path: root/src/etc/inc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/etc/inc/')
1 files changed, 2259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/etc/inc/ b/src/etc/inc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2c797b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/etc/inc/
@@ -0,0 +1,2259 @@
+ part of the pfSense project (
+ originally part of m0n0wall (
+ Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Manuel Kasper <>.
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ pfSense_BUILDER_BINARIES: /bin/ps /bin/kill /usr/bin/killall /sbin/ifconfig /usr/bin/netstat
+ pfSense_BUILDER_BINARIES: /usr/bin/awk /sbin/dmesg /sbin/ping /usr/local/sbin/gzsig /usr/sbin/arp
+ pfSense_BUILDER_BINARIES: /sbin/conscontrol /sbin/devd /bin/ps
+ pfSense_MODULE: utils
+/* kill a process by pid file */
+function killbypid($pidfile) {
+ return sigkillbypid($pidfile, "TERM");
+function isvalidpid($pidfile) {
+ $output = "";
+ if (file_exists($pidfile)) {
+ exec("/bin/pgrep -nF {$pidfile}", $output, $retval);
+ return (intval($retval) == 0);
+ }
+ return false;
+function is_process_running($process) {
+ $output = "";
+ exec("/bin/pgrep -anx " . escapeshellarg($process), $output, $retval);
+ return (intval($retval) == 0);
+function isvalidproc($proc) {
+ return is_process_running($proc);
+/* sigkill a process by pid file */
+/* return 1 for success and 0 for a failure */
+function sigkillbypid($pidfile, $sig) {
+ if (file_exists($pidfile)) {
+ return mwexec("/bin/pkill " . escapeshellarg("-{$sig}") . " -F {$pidfile}", true);
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* kill a process by name */
+function sigkillbyname($procname, $sig) {
+ if (isvalidproc($procname)) {
+ return mwexec("/usr/bin/killall " . escapeshellarg("-{$sig}") . " " . escapeshellarg($procname), true);
+ }
+/* kill a process by name */
+function killbyname($procname) {
+ if (isvalidproc($procname)) {
+ mwexec("/usr/bin/killall " . escapeshellarg($procname));
+ }
+function is_subsystem_dirty($subsystem = "") {
+ global $g;
+ if ($subsystem == "") {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (file_exists("{$g['varrun_path']}/{$subsystem}.dirty")) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+function mark_subsystem_dirty($subsystem = "") {
+ global $g;
+ if (!file_put_contents("{$g['varrun_path']}/{$subsystem}.dirty", "DIRTY")) {
+ log_error(sprintf(gettext("WARNING: Could not mark subsystem: %s dirty"), $subsystem));
+ }
+function clear_subsystem_dirty($subsystem = "") {
+ global $g;
+ @unlink("{$g['varrun_path']}/{$subsystem}.dirty");
+function config_lock() {
+ return;
+function config_unlock() {
+ return;
+/* lock configuration file */
+function lock($lock, $op = LOCK_SH) {
+ global $g, $cfglckkeyconsumers;
+ if (!$lock) {
+ die(gettext("WARNING: You must give a name as parameter to lock() function."));
+ }
+ if (!file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$lock}.lock")) {
+ @touch("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$lock}.lock");
+ @chmod("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$lock}.lock", 0666);
+ }
+ $cfglckkeyconsumers++;
+ if ($fp = fopen("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$lock}.lock", "w")) {
+ if (flock($fp, $op)) {
+ return $fp;
+ } else {
+ fclose($fp);
+ }
+ }
+function try_lock($lock, $timeout = 5) {
+ global $g, $cfglckkeyconsumers;
+ if (!$lock) {
+ die(gettext("WARNING: You must give a name as parameter to try_lock() function."));
+ }
+ if (!file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$lock}.lock")) {
+ @touch("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$lock}.lock");
+ @chmod("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$lock}.lock", 0666);
+ }
+ $cfglckkeyconsumers++;
+ if ($fp = fopen("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$lock}.lock", "w")) {
+ $trycounter = 0;
+ while (!flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
+ if ($trycounter >= $timeout) {
+ fclose($fp);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ $trycounter++;
+ }
+ return $fp;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+/* unlock configuration file */
+function unlock($cfglckkey = 0) {
+ global $g, $cfglckkeyconsumers;
+ flock($cfglckkey, LOCK_UN);
+ fclose($cfglckkey);
+ return;
+/* unlock forcefully configuration file */
+function unlock_force($lock) {
+ global $g;
+ @unlink("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$lock}.lock");
+function send_event($cmd) {
+ global $g;
+ if (!isset($g['event_address'])) {
+ $g['event_address'] = "unix:///var/run/check_reload_status";
+ }
+ $try = 0;
+ while ($try < 3) {
+ $fd = @fsockopen($g['event_address']);
+ if ($fd) {
+ fwrite($fd, $cmd);
+ $resp = fread($fd, 4096);
+ if ($resp != "OK\n") {
+ log_error("send_event: sent {$cmd} got {$resp}");
+ }
+ fclose($fd);
+ $try = 3;
+ } else if (!is_process_running("check_reload_status")) {
+ mwexec_bg("/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/sbin/check_reload_status");
+ }
+ $try++;
+ }
+function send_multiple_events($cmds) {
+ global $g;
+ if (!isset($g['event_address'])) {
+ $g['event_address'] = "unix:///var/run/check_reload_status";
+ }
+ if (!is_array($cmds)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ while ($try < 3) {
+ $fd = @fsockopen($g['event_address']);
+ if ($fd) {
+ foreach ($cmds as $cmd) {
+ fwrite($fd, $cmd);
+ $resp = fread($fd, 4096);
+ if ($resp != "OK\n") {
+ log_error("send_event: sent {$cmd} got {$resp}");
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($fd);
+ $try = 3;
+ } else if (!is_process_running("check_reload_status")) {
+ mwexec_bg("/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/sbin/check_reload_status");
+ }
+ $try++;
+ }
+function refcount_init($reference) {
+ $shmid = @shmop_open($reference, "c", 0644, 10);
+ @shmop_write($shmid, str_pad("0", 10, "\x0", STR_PAD_RIGHT), 0);
+ @shmop_close($shmid);
+function refcount_reference($reference) {
+ /* Take out a lock across the shared memory read, increment, write sequence to make it atomic. */
+ $shm_lck = lock("shm{$reference}", LOCK_EX);
+ try {
+ /* NOTE: A warning is generated when shared memory does not exist */
+ $shmid = @shmop_open($reference, "w", 0, 0);
+ if (!$shmid) {
+ refcount_init($reference);
+ $shmid = @shmop_open($reference, "w", 0, 0);
+ if (!$shmid) {
+ log_error(gettext("Could not open shared memory {$reference}"));
+ unlock($shm_lck);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $shm_data = @shmop_read($shmid, 0, 10);
+ $shm_data = intval($shm_data) + 1;
+ @shmop_write($shmid, str_pad($shm_data, 10, "\x0", STR_PAD_RIGHT), 0);
+ @shmop_close($shmid);
+ unlock($shm_lck);
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ log_error($e->getMessage());
+ unlock($shm_lck);
+ }
+ return $shm_data;
+function refcount_unreference($reference) {
+ /* Take out a lock across the shared memory read, decrement, write sequence to make it atomic. */
+ $shm_lck = lock("shm{$reference}", LOCK_EX);
+ try {
+ $shmid = @shmop_open($reference, "w", 0, 0);
+ if (!$shmid) {
+ refcount_init($reference);
+ log_error(gettext("Could not open shared memory {$reference}"));
+ unlock($shm_lck);
+ return;
+ }
+ $shm_data = @shmop_read($shmid, 0, 10);
+ $shm_data = intval($shm_data) - 1;
+ if ($shm_data < 0) {
+ //debug_backtrace();
+ log_error(sprintf(gettext("Reference %s is going negative, not doing unreference."), $reference));
+ } else {
+ @shmop_write($shmid, str_pad($shm_data, 10, "\x0", STR_PAD_RIGHT), 0);
+ }
+ @shmop_close($shmid);
+ unlock($shm_lck);
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ log_error($e->getMessage());
+ unlock($shm_lck);
+ }
+ return $shm_data;
+function refcount_read($reference) {
+ /* This function just reads the current value of the refcount for information. */
+ /* There is no need for locking. */
+ $shmid = @shmop_open($reference, "a", 0, 0);
+ if (!$shmid) {
+ log_error(gettext("Could not open shared memory for read {$reference}"));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ $shm_data = @shmop_read($shmid, 0, 10);
+ @shmop_close($shmid);
+ return $shm_data;
+function is_module_loaded($module_name) {
+ $module_name = str_replace(".ko", "", $module_name);
+ $running = 0;
+ $_gb = exec("/sbin/kldstat -qn {$module_name} 2>&1", $_gb, $running);
+ if (intval($running) == 0) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+/* validate non-negative numeric string, or equivalent numeric variable */
+function is_numericint($arg) {
+ return (((is_int($arg) && $arg >= 0) || (is_string($arg) && strlen($arg) > 0 && ctype_digit($arg))) ? true : false);
+/* Generate the (human readable) ipv4 or ipv6 subnet address (i.e., netmask, or subnet start IP)
+ given an (human readable) ipv4 or ipv6 host address and subnet bit count */
+function gen_subnet($ipaddr, $bits) {
+ if (($sn = gen_subnetv6($ipaddr, $bits)) == '') {
+ $sn = gen_subnetv4($ipaddr, $bits); // try to avoid rechecking IPv4/v6
+ }
+ return $sn;
+/* same as gen_subnet() but accepts IPv4 only */
+function gen_subnetv4($ipaddr, $bits) {
+ if (is_ipaddrv4($ipaddr) && is_numericint($bits) && $bits <= 32) {
+ if ($bits == 0) {
+ return ''; // avoids <<32
+ }
+ return long2ip(ip2long($ipaddr) & ((0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - $bits)) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
+ }
+ return "";
+/* same as gen_subnet() but accepts IPv6 only */
+function gen_subnetv6($ipaddr, $bits) {
+ if (is_ipaddrv6($ipaddr) && is_numericint($bits) && $bits <= 128) {
+ return Net_IPv6::compress(Net_IPv6::getNetmask($ipaddr, $bits));
+ }
+ return "";
+/* Generate the (human readable) ipv4 or ipv6 subnet end address (i.e., highest address, end IP, or IPv4 broadcast address)
+ given an (human readable) ipv4 or ipv6 host address and subnet bit count. */
+function gen_subnet_max($ipaddr, $bits) {
+ if (($sn = gen_subnetv6_max($ipaddr, $bits)) == '') {
+ $sn = gen_subnetv4_max($ipaddr, $bits); // try to avoid rechecking IPv4/v6
+ }
+ return $sn;
+/* same as gen_subnet_max() but validates IPv4 only */
+function gen_subnetv4_max($ipaddr, $bits) {
+ if (is_ipaddrv4($ipaddr) && is_numericint($bits) && $bits <= 32) {
+ if ($bits == 32) {
+ return $ipaddr;
+ }
+ return long2ip32(ip2long($ipaddr) | ~gen_subnet_mask_long($bits));
+ }
+ return "";
+/* same as gen_subnet_max() but validates IPv6 only */
+function gen_subnetv6_max($ipaddr, $bits) {
+ if (is_ipaddrv6($ipaddr) && is_numericint($bits) && $bits <= 128) {
+ $endip_bin = substr(Net_IPv6::_ip2Bin($ipaddr), 0, $bits) . str_repeat('1', 128 - $bits);
+ return Net_IPv6::compress(Net_IPv6::_bin2Ip($endip_bin));
+ }
+ return "";
+/* returns a subnet mask (long given a bit count) */
+function gen_subnet_mask_long($bits) {
+ $sm = 0;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $bits; $i++) {
+ $sm >>= 1;
+ $sm |= 0x80000000;
+ }
+ return $sm;
+/* same as above but returns a string */
+function gen_subnet_mask($bits) {
+ return long2ip(gen_subnet_mask_long($bits));
+/* Convert long int to IP address, truncating to 32-bits. */
+function long2ip32($ip) {
+ return long2ip($ip & 0xFFFFFFFF);
+/* Convert IP address to long int, truncated to 32-bits to avoid sign extension on 64-bit platforms. */
+function ip2long32($ip) {
+ return (ip2long($ip) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
+/* Convert IP address to unsigned long int. */
+function ip2ulong($ip) {
+ return sprintf("%u", ip2long32($ip));
+/* Find out how many IPs are contained within a given IP range
+ * e.g. to returns 256
+ */
+function ip_range_size_v4($startip, $endip) {
+ if (is_ipaddrv4($startip) && is_ipaddrv4($endip)) {
+ // Operate as unsigned long because otherwise it wouldn't work
+ // when crossing over from / barrier
+ return abs(ip2ulong($startip) - ip2ulong($endip)) + 1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+/* Find the smallest possible subnet mask which can contain a given number of IPs
+ * e.g. 512 IPs can fit in a /23, but 513 IPs need a /22
+ */
+function find_smallest_cidr_v4($number) {
+ $smallest = 1;
+ for ($b=32; $b > 0; $b--) {
+ $smallest = ($number <= pow(2, $b)) ? $b : $smallest;
+ }
+ return (32-$smallest);
+/* Return the previous IP address before the given address */
+function ip_before($ip, $offset = 1) {
+ return long2ip32(ip2long($ip) - $offset);
+/* Return the next IP address after the given address */
+function ip_after($ip, $offset = 1) {
+ return long2ip32(ip2long($ip) + $offset);
+/* Return true if the first IP is 'before' the second */
+function ip_less_than($ip1, $ip2) {
+ // Compare as unsigned long because otherwise it wouldn't work when
+ // crossing over from / barrier
+ return ip2ulong($ip1) < ip2ulong($ip2);
+/* Return true if the first IP is 'after' the second */
+function ip_greater_than($ip1, $ip2) {
+ // Compare as unsigned long because otherwise it wouldn't work
+ // when crossing over from / barrier
+ return ip2ulong($ip1) > ip2ulong($ip2);
+/* compare two IP addresses */
+function ipcmp($a, $b) {
+ if (ip_less_than($a, $b)) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (ip_greater_than($a, $b)) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* Convert a range of IPv4 addresses to an array of individual addresses. */
+/* Note: IPv6 ranges are not yet supported here. */
+function ip_range_to_address_array($startip, $endip, $max_size = 5000) {
+ if (!is_ipaddrv4($startip) || !is_ipaddrv4($endip)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (ip_greater_than($startip, $endip)) {
+ // Swap start and end so we can process sensibly.
+ $temp = $startip;
+ $startip = $endip;
+ $endip = $temp;
+ }
+ if (ip_range_size_v4($startip, $endip) > $max_size) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Container for IP addresses within this range.
+ $rangeaddresses = array();
+ $end_int = ip2ulong($endip);
+ for ($ip_int = ip2ulong($startip); $ip_int <= $end_int; $ip_int++) {
+ $rangeaddresses[] = long2ip($ip_int);
+ }
+ return $rangeaddresses;
+/* Convert a range of IPv4 addresses to an array of subnets which can contain the range. */
+/* Note: IPv6 ranges are not yet supported here. */
+function ip_range_to_subnet_array($startip, $endip) {
+ if (!is_ipaddrv4($startip) || !is_ipaddrv4($endip)) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ if (ip_greater_than($startip, $endip)) {
+ // Swap start and end so we can process sensibly.
+ $temp = $startip;
+ $startip = $endip;
+ $endip = $temp;
+ }
+ // Container for subnets within this range.
+ $rangesubnets = array();
+ // Figure out what the smallest subnet is that holds the number of IPs in the given range.
+ $cidr = find_smallest_cidr_v4(ip_range_size_v4($startip, $endip));
+ // Loop here to reduce subnet size and retest as needed. We need to make sure
+ // that the target subnet is wholly contained between $startip and $endip.
+ for ($cidr; $cidr <= 32; $cidr++) {
+ // Find the network and broadcast addresses for the subnet being tested.
+ $targetsub_min = gen_subnet($startip, $cidr);
+ $targetsub_max = gen_subnet_max($startip, $cidr);
+ // Check best case where the range is exactly one subnet.
+ if (($targetsub_min == $startip) && ($targetsub_max == $endip)) {
+ // Hooray, the range is exactly this subnet!
+ return array("{$startip}/{$cidr}");
+ }
+ // These remaining scenarios will find a subnet that uses the largest
+ // chunk possible of the range being tested, and leave the rest to be
+ // tested recursively after the loop.
+ // Check if the subnet begins with $startip and ends before $endip
+ if (($targetsub_min == $startip) && ip_less_than($targetsub_max, $endip)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Check if the subnet ends at $endip and starts after $startip
+ if (ip_greater_than($targetsub_min, $startip) && ($targetsub_max == $endip)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Check if the subnet is between $startip and $endip
+ if (ip_greater_than($targetsub_min, $startip) && ip_less_than($targetsub_max, $endip)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Some logic that will recursively search from $startip to the first IP before the start of the subnet we just found.
+ // NOTE: This may never be hit, the way the above algo turned out, but is left for completeness.
+ if ($startip != $targetsub_min) {
+ $rangesubnets = array_merge($rangesubnets, ip_range_to_subnet_array($startip, ip_before($targetsub_min)));
+ }
+ // Add in the subnet we found before, to preserve ordering
+ $rangesubnets[] = "{$targetsub_min}/{$cidr}";
+ // And some more logic that will search after the subnet we found to fill in to the end of the range.
+ if ($endip != $targetsub_max) {
+ $rangesubnets = array_merge($rangesubnets, ip_range_to_subnet_array(ip_after($targetsub_max), $endip));
+ }
+ return $rangesubnets;
+/* returns true if $range is a valid pair of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses separated by a "-"
+ false - if not a valid pair
+ true (numeric 4 or 6) - if valid, gives type of addresses */
+function is_iprange($range) {
+ if (substr_count($range, '-') != 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ list($ip1, $ip2) = explode ('-', $range);
+ if (is_ipaddrv4($ip1) && is_ipaddrv4($ip2)) {
+ return 4;
+ }
+ if (is_ipaddrv6($ip1) && is_ipaddrv6($ip2)) {
+ return 6;
+ }
+ return false;
+/* returns true if $ipaddr is a valid dotted IPv4 address or a IPv6
+ false - not valid
+ true (numeric 4 or 6) - if valid, gives type of address */
+function is_ipaddr($ipaddr) {
+ if (is_ipaddrv4($ipaddr)) {
+ return 4;
+ }
+ if (is_ipaddrv6($ipaddr)) {
+ return 6;
+ }
+ return false;
+/* returns true if $ipaddr is a valid IPv6 address */
+function is_ipaddrv6($ipaddr) {
+ if (!is_string($ipaddr) || empty($ipaddr)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (strstr($ipaddr, "%") && is_linklocal($ipaddr)) {
+ $tmpip = explode("%", $ipaddr);
+ $ipaddr = $tmpip[0];
+ }
+ return Net_IPv6::checkIPv6($ipaddr);
+/* returns true if $ipaddr is a valid dotted IPv4 address */
+function is_ipaddrv4($ipaddr) {
+ if (!is_string($ipaddr) || empty($ipaddr) || ip2long($ipaddr) === FALSE) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+/* returns true if $ipaddr is a valid IPv6 linklocal address */
+function is_linklocal($ipaddr) {
+ return (strtolower(substr($ipaddr, 0, 5)) == "fe80:");
+/* returns scope of a linklocal address */
+function get_ll_scope($addr) {
+ if (!is_linklocal($addr) || !strstr($addr, "%")) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ list ($ll, $scope) = explode("%", $addr);
+ return $scope;
+/* returns true if $ipaddr is a valid literal IPv6 address */
+function is_literalipaddrv6($ipaddr) {
+ if (preg_match("/\[([0-9a-f:]+)\]/i", $ipaddr, $match)) {
+ $ipaddr = $match[1];
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return is_ipaddrv6($ipaddr);
+/* returns true if $iport is a valid IPv4/IPv6 address + port
+ false - not valid
+ true (numeric 4 or 6) - if valid, gives type of address */
+function is_ipaddrwithport($ipport) {
+ $c = strrpos($ipport, ":");
+ if ($c === false) {
+ return false; // can't split at final colon if no colon exists
+ }
+ if (!is_port(substr($ipport, $c + 1))) {
+ return false; // no valid port after last colon
+ }
+ $ip = substr($ipport, 0, $c); // else is text before last colon a valid IP
+ if (is_literalipaddrv6($ip)) {
+ return 6;
+ } elseif (is_ipaddrv4($ip)) {
+ return 4;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function is_hostnamewithport($hostport) {
+ $parts = explode(":", $hostport);
+ $port = array_pop($parts);
+ if (count($parts) == 1) {
+ return is_hostname($parts[0]) && is_port($port);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+/* returns true if $ipaddr is a valid dotted IPv4 address or an alias thereof */
+function is_ipaddroralias($ipaddr) {
+ global $config;
+ if (is_alias($ipaddr)) {
+ if (is_array($config['aliases']['alias'])) {
+ foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias) {
+ if ($alias['name'] == $ipaddr && !preg_match("/port/i", $alias['type'])) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return is_ipaddr($ipaddr);
+ }
+/* returns true if $subnet is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 subnet in CIDR format
+ false - if not a valid subnet
+ true (numeric 4 or 6) - if valid, gives type of subnet */
+function is_subnet($subnet) {
+ if (is_string($subnet) && preg_match('/^(?:([0-9.]{7,15})|([0-9a-f:]{2,39}))\/(\d{1,3})$/i', $subnet, $parts)) {
+ if (is_ipaddrv4($parts[1]) && $parts[3] <= 32) {
+ return 4;
+ }
+ if (is_ipaddrv6($parts[2]) && $parts[3] <= 128) {
+ return 6;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+/* same as is_subnet() but accepts IPv4 only */
+function is_subnetv4($subnet) {
+ return (is_subnet($subnet) == 4);
+/* same as is_subnet() but accepts IPv6 only */
+function is_subnetv6($subnet) {
+ return (is_subnet($subnet) == 6);
+/* returns true if $subnet is a valid subnet in CIDR format or an alias thereof */
+function is_subnetoralias($subnet) {
+ global $aliastable;
+ if (isset($aliastable[$subnet]) && is_subnet($aliastable[$subnet])) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return is_subnet($subnet);
+ }
+function subnet_size($subnet) {
+ if (is_subnetv4($subnet)) {
+ list ($ip, $bits) = explode("/", $subnet);
+ return round(exp(log(2) * (32 - $bits)));
+ }
+ else if (is_subnetv6($subnet)) {
+ list ($ip, $bits) = explode("/", $subnet);
+ return round(exp(log(2) * (128 - $bits)));
+ }
+ else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+function subnet_expand($subnet) {
+ if (is_subnetv4($subnet)) {
+ return subnetv4_expand($subnet);
+ } else if (is_subnetv6($subnet)) {
+ return subnetv6_expand($subnet);
+ } else {
+ return $subnet;
+ }
+function subnetv4_expand($subnet) {
+ $result = array();
+ list ($ip, $bits) = explode("/", $subnet);
+ $net = ip2long($ip);
+ $mask = (0xffffffff << (32 - $bits));
+ $net &= $mask;
+ $size = round(exp(log(2) * (32 - $bits)));
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i += 1) {
+ $result[] = long2ip($net | $i);
+ }
+ return $result;
+/* find out whether two subnets overlap */
+function check_subnets_overlap($subnet1, $bits1, $subnet2, $bits2) {
+ if (!is_numeric($bits1)) {
+ $bits1 = 32;
+ }
+ if (!is_numeric($bits2)) {
+ $bits2 = 32;
+ }
+ if ($bits1 < $bits2) {
+ $relbits = $bits1;
+ } else {
+ $relbits = $bits2;
+ }
+ $sn1 = gen_subnet_mask_long($relbits) & ip2long($subnet1);
+ $sn2 = gen_subnet_mask_long($relbits) & ip2long($subnet2);
+ return ($sn1 == $sn2);
+/* find out whether two IPv6 subnets overlap */
+function check_subnetsv6_overlap($subnet1, $bits1, $subnet2, $bits2) {
+ $sub1_min = gen_subnetv6($subnet1, $bits1);
+ $sub1_max = gen_subnetv6_max($subnet1, $bits1);
+ $sub2_min = gen_subnetv6($subnet2, $bits2);
+ $sub2_max = gen_subnetv6_max($subnet2, $bits2);
+ return (is_inrange_v6($sub1_min, $sub2_min, $sub2_max) || is_inrange_v6($sub1_max, $sub2_min, $sub2_max) || is_inrange_v6($sub2_min, $sub1_min, $sub1_max));
+/* return true if $addr is in $subnet, false if not */
+function ip_in_subnet($addr, $subnet) {
+ if (is_ipaddrv6($addr) && is_subnetv6($subnet)) {
+ return (Net_IPv6::isInNetmask($addr, $subnet));
+ } else if (is_ipaddrv4($addr) && is_subnetv4($subnet)) {
+ list($ip, $mask) = explode('/', $subnet);
+ $mask = (0xffffffff << (32 - $mask)) & 0xffffffff;
+ return ((ip2long($addr) & $mask) == (ip2long($ip) & $mask));
+ }
+ return false;
+/* returns true if $hostname is just a valid hostname (top part without any of the domain part) */
+function is_unqualified_hostname($hostname) {
+ if (!is_string($hostname)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/^(?:[a-z0-9_]|[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_\-]*[a-z0-9_])$/i', $hostname)) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+/* returns true if $hostname is a valid hostname, with or without being a fully-qualified domain name. */
+function is_hostname($hostname) {
+ if (!is_string($hostname)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (is_domain($hostname)) {
+ if ((substr_count($hostname, ".") == 1) && ($hostname[strlen($hostname)-1] == ".")) {
+ /* Only a single dot at the end like "test." - hosts cannot be directly in the root domain. */
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+/* returns true if $domain is a valid domain name */
+function is_domain($domain) {
+ if (!is_string($domain)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/^(?:(?:[a-z_0-9]|[a-z_0-9][a-z_0-9\-]*[a-z_0-9])\.)*(?:[a-z_0-9]|[a-z_0-9][a-z_0-9\-]*[a-z_0-9\.])$/i', $domain)) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+/* returns true if $macaddr is a valid MAC address */
+function is_macaddr($macaddr, $partial=false) {
+ $repeat = ($partial) ? '1,5' : '5';
+ return preg_match('/^[0-9A-F]{2}(?:[:][0-9A-F]{2}){'.$repeat.'}$/i', $macaddr) == 1 ? true : false;
+/* returns true if $name is a valid name for an alias
+ returns NULL if a reserved word is used
+ returns FALSE for bad chars in the name - this allows calling code to determine what the problem was.
+ aliases cannot be:
+ bad chars: anything except a-z 0-9 and underscore
+ bad names: empty string, pure numeric, pure underscore
+ reserved words: pre-defined service/protocol/port names which should not be ambiguous, and the words "port" and "pass" */
+function is_validaliasname($name) {
+ /* Array of reserved words */
+ $reserved = array("port", "pass");
+ if (!is_string($name) || strlen($name) >= 32 || preg_match('/(^_*$|^\d*$|[^a-z0-9_])/i', $name)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (in_array($name, $reserved, true) || getservbyname($name, "tcp") || getservbyname($name, "udp") || getprotobyname($name)) {
+ return; /* return NULL */
+ }
+ return true;
+/* returns true if $port is a valid TCP/UDP port */
+function is_port($port) {
+ if (ctype_digit($port) && ((intval($port) >= 1) && (intval($port) <= 65535))) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (getservbyname($port, "tcp") || getservbyname($port, "udp")) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+/* returns true if $portrange is a valid TCP/UDP portrange ("<port>:<port>") */
+function is_portrange($portrange) {
+ $ports = explode(":", $portrange);
+ return (count($ports) == 2 && is_port($ports[0]) && is_port($ports[1]));
+/* returns true if $port is a valid port number or an alias thereof */
+function is_portoralias($port) {
+ global $config;
+ if (is_alias($port)) {
+ if (is_array($config['aliases']['alias'])) {
+ foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias) {
+ if ($alias['name'] == $port && preg_match("/port/i", $alias['type'])) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return is_port($port);
+ }
+/* create ranges of sequential port numbers (200:215) and remove duplicates */
+function group_ports($ports) {
+ if (!is_array($ports) || empty($ports)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $uniq = array();
+ foreach ($ports as $port) {
+ if (is_portrange($port)) {
+ list($begin, $end) = explode(":", $port);
+ if ($begin > $end) {
+ $aux = $begin;
+ $begin = $end;
+ $end = $aux;
+ }
+ for ($i = $begin; $i <= $end; $i++) {
+ if (!in_array($i, $uniq)) {
+ $uniq[] = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (is_port($port)) {
+ if (!in_array($port, $uniq)) {
+ $uniq[] = $port;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sort($uniq, SORT_NUMERIC);
+ $result = array();
+ foreach ($uniq as $idx => $port) {
+ if ($idx == 0) {
+ $result[] = $port;
+ continue;
+ }
+ $last = end($result);
+ if (is_portrange($last)) {
+ list($begin, $end) = explode(":", $last);
+ } else {
+ $begin = $end = $last;
+ }
+ if ($port == ($end+1)) {
+ $end++;
+ $result[count($result)-1] = "{$begin}:{$end}";
+ } else {
+ $result[] = $port;
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+/* returns true if $val is a valid shaper bandwidth value */
+function is_valid_shaperbw($val) {
+ return (preg_match("/^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)([MKG]?b|%)$/", $val));
+/* returns true if $test is in the range between $start and $end */
+function is_inrange_v4($test, $start, $end) {
+ if ((ip2ulong($test) <= ip2ulong($end)) && (ip2ulong($test) >= ip2ulong($start))) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+/* returns true if $test is in the range between $start and $end */
+function is_inrange_v6($test, $start, $end) {
+ if ((inet_pton($test) <= inet_pton($end)) && (inet_pton($test) >= inet_pton($start))) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+/* returns true if $test is in the range between $start and $end */
+function is_inrange($test, $start, $end) {
+ return is_ipaddrv6($test) ? is_inrange_v6($test, $start, $end) : is_inrange_v4($test, $start, $end);
+/* XXX: return the configured carp interface list */
+function get_configured_carp_interface_list($carpinterface = '', $family = 'inet', $what = 'ip') {
+ global $config;
+ $iflist = array();
+ if (is_array($config['virtualip']['vip'])) {
+ $viparr = &$config['virtualip']['vip'];
+ foreach ($viparr as $vip) {
+ switch ($vip['mode']) {
+ case "carp":
+ if (!empty($carpinterface)) {
+ if ($carpinterface == "_vip{$vip['uniqid']}") {
+ switch ($what) {
+ case 'subnet':
+ if ($family == 'inet' && is_ipaddrv4($vip['subnet'])) {
+ return $vip['subnet_bits'];
+ } else if ($family == 'inet6' && is_ipaddrv6($vip['subnet'])) {
+ return $vip['subnet_bits'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'iface':
+ if ($family == 'inet' && is_ipaddrv4($vip['subnet'])) {
+ return $vip['interface'];
+ } else if ($family == 'inet6' && is_ipaddrv6($vip['subnet'])) {
+ return $vip['interface'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'vip':
+ if ($family == 'inet' && is_ipaddrv4($vip['subnet'])) {
+ return $vip;
+ } else if ($family == 'inet6' && is_ipaddrv6($vip['subnet'])) {
+ return $vip;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'ip':
+ default:
+ if ($family == 'inet' && is_ipaddrv4($vip['subnet'])) {
+ return $vip['subnet'];
+ } else if ($family == 'inet6' && is_ipaddrv6($vip['subnet'])) {
+ return $vip['subnet'];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $iflist["_vip{$vip['uniqid']}"] = $vip['subnet'];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $iflist;
+/* return the configured IP aliases list */
+function get_configured_ip_aliases_list($returnfullentry = false) {
+ global $config;
+ $alias_list = array();
+ if (is_array($config['virtualip']['vip'])) {
+ $viparr = &$config['virtualip']['vip'];
+ foreach ($viparr as $vip) {
+ if ($vip['mode'] == "ipalias") {
+ if ($returnfullentry) {
+ $alias_list[$vip['subnet']] = $vip;
+ } else {
+ $alias_list[$vip['subnet']] = $vip['interface'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $alias_list;
+/* return all configured aliases list (IP, carp, proxyarp and other) */
+function get_configured_vips_list() {
+ global $config;
+ $alias_list = array();
+ if (is_array($config['virtualip']['vip'])) {
+ $viparr = &$config['virtualip']['vip'];
+ foreach ($viparr as $vip) {
+ if ($vip['mode'] == "carp") {
+ $alias_list[] = array("ipaddr" => $vip['subnet'], "if" => "{$vip['interface']}_vip{$vip['vhid']}");
+ } else {
+ $alias_list[] = array("ipaddr" => $vip['subnet'], "if" => $vip['interface']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $alias_list;
+/* comparison function for sorting by the order in which interfaces are normally created */
+function compare_interface_friendly_names($a, $b) {
+ if ($a == $b) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if ($a == 'wan') {
+ return -1;
+ } else if ($b == 'wan') {
+ return 1;
+ } else if ($a == 'lan') {
+ return -1;
+ } else if ($b == 'lan') {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return strnatcmp($a, $b);
+/* return the configured interfaces list. */
+function get_configured_interface_list($only_opt = false, $withdisabled = false) {
+ global $config;
+ $iflist = array();
+ /* if list */
+ foreach ($config['interfaces'] as $if => $ifdetail) {
+ if ($only_opt && ($if == "wan" || $if == "lan")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isset($ifdetail['enable']) || $withdisabled == true) {
+ $iflist[$if] = $if;
+ }
+ }
+ return $iflist;
+/* return the configured interfaces list. */
+function get_configured_interface_list_by_realif($only_opt = false, $withdisabled = false) {
+ global $config;
+ $iflist = array();
+ /* if list */
+ foreach ($config['interfaces'] as $if => $ifdetail) {
+ if ($only_opt && ($if == "wan" || $if == "lan")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isset($ifdetail['enable']) || $withdisabled == true) {
+ $tmpif = get_real_interface($if);
+ if (!empty($tmpif)) {
+ $iflist[$tmpif] = $if;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $iflist;
+/* return the configured interfaces list with their description. */
+function get_configured_interface_with_descr($only_opt = false, $withdisabled = false) {
+ global $config;
+ $iflist = array();
+ /* if list */
+ foreach ($config['interfaces'] as $if => $ifdetail) {
+ if ($only_opt && ($if == "wan" || $if == "lan")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isset($ifdetail['enable']) || $withdisabled == true) {
+ if (empty($ifdetail['descr'])) {
+ $iflist[$if] = strtoupper($if);
+ } else {
+ $iflist[$if] = strtoupper($ifdetail['descr']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $iflist;
+ * get_configured_ip_addresses() - Return a list of all configured
+ * interfaces IP Addresses
+ *
+ */
+function get_configured_ip_addresses() {
+ global $config;
+ if (!function_exists('get_interface_ip')) {
+ require_once("");
+ }
+ $ip_array = array();
+ $interfaces = get_configured_interface_list();
+ if (is_array($interfaces)) {
+ foreach ($interfaces as $int) {
+ $ipaddr = get_interface_ip($int);
+ $ip_array[$int] = $ipaddr;
+ }
+ }
+ $interfaces = get_configured_carp_interface_list();
+ if (is_array($interfaces)) {
+ foreach ($interfaces as $int => $ipaddr) {
+ $ip_array[$int] = $ipaddr;
+ }
+ }
+ /* pppoe server */
+ if (is_array($config['pppoes']) && is_array($config['pppoes']['pppoe'])) {
+ foreach ($config['pppoes']['pppoe'] as $pppoe) {
+ if ($pppoe['mode'] == "server") {
+ if (is_ipaddr($pppoe['localip'])) {
+ $int = "pppoes". $pppoe['pppoeid'];
+ $ip_array[$int] = $pppoe['localip'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $ip_array;
+ * get_configured_ipv6_addresses() - Return a list of all configured
+ * interfaces IPv6 Addresses
+ *
+ */
+function get_configured_ipv6_addresses() {
+ require_once("");
+ $ipv6_array = array();
+ $interfaces = get_configured_interface_list();
+ if (is_array($interfaces)) {
+ foreach ($interfaces as $int) {
+ $ipaddrv6 = get_interface_ipv6($int);
+ $ipv6_array[$int] = $ipaddrv6;
+ }
+ }
+ $interfaces = get_configured_carp_interface_list();
+ if (is_array($interfaces)) {
+ foreach ($interfaces as $int => $ipaddrv6) {
+ $ipv6_array[$int] = $ipaddrv6;
+ }
+ }
+ return $ipv6_array;
+ * get_interface_list() - Return a list of all physical interfaces
+ * along with MAC and status.
+ *
+ * $mode = "active" - use ifconfig -lu
+ * "media" - use ifconfig to check physical connection
+ * status (much slower)
+ */
+function get_interface_list($mode = "active", $keyby = "physical", $vfaces = "") {
+ global $config;
+ $upints = array();
+ /* get a list of virtual interface types */
+ if (!$vfaces) {
+ $vfaces = array(
+ 'bridge',
+ 'ppp',
+ 'pppoe',
+ 'pptp',
+ 'l2tp',
+ 'sl',
+ 'gif',
+ 'gre',
+ 'faith',
+ 'lo',
+ 'ng',
+ '_vlan',
+ '_wlan',
+ 'pflog',
+ 'plip',
+ 'pfsync',
+ 'enc',
+ 'tun',
+ 'carp',
+ 'lagg',
+ 'vip',
+ 'ipfw'
+ );
+ }
+ switch ($mode) {
+ case "active":
+ $upints = pfSense_interface_listget(IFF_UP);
+ break;
+ case "media":
+ $intlist = pfSense_interface_listget();
+ $ifconfig = "";
+ exec("/sbin/ifconfig -a", $ifconfig);
+ $regexp = '/(' . implode('|', $intlist) . '):\s/';
+ $ifstatus = preg_grep('/status:/', $ifconfig);
+ foreach ($ifstatus as $status) {
+ $int = array_shift($intlist);
+ if (stristr($status, "active")) {
+ $upints[] = $int;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ $upints = pfSense_interface_listget();
+ break;
+ }
+ /* build interface list with netstat */
+ $linkinfo = "";
+ exec("/usr/bin/netstat -inW -f link | awk '{ print $1, $4 }'", $linkinfo);
+ array_shift($linkinfo);
+ /* build ip address list with netstat */
+ $ipinfo = "";
+ exec("/usr/bin/netstat -inW -f inet | awk '{ print $1, $4 }'", $ipinfo);
+ array_shift($ipinfo);
+ foreach ($linkinfo as $link) {
+ $friendly = "";
+ $alink = explode(" ", $link);
+ $ifname = rtrim(trim($alink[0]), '*');
+ /* trim out all numbers before checking for vfaces */
+ if (!in_array(array_shift(preg_split('/\d/', $ifname)), $vfaces) &&
+ !stristr($ifname, "_vlan") && !stristr($ifname, "_wlan")) {
+ $toput = array(
+ "mac" => trim($alink[1]),
+ "up" => in_array($ifname, $upints)
+ );
+ foreach ($ipinfo as $ip) {
+ $aip = explode(" ", $ip);
+ if ($aip[0] == $ifname) {
+ $toput['ipaddr'] = $aip[1];
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_array($config['interfaces'])) {
+ foreach ($config['interfaces'] as $name => $int) {
+ if ($int['if'] == $ifname) {
+ $friendly = $name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch ($keyby) {
+ case "physical":
+ if ($friendly != "") {
+ $toput['friendly'] = $friendly;
+ }
+ $dmesg_arr = array();
+ exec("/sbin/dmesg |grep $ifname | head -n1", $dmesg_arr);
+ preg_match_all("/<(.*?)>/i", $dmesg_arr[0], $dmesg);
+ $toput['dmesg'] = $dmesg[1][0];
+ $iflist[$ifname] = $toput;
+ break;
+ case "ppp":
+ case "friendly":
+ if ($friendly != "") {
+ $toput['if'] = $ifname;
+ $iflist[$friendly] = $toput;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $iflist;
+/****f* util/log_error
+* log_error - Sends a string to syslog.
+* $error - string containing the syslog message.
+* null
+function log_error($error) {
+ global $g;
+ $page = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
+ if (empty($page)) {
+ $files = get_included_files();
+ $page = basename($files[0]);
+ }
+ syslog(LOG_ERR, "$page: $error");
+ if ($g['debug']) {
+ syslog(LOG_WARNING, var_dump(debug_backtrace()));
+ }
+ return;
+/****f* util/log_auth
+* log_auth - Sends a string to syslog as LOG_AUTH facility
+* $error - string containing the syslog message.
+* null
+function log_auth($error) {
+ global $g;
+ $page = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
+ syslog(LOG_AUTH, "$page: $error");
+ if ($g['debug']) {
+ syslog(LOG_WARNING, var_dump(debug_backtrace()));
+ }
+ return;
+/****f* util/exec_command
+ * NAME
+ * exec_command - Execute a command and return a string of the result.
+ * $command - String of the command to be executed.
+ * String containing the command's result.
+ * This function returns the command's stdout and stderr.
+ ******/
+function exec_command($command) {
+ $output = array();
+ exec($command . ' 2>&1', $output);
+ return(implode("\n", $output));
+/* wrapper for exec() */
+function mwexec($command, $mute = false, $clearsigmask = false) {
+ global $g;
+ if ($g['debug']) {
+ if (!$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
+ echo "mwexec(): $command\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $oarr = array();
+ $retval = 0;
+ if ($clearsigmask) {
+ $oldset = array();
+ pcntl_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, array(), $oldset);
+ }
+ $garbage = exec("$command 2>&1", $oarr, $retval);
+ if ($clearsigmask) {
+ pcntl_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, $oldset);
+ }
+ if (isset($config['system']['developerspew'])) {
+ $mute = false;
+ }
+ if (($retval <> 0) && ($mute === false)) {
+ $output = implode(" ", $oarr);
+ log_error(sprintf(gettext("The command '%1\$s' returned exit code '%2\$d', the output was '%3\$s' "), $command, $retval, $output));
+ unset($output);
+ }
+ unset($oarr);
+ return $retval;
+/* wrapper for exec() in background */
+function mwexec_bg($command, $clearsigmask = false) {
+ global $g;
+ if ($g['debug']) {
+ if (!$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
+ echo "mwexec(): $command\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($clearsigmask) {
+ $oldset = array();
+ pcntl_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, array(), $oldset);
+ }
+ $_gb = exec("/usr/bin/nohup $command > /dev/null 2>&1 &");
+ if ($clearsigmask) {
+ pcntl_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, $oldset);
+ }
+ unset($_gb);
+/* unlink a file, if it exists */
+function unlink_if_exists($fn) {
+ $to_do = glob($fn);
+ if (is_array($to_do)) {
+ foreach ($to_do as $filename) {
+ @unlink($filename);
+ }
+ } else {
+ @unlink($fn);
+ }
+/* make a global alias table (for faster lookups) */
+function alias_make_table($config) {
+ global $aliastable;
+ $aliastable = array();
+ if (is_array($config['aliases']['alias'])) {
+ foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias) {
+ if ($alias['name']) {
+ $aliastable[$alias['name']] = $alias['address'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* check if an alias exists */
+function is_alias($name) {
+ global $aliastable;
+ return isset($aliastable[$name]);
+function alias_get_type($name) {
+ global $config;
+ if (is_array($config['aliases']['alias'])) {
+ foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias) {
+ if ($name == $alias['name']) {
+ return $alias['type'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return "";
+/* expand a host or network alias, if necessary */
+function alias_expand($name) {
+ global $aliastable;
+ if (isset($aliastable[$name])) {
+ // alias names cannot be strictly numeric. redmine #4289
+ if (is_numericint($name)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return "\${$name}";
+ } else if (is_ipaddr($name) || is_subnet($name) || is_port($name) || is_portrange($name)) {
+ return "{$name}";
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+function alias_expand_urltable($name) {
+ global $config;
+ $urltable_prefix = "/var/db/aliastables/";
+ $urltable_filename = $urltable_prefix . $name . ".txt";
+ if (is_array($config['aliases']['alias'])) {
+ foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias) {
+ if (preg_match("/urltable/i", $alias['type']) && ($alias['name'] == $name)) {
+ if (is_URL($alias["url"]) && file_exists($urltable_filename) && filesize($urltable_filename)) {
+ return $urltable_filename;
+ } else {
+ send_event("service sync alias {$name}");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+/* verify (and remove) the digital signature on a file - returns 0 if OK */
+function verify_digital_signature($fname) {
+ global $g;
+ if (!file_exists("/usr/local/sbin/gzsig")) {
+ return 4;
+ }
+ return mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/gzsig verify {$g['etc_path']}/pubkey.pem < " . escapeshellarg($fname));
+/* obtain MAC address given an IP address by looking at the ARP table */
+function arp_get_mac_by_ip($ip) {
+ mwexec("/sbin/ping -c 1 -t 1 " . escapeshellarg($ip), true);
+ $arpoutput = "";
+ exec("/usr/sbin/arp -n " . escapeshellarg($ip), $arpoutput);
+ if ($arpoutput[0]) {
+ $arpi = explode(" ", $arpoutput[0]);
+ $macaddr = $arpi[3];
+ if (is_macaddr($macaddr)) {
+ return $macaddr;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+/* return a fieldname that is safe for xml usage */
+function xml_safe_fieldname($fieldname) {
+ $replace = array('/', '-', ' ', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')',
+ '_', '+', '=', '{', '}', '[', ']', '|', '/', '<', '>', '?',
+ ':', ',', '.', '\'', '\\'
+ );
+ return strtolower(str_replace($replace, "", $fieldname));
+function mac_format($clientmac) {
+ global $config, $cpzone;
+ $mac = explode(":", $clientmac);
+ $mac_format = $cpzone ? $config['captiveportal'][$cpzone]['radmac_format'] : false;
+ switch ($mac_format) {
+ case 'singledash':
+ return "$mac[0]$mac[1]$mac[2]-$mac[3]$mac[4]$mac[5]";
+ case 'ietf':
+ return "$mac[0]-$mac[1]-$mac[2]-$mac[3]-$mac[4]-$mac[5]";
+ case 'cisco':
+ return "$mac[0]$mac[1].$mac[2]$mac[3].$mac[4]$mac[5]";
+ case 'unformatted':
+ return "$mac[0]$mac[1]$mac[2]$mac[3]$mac[4]$mac[5]";
+ default:
+ return $clientmac;
+ }
+function resolve_retry($hostname, $retries = 5) {
+ if (is_ipaddr($hostname)) {
+ return $hostname;
+ }
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $retries; $i++) {
+ // FIXME: gethostbyname does not work for AAAA hostnames, boo, hiss
+ $ip = gethostbyname($hostname);
+ if ($ip && $ip != $hostname) {
+ /* success */
+ return $ip;
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ return false;
+function format_bytes($bytes) {
+ if ($bytes >= 1073741824) {
+ return sprintf("%.2f GB", $bytes/1073741824);
+ } else if ($bytes >= 1048576) {
+ return sprintf("%.2f MB", $bytes/1048576);
+ } else if ($bytes >= 1024) {
+ return sprintf("%.0f KB", $bytes/1024);
+ } else {
+ return sprintf("%d bytes", $bytes);
+ }
+function update_filter_reload_status($text) {
+ global $g;
+ file_put_contents("{$g['varrun_path']}/filter_reload_status", $text);
+/****** util/return_dir_as_array
+ * NAME
+ * return_dir_as_array - Return a directory's contents as an array.
+ * $dir - string containing the path to the desired directory.
+ * $filter_regex - string containing a regular expression to filter file names. Default empty.
+ * $dir_array - array containing the directory's contents. This array will be empty if the path specified is invalid.
+ ******/
+function return_dir_as_array($dir, $filter_regex = '') {
+ $dir_array = array();
+ if (is_dir($dir)) {
+ if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
+ while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
+ if (($file == ".") || ($file == "..")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (empty($filter_regex) || preg_match($filter_regex, $file)) {
+ array_push($dir_array, $file);
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dh);
+ }
+ }
+ return $dir_array;
+function run_plugins($directory) {
+ global $config, $g;
+ /* process packager manager custom rules */
+ $files = return_dir_as_array($directory);
+ if (is_array($files)) {
+ foreach ($files as $file) {
+ if (stristr($file, ".sh") == true) {
+ mwexec($directory . $file . " start");
+ } else if (!is_dir($directory . "/" . $file) && stristr($file, ".inc")) {
+ require_once($directory . "/" . $file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * safe_mkdir($path, $mode = 0755)
+ * create directory if it doesn't already exist and isn't a file!
+ */
+function safe_mkdir($path, $mode = 0755) {
+ global $g;
+ if (!is_file($path) && !is_dir($path)) {
+ return @mkdir($path, $mode, true);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ * get_sysctl($names)
+ * Get values of sysctl OID's listed in $names (accepts an array or a single
+ * name) and return an array of key/value pairs set for those that exist
+ */
+function get_sysctl($names) {
+ if (empty($names)) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ if (is_array($names)) {
+ $name_list = array();
+ foreach ($names as $name) {
+ $name_list[] = escapeshellarg($name);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $name_list = array(escapeshellarg($names));
+ }
+ exec("/sbin/sysctl -i " . implode(" ", $name_list), $output);
+ $values = array();
+ foreach ($output as $line) {
+ $line = explode(": ", $line, 2);
+ if (count($line) == 2) {
+ $values[$line[0]] = $line[1];
+ }
+ }
+ return $values;
+ * get_single_sysctl($name)
+ * Wrapper for get_sysctl() to simplify read of a single sysctl value
+ * return the value for sysctl $name or empty string if it doesn't exist
+ */
+function get_single_sysctl($name) {
+ if (empty($name)) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ $value = get_sysctl($name);
+ if (empty($value) || !isset($value[$name])) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return $value[$name];
+ * set_sysctl($value_list)
+ * Set sysctl OID's listed as key/value pairs and return
+ * an array with keys set for those that succeeded
+ */
+function set_sysctl($values) {
+ if (empty($values)) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ $value_list = array();
+ foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
+ $value_list[] = escapeshellarg($key) . "=" . escapeshellarg($value);
+ }
+ exec("/sbin/sysctl -i " . implode(" ", $value_list), $output, $success);
+ /* Retry individually if failed (one or more read-only) */
+ if ($success <> 0 && count($value_list) > 1) {
+ foreach ($value_list as $value) {
+ exec("/sbin/sysctl -i " . $value, $output);
+ }
+ }
+ $ret = array();
+ foreach ($output as $line) {
+ $line = explode(": ", $line, 2);
+ if (count($line) == 2) {
+ $ret[$line[0]] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ * set_single_sysctl($name, $value)
+ * Wrapper to set_sysctl() to make it simple to set only one sysctl
+ * returns boolean meaning if it succeeded
+ */
+function set_single_sysctl($name, $value) {
+ if (empty($name)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $result = set_sysctl(array($name => $value));
+ if (!isset($result[$name]) || $result[$name] != $value) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ * get_memory()
+ * returns an array listing the amount of
+ * memory installed in the hardware
+ * [0] net memory available for the OS (FreeBSD) after some is taken by BIOS, video or whatever - e.g. 235 MBytes
+ * [1] real (actual) memory of the system, should be the size of the RAM card/s - e.g. 256 MBytes
+ */
+function get_memory() {
+ $physmem = get_single_sysctl("hw.physmem");
+ $realmem = get_single_sysctl("hw.realmem");
+ /* convert from bytes to megabytes */
+ return array(($physmem/1048576), ($realmem/1048576));
+function mute_kernel_msgs() {
+ global $g, $config;
+ // Do not mute serial console. The kernel gets very very cranky
+ // and will start dishing you cannot control tty errors.
+ if ($g['platform'] == 'nanobsd') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($config['system']['enableserial']) {
+ return;
+ }
+ exec("/sbin/conscontrol mute on");
+function unmute_kernel_msgs() {
+ global $g;
+ // Do not mute serial console. The kernel gets very very cranky
+ // and will start dishing you cannot control tty errors.
+ if ($g['platform'] == 'nanobsd') {
+ return;
+ }
+ exec("/sbin/conscontrol mute off");
+function start_devd() {
+ /* Use the undocumented -q options of devd to quiet its log spamming */
+ $_gb = exec("/sbin/devd -q");
+ sleep(1);
+ unset($_gb);
+function is_interface_vlan_mismatch() {
+ global $config, $g;
+ if (is_array($config['vlans']['vlan'])) {
+ foreach ($config['vlans']['vlan'] as $vlan) {
+ if (does_interface_exist($vlan['if']) == false) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+function is_interface_mismatch() {
+ global $config, $g;
+ $do_assign = false;
+ $i = 0;
+ $missing_interfaces = array();
+ if (is_array($config['interfaces'])) {
+ foreach ($config['interfaces'] as $ifname => $ifcfg) {
+ if (preg_match("/^enc|^cua|^tun|^tap|^l2tp|^pptp|^ppp|^ovpn|^gif|^gre|^lagg|^bridge|vlan|_wlan/i", $ifcfg['if'])) {
+ // Do not check these interfaces.
+ $i++;
+ continue;
+ } else if (does_interface_exist($ifcfg['if']) == false) {
+ $missing_interfaces[] = $ifcfg['if'];
+ $do_assign = true;
+ } else {
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/assign_complete")) {
+ $do_assign = false;
+ }
+ if (!empty($missing_interfaces) && $do_assign) {
+ file_put_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/missing_interfaces", implode(' ', $missing_interfaces));
+ } else {
+ @unlink("{$g['tmp_path']}/missing_interfaces");
+ }
+ return $do_assign;
+/* sync carp entries to other firewalls */
+function carp_sync_client() {
+ global $g;
+ send_event("filter sync");
+/****f* util/isAjax
+ * NAME
+ * isAjax - reports if the request is driven from prototype
+ * none
+ * true/false
+ ******/
+function isAjax() {
+ return isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest';
+/****f* util/timeout
+ * NAME
+ * timeout - console input with timeout countdown. Note: erases 2 char of screen for timer. Leave space.
+ * optional, seconds to wait before timeout. Default 9 seconds.
+ * returns 1 char of user input or null if no input.
+ ******/
+function timeout($timer = 9) {
+ while (!isset($key)) {
+ if ($timer >= 9) {
+ echo chr(8) . chr(8) . ($timer == 9 ? chr(32) : null) . "{$timer}";
+ } else {
+ echo chr(8). "{$timer}";
+ }
+ `/bin/stty -icanon min 0 time 25`;
+ $key = trim(`KEY=\`dd count=1 2>/dev/null\`; echo \$KEY`);
+ `/bin/stty icanon`;
+ if ($key == '') {
+ unset($key);
+ }
+ $timer--;
+ if ($timer == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $key;
+/****f* util/msort
+ * NAME
+ * msort - sort array
+ * $array to be sorted, field to sort by, direction of sort
+ * returns newly sorted array
+ ******/
+function msort($array, $id = "id", $sort_ascending = true) {
+ $temp_array = array();
+ while (count($array)>0) {
+ $lowest_id = 0;
+ $index = 0;
+ foreach ($array as $item) {
+ if (isset($item[$id])) {
+ if ($array[$lowest_id][$id]) {
+ if (strtolower($item[$id]) < strtolower($array[$lowest_id][$id])) {
+ $lowest_id = $index;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $index++;
+ }
+ $temp_array[] = $array[$lowest_id];
+ $array = array_merge(array_slice($array, 0, $lowest_id), array_slice($array, $lowest_id + 1));
+ }
+ if ($sort_ascending) {
+ return $temp_array;
+ } else {
+ return array_reverse($temp_array);
+ }
+/****f* util/is_URL
+ * NAME
+ * is_URL
+ * string to check
+ * Returns true if item is a URL
+ ******/
+function is_URL($url) {
+ $match = preg_match("'\b(([\w-]+://?|www[.])[^\s()<>]+(?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^[:punct:]\s]|/)))'", $url);
+ if ($match) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+function is_file_included($file = "") {
+ $files = get_included_files();
+ if (in_array($file, $files)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Replace a value on a deep associative array using regex
+ */
+function array_replace_values_recursive($data, $match, $replace) {
+ if (empty($data)) {
+ return $data;
+ }
+ if (is_string($data)) {
+ $data = preg_replace("/{$match}/", $replace, $data);
+ } else if (is_array($data)) {
+ foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
+ $data[$k] = array_replace_values_recursive($v, $match, $replace);
+ }
+ }
+ return $data;
+ This function was borrowed from a comment on at the following URL:
+ */
+function array_merge_recursive_unique($array0, $array1) {
+ $arrays = func_get_args();
+ $remains = $arrays;
+ // We walk through each arrays and put value in the results (without
+ // considering previous value).
+ $result = array();
+ // loop available array
+ foreach ($arrays as $array) {
+ // The first remaining array is $array. We are processing it. So
+ // we remove it from remaining arrays.
+ array_shift($remains);
+ // We don't care non array param, like array_merge since PHP 5.0.
+ if (is_array($array)) {
+ // Loop values
+ foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
+ if (is_array($value)) {
+ // we gather all remaining arrays that have such key available
+ $args = array();
+ foreach ($remains as $remain) {
+ if (array_key_exists($key, $remain)) {
+ array_push($args, $remain[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($args) > 2) {
+ // put the recursion
+ $result[$key] = call_user_func_array(__FUNCTION__, $args);
+ } else {
+ foreach ($value as $vkey => $vval) {
+ $result[$key][$vkey] = $vval;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // simply put the value
+ $result[$key] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+ * converts a string like "a,b,c,d"
+ * into an array like array("a" => "b", "c" => "d")
+ */
+function explode_assoc($delimiter, $string) {
+ $array = explode($delimiter, $string);
+ $result = array();
+ $numkeys = floor(count($array) / 2);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $numkeys; $i += 1) {
+ $result[$array[$i * 2]] = $array[$i * 2 + 1];
+ }
+ return $result;
+function get_staticroutes($returnsubnetsonly = false, $returnhostnames = false) {
+ global $config, $aliastable;
+ /* Bail if there are no routes, but return an array always so callers don't have to check. */
+ if (!is_array($config['staticroutes']['route'])) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ $allstaticroutes = array();
+ $allsubnets = array();
+ /* Loop through routes and expand aliases as we find them. */
+ foreach ($config['staticroutes']['route'] as $route) {
+ if (is_alias($route['network'])) {
+ if (!isset($aliastable[$route['network']])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $subnets = preg_split('/\s+/', $aliastable[$route['network']]);
+ foreach ($subnets as $net) {
+ if (!is_subnet($net)) {
+ if (is_ipaddrv4($net)) {
+ $net .= "/32";
+ } else if (is_ipaddrv6($net)) {
+ $net .= "/128";
+ } else if ($returnhostnames === false || !is_fqdn($net)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ $temproute = $route;
+ $temproute['network'] = $net;
+ $allstaticroutes[] = $temproute;
+ $allsubnets[] = $net;
+ }
+ } elseif (is_subnet($route['network'])) {
+ $allstaticroutes[] = $route;
+ $allsubnets[] = $route['network'];
+ }
+ }
+ if ($returnsubnetsonly) {
+ return $allsubnets;
+ } else {
+ return $allstaticroutes;
+ }
+/****f* util/get_alias_list
+ * NAME
+ * get_alias_list - Provide a list of aliases.
+ * $type - Optional, can be a string or array specifying what type(s) of aliases you need.
+ * Array containing list of aliases.
+ * If $type is unspecified, all aliases are returned.
+ * If $type is a string, all aliases of the type specified in $type are returned.
+ * If $type is an array, all aliases of any type specified in any element of $type are returned.
+ */
+function get_alias_list($type = null) {
+ global $config;
+ $result = array();
+ if ($config['aliases']['alias'] <> "" && is_array($config['aliases']['alias'])) {
+ foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias) {
+ if ($type === null) {
+ $result[] = $alias['name'];
+ } else if (is_array($type)) {
+ if (in_array($alias['type'], $type)) {
+ $result[] = $alias['name'];
+ }
+ } else if ($type === $alias['type']) {
+ $result[] = $alias['name'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+/* returns an array consisting of every element of $haystack that is not equal to $needle. */
+function array_exclude($needle, $haystack) {
+ $result = array();
+ if (is_array($haystack)) {
+ foreach ($haystack as $thing) {
+ if ($needle !== $thing) {
+ $result[] = $thing;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+function get_current_theme() {
+ global $config, $g;
+ /*
+ * if user has selected a custom template, use it.
+ * otherwise default to pfsense template
+ */
+ if (($g["disablethemeselection"] === true) && !empty($g["default_theme"]) && (is_dir($g["www_path"].'/themes/'.$g["default_theme"]))) {
+ $theme = $g["default_theme"];
+ } elseif ($config['theme'] <> "" && (is_dir($g["www_path"].'/themes/'.$config['theme']))) {
+ $theme = $config['theme'];
+ } else {
+ $theme = "pfsense";
+ }
+ /*
+ * If this device is an apple ipod/iphone
+ * switch the theme to one that works with it.
+ */
+ $lowres_ua = array("iPhone", "iPod", "iPad", "Android", "BlackBerry", "Opera Mini", "Opera Mobi", "PlayBook", "IEMobile");
+ foreach ($lowres_ua as $useragent) {
+ if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $useragent)) {
+ $theme = (empty($g['theme_lowres']) && (is_dir($g["www_path"].'/themes/'.$g['theme_lowres']))) ? "pfsense" : $g['theme_lowres'];
+ }
+ }
+ return $theme;
+/* Define what is preferred, IPv4 or IPv6 */
+function prefer_ipv4_or_ipv6() {
+ global $config;
+ if (isset($config['system']['prefer_ipv4'])) {
+ mwexec("/etc/rc.d/ip6addrctl prefer_ipv4");
+ } else {
+ mwexec("/etc/rc.d/ip6addrctl prefer_ipv6");
+ }
+/* Redirect to page passing parameters via POST */
+function post_redirect($page, $params) {
+ if (!is_array($params)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ print "<html><body><form action=\"{$page}\" name=\"formredir\" method=\"post\">\n";
+ foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
+ print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$key}\" value=\"{$value}\" />\n";
+ }
+ print "</form><script type=\"text/javascript\">document.formredir.submit();</script>\n";
+ print "</body></html>\n";
+/* Locate disks that can be queried for S.M.A.R.T. data. */
+function get_smart_drive_list() {
+ $disk_list = explode(" ", get_single_sysctl("kern.disks"));
+ foreach ($disk_list as $id => $disk) {
+ // We only want certain kinds of disks for S.M.A.R.T.
+ // 1 is a match, 0 is no match, False is any problem processing the regex
+ if (preg_match("/^(ad|da|ada).*[0-9]{1,2}$/", $disk) !== 1) {
+ unset($disk_list[$id]);
+ }
+ }
+ sort($disk_list);
+ return $disk_list;
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud