#!/usr/local/bin/php -q /dev/null`); $slices = str_replace("/dev/", "", $slices); if($slices == "ls: No match.") return; $slices_array = split(" ", $slices); return $slices_array; } function get_disks() { global $g, $debug; $disks_array = array(); $disks = `/sbin/sysctl kern.disks | cut -d':' -f2`; $disks_s = explode(" ", $disks); foreach($disks_s as $disk) if(trim($disk)) $disks_array[] = $disk; return $disks_array; } function discover_config($mountpoint) { global $g, $debug; $locations_to_check = array("/", "/config"); foreach($locations_to_check as $ltc) { $tocheck = "/tmp/mnt/cf/{$ltc}/config.xml"; if($debug) { echo "\nChecking for $tocheck"; if(file_exists($tocheck)) echo " -> found!"; } if(file_exists($tocheck)) return $tocheck; } return ""; } function test_config($file_location) { global $g, $debug; if(!$file_location) return; // config.xml was found. ensure it is sound. $root_obj = trim("<{$g['xml_rootobj']}>"); $xml_file_head = exec("/usr/bin/head -2 {$file_location} | /usr/bin/tail -n1"); if($debug) { echo "\nroot obj = $root_obj"; echo "\nfile head = $xml_file_head"; } if($xml_file_head == $root_obj) { // Now parse config to make sure $config_status = config_validate($file_location); if($config_status) return true; } return false; } // Probes all disks looking for config.xml function find_config_xml() { global $g, $debug; $disks = get_disks(); $boot_disk = get_boot_disk(); exec("/bin/mkdir -p /tmp/mnt/cf"); foreach($disks as $disk) { $slices = get_disk_slices($disk); if(is_array($slices)) { foreach($slices as $slice) { if($slice == "") continue; echo " $slice"; // First try msdos fs if($debug) echo "\n/sbin/mount -t msdosfs /dev/{$slice} /tmp/mnt/cf 2>/dev/null \n"; $result = exec("/sbin/mount -t msdosfs /dev/{$slice} /tmp/mnt/cf 2>/dev/null"); // Next try regular fs (ufs) if(!$result) { if($debug) echo "\n/sbin/mount /dev/{$slice} /tmp/mnt/cf 2>/dev/null \n"; $result = exec("/sbin/mount /dev/{$slice} /tmp/mnt/cf 2>/dev/null"); } $mounted = trim(exec("/sbin/mount | /usr/bin/grep -v grep | /usr/bin/grep '/tmp/mnt/cf' | /usr/bin/wc -l")); if($debug) echo "\nmounted: $mounted "; if(intval($mounted) > 0) { // Item was mounted - look for config.xml file $config_location = discover_config($slice); if($config_location) { if(test_config($config_location)) { // We have a valid configuration. Install it. echo " -> found config.xml "; backup_config(); restore_backup($config_location); exec("/sbin/umount /tmp/mnt/cf"); break; } exec("/sbin/umount /tmp/mnt/cf"); } } } } } } echo "External config loader 1.0 is now starting..."; find_config_xml(); echo "\n"; ?>