path: root/usr
diff options
authorScott Ullrich <>2011-09-27 17:44:11 -0400
committerScott Ullrich <>2011-09-27 17:50:58 -0400
commitaf422d559c879785a4df6c9c7ca609cfe5801619 (patch)
treed7927e1cb84896babd91f96f382559e4e29806fa /usr
parentb6d748733b3e9975d482ca88d8a9f082629f2774 (diff)
Adding pbi_create
Diffstat (limited to 'usr')
1 files changed, 6308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usr/local/sbin/pbi_create b/usr/local/sbin/pbi_create
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3f7d8e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr/local/sbin/pbi_create
@@ -0,0 +1,6308 @@
+# Copyright 2011 iXsystems (Kris Moore)
+# All rights reserved
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted providing that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+usage_add_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options] pbi
+ -e -- Extract Only
+ -f -- Force install, overwriting existing installation
+ -g -- Get and show path to icon / images for gui installer
+ -i -- Display information about this PBI
+ -l -- Display LICENSE text
+ -o outdir -- Extract to target directory
+ -r -- Remote fetch installation file from update server
+ -v -- Enable verbose output
+ --checkscript -- Display any custom install / removal scripts
+ --licagree -- Agree to LICENSE terms for installation
+ --no-checksum -- Skip the checksum verification during installation
+ --no-checksig -- Ignore signature verification and force install
+ --no-hash -- Disable using shared hash folder for PBI
+ --rArch arch -- Used with -r to specify the specific PBI machine type
+ --rVer ver -- Used with -r to specify the specific PBI version
+ --repo repoid -- Used with -r to specify the specific repo to pull from
+ exit_trap
+usage_autob_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options]
+ -c confdir -- Directory to traverse looking for meta-data modules <required>
+ -d portdir -- Use different ports dir (Default: /usr/ports)
+ -h script -- Call the following helper script after each build
+ -o outdir -- Where to place the finished PBI file(s) <required>
+ --genpatch -- Generate patch files (*.pbp) from archived PBIs to current
+ --keep <num> -- Keep <num> old versions in archive folder for each built PBI
+ --prune -- Remove files from 'outdir' that no longer have a module
+ --sign key -- Sign the PBI(s) with specified openssl key
+ exit_trap
+usage_create_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options] pbidir
+ -a author -- Application Author
+ -b -- Make a backup of an already installed PBI
+ -c confdir -- PBI configuration meta-data directory
+ -d portdir -- Use different ports dir (Default: /usr/ports)
+ -i icon -- Application Icon, relative to pbidir/
+ -n name -- Application Name
+ -o outdir -- Output directory for finished .pbi file
+ -p port -- Pull name / version from FreeBSD Port
+ -r version -- Application Version
+ -w url -- Application Website
+ --no-hash -- Disable using shared hash folder for PBI
+ --sign key -- Sign the PBI with specified openssl key
+ exit_trap
+usage_delete_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options] pbi
+ -v -- Enable verbose output
+ --clean-hdir -- Perform a full cleaning of hash dir (Does not remove any PBIs)
+ exit_trap
+usage_make_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options] port
+ -B -- Build-only, do not run pbi_create when finished
+ -c confdir -- PBI configuration meta-data directory
+ -d portdir -- Use different ports dir (Default: /usr/ports)
+ -k -- Keep build files, don't delete when finished
+ -o outdir -- Where to place the finished PBI file
+ -p prefix -- Specify alternate PBI Compile PREFIX
+ --delbuild -- Delete existing build dirs if they exist
+ --mkdebug -- Drop to debug shell if port make fails
+ --no-prune -- Do not prune non REQUIREDBY ports
+ --sign key -- Sign the PBI with specified openssl key
+ exit_trap
+usage_icon_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options] pbi
+ add-desktop -- Add desktop icons
+ add-menu -- Add menu icons
+ add-mime -- Add mime registration
+ add-pathlnk -- Add PATH links
+ del-desktop -- Remove desktop icons
+ del-menu -- Remove menu icons
+ del-mime -- Remove mime registration
+ del-pathlnk -- Remove PATH links
+ exit_trap
+usage_info_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options] pbi
+ -a -- Show all installed PBIs
+ -v -- Enable verbose output
+ exit_trap
+usage_makepatch_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options] oldpbi newpbi
+ -o outdir -- Save the .PBP file to outdir
+ --sign key -- Sign the PBI with specified openssl key
+ exit_trap
+usage_addrepo_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` <Repo File>
+ exit_trap
+usage_deleterepo_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` <Repo ID>
+ exit_trap
+usage_mt_add() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` add [options] metafile
+ --cat -- Adding a new category metadata
+ --app -- Adding a new application metadata
+ -a author -- Application author
+ -c category -- Application category
+ -d desc -- Description for application / category (Required)
+ -i icon -- URL pointing to 64x64 PNG application / category icon (Required)
+ -k keywords -- Application keywords for searching
+ -l license -- Application license type
+ Example: BSD, GPL, Commercial
+ -n name -- Application / category name (Required)
+ -t type -- Application interface type
+ Example; Graphical, Text, Service
+ -u url -- Application homepage URL
+ -r -- Application must be installed as root
+ exit_trap
+usage_it_add() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` add [options] indexfile
+ -b vers -- Mark previous versions as having binary diff patches available
+ I.E. (2.7.3,2.8.1,2.8.2)
+ -f pbifile -- The PBI file we are adding to the index (Required)
+ -k num -- The number of previous versions of this PBI to keep in the index
+ -u fileurl -- The URL to this PBI on the mirror server(s) (Required)
+ exit_trap
+usage_mt_rem() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` rem [options] metafile
+ --cat -- Removing category metadata
+ --app -- Removing application metadata
+ -n name -- The name we are removing from the metafile (Required)
+ exit_trap
+usage_it_rem() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` rem [options] indexfile
+ -m arch -- The PBI architecture to remove (Required)
+ I.E. (i386,amd64,etc)
+ -n pbiname -- The PBI name we are removing from the index (Required)
+ -v version -- The version of the PBI to remove (Required)
+ exit_trap
+usage_mt_unknown() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options] metafile
+ add -- Add a new entry to the specified metafile
+ rem -- Remove an entry in the metafile
+ exit_trap
+usage_it_unknown() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options] indexfile
+ add -- Add a new entry to the specified indexfile
+ rem -- Remove an entry in the indexfile
+ exit_trap
+usage_browse_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options] [repoid]
+ -c category -- List PBIs from the specified category
+ -s search -- Search for the specified string
+ --listcats -- List the available categories in this repository
+ exit_trap
+usage_listrepo_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options] [repoid]
+ --down -- Move the specified repoid down in priority
+ --mirror url -- Change the target repoid's mirror url
+ --up -- Move the specified repoid up in priority
+ exit_trap
+usage_makerepo_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options] [outdir]
+ --desc description -- Description for this new repo
+ --key key -- Path to the public key file for this repo
+ --url url -- Base URL for fetching the INDEX files
+ --mirror mirrorurl -- Mirror url(s) for fetching PBIs, use ',' as
+ seperator for multiple
+ exit_trap
+usage_patch_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options] pbp
+ -e -- Extract Only
+ -g -- Get and show path to icon / images for gui installer
+ -i -- Display information about this PBI
+ -o outdir -- Extract to target directory
+ --checkscript -- Display any custom install / removal scripts
+ --no-checksig -- Ignore signature verification and force install
+ --no-hash -- Disable using shared hash folder for PBI
+ exit_trap
+# update usage
+usage_update_pbi() {
+ cat <<EOF
+usage: `basename $0` [options] pbi
+ -c -- Check-only, do not update target PBI
+ --check-all -- Perform a full check of all PBIs for updates
+ --disable-auto -- Disable auto-updating for the target PBI
+ --enable-auto -- Enable auto-updating for the target PBI
+ --update-all -- Update all PBIs to latest versions
+ exit_trap
+# Parse the command line for info
+parse_delete_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ ;;
+ --clean-hdir) pbi_clean_hashdir
+ exit_trap
+ ;;
+ *) if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_delete_pbi; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${1}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "can't find installed pbi (${1})"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ -z "${PBI_DELETENAME}" ];then usage_delete_pbi; fi
+# Parse the command line for icon
+parse_icon_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ add-desktop) PBI_DESKADD="YES" ;;
+ add-menu) PBI_MENUADD="YES" ;;
+ add-mime) PBI_MIMEADD="YES" ;;
+ add-pathlnk) PBI_PATHADD="YES" ;;
+ del-desktop) PBI_DESKDEL="YES" ;;
+ del-menu) PBI_MENUDEL="YES" ;;
+ del-mime) PBI_MIMEDEL="YES" ;;
+ del-pathlnk) PBI_PATHDEL="YES" ;;
+ *)
+ if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_icon_pbi; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${1}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "can't find installed pbi (${1})"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ -z "${PBI_ICONTARGETAPP}" ] ; then
+ usage_icon_pbi
+ fi
+# Parse the command line for pbid
+parse_pbid_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+# Parse the command line for info
+parse_info_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -a) PBI_INFONAME="--ALL--"
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_info_pbi; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${1}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "can't find installed pbi (${1})"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ -z "${PBI_INFONAME}" ] ; then
+ fi
+# Parse the command line for patching
+parse_makepatch_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -o) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_makepatch_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_PATCHOUTDIR="$1"
+ ;;
+ --sign) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_makepatch_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_SSLPRIVKEY="$1"
+ ;;
+ *) if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then usage_makepatch_pbi; fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ -z "${PBI_FILENAME}" ]; then usage_makepatch_pbi ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_OLDFILENAME}" ]; then usage_makepatch_pbi ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PATCHOUTDIR}" ]; then PBI_PATCHOUTDIR=`pwd` ; fi
+ # Load all the information about this PBI / PBP
+ load_info_from_header
+# Parse the command line for editing a meta file
+parse_mt_pbi_cmdline() {
+ case $1 in
+ add) PBI_MT_MODE="ADD" ; shift ;
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --cat) PBI_MT_TYPE="CAT" ;;
+ --app) PBI_MT_TYPE="APP" ;;
+ -n) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_mt_add; fi
+ shift; PBI_MT_ADDNAME="$1"
+ ;;
+ -i) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_mt_add; fi
+ shift; PBI_MT_ADDICON="$1"
+ ;;
+ -d) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_mt_add; fi
+ shift; PBI_MT_ADDDESC="$1"
+ ;;
+ -c) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_mt_add; fi
+ shift; PBI_MT_ADDCAT="$1"
+ ;;
+ -a) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_mt_add; fi
+ shift; PBI_MT_ADDAUTHOR="$1"
+ ;;
+ -u) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_mt_add; fi
+ shift; PBI_MT_ADDURL="$1"
+ ;;
+ -l) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_mt_add; fi
+ shift; PBI_MT_ADDLIC="$1"
+ ;;
+ -t) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_mt_add; fi
+ shift; PBI_MT_ADDTYPE="$1"
+ ;;
+ -k) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_mt_add; fi
+ shift; PBI_MT_ADDKEYWORDS="$1"
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ *) if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_mt_add; fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MT_METAFILE}" ] ; then usage_mt_add ; fi
+ ;;
+ rem) PBI_MT_MODE="REM" ; shift ;
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --cat) PBI_MT_TYPE="CAT" ;;
+ --app) PBI_MT_TYPE="APP" ;;
+ -n) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_mt_rem; fi
+ shift; PBI_MT_REMNAME="$1"
+ ;;
+ *) if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_mt_rem; fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MT_METAFILE}" ] ; then usage_mt_rem ; fi
+ ;;
+ *) usage_mt_unknown ;;
+ esac
+ if [ ! -f "${PBI_MT_METAFILE}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "No such file ${PBI_MT_METAFILE}"
+ fi
+ # Sanity check the values
+ case ${PBI_MT_MODE} in
+ ADD) # Check the common values
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MT_ADDNAME}" ] ; then usage_mt_add ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MT_ADDICON}" ] ; then usage_mt_add ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MT_ADDDESC}" ] ; then usage_mt_add ; fi
+ if [ "$PBI_MT_TYPE" = "CAT" ]; then
+ elif [ "$PBI_MT_TYPE" = "APP" ]; then
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MT_ADDCAT}" ]; then usage_mt_add ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MT_ADDAUTHOR}" ]; then usage_mt_add ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MT_ADDURL}" ]; then usage_mt_add ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MT_ADDLIC}" ]; then usage_mt_add ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MT_ADDTYPE}" ]; then usage_mt_add ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MT_ADDKEYWORDS}" ]; then usage_mt_add;fi
+ else
+ usage_mt_add
+ fi
+ ;;
+ REM) if [ "$PBI_MT_TYPE" != "CAT" -a "$PBI_MT_TYPE" != "APP" ]
+ then
+ usage_mt_rem
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MT_REMNAME}" ] ; then usage_mt_rem ; fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Parse the command line for editing a index file
+parse_it_pbi_cmdline() {
+ case $1 in
+ add) PBI_IT_MODE="ADD" ; shift ;
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -b) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_it_add; fi
+ shift; PBI_IT_ADDBPVERS="$1"
+ ;;
+ -f) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_it_add; fi
+ shift; PBI_IT_ADDFILE="$1"
+ ;;
+ -k) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_it_add; fi
+ shift; PBI_IT_ADDKEEP="$1"
+ ;;
+ -u) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_it_add; fi
+ shift; PBI_IT_ADDURL="$1"
+ ;;
+ *) if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_it_add; fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ ;;
+ rem) PBI_IT_MODE="REM" ; shift ;
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -m) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_it_rem; fi
+ shift; PBI_IT_REMARCH="$1"
+ ;;
+ -n) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_it_rem; fi
+ shift; PBI_IT_REMNAME="$1"
+ ;;
+ -v) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_it_rem; fi
+ shift; PBI_IT_REMVER="$1"
+ ;;
+ *) if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_it_rem; fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ ;;
+ *) usage_it_unknown ;;
+ esac
+ # Sanity check the values
+ case ${PBI_IT_MODE} in
+ ADD) if [ -z "${PBI_IT_ADDFILE}" ] ; then usage_it_add ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_IT_ADDURL}" ] ; then usage_it_add ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_IT_ADDINDEX}" ] ; then usage_it_add ; fi
+ if [ ! -f "${PBI_IT_ADDFILE}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "No such file ${PBI_IT_ADDFILE}"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "${PBI_IT_ADDINDEX}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "No such file ${PBI_IT_ADDINDEX}"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_IT_ADDKEEP}" ] ; then
+ expr ${PBI_IT_ADDKEEP} + 1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "-k option must be a integer!"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ REM) if [ -z "${PBI_IT_REMNAME}" ] ; then usage_it_rem ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_IT_REMVER}" ] ; then usage_it_rem ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_IT_REMARCH}" ] ; then usage_it_rem ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_IT_REMINDEX}" ] ; then usage_it_rem ; fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Parse the command line for browsing a repo
+parse_browse_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --listcats) PBI_BROWSE_LISTCATS="YES" ;;
+ -c) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_browse_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_BROWSE_CAT="$1"
+ ;;
+ -s) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_browse_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_BROWSE_SEARCH="$1"
+ ;;
+ *) if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_browse_pbi; fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ # Get / check the repoid
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_BROWSE_RID}" ] ; then
+ ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${PBI_BROWSE_RID}.* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "The specified repoid ${PBI_BROWSE_RID} does not exist!"
+ fi
+ else
+ for _repo in `ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR} 2>/dev/null`
+ do
+ PBI_BROWSE_RID=`echo $_repo | cut -d '.' -f 1`
+ break;
+ done
+ if [ -z "$PBI_BROWSE_RID" ] ; then exit_err "No available repos!" ; fi
+ fi
+ PBI_BROWSE_REPOMD5=`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${PBI_BROWSE_RID}.* 2>/dev/null | cut -d '.' -f 2`
+ if [ -z "${PBI_BROWSE_METAFILE}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "The specified repo has no meta-file."
+ fi
+# Parse the command line for listing repos
+parse_listrepo_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --up) PBI_LISTREPO_UP="YES" ;;
+ --down) PBI_LISTREPO_DOWN="YES" ;;
+ --mirror) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_listrepo_pbi; fi
+ ;;
+ *) if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_listrepo_pbi; fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ "${PBI_LISTREPO_UP}" = "YES" -a "${PBI_LISTREPO_DOWN}" = "YES" ]; then
+ exit_err "Options --up and --down can't both be used at once!"
+ fi
+ if [ "${PBI_LISTREPO_UP}" = "YES" -a -z "${PBI_LISTREPO_ID}" ]; then
+ exit_err "Missing Repo ID to move up in priority."
+ fi
+ if [ "${PBI_LISTREPO_DOWN}" = "YES" -a -z "${PBI_LISTREPO_ID}" ]; then
+ exit_err "Missing Repo ID to move down in priority."
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_LISTREPO_MIRROR}" -a -z "${PBI_LISTREPO_ID}" ]; then
+ exit_err "Missing Repo ID to change a specific mirror URL."
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_LISTREPO_ID}" ] ; then
+ ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${PBI_LISTREPO_ID}.* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "The specified repoid ${PBI_LISTREPO_ID} does not exist!"
+ fi
+ fi
+# Parse the command line for adding a new repo file
+parse_addrepo_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ *) if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_addrepo_pbi; fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ -z "$PBI_ADDREPO_FILE" ] ; then
+ usage_addrepo_pbi
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "$PBI_ADDREPO_FILE" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Repo file ${PBI_ADDREPO_FILE} does not exist!"
+ fi
+# Parse the command line for deleting a repo
+parse_deleterepo_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ *) if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_deleterepo_pbi; fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ -z "$PBI_DELREPO_ID" ] ; then
+ usage_deleterepo_pbi
+ fi
+# Parse the command line for making a new repo file
+parse_makerepo_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --key) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_makerepo_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_MKREPO_KEY="$1"
+ ;;
+ --url) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_makerepo_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_MKREPO_URL="$1"
+ ;;
+ --desc) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_makerepo_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_MKREPO_DESC="$1"
+ ;;
+ --mirror) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_makerepo_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_MKREPO_MIRROR="$1"
+ ;;
+ *) if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_makerepo_pbi; fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MKREPO_DESC}" ]; then usage_makerepo_pbi ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MKREPO_KEY}" ]; then usage_makerepo_pbi ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MKREPO_MIRROR}" ]; then usage_makerepo_pbi ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MKREPO_URL}" ]; then usage_makerepo_pbi ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MKREPO_OUTDIR}" ]; then PBI_MKREPO_OUTDIR="${HOME}"; fi
+ if [ ! -f "${PBI_MKREPO_KEY}" ]; then exit_err "The key file ${PBI_MKREPO_KEY} does not exist." ; fi
+# Parse the command line for patching
+parse_patch_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ -o)
+ if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_patch_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_ALTEXTRACT_DIR="$1"
+ ;;
+ --checkscript) PBI_CHECKSCRIPTS="YES" ;;
+ --no-hash) PBI_DISABLEHASHDIR="YES" ;;
+ --no-checksum) PBI_SKIPCHECKSUM="YES" ;;
+ --no-checksig) PBI_SKIPSIGVERIFY="YES" ;;
+ *) if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_patch_pbi; fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ -z "${PBI_FILENAME}" ]; then usage_patch_pbi ; fi
+ # Get the absolute patch to the file
+ get_abspath "$PBI_FILENAME"
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_FILENAME}" ]; then usage_patch_pbi ; fi
+ # Load all the information about this PBI / PBP
+ load_info_from_header
+ # Make sure this isn't a patch file
+ is_pbi_patch
+ if [ "$?" = "1" ] ; then
+ exit_err "This is not a PBP patch file"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_ORIGPROGDIRPATH}" ]; then usage_patch_pbi ; fi
+ # Lastly set PBI_PROGDIRNAME
+ PBI_PROGDIRNAME="`echo ${PBI_ORIGPROGDIRPATH} | rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev`"
+ if [ "${PBI_EXTRACTONLY}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ # If extracting to a alt-outdir, set it now
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_ALTEXTRACT_DIR}" ]; then
+ fi
+ else
+ # Set the extraction dir
+ fi
+# Parse the command line for adding
+parse_add_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ -o) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_add_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_ALTEXTRACT_DIR="$1"
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ --rArch)
+ if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_add_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_ADD_ALTARCH="$1"
+ ;;
+ --rVer)
+ if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_add_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_ADD_ALTVER="$1"
+ ;;
+ --checkscript) PBI_CHECKSCRIPTS="YES" ;;
+ --licagree) PBI_LICAGREE="YES" ;;
+ --no-hash) PBI_DISABLEHASHDIR="YES" ;;
+ --no-checksum) PBI_SKIPCHECKSUM="YES" ;;
+ --no-checksig) PBI_SKIPSIGVERIFY="YES" ;;
+ --repo) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_add_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_ADDREPO_ID="$1"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_add_pbi; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${1}" -a -z "$PBI_REMOTEFETCH" ] ; then
+ exit_err "PBI file not found: (${1})"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ -z "${PBI_FILENAME}" ]; then usage_add_pbi ; fi
+ # If we are doing a remote fetch / install then do it now
+ if [ "$PBI_REMOTEFETCH" = "YES" ] ; then
+ if [ -z "${PBI_ADDREPO_ID}" ] ; then
+ else
+ ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${PBI_ADDREPO_ID}.* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "No such repo ID: ${PBI_DELREPO_ID}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Start fetching file
+ pbi_add_fetch_remote
+ fi
+ # Load all the information about this PBI
+ load_info_from_header
+ if [ -z "${PBI_ORIGPROGDIRPATH}" ]; then usage_add_pbi ; fi
+ # Make sure this isn't a patch file
+ is_pbi_patch
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "This is a PBP patch file, use 'pbi_patch' instead"
+ fi
+ # Lastly set PBI_PROGDIRNAME
+ PBI_PROGDIRNAME="`echo ${PBI_ORIGPROGDIRPATH} | rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev`"
+ if [ "${PBI_EXTRACTONLY}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ # If extracting to a alt-outdir, set it now
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_ALTEXTRACT_DIR}" ]; then
+ fi
+ else
+ # Set the installation dir
+ fi
+# Parse the command line
+parse_autob_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -c) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_autob_pbi; fi
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_AB_CONFDIR}" ]; then usage_autob_pbi; fi
+ shift
+ get_abspath "$1"
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_AB_CONFDIR}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Invalid confdir (${PBI_AB_CONFDIR})"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ -d) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_autob_pbi; fi
+ shift
+ get_abspath "$1"
+ ;;
+ -o) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_autob_pbi; fi
+ shift
+ get_abspath "$1"
+ ;;
+ -h) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_autob_pbi; fi
+ shift
+ get_abspath "$1"
+ ;;
+ --genpatch) PBI_AB_GENPATCH="YES"
+ ;;
+ --keep) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_autob_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_AB_ARCHIVENUM="$1"
+ expr $PBI_AB_ARCHIVENUM + 1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ $? != 0 ] ; then usage_autob_pbi; fi
+ ;;
+ --prune) PBI_AB_PRUNE="YES"
+ ;;
+ --sign) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_autob_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_AB_SSLPRIVKEY="$1"
+ ;;
+ *) usage_autob_pbi ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ -z "$PBI_AB_OUTDIR" ] ; then usage_autob_pbi ; fi
+ if [ -z "$PBI_AB_CONFDIR" ] ; then usage_autob_pbi ; fi
+# Parse the command line
+parse_create_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -a) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_create_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_CAUTHOR="$1"
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ -c) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_create_pbi; fi
+ shift;
+ get_abspath "$1"
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_CONFDIR}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Invalid confdir (${PBI_CONFDIR})"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ -d) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_create_pbi; fi
+ shift; PORTSDIR="$1"
+ ;;
+ -i) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_create_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_CICON="$1"
+ ;;
+ -n) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_create_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_CNAME="$1"
+ ;;
+ -o) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_create_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_CREATE_OUTDIR="$1"
+ ;;
+ -p) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_create_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_MAKEPORT="$1"
+ ;;
+ -r) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_create_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_CVERSION="$1"
+ ;;
+ -w) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_create_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_CWEB="$1"
+ ;;
+ --no-hash) PBI_DISABLEHASHDIR="YES" ;;
+ --sign) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_create_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_SSLPRIVKEY="$1"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_create_pbi; fi
+ if [ "$PBI_CBACKUP" = "YES" ] ; then
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${1}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "can't find installed pbi (${1})"
+ fi
+ else
+ get_abspath "$1"
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Invalid pbidir (${1})"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ # Make sure this port exists
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_MAKEPORT}" -a ! -d "${PORTSDIR}/${PBI_MAKEPORT}" ]; then
+ exit_err "No port (${PORTSDIR}/${PBI_MAKEPORT})"
+ fi
+ # Load the name / version from specified port
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_MAKEPORT}" ]; then
+ get_pbi_progversion
+ get_pbi_progname
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" ]; then usage_create_pbi ; fi
+ # Lastly set PBI_PROGDIRNAME
+ PBI_PROGDIRNAME="`echo ${PBI_PROGDIRPATH} | rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev`"
+# Override any pbi.conf values with passed command-line values
+parse_cmdline_overrides() {
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_CNAME}" ] ; then PBI_PROGNAME="${PBI_CNAME}" ; fi
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_CVERSION}" ] ; then PBI_PROGVERSION="${PBI_CVERSION}" ; fi
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_CWEB}" ] ; then PBI_PROGWEB="${PBI_CWEB}" ; fi
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_CAUTHOR}" ] ; then PBI_PROGAUTHOR="${PBI_CAUTHOR}" ; fi
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_CICON}" ] ; then PBI_PROGICON="${PBI_CICON}" ; fi
+# Parse the command line
+parse_make_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ ;;
+ -c)
+ if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_make_pbi; fi
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_CONFDIR}" ]; then usage_make_pbi; fi
+ shift
+ get_abspath "$1"
+ ;;
+ -d)
+ if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_make_pbi; fi
+ shift; PORTSDIR="$1" ; export PORTSDIR
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ --delbuild) MKDELBUILD="YES"
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ --mkdebug) MKDEBUG="YES"
+ ;;
+ -o) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_make_pbi; fi
+ shift
+ get_abspath "$1"
+ ;;
+ -p) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_make_pbi; fi
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_MAKEPREFIX}" ]; then usage_make_pbi; fi
+ shift; PBI_MAKEPREFIX="$1"
+ ;;
+ --sign) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then usage_create_pbi; fi
+ shift
+ get_abspath "$1"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_make_pbi; fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ # Override some locations if working in chroot environment
+ if [ "`basename $0`" = "pbi_makeport_chroot" ] ; then
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_CONFDIR}" ] ; then PBI_CONFDIR="/pbimodule" ; fi
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_SSLPRIVKEY}" ] ; then PBI_SSLPRIVKEY="/privkey.pem" ; fi
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_CREATE_OUTDIR}" ] ; then PBI_CREATE_OUTDIR="/pbiout" ; fi
+ if [ ! -z "${PORTSDIR}" ] ; then PORTSDIR="/usr/ports" ; fi
+ fi
+ # Make sure this port exists
+ if [ ! -d "${PORTSDIR}/${PBI_MAKEPORT}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "No port (${PORTSDIR}/${PBI_MAKEPORT})"
+ fi
+ # Make sure we have a valid PBI_CONFDIR
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_CONFDIR}" -a ! -d "${PBI_CONFDIR}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Invalid confdir (${PBI_CONFDIR})"
+ fi
+ # Source the config file
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_CONFDIR}" ]; then load_pbi_conffile ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MAKEPORT}" ]; then
+ usage_make_pbi
+ fi
+# Parse the update command line
+parse_update_pbi_cmdline() {
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -c) PBI_UPCHECK="YES" ;;
+ --check-all) PBI_UPCHECK="ALL" ;;
+ --disable-auto) PBI_UPENABLEAUTO="NO" ;;
+ --enable-auto) PBI_UPENABLEAUTO="YES" ;;
+ --update-all) PBI_UPDATEAPP="ALL" ;;
+ *) if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage_update_pbi; fi
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_UPDATEAPP" ] ; then usage_update_pbi ; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${1}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "can't find installed pbi (${1})"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ "${PBI_UPDATEAPP}" = "ALL" -a ! -z "${PBI_UPCHECK}" ] ; then
+ usage_update_pbi
+ fi
+ # Make sure we aren't trying to enable auto-updating for ALL
+ if [ "${PBI_UPDATEAPP}" = "ALL" -a ! -z "${PBI_UPENABLEAUTO}" ] ; then
+ usage_update_pbi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_UPDATEAPP}" -a ! -z "${PBI_UPENABLEAUTO}" ] ; then
+ usage_update_pbi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_UPDATEAPP}" -a "${PBI_UPCHECK}" != "ALL" ]; then
+ usage_update_pbi
+ fi
+# Make some of our required PBI dirs
+mk_required_dirs() {
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_APPDIR}" ] ; then mkdir -p ${PBI_APPDIR} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_RCDIR}" ] ; then mkdir -p ${PBI_RCDIR} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_HASHDIR}" ] ; then mkdir -p ${PBI_HASHDIR} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}" ] ; then mkdir -p ${PBI_DBAPPDIR} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_DBKEYDIR}" ] ; then mkdir -p ${PBI_DBKEYDIR} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_DBMIRRORDIR}" ] ; then mkdir -p ${PBI_DBMIRRORDIR} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_DBICONDIR}" ] ; then mkdir -p ${PBI_DBICONDIR} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_DBINDEXDIR}" ] ; then mkdir -p ${PBI_DBINDEXDIR} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_DBREPODIR}" ] ; then mkdir -p ${PBI_DBREPODIR} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_DBHASHQUEUEDIR}" ] ; then mkdir -p ${PBI_DBHASHQUEUEDIR} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; fi
+ # Set the permissions for directories if we are running as root
+ if [ `id -u` != "0" ] ; then return ; fi
+ do
+ chown root:${PBI_INSTALLGROUP} ${cDir}
+ chmod 775 ${cDir}
+ done
+ # Make sure the hash-dirty file can be written to by all
+ chmod 664 ${PBI_DBDIRTYFILE}
+# Get the absolute path of a dir
+get_abspath() {
+ D=`dirname "$1"`
+ B=`basename "$1"`
+ if [ "$D" = "/" ] ; then
+ _ABSPATH="/$B"
+ else
+ _ABSPATH="`cd \"$D\" 2>/dev/null && pwd || echo \"$D\"`/$B"
+ fi
+# Initialize some vars
+init_vars() {
+ # Where is pbi-manager installed?
+ FBSDMAJOR=`uname -r | cut -c 1`
+ PROGBASE="/usr/local"
+ SYS_LOCALBASE="/usr/local"
+ PBI_APPDIR="/usr/pbi"
+ PBI_CHROOTFILE="${PBI_APPDIR}/.pbi-world.tbz"
+ if [ `id -u` = "0" ] ; then
+ PBI_HASHDIR="${PBI_APPDIR}/.hashdir"
+ else
+ PBI_HASHDIR="${PBI_APPDIR}/.hashdir-`whoami`"
+ fi
+ PBI_ETCCONF="${SYS_LOCALBASE}/etc/pbi.conf"
+ PCBSD_ETCCONF="${SYS_LOCALBASE}/etc/pcbsd.conf"
+ PBI_DEFAULT_ICON="${PROGBASE}/share/pbi-manager/icons/default.png"
+ PBI_PATCH_ICON="${PROGBASE}/share/pbi-manager/icons/patch.png"
+ PBI_LDCONFIGFILE="${PROGBASE}/etc/ldpbiconfig"
+ PBI_LDCONFIGRC="${PROGBASE}/etc/rc.d/ldpbiconfig"
+ PBIDSLEEP="300" # Amount of time to sleep before waking up pbid
+ # What dirs do we build hash-lists of
+ HASH_SEARCH_DIRS="lib kde4/lib share include info man"
+ # What dbus dirs do we parse for setting up services
+ DBUS_SEARCH_DIRS="share/dbus-1 kde4/share/dbus-1 gnome/share/dbus-1"
+ # Don't modify unless you know what your doing!
+ MOD_XDGDESK_DIR="xdg-desktop"
+ MOD_XDGMENU_DIR="xdg-menu"
+ MOD_XDGMIME_DIR="xdg-mime"
+ MOD_EXTLINKFILE="external-links"
+ MOD_AUTOEXTLINKFILE=".auto-external-links"
+ PBI_HASHLIST=".pbi-hash-list"
+ PBI_INDEXREFRESH="24" # Hours to wait until we re-download PBI indexes
+ PBI_RESOURCE_DIR="resources"
+ PBI_TMPDIR="/tmp/.PBI.$$"
+ # User overridable variables
+ PBI_CONFFILE="pbi.conf"
+ if [ -z "${PBI_DBDIR}" ] ; then
+ PBI_DBDIR="/var/db/pbi"
+ fi
+ PBI_DBAPPDIR="${PBI_DBDIR}/installed"
+ PBI_DBICONDIR="${PBI_DBDIR}/repo-icons"
+ PBI_GUITOPBANNER="gui_banner.png"
+ PBI_GUISIDEBANNER="gui_sidebanner.png"
+ PORTSDIR="/usr/ports"
+# Set and export vars used by module scripts
+export_script_vars() {
+ # Load some initial values
+ get_pbi_progdir
+ get_pbi_progversion
+# init tmpdir
+init_tmpdir() {
+ if [ -d "${PBI_TMPDIR}" ] ; then return; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_TMPDIR}" ] ; then return ; fi
+ if [ "${PBI_TMPDIR}" = "/" ] ; then return ; fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_TMPDIR}" ] ; then rm -rf "${PBI_TMPDIR}" ; fi
+ mkdir -p "${PBI_TMPDIR}"
+# rm tmpdir
+rm_tmpdir() {
+ if [ -z "${PBI_TMPDIR}" -o "${PBI_TMPDIR}" = "/" ] ; then return 0; fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_TMPDIR}" ] ; then rm -rf "${PBI_TMPDIR}" ; fi
+# rm tmpdir
+rm_buildfiles() {
+ if [ "${PBI_KEEPBUILDFILES}" = "YES" ] ; then return ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" ] ; then return ; fi
+ if [ "`basename $0`" = "pbi_makeport_chroot" -a -d "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" ] ; then
+ echo "Cleaning ${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}"
+ rm -rf "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ chflags -R noschg "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm -rf "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm -rf /ramfs/build.$$ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$PBI_CHROOTDIR" ] ; then return ; fi
+ chroot_make_cleanup
+# Load PBI conf options
+load_pbi_conffile() {
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_CONFDIR}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_CONFDIR}/${PBI_CONFFILE}" ] ; then
+ fi
+get_pbi_progversion() {
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGVERSION}" ] ; then
+ load_pbi_conffile
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGVERSION}" -a ! -z "${PORTSDIR}" -a ! -z "${PBI_MAKEPORT}" ] ; then
+ # Check if we have a portrevision to use in version number
+ if [ ! -z "${PORTREV}" -a "${PORTREV}" != "0" ]
+ then
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGVERSION}" ] ; then
+ echo "Warning: Unable to set PBI_PROGVERSION with:"
+ fi
+ else
+ exit_err "Failed to locate PBI_PROGVERSION"
+ fi
+ # If we have a REVISION, use it as well
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_PROGREVISION" ] ; then
+ fi
+get_pbi_progname() {
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGNAME}" ] ; then
+ load_pbi_conffile
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGNAME}" -a ! -z "${PORTSDIR}" -a ! -z "${PBI_MAKEPORT}" ] ; then
+ else
+ exit_err "Failed to locate PBI_PROGNAME"
+ fi
+# Get the PBI PROGDIR Name
+get_pbi_progdir() {
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGNAME}" ] ; then
+ get_pbi_progname
+ fi
+ tmp="`echo ${PBI_PROGNAME} | tr -d ' ' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`"
+ ARCH="`uname -m`"
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGDIRNAME}" ] ; then
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" ] ; then
+ fi
+# Helper function to exit after a error, and do some cleanup
+exit_err() {
+ echo -e "`basename ${0}`: ${1}"
+ rm_tmpdir
+ rm_buildfiles
+ rm_pbipatchfiles
+ chroot_make_cleanup
+ clean_remote_dl
+ exit 255
+# Check if we need to cleanup patch files
+rm_pbipatchfiles() {
+ if [ -z "${_pbiNewDir}${_pbiOldDir}${_pbiPatchDir}" ] ; then
+ return
+ else
+ echo "Cleaning up patch data..."
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "${_pbiNewDir}" -a -d "${_pbiNewDir}" -a "${_pbiNewDir}" != "/" ] ; then
+ rm -rf "${_pbiNewDir}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ chflags -R noschg "${_pbiNewDir}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm -rf "${_pbiNewDir}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "${_pbiOldDir}" -a -d "${_pbiOldDir}" -a "${_pbiOldDir}" != "/" ] ; then
+ rm -rf "${_pbiOldDir}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ chflags -R noschg "${_pbiOldDir}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm -rf "${_pbiOldDir}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "${_pbiPatchDir}" -a -d "${_pbiPatchDir}" -a "${_pbiPatchDir}" != "/" ] ; then
+ rm -rf "${_pbiPatchDir}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ chflags -R noschg "${_pbiPatchDir}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm -rf "${_pbiPatchDir}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+# Check if we need to delete a remotely dl'd file
+clean_remote_dl() {
+ # If this was a remote fetch, remove dl'd file
+ if [ "$PBI_REMOTEFETCH" = "YES" -a ! -z "$PBI_FILENAME" ]; then
+ rm "$PBI_FILENAME" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+# Set port make options from config
+set_make_options() {
+ # Set the LOCALBASE
+ if [ -e "${LOCALBASE}" ] ; then
+ if [ "$MKDELBUILD" != "YES" ] ; then
+ exit_err "${LOCALBASE} already exists! Delete it before doing a rebuild"
+ else
+ if [ -z "${LOCALBASE}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "null LOCALBASE, this shouldn't happen"
+ fi
+ rm -rf "${LOCALBASE}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ local MAKE_CONF="/etc/make.conf"
+ echo "BATCH=yes" >> ${MAKE_CONF}
+ echo "NO_IGNORE=yes" >> ${MAKE_CONF}
+ # If a ramfs dir is present, lets use it
+ if [ -d "/ramfs" ] ; then
+ mkdir /ramfs/build.$$
+ echo "WRKDIRPREFIX=/ramfs/build.$$" >> ${MAKE_CONF}
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_MAKEOPTS" ] ; then
+ # Check if we have custom make opts
+ echo "${PBI_MAKEOPTS}" >> ${MAKE_CONF}
+ fi
+ # Link LOCALBASE -> /usr/local
+ mkdir -p ${LOCALBASE}
+ rm -rf /usr/local
+ ln -s ${LOCALBASE} /usr/local
+ # Make sure ldconfig is primed
+ /etc/rc.d/ldconfig start
+ PATH="${PATH}:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:${LOCALBASE}/bin:${LOCALBASE}/sbin"
+ export PATH
+# Confirm we are running as root
+require_root() {
+ if [ `id -u` != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Must be run as root!"
+ fi
+# Confirm we are running as root or the proper group for installation
+require_root_or_group() {
+ if [ `id -u` = "0" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ touch ${PBI_APPDIR}/.ptest.$$ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ rm ${PBI_APPDIR}/.ptest.$$ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ return 0
+ fi
+ exit_err "Must be run as root or a member of the $PBI_INSTALLGROUP group!"
+# Function to get the username from a file
+get_username_from_file() {
+ if [ -f "${1}" ] ; then
+ FILEUSER=`ls -al ${1} | awk '{print $3}'`
+ export FILEUSER
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [ -d "${1}" ] ; then
+ FILEUSER=`ls -al ${1} | grep -v "total" | head -n 1 | awk '{print $3}'`
+ export FILEUSER
+ return 0
+ fi
+ exit_err "Invalid file for usercheck!"
+# Start the make patch process
+pbi_makepatch_init() {
+ require_root
+ init_tmpdir
+ parse_makepatch_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ # Create a new patch file from the two PBIs specified
+ make_pbi_patchfile "${PBI_FILENAME}" "${PBI_OLDFILENAME}" "${PBI_PATCHOUTDIR}"
+# Remove a repo from the DB
+pbi_deleterepo_init() {
+ require_root
+ parse_deleterepo_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ delete_pbi_repo
+# Do the removal of a PBI repo
+delete_pbi_repo() {
+ # Make sure this repo exists
+ ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${PBI_DELREPO_ID}.* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "No such repo ID: ${PBI_DELREPO_ID}"
+ fi
+ _md5=`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${PBI_DELREPO_ID}.* | sed "s|^${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${PBI_DELREPO_ID}.||g"`
+ if [ -e "${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${PBI_DELREPO_ID}.${_md5}" ] ; then
+ rm "${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${PBI_DELREPO_ID}.${_md5}"
+ else
+ echo "Warning: ${PBI_DELREPO_ID}.${_md5} does not exist in the database."
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_DBKEYDIR}/${_md5}.ssl" ] ; then
+ rm "${PBI_DBKEYDIR}/${_md5}.ssl"
+ else
+ echo "Warning: ${_md5}.ssl does not exist in the keys database."
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_DBMIRRORDIR}/${_md5}" ] ; then
+ rm "${PBI_DBMIRRORDIR}/${_md5}"
+ else
+ echo "Warning: ${_md5} does not exist in the mirror database."
+ fi
+ # See if we need to remove a downloaded index file
+ if [ -e "${PBI_DBINDEXDIR}/${_md5}-index" ] ; then
+ rm "${PBI_DBINDEXDIR}/${_md5}-index"
+ rm "${PBI_DBINDEXDIR}/${_md5}-index.time"
+ fi
+ # Make sure we renumber the repos
+ renumber_repos
+ echo "Deleted Repository ${PBI_DELREPO_ID}."
+# After deleting a repo, this can be run to renumber the IDs
+renumber_repos() {
+ _rNum="1"
+ for i in `ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR} | sort`
+ do
+ case `echo ${_rNum} | wc -m | tr -d ' '` in
+ 2) _rNum="00${_rNum}" ;;
+ 3) _rNum="0${_rNum}" ;;
+ *) ;;
+ esac
+ _md5=`echo ${i} | cut -d '.' -f 2`
+ mv "${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${i}" "${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${_rNum}.${_md5}"
+ _rNum=`expr ${_rNum} + 1`
+ done
+# Add a new repo to the db
+pbi_addrepo_init() {
+ require_root
+ parse_addrepo_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ # Create a new repo file
+ add_pbi_repo
+# Extract the repo and add it to the DB
+add_pbi_repo() {
+ init_tmpdir
+ tar xvf "${PBI_ADDREPO_FILE}" -C ${PBI_TMPDIR} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Failed to read ${PBI_ADDREPO_FILE}"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "${PBI_TMPDIR}/repokey.ssl" -o ! -f "${PBI_TMPDIR}/repo-url" -o ! -f "${PBI_TMPDIR}/repo-desc" -o ! -f "${PBI_TMPDIR}/repo-mirror" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Improperly packaged repo file!"
+ fi
+ # Make sure we don't have a duplicate repo key
+ for tr in ${PBI_PUBKEYS}
+ do
+ diff -q ${tr} ${PBI_TMPDIR}/repokey.ssl >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Repo with identical key already registered!"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Figure out the next repo number
+ get_next_repo_num
+ _md5=`md5 -q ${PBI_TMPDIR}/repo-url`
+ _url=`cat ${PBI_TMPDIR}/repo-url`
+ _desc=`cat ${PBI_TMPDIR}/repo-desc`
+ echo "URL: ${_url}" > ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${_rNum}.${_md5}
+ echo "Desc: ${_desc}" >> ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${_rNum}.${_md5}
+ cp ${PBI_TMPDIR}/repo-mirror ${PBI_DBMIRRORDIR}/${_md5}
+ cp "${PBI_TMPDIR}/repokey.ssl" "${PBI_DBKEYDIR}/${_md5}.ssl"
+ chmod 755 "${PBI_DBKEYDIR}/${_md5}.ssl"
+ rm_tmpdir
+ echo "Added new repo: \"${_desc}\" to the database."
+# Function to do listing of installed repos, and return next available number
+get_next_repo_num() {
+ _rNum="0"
+ for i in `ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR} | sort`
+ do
+ _rNum=`expr ${_rNum} + 1`
+ done
+ _rNum=`expr ${_rNum} + 1`
+ case `echo ${_rNum} | wc -m | tr -d ' '` in
+ 2) _rNum="00${_rNum}" ;;
+ 3) _rNum="0${_rNum}" ;;
+ *) ;;
+ esac
+ export _rNum
+# Start the make patch process
+pbi_makerepo_init() {
+ require_root
+ parse_makerepo_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ # Create a new repo file
+ make_pbi_repo
+# Create the repo .rpo file
+make_pbi_repo() {
+ init_tmpdir
+ mkdir ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.mkrepo
+ cp ${PBI_MKREPO_KEY} ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.mkrepo/repokey.ssl
+ echo "${PBI_MKREPO_URL}" > ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.mkrepo/repo-url
+ echo "${PBI_MKREPO_DESC}" > ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.mkrepo/repo-desc
+ echo "${PBI_MKREPO_MIRROR}" | sed 's|,|\
+|g' > ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.mkrepo/repo-mirror
+ tar cvzf ${PBI_MKREPO_OUTDIR}/pbi-repo.rpo -C ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.mkrepo . >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ echo "New PBI Repo created: ${PBI_MKREPO_OUTDIR}/pbi-repo.rpo"
+ rm_tmpdir
+# Init the metatool
+pbi_mt_init() {
+ parse_mt_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ case $PBI_MT_MODE in
+ ADD) if [ "$PBI_MT_TYPE" = "CAT" ] ; then
+ do_pbi_mt_add_cat
+ else
+ do_pbi_mt_add_app
+ fi ;;
+ REM) if [ "$PBI_MT_TYPE" = "CAT" ] ; then
+ do_pbi_mt_rem_cat "${PBI_MT_REMNAME}" "${PBI_MT_METAFILE}"
+ else
+ do_pbi_mt_rem_app "${PBI_MT_REMNAME}" "${PBI_MT_METAFILE}"
+ fi ;;
+ *) ;;
+ esac
+do_pbi_mt_add_cat() {
+ init_tmpdir
+ # Remove any duplicate name
+ do_pbi_mt_rem_cat "${PBI_MT_ADDNAME}" "${PBI_MT_METAFILE}"
+ cp ${PBI_MT_METAFILE} ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.meta.$$
+ >> ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.meta.$$
+ sort ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.meta.$$ > "${PBI_MT_METAFILE}"
+ rm ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.meta.$$
+do_pbi_mt_add_app() {
+ init_tmpdir
+ # Remove any duplicate name
+ do_pbi_mt_rem_app "${PBI_MT_ADDNAME}" "${PBI_MT_METAFILE}"
+ cp ${PBI_MT_METAFILE} ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.meta.$$
+ >> ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.meta.$$
+ sort ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.meta.$$ > "${PBI_MT_METAFILE}"
+ rm ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.meta.$$
+do_pbi_mt_rem_cat() {
+ sed -i '' "\|^Cat=${1};|d" "${2}"
+do_pbi_mt_rem_app() {
+ sed -i '' "\|^App=${1};|d" "${2}"
+# Init the indextool
+pbi_it_init() {
+ parse_it_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ case $PBI_IT_MODE in
+ ADD) do_pbi_it_add ;;
+ REM) do_pbi_it_rem ;;
+ *) ;;
+ esac
+# Remove a target PBI from an index
+do_pbi_it_rem() {
+ init_tmpdir
+ _pbilow="`echo ${PBI_IT_REMNAME} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's| ||g'`"
+ cat "${PBI_IT_REMINDEX}" | grep -v "^${_pbilow}:${PBI_IT_REMARCH}:${PBI_IT_REMVER}" \
+ > "${PBI_TMPDIR}/.indextmp"
+ sort ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.indextmp > "${PBI_IT_REMINDEX}"
+ rm_tmpdir
+# Add a new PBI to the specified INDEX file
+do_pbi_it_add() {
+ init_tmpdir
+ # First load values from the target PBI
+ load_info_from_header
+ # Get the name in lower-case
+ _pbilow="`echo ${PBI_PROGNAME} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's| ||g'`"
+ # Prune any old copies of this app from the index
+ prune_from_index "$_pbilow" "$PBI_APPARCH"
+ # Prune any old copies of this app from the index
+ mark_current_active_index "$_pbilow" "$PBI_APPARCH"
+ # Add the new index entry
+ add_to_index
+ rm_tmpdir
+# Mark any current versions of this PBI as active in the index
+mark_current_active_index() {
+ while read iLine
+ do
+ echo "$iLine" | grep "^${1}:${2}:" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ echo "$iLine" >> ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.indextmp
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo "$iLine" | sed 's|:current|:active|' >> ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.indextmp
+ mv "${PBI_TMPDIR}/.indextmp" "${PBI_IT_ADDINDEX}"
+# Add the specified PBI to the index
+add_to_index() {
+ mv "${PBI_IT_ADDINDEX}" "${PBI_TMPDIR}/.indextmp"
+ local _date=`date '+%s'`
+ local _sha256=`sha256 -q ${PBI_FILENAME}`
+ echo "${_pbilow}:${PBI_APPARCH}:${PBI_PROGVERSION}:${_sha256}:${PBI_PROGMDATE}:${PBI_IT_ADDURL}:$_date:${PBI_IT_ADDBPVERS}:current" >>"${PBI_TMPDIR}/.indextmp"
+ sort ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.indextmp > "${PBI_IT_ADDINDEX}"
+# Remove a set number of PBIs from the index
+prune_from_index() {
+ if [ -z "$PBI_IT_ADDKEEP" ]; then return ; fi
+ local found="0"
+ while read iLine
+ do
+ echo "$iLine" | grep "^${1}:${2}:" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ echo "$iLine" >> ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.indextmp
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [ $found -lt $PBI_IT_ADDKEEP ] ; then
+ echo "$iLine" >> ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.indextmp
+ found=`expr $found + 1`
+ fi
+ mv "${PBI_TMPDIR}/.indextmp" "${PBI_IT_ADDINDEX}"
+# Add a new repo to the db
+pbi_browser_init() {
+ parse_browse_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ init_tmpdir
+ # Check if we are doing a category listing, the default if no options
+ pbi_browse_listcats
+ else
+ pbi_browse_listpbi
+ fi
+# List PBIs from a repo
+pbi_browse_listpbi() {
+ _rArch=`uname -m`
+ # Figure out which type of display we are doing
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_BROWSE_LISTALLPBI" ] ; then
+ echo "Using RepoID: $PBI_BROWSE_RID"
+ echo "Listing all available PBIs"
+ grep -i -e "^App=" $PBI_BROWSE_METAFILE > ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.meta.$$
+ elif [ ! -z "$PBI_BROWSE_CAT" ] ; then
+ echo "Using RepoID: $PBI_BROWSE_RID"
+ echo "Available PBIs for Category: $PBI_BROWSE_CAT"
+ grep -i -e "^App=" -i -e ";${PBI_BROWSE_CAT};" $PBI_BROWSE_METAFILE > ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.meta.$$
+ elif [ ! -z "$PBI_BROWSE_SEARCH" ] ; then
+ echo "Using RepoID: $PBI_BROWSE_RID"
+ echo "Searching for: $PBI_BROWSE_SEARCH"
+ grep -i -e "^App=" $PBI_BROWSE_METAFILE > ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.meta.$$
+ else
+ exit_err "No valid search variable set!"
+ fi
+ while read app
+ do
+ line=`echo $app | sed 's|^App=||g'`
+ catCheck=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 2 2>/dev/null`
+ aName=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 1 2>/dev/null`
+ # Make sure this is from the correct category
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_BROWSE_CAT" ] ; then
+ _cCheck=`echo $catCheck | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
+ _cCheck2=`echo $PBI_BROWSE_CAT | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
+ if [ "$_cCheck" != "$_cCheck2" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Set the displayed arch type
+ aArch="$_rArch"
+ # Make sure this application has an associated PBI available
+ check_pbi_update "$aName" "nodisplay" \
+ "$aName" "current" \
+ "`uname -r`" "$_rArch" "${PBI_BROWSE_RID}"
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ # On amd64, see if 32bit version exists
+ if [ "$_rArch" = "amd64" ] ; then
+ check_pbi_update "$aName" "nodisplay" \
+ "$aName" "current" \
+ "`uname -r`" "i386" "${PBI_BROWSE_RID}"
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ continue
+ else
+ # Found a 32bit version of the app
+ aArch="i386"
+ fi
+ else
+ # Not on amd64, continue on
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ aIcon=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 3`
+ aAuthor=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 4`
+ aUrl=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 5`
+ aLic=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 6`
+ aType=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 7`
+ aKeywords=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 8`
+ aDesc=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 9`
+ aRoot=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 10`
+ # Check for a translation to the description
+ get_meta_trans "App" "$cName" "${PBI_BROWSE_METAFILE}"
+ if [ ! -z "$MTRANS" ] ; then
+ aDesc="$MTRANS"
+ fi
+ # Search the description / keywords
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_BROWSE_SEARCH" ] ; then
+ echo "$aName,$aDesc,$aKeywords,$MTRANS" | grep -i "$PBI_BROWSE_SEARCH" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then continue ; fi
+ fi
+ # Get the local icon file
+ ext=`echo $aIcon | sed 's/.*\.//'`
+ aIcon="${PBI_DBICONDIR}/${PBI_BROWSE_REPOMD5}-${aName}.${ext}"
+ echo "------------------------------------"
+ echo "Application: $aName"
+ echo "Version: $PBI_UPNVER"
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_BROWSE_LISTALLPBI" ] ; then
+ echo "Category: $catCheck"
+ fi
+ echo "Created: `echo $PBI_UPMDATE`"
+ if [ "$aRoot" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "RootInstall: YES"
+ else
+ echo "RootInstall: NO"
+ fi
+ echo "Arch: $aArch"
+ echo "Author: $aAuthor"
+ echo "URL: $aUrl"
+ echo "License: $aLic"
+ echo "Type: $aType"
+ echo "Keywords: $aKeywords"
+ echo "Icon: $aIcon"
+ echo "Description: $aDesc"
+ echo ""
+ if [ "$aRoot" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "To install this PBI (As Root):"
+ else
+ echo "To install this PBI:"
+ fi
+ echo "# pbi_add --rArch $aArch --repo $PBI_BROWSE_RID -r $aName"
+ echo ""
+ done < ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.meta.$$
+# List available categories for this repository
+pbi_browse_listcats() {
+ echo "Using RepoID: $PBI_BROWSE_RID"
+ echo "Available Categories:"
+ grep "^Cat=" $PBI_BROWSE_METAFILE > ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.meta.$$
+ while read cat
+ do
+ line=`echo $cat | sed 's|^Cat=||g'`
+ cName=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 1`
+ cIcon=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 2`
+ cDesc=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 3`
+ # Check for a translation to the description
+ get_meta_trans "Cat" "$cName" "${PBI_BROWSE_METAFILE}"
+ if [ ! -z "$MTRANS" ] ; then
+ cDesc="$MTRANS"
+ fi
+ # Get the local icon file
+ ext=`echo $cIcon | sed 's/.*\.//'`
+ cIcon="${PBI_DBICONDIR}/${PBI_BROWSE_REPOMD5}-${cName}.${ext}"
+ echo "------------------------------------"
+ echo "Category: $cName"
+ echo "Icon: $cIcon"
+ echo "Description: $cDesc"
+ echo ""
+ done < ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.meta.$$
+ echo "To view available PBIs for a particular category:"
+ echo " % pbi_browser -c <category> <repoid>"
+# Function to check if we have a translated description
+get_meta_trans() {
+ local tag="$1"
+ local name="$2"
+ local metaFile="$3"
+ # Check if we have a translation to overwrite with
+ if [ -z "$LANG" ] ; then return; fi
+ lCheck="`echo $LANG | cut -d '_' -f 1` `echo $LANG | cut -d '.' -f 1`"
+ for l in $lCheck
+ do
+ catTrans=`grep "^${tag}\[$l\]=${name}" ${metaFile}`
+ if [ ! -z "$catTrans" ] ; then
+ MTRANS=`echo $catTrans | cut -d ";" -f 2`
+ return
+ fi
+ done
+# List repos in the db
+pbi_listrepo_init() {
+ require_root_or_group
+ parse_listrepo_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ # List the repos
+ if [ -z "$PBI_LISTREPO_ID" ] ; then
+ list_all_pbi_repo
+ else
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_LISTREPO_UP}" ]; then
+ require_root
+ move_repo_up "${PBI_LISTREPO_ID}"
+ list_all_pbi_repo
+ elif [ ! -z "${PBI_LISTREPO_DOWN}" ] ; then
+ require_root
+ move_repo_down "${PBI_LISTREPO_ID}"
+ list_all_pbi_repo
+ elif [ ! -z "${PBI_LISTREPO_MIRROR}" ] ; then
+ require_root
+ change_repo_mirror "${PBI_LISTREPO_ID}"
+ listrepo_details "${PBI_LISTREPO_ID}"
+ else
+ listrepo_details "${PBI_LISTREPO_ID}"
+ fi
+ fi
+# Function to change a specific repos mirror URL
+change_repo_mirror() {
+ local _rMd5=`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${1}.* | cut -d '.' -f 2`
+ echo "$PBI_LISTREPO_MIRROR" | sed 's|,|\
+|g' > "${PBI_DBMIRRORDIR}/${_rMd5}"
+# Move a repo down in priority
+move_repo_down() {
+ _rFile=`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${1}.*`
+ _uNum=`expr ${1} + 1`
+ case `echo ${_uNum} | wc -m | tr -d ' '` in
+ 2) _uNum="00${_uNum}" ;;
+ 3) _uNum="0${_uNum}" ;;
+ *) ;;
+ esac
+ _uFile=`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${_uNum}.* 2>/dev/null`
+ if [ -z "$_uFile" ] ; then exit_err "This repo is already at the lowest priority!" ; fi
+ _umd5=`echo $_uFile | cut -d '.' -f 2`
+ mv "${_uFile}" "${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${1}.${_umd5}"
+ _rmd5=`echo $_rFile | cut -d '.' -f 2`
+ mv "${_rFile}" "${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${_uNum}.${_rmd5}"
+# Move a repo up in priority
+move_repo_up() {
+ _rFile=`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${1}.*`
+ _uNum=`expr ${1} - 1`
+ case `echo ${_uNum} | wc -m | tr -d ' '` in
+ 2) _uNum="00${_uNum}" ;;
+ 3) _uNum="0${_uNum}" ;;
+ *) ;;
+ esac
+ _uFile=`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${_uNum}.* 2>/dev/null`
+ if [ -z "$_uFile" ] ; then exit_err "This repo is already at the highest priority!" ; fi
+ _umd5=`echo $_uFile | cut -d '.' -f 2`
+ mv "${_uFile}" "${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${1}.${_umd5}"
+ _rmd5=`echo $_rFile | cut -d '.' -f 2`
+ mv "${_rFile}" "${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${_uNum}.${_rmd5}"
+# List all PBI repos
+listrepo_details() {
+ _rFile=`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${1}.*`
+ _md5=`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${1}.* | cut -d '.' -f 2`
+ _desc=`cat ${_rFile} | grep "Desc: " | sed "s|Desc: ||g"`
+ _url=`cat ${_rFile} | grep "URL: " | sed "s|URL: ||g"`
+ _mirror=`cat ${PBI_DBMIRRORDIR}/$_md5`
+ echo "Repo ID: ${1}"
+ echo "Description: ${_desc}"
+ echo "IndexURL: ${_url}"
+ echo "MD5: ${_md5}"
+ echo "LocalMeta: `ls ${PBI_DBINDEXDIR}/${_md5}*meta 2>/dev/null`"
+ echo "LocalIndex: `ls ${PBI_DBINDEXDIR}/${_md5}*index 2>/dev/null`"
+ echo "Mirror(s):"
+ echo "$_mirror"
+# List all PBI repos
+list_all_pbi_repo() {
+ echo "[ID] [Description]"
+ echo "-----------------------------------------------------"
+ for repo in `ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR} | sort `
+ do
+ _id=`echo $repo | cut -d '.' -f 1`
+ _desc=`cat ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${repo} | grep "Desc: " | sed "s|Desc: ||g"`
+ echo "${_id} ${_desc}"
+ done
+# Start the patch process
+pbi_patch_init() {
+ require_root_or_group
+ init_tmpdir
+ parse_patch_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ # Check if we are only displaying information
+ check_pbi_info_display
+ check_pbi_gui_display
+ check_pbi_scripts_display
+ check_pbi_license_display
+ then
+ exit_trap
+ fi
+ # Try to apply this patch file
+ do_pbi_patch
+# Start the PBI patch process
+do_pbi_patch() {
+ # Verify the target PBI is installed
+ verify_pbi_update_target
+ pbi_verify_signatures
+ pbi_verify_archivesum
+ # Extract the archive contents
+ mk_pbi_extract_dir
+ pbi_extract_archive
+ set_patch_wrkdir
+ init_tmpdir
+ # Run the uninstall script
+ if [ -e "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/.sbin/" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing old xdg data..."
+ sh "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/.sbin/" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ # Remove old files from the installed PBI
+ patch_rm_old_files
+ # Extract the new files
+ patch_extract_new_files
+ # Merge in the bsdiffs
+ patch_merge_bsdiffs
+ # Make sure we have good permissions on this PBI
+ patch_apply_chmod
+ # Run the install script
+ if [ -e "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/.sbin/" ] ; then
+ echo "Adding new xdg data..."
+ sh "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/.sbin/" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ # If running as user, add bin path-links
+ if [ "`id -u`" != "0" ] ; then add_app_path_links "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}" ; fi
+ # Update the registered version of the PBI
+ _pbilow="`echo ${PBI_PROGNAME} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's| ||g'`"
+ mv "$oldDir" "$newDir"
+ rm ${newDir}/*.sha1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ pbi_add_register_app
+ # Cleanup after our selves
+ if [ -d "$PBI_EXTRACTDIR" ] ; then
+ echo "Cleaning up..."
+ rm -rf "$PBI_EXTRACTDIR"
+ fi
+ # Update the hashdir
+ add_hashdir_trigger
+ # Mark the hash-dir as dirty as well
+ make_hashdir_dirty
+ echo "Finished patching ${_pbilow}: $PBI_PATCHTARGET -> $PBI_PATCHVERSION"
+# Mark the hashdir as dirty
+make_hashdir_dirty() {
+ date "+%s" > "${PBI_DBDIRTYFILE}"
+# Do any chmod stuff after patching
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_EXTRACTDIR}/PBI-permList" ] ; then return; fi
+ cuDir=`pwd`
+ echo "Applying updated permissions..."
+ while read chLine
+ do
+ $chLine >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ done < "${PBI_EXTRACTDIR}/PBI-permList"
+ cd "$cuDir"
+# Function which does the merge of bsdiff files
+ echo "Applying patch data..."
+ find ${PBI_EXTRACTDIR} | grep '.bsdiff' | sed "s|${PBI_EXTRACTDIR}/||g" > ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.PBI.bspatch.$$
+ while read pLine
+ do
+ if [ -z "$pLine" ] ; then continue; fi
+ _tFile="`echo $pLine | sed 's|.bsdiff$||g'`"
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_EXTRACTDIR}/${_tFile}.sha256" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Missing checksums for \"${_tFile}\" this patch is corrupt"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}" ] ; then
+ echo "Warning: Missing target file for patching: $_tFile"
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Make sure we really are trying to patch the same file
+ sha1="`sha256 -q ${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}`"
+ sha2="`cat ${PBI_EXTRACTDIR}/${_tFile}.sha256`"
+ if [ "$sha1" != "$sha2" ] ; then
+ echo "Warning: Checksum failed for ${_tFile}, skipping."
+ continue
+ fi
+ _fPerm=`stat -f %Op "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}" | cut -c 3-6`
+ # See if we have a hard-link to take care of first
+ get_hard_link_count "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}"
+ if [ "$HLINKS" != "1" ] ; then
+ mv "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}" "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}.patch.$$"
+ cp "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}.patch.$$" "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}"
+ rm -f "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}.patch.$$"
+ fi
+ # Now do the patching
+ #echo "Patching $_tFile"
+ mv "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}" "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}.patch.$$"
+ bspatch "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}.patch.$$" \
+ "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}" \
+ "${PBI_EXTRACTDIR}/$pLine" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ echo "Warning: Failed to apply patch to \"$_tFile\""
+ fi
+ # Re-apply the same permissions to the new file
+ chmod $_fPerm "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}"
+ # Remove the old file
+ rm "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${_tFile}.patch.$$"
+ done < "${PBI_TMPDIR}/.PBI.bspatch.$$"
+ rm "${PBI_TMPDIR}/.PBI.bspatch.$$"
+# Function which does the new file extraction for this PBI
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_EXTRACTDIR}/PBI-newFiles.tar" ] ; then return; fi
+ echo "Installing new files..."
+ tar xvf "${PBI_EXTRACTDIR}/PBI-newFiles.tar" -C "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ echo "Warning: Error during new file extraction, PBI may not function correctly."
+ fi
+# Function which removes files that no longer exist in this updated PBI
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_EXTRACTDIR}/PBI-rmList" ] ; then return; fi
+ echo "Removing old files..."
+ while read rmLine
+ do
+ if [ -z "$rmLine" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/$rmLine" ] ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ rm -rf "${PBI_PATCHWRKDIR}/${rmLine}"
+ done < "${PBI_EXTRACTDIR}/PBI-rmList"
+# Sets the workdir of the target PBI we are patching
+ _pbilow="`echo ${PBI_PROGNAME} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's| ||g'`"
+ if [ ! -e "${oldDir}/pbi_defaultpath" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Can not fild default path for \"$PBI_PROGNAME\"!"
+ fi
+ PBI_PATCHWRKDIR="`cat ${oldDir}/pbi_defaultpath`"
+ if [ ! -d "$PBI_PATCHWRKDIR" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Path for \"$PBI_PROGNAME\" does not exist!"
+ fi
+# Confirms that the target PBI for this patch is installed
+# Exits if not and we are not doing a extract only
+ if [ "${PBI_EXTRACTONLY}" = "YES" ] ; then return ; fi
+ # Make sure the target PBI is installed
+ _pbilow="`echo ${PBI_PROGNAME} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's| ||g'`"
+ if [ ! -e "${oldDir}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "\"${_pbilow}\" does not appear to be installed!"
+ fi
+ # Check the arch type
+ if [ "`cat ${oldDir}/pbi_arch`" != "$PBI_APPARCH" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Installed \"${PBI_PROGNAME}\" is not compiled for $PBI_APPARCH"
+ fi
+ # Check the taret version
+ if [ "`cat ${oldDir}/pbi_version`" != "$PBI_PATCHTARGET" ] ; then
+ exit_err "\"${_pbilow}\" patch is for \"$PBI_PROGVERSION\" only!"
+ fi
+ # Check the fbsd version
+ _pFbsdVer="`cat ${oldDir}/pbi_fbsdver | cut -c 1`"
+ _sFbsdVer="`echo $PBI_FBSDVER | cut -c 1`"
+ if [ "$_pFbsdVer" != "$_sFbsdVer" ] ; then
+ exit_err "\"${_pbilow}\" patch is for FreeBSD ${_sFbsdVer}.X only!"
+ fi
+# Start the pbi_add process
+pbi_add_init() {
+ init_tmpdir
+ parse_add_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ # Check if we are only displaying information
+ check_pbi_info_display
+ check_pbi_gui_display
+ check_pbi_scripts_display
+ check_pbi_license_display
+ then
+ clean_remote_dl
+ exit_trap
+ fi
+ require_root_or_group
+ # If this app can only be installed as root
+ if [ "$PBI_REQUIRESROOT" = "YES" ] ; then require_root ; fi
+ check_agree_lic
+ check_existing_pbi
+ do_pbi_add
+# Check if this PBI exists and exit if so
+check_existing_pbi() {
+ if [ "${PBI_EXTRACTONLY}" = "YES" ] ; then return 0; fi
+ get_dbdir
+ dir="${APPDBDIR}"
+ # See if this PBI is already installed
+ if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
+ get_username_from_file "${APPDBDIR}/pbi_name"
+ if [ "$FILEUSER" != `whoami` -a `id -u` != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Permission denied to modify PBI installed by: $FILEUSER"
+ fi
+ if [ "${PBI_FORCEADD}" = "YES" ] ; then return 0; fi
+ exit_err "${PBI_PROGNAME} ${PBI_PROGVERSION} is already installed! Use -f to force installation."
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" ]; then
+ get_username_from_file "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}"
+ if [ "$FILEUSER" != `whoami` -a `id -u` != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Permission denied to modify PBI installed by: $FILEUSER"
+ fi
+ if [ "${PBI_FORCEADD}" = "YES" ] ; then return 0; fi
+ exit_err "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH} already exists! Use -f to force installation."
+ fi
+# Check if we have a license to agree to, and if we've provided the flag to do so
+check_agree_lic() {
+ open_header_tmp
+ if [ -f "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}/${PBI_LICENSEFILE}" -a "${PBI_LICAGREE}" = "NO" ] ; then
+ delete_header_tmp
+ exit_err "LICENSE must be agreed to (--licagree) before this PBI can be installed."
+ fi
+ delete_header_tmp
+# See if we need to display pbi license
+check_pbi_license_display() {
+ if [ "$PBI_ADD_LICDISPLAY" != "YES" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ open_header_tmp
+ if [ -f "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}/${PBI_LICENSEFILE}" ] ; then
+ echo "LICENSE:"
+ else
+ echo "`basename $0`: No LICENSE included with this PBI"
+ fi
+ delete_header_tmp
+# See if we need to display pbi info
+check_pbi_info_display() {
+ if [ "$PBI_ADD_INFODISPLAY" != "YES" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ pbi_display_info
+# Display pbi information to stdout
+pbi_display_info() {
+ tmp="`echo ${PBI_PROGNAME} | tr -d ' ' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`"
+ _appname="${tmp}-${PBI_PROGVERSION}-${PBI_APPARCH}"
+ if [ -z "$PBI_PATCHVERSION" ] ; then
+ echo "PBI Information for: $_appname"
+ else
+ echo "PBP Information for: $_appname"
+ fi
+ echo "-----------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "Name: ${PBI_PROGNAME}"
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_PATCHVERSION" ] ; then
+ echo "PatchTarget: $PBI_PATCHTARGET"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_INSTALLED_BY" ] ; then
+ echo "InstalledBy: $PBI_INSTALLED_BY"
+ fi
+ # Does this PBI need root to install?
+ if [ "$PBI_REQUIRESROOT" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "RootInstall: YES"
+ else
+ echo "RootInstall: NO"
+ fi
+ echo "Version: ${PBI_PROGVERSION}"
+ echo "Built: ${PBI_PROGMDATE}"
+ echo "Prefix: ${PBI_ORIGPROGDIRPATH}"
+ echo "Author: ${PBI_PROGAUTHOR}"
+ echo "Website: ${PBI_PROGWEB}"
+ echo "Arch: ${PBI_APPARCH}"
+ echo "FbsdVer: ${PBI_FBSDVER}"
+ echo "CreatorVer: ${PBI_APPCREATEVER}"
+ echo "ArchiveCount: ${PBI_ARCHIVE_COUNT}"
+ echo "ArchiveSum: ${PBI_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM}"
+ case ${PBI_SIGVALID} in
+ 0) echo "Signature: Verified" ;;
+ -1) echo "Signature: Not Signed" ;;
+ 1) echo "Signature: Bad" ;;
+ *) echo "Signature: <Unknown>" ;;
+ esac
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_REPO}" ] ; then
+ local _rDesc="`cat ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/*.${PBI_REPO} | grep "Desc:" | sed 's|Desc: ||g'`"
+ local _rID="`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/*.${PBI_REPO}`"
+ _rID=`basename $_rID | cut -d '.' -f 1`
+ echo "Associated Repo: ${_rID} (${_rDesc})"
+ fi
+ # Check if autoupdate is enable or not
+ if [ "${PBI_ENABLEAUTOUPDATE}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "AutoUpdate: YES"
+ else
+ echo "AutoUpdate: NO"
+ fi
+ # See if we have any XDG stuff
+ if [ -e "${PBI_ORIGPROGDIRPATH}/.xdg-desktop/" ] ; then
+ echo "DesktopIcons: YES"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_ORIGPROGDIRPATH}/.xdg-menu/" ] ; then
+ echo "MenuIcons: YES"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_ORIGPROGDIRPATH}/.xdg-mime/" ] ; then
+ echo "MimeRegistration: YES"
+ fi
+# See if we need to display gui header info
+check_pbi_gui_display() {
+ if [ "$PBI_ADD_GUIDISPLAY" != "YES" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ open_header_tmp
+ pbi_display_gui "$PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR" "COPY"
+ delete_header_tmp
+# Display location of PBI graphics
+pbi_display_gui() {
+ dir="$1"
+ copy="$2"
+ if [ -e "${dir}/top-banner.png" ] ; then
+ if [ "$copy" = "COPY" ] ; then
+ pbi_guitop="/tmp/.PBI-top.$$.png"
+ cp "${dir}/top-banner.png" "$pbi_guitop"
+ else
+ pbi_guitop="${dir}/top-banner.png"
+ fi
+ echo "TopBanner: ${pbi_guitop}"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${dir}/side-banner.png" ] ; then
+ if [ "$copy" = "COPY" ] ; then
+ pbi_guiside="/tmp/.PBI-side.$$.png"
+ cp "${dir}/side-banner.png" "$pbi_guiside"
+ else
+ pbi_guiside="${dir}/side-banner.png"
+ fi
+ echo "SideBanner: ${pbi_guiside}"
+ fi
+ # Try to find an icon
+ ls ${dir}/pbi_icon.* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ _iconExt=`ls ${dir}/pbi_icon.* | head -n 1 | awk -F . '{print $NF}'`
+ if [ "$copy" = "COPY" ] ; then
+ pbi_guiicon="/tmp/.PBI-icon.$$.${_iconExt}"
+ cp "${dir}/pbi_icon.${_iconExt}" "$pbi_guiicon"
+ else
+ pbi_guiicon="${dir}/pbi_icon.${_iconExt}"
+ fi
+ echo "Icon: ${pbi_guiicon}"
+ fi
+open_header_tmp() {
+ init_tmpdir
+ # If we have a custom extract dir, use it
+ if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
+ else
+ PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR="${1}/.PBI-header.$$"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}" ] ; then rm -rf "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}" ; fi
+ mkdir -p "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}"
+ # Extract the header files
+ tar xvf "${PBI_FILENAME}" -C "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then exit_err "Failed to read PBI header!" ; fi
+delete_header_tmp() {
+ if [ -z "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ -d "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}" ] ; then rm -rf "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}" ; fi
+# Load in all the configuration data from the header
+load_info_from_header() {
+ open_header_tmp
+ # Start loading our variables
+ load_info_from_dir "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}"
+ delete_header_tmp
+# See if we need to display scripts
+check_pbi_scripts_display() {
+ if [ "$PBI_CHECKSCRIPTS" != "YES" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ # Display our scripts
+ open_header_tmp
+ if [ -e "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}/${MOD_PREINS}" ] ; then
+ echo -e "\n${MOD_PREINS}:"
+ echo "--------------------------------"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}/${MOD_POSTINS}" ] ; then
+ echo -e "\n${MOD_POSTINS}:"
+ echo "--------------------------------"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}/${MOD_PREREM}" ] ; then
+ echo -e "\n${MOD_PREREM}:"
+ echo "--------------------------------"
+ fi
+ delete_header_tmp
+# Load pbi information from the specified directory
+load_info_from_dir() {
+ REQUIRED_FILES="pbi_defaultpath pbi_name pbi_version pbi_author pbi_web pbi_arch pbi_fbsdver pbi_createver"
+ for f in $REQUIRED_FILES
+ do
+ if [ ! -e "${1}/${f}" ] ; then echo "Warning: Missing file: ${f}" ; fi
+ done
+ PBI_ORIGPROGDIRPATH="`cat ${1}/pbi_defaultpath`"
+ PBI_PROGNAME="`cat ${1}/pbi_name`"
+ PBI_PROGVERSION="`cat ${1}/pbi_version`"
+ PBI_PROGAUTHOR="`cat ${1}/pbi_author`"
+ PBI_PROGWEB="`cat ${1}/pbi_web 2>/dev/null`"
+ PBI_PROGMDATE="`cat ${1}/pbi_mdate 2>/dev/null`"
+ PBI_APPARCH="`cat ${1}/pbi_arch 2>/dev/null`"
+ PBI_FBSDVER="`cat ${1}/pbi_fbsdver 2>/dev/null`"
+ PBI_APPCREATEVER="`cat ${1}/pbi_createver 2>/dev/null`"
+ PBI_ARCHIVE_COUNT="`cat ${1}/pbi_archivecount 2>/dev/null`"
+ PBI_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM="`cat ${1}/pbi_archivesum 2>/dev/null`"
+ # Check if auto-update is enabled
+ if [ -e "${1}/autoupdate-enable" ] ; then
+ fi
+ # Does this PBI need to be installed as root
+ if [ -e "${1}/pbi_requiresroot" ] ; then
+ fi
+ # Check if this is a patch file
+ if [ -e "${1}/pbi_patchfile" ] ; then
+ PBI_PATCHVERSION=`cat ${1}/pbi_patchfile | cut -d ':' -f 2`
+ PBI_PATCHTARGET=`cat ${1}/pbi_patchfile | cut -d ':' -f 1`
+ fi
+ # Check if this associates with a particular repo
+ if [ -e "${1}/pbi_repo" ] ; then
+ PBI_REPO=`cat ${1}/pbi_repo`
+ fi
+ # See if this PBI was signed
+ if [ -e "${1}/pbi_archivesum.sha1" ] ; then
+ check_valid_sigs "${1}"
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ else
+ fi
+# Start installing the PBI
+do_pbi_add() {
+ pbi_verify_signatures
+ pbi_verify_archivesum
+ check_preinstall_script
+ mk_pbi_extract_dir
+ pbi_extract_archive
+ pbi_add_run_script
+ check_postinstall_script
+ pbi_add_register_app
+ # Be sure to let the pbid know we have a new hash-dir to register
+ add_hashdir_trigger
+ clean_remote_dl
+add_hashdir_trigger() {
+ get_dbdir
+ _htrig=`echo ${APPDBDIR} | sed "s|${PBI_DBAPPDIR}|${PBI_DBHASHQUEUEDIR}|g"`
+ touch "${_htrig}"
+# Run the install script if exists
+pbi_add_run_script() {
+ # If running as user, add bin path-links
+ if [ "`id -u`" != "0" ] ; then add_app_path_links "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" ; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${insc}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ export_script_vars
+ if [ "$PBI_VERBOSE" = "YES" ] ; then
+ ${insc}
+ else
+ ${insc} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+# If we need to, update the hashdir
+pbi_add_update_hashdir() {
+ if [ "${PBI_NOHASHDIR}" = "YES" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${1}/${PBI_HASHLIST}" ] ; then return 0; fi
+ if [ "$PBI_VERBOSE" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "HASHCOUNT: `wc -l ${1}/${PBI_HASHLIST} | tr -d ' ' | cut -d '/' -f 1`"
+ else
+ echo -e "Merging with hashdir...\c"
+ fi
+ # Read the hashfile, and start making links to identical files
+ while read hl
+ do
+ file="`echo $hl | sed 's/:::.*$//g'`"
+ # If we are trying to merge a PBI which was deleted, stop
+ if [ ! -z "${2}" -a -e "${2}" ] ; then
+ echo "HASHDONE - Deleted"
+ return
+ fi
+ # Make sure the target file hasnt been removed
+ if [ ! -e "${1}/${file}" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ # We dont need no stinking sym-links
+ if [ -h "${1}/${file}" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ -f "${PBI_HASHDIR}/${hl}" ] ; then
+ use_hashfile "$hl" "${1}/$file"
+ else
+ mv_ln_hashfile "$hl" "${1}/$file"
+ fi
+ done < "${1}/${PBI_HASHLIST}"
+ if [ "$PBI_VERBOSE" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "HASHDONE"
+ else
+ echo -e "Done!"
+ fi
+# Use an existing hashfile
+use_hashfile() {
+ tfile="$1"
+ file="$2"
+ dir="`dirname ${tfile}`"
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_HASHDIR}/${dir}" ] ; then
+ mkdir -p ${PBI_HASHDIR}/${dir}
+ fi
+ # We have a match!
+ ln -f "${PBI_HASHDIR}/${tfile}" "${file}"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "Warning: Unable to make hash-link ${PBI_HASHDIR}/${tfile} -> ${file}"
+ return
+ fi
+ # Make sure the hard-linked file doesn't get changed
+ chmod u-w,g-w,o-w "${file}"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "Warning: Unable to chmod ${file}"
+ return
+ fi
+# New file we can save to hashdir
+mv_ln_hashfile() {
+ tfile="$1"
+ file="$2"
+ dir="`dirname ${tfile}`"
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_HASHDIR}/${dir}" ] ; then
+ mkdir -p ${PBI_HASHDIR}/${dir}
+ fi
+ ln -f "${file}" "${PBI_HASHDIR}/${tfile}"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "Warning: Unable to make hash-link ${file} -> ${PBI_HASHDIR}/${tfile}"
+ return
+ fi
+ # Make sure the hard-linked file doesn't get changed
+ chmod u-w,g-w,o-w "${file}"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "Warning: Unable to chmod ${file}"
+ return
+ fi
+ # Make sure the hard-linked file doesn't get changed
+ chmod u-w,g-w,o-w "${PBI_HASHDIR}/${tfile}"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "Warning: Unable to chmod ${PBI_HASHDIR}/${tfile}"
+ return
+ fi
+ if [ "$PBI_VERBOSE" = "YES" ] ; then echo "L" ; fi
+# Return the dbdir for this PBI
+get_dbdir() {
+ tmp="`echo ${PBI_PROGNAME} | tr -d ' ' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`"
+# Register this app as installed
+pbi_add_register_app() {
+ if [ ! -d "$PBI_DBAPPDIR" ] ; then mkdir -p ${PBI_DBAPPDIR} ; fi
+ open_header_tmp
+ get_dbdir
+ dir="${APPDBDIR}"
+ mkdir -p "${dir}"
+ tar cvf - -C "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}" . 2>/dev/null | tar xvf - -C "$dir" 2>/dev/null
+ # If this was a patch, use the original path
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_ORIGPROGDIRPATH}" ] ; then
+ echo "${PBI_ORIGPROGDIRPATH}" >${dir}/pbi_installedpath
+ else
+ echo "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" >${dir}/pbi_installedpath
+ fi
+ # See which repo / key this PBI associates to, if any
+ check_valid_sigs "${dir}"
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_VALIDKEYSIG" ] ; then
+ _rMd5="`echo ${PBI_VALIDKEYSIG} | cut -d '.' -f 1`"
+ echo "$_rMd5" | sed "s|${PBI_DBKEYDIR}/||g" > ${dir}/pbi_repo
+ fi
+ # Dont need any patch version info
+ if [ -e "${dir}/pbi_patchfile" ] ; then
+ rm "${dir}/pbi_patchfile"
+ fi
+ delete_header_tmp
+ echo "Installed: ${PBI_PROGNAME}-${PBI_PROGVERSION}"
+# Check if we have a postinstall script we need to use
+check_postinstall_script() {
+ open_header_tmp
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}/${MOD_POSTINS}" ] ; then
+ delete_header_tmp
+ return 0
+ fi
+ export_script_vars
+ delete_header_tmp
+# Check if we have a preinstall script we need to use
+check_preinstall_script() {
+ open_header_tmp
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}/${MOD_PREINS}" ] ; then
+ delete_header_tmp
+ return 0
+ fi
+ export_script_vars
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ delete_header_tmp
+ exit_err "${MOD_PREINS} returned error status"
+ fi
+ delete_header_tmp
+# Verify if we have valid openssl signatures on important parts of PBI
+pbi_verify_signatures() {
+ if [ "${PBI_SKIPSIGVERIFY}" = "YES" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ "$PBI_SIGVALID" = "0" ] ; then return ; fi
+ if [ "$PBI_SIGVALID" = "1" ] ; then kw="Invalid" ; else kw="No" ; fi
+ exit_err "$kw digital signature! If you are *SURE* you trust this PBI, re-install with --no-checksig option. "
+# Check if we have valid signatures, and return "0" if success, "1" if failure
+check_valid_sigs() {
+ for _pk in ${PBI_PUBKEYS}
+ do
+ good="true"
+ _sf="${1}/pbi_archivesum ${1}/${MOD_PREINS} ${1}/${MOD_POSTINS} ${1}/${MOD_PREREM}"
+ for _ts in $_sf
+ do
+ openssl dgst -sha1 \
+ -verify ${_pk} \
+ -signature ${_ts}.sha1 \
+ ${_ts} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ good="false" ; break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$good" = "true" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ done
+ return 1
+# Verify if the archive checksum is good
+pbi_verify_archivesum() {
+ if [ "${PBI_SKIPCHECKSUM}" = "YES" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ echo -e "Verifying Checksum...\c"
+ pbi_find_archive_header
+ sum=`tail +$PBI_SKIP_ARCHLINES "${PBI_FILENAME}" | sha256 -q`
+ if [ "$PBI_VERBOSE" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "Archive checksum: ${sum}"
+ echo "Saved checksum: ${PBI_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM}"
+ fi
+ if [ "$sum" != "$PBI_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM" ] ; then
+ exit_err "${PBI_FILENAME} failed checksum, the archive may be corrupt."
+ fi
+ echo -e "OK"
+# Make our PBI extraction dir
+mk_pbi_extract_dir() {
+ if [ -e "${PBI_EXTRACTDIR}" ] ; then
+ rm -rf "$PBI_EXTRACTDIR"
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "${PBI_EXTRACTDIR}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Failed to create directory: ${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}"
+ fi
+pbi_find_archive_header() {
+ # Find the header for the archive
+ PBI_SKIP_ARCHLINES=`awk "/^${PBI_SS_ARCHIVE}/ { print NR + 1; exit 0; }" "${PBI_FILENAME}"`
+ if [ "$PBI_VERBOSE" = "YES" ] ; then
+ fi
+# Extract the PBI archive file
+pbi_extract_archive() {
+ pbi_find_archive_header
+ echo "Extracting to: ${PBI_EXTRACTDIR}"
+ tar="xvf -"
+ if [ "$PBI_VERBOSE" = "YES" ] ; then
+ err="$?"
+ else
+ tail +$PBI_SKIP_ARCHLINES "${PBI_FILENAME}" | tar ${tar} -C "${PBI_EXTRACTDIR}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ err="$?"
+ fi
+ if [ "$err" != "0" ] ; then exit_err "Failed extracting ${PBI_FILENAME}" ; fi
+ if [ "$PBI_VERBOSE" = "YES" ] ; then echo "Extraction Finished!" ; fi
+ # If this is an extract only, do it and exit
+ if [ "${PBI_EXTRACTONLY}" = "YES" ] ; then exit_trap ; fi
+# Starting pbi_create
+pbi_create_init() {
+ require_root
+ parse_create_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ # If we are making a backup copy of an installed PBI
+ if [ "$PBI_CBACKUP" = "YES" ] ; then
+ init_tmpdir
+ do_pbi_create_backup
+ exit_trap
+ fi
+ load_pbi_conffile
+ parse_cmdline_overrides
+ check_create_required_vars
+ do_pbi_create
+# Start the pbi_create backup process
+do_pbi_create_backup() {
+ load_info_from_dir "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_CBACKUPTARGET}"
+ echo "Creating backup PBI: ${PBI_PROGNAME}-${PBI_PROGVERSION}"
+ # Start by making a fresh archive of the installed PBI
+ mk_archive_file
+ # Now make the header dir
+ _hDir="${PBI_TMPDIR}/.header.$$"
+ PBI_HEADERDIR="${_hDir}"
+ mkdir -p "${_hDir}"
+ rm ${_hDir}/*.sha1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ # Get the total number of files in the STAGEDIR
+ get_filetotal_dir "${PBI_STAGEDIR}"
+ echo "${FILETOTAL}" > "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_archivecount"
+ # Save a checksum of archive file
+ sha256 -q "${PBI_CREATE_ARCHIVE}" > "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_archivesum"
+ # Sign any header files
+ sign_pbi_files "$PBI_HEADERDIR"
+ # Make the header archive
+ mk_header_file
+ # Remove the new headerdir
+ rm -rf "$PBI_HEADERDIR"
+ # Now finish up and make the resulting PBI file
+ mk_output_pbi
+# Vars required for creation
+check_create_required_vars() {
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGNAME}" ] ; then exit_err "Missing PBI_PROGNAME"; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGVERSION}" ] ; then exit_err "Missing PBI_PROGVERSION"; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGAUTHOR}" ] ; then exit_err "Missing PBI_PROGAUTHOR"; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGWEB}" ] ; then exit_err "Missing PBI_PROGWEB"; fi
+# Start the pbi_create process
+do_pbi_create() {
+ mk_header_dir
+ mk_stage_dir
+ copy_resource_dir
+ clean_stage_dir
+ mk_extlink_entries
+ mk_xdg_scripts
+ mk_install_script
+ mk_deinstall_script
+ mk_hash_list
+ mk_archive_file
+ save_pbi_details_to_header
+ mk_header_file
+ mk_output_pbi
+ rm_header_dir
+ rm_stage_dir
+# Start looping through and creating a hash-list of files
+mk_hash_list() {
+ if [ "${PBI_CREATE_HASHLIST}" = "NO" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ hashfile="${PBI_STAGEDIR}/${PBI_HASHLIST}"
+ if [ -e "${hashfile}" ] ; then rm "${hashfile}" ; fi
+ for hdir in ${HASH_SEARCH_DIRS}
+ do
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_STAGEDIR}/${hdir}" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ save_dir_hash_list "${hdir}" "${hashfile}"
+ done
+# Read the specified directory and save hashsums of each file
+save_dir_hash_list() {
+ tmp_hashdir="${PBI_STAGEDIR}/.tmp-hash.$$"
+ find "${1}" -type f > ${tmp_hashdir}
+ while read line
+ do
+ if [ ! -f "$line" -o -h "$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ # Make sure this isn't a binary executable
+ file "${line}" | grep "executable," >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ # Ignore files / libs with the full PREFIX hard-coded
+ strings "${line}" | grep "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then continue ; fi
+ # Check if this hash file is excluded
+ _hfound="0"
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_HASH_EXCLUDES}" ] ; then
+ for _hexcl in ${PBI_HASH_EXCLUDES}
+ do
+ if [ "$_hexcl" = "$line" ] ; then
+ _hfound="1"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$_hfound" = "1" ] ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Get the file size
+ tSize=`du -k "${line}" | awk '{print $1}'`
+ if [ $(is_num "$tSize") ] ; then
+ # If the file is less than 10Kb, we can skip
+ if [ $tSize -lt 10 ] ; then continue ; fi
+ # Add to the hash-dir
+ sha=`sha256 -q "$line"`
+ echo "${line}:::${sha}" >> ${2}
+ fi
+ done < ${tmp_hashdir}
+ rm ${tmp_hashdir}
+ cd ~
+# Parse any external link directives
+mk_extlink_entries() {
+ init_tmpdir
+ if [ ! -e "${_extf}" -a ! -e "${_autoextf}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${dir}" ] ; then mkdir -p "${dir}" ; fi
+ # Create the headers for the PATH link scripts
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" >"${dir}/${PBI_INS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" >"${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ # Make sure we also set SYS_LOCALBASE in case user runs these stand-alone at some point
+ echo "if [ -z \"\$SYS_LOCALBASE\" ]; then SYS_LOCALBASE=\"${SYS_LOCALBASE}\" ; fi" >"${dir}/${PBI_INS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ echo "if [ -z \"\$SYS_LOCALBASE\" ]; then SYS_LOCALBASE=\"${SYS_LOCALBASE}\" ; fi" >"${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ touch "$_tmpextf"
+ if [ -e "$_autoextf" ]; then cat "${_autoextf}" >> "${_tmpextf}" ; fi
+ if [ -e "$_extf" ]; then cat "${_extf}" >> "${_tmpextf}" ; fi
+ while read line
+ do
+ _bin="NO"
+ _wraponly="NO"
+ _crashhandle="YES"
+ _keep="YES"
+ echo $line | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | grep "^#" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ src="`echo $line | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 1`"
+ tar="`echo $line | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2`"
+ act="`echo $line | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 3`"
+ if [ -z "$src" -o -z "$tar" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_STAGEDIR}/$src" ] ; then
+ echo "WARN: external_link target: \"$src -> $tar $act\" does not exist!"
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Check for act directives
+ for i in `echo ${act} | sed 's|,| |g'`
+ do
+ case ${i} in
+ binary) _bin="YES" ;;
+ binwrapper) _bin="YES" ; _wraponly="YES" ;;
+ nocrash) _crashhandle="NO" ;;
+ keep) _keep="YES" ;;
+ replace) _keep="NO" ;;
+ *) echo "Warning: Unknown option \"$i\" in ${MOD_EXTLINKFILE}";;
+ esac
+ done
+ # Make sure SYS_LOCALBASE/$tar dir exists
+ echo "_bd=\"\`dirname \$SYS_LOCALBASE/$tar\`\"" >> "${dir}/${PBI_INS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ echo "if [ ! -d \"\$_bd\" ] ; then" >> "${dir}/${PBI_INS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ echo " mkdir -p \"\${_bd}\"" >> "${dir}/${PBI_INS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ echo "fi" >> "${dir}/${PBI_INS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ # If we are doing a binary, run special function to make wrapper
+ if [ "$_bin" = "YES" ] ; then
+ # Make sure we don't create any duplicates
+ echo "$_donewrap" | grep "#${src}#" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ # Make the binary wrapper
+ mk_path_wrappers "$src" "$tar" "$_crashhandle" "$_wraponly"
+ # This binary is done, save it now so we don't duplicate later
+ _donewrap="$_donewrap #${src}#"
+ else
+ # Make our link commands
+ if [ "$_keep" = "YES" ] ; then _lop="-fs"; else _lop="-s"; fi
+ echo "ln ${_lop} $PBI_PROGDIRPATH/${src} \$SYS_LOCALBASE/${tar}" \
+ >> "${dir}/${PBI_INS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ fi
+ # Make the uninstall command
+ echo "ls -al \"\$SYS_LOCALBASE/$tar\" | grep \"> $PBI_PROGDIRPATH\" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null " \
+ >> "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ echo "if [ \"\$?\" = \"0\" ] ; then" >> "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ echo " rm \"\$SYS_LOCALBASE/${tar}\"" >> "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ echo "fi" >> "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ echo " " >> "${dir}/${PBI_INS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ echo " " >> "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ fi
+ done < "${_tmpextf}"
+ rm "${_tmpextf}"
+ chmod 755 "${dir}/${PBI_INS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ chmod 755 "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+# Create the wrapper scripts for the specified binaries
+mk_path_wrappers() {
+ if [ ! -d "${dir}" ] ; then mkdir -p "${dir}" ; fi
+ bin="${1}"
+ fbin="`basename ${bin}`"
+ tar="${2}"
+ ch="${3}"
+ onlywrap="${4}"
+ # Check if the fake-bin wrapper already exists, and if so use
+ # a different name
+ if [ -e "${dir}/${fbin}" ] ; then
+ fbin=`echo $bin | sed 's|/|-|g'`
+ fi
+ # Save the wrapper location so we know what files to modify at install time
+ # Make our link to the system localbase if its not a wrapper only
+ if [ "$onlywrap" != "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "ln -fs $PBI_PROGDIRPATH/${PBI_FAKEBIN_DIR}/${fbin} \$SYS_LOCALBASE/${tar}" \
+ >> "${dir}/${PBI_INS_PATHSCRIPT}"
+ fi
+ # Start making the wrapper script
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" > ${dir}/${fbin}
+ echo "PROGDIR=\"${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}\" ; export PROGDIR" >>${dir}/${fbin}
+ echo "PROGBIN=\"${bin}\" ; export PROGBIN" >>${dir}/${fbin}
+ # Start the main code block
+ echo 'PATH="${PROGDIR}/bin:${PROGDIR}/sbin:${PROGDIR}/kde4/bin:${PROGDIR}/libexec:$PATH"; export PATH
+# Check and parse any ldconfig entries
+if [ -d "${PROGDIR}/libdata/ldconfig" ]
+ for i in `ls ${PROGDIR}/libdata/ldconfig 2>/dev/null`
+ do
+ while read TMP
+ do
+ echo $LDCONFIGDIRS | grep "${TMP}:" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ]
+ then
+ fi
+ done < ${PROGDIR}/libdata/ldconfig/${i}
+ done
+#Setup our LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable with all found lib dirs
+ # See if we need the crash-handler
+ if [ "$ch" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo 'if [ ! -d "${HOME}/.pbi-logs" ] ; then mkdir ${HOME}/.pbi-logs ; fi
+(((( ${PROGDIR}/${PROGBIN} "$@" || pbi-crashhandler "${PROGBIN}" "${STDLOG}" "${STELOG}" ) \
+| tee $STDLOG) 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | tee $STELOG) 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
+rm $STDLOG >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+rm $STELOG >/dev/null 2>/dev/null' >>${dir}/${fbin}
+ else
+ echo '${PROGDIR}/${PROGBIN} "$@"' >>${dir}/${fbin}
+ fi
+# Create any XDG script for install / deinstall
+mk_xdg_scripts() {
+ mk_xdg_desktop_script
+ mk_xdg_menu_script
+ mk_xdg_mime_script
+# Create any XDG script for desktop icons
+mk_xdg_desktop_script() {
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_CONFDIR}/${MOD_XDGDESK_DIR}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ _dFound=0
+ if [ ! -d "${dir}" ] ; then mkdir -p "${dir}" ; fi
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" >"${dir}/${PBI_INS_DESKSCRIPT}"
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" >"${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_DESKSCRIPT}"
+ for i in `ls *.desktop 2>/dev/null`
+ do
+ _dFound=1
+ # Copy over the .desktop file, modifying any variables within
+ cat "${i}" \
+ | sed "s|%%PBI_APPDIR%%|$PBI_PROGDIRPATH|g" \
+ > "${dir}/PBI-${i}"
+ echo "xdg-desktop-icon install --novendor ${ifi}" \
+ >> "${dir}/${PBI_INS_DESKSCRIPT}"
+ echo "xdg-desktop-icon uninstall ${ifi}" \
+ >> "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_DESKSCRIPT}"
+ done
+ chmod 755 "${dir}/${PBI_INS_DESKSCRIPT}"
+ chmod 755 "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_DESKSCRIPT}"
+ # No desktop entries
+ if [ "$_dFound" = "0" ] ; then
+ rm "${dir}/${PBI_INS_DESKSCRIPT}"
+ rm "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_DESKSCRIPT}"
+ fi
+# Create any XDG script for menu icons
+mk_xdg_menu_script() {
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_CONFDIR}/${MOD_XDGMENU_DIR}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ _mFound=0
+ if [ ! -d "${dir}" ] ; then mkdir -p "${dir}" ; fi
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" >"${dir}/${PBI_INS_MENUSCRIPT}"
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" >"${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_MENUSCRIPT}"
+ for i in `ls *.desktop 2>/dev/null`
+ do
+ _mFound=1
+ # Copy the desktop file, changing any included vars
+ cat "${i}" \
+ | sed "s|%%PBI_APPDIR%%|$PBI_PROGDIRPATH|g" \
+ > "${dir}/PBI-${i}"
+ # Check for a .directory file associated with this .desktop
+ ifd=""
+ dirfile="`basename -s .desktop ${i}`"
+ if [ -e "${dirfile}.directory" ] ; then
+ cat "${dirfile}.directory" \
+ | sed "s|%%PBI_APPDIR%%|$PBI_PROGDIRPATH|g" \
+ > "${dir}/PBI-${dirfile}.directory"
+ #cp "${dirfile}.directory" "${dir}/PBI-${dirfile}.directory"
+ ifd="$PBI_PROGDIRPATH/${PBI_APPMENU_DIR}/PBI-${dirfile}.directory "
+ fi
+ echo "xdg-desktop-menu install --novendor ${ifd}${ifi}" \
+ >> "${dir}/${PBI_INS_MENUSCRIPT}"
+ echo "xdg-desktop-menu uninstall ${ifd}${ifi}" \
+ >> "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_MENUSCRIPT}"
+ done
+ chmod 755 "${dir}/${PBI_INS_MENUSCRIPT}"
+ chmod 755 "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_MENUSCRIPT}"
+ # No mime entries
+ if [ "$_mFound" = "0" ] ; then
+ rm "${dir}/${PBI_INS_MENUSCRIPT}"
+ rm "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_MENUSCRIPT}"
+ fi
+# Create any XDG script for mime types
+mk_xdg_mime_script() {
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_CONFDIR}/${MOD_XDGMIME_DIR}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ _mFound=0
+ if [ ! -d "${dir}" ] ; then mkdir -p "${dir}" ; fi
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" >"${dir}/${PBI_INS_MIMESCRIPT}"
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" >"${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_MIMESCRIPT}"
+ for i in `ls *.xml 2>/dev/null`
+ do
+ _mFound=1
+ cp "${i}" "${dir}/PBI-${i}"
+ # Check for a .directory file associated with this .desktop
+ ifp=""
+ iconfile="`basename -s .xml ${i}`"
+ if [ -e "${iconfile}.png" ] ; then
+ cp "${iconfile}.png" "${dir}/${iconfile}.png"
+ ifp="$PBI_PROGDIRPATH/${PBI_APPMIME_DIR}/${iconfile}.png"
+ mi=`cat "$i" | grep '<mime-type' | cut -d '"' -f 2 | sed 's|/|-|g'`
+ echo "xdg-icon-resource install --novendor --context mimetypes ${ifp} --size 64 $mi" \
+ >> "${dir}/${PBI_INS_MIMESCRIPT}"
+ echo "xdg-icon-resource uninstall --context mimetypes ${ifp} --size 64" \
+ >> "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_MIMESCRIPT}"
+ fi
+ echo "xdg-mime install --novendor ${ifi}" \
+ >> "${dir}/${PBI_INS_MIMESCRIPT}"
+ echo "xdg-mime uninstall ${ifi}" \
+ >> "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_MIMESCRIPT}"
+ done
+ chmod 755 "${dir}/${PBI_INS_MIMESCRIPT}"
+ chmod 755 "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_MIMESCRIPT}"
+ # No mime entries
+ if [ "$_mFound" = "0" ] ; then
+ rm "${dir}/${PBI_INS_MIMESCRIPT}"
+ rm "${dir}/${PBI_UNINS_MIMESCRIPT}"
+ fi
+# Create the install script for the PBI
+mk_install_script() {
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_STAGEDIR}/${PBI_FAKEBIN_DIR}" ] ; then mkdir -p "${PBI_STAGEDIR}/${PBI_FAKEBIN_DIR}" ; fi
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" > "$insc"
+ echo "PBI_WRAPPERBIN=\"${PBI_FAKEBIN_DIR}\"" >> "$insc"
+ echo "PBI_PROGDIRPATH=\"${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}\"" >> "$insc"
+ echo "SYS_LOCALBASE=\"${SYS_LOCALBASE}\"" >> "$insc"
+ echo "cd \"\$PBI_PROGDIRPATH\"" >> "$insc"
+ # Xorg Font setup
+ if [ "${PBI_USESYSFONTS}" != "NO" ] ; then
+ echo 'if [ -d "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/etc" ] ; then' >> "$insc"
+ echo ' rm "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/etc/fonts" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null' >> "$insc"
+ echo ' ln -fs "${SYS_LOCALBASE}/etc/fonts" "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/etc/fonts"' >> "$insc"
+ echo 'fi' >> "$insc"
+ echo 'if [ -d "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/lib/X11" ] ; then' >> "$insc"
+ echo ' rm "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/lib/X11/fonts" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null' >> "$insc"
+ echo ' ln -fs "${SYS_LOCALBASE}/lib/X11/fonts" "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/lib/X11/fonts"' >> "$insc"
+ echo ' rm "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/lib/X11/icons" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null' >> "$insc"
+ echo ' ln -fs "${SYS_LOCALBASE}/lib/X11/icons" "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/lib/X11/icons"' >> "$insc"
+ echo 'fi' >> "$insc"
+ fi
+ # Set permissions to executable on wrappers
+ echo "MOD_WRAPPERS=\"$MOD_WRAPPERS\"" >> "$insc"
+ echo 'cd $PBI_PROGDIRPATH' >> "$insc"
+ echo "for i in \$MOD_WRAPPERS" >> "$insc"
+ echo "do" >> "$insc"
+ echo " chmod 755 \$i" >> "$insc"
+ echo "done" >> "$insc"
+ # Add the binary wrapper sym-links
+ echo 'if [ `id -u` = "0" ] ; then ' >>${insc}
+ echo "fi" >>${insc}
+ fi
+ # Look for any XDG scripts
+ fi
+ fi
+ chmod 755 "${insc}"
+# Create the deinstall script for the PBI
+mk_deinstall_script() {
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" > "$uisc"
+ echo "PBI_PROGDIRPATH=\"${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}\"" >> "$uisc"
+ echo "SYS_LOCALBASE=\"${SYS_LOCALBASE}\"" >> "$uisc"
+ # Remove the binary wrapper sym-links
+ echo 'if [ `id -u` = "0" ] ; then ' >>${uins}
+ echo "fi" >>${uins}
+ fi
+ # Look for any XDG scripts
+ fi
+ fi
+ chmod 755 "${uisc}"
+# Create a dir for manipulating header info
+mk_header_dir() {
+ if [ -e "${PBI_HEADERDIR}" ] ; then rm -rf "${PBI_HEADERDIR}" ; fi
+ mkdir -p ${PBI_HEADERDIR}
+# Remove the tmp header-dir
+rm_header_dir() {
+ if [ -e "${PBI_HEADERDIR}" ] ; then rm -rf "${PBI_HEADERDIR}" ; fi
+# Create a dir for staging the final archive
+mk_stage_dir() {
+ echo "Creating Stage Dir: ${PBI_STAGEDIR}"
+ if [ -e "${PBI_STAGEDIR}" ] ; then rm -rf "${PBI_STAGEDIR}" ; fi
+ mkdir -p ${PBI_STAGEDIR}
+ # Build module list of excludes
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_EXCLUDELIST" ] ; then
+ for excl in $PBI_EXCLUDELIST
+ do
+ if [ -z "$_excOpts" ] ; then
+ _excOpts = "--exclude ${excl}"
+ else
+ _excOpts = "$_excOpts --exclude ${excl}"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ # Now copy the stagedir
+ tar cvf - ${_excOpts} --exclude .stagedir \
+ --exclude .pkgdb --exclude .ld-elf.hints --exclude make.conf \
+ --exclude make.conf.bak --exclude .keepports \
+ -C "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" . 2>/dev/null \
+ | tar xvpf - -C ${PBI_STAGEDIR} 2>/dev/null
+# Remove the stagedir
+rm_stage_dir() {
+ cd ~
+ if [ -e "${PBI_STAGEDIR}" ] ; then rm -rf "${PBI_STAGEDIR}" ; fi
+# See if we need to clean the stagedir
+clean_stage_dir() {
+ if [ "${PBI_USESYSGL}" != "NO" ] ; then
+ rm ${PBI_STAGEDIR}/lib/libGl.* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm ${PBI_STAGEDIR}/lib/libGL.* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm ${PBI_STAGEDIR}/lib/libGLU.* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ "${PBI_USESYSFONTS}" != "NO" ] ; then
+ rm -rf ${PBI_STAGEDIR}/etc/fonts >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm -rf ${PBI_STAGEDIR}/lib/X11/fonts >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+# Copy over any resource files into the PBI dir
+copy_resource_dir() {
+ if [ -d "${PBI_CONFDIR}/${PBI_RESOURCE_DIR}" ] ; then
+ tar cvf - -C ${PBI_CONFDIR}/${PBI_RESOURCE_DIR} --exclude .svn . 2>/dev/null \
+ | tar xvpf - -C ${PBI_STAGEDIR} 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+# Check if tar supports lzma compression
+test_tar_lzma() {
+ touch /tmp/.pbilzma.$$ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ tar cvJf /tmp/.pbilzma.tar.$$ /tmp/.pbilzma.$$ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ _exitcode=$?
+ rm /tmp/.pbilzma.$$ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm /tmp/.pbilzma.tar.$$ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ return $_exitcode
+# Start creating the application archive
+mk_archive_file() {
+ if test_tar_lzma ; then _tcmp="J" ; else _tcmp="j" ; fi
+ echo "Creating compressed archive..."
+ tar cv${_tcmp}f "${PBI_CREATE_ARCHIVE}" -C ${PBI_STAGEDIR} . 2>/dev/null
+# Start creating the header archive
+mk_header_file() {
+ tar cvjf ${PBI_HEADER_ARCHIVE} -C ${PBI_HEADERDIR} . >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+# Start copying pbi details into header file
+save_pbi_details_to_header() {
+ echo "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" > "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_defaultpath"
+ echo "${PBI_PROGNAME}" > "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_name"
+ echo "${PBI_PROGVERSION}" > "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_version"
+ echo "${PBI_PROGAUTHOR}" > "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_author"
+ echo "${PBI_PROGWEB}" > "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_web"
+ date "+%Y%m%d %H%M%S" > "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_mdate"
+ if [ "${PBI_REQUIRESROOT}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ touch ${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_requiresroot
+ fi
+ # Do we have a license to accept?
+ if [ -e "${PBI_CONFDIR}/${PBI_LICENSEFILE}" ] ; then
+ fi
+ # Custom install / remove scripts
+ if [ -e "${PBI_CONFDIR}/${PBI_CONF_SCRIPTSDIR}/${MOD_PREINS}" ] ; then
+ else
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" > ${PBI_HEADERDIR}/${MOD_PREINS}
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" > ${PBI_HEADERDIR}/${MOD_POSTINS}
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_CONFDIR}/${PBI_CONF_SCRIPTSDIR}/${MOD_PREREM}" ] ; then
+ else
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" > ${PBI_HEADERDIR}/${MOD_PREREM}
+ fi
+ # Copy over our icon
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_PROGICON}" -a -e "${PBI_STAGEDIR}/${PBI_PROGICON}" ] ; then
+ # Get the file extension
+ _iconExt=`echo "$PBI_PROGICON" | awk -F . '{print $NF}'`
+ cp "${PBI_STAGEDIR}/${PBI_PROGICON}" "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_icon.${_iconExt}"
+ else
+ _iconExt=`echo "$PBI_DEFAULT_ICON" | awk -F . '{print $NF}'`
+ cp "${PBI_DEFAULT_ICON}" "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_icon.${_iconExt}"
+ fi
+ # Check for any gui images
+ if [ -e "${PBI_STAGEDIR}/${PBI_GUITOPBANNER}" ] ; then
+ cp "${PBI_STAGEDIR}/${PBI_GUITOPBANNER}" "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/top-banner.png"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_STAGEDIR}/${PBI_GUISIDEBANNER}" ] ; then
+ cp "${PBI_STAGEDIR}/${PBI_GUISIDEBANNER}" "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/side-banner.png"
+ fi
+ # Save the uname details
+ echo "`uname -m`" > "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_arch"
+ echo "`uname -r`" > "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_fbsdver"
+ echo "${PROGVERSION}" > "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_createver"
+ # Get the total number of files in the STAGEDIR
+ get_filetotal_dir "${PBI_STAGEDIR}"
+ echo "${FILETOTAL}" > "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_archivecount"
+ # Save a checksum of archive file
+ sha256 -q "${PBI_CREATE_ARCHIVE}" > "${PBI_HEADERDIR}/pbi_archivesum"
+ sign_pbi_files "$PBI_HEADERDIR"
+# Use openssl to sign parts of the pbi header structure and archive
+sign_pbi_files() {
+ if [ -z "${PBI_SSLPRIVKEY}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ _sf="${1}/pbi_archivesum ${1}/${MOD_PREINS} ${1}/${MOD_POSTINS} ${1}/${MOD_PREREM}"
+ for i in $_sf
+ do
+ openssl dgst -sha1 \
+ -sign ${PBI_SSLPRIVKEY} \
+ -out ${i}.sha1 \
+ ${i} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ done
+# All the pieces are ready, spit out the final PBI file
+mk_output_pbi() {
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_PROGICON}" -a -e "${PBI_STAGEDIR}/${PBI_PROGICON}" ] ; then
+ else
+ icon="${PBI_DEFAULT_ICON}"
+ fi
+ _pbilow="`echo ${PBI_PROGNAME} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's| ||g'`"
+ outfile="${PBI_CREATE_OUTDIR}/${_pbilow}-${PBI_PROGVERSION}-`uname -m`.pbi"
+ mark1="${PBI_CREATE_OUTDIR}/.pbimark1.$$"
+ mark2="${PBI_CREATE_OUTDIR}/.pbimark2.$$"
+ echo "
+${PBI_SS_ICON}" >$mark1
+ echo "
+${PBI_SS_ARCHIVE}" >$mark2
+ # DO IT, DO IT NOW!!!
+ cat ${PBI_HEADER_ARCHIVE} $mark1 ${icon} $mark2 ${PBI_CREATE_ARCHIVE} > ${outfile}
+ sha256 -q ${outfile} > ${outfile}.sha256
+ echo "Created PBI: ${outfile}"
+ rm $mark1
+ rm $mark2
+get_filetotal_dir() {
+ FILETOTAL="`find ${1} | wc -l | tr -d ' '`"
+pbi_delete_init() {
+ require_root_or_group
+ init_tmpdir
+ parse_delete_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ do_pbi_delete
+# Delete this PBI
+do_pbi_delete() {
+ load_info_from_dir "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_DELETENAME}"
+ get_username_from_file "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_DELETENAME}/pbi_name"
+ if [ "$FILEUSER" != `whoami` -a `id -u` != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Permission denied to modify PBI installed by: $FILEUSER"
+ fi
+ # Set the dirty flag that we are removing this PBI
+ touch ${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_DELETENAME}/.pbiDeleted
+ check_preremove_script
+ run_remove_script
+ remove_pbidir
+ unregister_pbi
+ # Mark the hashdir as dirty
+ make_hashdir_dirty
+# Save the hash-list to run a cleanup afterwards
+pbirm_save_hashlist() {
+ if [ "${PBI_DISABLEHASHDIR}" = "YES" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/${PBI_HASHLIST}" ] ; then
+ PBI_TMPHASHLIST="${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi-hash.$$"
+ fi
+# Function which removes all empty dirs from the hash-dir
+pbi_clean_emptyhdirs() {
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_HASHDIR}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ found="0"
+ for i in `find . -empty -type d 2>/dev/null`
+ do
+ if [ "${i}" = "." ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ -d "${PBI_HASHDIR}/${i}" ] ; then
+ rmdir "${PBI_HASHDIR}/${i}"
+ found="1"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Run recursively
+ if [ "$found" = "1" ];then pbi_clean_emptyhdirs ; fi
+# Read through and clean the given hash-list
+pbi_clean_hashlist() {
+ if [ -z "${PBI_TMPHASHLIST}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ while read hl
+ do
+ file="`echo $hl | sed 's/:::.*$//g'`"
+ hash="`echo $hl | sed 's/^.*::://g'`"
+ tfile="${file}:::${hash}"
+ if [ -f "${PBI_HASHDIR}/${tfile}" ] ; then
+ check_remove_hashfile "${tfile}"
+ fi
+# Read through and clean the entire hashdir
+pbi_clean_hashdir() {
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_HASHDIR}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ echo "Cleaning shared-hash dir..."
+ tmphashlist="${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi-hashdir.$$"
+ find * -type f -links 1 > "${tmphashlist}" 2>/dev/null
+ while read hl
+ do
+ if [ ! -f "$hl" -o -h "$hl" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ -f "${PBI_HASHDIR}/${hl}" ] ; then
+ check_remove_hashfile "${hl}"
+ fi
+ done < $tmphashlist
+ rm "$tmphashlist"
+ pbi_clean_emptyhdirs
+# Check if this hash-file is ready to be removed from the hash-dir
+check_remove_hashfile() {
+ tfile="${PBI_HASHDIR}/${1}"
+ get_hard_link_count "${tfile}"
+ if [ "$HLINKS" = "1" ] ; then
+ if [ "${PBI_VERBOSE}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused hashfile: $tfile"
+ fi
+ rm -f "${tfile}"
+ fi
+# Run the removal script for this PBI
+run_remove_script() {
+ if [ ! -e "$uisc" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ export_script_vars
+ if [ "$PBI_VERBOSE" = "YES" ] ; then
+ sh "${uisc}"
+ else
+ sh "${uisc}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+# Remove the pbi directory
+remove_pbidir() {
+ if [ -z "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" = "/" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ "$PBI_VERBOSE" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing: ${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}"
+ fi
+ rm -rf "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ # Do we have leftovers?
+ if [ -d "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" ] ; then
+ chflags -R noschg "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ chmod -R 777 "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm -rf "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+# Remove this PBI registration
+unregister_pbi() {
+ if [ -z "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_DELETENAME}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_DELETENAME}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ "$PBI_VERBOSE" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing: ${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_DELETENAME}"
+ fi
+# Check if we have a preinstall script we need to use
+check_preremove_script() {
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_DELETENAME}/${MOD_PREREM}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ "$PBI_VERBOSE" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "Running pre-removal script: ${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_DELETENAME}/${MOD_PREREM}"
+ fi
+ export_script_vars
+ # If root, run the regular path script
+ if [ `id -u` = "0" ] ; then
+ sh "${1}/${PBI_FAKEBIN_DIR}/${PBI_INS_PATHSCRIPT}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ return
+ fi
+ # Running as user add to ~/bin
+ init_tmpdir
+ if [ ! -d "${HOME}/bin" ] ; then mkdir -p "${HOME}/bin"; fi
+ cat ${1}/${PBI_FAKEBIN_DIR}/${PBI_INS_PATHSCRIPT} | grep "${1}/${PBI_FAKEBIN_DIR}" | sed 's|$SYS_LOCALBASE|${HOME}|g' >${PBI_TMPDIR}/.binlnks
+ while read lnk
+ do
+ /bin/sh -c "${lnk}"
+ done <${PBI_TMPDIR}/.binlnks
+ rm ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.binlnks
+ # If root, run the regular path script
+ if [ `id -u` = "0" ] ; then
+ sh "${1}/${PBI_FAKEBIN_DIR}/${PBI_UNINS_PATHSCRIPT}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ return
+ fi
+ # Running as user remove from ~/bin
+ if [ ! -d "${HOME}/bin" ] ; then mkdir -p "${HOME}/bin"; fi
+ for lnk in `ls ${1}/${PBI_FAKEBIN_DIR}`
+ do
+ if [ "$lnk" = "$PBI_INS_PATHSCRIPT" -o "$lnk" = "$PBI_UNINS_PATHSCRIPT" ]
+ then
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e "${HOME}/bin/$lnk" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ ! -h "${HOME}/bin/$lnk" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ ls -al "${HOME}/bin/$lnk" | awk '{print $11}' | grep $1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ rm ${HOME}/bin/$lnk
+ fi
+ done
+pbi_icon_init() {
+ parse_icon_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ do_pbi_icon
+# Start the PBI icon process
+do_pbi_icon() {
+ # Get the dir for this PBI
+ _appDir=`cat ${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_ICONTARGETAPP}/pbi_installedpath`
+ if [ "${PBI_PATHADD}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ add_app_path_links "$_appDir"
+ fi
+ if [ "${PBI_PATHDEL}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ del_app_path_links "$_appDir"
+ fi
+ if [ "${PBI_DESKADD}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ if [ ! -e "${_appDir}/.xdg-desktop/${PBI_INS_DESKSCRIPT}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "No desktop icons for this PBI"
+ fi
+ sh "${_appDir}/.xdg-desktop/${PBI_INS_DESKSCRIPT}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${PBI_DESKDEL}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ if [ ! -e "${_appDir}/.xdg-desktop/${PBI_UNINS_DESKSCRIPT}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "No desktop icons for this PBI"
+ fi
+ sh "${_appDir}/.xdg-desktop/${PBI_UNINS_DESKSCRIPT}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${PBI_MENUADD}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ require_root_or_group
+ if [ ! -e "${_appDir}/.xdg-menu/${PBI_INS_MENUSCRIPT}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "No menu icons for this PBI"
+ fi
+ sh "${_appDir}/.xdg-menu/${PBI_INS_MENUSCRIPT}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${PBI_MENUDEL}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ require_root_or_group
+ if [ ! -e "${_appDir}/.xdg-menu/${PBI_UNINS_MENUSCRIPT}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "No menu icons for this PBI"
+ fi
+ sh "${_appDir}/.xdg-menu/${PBI_UNINS_MENUSCRIPT}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${PBI_MIMEADD}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ require_root_or_group
+ if [ ! -e "${_appDir}/.xdg-mime/${PBI_INS_MIMESCRIPT}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "No mime registration for this PBI"
+ fi
+ sh "${_appDir}/.xdg-mime/${PBI_INS_MIMESCRIPT}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${PBI_MIMEDEL}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ require_root_or_group
+ if [ ! -e "${_appDir}/.xdg-mime/${PBI_UNINS_MIMESCRIPT}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "No mime registration for this PBI"
+ fi
+ sh "${_appDir}/.xdg-mime/${PBI_UNINS_MIMESCRIPT}"
+ fi
+pbid_init() {
+ require_root
+ parse_pbid_cmdline "$@"
+ do_pbid
+# Start the PBID daemon
+do_pbid() {
+ _pbid_log="/var/log/pbid.log"
+ # Set verbosity
+ _redir="&1"
+ if [ "${PBI_VERBOSE}" != "YES" ] ; then _redir="/dev/null" ; fi
+ echo "Started pbid: `date`" > ${_pbid_log}
+ while
+ i=1
+ do
+ # Do regular sleeps
+ qslp=0
+ # Check if we have any out of date index files to update
+ for _dbIndex in `ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}`
+ do
+ _iMd5=`echo ${_dbIndex} | cut -d '.' -f 2`
+ check_update_index "${_iMd5}"
+ # If we failed to get an index try again sooner
+ # This is useful if the user has just installed and has not setup
+ # the network yet. We want to fetch indexes quickly after net
+ # comes up so they dont need to wait 15 min or whatever its set to
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_DBINDEXDIR}/${_iMd5}-index" ] ; then qslp=1; fi
+ done
+ # Check if we have a dirty hash-dir to cleanup
+ check_clean_hashdir "$_pbid_log" "$_redir"
+ # Check if we have any PBIs to auto-update
+ check_autoupdate_pbis "$_pbid_log" "$_redir"
+ # Check if we need to merge files into the hashdir
+ if [ ! -z "`ls ${PBI_DBHASHQUEUEDIR}`" ] ; then
+ init_tmpdir
+ for _hpbi in `ls ${PBI_DBHASHQUEUEDIR}`
+ do
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${_hpbi}/pbi_installedpath" ] ; then
+ rm ${PBI_DBHASHQUEUEDIR}/${_hpbi}
+ continue
+ fi
+ _hpbipath=""
+ _hpbipath=`cat ${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${_hpbi}/pbi_installedpath`
+ if [ ! -e "${_hpbipath}/${PBI_HASHLIST}" ] ; then
+ rm ${PBI_DBHASHQUEUEDIR}/${_hpbi}
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Get the username this PBI was installed as
+ get_username_from_file "${_hpbipath}"
+ # Lets start this hash merge
+ echo "Adding ${_hpbipath} to hash-dir ($FILEUSER): `date`" >> ${_pbid_log}
+ if [ "$FILEUSER" = "root" ];then
+ pbi_add_update_hashdir "${_hpbipath}" "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${_hpbi}/.pbiDeleted" >${_redir} 2>${_redir}
+ else
+ # Run hashdir command as a user
+ su $FILEUSER -c "pbi_update_hashdir \"${_hpbipath}\" \"${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${_hpbi}/.pbiDeleted\"" >${_redir} 2>${_redir}
+ fi
+ echo "Finished adding ${_hpbipath} to hash-dir: `date`" >> ${_pbid_log}
+ # Now remove the trigger file
+ rm ${PBI_DBHASHQUEUEDIR}/${_hpbi}
+ done
+ rm_tmpdir
+ fi
+ # Check if we should rotate the logfile
+ _pbidLines=`wc -l ${_pbid_log} | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+ if [ $(is_num "$_pbidLines") ] ; then
+ if [ $_pbidLines -gt $PBI_LOG_LINES ] ; then
+ echo "Logfile turnover: `date`" >${_pbid_log}
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Done with our check, lets go back to sleep now
+ if [ $qslp -eq 1 ] ; then
+ sleep 60
+ else
+ sleep ${PBIDSLEEP}
+ fi
+ done
+# Check if there are any PBIs which are flagged for auto-updates
+check_autoupdate_pbis() {
+ for i in `ls ${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/ 2>/dev/null`
+ do
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${i}/autoupdate-enable" ] ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Check if this app is already updating
+ if [ -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${i}/.updating" ] ; then
+ ps -p `cat ${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${i}/.updating` >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ rm "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/.updating"
+ else
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Found an auto-update enabled APP, see if it needs upping
+ # Load the details about this app
+ load_info_from_dir "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}"
+ if [ -z "${PBI_REPO}" ]; then
+ pbi_checksig_repomatch "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_REPO}" ]; then continue ; fi
+ local _repoID=`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/*.${PBI_REPO} | cut -d '.' -f 1 | sed "s|${PBI_DBREPODIR}/||g"`
+ # Does this need an update?
+ check_pbi_update "$PBI_UPDATEAPP" "nodisplay" \
+ "$PBI_PROGNAME" "current" \
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Get the username this PBI was installed as
+ get_username_from_file "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}"
+ # Its Update Time!
+ echo "Starting Auto-Update of ${PBI_UPDATEAPP} ($FILEUSER): `date`" >>${_pbid_log}
+ su ${FILEUSER} -c "pbi_update ${PBI_UPDATEAPP}" >>${_pbid_log} 2>>${_pbid_log}
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ echo "Success! Update of ${PBI_UPDATEAPP}: `date`" >>${_pbid_log}
+ else
+ echo "Failed! Update of ${PBI_UPDATEAPP}: `date`" >>${_pbid_log}
+ fi
+ rm "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${i}/.updating" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ done
+check_clean_hashdir() {
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_DBDIRTYFILE}" ] ; then return ; fi
+ # Get the date of the last hash-cleaning done
+ local _curDate="`cat ${PBI_DBDIRTYFILE}`"
+ if [ -e "${PBI_DBDIRTYFILE}.last" ] ; then
+ local _lastDate="`cat ${PBI_DBDIRTYFILE}.last`"
+ else
+ local _lastDate="0"
+ fi
+ # See if we have a new date trigger to do a cleaning
+ if [ "$_curDate" = "${_lastDate}" ]; then return; fi
+ # Loop through and clean any hash-dirs as the appropriate user
+ for cHdir in `ls -d ${PBI_HASHDIR}*`
+ do
+ get_username_from_file "${cHdir}"
+ echo "Cleaning hash-dir ($FILEUSER): `date`" >> ${1}
+ su ${FILEUSER} -c "pbi_delete --clean-hdir" >>${2} 2>>${2}
+ echo "Finished cleaning hash-dir ($FILEUSER): `date`" >> ${1}
+ echo "$_curDate" > ${PBI_DBDIRTYFILE}.last 2>/dev/null
+ done
+pbi_info_init() {
+ parse_info_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ do_pbi_info
+# Display information on the PBI / PBIs
+do_pbi_info() {
+ # If we are listing available PBIs via the index file
+ if [ "$PBI_INFOINDEX" = "YES" ] ; then
+ # List the available PBIs from the index
+ do_index_listing
+ exit_trap
+ fi
+ if [ "$PBI_INFONAME" = "--ALL--" ] ; then
+ for i in `ls ${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/ 2>/dev/null`
+ do
+ if [ -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${i}/pbi_name" ] ; then
+ if [ "$PBI_VERBOSE" = "YES" ] ; then
+ load_info_from_dir "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${i}"
+ get_username_from_file "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${i}"
+ pbi_display_info
+ pbi_display_gui "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${i}" ""
+ echo " "
+ else
+ echo "${i}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ # Start loading our variables
+ load_info_from_dir "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_INFONAME}"
+ get_username_from_file "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_INFONAME}"
+ pbi_display_info
+ fi
+# Read through the master index file and provide listing of available PBIs for installation
+ # Make sure we have a master index
+ ls ${PBI_DBINDEXDIR}/* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then return ; fi
+ for _rIndex in `ls ${PBI_DBINDEXDIR}/*index* | grep -v '.time'`
+ do
+ _rMd5=`basename ${_rIndex} | sed 's|-index||g'`
+ _rDesc=`cat ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/*.${_rMd5} | grep 'Desc: ' | sed 's|Desc: ||g'`
+ echo "Current and available PBIs. * = current"
+ echo "Repository: $_rDesc"
+ echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"
+ sort "${_rIndex}" | while read _iLine
+ do
+ PBI_UPNAME="`echo $_iLine | cut -d ':' -f 1`"
+ PBI_UPARCH="`echo $_iLine | cut -d ':' -f 2`"
+ PBI_UPNVER="`echo $_iLine | cut -d ':' -f 3`"
+ PBI_UPSTATUS="`echo $_iLine | cut -d ':' -f 9`"
+ pad_var "${PBI_UPNAME}" "30"
+ pad_var "${PBI_UPNVER}" "15"
+ pad_var "${PBI_UPARCH}" "6"
+ if [ "$PBI_UPSTATUS" = "current" ] ; then
+ fi
+ if [ "$PBI_UPSTATUS" = "active" ] ; then
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+# Function to pad a variable to X spaces
+pad_var() {
+ local _pVar="$1"
+ local _pNum="$2"
+ PAD_VAR="`echo \"$_pVar x\" | cut -c 1-$_pNum`"
+# Checks if we have a custom script to run prior to port make
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_CONFDIR}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_CONFDIR}/${PBI_CONF_SCRIPTSDIR}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_CONFDIR}/${PBI_CONF_SCRIPTSDIR}/" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ export_script_vars
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err " failed!"
+ fi
+# Checks if we have a custom script to run prior to port make
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_CONFDIR}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_CONFDIR}/${PBI_CONF_SCRIPTSDIR}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_CONFDIR}/${PBI_CONF_SCRIPTSDIR}/" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ export_script_vars
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ echo "Warning: returned non-0 status!"
+ fi
+# Begins the port make
+ cd /usr/ports/${PBI_MAKEPORT}
+ make clean
+ make
+ make install
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ if [ "$MKDEBUG" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "Failed! Running /bin/sh for debugging, type 'exit' to finish."
+ /bin/sh
+ fi
+ make clean
+ exit_err "make install of ${PBI_MAKEPORT} failed!"
+ fi
+ make clean
+# Prune any ports which aren't required for runtime
+ if [ "${PBI_PRUNEBUILDPORTS}" = "NO" ] ; then return ; fi
+ get_pkgname "${PORTSDIR}/${PBI_MAKEPORT}"
+ echo "${PKGNAME}" >/.keepports
+ # Do the same for any OTHERPORTS
+ for port in ${PBI_MKPORTBEFORE}
+ do
+ if [ ! -d "${PORTSDIR}/${port}" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ get_pkgname "${PORTSDIR}/${port}"
+ echo "${PKGNAME}" >>/.keepports
+ done
+ for port in ${PBI_MKPORTAFTER}
+ do
+ if [ ! -d "${PORTSDIR}/${port}" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ get_pkgname "${PORTSDIR}/${port}"
+ echo "${PKGNAME}" >>/.keepports
+ done
+ # Now check what packages we have and prune those whom aren't needed
+ while
+ z="1"
+ do
+ FOUND=""
+ for j in `pkg_info -I -a | cut -d " " -f 1`
+ do
+ grep "${j}" "/.keepports" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ pkg_info -R "${j}" | grep "Required" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing non-required port: ${j}"
+ pkg_delete ${j}
+ FOUND="1"
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ # All done pruning ports
+ if [ -z "$FOUND" ] ; then break ; fi
+ done
+# Get the full package-name for a target port
+get_pkgname() {
+ name="`make -C ${1} -V PKGNAME`"
+ PKGNAME="${name}"
+# Make any additional required ports
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MKPORTBEFORE}" ] ; then return ; fi
+ for port in ${PBI_MKPORTBEFORE}
+ do
+ if [ ! -d "/usr/ports/${port}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "/usr/ports/${port} does not exist!"
+ fi
+ cd /usr/ports/${port}
+ make clean
+ make
+ make install
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ if [ "$MKDEBUG" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "Failed! Running /bin/sh for debugging, type 'exit' to finish."
+ /bin/sh
+ fi
+ make clean
+ exit_err "make install of ${port} failed!"
+ fi
+ make clean
+ done
+# Make any additional required ports
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MKPORTAFTER}" ] ; then return ; fi
+ for port in ${PBI_MKPORTAFTER}
+ do
+ if [ ! -d "/usr/ports/${port}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "/usr/ports/${port} does not exist!"
+ fi
+ cd /usr/ports/${port}
+ make clean
+ make
+ make install
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ if [ "$MKDEBUG" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "Failed! Running /bin/sh for debugging, type 'exit' to finish."
+ /bin/sh
+ fi
+ make clean
+ exit_err "make install of ${port} failed!"
+ fi
+ make clean
+ done
+# Start pbi_update_hashdir
+pbi_update_hashdir_init() {
+ pbi_add_update_hashdir "$1" "$2"
+# Start pbi_update processing
+pbi_update_init() {
+ parse_update_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ check_enable_disable_auto
+ # Stop here if we are just enabling / disabling auto-update
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_UPENABLEAUTO" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ start_update_checks
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then rm_tmpdir ; exit 1 ; fi
+ # Stop here if only doing update checks
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_UPCHECK}" ]; then return 0 ; fi
+ require_root_or_group
+ do_pbi_update
+# Check if we are enabling / disabling auto-updating
+ if [ -z "$PBI_UPENABLEAUTO" ] ; then return ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}" ] ; then return ; fi
+ # Enable / disable auto-updating now
+ if [ "$PBI_UPENABLEAUTO" = "YES" ]; then
+ touch ${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/autoupdate-enable
+ else
+ rm ${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/autoupdate-enable >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+# Function which checks the digital signature of a PBI to match it to a particular repo
+pbi_checksig_repomatch() {
+ if [ `id -u` != "0" ] ; then return ; fi
+ # See which repo / key this PBI associates to, if any
+ check_valid_sigs "${1}"
+ if [ "$?" = "0" -a ! -z "$PBI_VALIDKEYSIG" ] ; then
+ _rMd5="`echo ${PBI_VALIDKEYSIG} | cut -d '.' -f 1`"
+ echo "$_rMd5" | sed "s|${PBI_DBKEYDIR}/||g" > ${1}/pbi_repo
+ fi
+# See if we are checking for updates and do it
+start_update_checks() {
+ if [ "${PBI_UPCHECK}" != "YES" -a "${PBI_UPCHECK}" != "ALL" ]; then return 0; fi
+ # Open up the tmpdir
+ init_tmpdir
+ if [ "${PBI_UPCHECK}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ load_info_from_dir "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}"
+ if [ -z "${PBI_REPO}" ]; then
+ pbi_checksig_repomatch "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_REPO}" ]; then
+ return 1
+ else
+ local _repoID=`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/*.${PBI_REPO} | cut -d '.' -f 1 | sed "s|${PBI_DBREPODIR}/||g"`
+ fi
+ check_pbi_update "$PBI_UPDATEAPP" "display" \
+ "$PBI_PROGNAME" "current" \
+ return $?
+ else
+ # Loop and check all PBIs for updates
+ for i in `ls ${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/ 2>/dev/null`
+ do
+ if [ -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${i}/pbi_name" ] ; then
+ load_info_from_dir "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${i}"
+ if [ -z "${PBI_REPO}" ]; then
+ pbi_checksig_repomatch "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${i}"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_REPO}" ]; then
+ continue
+ else
+ local _repoID=`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/*.${PBI_REPO} | cut -d '.' -f 1 | sed "s|${PBI_DBREPODIR}/||g"`
+ fi
+ check_pbi_update "$i" "display" \
+ "$PBI_PROGNAME" "current" \
+ fi
+ done
+ return 0
+ fi
+# Check if we need to pull down the updated INDEX file
+check_update_index() {
+ init_tmpdir
+ local _repoMd5="$1"
+ local _rURL=`cat ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/*${_repoMd5} | grep URL: | sed 's|URL: ||g'`
+ _pbiIndex="${PBI_DBINDEXDIR}/${_repoMd5}-index"
+ _pbiMeta="${PBI_DBINDEXDIR}/${_repoMd5}-meta"
+ _pbiIndexTime="${_pbiIndex}.time"
+ _tmpPbiIndex="${PBI_TMPDIR}/.upcheck$$"
+ _tmpPbiMeta="${PBI_TMPDIR}/.upcheck$$"
+ # Check if its been greater than $PBI_INDEXREFRESH hours since the last update
+ if [ -e "${_pbiIndexTime}" ] ; then
+ _curTime=`date +%s`
+ _oTime=`cat ${_pbiIndexTime}`
+ _trigTime=`expr ${PBI_INDEXREFRESH} \* 60 \* 60`
+ expr $_curTime - $_oTime >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ _passed=`expr $_curTime - $_oTime`
+ if [ "$_passed" -lt "$_trigTime" ] ; then
+ return;
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "${PBI_VERBOSE}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "Updating index ${_pbiIndex}"
+ echo "Updating index ${_pbiIndex}: `date`" >> ${_pbid_log}
+ fi
+ # Check that the last char isn't a '/'
+ _tmp=`echo ${_rURL} | wc -m | tr -s ' ' | tr -d ' '`
+ _tmp2=`expr $_tmp - 1`
+ _lastC=`echo ${_tmp} | cut -c ${_tmp2}-${_tmp}`
+ if [ "${_lastC}" = "/" ] ; then
+ _upURL="`echo ${_rURL} | sed 's|\(.*\).|\1|'`"
+ else
+ _upURL="${_rURL}"
+ fi
+ fetch -o "${_tmpPbiIndex}.bz2" "${_upURL}/${PBI_INDEXUPFILE}.bz2" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ return
+ fi
+ bzip2 -d "${_tmpPbiIndex}.bz2" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ return
+ fi
+ # Move the uncompressed file
+ mv "${_tmpPbiIndex}" "${_pbiIndex}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ # Wait a sec
+ sleep 1
+ # Now check for an optional meta file update
+ fetch -o "${_tmpPbiMeta}.bz2" "${_upURL}/${PBI_METAUPFILE}.bz2" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ bzip2 -d "${_tmpPbiMeta}.bz2" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ mv "${_tmpPbiMeta}" "${_pbiMeta}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Update the icons for this repos meta file
+ update_repo_icons "${_repoMd5}" "${_pbiMeta}"
+ echo "Finished updating index ${_pbiIndex}: `date`" >> ${_pbid_log}
+ if [ "${PBI_VERBOSE}" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "Finished updating index ${_pbiIndex}"
+ fi
+ # Save the time that we are done
+ date +%s > ${_pbiIndexTime}
+# Check if we need to update any repository icons
+update_repo_icons() {
+ _repoMd5="$1"
+ _repoMeta="$2"
+ echo "Updating meta-icons for $_repoMeta: `date`" >> ${_pbid_log}
+ # Loop through, downloading icons we find
+ while read mLine
+ do
+ # Make sure this is an app / cat
+ echo "$mLine" | grep -e "^App=" -e "^Cat=" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ # Get the icon URL
+ echo "$mLine" | grep "^App=" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ line=`echo $mLine | sed 's|^App=||g'`
+ aIcon=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 3`
+ else
+ line=`echo $mLine | sed 's|^Cat=||g'`
+ aIcon=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 2`
+ fi
+ iName=`echo $line | cut -d ';' -f 1`
+ ext=`echo $aIcon | sed 's/.*\.//'`
+ # Now fetch the file
+ sFile="${PBI_DBICONDIR}/${_repoMd5}-${iName}.${ext}"
+ fetch -o "${sFile}" "${aIcon}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ # Wait a sec
+ sleep 1
+ done < ${_repoMeta}
+# Check a specific PBI for updates
+check_pbi_update() {
+ # Init the tmpdir
+ init_tmpdir
+ # Set the vars
+ _upbi="${1}"
+ _udisp="${2}"
+ _uprog="${3}"
+ _uver="${4}"
+ _ufbsdver="${5}"
+ _uarch="${6}"
+ _urepo="${7}"
+ _omdate="${8}"
+ appname="`echo ${_uprog} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`"
+ # If we are looking for the current app, set _uver accordingly
+ if [ "$_uver" = "current" ] ; then
+ _uver=":current"
+ else
+ _uver=":${_uver}:"
+ fi
+ for _repo in `ls ${PBI_DBINDEXDIR}`
+ do
+ if [ "$_urepo" = "AUTO" ] ; then
+ _pbiIndex="${PBI_DBINDEXDIR}/${_repo}"
+ _rMd5="`echo ${_repo} | sed 's|-index||g'`"
+ else
+ _rMd5=`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/${_urepo}.* | cut -d '.' -f 2`
+ _pbiIndex="${PBI_DBINDEXDIR}/${_rMd5}-index"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e "${_pbiIndex}" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ # Search the update index for the specified PBI
+ _upLine=`grep -i -e "^$_uprog:" ${_pbiIndex} | grep ":$_uarch:" | grep "$_uver" | head -n 1`
+ PBI_UPNVER="`echo $_upLine | cut -d ':' -f 3`"
+ PBI_UPFILE="`echo $_upLine | cut -d ':' -f 6`"
+ PBI_UPPATCHES="`echo $_upLine | cut -d ':' -f 8`"
+ PBI_UPCSUM="`echo $_upLine | cut -d ':' -f 4`"
+ PBI_UPMDATE="`echo $_upLine | cut -d ':' -f 5`"
+ PBI_UPMIRROR="`cat ${PBI_DBMIRRORDIR}/${_rMd5} 2>/dev/null`"
+ PBI_UPREPO="${_rMd5}"
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_UPNVER}" ] ; then break; fi
+ if [ "${_urepo}" != "AUTO" ] ; then break; fi
+ done
+ # If no new version
+ if [ -z "$PBI_UPNVER" ] ; then return 1 ; fi
+ # See if this update is newer than the installed date
+ if [ ! -z "$_omdate" ] ; then
+ nDay=`echo $PBI_UPMDATE | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
+ nHour=`echo $PBI_UPMDATE | cut -d ' ' -f 2`
+ oDay=`echo $_omdate | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
+ oHour=`echo $_omdate | cut -d ' ' -f 2`
+ # Make sure we have all legit numbers
+ if [ $(is_num "$nDay") -a $(is_num "$nHour") \
+ -a $(is_num "$oDay") -a $(is_num "$oHour") ] ; then
+ if [ $oDay -gt $nDay ] ; then return 1 ; fi
+ if [ "$oDay" = "$nDay" -a $oHour -gt $nHour ] ; then return 1 ; fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "$PBI_UPNVER" != "$PBI_PROGVERSION" ] ; then
+ if [ "$_udisp" = "display" ] ; then
+ echo "${_upbi} - Available: ${PBI_UPNVER}"
+ fi
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+# Start PBI update process
+do_pbi_update() {
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_UPCHECK}" ]; then return 0 ; fi
+ if [ "$PBI_UPDATEAPP" = "ALL" ] ; then
+ # Loop and check all PBIs for updates
+ for i in `ls ${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/ 2>/dev/null`
+ do
+ if [ -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${i}/.updating" ] ; then
+ ps -p `cat ${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/.updating` >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ rm "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/.updating"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${i}/pbi_name" ] ; then
+ start_pbi_updateapp "all"
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ if [ -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/.updating" ] ; then
+ ps -p `cat ${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/.updating` >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "This application is currently updating."
+ fi
+ rm "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/.updating"
+ fi
+ start_pbi_updateapp "single"
+ fi
+# Attempt to download a PBI from the update server for "pbi_add -r"
+pbi_add_fetch_remote() {
+ # Set the target program we want to download
+ _rtar="$PBI_FILENAME"
+ # Check if the user overrode the arch / versions we want to install
+ _rArch=`uname -m`
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_ADD_ALTARCH" ] ; then _rArch=$PBI_ADD_ALTARCH ; fi
+ _rVer="current"
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_ADD_ALTVER" ] ; then _rVer=$PBI_ADD_ALTVER ; fi
+ check_pbi_update "$_rtar" "nodisplay" \
+ "$_rtar" "$_rVer" \
+ "`uname -r`" "$_rArch" "${PBI_ADDREPO_ID}"
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Could not find \"$_rtar\" in any indexes"
+ fi
+ # We've gotten this far, now download the updated PBI
+ pbi_update_dl
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Failed downloading PBI"
+ fi
+ # Now overwrite the PBI_FILENAME and let us proceed to regular install
+# Update the targed PBI
+start_pbi_updateapp() {
+ _upact="${1}"
+ if [ "$2" = "pbid" ] ; then
+ _pbidlog="$2"
+ else
+ _pbidlog=""
+ fi
+ echo "$$" > "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/.updating"
+ # Check for update to this app, and exit or return if not available
+ load_info_from_dir "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}"
+ if [ -z "${PBI_REPO}" ]; then
+ pbi_checksig_repomatch "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${PBI_REPO}" ]; then
+ rm "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/.updating"
+ return
+ else
+ local _repoID=`ls ${PBI_DBREPODIR}/*.${PBI_REPO} | cut -d '.' -f 1 | sed "s|${PBI_DBREPODIR}/||g"`
+ fi
+ check_pbi_update "$PBI_UPDATEAPP" "nodisplay" \
+ "$PBI_PROGNAME" "current" \
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ rm "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/.updating"
+ if [ "$_upact" = "single" ] ; then
+ exit_err "$PBI_UPDATEAPP - no update available!"
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "Starting update of ${PBI_UPDATEAPP} to ${PBI_UPNVER}..."
+ _pbilow="`echo ${PBI_PROGNAME} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's| ||g'`"
+ # Check if there is a possible patch file for this update
+ # new filename to download
+ _pFile="${_pbilow}-${PBI_PROGVERSION}_to_${PBI_UPNVER}-${PBI_APPARCH}.pbp"
+ # Try downloading the patch file
+ echo "Trying update via patchfile..."
+ pbi_update_dl "$_pFile" "OFF"
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ # We had a good patch download, try applying it now
+ echo "Updating via patch file..."
+ pbi_patch "$PBI_UPDLFILE" #>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ # Patching failed, we'll grab a fresh copy next
+ echo "Failed to patch with ${PBI_UPDLFILE}"
+ echo "Will try full file update"
+ else
+ echo "Patch successful!"
+ rm "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/.updating" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm "${PBI_UPDLFILE}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ return 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ # No patch file, grab the full app
+ echo "Trying update via full-file..."
+ pbi_update_dl
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ if [ "$_upact" = "single" ] ; then
+ rm "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/.updating"
+ exit_err "Failed downloading update!"
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo " "
+ # Save the auto-update status
+ if [ -e "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/autoupdate-enable" ] ; then
+ _autoUpEnable="YES"
+ else
+ _autoUpEnable="NO"
+ fi
+ echo -e "Removing old version...\c"
+ pbi_delete "${PBI_UPDATEAPP}"
+ echo "Done"
+ # Now install new PBI
+ echo -e "Installing new version...\c"
+ pbi_add --licagree -f "$PBI_UPDLFILE" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ echo "Failed to install PBI: ${PBI_UPDLFILE}"
+ rm "${PBI_UPDLFILE}"
+ rm "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/.updating" 2>/dev/null
+ return 1
+ else
+ if [ "$_autoUpEnable" = "YES" ] ; then
+ touch "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${_pbilow}-${PBI_UPNVER}-${PBI_APPARCH}/autoupdate-enable"
+ fi
+ echo "Done"
+ rm "${PBI_UPDLFILE}"
+ rm "${PBI_DBAPPDIR}/${PBI_UPDATEAPP}/.updating" 2>/dev/null
+ return 0
+ fi
+# Start downloading the update
+pbi_update_dl() {
+ _tPatch=$1
+ local _CKSUM="$2"
+ # Set local download location
+ _dl_loc="${PBI_APPDIR}/.`basename $PBI_UPFILE`.$$"
+ # Have a patch file to download instead, make that the active file to try
+ if [ ! -z "$_tPatch" ] ; then
+ _bDir=`dirname $PBI_UPFILE`
+ _uFile="${_bDir}/${_tPatch}"
+ else
+ _uFile="${PBI_UPFILE}"
+ fi
+ _mirrorList=`echo $PBI_UPMIRROR | sed 's|\n| |g'`
+ # Start download from repos mirror(s) in order
+ for _cMirror in $_mirrorList
+ do
+ _furl="`echo $_cMirror | sed 's/\/*$//'`${_uFile}"
+ echo "Downloading ${_furl}"
+ pbi_get_file "$_furl" "$_dl_loc"
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ rm "${_dl_loc}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ echo "Download Failed: ${_furl}"
+ continue
+ fi
+ _upcsum=`sha256 -q "$_dl_loc"`
+ if [ "$_CKSUM" != "OFF" -a "$_upcsum" != "$PBI_UPCSUM" ] ; then
+ rm "${_dl_loc}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ echo "Download fails checksum: ${_furl}"
+ continue
+ fi
+ # If we get this far, we have a good file!
+ PBI_UPDLFILE="$_dl_loc"
+ sync
+ return 0
+ done
+ return 1
+# Function to download a file from remote using fetch
+pbi_get_file() {
+ _rf="${1}"
+ _lf="${2}"
+ # Wait a sec
+ sleep 1
+ # Make sure FTP_PASSIVE_MODE is set for fetch to work
+ init_tmpdir
+ if [ -e "${_lf}" ] ; then rm "$_lf" ; fi
+ if [ "$PBI_FETCH_PARSING" != "YES" ] ; then
+ fetch -o "${_lf}" "${_rf}"
+ _err=$?
+ else
+ # Doing a front-end download, parse the output of fetch
+ _eFile="${PBI_TMPDIR}/.fetch-exit.$$"
+ fetch -s "${_rf}" > ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.fetch-size.$$ 2>/dev/null
+ _fSize=`cat ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.fetch-size.$$ 2>/dev/null`
+ _fSize="`expr ${_fSize} / 1024 2>/dev/null`"
+ rm "${PBI_TMPDIR}/.fetch-size.$$" 2>/dev/null
+ ( fetch -o "${_lf}" "${_rf}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; echo "$?" > ${_eFile} ) &
+ PID="$!"
+ while
+ z=1
+ do
+ if [ -e "${_lf}" ] ; then
+ _dSize=`du -k ${_lf} | tr -d '\t' | cut -d '/' -f 1`
+ if [ $(is_num "$_dSize") ] ; then
+ if [ ${_fSize} -lt ${_dSize} ] ; then _dSize="$_fSize" ; fi
+ echo "SIZE: ${_fSize} DOWNLOADED: ${_dSize}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Make sure download isn't finished
+ ps -p $PID >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then break ; fi
+ sleep 2
+ done
+ _err="`cat ${_eFile}`"
+ if [ "$_err" = "0" ]; then echo "FETCHDONE" ; fi
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ return $_err
+ expr $1 + 1 2>/dev/null
+ return $?
+# Function to check if the port is flagged to only build on specific arch
+# Returns 0 for OK, 1 for invalid arch
+ local sPort=$1
+ local cValues="`make -C $sPort -V ONLY_FOR_ARCHS`"
+ if [ -z "$cValues" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ for cArch in $cValues
+ do
+ if [ "$cArch" = "`uname -m`" ] ; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ return 1
+# start processing autobuild
+pbi_autob_init() {
+ require_root
+ parse_autob_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ do_pbi_autob
+# Start the auto-build traversal process
+do_pbi_autob() {
+ # Prune any outdir files which we don't have modules for
+ do_pbi_autob_prune
+ cd "${PBI_AB_CONFDIR}"
+ init_tmpdir
+ # Get this runs timestamp
+ PBI_AB_TIMESTAMP=`date | md5`
+ while
+ z=1
+ do
+ AB_FOUND="0"
+ for pbi in `find . -type f -name "${PBI_CONFFILE}" | grep -v '\.svn' | sort`
+ do
+ # Figure out the target port for this build
+ . ${pbi}
+ # If we have a PBI already and this one has no version we can continue
+ if [ -z "${PBI_AB_PRIORITY}" -a ! -z "${CUR_WORKING_PBI}" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ _cd=$(dirname $pbi | sed 's|./||')
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MAKEPORT}" ] ; then
+ PBI_MAKEPORT=$(dirname $pbi | sed 's|./||')
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PORTSDIR}/${PBI_MAKEPORT}" ] ; then
+ echo "Skipping invalid port ${PORTSDIR}/${PBI_MAKEPORT}"
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Check if this port can be built on this architecture
+ check_port_compat_arch "${PORTSDIR}/${PBI_MAKEPORT}"
+ if [ "$?" = "1" ] ; then
+ #echo "Incompatiable port arch: ${PORTSDIR}/${PBI_MAKEPORT}"
+ continue
+ fi
+ check_ab_needed "$PBI_MAKEPORT" "${PBI_BUILDKEY}" "$_cd" "$PBI_AB_TIMESTAMP"
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ AB_FOUND="1"
+ # Check the priority of this PBI, see if it rises to the top
+ if [ -z "${CUR_PRIORITY_PBI}" ] ; then
+ CUR_WORKING_PBI="${pbi}"
+ if [ -z "$PBI_AB_PRIORITY" ] ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ continue
+ fi
+ # No priority set, keep the previous build
+ if [ -z "${PBI_AB_PRIORITY}" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ $CUR_PRIORITY_PBI -lt $PBI_AB_PRIORITY ] ; then
+ CUR_WORKING_PBI="${pbi}"
+ continue
+ fi
+ continue
+ fi
+ done
+ # We have something to build lets do it!
+ if [ "$AB_FOUND" = "1" ] ; then
+ . ${pbi}
+ get_pbi_progversion
+ _cd=$(dirname $pbi | sed 's|./||')
+ if [ -z "${PBI_MAKEPORT}" ] ; then
+ PBI_MAKEPORT=$(dirname $pbi | sed 's|./||')
+ fi
+ echo "Starting build of: $pbi - Priority: $CUR_PRIORITY_PBI"
+ # Start the build now
+ start_ext_ab "$PBI_MAKEPORT" \
+ "${_cd}" "${PBI_AB_OUTDIR}" "${PBI_AB_TIMESTAMP}"
+ echo " "
+ else
+ # If no builds left, we are done!
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+# Prune any outdir files which don't have matching modules
+do_pbi_autob_prune() {
+ if [ "${PBI_AB_PRUNE}" != "YES" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ # Prune outgoing dirs which don't have matching modules anymore
+ cd "${PBI_AB_OUTDIR}"
+ for i in `find . -type d | grep -v '\.svn'`
+ do
+ if [ "${i}" = "." -o "${i}" = ".." ] ; then continue ; fi
+ _pDir=`dirname ${i}`
+ if [ -d "${i}" -a ! -z "${i}" ] ; then
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_AB_CONFDIR}/${_pDir}" ] ; then
+ # Not in our module tree anymore, remove it
+ echo "Auto-Prune: ${PBI_AB_OUTDIR}/${_pDir}"
+ rm -rf "${PBI_AB_OUTDIR}/${_pDir}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ cd
+# Start the pbi_makeport process
+start_ext_ab() {
+ _mp="${1}"
+ _bk="${2}"
+ _pv="${3}"
+ _cd="${4}"
+ _od="${5}/${_cd}"
+ local _abkey="$6"
+ _flags=""
+ _flags="-c ${_cd} -d ${PORTSDIR} -o ${_od} --delbuild"
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_AB_SSLPRIVKEY}" ] ; then
+ _flags="${_flags} --sign ${PBI_AB_SSLPRIVKEY}"
+ fi
+ get_pbi_progversion
+ #echo "Starting build of ${_mp} - ${_pv}"
+ echo "pbi_makeport ${_flags} ${_mp}"
+ if [ ! -d "${_od}" ] ; then mkdir -p "${_od}" ; fi
+ # Save the autobuild hash key
+ echo "$_abkey" > ${_od}/.abkey
+ # Save the build key for this PBI
+ if [ ! -z "$_bk" ] ; then
+ echo "$_bk" > "${_od}/pbi-buildkey"
+ else
+ echo "__NONE__" > "${_od}/pbi-buildkey"
+ fi
+ # Clean old log files
+ if [ -e "${_od}/build.log" ] ; then
+ rm "${_od}/build.log"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${_od}/build.log.bz2" ] ; then
+ rm "${_od}/build.log.bz2"
+ fi
+ # Move old PBIs to archived folder
+ oldVersion=`cat ${_od}/pbi-version 2>/dev/null`
+ if [ "$oldVersion" != "$PBI_PROGVERSION" ]; then
+ echo "Archiving old PBIs..."
+ archive_old_pbis "${_od}" "$PBI_AB_ARCHIVENUM"
+ fi
+ # Add some header info to log file
+ echo "Starting build: `date`" >${_od}/build.log
+ echo "Build Command:" >>${_od}/build.log
+ echo "pbi_makeport ${_flags} ${_mp}" >>${_od}/build.log
+ echo "------------------------------------------------------" >>${_od}/build.log
+ # Start the build now
+ pbi_makeport ${_flags} ${_mp} >>${_od}/build.log 2>>${_od}/build.log
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ echo "$PBI_PROGVERSION" > "${_od}/pbi-version"
+ echo "OK" > "${_od}/pbi-result"
+ # Save the mdate file
+ date "+%Y%m%d %H%M%S" >${_od}/pbi-mdate
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_AB_HELPS}" ] ; then
+ ${PBI_AB_HELPS} "OK" "${_od}"
+ fi
+ # Copy over a description file
+ if [ -e "${PORTSDIR}/${_mp}/pkg-descr" ] ; then
+ cp "${PORTSDIR}/${_mp}/pkg-descr" "${_od}/pbi-descr"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${_cd}/pbi-descr" ] ; then
+ cp "${_cd}/pbi-descr" "${_od}/pbi-descr"
+ fi
+ # Generate patch files to the new version of this PBI
+ if [ "$PBI_AB_GENPATCH" = "YES" -a -d "${_od}/archived" ] ; then
+ gen_pbi_patches "${_od}" "${_od}/archived" >>${_od}/build.log 2>>${_od}/build.log
+ fi
+ rm "${_od}/build.log.bz2" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ bzip2 "${_od}/build.log"
+ else
+ echo "Failed" > "${_od}/pbi-result"
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_AB_HELPS}" ] ; then
+ ${PBI_AB_HELPS} "FAILED" "${_od}"
+ fi
+ fi
+# Function which begins to generate patch files from archived PBIs to current
+ _curPBIdir="$1"
+ _oldPBIdir="$2"
+ _curPBI=`ls ${_curPBIdir}/*.pbi 2>/dev/null`
+ # First remove any old patches
+ rm ${_curPBIdir}/*.pbp 2>/dev/null
+ # Make sure to enable signing of the patch files
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_AB_SSLPRIVKEY}" ] ; then
+ local _mpflags="-o $_curPBIdir --sign ${PBI_AB_SSLPRIVKEY}"
+ else
+ local _mpflags="-o $_curPBIdir"
+ fi
+ # Build a list of old PBIs we need to make patches from
+ for _oPBI in `ls ${_oldPBIdir}/*.pbi 2>/dev/null`
+ do
+ # Make sure we don't try to make a patch of identical files
+ if [ "`basename $_oPBI`" != "`basename $_curPBI`" ] ; then
+ echo "Building pbp patch of ${_oPBI} -> ${_curPBI}"
+ pbi_makepatch $_mpflags "$_oPBI" "$_curPBI"
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ echo "pbi_makepatch: Failed creating patchfile for $_oPBI -> $_curPBI"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+# Function which compares two PBIs, and creates a .pbp file from the differences
+ _pbiNew="$1"
+ _pbiOld="$2"
+ _cDir="$3"
+ init_tmpdir
+ # Load all the information about this PBI / PBP
+ load_info_from_header
+ _pbiNewDir="${PBI_APPDIR}/.newPBI-$$"
+ _pbiOldDir="${PBI_APPDIR}/.oldPBI-$$"
+ _pbiPatchDir="${PBI_APPDIR}/.patchPBI-$$"
+ _pbiPatchHeaderDir="${PBI_APPDIR}/.patchPBIHeaderDir-$$"
+ _pbiPatchArchiveFile="${PBI_APPDIR}/.patchPBIArchive-$$"
+ _pbiPatchHeaderFile="${PBI_APPDIR}/.patchPBIHeaderFile-$$"
+ # Get the PBI Versions
+ get_ver_from_pbi_file "$_pbiNew"
+ _pbiNewVer="$VAL"
+ get_ver_from_pbi_file "$_pbiOld"
+ _pbiOldVer="$VAL"
+ # Get the PBI directory names
+ get_prefix_from_pbi_file "$_pbiNew"
+ _pbiNewPrefix="`basename $VAL`"
+ get_prefix_from_pbi_file "$_pbiOld"
+ _pbiOldPrefix="`basename $VAL`"
+ # Sanity check these prefixes
+ if [ "${_pbiNewPrefix}" != "${_pbiOldPrefix}" ] ; then
+ echo "Error: Prefix mismatch between $_pbiNew and $_pbiOld"
+ return
+ fi
+ # Make our extraction directories
+ if [ -e "$_pbiNewDir" ] ; then rm -rf "$_pbiNewDir"; fi
+ if [ -e "$_pbiOldDir" ] ; then rm -rf "$_pbiOldDir"; fi
+ if [ -e "$_pbiPatchDir" ] ; then rm -rf "$_pbiPatchDir"; fi
+ mkdir -p "$_pbiNewDir"
+ mkdir -p "$_pbiOldDir"
+ mkdir -p "$_pbiPatchDir"
+ # Extract the two PBIs
+ echo "Extracting PBI: $_pbiNew"
+ pbi_add -e --licagree -o "${_pbiNewDir}" "${_pbiNew}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ echo "Extracting PBI: $_pbiOld"
+ pbi_add -e --licagree -o "${_pbiOldDir}" "${_pbiOld}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ ! -d "${_pbiNewDir}/${_pbiNewPrefix}" -o ! -d "${_pbiOldDir}/${_pbiOldPrefix}" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Failed Extracting PBIs for comparision!"
+ fi
+ # Get a list of files which are removed in the new PBI vs the old
+ gen_rem_list "$_pbiNewDir/$_pbiNewPrefix" "$_pbiOldDir/$_pbiOldPrefix"
+ _rFileList="$VAL"
+ if [ ! -z "$_rFileList" ] ; then
+ echo "Saving removed file list..."
+ mv "${_rFileList}" ${_pbiPatchDir}/PBI-rmList
+ fi
+ # Get archive of files/dirs which are new to the PBI
+ gen_newfile_list "$_pbiNewDir/$_pbiNewPrefix" "$_pbiOldDir/$_pbiOldPrefix"
+ _nFileList="$VAL"
+ if [ ! -z "$_nFileList" ] ; then
+ echo "Saving new files archive..."
+ tar cvf "$_pbiPatchDir/PBI-newFiles.tar" \
+ -C "$_pbiNewDir/$_pbiNewPrefix" -T "$_nFileList" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm "$_nFileList"
+ fi
+ # Get a listing of permissions
+ gen_chmod_list "$_pbiNewDir/$_pbiNewPrefix" "$_pbiOldDir/$_pbiOldPrefix"
+ _cFileList="$VAL"
+ if [ ! -z "$_cFileList" ] ; then
+ echo "Saving permissions list..."
+ mv "${_cFileList}" ${_pbiPatchDir}/PBI-permList
+ fi
+ # Generate diffs of files which have changed between the two
+ gen_bsdiffs_dirs "$_pbiNewDir/$_pbiNewPrefix" "$_pbiOldDir/$_pbiOldPrefix" "$_pbiPatchDir"
+ # Make the file archive
+ if test_tar_lzma ; then _tcmp="J" ; else _tcmp="j" ; fi
+ echo "Creating compressed archive..."
+ tar cv${_tcmp}f "${_pbiPatchArchiveFile}" -C ${_pbiPatchDir} . 2>/dev/null
+ # Make the header file
+ if [ -e "$_pbiPatchHeaderDir" ] ; then rm -rf "$_pbiPatchHeaderDir"; fi
+ mkdir -p "$_pbiPatchHeaderDir"
+ open_header_tmp "${PBI_TMPDIR}"
+ cp ${PBI_HEADER_TMPDIR}/* "$_pbiPatchHeaderDir/"
+ # Remove any signatures
+ rm $_pbiPatchHeaderDir/*.sha1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ # Get the archive checksum
+ sha256 -q "${_pbiPatchArchiveFile}" > "${_pbiPatchHeaderDir}/pbi_archivesum"
+ # Set the tag that this is a patch file
+ echo "${_pbiOldVer}:${_pbiNewVer}" > "${_pbiPatchHeaderDir}/pbi_patchfile"
+ # Sign the files if necessary
+ sign_pbi_files "${_pbiPatchHeaderDir}"
+ # Make the header tmpfile
+ tar cvjf "${_pbiPatchHeaderFile}" -C ${_pbiPatchHeaderDir} . 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ echo "Warning: TAR returned error creating header archive!"
+ fi
+ rm -rf ${_pbiPatchHeaderDir}
+ # Make the pbp file
+ get_progname_from_pbi_file "$_pbiNew"
+ _pbilow="`echo ${VAL} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's| ||g'`"
+ outfile="${_cDir}/${_pbilow}-${_pbiOldVer}_to_${_pbiNewVer}-`uname -m`.pbp"
+ mark1="${_cDir}/.pbimark1.$$"
+ mark2="${_cDir}/.pbimark2.$$"
+ echo "
+${PBI_SS_ICON}" >$mark1
+ echo "
+${PBI_SS_ARCHIVE}" >$mark2
+ # DO IT, DO IT NOW!!!
+ cat ${_pbiPatchHeaderFile} $mark1 ${PBI_PATCH_ICON} $mark2 ${_pbiPatchArchiveFile} > ${outfile}
+ sha256 -q ${outfile} > ${outfile}.sha256
+ echo "Created PBP: ${outfile}"
+ # Cleanup the archive stuff
+ rm $mark1
+ rm $mark2
+ rm ${_pbiPatchHeaderFile}
+ rm ${_pbiPatchArchiveFile}
+ # Cleanup the directories
+ rm_pbipatchfiles
+# Function which compares two directories, and returns a list of chmod commands to get them in line
+gen_chmod_list() {
+ _chList="${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.chList.$$"
+ if [ -e "$_chList" ] ; then rm "$_chList" ; fi
+ find ${1} | sed "s|^${1}/||g" | sed "s|^${1}||g" >${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.nDir.$$
+ echo "Getting permissions of changed files..."
+ while read line
+ do
+ # Make sure this file exists in the new / old dirs
+ if [ -z "$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ ! -f "${1}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${2}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ # Filter out any special files, we don't need diffs of them
+ if [ -L "${1}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ -p "${1}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ -S "${1}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ -d "${1}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ -b "${1}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ -c "${1}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ _newPerm=`stat -f %Op "${1}/$line" | cut -c 3-6`
+ _oldPerm=`stat -f %Op "${1}/$line" | cut -c 3-6`
+ if [ "$_newPerm" != "$_oldPerm" ] ; then
+ # We have new permissions! Lets be sure to save them
+ echo "chmod $_newPerm $line" >> $_chList
+ fi
+ done < ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.nDir.$$
+ # Remove the tmp list files
+ rm ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.nDir.$$
+ if [ -e "$_chList" ] ; then
+ VAL="$_chList"
+ else
+ VAL=""
+ fi
+# Function which compares two directories, and returns a list of files / dirs removed in the new dir
+gen_bsdiffs_dirs() {
+ find ${1} | sed "s|^${1}/||g" | sed "s|^${1}||g" >${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.nDir.$$
+ echo "Getting bsdiffs of changed files..."
+ while read line
+ do
+ # Make sure this file exists in the new / old dirs
+ if [ -z "$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ ! -f "${1}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${2}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ # Filter out any special files, we don't need diffs of them
+ if [ -L "${1}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ -p "${1}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ -S "${1}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ -d "${1}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ -b "${1}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ -c "${1}/$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ # Check sha256 of each file, see if we have differences
+ sha1="`sha256 -q ${1}/${line}`"
+ sha2="`sha256 -q ${2}/${line}`"
+ if [ "$sha1" != "$sha2" ] ; then
+ # These files differ, get a binary patch made of them
+ _tDir="${3}/`dirname $line`"
+ _bName=`basename $line`
+ if [ ! -d "$_tDir" ] ; then mkdir -p "$_tDir" ; fi
+ bsdiff "${2}/${line}" "${1}/${line}" "${_tDir}/${_bName}.bsdiff"
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Failed creating bsdiff patch for $line"
+ fi
+ # Save the sha256 of the file to be modified
+ sha256 -q "${2}/${line}" > "${_tDir}/${_bName}.sha256"
+ fi
+ done < ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.nDir.$$
+ # Remove the tmp list files
+ rm ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.nDir.$$
+# Function which compares two directories, and returns a list of files / dirs removed in the new dir
+gen_rem_list() {
+ find ${1} | sed "s|^${1}/||g" | sed "s|^${1}||g" >${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.nDir.$$
+ find ${2} | sed "s|^${2}/||g" | sed "s|^${2}||g" >${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.oDir.$$
+ echo "Finding removed files..."
+ _rmList="${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.rmList.$$"
+ if [ -e "$_rmList" ] ; then rm "$_rmList" ; fi
+ while read line
+ do
+ if [ -z "$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ grep "^$line" ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.nDir.$$ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ #echo "Removed File: $line"
+ echo "$line" >> ${_rmList}
+ fi
+ done < ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.oDir.$$
+ # Remove the tmp list files
+ rm ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.nDir.$$
+ rm ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.oDir.$$
+ if [ -e "$_rmList" ] ; then
+ VAL="$_rmList"
+ else
+ VAL=""
+ fi
+# Function which compares two directories, and returns a list of files / dirs added in the new dir
+gen_newfile_list() {
+ find ${1} | sed "s|^${1}/||g" | sed "s|^${1}||g" >${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.nDir.$$
+ echo "Finding new files..."
+ _addList="${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.addList.$$"
+ if [ -e "$_addList" ] ; then rm "$_addList" ; fi
+ while read line
+ do
+ # Search for all new files + symlinks to include in tarball
+ if [ -z "$line" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${2}/$line" -o -L "${1}/$line" ] ; then
+ #echo "New File: $line"
+ echo "./$line" >> ${_addList}
+ fi
+ done < ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.nDir.$$
+ # Remove the tmp list files
+ rm ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pbi.nDir.$$
+ if [ -e "$_addList" ] ; then
+ VAL="$_addList"
+ else
+ VAL=""
+ fi
+# Read the version from a PBI file
+ VAL="`pbi_add -i $1 | grep Version: | cut -d ':' -f 2 | tr -d ' '`"
+ export VAL
+# Read the version from a PBI file
+ VAL="`pbi_add -i $1 | grep Name: | cut -d ':' -f 2 | tr -d ' '`"
+ export VAL
+ VAL="`pbi_add -i $1 | grep Prefix: | cut -d ':' -f 2 | tr -d ' '`"
+ export VAL
+# Move old PBIs to the archive
+ local _od="$1"
+ local _keepnum="$2"
+ # Make sure the archived dir exists
+ if [ ! -d "${_od}/archived" ] ; then mkdir "${_od}/archived"; fi
+ # Make sure we have PBIs to archive
+ ls ${_od}/*.pbi >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then return ; fi
+ echo "Moving old PBIs from ${_od}/*.pbi -> ${_od}/archived/"
+ mv ${_od}/*.pbi ${_od}/archived/
+ mv ${_od}/*.sha256 ${_od}/archived/
+ # Prune anything beyond the _keepnum
+ echo "Checking for more than $_keepnum PBIs in archive"
+ oCount="1"
+ for oFile in `ls -t ${_od}/archived/*.pbi 2>/dev/null`
+ do
+ if [ -z "$oFile" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ "$oCount" -gt "$_keepnum" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing old PBI ${oFile} from archive"
+ rm ${oFile}*
+ fi
+ oCount=`expr $oCount + 1`
+ done
+# Check if we need to do an auto-build of the target PBI
+check_ab_needed() {
+ _port="$1"
+ _bk="$2"
+ _cd="$3"
+ local _abkey="$4"
+ get_pbi_progversion
+ # Check PBI_BUILDKEY, see if we have a manual rebuild triggered
+ if [ -e "${PBI_AB_OUTDIR}/${_cd}/pbi-buildkey" ] ; then
+ if [ "`cat ${PBI_AB_OUTDIR}/${_cd}/pbi-buildkey`" != "$_bk" \
+ -a ! -z "${_bk}" ]
+ then echo "BUILDKEY bump, rebuild triggered." ; return 0 ; fi
+ fi
+ # Make sure this PBI hasn't already failed during this run
+ if [ -e "${PBI_AB_OUTDIR}/${_cd}/.abkey" ] ; then
+ if [ "`cat ${PBI_AB_OUTDIR}/${_cd}/.abkey`" = "$_abkey" ] ; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ #echo "Checking $_port for rebuild in ${PBI_AB_OUTDIR}/$_cd with key of $_bk"
+ # See if we have an existing PBI
+ ls ${PBI_AB_OUTDIR}/${_cd}/*.pbi >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "${?}" != "0" ]; then
+ #echo "No existing PBI"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # See if we have a saved version
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_AB_OUTDIR}/${_cd}/pbi-version" ]; then
+ #echo "No saved pbi-version"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # See if the version is different now
+ oldVersion=`cat ${PBI_AB_OUTDIR}/${_cd}/pbi-version`
+ if [ "$oldVersion" != "$PBI_PROGVERSION" ]; then
+ echo "$_port version bump: $oldVersion -> $PBI_PROGVERSION"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ return 1
+# start processing for make port / pbi compile
+pbi_make_init() {
+ require_root
+ parse_make_pbi_cmdline "$@"
+ do_pbi_make "$@"
+do_pbi_make() {
+ # Load the PBI settings
+ get_pbi_progversion
+ get_pbi_progname
+ get_pbi_progdir
+ # Check if this is being called from within chroot or outside
+ if [ "`basename $0`" = "pbi_makeport" ] ; then
+ # Extract the chroot
+ chroot_extract
+ # Now re-run pbi_makeport in chroot environment
+ chroot "${PBI_CHROOTDIR}" "/usr/local/sbin/pbi_makeport_chroot" "$@"
+ _err=$?
+ if [ "$_err" = "0" ] ; then
+ mv ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/pbiout/*.pbi ${PBI_CREATE_OUTDIR}/
+ mv ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/pbiout/*.sha256 ${PBI_CREATE_OUTDIR}/
+ fi
+ # Lets cleanup the chroot environment
+ chroot_make_cleanup
+ rm_tmpdir
+ exit $_err
+ fi
+ if [ "`basename $0`" != "pbi_makeport_chroot" ] ; then return ; fi
+ # Check if we have some specific make options to use
+ load_pbi_conffile
+ # init tmpdir
+ init_tmpdir
+ set_make_options
+ # See if we need to run a pre make script
+ run_pbi_preportmake
+ # Start our build
+ start_pbi_mkportbefore
+ start_pbi_makeport
+ start_pbi_mkportafter
+ # Prune any proto / build specific ports
+ start_pbi_prune_ports
+ # See if we need to run a post make script
+ run_pbi_postportmake
+ # Auto-generate a external_links directive from plist info
+ mk_auto_ext_linksfile
+ # Check if we created a linux app, and need to copy files for it
+ auto_copy_linuxbase
+ # Delete the tmp ramfs
+ if [ -d "/ramfs/build.$$" ] ; then
+ rm -rf /ramfs/build.$$ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ # Break here if we are only doing a build
+ if [ "${PBI_BUILDONLY}" = "YES" ] ; then exit_trap; fi
+ # Start creation of PBI
+ do_pbi_create
+ # Got this far, lets exit with success
+ rm_buildfiles
+ rm_tmpdir
+ exit 0
+# Check if we created any linux stuff, and copy it into the correct PREFIX
+ if [ -d "/compat/linux/lib" ] ; then
+ echo "Copying linux compat libraries..."
+ tar cvf - -C /compat/linux/lib . 2>/dev/null | \
+ tar xvf -C ${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/lib 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+# Clean the chroot environment
+chroot_make_cleanup() {
+ if [ -z "${PBI_CHROOTDIR}" ] ; then return ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_CHROOTDIR}" ] ; then return ; fi
+ if [ "${PBI_CHROOTDIR}" = "/" ] ; then return ; fi
+ # Unmount /dev if mounted
+ echo "Cleaning $PBI_CHROOTDIR"
+ umount ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/dev >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ umount ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/compat/linux/proc >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ umount ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/usr/ports/distfiles >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ umount ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/ramfs >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm -rf "${PBI_CHROOTDIR}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ chflags -R noschg ${PBI_CHROOTDIR} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm -rf "${PBI_CHROOTDIR}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+# Function which extracts the clean chroot environment for the PBI
+chroot_extract() {
+ # If no chroot file exists, make it first
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_CHROOTFILE}" ] ; then mk_chroot_file ; fi
+ # Set the chroot path
+ # See if there is old chroot to clean first
+ chroot_make_cleanup
+ mkdir -p "${PBI_CHROOTDIR}"
+ echo "Extracting chroot environment..."
+ tar xvf ${PBI_CHROOTFILE} -C "${PBI_CHROOTDIR}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Failed extracting chroot environment!"
+ fi
+ echo "Copying ${PORTSDIR} -> ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/usr/ports"
+ cp /etc/resolv.conf ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/etc/resolv.conf
+ mkdir -p ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/usr/ports
+ tar cvf - -C "${PORTSDIR}" --exclude ./distfiles . 2>/dev/null | tar xvf - -C "${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/usr/ports" 2>/dev/null
+ mkdir -p ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/usr/ports/distfiles
+ if [ ! -d "${PORTSDIR}/distfiles" ] ; then
+ mkdir -p ${PORTSDIR}/distfiles
+ fi
+ mount_nullfs ${PORTSDIR}/distfiles ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/usr/ports/distfiles
+ # Check if the ramfs dir exists, and if so mount it for fast port building
+ if [ -d "${PBI_APPDIR}/ramfs" ] ; then
+ mkdir ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/ramfs
+ mount_nullfs ${PBI_APPDIR}/ramfs ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/ramfs
+ fi
+ # Now copy over the pbi_* scripts
+ mkdir ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/usr/local/sbin
+ cp ${PROGBASE}/sbin/pbi_* ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/usr/local/sbin
+ cp ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/usr/local/sbin/pbi_makeport ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/usr/local/sbin/pbi_makeport_chroot
+ chmod 755 ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/usr/local/sbin/pbi_*
+ # Make sure the outgoing dir is created
+ mkdir -p ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/pbiout
+ # Copy over the PBI DB
+ mkdir -p ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/var/db
+ # Copy over the confdir as well
+ if [ ! -z "${PBI_CONFDIR}" ] ; then
+ mkdir -p "${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/pbimodule"
+ echo "Copying ${PBI_CONFDIR} -> ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/pbimodule"
+ tar cvf - -C "${PBI_CONFDIR}" . 2>/dev/null | tar xvf - -C "${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/pbimodule" 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ # Copy over the ssl priv key if used
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_SSLPRIVKEY" ] ; then
+ cp "${PBI_SSLPRIVKEY}" "${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/privkey.pem"
+ chmod 600 "${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/privkey.pem"
+ fi
+ # Start devfs in the chroot
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/dev" ] ; then
+ mkdir ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/dev
+ fi
+ mount -t devfs devfs ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/dev
+ # Mount linprocfs
+ mkdir -p ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/compat/linux/proc >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ mount -t linprocfs linprocfs ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}/compat/linux/proc
+ # Make sure the outgoing dir exists
+ mkdir -p ${PBI_CHROOTDIR}${PBI_CREATE_OUTDIR} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+# No chroot environment tar file exists yet, lets build one
+mk_chroot_file() {
+ # Make sure SVN is installed
+ which svn >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ exit_err "Subversion is required to rebuild the chroot environment!"
+ fi
+ echo "Building the PBI chroot environment... This may take a while..."
+ PBI_BUILDTARGET="${PBI_APPDIR}/.worldTarget.$$"
+ PBI_BUILDLOG="${PBI_APPDIR}/.buildWorldLog"
+ echo "" > ${PBI_BUILDLOG}
+ mkdir -p "${PBI_BUILDSRC}"
+ mkdir -p "${PBI_BUILDTARGET}"
+ # Figure out which version of FreeBSD to checkout
+ local _osRel=`uname -r`
+ echo $_osRel | grep "RELEASE" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ local _osMajor=`echo $_osRel | cut -c 1-1`
+ local svnUrl="svn://${_osMajor}.0"
+ echo "Using $svnUrl for sources"
+ else
+ echo $_osRel | grep "CURRENT" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ local svnUrl="svn://"
+ echo "Using $svnUrl for sources"
+ else
+ echo $_osRel | grep "STABLE" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ local _osMajor=`echo $_osRel | cut -c 1-1`
+ local svnUrl="svn://${_osMajor}"
+ "Using $svnUrl for sources"
+ else
+ local svnUrl="svn://"
+ echo "Using $svnUrl for sources"
+ echo "Assuming a BETA|RC or rarely used FreeBSD version. Using CURRENT!"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "Checking out FreeBSD sources from $svnUrl"
+ svn co ${svnUrl} ${PBI_BUILDSRC} >>${PBI_BUILDLOG} 2>>${PBI_BUILDLOG}
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ rm -rf "${PBI_BUILDSRC}"
+ rm -rf "${PBI_BUILDTARGET}"
+ exit_err "Subversion checkout failed! Logfile saved: ${PBI_BUILDLOG}"
+ fi
+ echo "Running buildworld / installworld"
+ make buildworld installworld distribution DESTDIR=${PBI_BUILDTARGET} >>${PBI_BUILDLOG} 2>>${PBI_BUILDLOG}
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ cd
+ rm -rf "${PBI_BUILDSRC}"
+ rm -rf "${PBI_BUILDTARGET}"
+ exit_err "Buildworld failed! Logfile saved: ${PBI_BUILDLOG}"
+ fi
+ # Copy the source since some ports need kern sources
+ echo "Copying FreeBSD sources to chroot environment"
+ mkdir -p ${PBI_BUILDTARGET}/usr/src >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ tar cvf - -C "${PBI_BUILDSRC}" --exclude "\.svn/" . 2>/dev/null | tar xvf - -C "${PBI_BUILDTARGET}/usr/src" 2>/dev/null
+ echo "Creating chroot environment tarball"
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
+ cd
+ rm -rf "${PBI_BUILDSRC}"
+ rm -rf "${PBI_BUILDTARGET}"
+ rm -rf "${PBI_CHROOTFILE}"
+ exit_err "Making chroot environment tarball failed! Logfile saved: ${PBI_BUILDLOG}"
+ fi
+ # Cleanup after ourselves
+ chflags -R noschg "${PBI_BUILDTARGET}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm -rf "${PBI_BUILDSRC}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ rm -rf "${PBI_BUILDTARGET}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+# Read the target ports plist, and generate a external_links config based upon it
+mk_auto_ext_linksfile() {
+ # Get ports name
+ get_pkgname "${PORTSDIR}/${PBI_MAKEPORT}"
+ _pname="${PKGNAME}"
+ pkg_info -L ${_pname} | sed "s|^${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/||g" \
+ | grep -v "^Information for" \
+ | grep -v "^Files:" \
+ | tr -s '\t' ' ' \
+ | tr -d ' ' \
+ > "${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pkg_flist.$$"
+ if [ -e "$_ef" ]; then rm "$_ef" ; fi
+ while read f
+ do
+ bin="NO"
+ if [ -z "${f}" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/${f}" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ # See if this is executable and set it as binary
+ dirname ${f} | grep -e "bin" -e "sbin" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ -x "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/${f}" -a "$?" = "0" ]; then bin="YES" ; fi
+ # If we are working on a binary, mark it as such
+ if [ "$bin" = "YES" ] ; then
+ echo "${f} ${f} binary,nocrash" >> "$_ef"
+ else
+ echo "${f} ${f} replace" >> "$_ef"
+ fi
+ done < ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pkg_flist.$$
+ rm "${PBI_TMPDIR}/.pkg_flist.$$"
+ # Skip the dbus stuff for now causes weird issues with various apps
+ return 0
+ # Now figure out any dbus services we need to make links / wrappers for
+ for _dsd in $DBUS_SEARCH_DIRS
+ do
+ # Check if we have a valid dbus directory
+ if [ ! -d "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/${_dsd}" ] ; then continue ; fi
+ # Make a list of files to include
+ find ${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/${_dsd} -type f | sed "s|${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/${_dsd}/||g" > ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.dbus.$$
+ # Add these files to the external links file
+ while read _dbfile
+ do
+ # Get the file extension, only .xml and .service are valid
+ echo "${_dsd}/${_dbfile}" | grep -e ".xml" -e ".service" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then continue ; fi
+ # Check if this is a .service or .xml file
+ echo "${_dsd}/$_dbfile" | grep ".service" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ dbext=".service"
+ # We have a service file, find the target binary and make sure its added as a wrapper only
+ _dbbin="`grep 'Exec' ${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/${_dsd}/${_dbfile} | cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1`"
+ _dbbin=`echo "$_dbbin" | sed "s|${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/||g"`
+ if [ ! -z "$_dbbin" ] ; then
+ echo "${_dbbin} ${_dbbin} binwrapper" >> "$_ef"
+ fi
+ # Massage the service file to point to the fakebin wrapper
+ rmBaseDir="`dirname ${_dbbin}`"
+ sed -i.bak "s|${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/${rmBaseDir}/|${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/${PBI_FAKEBIN_DIR}/|g" "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/${_dsd}/${_dbfile}"
+ rm "${PBI_PROGDIRPATH}/${_dsd}/${_dbfile}.bak"
+ else
+ dbext=".xml"
+ fi
+ echo "${_dsd}/${_dbfile} ${_dsd}/${_dbfile}.${_pname}.${dbext} replace" >> "$_ef"
+ done < ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.dbus.$$
+ rm ${PBI_TMPDIR}/.dbus.$$
+ done
+# Init the crash handler routine
+pbi_crash_init() {
+ which "pbi-crashhandler-gui" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" = "0" -a ! -z "${DISPLAY}" ] ; then
+ #pbi-crashhandler-gui "$@"
+ fi
+# Get the hard-link counter for the specified file
+get_hard_link_count() {
+ HLINKS=`stat -f %l ${1}`
+# Cleanup after caught exit
+exit_trap() {
+ rm_tmpdir
+ exit 0
+# Read in the global pbi.conf
+load_pbi_etcconf() {
+ PBI_PUBKEYS="`ls ${PBI_DBKEYDIR}/*.ssl 2>/dev/null`"
+ if [ ! -e "${PBI_ETCCONF}" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+ # See if we have a custom index refresh rate
+ _ckPBIIR="`cat ${PBI_ETCCONF} | grep '^PBI_INDEXREFRESH: ' | sed 's|PBI_INDEXREFRESH: ||g'`"
+ if [ ! -z "${_ckPBIIR}" -a $(is_num "$_ckPBIIR") ] ; then
+ fi
+ # See if we have a custom pbid refresh time
+ _ckPBID="`cat ${PBI_ETCCONF} | grep '^PBID_REFRESH: ' | sed 's|PBID_REFRESH: ||g'`"
+ if [ ! -z "${_ckPBID}" -a $(is_num "$_ckPBID") ] ; then
+ fi
+ # Load Proxy Variables
+ if [ -z "$PBI_PROXYURL" -a -e "${PBI_ETCCONF}" ] ; then
+ PBI_PROXYURL="`cat ${PBI_ETCCONF} | grep 'PBI_PROXYURL: ' | sed 's|PBI_PROXYURL: ||g'`"
+ PBI_PROXYPORT="`cat ${PBI_ETCCONF} | grep 'PBI_PROXYPORT: ' | sed 's|PBI_PROXYPORT: ||g'`"
+ PBI_PROXYTYPE="`cat ${PBI_ETCCONF} | grep 'PBI_PROXYTYPE: ' | sed 's|PBI_PROXYTYPE: ||g'`"
+ PBI_PROXYUSER="`cat ${PBI_ETCCONF} | grep 'PBI_PROXYUSER: ' | sed 's|PBI_PROXYUSER: ||g'`"
+ PBI_PROXYPASS="`cat ${PBI_ETCCONF} | grep 'PBI_PROXYPASS: ' | sed 's|PBI_PROXYPASS: ||g'`"
+ fi
+ # If empty proxy config, check if configured for master pcbsd.conf file
+ if [ -z "$PBI_PROXYURL" -a -e "${PCBSD_ETCCONF}" ] ; then
+ fi
+ # Create the PROXY variables based upon proxy information supplied
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_PROXYURL" ] ; then
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_PROXYPORT" ] ; then
+ export HTTP_PROXY
+ else
+ export HTTP_PROXY
+ fi
+ if [ !-z "$PBI_PROXYUSER" ] ; then
+ if [ ! -z "$PBI_PROXYPASS" ] ; then
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+# If the loaded file is a PBI PatchFile
+is_pbi_patch() {
+ if [ -z "$PBI_PATCHVERSION" ] ; then
+ return 1
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+# Main program operation
+trap exit_trap 1 2 3 15
+# Figure out which mode we are running in
+case `basename ${0}` in
+ pbi_add) pbi_add_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_addrepo) pbi_addrepo_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_autobuild) pbi_autob_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_browser) pbi_browser_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_create) pbi_create_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_deleterepo) pbi_deleterepo_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_delete) pbi_delete_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_icon) pbi_icon_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_indextool) pbi_it_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_info) pbi_info_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_listrepo) pbi_listrepo_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_makeport) pbi_make_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_makeport_chroot) pbi_make_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_makepatch) pbi_makepatch_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_makerepo) pbi_makerepo_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_metatool) pbi_mt_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_patch) pbi_patch_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_update) pbi_update_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi_update_hashdir) pbi_update_hashdir_init "$@" ;;
+ pbi-crashhandler) pbi_crash_init "$@" ;;
+ pbid) pbid_init "$@" ;;
+ *) echo "Error: Called with invalid basename!" ; exit_trap ;;
+exit 0
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud