path: root/usr/local/www/services_captiveportal_filemanager.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'usr/local/www/services_captiveportal_filemanager.php')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/usr/local/www/services_captiveportal_filemanager.php b/usr/local/www/services_captiveportal_filemanager.php
index 1368753..f672938 100644
--- a/usr/local/www/services_captiveportal_filemanager.php
+++ b/usr/local/www/services_captiveportal_filemanager.php
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ function cpelementscmp($a, $b) {
function cpelements_sort() {
- global $config, $cpzone;
+ global $config, $cpzone;
- usort($config['captiveportal'][$cpzone]['element'],"cpelementscmp");
+ usort($config['captiveportal'][$cpzone]['element'], "cpelementscmp");
@@ -57,23 +57,26 @@ require("");
$cpzone = $_GET['zone'];
-if (isset($_POST['zone']))
- $cpzone = $_POST['zone'];
+if (isset($_POST['zone'])) {
+ $cpzone = $_POST['zone'];
if (empty($cpzone)) {
- header("Location: services_captiveportal_zones.php");
- exit;
+ header("Location: services_captiveportal_zones.php");
+ exit;
-if (!is_array($config['captiveportal']))
- $config['captiveportal'] = array();
+if (!is_array($config['captiveportal'])) {
+ $config['captiveportal'] = array();
$a_cp =& $config['captiveportal'];
-$pgtitle = array(gettext("Services"),gettext("Captive portal"), $a_cp[$cpzone]['zone']);
+$pgtitle = array(gettext("Services"), gettext("Captive portal"), $a_cp[$cpzone]['zone']);
$shortcut_section = "captiveportal";
-if (!is_array($a_cp[$cpzone]['element']))
+if (!is_array($a_cp[$cpzone]['element'])) {
$a_cp[$cpzone]['element'] = array();
$a_element =& $a_cp[$cpzone]['element'];
// Calculate total size of all files
@@ -83,18 +86,19 @@ foreach ($a_element as $element) {
if ($_POST) {
- unset($input_errors);
+ unset($input_errors);
- if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['new']['tmp_name'])) {
+ if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['new']['tmp_name'])) {
- if(!stristr($_FILES['new']['name'], "captiveportal-"))
- $name = "captiveportal-" . $_FILES['new']['name'];
- else
- $name = $_FILES['new']['name'];
- $size = filesize($_FILES['new']['tmp_name']);
+ if (!stristr($_FILES['new']['name'], "captiveportal-")) {
+ $name = "captiveportal-" . $_FILES['new']['name'];
+ } else {
+ $name = $_FILES['new']['name'];
+ }
+ $size = filesize($_FILES['new']['tmp_name']);
- // is there already a file with that name?
- foreach ($a_element as $element) {
+ // is there already a file with that name?
+ foreach ($a_element as $element) {
if ($element['name'] == $name) {
$input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("A file with the name '%s' already exists."), $name);
@@ -121,7 +125,7 @@ if ($_POST) {
header("Location: services_captiveportal_filemanager.php?zone={$cpzone}");
- }
+ }
} else if (($_GET['act'] == "del") && !empty($cpzone) && $a_element[$_GET['id']]) {
@unlink("{$g['captiveportal_element_path']}/" . $a_element[$_GET['id']]['name']);
@@ -142,7 +146,8 @@ include("");
<input type="hidden" name="zone" id="zone" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($cpzone);?>" />
<?php if ($input_errors) print_input_errors($input_errors); ?>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="captiveportal file manager">
- <tr><td class="tabnavtbl">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="tabnavtbl">
$tab_array = array();
$tab_array[] = array(gettext("Captive portal(s)"), false, "services_captiveportal.php?zone={$cpzone}");
@@ -152,81 +157,109 @@ include("");
$tab_array[] = array(gettext("Vouchers"), false, "services_captiveportal_vouchers.php?zone={$cpzone}");
$tab_array[] = array(gettext("File Manager"), true, "services_captiveportal_filemanager.php?zone={$cpzone}");
display_top_tabs($tab_array, true);
-?> </td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="tabcont">
- <table width="80%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="main">
- <tr>
- <td width="70%" class="listhdrr"><?=gettext("Name"); ?></td>
- <td width="20%" class="listhdr"><?=gettext("Size"); ?></td>
- <td width="10%" class="list">
- <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" summary="icons">
- <tr>
- <td width="17" height="17"></td>
- <td><a href="services_captiveportal_filemanager.php?zone=<?=$cpzone;?>&amp;act=add"><img src="/themes/<?php echo $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_plus.gif" title="<?=gettext("add file"); ?>" width="17" height="17" border="0" alt="add" /></a></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<?php if (is_array($a_cp[$cpzone]['element'])):
- $i = 0; foreach ($a_cp[$cpzone]['element'] as $element): ?>
- <tr>
- <td class="listlr"><?=htmlspecialchars($element['name']);?></td>
- <td class="listr" align="right"><?=format_bytes($element['size']);?></td>
- <td valign="middle" class="list nowrap">
- <a href="services_captiveportal_filemanager.php?zone=<?=$cpzone;?>&amp;act=del&amp;id=<?=$i;?>" onclick="return confirm('<?=gettext("Do you really want to delete this file?"); ?>')"><img src="/themes/<?php echo $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_x.gif" title="<?=gettext("delete file"); ?>" width="17" height="17" border="0" alt="delete" /></a>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php $i++; endforeach; endif; ?>
- <?php if ($total_size > 0): ?>
- <tr>
- <td class="listlr" style="background-color: #eee"><strong><?=gettext("TOTAL"); ?></strong></td>
- <td class="listr" style="background-color: #eee" align="right"><strong><?=format_bytes($total_size);?></strong></td>
- <td valign="middle" class="list nowrap"></td>
- </tr>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php if ($_GET['act'] == 'add'): ?>
- <tr>
- <td class="listlr" colspan="2"><input type="file" name="new" class="formfld file" size="40" id="new" />
- <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?=gettext("Upload"); ?>" /></td>
- <td valign="middle" class="list nowrap">
- <a href="services_captiveportal_filemanager.php?zone=<?=$cpzone;?>"><img src="/themes/<?php echo $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_x.gif" title="<?=gettext("cancel"); ?>" width="17" height="17" border="0" alt="delete" /></a>
- </tr>
- <?php else: ?>
- <tr>
- <td class="list" colspan="2"></td>
- <td class="list">
- <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" summary="add">
- <tr>
- <td width="17" height="17"></td>
- <td><a href="services_captiveportal_filemanager.php?zone=<?=$cpzone;?>&amp;act=add"><img src="/themes/<?php echo $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_plus.gif" title="<?=gettext("add file"); ?>" width="17" height="17" border="0" alt="add" /></a></td>
- </tr>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="tabcont">
+ <table width="80%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="main">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="70%" class="listhdrr"><?=gettext("Name"); ?></td>
+ <td width="20%" class="listhdr"><?=gettext("Size"); ?></td>
+ <td width="10%" class="list">
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" summary="icons">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="17" height="17"></td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="services_captiveportal_filemanager.php?zone=<?=$cpzone;?>&amp;act=add"><img src="/themes/<?php echo $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_plus.gif" title="<?=gettext("add file"); ?>" width="17" height="17" border="0" alt="add" /></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ if (is_array($a_cp[$cpzone]['element'])):
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($a_cp[$cpzone]['element'] as $element):
+ <tr>
+ <td class="listlr"><?=htmlspecialchars($element['name']);?></td>
+ <td class="listr" align="right"><?=format_bytes($element['size']);?></td>
+ <td valign="middle" class="list nowrap">
+ <a href="services_captiveportal_filemanager.php?zone=<?=$cpzone;?>&amp;act=del&amp;id=<?=$i;?>" onclick="return confirm('<?=gettext("Do you really want to delete this file?"); ?>')"><img src="/themes/<?php echo $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_x.gif" title="<?=gettext("delete file"); ?>" width="17" height="17" border="0" alt="delete" /></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ endif;
+ if ($total_size > 0):
+ <tr>
+ <td class="listlr" style="background-color: #eee"><strong><?=gettext("TOTAL"); ?></strong></td>
+ <td class="listr" style="background-color: #eee" align="right"><strong><?=format_bytes($total_size);?></strong></td>
+ <td valign="middle" class="list nowrap"></td>
+ </tr>
+ endif;
+ if ($_GET['act'] == 'add'):
+ <tr>
+ <td class="listlr" colspan="2">
+ <input type="file" name="new" class="formfld file" size="40" id="new" />
+ <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?=gettext("Upload"); ?>" />
+ </td>
+ <td valign="middle" class="list nowrap">
+ <a href="services_captiveportal_filemanager.php?zone=<?=$cpzone;?>"><img src="/themes/<?php echo $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_x.gif" title="<?=gettext("cancel"); ?>" width="17" height="17" border="0" alt="delete" /></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ else:
+ <tr>
+ <td class="list" colspan="2"></td>
+ <td class="list">
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" summary="add">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="17" height="17"></td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="services_captiveportal_filemanager.php?zone=<?=$cpzone;?>&amp;act=add"><img src="/themes/<?php echo $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_plus.gif" title="<?=gettext("add file"); ?>" width="17" height="17" border="0" alt="add" /></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ endif;
+ <span class="vexpl">
+ <span class="red">
+ <strong>
+ <?=gettext("Note:"); ?><br />
+ </strong>
+ </span>
+ <?=gettext("Any files that you upload here with the filename prefix of captiveportal- will " .
+ "be made available in the root directory of the captive portal HTTP(S) server. " .
+ "You may reference them directly from your portal page HTML code using relative paths. " .
+ "Example: you've uploaded an image with the name 'captiveportal-test.jpg' using the " .
+ "file manager. Then you can include it in your portal page like this:"); ?>
+ <br /><br />
+ <tt>&lt;img src=&quot;captiveportal-test.jpg&quot; width=... height=...&gt;</tt>
+ <br /><br />
+ <?=gettext("In addition, you can also upload .php files for execution. You can pass the filename " .
+ "to your custom page from the initial page by using text similar to:"); ?>
+ <br /><br />
+ <tt>&lt;a href="/captiveportal-aup.php?zone=$PORTAL_ZONE$&amp;redirurl=$PORTAL_REDIRURL$"&gt;<?=gettext("Acceptable usage policy"); ?>&lt;/a&gt;</tt>
+ <br /><br />
+ <?php printf(gettext("The total size limit for all files is %s."), format_bytes($g['captiveportal_element_sizelimit']));?>
+ </span>
- </tr>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </table>
- <span class="vexpl"><span class="red"><strong>
- <?=gettext("Note:"); ?><br />
- </strong></span>
- <?=gettext("Any files that you upload here with the filename prefix of captiveportal- will " .
- "be made available in the root directory of the captive portal HTTP(S) server. " .
- "You may reference them directly from your portal page HTML code using relative paths. " .
- "Example: you've uploaded an image with the name 'captiveportal-test.jpg' using the " .
- "file manager. Then you can include it in your portal page like this:"); ?><br /><br />
- <tt>&lt;img src=&quot;captiveportal-test.jpg&quot; width=... height=...&gt;</tt>
- <br /><br />
- <?=gettext("In addition, you can also upload .php files for execution. You can pass the filename " .
- "to your custom page from the initial page by using text similar to:"); ?>
- <br /><br />
- <tt>&lt;a href="/captiveportal-aup.php?zone=$PORTAL_ZONE$&amp;redirurl=$PORTAL_REDIRURL$"&gt;<?=gettext("Acceptable usage policy"); ?>&lt;/a&gt;</tt>
- <br /><br />
- <?php printf(gettext("The total size limit for all files is %s."), format_bytes($g['captiveportal_element_sizelimit']));?></span>
+ </tr>
<?php include(""); ?>
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