path: root/src/etc/phpshellsessions/gitsync
diff options
authorRenato Botelho <>2015-08-25 08:08:24 -0300
committerRenato Botelho <>2015-08-25 14:49:54 -0300
commit46bc6e545a17e77202aaf01ec0cd8d5a46567525 (patch)
tree32d18dda436ec739c67c489ceb771e8629cd926f /src/etc/phpshellsessions/gitsync
parent4d9801c2dbd2b3e54a39578ee62b93af66607227 (diff)
Move main pfSense content to src/
Diffstat (limited to 'src/etc/phpshellsessions/gitsync')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/etc/phpshellsessions/gitsync b/src/etc/phpshellsessions/gitsync
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aced804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/etc/phpshellsessions/gitsync
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+/* cvs_sync
+ * Written by Scott Ullrich
+ * (C)2005-2007 Scott Ullrich
+ * (C)2010-2012 Erik Fonnesbeck
+ * Part of the pfSense project pfSsh.php subsystem
+ */
+$GIT_PKG = "git"; // Either "git" or the full package URL
+$GIT_BIN= "/usr/local/bin/git";
+$GIT_REPO = "git://";
+$DEFAULT_BRANCH = "master";
+$CODIR = "/root/pfsense";
+$GITSYNC_MERGE = "/root/.gitsync_merge";
+/* NOTE: Set branches here */
+$branches = array(
+ "master" => "2.2 development branch",
+ "RELENG_2_2" => "2.2.* release branch",
+ "RELENG_2_1" => "2.1.* release branch",
+ "RELENG_2_0" => "2.0.* release branch",
+ "RELENG_1_2" => "1.2.* release branch",
+ "build_commit" => "The commit originally used to build the image"
+global $g;
+global $argv;
+global $command_split;
+if (is_array($command_split)) {
+ $temp_args = array_slice($command_split, 2);
+} else {
+ $temp_args = array_slice($argv, 3);
+$valid_args = array(
+ "--minimal" => "\tPerform a minimal copy of only the updated files.\n" .
+ "\tNot recommended if the system has files modified by any method other\n" .
+ "\tthan gitsync.\n",
+ "--help" => "\tDisplay this help list.\n"
+ );
+$args = array();
+$arg_count = 0;
+while (!empty($temp_args)) {
+ $arg = array_shift($temp_args);
+ if ($arg[0] == '-') {
+ switch ($arg) {
+ case "--help":
+ echo "Usage: playback gitsync [options] [[repository] <branch>]\nOptions:\n";
+ foreach($valid_args as $arg_name => $arg_desc) {
+ echo $arg_name . "\n" . $arg_desc;
+ }
+ exit;
+ case "--upgrading":
+ // Disables all interactive functions and neither PHP
+ // nor the web GUI will be killed or restarted.
+ $upgrading = true;
+ case (isset($valid_args[$arg])):
+ $args[$arg] = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ echo "Invalid option: {$arg}\nUse --help for usage information.\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $args[$arg_count++] = $arg;
+ }
+if (!file_exists($GIT_BIN)) {
+ require_once("");
+ echo "Cannot find git, installing...\n";
+ if (!pkg_call('install -y -q git-lite')) {
+ echo "\nERROR: Unable to install git pkg.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+# Remove mainline if exists (older)
+if (is_dir("/root/pfsense/mainline")) {
+ exec("rm -rf /root/pfsense/mainline");
+# Remove RELENG_1_2 if exists (older)
+if (is_dir("/root/pfsense/RELENG_1_2")) {
+ exec("rm -rf /root/pfsense/RELENG_1_2");
+# Remove HEAD if exists (older)
+if (is_dir("/root/pfsense/HEAD")) {
+ exec("rm -rf /root/pfsense/HEAD");
+if (file_exists("/root/cvssync_backup.tgz")) {
+ $backup_date = `ls -lah /root/cvssync_backup.tgz | awk '{ print $6,$7,$8 }'`;
+ $tmp = array("RESTORE" => "Restores prior CVSSync backup data performed at {$backup_date}");
+ $branches = array_merge($branches, $tmp);
+if (is_dir("$CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO")) {
+ exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} config remote.origin.url", $output_str, $ret);
+ if (is_array($output_str) && !empty($output_str[0])) {
+ $GIT_REPO = $output_str[0];
+ }
+ unset($output_str);
+if (!$args[0] && !$upgrading) {
+ echo "\nCurrent repository is $GIT_REPO\n";
+ echo "\nPlease select which branch you would like to sync against:\n\n";
+ foreach ($branches as $branchname => $branchdesc) {
+ echo "{$branchname} \t {$branchdesc}\n";
+ }
+ echo "\nOr alternatively you may enter a custom RCS branch URL (Git or HTTP).\n\n";
+ $branch = readline("> ");
+ echo "\n";
+} else {
+ $branch = $args[0];
+if ($args[1] == "NOBACKUP") {
+ $nobackup = true;
+} else {
+ $nobackup = false;
+// If the repository has been fetched before, build a list of its branches.
+if (is_dir("$CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO")) {
+ exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} branch -r", $branch_list, $ret);
+ if ($ret == 0 && is_array($branch_list)) {
+ foreach ($branch_list as $branch_item) {
+ $branch_item = substr(strrchr($branch_item, "/"), 1);
+ if (!isset($branches[$branch_item])) {
+ $branches[$branch_item] = " ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+$found = false;
+foreach ($branches as $branchname => $branchdesc) {
+ if ($branchname == $branch) {
+ $found = true;
+ }
+if (!$found) {
+ if (isURL($branch) && !$upgrading) {
+ if ($args[1]) {
+ $GIT_REPO = $branch;
+ $branch = $args[1];
+ $found = true;
+ } else {
+ echo "\n";
+ echo "NOTE: $branch was not found.\n\n";
+ $command = readline("Is this a custom GIT URL? [y]? ");
+ if (strtolower($command) == "y" or $command == "") {
+ $GIT_REPO = $branch;
+ $command = readline("Checkout which branch [${DEFAULT_BRANCH}]? ");
+ if ($command == "") {
+ $branch = $DEFAULT_BRANCH;
+ }
+ if ($command) {
+ $branch = $command;
+ }
+ $found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$found) {
+ echo "\nNo valid branch found. Exiting.\n\n";
+ conf_mount_ro();
+ exit;
+ }
+$merge_repos = array();
+if (file_exists($GITSYNC_MERGE)) {
+ if (!empty($gitsync_merges) && is_array($gitsync_merges)) {
+ echo "\n===> Automatic merge list read from ${GITSYNC_MERGE}\n";
+ foreach ($gitsync_merges as $merge_line_num => $merge_line) {
+ $merge_comments = explode("#", trim($merge_line));
+ if (empty($merge_comments[0])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $merge_line = explode(" ", trim($merge_comments[0]));
+ if (count($merge_line) != 2 || empty($merge_line[0]) || empty($merge_line[1])) {
+ echo "\nLine " . ($merge_line_num + 1) . " does not have the correct parameter count or has improper spacing.\n";
+ echo "Expected parameters: repository_url branch\n";
+ echo "Line read: " . implode(" ", $merge_line) . "\n\n";
+ echo "Aborting automatic merge.\n\n";
+ $merge_repos = array();
+ break;
+ }
+ $merge_repos[] = array('repo' => $merge_line[0], 'branch' => $merge_line[1]);
+ }
+ }
+if (!$args[0] && !$upgrading) {
+ do {
+ echo "\nAdd a custom RCS branch URL (Git or HTTP) to merge in or press enter if done.\n\n";
+ $merge_repo = readline("> ");
+ if (!empty($merge_repo)) {
+ $merge_branch = readline("Merge which branch [${DEFAULT_BRANCH}]? ");
+ if ($merge_branch == "") {
+ $merge_repos[] = array('repo' => $merge_repo, 'branch' => $DEFAULT_BRANCH);
+ } else if ($merge_branch) {
+ $merge_repos[] = array('repo' => $merge_repo, 'branch' => $merge_branch);
+ }
+ }
+ } while (!empty($merge_repo));
+if ($branch == "RESTORE" && $g['platform'] == "pfSense") {
+ if (!file_exists("/root/cvssync_backup.tgz")) {
+ echo "Sorry, we could not find a previous CVSSync backup file.\n";
+ conf_mount_ro();
+ exit();
+ }
+ echo "===> Restoring previous CVSSync backup... Please wait...\n";
+ exec("tar Uxpf /root/cvssync_backup.tgz -C /");
+ post_cvssync_commands();
+ conf_mount_ro();
+ exit();
+} else {
+ $nobackup = true; // do not backup embedded, livecd
+if ($nobackup == false) {
+ echo "===> Backing up current pfSense information...\n";
+ echo "===> Please wait... ";
+ exec("tar czPf /root/cvssync_backup.tgz --exclude /root --exclude /dev --exclude /tmp --exclude /var/run --exclude /var/empty /");
+ $size = filesize("/root/cvssync_backup.tgz");
+ echo "{$size} bytes.\n\n";
+ sleep(5);
+echo "===> Checking out $branch\n";
+// Git commands for resetting to the specified branch
+if ($branch == "build_commit") {
+ $git_cmd = array(
+ "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} branch " . escapeshellarg($branch) . " 2>/dev/null",
+ "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} checkout -f " . escapeshellarg($branch) . " 2>/dev/null",
+ "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} reset --hard " . escapeshellarg(trim(file_get_contents("/etc/version.lastcommit")))
+ );
+} else {
+ $git_cmd = array(
+ "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} branch " . escapeshellarg($branch) . " " . escapeshellarg("origin/{$branch}") . " 2>/dev/null",
+ "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} checkout -f " . escapeshellarg($branch) . " 2>/dev/null",
+ "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} reset --hard " . escapeshellarg("origin/{$branch}")
+ );
+// Git 'er done!
+if (is_dir("$CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO")) {
+ echo "===> Fetching updates...\n";
+ exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} config remote.origin.url " . escapeshellarg($GIT_REPO));
+ exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} fetch");
+ exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} clean -f -f -x -d");
+ run_cmds($git_cmd);
+} else {
+ exec("mkdir -p $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO");
+ echo "Executing cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} clone $GIT_REPO pfSenseGITREPO\n";
+ exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} clone " . escapeshellarg($GIT_REPO) . " pfSenseGITREPO");
+ if (is_dir("$CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSense")) {
+ exec("mv $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSense $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO");
+ }
+ if (is_dir("$CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/mainline")) {
+ exec("mv $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/mainline $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO");
+ }
+ run_cmds($git_cmd);
+foreach ($merge_repos as $merge_repo) {
+ echo "===> Merging branch {$merge_repo['branch']} from {$merge_repo['repo']}\n";
+ exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} pull " . escapeshellarg($merge_repo['repo']) . " " . escapeshellarg($merge_repo['branch']), $output_str, $ret);
+ unset($output_str);
+ if ($ret <> 0) {
+ echo "\nMerge failed. Aborting sync.\n\n";
+ run_cmds($git_cmd);
+ conf_mount_ro();
+ exit;
+ }
+if (isset($args["--minimal"])) {
+ if (file_exists("/etc/version.gitsync")) {
+ $old_revision = trim(file_get_contents("/etc/version.gitsync"));
+ } else if (file_exists("/etc/version.lastcommit")) {
+ $old_revision = trim(file_get_contents("/etc/version.lastcommit"));
+ }
+ $files_to_copy = strtr(shell_exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} diff --name-only " . escapeshellarg($old_revision)), "\n", " ");
+} else {
+ $files_to_copy = '--exclude .git .';
+// Save new commit ID for later minimal file copies
+exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} rev-parse -q --verify HEAD > /etc/version.gitsync");
+exec("mkdir -p /tmp/lighttpd/cache/compress/");
+// Nuke CVS and pfSense tarballs
+exec("cd ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && find . -name CVS -exec rm -rf {} \; 2>/dev/null");
+exec("cd ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && find . -name pfSense.tgz -exec rm {} \; 2>/dev/null");
+// Remove files that we do not want to overwrite the system with
+exec("rm ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/etc/crontab 2>/dev/null");
+exec("rm ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/etc/master.passwd 2>/dev/null");
+exec("rm ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/etc/passwd 2>/dev/null");
+exec("rm ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null");
+exec("rm ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/etc/ttys 2>/dev/null");
+exec("rm ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/etc/group 2>/dev/null");
+exec("rm ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null");
+exec("rm ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/etc/platform 2>/dev/null");
+exec("rm ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/boot/device.hints 2>/dev/null");
+exec("rm ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/boot/loader.conf 2>/dev/null");
+exec("rm ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/boot/loader.rc 2>/dev/null");
+exec("rm -rf ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/conf*");
+exec("rm -rf ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/cf 2>/dev/null");
+exec("rm -rf ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/root/.shrc");
+exec("rm -rf ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/root/.tcshrc");
+exec("rm -f ${CODIR}/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO/etc/syslog.conf 2>/dev/null");
+echo "===> Installing new files...\n";
+if ($g['platform'] == "pfSense") {
+ $command = "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO ; tar -cpf - {$files_to_copy} | (cd / ; tar -Uxpf -)";
+} else {
+ $command = "cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO ; tar -cpf - {$files_to_copy} | (cd / ; tar -xpf -) 2>/dev/null";
+if (!empty($files_to_copy)) {
+ exec($command);
+} else {
+ echo "Already up-to-date.\n";
+ $upgrading = true;
+// Reset the repository to restore the deleted files
+exec("cd $CODIR/pfSenseGITREPO/pfSenseGITREPO && {$GIT_BIN} reset --hard >/dev/null 2>/dev/null");
+// Remove obsolete files
+$files_to_remove = file("/etc/pfSense.obsoletedfiles");
+foreach ($files_to_remove as $file_to_remove) {
+ if (file_exists($file_to_remove)) {
+ exec("/bin/rm -f $file_to_remove");
+ }
+if (!$upgrading) {
+ post_cvssync_commands();
+echo "===> Checkout complete.\n";
+echo "\n";
+if (!$upgrading) {
+ echo "Your system is now sync'd and PHP and Lighty will be restarted in 5 seconds.\n\n";
+} else {
+ echo "Your system is now sync'd.\n\n";
+function post_cvssync_commands() {
+ echo "===> Removing FAST-CGI temporary files...\n";
+ exec("find /tmp -name \"php-fastcgi.socket*\" -exec rm -rf {} \;");
+ exec("find /tmp -name \"*.tmp\" -exec rm -rf {} \;");
+ exec("rm -rf /tmp/xcache/* 2>/dev/null");
+ echo "===> Upgrading configuration (if needed)...\n";
+ convert_config();
+ echo "===> Configuring filter...";
+ exec("/etc/rc.filter_configure_sync");
+ exec("pfctl -f /tmp/rules.debug");
+ echo "\n";
+ if (file_exists("/etc/rc.php_ini_setup")) {
+ echo "===> Running /etc/rc.php_ini_setup...";
+ exec("/etc/rc.php_ini_setup");
+ echo "\n";
+ }
+ /* lock down console if necessary */
+ echo "===> Locking down the console if needed...\n";
+ reload_ttys();
+ echo "===> Signaling PHP and Lighty restart...";
+ $fd = fopen("/tmp/restart_lighty", "w");
+ fwrite($fd, "#!/bin/sh\n");
+ fwrite($fd, "sleep 5\n");
+ fwrite($fd, "/usr/local/sbin/pfSctl -c 'service restart webgui'\n");
+ if (file_exists("/var/etc/lighty-CaptivePortal.conf")) {
+ fwrite($fd, "/usr/local/sbin/lighttpd -f /var/etc/lighty-CaptivePortal.conf\n");
+ }
+ fclose($fd);
+ mwexec_bg("sh /tmp/restart_lighty");
+ echo "\n";
+function isUrl($url = "") {
+ if ($url) {
+ if (strstr($url, "") or
+ strstr($url, "mainline") or
+ strstr($url, ".git") or
+ strstr($url, "git://")) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+function run_cmds($cmds) {
+ global $debug;
+ foreach ($cmds as $cmd) {
+ if ($debug) {
+ echo "Running $cmd";
+ }
+ exec($cmd);
+ }
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