path: root/src/usr/local/www/includes/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/usr/local/www/includes/')
1 files changed, 407 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/local/www/includes/ b/src/usr/local/www/includes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c48543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/usr/local/www/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+ pfSense_MODULE: ajax
+ Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Electric Sheep Fencing, LP
+if (Connection_Aborted()) {
+ exit;
+function get_stats() {
+ $stats['cpu'] = cpu_usage();
+ $stats['mem'] = mem_usage();
+ $stats['uptime'] = get_uptime();
+ $stats['states'] = get_pfstate();
+ $stats['temp'] = get_temp();
+ $stats['datetime'] = update_date_time();
+ $stats['interfacestatistics'] = get_interfacestats();
+ $stats['interfacestatus'] = get_interfacestatus();
+ $stats['gateways'] = get_gatewaystats();
+ $stats['cpufreq'] = get_cpufreq();
+ $stats['load_average'] = get_load_average();
+ $stats['mbuf'] = get_mbuf();
+ $stats['mbufpercent'] = get_mbuf(true);
+ $stats['statepercent'] = get_pfstate(true);
+ $stats = join("|", $stats);
+ return $stats;
+function get_gatewaystats() {
+ global $config;
+ if (isset($config["widgets"]["gateways_widget"]["display_type"])) {
+ $display_type = $config["widgets"]["gateways_widget"]["display_type"];
+ } else {
+ $display_type = "gw_ip";
+ }
+ $a_gateways = return_gateways_array();
+ $gateways_status = array();
+ $gateways_status = return_gateways_status(true);
+ $data = "";
+ $isfirst = true;
+ foreach ($a_gateways as $gname => $gw) {
+ if (!$isfirst) {
+ $data .= ",";
+ }
+ $isfirst = false;
+ $data .= $gw['name'] . ",";
+ $monitor_address = "";
+ $monitor_address_disp = "";
+ if ($display_type == "monitor_ip" || $display_type == "both_ip") {
+ $monitor_address = $gw['monitor'];
+ if ($monitor_address != "" && $display_type == "both_ip") {
+ $monitor_address_disp = " (" . $monitor_address . ")";
+ } else {
+ $monitor_address_disp = $monitor_address;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($gateways_status[$gname]) {
+ if ($display_type == "gw_ip" || $display_type == "both_ip" || ($display_type == "monitor_ip" && $monitor_address == "")) {
+ $if_gw = lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($gname);
+ } else {
+ $if_gw = "";
+ }
+ if ($monitor_address == $if_gw) {
+ $monitor_address_disp = "";
+ }
+ $data .= "<b>" . $if_gw . $monitor_address_disp . "</b>,";
+ $gws = $gateways_status[$gname];
+ switch (strtolower($gws['status'])) {
+ case "none":
+ $online = "Online";
+ $bgcolor = "#90EE90"; // lightgreen
+ break;
+ case "down":
+ $online = "Offline";
+ $bgcolor = "#F08080"; // lightcoral
+ break;
+ case "delay":
+ $online = "Latency";
+ $bgcolor = "#F0E68C"; // khaki
+ break;
+ case "loss":
+ $online = "Packetloss";
+ $bgcolor = "#F0E68C"; // khaki
+ break;
+ default:
+ $online = "Pending";
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($display_type == "gw_ip" || $display_type == "both_ip" || ($display_type == "monitor_ip" && $monitor_address == "")) {
+ $if_gw = "~";
+ } else {
+ $if_gw = "";
+ }
+ $data .= $if_gw . $monitor_address_disp . ",";
+ $gws['delay'] = "~";
+ $gws['loss'] = "~";
+ $online = "Unknown";
+ $bgcolor = "#ADD8E6"; // lightblue
+ }
+ $data .= ($online == "Pending") ? "{$online},{$online}," : "{$gws['delay']},{$gws['loss']},";
+ $data .= "{$online}^{$bgcolor}";
+ }
+ return $data;
+function get_uptime() {
+ $uptime = get_uptime_sec();
+ if (intval($uptime) == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $updays = (int)($uptime / 86400);
+ $uptime %= 86400;
+ $uphours = (int)($uptime / 3600);
+ $uptime %= 3600;
+ $upmins = (int)($uptime / 60);
+ $uptime %= 60;
+ $upsecs = (int)($uptime);
+ $uptimestr = "";
+ if ($updays > 1) {
+ $uptimestr .= "$updays Days ";
+ } else if ($updays > 0) {
+ $uptimestr .= "1 Day ";
+ }
+ if ($uphours > 1) {
+ $hours = "s";
+ }
+ if ($upmins > 1) {
+ $minutes = "s";
+ }
+ if ($upmins > 1) {
+ $seconds = "s";
+ }
+ $uptimestr .= sprintf("%02d Hour$hours %02d Minute$minutes %02d Second$seconds", $uphours, $upmins, $upsecs);
+ return $uptimestr;
+/* Calculates non-idle CPU time and returns as a percentage */
+function cpu_usage() {
+ $duration = 1;
+ $diff = array('user', 'nice', 'sys', 'intr', 'idle');
+ $cpuTicks = array_combine($diff, explode(" ", get_single_sysctl('kern.cp_time')));
+ sleep($duration);
+ $cpuTicks2 = array_combine($diff, explode(" ", get_single_sysctl('kern.cp_time')));
+ $totalStart = array_sum($cpuTicks);
+ $totalEnd = array_sum($cpuTicks2);
+ // Something wrapped ?!?!
+ if ($totalEnd <= $totalStart) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Calculate total cycles used
+ $totalUsed = ($totalEnd - $totalStart) - ($cpuTicks2['idle'] - $cpuTicks['idle']);
+ // Calculate the percentage used
+ $cpuUsage = floor(100 * ($totalUsed / ($totalEnd - $totalStart)));
+ return $cpuUsage;
+function get_pfstate($percent=false) {
+ global $config;
+ $matches = "";
+ if (isset($config['system']['maximumstates']) and $config['system']['maximumstates'] > 0) {
+ $maxstates="{$config['system']['maximumstates']}";
+ } else {
+ $maxstates=pfsense_default_state_size();
+ }
+ $curentries = `/sbin/pfctl -si |grep current`;
+ if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)/", $curentries, $matches)) {
+ $curentries = $matches[1];
+ }
+ if (!is_numeric($curentries)) {
+ $curentries = 0;
+ }
+ if ($percent) {
+ if (intval($maxstates) > 0) {
+ return round(($curentries / $maxstates) * 100, 0);
+ } else {
+ return "NA";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return $curentries . "/" . $maxstates;
+ }
+function has_temp() {
+ /* no known temp monitors available at present */
+ /* should only reach here if there is no hardware monitor */
+ return false;
+function get_hwtype() {
+ return;
+function get_mbuf($percent=false) {
+ $mbufs_output=trim(`/usr/bin/netstat -mb | /usr/bin/grep "mbuf clusters in use" | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $1 }'`);
+ list($mbufs_current, $mbufs_cache, $mbufs_total, $mbufs_max) = explode("/", $mbufs_output);
+ if ($percent) {
+ if ($mbufs_max > 0) {
+ return round(($mbufs_total / $mbufs_max) * 100, 0);
+ } else {
+ return "NA";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return "{$mbufs_total}/{$mbufs_max}";
+ }
+function get_temp() {
+ $temp_out = get_single_sysctl("dev.cpu.0.temperature");
+ if ($temp_out == "") {
+ $temp_out = get_single_sysctl("hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature");
+ }
+ // Remove 'C' from the end
+ return rtrim($temp_out, 'C');
+/* Get mounted filesystems and usage. Do not display entries for virtual filesystems (e.g. devfs, nullfs, unionfs) */
+function get_mounted_filesystems() {
+ $mout = "";
+ $filesystems = array();
+ exec("/bin/df -Tht ufs,zfs,cd9660 | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $6, $7;}'", $mout);
+ /* Get rid of the header */
+ array_shift($mout);
+ foreach ($mout as $fs) {
+ $f = array();
+ list($f['device'], $f['type'], $f['total_size'], $f['percent_used'], $f['mountpoint']) = explode(' ', $fs);
+ /* We dont' want the trailing % sign. */
+ $f['percent_used'] = trim($f['percent_used'], '%');
+ $filesystems[] = $f;
+ }
+ return $filesystems;
+function disk_usage($slice = '/') {
+ $dfout = "";
+ exec("/bin/df -h {$slice} | /usr/bin/tail -n 1 | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $5 }' | /usr/bin/cut -d '%' -f 1", $dfout);
+ $diskusage = trim($dfout[0]);
+ return $diskusage;
+function swap_usage() {
+ exec("/usr/sbin/swapinfo", $swap_info);
+ $swap_used = "";
+ foreach ($swap_info as $line) {
+ if (preg_match('/(\d+)%$/', $line, $matches)) {
+ $swap_used = $matches[1];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $swap_used;
+function mem_usage() {
+ $totalMem = get_single_sysctl("vm.stats.vm.v_page_count");
+ if ($totalMem > 0) {
+ $inactiveMem = get_single_sysctl("vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count");
+ $cachedMem = get_single_sysctl("vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count");
+ $freeMem = get_single_sysctl("vm.stats.vm.v_free_count");
+ $usedMem = $totalMem - ($inactiveMem + $cachedMem + $freeMem);
+ $memUsage = round(($usedMem * 100) / $totalMem, 0);
+ } else {
+ $memUsage = "NA";
+ }
+ return $memUsage;
+function update_date_time() {
+ $datetime = date("D M j G:i:s T Y");
+ return $datetime;
+function get_cpufreq() {
+ $cpufreqs = "";
+ $out = "";
+ $cpufreqs = explode(" ", get_single_sysctl('dev.cpu.0.freq_levels'));
+ $maxfreq = explode("/", $cpufreqs[0]);
+ $maxfreq = $maxfreq[0];
+ $curfreq = "";
+ $curfreq = get_single_sysctl('dev.cpu.0.freq');
+ if (($curfreq > 0) && ($curfreq != $maxfreq)) {
+ $out = "Current: {$curfreq} MHz, Max: {$maxfreq} MHz";
+ }
+ return $out;
+function get_cpu_count($show_detail = false) {
+ $cpucount = get_single_sysctl('kern.smp.cpus');
+ if ($show_detail) {
+ $cpudetail = "";
+ exec("/usr/bin/grep 'SMP.*package.*core' /var/log/dmesg.boot | /usr/bin/cut -f2- -d' '", $cpudetail);
+ $cpucount = $cpudetail[0];
+ }
+ return $cpucount;
+function get_load_average() {
+ $load_average = "";
+ exec("/usr/bin/uptime | /usr/bin/sed 's/^.*: //'", $load_average);
+ return $load_average[0];
+function get_interfacestats() {
+ global $config;
+ //build interface list for widget use
+ $ifdescrs = get_configured_interface_list();
+ $array_in_packets = array();
+ $array_out_packets = array();
+ $array_in_bytes = array();
+ $array_out_bytes = array();
+ $array_in_errors = array();
+ $array_out_errors = array();
+ $array_collisions = array();
+ $array_interrupt = array();
+ $new_data = "";
+ //build data arrays
+ foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) {
+ $ifinfo = get_interface_info($ifdescr);
+ $new_data .= "{$ifinfo['inpkts']},";
+ $new_data .= "{$ifinfo['outpkts']},";
+ $new_data .= format_bytes($ifinfo['inbytes']) . ",";
+ $new_data .= format_bytes($ifinfo['outbytes']) . ",";
+ if (isset($ifinfo['inerrs'])) {
+ $new_data .= "{$ifinfo['inerrs']},";
+ $new_data .= "{$ifinfo['outerrs']},";
+ } else {
+ $new_data .= "0,";
+ $new_data .= "0,";
+ }
+ if (isset($ifinfo['collisions'])) {
+ $new_data .= htmlspecialchars($ifinfo['collisions']) . ",";
+ } else {
+ $new_data .= "0,";
+ }
+ }//end for
+ return $new_data;
+function get_interfacestatus() {
+ $data = "";
+ global $config;
+ //build interface list for widget use
+ $ifdescrs = get_configured_interface_with_descr();
+ foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) {
+ $ifinfo = get_interface_info($ifdescr);
+ $data .= $ifname . "^";
+ if ($ifinfo['status'] == "up" || $ifinfo['status'] == "associated") {
+ $data .= "up";
+ } else if ($ifinfo['status'] == "no carrier") {
+ $data .= "down";
+ } else if ($ifinfo['status'] == "down") {
+ $data .= "block";
+ }
+ $data .= "^";
+ if ($ifinfo['ipaddr']) {
+ $data .= "<strong>" . htmlspecialchars($ifinfo['ipaddr']) . "</strong>";
+ }
+ $data .= "^";
+ if ($ifinfo['ipaddrv6']) {
+ $data .= "<strong>" . htmlspecialchars($ifinfo['ipaddrv6']) . "</strong>";
+ }
+ $data .= "^";
+ if ($ifinfo['status'] != "down") {
+ $data .= htmlspecialchars($ifinfo['media']);
+ }
+ $data .= "~";
+ }
+ return $data;
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud