path: root/usr/local/www/widgets/javascript/cpu_graphs.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'usr/local/www/widgets/javascript/cpu_graphs.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 245 deletions
diff --git a/usr/local/www/widgets/javascript/cpu_graphs.js b/usr/local/www/widgets/javascript/cpu_graphs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fc690a..0000000
--- a/usr/local/www/widgets/javascript/cpu_graphs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
- $Id: graphlink.js,v 1.1 2006/12/21 17:10:25 dberlin Exp $
- This file is part of the GraphLink software.
- GraphLink is distributed under the MIT License.
- Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Max Khitrov <>
- ******************************************************************************/
-/***** Global data ************************************************************/
-var gl_graphCount = 0; // Number of graphs on the current page
-/***** Constants **************************************************************/
-var GL_START = 0;
-var GL_END = 1;
-var GL_STATIC = 0;
-var GL_DYNAMIC = 1;
-/***** Public functions *******************************************************/
- * Creates a graph and returns the graph data structure which can later be
- * manipulated using the other graph functions.
- *
- * element_id - DOM element id (should be a DIV) that will contain the graph.
- * width - The width of the graph in pixels.
- * height - Height of the graph in pixels.
- * bar_width - Width of each bar on the graph. This number should divide width
- * evenly, or else width will be adjusted to meet this requirement.
- * General formula to keep in mind:
- * Smaller bar width = more bars = higher CPU usage on client-side.
- *
- * Returns graph data structure on success, false on error.
- */
-function GraphInitialize(element_id, width, height, bar_width) {
- // Find the page element which will contain the graph
- var owner;
- if((owner = jQuery('#' + element_id)) == null) {
- alert("GraphLink Error: Element ID '" + element_id + "' not found.");
- return false;
- }
- // Make sure width is divisible by bar_width
- if(width / bar_width != Math.floor(width / bar_width))
- width = Math.floor(width / bar_width) * bar_width;
- var bar_count = width / bar_width;
- // Create the graph data structure
- var graph = new Array();
- graph['id'] = gl_graphCount; // ID used to separate elements of one graph from those of another
- graph['width'] = width; // Graph width
- graph['height'] = height; // Graph height
- graph['bar_count'] = bar_count; // Number of bars on the graph
- graph['scale_type'] = GL_STATIC; // How the graph is scaled
- graph['scale'] = 1; // Multiplier for the bar height
- graph['max'] = 0; // Largest value currently on the graph
- graph['vmax'] = height; // Virtual graph maximum
- graph['spans'] = new Array(bar_count); // References to all the spans for each graph
- graph['vals'] = new Array(bar_count); // The height of each bar on the graph, actually it's (graph height - bar height)
- gl_graphCount++;
- // Build the graph (x)html
- var graph_html = '';
- graph_html += '<div id="GraphLinkData' + graph['id'] + '" class="GraphLinkData">';
- for(var i = 0; i < bar_count; i++) {
- graph['vals'][i] = height;
- graph_html += '<span id="GraphLinkBar' + graph['id'] + '_' + i + '" class="GraphLinkBar"></span>';
- }
- graph_html += '</div>';
- owner.html(graph_html);
- graph['element_id'] = jQuery('#GraphLinkData' + graph['id']);
- for(i = 0; i < bar_count; i++) {
- graph['spans'][i] = jQuery('#GraphLinkBar' + graph['id'] + '_' + i);
- graph['spans'][i].css('width',bar_width + 'px');
- graph['spans'][i].css('margin-top',height + 'px');
- }
- return graph;
- * Adds a new value to a graph.
- *
- * graph - Graph object to which to add the new value.
- * value - Value to add.
- * where - (optional) GL_START (0) or GL_END (1), depending on where you want
- * the new value to appear. GL_START will add the value on the left
- * of the graph, GL_END will add it on the right (default).
- */
-function GraphValue(graph, value, where) {
- if(typeof(where) == 'undefined')
- where = GL_END;
- var rescale = false;
- var lost = 0;
- if(value < 0)
- value = 0;
- if(graph['scale_type'] == GL_DYNAMIC && value > graph['max'])
- rescale = true;
- if(graph['scale_type'] == GL_STATIC) {
- if(value > graph['vmax'])
- value = graph['vmax'];
- value = Math.round(value * graph['scale']);
- }
- if(where == GL_START) {
- graph['vals'].unshift(graph['height'] - value);
- lost = graph['vals'].pop();
- }
- else {
- graph['vals'].push(graph['height'] - value);
- lost = graph['vals'].shift();
- }
- if(graph['scale_type'] == GL_DYNAMIC && (graph['height'] - lost) == graph['max'])
- rescale = true;
- if(rescale)
- GraphAdjustScale(graph)
- GraphDraw(graph);
- * Sets a virtual maximum for the graph allowing you to have non-scaled graphs
- * that can show a value greater then the graph height. This function will
- * automatically set the graph to a static scale mode, meaning that no values
- * above the maximum will be permitted. If you need to have a graph with no
- * pre-defined maximum, make it dynamic. Also note that if you set a vmax on a
- * graph that has data larger than vmax, that data will be reduced.
- *
- * graph - Graph object for which to set virtual max.
- * vmax - The virtual maximum value for the graph.
- */
-function GraphSetVMax(graph, vmax) {
- graph['scale_type'] = GL_STATIC;
- graph['vmax'] = vmax;
- GraphAdjustScale(graph);
- GraphDraw(graph);
- * This function instructs the graph to be scaled according to what the maximum
- * value is. That value is used as the graph maximum and is reevaluated whenever
- * a new value is added, or the current maximum is removed. Dynamic scaling is a
- * good way of showing data for which you don't know what the maximum will be,
- * but it also is a bit more resource-intensive then statically scaled graphs.
- *
- * graph - Graph object for which to enable dynamic scaling.
- */
-function GraphDynamicScale(graph) {
- graph['scale_type'] = GL_DYNAMIC;
- GraphAdjustScale(graph);
- GraphDraw(graph);
-/***** Private functions ******************************************************/
- * Checks if the current scale of the graph is still valid, or needs to be
- * adjusted.
- *
- * graph - Graph object for which to check the scale.
- */
-function GraphAdjustScale(graph) {
- var limit = graph['bar_count'];
- var new_max = 0;
- var new_scale = 0;
- var val = 0;
- if(graph['scale_type'] == GL_STATIC) {
- new_max = graph['vmax'];
- new_scale = graph['height'] / new_max;
- if(new_scale == graph['scale'])
- return;
- }
- for(var i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
- if(graph['scale_type'] == GL_STATIC) {
- val = (graph['height'] - graph['vals'][i]) * graph['scale'];
- val = val * new_scale;
- if(val > new_max)
- val = new_max;
- graph['vals'][i] = graph['height'] - Math.round(val * new_scale);
- }
- else if((graph['height'] - graph['vals'][i]) > new_max) {
- new_max = graph['height'] - graph['vals'][i];
- }
- }
- if(graph['scale_type'] == GL_STATIC) {
- graph['scale'] = new_scale;
- }
- else {
- if(new_max == 0)
- graph['scale'] = 1;
- else
- graph['scale'] = graph['height'] / new_max;
- graph['max'] = new_max;
- }
- * Redraws the graph on the screen.
- *
- * graph - Graph object which needs to be re-drawn.
- */
-function GraphDraw(graph) {
- var count = graph['bar_count'];
- if(graph['scale_type'] == GL_STATIC)
- var getMargin = function(i) {
- return graph['vals'][i] + 'px';
- };
- else
- var getMargin = function(i) {
- var h = graph['height'];
- var s = graph['scale'];
- var v = graph['vals'][i];
- return (h - Math.round((h - v) * s)) + 'px';
- };
- graph['spans'][count - 1].css("display", "none");
- for(var i = 0; i < count; i++)
- graph['spans'][i].css("marginTop", getMargin(i));
-// jQuery('#' + graph['spans'][count - 1]).fadeIn(500);
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