Required parameters were not provided."; } else if (preg_match('/402/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Update Too Soon - You have tried updating to quickly since last change."; } else if (preg_match('/403/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Database Error - There was a server-sided database error."; } else if (preg_match('/405/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Hostname Error - The hostname (".$this->_dnsHost.") doesn't belong to you."; } else if (preg_match('/200/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!"; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)"; $this->_debug($data); } break; } $this->status = $status; log_error($status); } /* * Private Function (added 12 July 05) [beta] * Return Error, Set Last Error, and Die. */ function _error($errorNumber = '1') { switch ($errorNumber) { case 0: break; case 2: $this->lastError = 'phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Dynamic DNS Service provider was selected.'; if ($this->_errorVerbosity) print "You did not select a Dynamic DNS service!"; break; case 3: $this->lastError = 'phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Username Provided.'; if ($this->_errorVerbosity) print "Error! - No Username Was Provided!"; break; case 4: $this->lastError = 'phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Password Provided.'; if ($this->_errorVerbosity) print "Error! - No Password Was Provided!"; break; case 5: $this->lastError = 'phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Hostname Provided.'; if ($this->_errorVerbosity) print "Error - No Hostname Was Provided!"; break; case 6: $this->lastError = 'phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) The Dynamic DNS Service provided is not yet supported.'; if ($this->_errorVerbosity) print 'Dynamic DNS Service selected is not supported!'; break; case 10: $this->lastError = 'phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Change Was Made. Not Updating Dynamic DNS Entry.'; if ($this->_errorVerbosity) print 'There was no change in the WAN IP address and default timelimit has not expired. Dynamic DNS entry was not updated.'; break; default: $this->lastError = "phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) Unknown Response."; $this->_debug($data); break; } log_error($this->lasterror); } /* * Private Function (added 12 July 05) [beta] * - Detect whether or not IP needs to be updated. * | Written Specifically for pfSense (pfsense.com) may * | work with other systems. pfSense base is FreeBSD. */ function _detectChange() { $currentTime = time(); $wan_if = get_real_wan_interface(); $wan_ip = find_interface_ip($wan_if); $this->_dnsIP = $wan_ip; if (file_exists($this->_changeFile)) { $file = fopen($this->_changeFile, 'r'); $contents = fread($file, filesize($this->_changeFile)); fclose($file); list($cacheIP,$cacheTime) = split(':', $contents); } switch ($this->_dnsService) { case 'dyndns': $time = '2419200'; break; case 'dhs': $time = '2419200'; break; case 'easydns': $time = '2419200'; break; case 'noip': $time = '2419200'; break; case 'hn': $time = '2419200'; break; case 'zoneedit': $time = '2419200'; break; case 'dyns': $time = '2419200'; break; } /* If IP addresses are different or 28 days have passed update record */ if ( ($cacheIP != $wan_ip) || ( ($currentTime - $cacheTime) > $time ) ) { /* Write WAN IP to cache file */ $file = fopen($this->_changeFile, 'w'); fwrite($file, $wan_ip.':'.$currentTime); fclose($file); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /* * Private Funcation (added 16 July 05) [beta] * - Writes debug information to a file. * - This function is only called when a unknown response * - status is returned from a DynDNS service provider. */ function _debug ($data) { $string = date('m-d-y h:i:s').' - ['.$this->_dnsService.'] - '.$data; $file = fopen($this->_debugFile, 'a'); fwrite($file, $string); fclose($file); } } ?>