#!/bin/sh # Script which lists the backups present on a server ########################################################################### . ${PROGDIR}/backend/functions.sh SSHUSER=$1 SSHHOST=$2 SSHPORT=$3 if [ -z "${SSHHOST}" -o -z "${SSHPORT}" ] then echo "ERROR: Usage list-rsync-backups.sh " exit 150 fi # Look for full-system backups, needs at minimum a kernel to be bootable FINDCMD="find . -type d -maxdepth 6 -name 'kernel' | grep '/boot/kernel'" # Get a listing of the number of full backups saved OLDBACKUPS=`ssh -o 'BatchMode=yes' -p ${SSHPORT} ${SSHUSER}@${SSHHOST} "${FINDCMD}"` if [ "$?" = "0" ] then for i in ${OLDBACKUPS} do BACKPATH="`echo ${i} | sed 's|/boot/.*||g' | sed 's|^./||g'`" if [ -z "${BACKLIST}" ] then BACKLIST="${BACKPATH}" else BACKLIST="${BACKLIST}:${BACKPATH}" fi done if [ -z "${BACKLIST}" ] then echo "NONE" else echo "$BACKLIST" fi else echo "FAILED" fi