path: root/src/etc/inc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/etc/inc/')
1 files changed, 1252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/etc/inc/ b/src/etc/inc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9880cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/etc/inc/
@@ -0,0 +1,1252 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Bill Marquette, Seth Mos
+ Copyright (C) 2010 Ermal Luçi
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ pfSense_BUILDER_BINARIES: /sbin/route /usr/local/sbin/apinger
+ pfSense_MODULE: routing
+ */
+/* Returns an array of default values used for apinger.conf */
+function return_apinger_defaults() {
+ return array(
+ "latencylow" => "200",
+ "latencyhigh" => "500",
+ "losslow" => "10",
+ "losshigh" => "20",
+ "interval" => "1",
+ "down" => "10",
+ "avg_delay_samples" => "10",
+ "avg_loss_samples" => "50",
+ "avg_loss_delay_samples" => "20");
+ * Creates monitoring configuration file and
+ * adds appropriate static routes.
+ */
+function setup_gateways_monitor() {
+ global $config, $g;
+ $gateways_arr = return_gateways_array();
+ if (!is_array($gateways_arr)) {
+ log_error("No gateways to monitor. Apinger will not be run.");
+ killbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/");
+ @unlink("{$g['varrun_path']}/apinger.status");
+ return;
+ }
+ $apinger_debug = "";
+ if (isset($config['system']['apinger_debug'])) {
+ $apinger_debug = "debug on";
+ }
+ $apinger_default = return_apinger_defaults();
+ $apingerconfig = <<<EOD
+# pfSense apinger configuration file. Automatically Generated!
+## User and group the pinger should run as
+user "root"
+group "wheel"
+## Mailer to use (default: "/usr/lib/sendmail -t")
+#mailer "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject"
+## Location of the pid-file (default: "/var/run/")
+pid_file "{$g['varrun_path']}/"
+## Format of timestamp (%s macro) (default: "%b %d %H:%M:%S")
+#timestamp_format "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
+status {
+ ## File where the status information should be written to
+ file "{$g['varrun_path']}/apinger.status"
+ ## Interval between file updates
+ ## when 0 or not set, file is written only when SIGUSR1 is received
+ interval 5s
+# RRDTool status gathering configuration
+# Interval between RRD updates
+rrd interval 60s;
+## These parameters can be overridden in a specific alarm configuration
+alarm default {
+ command on "/usr/local/sbin/pfSctl -c 'service reload dyndns %T' -c 'service reload ipsecdns' -c 'service reload openvpn %T' -c 'filter reload' "
+ command off "/usr/local/sbin/pfSctl -c 'service reload dyndns %T' -c 'service reload ipsecdns' -c 'service reload openvpn %T' -c 'filter reload' "
+ combine 10s
+## "Down" alarm definition.
+## This alarm will be fired when target doesn't respond for 30 seconds.
+alarm down "down" {
+ time {$apinger_default['down']}s
+## "Delay" alarm definition.
+## This alarm will be fired when responses are delayed more than 200ms
+## it will be canceled, when the delay drops below 100ms
+alarm delay "delay" {
+ delay_low {$apinger_default['latencylow']}ms
+ delay_high {$apinger_default['latencyhigh']}ms
+## "Loss" alarm definition.
+## This alarm will be fired when packet loss goes over 20%
+## it will be canceled, when the loss drops below 10%
+alarm loss "loss" {
+ percent_low {$apinger_default['losslow']}
+ percent_high {$apinger_default['losshigh']}
+target default {
+ ## How often the probe should be sent
+ interval {$apinger_default['interval']}s
+ ## How many replies should be used to compute average delay
+ ## for controlling "delay" alarms
+ avg_delay_samples {$apinger_default['avg_delay_samples']}
+ ## How many probes should be used to compute average loss
+ avg_loss_samples {$apinger_default['avg_loss_samples']}
+ ## The delay (in samples) after which loss is computed
+ ## without this delays larger than interval would be treated as loss
+ avg_loss_delay_samples {$apinger_default['avg_loss_delay_samples']}
+ ## Names of the alarms that may be generated for the target
+ alarms "down","delay","loss"
+ ## Location of the RRD
+ #rrd file "{$g['vardb_path']}/rrd/apinger-%t.rrd"
+ $monitor_ips = array();
+ foreach ($gateways_arr as $name => $gateway) {
+ /* Do not monitor if such was requested */
+ if (isset($gateway['monitor_disable'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (empty($gateway['monitor']) || !is_ipaddr($gateway['monitor'])) {
+ if (is_ipaddr($gateway['gateway'])) {
+ $gateway['monitor'] = $gateway['gateway'];
+ } else { /* No chance to get an ip to monitor skip target. */
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if the monitor address is already used before, skip */
+ if (in_array($gateway['monitor'], $monitor_ips)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Interface ip is needed since apinger will bind a socket to it.
+ * However the config GUI should already have checked this and when
+ * PPoE is used the IP address is set to "dynamic". So using is_ipaddrv4
+ * or is_ipaddrv6 to identify packet type would be wrong, especially as
+ * further checks (that can cope with the "dynamic" case) are present inside
+ * the if block. So using $gateway['ipprotocol'] is the better option.
+ */
+ if ($gateway['ipprotocol'] == "inet") { // This is an IPv4 gateway...
+ $gwifip = find_interface_ip($gateway['interface'], true);
+ if (!is_ipaddrv4($gwifip)) {
+ continue; //Skip this target
+ }
+ if ($gwifip == "") {
+ continue; //Skip this target - the gateway is still waiting for DHCP
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the gateway is the same as the monitor we do not add a
+ * route as this will break the routing table.
+ * Add static routes for each gateway with their monitor IP
+ * not strictly necessary but is a added level of protection.
+ */
+ if (is_ipaddrv4($gateway['gateway']) && $gateway['monitor'] != $gateway['gateway']) {
+ log_error("Removing static route for monitor {$gateway['monitor']} and adding a new route through {$gateway['gateway']}");
+ if (interface_isppp_type($gateway['friendlyiface'])) {
+ mwexec("/sbin/route change -host " . escapeshellarg($gateway['monitor']) .
+ " -iface " . escapeshellarg($gateway['interface']), true);
+ } else {
+ mwexec("/sbin/route change -host " . escapeshellarg($gateway['monitor']) .
+ " " . escapeshellarg($gateway['gateway']), true);
+ }
+ pfSense_kill_states("", $gateway['monitor'], $gateway['interface'], "icmp");
+ }
+ } else if ($gateway['ipprotocol'] == "inet6") { // This is an IPv6 gateway...
+ if ($gateway['monitor'] == $gateway['gateway']) {
+ /* link locals really need a different src ip */
+ if (is_linklocal($gateway['gateway'])) {
+ if (!strpos($gateway['gateway'], '%')) {
+ $gateway['gateway'] .= '%' . $gateway['interface'];
+ }
+ $gwifip = find_interface_ipv6_ll($gateway['interface'], true);
+ } else {
+ $gwifip = find_interface_ipv6($gateway['interface'], true);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* 'monitor' has been set, so makes sure it has precedence over
+ * 'gateway' in defining the source IP. Otherwise if 'gateway'
+ * is a local link and 'monitor' is global routable then the
+ * ICMP6 response would not find its way back home...
+ */
+ $gwifip = find_interface_ipv6($gateway['interface'], true);
+ }
+ /* Make sure srcip and target have scope defined when they are ll */
+ if (is_linklocal($gwifip) && !strpos($gwifip, '%')) {
+ $gwifip .= '%' . $gateway['interface'];
+ }
+ if (is_linklocal($gateway['monitor']) && !strpos($gateway['monitor'], '%')) {
+ $gateway['monitor'] .= "%{$gateway['interface']}";
+ }
+ if (!is_ipaddrv6($gwifip)) {
+ continue; //Skip this target
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the gateway is the same as the monitor we do not add a
+ * route as this will break the routing table.
+ * Add static routes for each gateway with their monitor IP
+ * not strictly necessary but is a added level of protection.
+ */
+ if ($gateway['gateway'] != $gateway['monitor']) {
+ log_error("Removing static route for monitor {$gateway['monitor']} and adding a new route through {$gateway['gateway']}");
+ if (interface_isppp_type($gateway['friendlyiface'])) {
+ mwexec("/sbin/route change -host -inet6 " . escapeshellarg($gateway['monitor']) .
+ " -iface " . escapeshellarg($gateway['interface']), true);
+ } else {
+ mwexec("/sbin/route change -host -inet6 " . escapeshellarg($gateway['monitor']) .
+ " " . escapeshellarg($gateway['gateway']), true);
+ }
+ pfSense_kill_states("::", $gateway['monitor'], $gateway['interface'], "icmpv6");
+ }
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $monitor_ips[] = $gateway['monitor'];
+ $apingercfg = "target \"{$gateway['monitor']}\" {\n";
+ $apingercfg .= " description \"{$name}\"\n";
+ $apingercfg .= " srcip \"{$gwifip}\"\n";
+ ## How often the probe should be sent
+ if (!empty($gateway['interval']) && is_numeric($gateway['interval'])) {
+ $interval = intval($gateway['interval']); # Restrict to Integer
+ if ($interval < 1) {
+ $interval = 1; # Minimum
+ }
+ if ($interval != $apinger_default['interval']) { # If not default value
+ $apingercfg .= " interval " . $interval . "s\n";
+ }
+ }
+ ## How many replies should be used to compute average delay
+ ## for controlling "delay" alarms
+ if (!empty($gateway['avg_delay_samples']) && is_numeric($gateway['avg_delay_samples'])) {
+ $avg_delay_samples = intval($gateway['avg_delay_samples']); # Restrict to Integer
+ if ($avg_delay_samples < 1) {
+ $avg_delay_samples = 1; # Minimum
+ }
+ if ($avg_delay_samples != $apinger_default['avg_delay_samples']) { # If not default value
+ $apingercfg .= " avg_delay_samples " . $avg_delay_samples . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ ## How many probes should be used to compute average loss
+ if (!empty($gateway['avg_loss_samples']) && is_numeric($gateway['avg_loss_samples'])) {
+ $avg_loss_samples = intval($gateway['avg_loss_samples']); # Restrict to Integer
+ if ($avg_loss_samples < 1) {
+ $avg_loss_samples = 1; # Minimum
+ }
+ if ($avg_loss_samples != $apinger_default['avg_loss_samples']) { # If not default value
+ $apingercfg .= " avg_loss_samples " . $avg_loss_samples . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ ## The delay (in samples) after which loss is computed
+ ## without this delays larger than interval would be treated as loss
+ if (!empty($gateway['avg_loss_delay_samples']) && is_numeric($gateway['avg_loss_delay_samples'])) {
+ $avg_loss_delay_samples = intval($gateway['avg_loss_delay_samples']); # Restrict to Integer
+ if ($avg_loss_delay_samples < 1) {
+ $avg_loss_delay_samples = 1; # Minimum
+ }
+ if ($avg_loss_delay_samples != $apinger_default['avg_loss_delay_samples']) { # If not default value
+ $apingercfg .= " avg_loss_delay_samples " . $avg_loss_delay_samples . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $alarms = "";
+ $alarmscfg = "";
+ $override = false;
+ if (!empty($gateway['losslow'])) {
+ $alarmscfg .= "alarm loss \"{$name}loss\" {\n";
+ $alarmscfg .= "\tpercent_low {$gateway['losslow']}\n";
+ $alarmscfg .= "\tpercent_high {$gateway['losshigh']}\n";
+ $alarmscfg .= "}\n";
+ $alarms .= "\"{$name}loss\"";
+ $override = true;
+ } else {
+ if ($override == true) {
+ $alarms .= ",";
+ }
+ $alarms .= "\"loss\"";
+ $override = true;
+ }
+ if (!empty($gateway['latencylow'])) {
+ $alarmscfg .= "alarm delay \"{$name}delay\" {\n";
+ $alarmscfg .= "\tdelay_low {$gateway['latencylow']}ms\n";
+ $alarmscfg .= "\tdelay_high {$gateway['latencyhigh']}ms\n";
+ $alarmscfg .= "}\n";
+ if ($override == true) {
+ $alarms .= ",";
+ }
+ $alarms .= "\"{$name}delay\"";
+ $override = true;
+ } else {
+ if ($override == true) {
+ $alarms .= ",";
+ }
+ $alarms .= "\"delay\"";
+ $override = true;
+ }
+ if (!empty($gateway['down'])) {
+ $alarmscfg .= "alarm down \"{$name}down\" {\n";
+ $alarmscfg .= "\ttime {$gateway['down']}s\n";
+ $alarmscfg .= "}\n";
+ if ($override == true) {
+ $alarms .= ",";
+ }
+ $alarms .= "\"{$name}down\"";
+ $override = true;
+ } else {
+ if ($override == true) {
+ $alarms .= ",";
+ }
+ $alarms .= "\"down\"";
+ $override = true;
+ }
+ if ($override == true) {
+ $apingercfg .= "\talarms override {$alarms};\n";
+ }
+ if (isset($gateway['force_down'])) {
+ $apingercfg .= "\tforce_down on\n";
+ }
+ $apingercfg .= " rrd file \"{$g['vardb_path']}/rrd/{$gateway['name']}-quality.rrd\"\n";
+ $apingercfg .= "}\n";
+ $apingercfg .= "\n";
+ $apingerconfig .= $alarmscfg;
+ $apingerconfig .= $apingercfg;
+ # Create gateway quality RRD with settings more suitable for pfSense graph set,
+ # since apinger uses default step (300; 5 minutes) and other settings that don't
+ # match the pfSense gateway quality graph set.
+ create_gateway_quality_rrd("{$g['vardb_path']}/rrd/{$gateway['name']}-quality.rrd");
+ }
+ @file_put_contents("{$g['varetc_path']}/apinger.conf", $apingerconfig);
+ unset($apingerconfig);
+ /* Restart apinger process */
+ if (isvalidpid("{$g['varrun_path']}/")) {
+ sigkillbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/", "HUP");
+ } else {
+ /* start a new apinger process */
+ @unlink("{$g['varrun_path']}/apinger.status");
+ sleep(1);
+ mwexec_bg("/usr/local/sbin/apinger -c {$g['varetc_path']}/apinger.conf");
+ sleep(1);
+ sigkillbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/", "USR1");
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* return the status of the apinger targets as a array */
+function return_gateways_status($byname = false) {
+ global $config, $g;
+ $apingerstatus = array();
+ /* Always get the latest status from apinger */
+ if (file_exists("{$g['varrun_path']}/")) {
+ sigkillbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/", "USR1");
+ }
+ if (file_exists("{$g['varrun_path']}/apinger.status")) {
+ $apingerstatus = file("{$g['varrun_path']}/apinger.status");
+ } else {
+ $apingerstatus = array();
+ }
+ $status = array();
+ foreach ($apingerstatus as $line) {
+ $info = explode("|", $line);
+ if ($byname == false) {
+ $target = $info[0];
+ } else {
+ $target = $info[2];
+ }
+ $status[$target] = array();
+ $status[$target]['monitorip'] = $info[0];
+ $status[$target]['srcip'] = $info[1];
+ $status[$target]['name'] = $info[2];
+ $status[$target]['lastcheck'] = $info[5] ? date('r', $info[5]) : date('r');
+ $status[$target]['delay'] = empty($info[6]) ? "0ms" : round($info[6], 1) ."ms" ;
+ $status[$target]['loss'] = empty($info[7]) ? "0.0%" : round($info[7], 1) . "%";
+ $status[$target]['status'] = trim($info[8]);
+ }
+ /* tack on any gateways that have monitoring disabled
+ * or are down, which could cause gateway groups to fail */
+ $gateways_arr = return_gateways_array();
+ foreach ($gateways_arr as $gwitem) {
+ if (!isset($gwitem['monitor_disable'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!is_ipaddr($gwitem['monitorip'])) {
+ $realif = $gwitem['interface'];
+ $tgtip = get_interface_gateway($realif);
+ if (!is_ipaddr($tgtip)) {
+ $tgtip = "none";
+ }
+ $srcip = find_interface_ip($realif);
+ } else {
+ $tgtip = $gwitem['monitorip'];
+ $srcip = find_interface_ip($realif);
+ }
+ if ($byname == true) {
+ $target = $gwitem['name'];
+ } else {
+ $target = $tgtip;
+ }
+ /* failsafe for down interfaces */
+ if ($target == "none") {
+ $target = $gwitem['name'];
+ $status[$target]['name'] = $gwitem['name'];
+ $status[$target]['lastcheck'] = date('r');
+ $status[$target]['delay'] = "0.0ms";
+ $status[$target]['loss'] = "100.0%";
+ $status[$target]['status'] = "down";
+ } else {
+ $status[$target]['monitorip'] = $tgtip;
+ $status[$target]['srcip'] = $srcip;
+ $status[$target]['name'] = $gwitem['name'];
+ $status[$target]['lastcheck'] = date('r');
+ $status[$target]['delay'] = "0.0ms";
+ $status[$target]['loss'] = "0.0%";
+ $status[$target]['status'] = "none";
+ }
+ }
+ return($status);
+/* Return all configured gateways on the system */
+function return_gateways_array($disabled = false, $localhost = false, $inactive = false) {
+ global $config, $g;
+ $gateways_arr = array();
+ $gateways_arr_temp = array();
+ $found_defaultv4 = 0;
+ $found_defaultv6 = 0;
+ // Ensure the interface cache is up to date first
+ $interfaces = get_interface_arr(true);
+ $interfaces_v4 = array();
+ $interfaces_v6 = array();
+ $i = -1;
+ /* Process/add all the configured gateways. */
+ if (is_array($config['gateways']['gateway_item'])) {
+ foreach ($config['gateways']['gateway_item'] as $gateway) {
+ /* Increment it here to do not skip items */
+ $i++;
+ if (empty($config['interfaces'][$gateway['interface']])) {
+ if ($inactive === false) {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ $gateway['inactive'] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ $wancfg = $config['interfaces'][$gateway['interface']];
+ /* skip disabled interfaces */
+ if ($disabled === false && (!isset($wancfg['enable']))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* if the gateway is dynamic and we can find the IPv4, Great! */
+ if (empty($gateway['gateway']) || $gateway['gateway'] == "dynamic") {
+ if ($gateway['ipprotocol'] == "inet") {
+ /* we know which interfaces is dynamic, this should be made a function */
+ $gateway['gateway'] = get_interface_gateway($gateway['interface']);
+ /* no IP address found, set to dynamic */
+ if (!is_ipaddrv4($gateway['gateway'])) {
+ $gateway['gateway'] = "dynamic";
+ }
+ $gateway['dynamic'] = true;
+ }
+ /* if the gateway is dynamic and we can find the IPv6, Great! */
+ else if ($gateway['ipprotocol'] == "inet6") {
+ /* we know which interfaces is dynamic, this should be made a function, and for v6 too */
+ $gateway['gateway'] = get_interface_gateway_v6($gateway['interface']);
+ /* no IPv6 address found, set to dynamic */
+ if (!is_ipaddrv6($gateway['gateway'])) {
+ $gateway['gateway'] = "dynamic";
+ }
+ $gateway['dynamic'] = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* getting this detection right is hard at this point because we still don't
+ * store the address family in the gateway item */
+ if (is_ipaddrv4($gateway['gateway'])) {
+ $gateway['ipprotocol'] = "inet";
+ } else if (is_ipaddrv6($gateway['gateway'])) {
+ $gateway['ipprotocol'] = "inet6";
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($gateway['monitor_disable'])) {
+ $gateway['monitor_disable'] = true;
+ } else if (empty($gateway['monitor'])) {
+ $gateway['monitor'] = $gateway['gateway'];
+ }
+ $gateway['friendlyiface'] = $gateway['interface'];
+ /* special treatment for tunnel interfaces */
+ if ($gateway['ipprotocol'] == "inet6") {
+ $gateway['interface'] = get_real_interface($gateway['interface'], "inet6", false, false);
+ $interfaces_v6[$gateway['friendlyiface']] = $gateway['friendlyiface'];
+ } else {
+ $gateway['interface'] = get_real_interface($gateway['interface'], "all", false, false);
+ $interfaces_v4[$gateway['friendlyiface']] = $gateway['friendlyiface'];
+ }
+ /* entry has a default flag, use it */
+ if (isset($gateway['defaultgw'])) {
+ if ($gateway['ipprotocol'] == "inet") {
+ $gateway['defaultgw'] = true;
+ $found_defaultv4 = 1;
+ } else if ($gateway['ipprotocol'] == "inet6") {
+ $gateway['defaultgw'] = true;
+ $found_defaultv6 = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* include the gateway index as the attribute */
+ $gateway['attribute'] = $i;
+ /* Remember all the gateway names, even ones to be skipped because they are disabled. */
+ /* Then we can easily know and match them later when attempting to add dynamic gateways to the list. */
+ $gateways_arr_temp[$gateway['name']] = $gateway;
+ /* skip disabled gateways if the caller has not asked for them to be returned. */
+ if (!($disabled === false && isset($gateway['disabled']))) {
+ $gateways_arr[$gateway['name']] = $gateway;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unset($gateway);
+ /* Loop through all interfaces with a gateway and add it to a array */
+ if ($disabled == false) {
+ $iflist = get_configured_interface_with_descr();
+ } else {
+ $iflist = get_configured_interface_with_descr(false, true);
+ }
+ /* Process/add dynamic v4 gateways. */
+ foreach ($iflist as $ifname => $friendly) {
+ if (!interface_has_gateway($ifname)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (empty($config['interfaces'][$ifname])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $ifcfg = &$config['interfaces'][$ifname];
+ if (!isset($ifcfg['enable'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!empty($ifcfg['ipaddr']) && is_ipaddrv4($ifcfg['ipaddr'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isset($interfaces_v4[$ifname])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $ctype = "";
+ switch ($ifcfg['ipaddr']) {
+ case "dhcp":
+ case "pppoe":
+ case "pptp":
+ case "ppp":
+ $ctype = strtoupper($ifcfg['ipaddr']);
+ break;
+ default:
+ $tunnelif = substr($ifcfg['if'], 0, 3);
+ if (substr($ifcfg['if'], 0, 4) == "ovpn") {
+ // if current iface is an ovpn server endpoint then check its type, skip tap only
+ if (substr($ifcfg['if'], 4, 1) == 's') {
+ $ovpnid = substr($ifcfg['if'], 5);
+ if (is_array($config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'])) {
+ foreach ($config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'] as & $ovpnserverconf) {
+ if ($ovpnserverconf['vpnid'] == $ovpnid) {
+ if ($ovpnserverconf['dev_mode'] == "tap") {
+ continue 3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $ctype = "VPNv4";
+ } else if ($tunnelif == "gif" || $tunnelif == "gre") {
+ $ctype = "TUNNELv4";
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ $ctype = "_". strtoupper($ctype);
+ $gateway = array();
+ $gateway['dynamic'] = false;
+ $gateway['ipprotocol'] = "inet";
+ $gateway['gateway'] = get_interface_gateway($ifname, $gateway['dynamic']);
+ $gateway['interface'] = get_real_interface($ifname);
+ $gateway['friendlyiface'] = $ifname;
+ $gateway['name'] = "{$friendly}{$ctype}";
+ $gateway['attribute'] = "system";
+ if (($gateway['dynamic'] === "default") && ($found_defaultv4 == 0)) {
+ $gateway['defaultgw'] = true;
+ $gateway['dynamic'] = true;
+ $found_defaultv4 = 1;
+ }
+ /* Loopback dummy for dynamic interfaces without a IP */
+ if (!is_ipaddrv4($gateway['gateway']) && $gateway['dynamic'] == true) {
+ $gateway['gateway'] = "dynamic";
+ }
+ /* automatically skip known static and dynamic gateways that were previously processed */
+ foreach ($gateways_arr_temp as $gateway_item) {
+ if ((($ifname == $gateway_item['friendlyiface'] && $friendly == $gateway_item['name'])&& ($gateway['ipprotocol'] == $gateway_item['ipprotocol'])) ||
+ (($ifname == $gateway_item['friendlyiface'] && $gateway_item['dynamic'] == true) && ($gateway['ipprotocol'] == $gateway_item['ipprotocol']))) {
+ continue 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_ipaddrv4($gateway['gateway'])) {
+ $gateway['monitor'] = $gateway['gateway'];
+ }
+ $gateway['descr'] = "Interface {$friendly}{$ctype} Gateway";
+ $gateways_arr[$gateway['name']] = $gateway;
+ }
+ unset($gateway);
+ /* Process/add dynamic v6 gateways. */
+ foreach ($iflist as $ifname => $friendly) {
+ /* If the user has disabled IPv6, they probably don't want any IPv6 gateways. */
+ if (!isset($config['system']['ipv6allow'])) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!interface_has_gatewayv6($ifname)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (empty($config['interfaces'][$ifname])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $ifcfg = &$config['interfaces'][$ifname];
+ if (!isset($ifcfg['enable'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!empty($ifcfg['ipaddrv6']) && is_ipaddrv6($ifcfg['ipaddrv6'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isset($interfaces_v6[$ifname])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $ctype = "";
+ switch ($ifcfg['ipaddrv6']) {
+ case "slaac":
+ case "dhcp6":
+ case "6to4":
+ case "6rd":
+ $ctype = strtoupper($ifcfg['ipaddrv6']);
+ break;
+ default:
+ $tunnelif = substr($ifcfg['if'], 0, 3);
+ if (substr($ifcfg['if'], 0, 4) == "ovpn") {
+ // if current iface is an ovpn server endpoint then check its type, skip tap only
+ if (substr($ifcfg['if'], 4, 1) == 's') {
+ $ovpnid = substr($ifcfg['if'], 5);
+ if (is_array($config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'])) {
+ foreach ($config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'] as & $ovpnserverconf) {
+ if ($ovpnserverconf['vpnid'] == $ovpnid) {
+ if ($ovpnserverconf['dev_mode'] == "tap") {
+ continue 3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $ctype = "VPNv6";
+ } else if ($tunnelif == "gif" || $tunnelif == "gre") {
+ $ctype = "TUNNELv6";
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ $ctype = "_". strtoupper($ctype);
+ $gateway = array();
+ $gateway['dynamic'] = false;
+ $gateway['ipprotocol'] = "inet6";
+ $gateway['gateway'] = get_interface_gateway_v6($ifname, $gateway['dynamic']);
+ $gateway['interface'] = get_real_interface($ifname, "inet6");
+ switch ($ifcfg['ipaddrv6']) {
+ case "6rd":
+ case "6to4":
+ $gateway['dynamic'] = "default";
+ break;
+ }
+ $gateway['friendlyiface'] = $ifname;
+ $gateway['name'] = "{$friendly}{$ctype}";
+ $gateway['attribute'] = "system";
+ if (($gateway['dynamic'] === "default") && ($found_defaultv6 == 0)) {
+ $gateway['defaultgw'] = true;
+ $gateway['dynamic'] = true;
+ $found_defaultv6 = 1;
+ }
+ /* Loopback dummy for dynamic interfaces without a IP */
+ if (!is_ipaddrv6($gateway['gateway']) && $gateway['dynamic'] == true) {
+ $gateway['gateway'] = "dynamic";
+ }
+ /* automatically skip known static and dynamic gateways that were previously processed */
+ foreach ($gateways_arr_temp as $gateway_item) {
+ if ((($ifname == $gateway_item['friendlyiface'] && $friendly == $gateway_item['name']) && ($gateway['ipprotocol'] == $gateway_item['ipprotocol'])) ||
+ (($ifname == $gateway_item['friendlyiface'] && $gateway_item['dynamic'] == true) && ($gateway['ipprotocol'] == $gateway_item['ipprotocol']))) {
+ continue 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_ipaddrv6($gateway['gateway'])) {
+ $gateway['monitor'] = $gateway['gateway'];
+ }
+ $gateway['descr'] = "Interface {$friendly}{$ctype} Gateway";
+ $gateways_arr[$gateway['name']] = $gateway;
+ }
+ unset($gateway);
+ /* FIXME: Should this be enabled.
+ * Some interface like wan might be default but have no info recorded
+ * the config. */
+ /* this is a fallback if all else fails and we want to get packets out @smos */
+ if ($found_defaultv4 == 0 || $found_defaultv6 == 0) {
+ foreach ($gateways_arr as &$gateway) {
+ if (($gateway['friendlyiface'] == "wan") && ($found_defaultv4 == 0) && (!isset($gateway['ipprotocol']) || ($gateway['ipprotocol'] == "inet"))) {
+ if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$gateway['interface']}_defaultgw")) {
+ $gateway['defaultgw'] = true;
+ $found_defaultv4 = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (($gateway['friendlyiface'] == "wan") && ($found_defaultv6 == 0) && ($gateway['ipprotocol'] == "inet6")) {
+ if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$gateway['interface']}_defaultgwv6")) {
+ $gateway['defaultgw'] = true;
+ $found_defaultv6 = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($localhost === true) {
+ /* attach localhost for Null routes */
+ $gwlo4 = array();
+ $gwlo4['name'] = "Null4";
+ $gwlo4['interface'] = "lo0";
+ $gwlo4['ipprotocol'] = "inet";
+ $gwlo4['gateway'] = "";
+ $gwlo6 = array();
+ $gwlo6['name'] = "Null6";
+ $gwlo6['interface'] = "lo0";
+ $gwlo6['ipprotocol'] = "inet6";
+ $gwlo6['gateway'] = "::1";
+ $gateways_arr['Null4'] = $gwlo4;
+ $gateways_arr['Null6'] = $gwlo6;
+ }
+ return($gateways_arr);
+function fixup_default_gateway($ipprotocol, $gateways_status, $gateways_arr) {
+ global $config, $g;
+ /*
+ * NOTE: The code below is meant to replace the default gateway when it goes down.
+ * This facilitates services running on pfSense itself and are not handled by a PBR to continue working.
+ */
+ $upgw = '';
+ $dfltgwname = '';
+ $dfltgwdown = false;
+ $dfltgwfound = false;
+ foreach ($gateways_arr as $gwname => $gwsttng) {
+ if (($gwsttng['ipprotocol'] == $ipprotocol) && isset($gwsttng['defaultgw'])) {
+ $dfltgwfound = true;
+ $dfltgwname = $gwname;
+ if (!isset($gwsttng['monitor_disable']) && $gateways_status[$gwname]['status'] != "none") {
+ $dfltgwdown = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Keep a record of the last up gateway */
+ /* XXX: Blacklist lan for now since it might cause issues to those who have a gateway set for it */
+ if (empty($upgw) && ($gwsttng['ipprotocol'] == $ipprotocol) && (isset($gwsttng['monitor_disable']) || $gateways_status[$gwname]['status'] == "none") && $gwsttng[$gwname]['friendlyiface'] != "lan") {
+ $upgw = $gwname;
+ }
+ if ($dfltgwdown == true && !empty($upgw)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($dfltgwfound == false) {
+ $gwname = convert_friendly_interface_to_friendly_descr("wan");
+ if (!empty($gateways_status[$gwname]) && stristr($gateways_status[$gwname]['status'], "down")) {
+ $dfltgwdown = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($dfltgwdown == true && !empty($upgw)) {
+ if ($gateways_arr[$upgw]['gateway'] == "dynamic") {
+ $gateways_arr[$upgw]['gateway'] = get_interface_gateway($gateways_arr[$upgw]['friendlyiface']);
+ }
+ if (is_ipaddr($gateways_arr[$upgw]['gateway'])) {
+ log_error("Default gateway down setting {$upgw} as default!");
+ if (is_ipaddrv6($gateways_arr[$upgw]['gateway'])) {
+ $inetfamily = "-inet6";
+ } else {
+ $inetfamily = "-inet";
+ }
+ mwexec("/sbin/route change {$inetfamily} default {$gateways_arr[$upgw]['gateway']}");
+ }
+ } else if (!empty($dfltgwname)) {
+ $defaultgw = trim(exec("/sbin/route -n get -{$ipprotocol} default | /usr/bin/awk '/gateway:/ {print $2}'"), " \n");
+ if ($ipprotocol == 'inet6' && !is_ipaddrv6($gateways_arr[$dfltgwname]['gateway'])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($ipprotocol == 'inet' && !is_ipaddrv4($gateways_arr[$dfltgwname]['gateway'])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($defaultgw != $gateways_arr[$dfltgwname]['gateway']) {
+ mwexec("/sbin/route change -{$ipprotocol} default {$gateways_arr[$dfltgwname]['gateway']}");
+ }
+ }
+ * Return an array with all gateway groups with name as key
+ * All gateway groups will be processed before returning the array.
+ */
+function return_gateway_groups_array() {
+ global $config, $g;
+ /* fetch the current gateways status */
+ $gateways_status = return_gateways_status(true);
+ $gateways_arr = return_gateways_array();
+ $gateway_groups_array = array();
+ if (isset($config['system']['gw_switch_default'])) {
+ fixup_default_gateway("inet", $gateways_status, $gateways_arr);
+ fixup_default_gateway("inet6", $gateways_status, $gateways_arr);
+ }
+ if (is_array($config['gateways']['gateway_group'])) {
+ $carplist = get_configured_carp_interface_list();
+ foreach ($config['gateways']['gateway_group'] as $group) {
+ /* create array with group gateways members separated by tier */
+ $tiers = array();
+ $backupplan = array();
+ $gwvip_arr = array();
+ foreach ($group['item'] as $item) {
+ list($gwname, $tier, $vipname) = explode("|", $item);
+ if (is_ipaddr($carplist[$vipname])) {
+ if (!is_array($gwvip_arr[$group['name']])) {
+ $gwvip_arr[$group['name']] = array();
+ }
+ $gwvip_arr[$group['name']][$gwname] = $vipname;
+ }
+ /* Do it here rather than reiterating again the group in case no member is up. */
+ if (!is_array($backupplan[$tier])) {
+ $backupplan[$tier] = array();
+ }
+ $backupplan[$tier][] = $gwname;
+ /* check if the gateway is available before adding it to the array */
+ if (is_array($gateways_status[$gwname])) {
+ $status = $gateways_status[$gwname];
+ $gwdown = false;
+ if (stristr($status['status'], "down")) {
+ $msg = sprintf(gettext("MONITOR: %s is down, omitting from routing group {$group['name']}"), $gwname);
+ $gwdown = true;
+ } else if (stristr($status['status'], "loss") && strstr($group['trigger'], "loss")) {
+ /* packet loss */
+ $msg = sprintf(gettext("MONITOR: %s has packet loss, omitting from routing group {$group['name']}"), $gwname);
+ $gwdown = true;
+ } else if (stristr($status['status'], "delay") && strstr($group['trigger'] , "latency")) {
+ /* high latency */
+ $msg = sprintf(gettext("MONITOR: %s has high latency, omitting from routing group {$group['name']}"), $gwname);
+ $gwdown = true;
+ }
+ if ($gwdown == true) {
+ log_error($msg);
+ notify_via_growl($msg);
+ notify_via_smtp($msg);
+ } else {
+ /* Online add member */
+ if (!is_array($tiers[$tier])) {
+ $tiers[$tier] = array();
+ }
+ $tiers[$tier][] = $gwname;
+ }
+ } else if (isset($gateways_arr[$gwname]['monitor_disable'])) {
+ $tiers[$tier][] = $gwname;
+ }
+ }
+ $tiers_count = count($tiers);
+ if ($tiers_count == 0) {
+ /* Oh dear, we have no members! Engage Plan B */
+ if (!platform_booting()) {
+ $msg = gettext("Gateways status could not be determined, considering all as up/active. (Group: {$group['name']})");
+ log_error($msg);
+ notify_via_growl($msg);
+ //notify_via_smtp($msg);
+ }
+ $tiers = $backupplan;
+ }
+ /* sort the tiers array by the tier key */
+ ksort($tiers);
+ /* we do not really foreach the tiers as we stop after the first tier */
+ foreach ($tiers as $tieridx => $tier) {
+ /* process all gateways in this tier */
+ foreach ($tier as $member) {
+ /* determine interface gateway */
+ if (isset($gateways_arr[$member])) {
+ $gateway = $gateways_arr[$member];
+ $int = $gateway['interface'];
+ $gatewayip = "";
+ if (is_ipaddr($gateway['gateway'])) {
+ $gatewayip = $gateway['gateway'];
+ } else if (!empty($int)) {
+ $gatewayip = get_interface_gateway($gateway['friendlyiface']);
+ }
+ if (!empty($int)) {
+ $gateway_groups_array[$group['name']]['ipprotocol'] = $gateway['ipprotocol'];
+ if (is_ipaddr($gatewayip)) {
+ $groupmember = array();
+ $groupmember['int'] = $int;
+ $groupmember['gwip'] = $gatewayip;
+ $groupmember['weight'] = isset($gateway['weight']) ? $gateway['weight'] : 1;
+ if (is_array($gwvip_arr[$group['name']])&& !empty($gwvip_arr[$group['name']][$member])) {
+ $groupmember['vip'] = $gwvip_arr[$group['name']][$member];
+ }
+ $gateway_groups_array[$group['name']][] = $groupmember;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* we should have the 1st available tier now, exit stage left */
+ if (count($gateway_groups_array[$group['name']]) > 0) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ log_error("GATEWAYS: Group {$group['name']} did not have any gateways up on tier {$tieridx}!");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($gateway_groups_array);
+/* Update DHCP WAN Interface ip address in gateway group item */
+function dhclient_update_gateway_groups_defaultroute($interface = "wan") {
+ global $config, $g;
+ foreach ($config['gateways']['gateway_item'] as & $gw) {
+ if ($gw['interface'] == $interface) {
+ $current_gw = get_interface_gateway($interface);
+ if ($gw['gateway'] <> $current_gw) {
+ $gw['gateway'] = $current_gw;
+ $changed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($changed && $current_gw) {
+ write_config(sprintf(gettext('Updating gateway group gateway for %1$s - new gateway is %2$s'), $interfac, $current_gw));
+ }
+function lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($name, $disabled = false) {
+ $gateways_arr = return_gateways_array($disabled, true);
+ foreach ($gateways_arr as $gname => $gw) {
+ if ($gw['name'] === $name || $gname === $name) {
+ return $gw['gateway'];
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+function lookup_gateway_monitor_ip_by_name($name) {
+ $gateways_arr = return_gateways_array(false, true);
+ if (!empty($gateways_arr[$name])) {
+ $gateway = $gateways_arr[$name];
+ if (!is_ipaddr($gateway['monitor'])) {
+ return $gateway['gateway'];
+ }
+ return $gateway['monitor'];
+ }
+ return (false);
+function lookup_gateway_interface_by_name($name) {
+ $gateways_arr = return_gateways_array(false, true);
+ if (!empty($gateways_arr[$name])) {
+ $interfacegw = $gateways_arr[$name]['friendlyiface'];
+ return ($interfacegw);
+ }
+ return (false);
+function get_interface_gateway($interface, &$dynamic = false) {
+ global $config, $g;
+ if (substr($interface, 0, 4) == '_vip') {
+ $interface = get_configured_carp_interface_list($interface, 'inet', 'iface');
+ }
+ $gw = NULL;
+ $gwcfg = $config['interfaces'][$interface];
+ if (!empty($gwcfg['gateway']) && is_array($config['gateways']['gateway_item'])) {
+ foreach ($config['gateways']['gateway_item'] as $gateway) {
+ if (($gateway['name'] == $gwcfg['gateway']) && (is_ipaddrv4($gateway['gateway']))) {
+ $gw = $gateway['gateway'];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // for dynamic interfaces we handle them through the $interface_router file.
+ if (($gw == NULL || !is_ipaddrv4($gw)) && !is_ipaddrv4($gwcfg['ipaddr'])) {
+ $realif = get_real_interface($interface);
+ if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$realif}_router")) {
+ $gw = trim(file_get_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$realif}_router"), " \n");
+ $dynamic = true;
+ }
+ if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$realif}_defaultgw")) {
+ $dynamic = "default";
+ }
+ }
+ /* return gateway */
+ return ($gw);
+function get_interface_gateway_v6($interface, &$dynamic = false) {
+ global $config, $g;
+ if (substr($interface, 0, 4) == '_vip') {
+ $interface = get_configured_carp_interface_list($interface, 'inet6', 'iface');
+ }
+ $gw = NULL;
+ $gwcfg = $config['interfaces'][$interface];
+ if (!empty($gwcfg['gatewayv6']) && is_array($config['gateways']['gateway_item'])) {
+ foreach ($config['gateways']['gateway_item'] as $gateway) {
+ if (($gateway['name'] == $gwcfg['gatewayv6']) && (is_ipaddrv6($gateway['gateway']))) {
+ $gw = $gateway['gateway'];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // for dynamic interfaces we handle them through the $interface_router file.
+ if (($gw == NULL || !is_ipaddrv6($gw)) && !is_ipaddrv6($gwcfg['ipaddrv6'])) {
+ $realif = get_real_interface($interface);
+ if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$realif}_routerv6")) {
+ $gw = trim(file_get_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$realif}_routerv6"), " \n");
+ $dynamic = true;
+ }
+ if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$realif}_defaultgwv6")) {
+ $dynamic = "default";
+ }
+ }
+ /* return gateway */
+ return ($gw);
+/* Check a IP address against a gateway IP or name
+ * to verify it's address family */
+function validate_address_family($ipaddr, $gwname, $disabled = false) {
+ $v4ip = false;
+ $v6ip = false;
+ $v4gw = false;
+ $v6gw = false;
+ if (is_ipaddrv4($ipaddr)) {
+ $v4ip = true;
+ }
+ if (is_ipaddrv6($ipaddr)) {
+ $v6ip = true;
+ }
+ if (is_ipaddrv4($gwname)) {
+ $v4gw = true;
+ }
+ if (is_ipaddrv6($gwname)) {
+ $v6gw = true;
+ }
+ if ($v4ip && $v4gw) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ($v6ip && $v6gw) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* still no match, carry on, lookup gateways */
+ if (is_ipaddrv4(lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($gwname, $disabled))) {
+ $v4gw = true;
+ }
+ if (is_ipaddrv6(lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($gwname, $disabled))) {
+ $v6gw = true;
+ }
+ $gw_array = return_gateways_array();
+ if (is_array($gw_array[$gwname])) {
+ switch ($gw_array[$gwname]['ipprotocol']) {
+ case "inet":
+ $v4gw = true;
+ break;
+ case "inet6":
+ $v6gw = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($v4ip && $v4gw) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ($v6ip && $v6gw) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+/* check if a interface is part of a gateway group */
+function interface_gateway_group_member($interface) {
+ global $config;
+ if (is_array($config['gateways']['gateway_group'])) {
+ $groups = $config['gateways']['gateway_group'];
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $gateways_arr = return_gateways_array(false, true);
+ foreach ($groups as $group) {
+ if (is_array($group['item'])) {
+ foreach ($group['item'] as $item) {
+ $elements = explode("|", $item);
+ $gwname = $elements[0];
+ if ($interface == $gateways_arr[$gwname]['interface']) {
+ unset($gateways_arr);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unset($gateways_arr);
+ return false;
+function gateway_is_gwgroup_member($name) {
+ global $config;
+ if (is_array($config['gateways']['gateway_group'])) {
+ $groups = $config['gateways']['gateway_group'];
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $members = array();
+ foreach ($groups as $group) {
+ if (is_array($group['item'])) {
+ foreach ($group['item'] as $item) {
+ $elements = explode("|", $item);
+ $gwname = $elements[0];
+ if ($name == $elements[0]) {
+ $members[] = $group['name'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $members;
+?> \ No newline at end of file
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud